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/lit/ - Literature

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4083275 No.4083275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, someone on /pol/ posted this blog:


I'm seeing so many errors here it's not even funny. I think I threw up halfway through. Obviously, the blogger is a religious nut and a piss-poor writer at that, but there is so much philosophical fail here it's making me gag knowing that shit like this is floating around the internet. Anyone else?

>> No.4083279

>"One of the easiest ways to tell if someone is Jewish is by asking them if they believe in God BECAUSE JEWS BELIEVE IN GOD. In fact, the concept of God was invented by the Jews."

Is this person serious?

>> No.4083282

>Obviously, the blogger is a religious nut
>>the concept of God was invented by the Jews.

Well clearly someone is making something up somewhere.

>> No.4083285

That sounds distinctly non-serious to me.

>> No.4083287

You think the blog author is a troll?

>> No.4083301


>"Leftism is the doctrine that there is no philosophical truth: there is no objective reality, and there is no objective morality. Rather, truth, in both metaphysics and ethics, is relative and subjective. From this rejection of philosophy comes egalitarianism, whereby everyone is deemed of equal virtue, and deserving of an equal amount of credit and wealth. That is how Leftism is the basis of Marxism and Anarcho-Socialism, Feminism, Existentialism, “Critical Theory”, Multiculturalism, Environmentalism, race denial, disrespect of elders and so forth. In this, Leftism and all its children present and further three of the most dangerous notions known to mankind on Western society: subjectivism, skepticism and nihilism. Subjectivism being the notion that there is truth, but all truth is subjective from person to person and there is no objective truth and no absolute meaning or purpose to life. Skepticism being the belief that maybe there is meaning and purpose to life but even if there were our brains do not have the power to know reality objectively, and therefore we cannot be sure of anything, so we cannot be sure we know the meaning of life. And finally, nihilism being the notion that life has ZERO meaning and that there are no absolutes. This is why Leftism is completely deprived of wisdom and moral standards and deprives all its followers of wisdom and moral standards."

I. Have. No. Fucking. Words.

>> No.4083303

I was originally thinking satire, but after looking at it... either troll or idiot is probably a better assessment.

>> No.4083309

I lost it at
>disrespect of elders and so forth

>> No.4083313

The entire blog is like this. I'm not kidding.

I'm thinking about posting a comment on there and I would advise all of you to do so as well.

>> No.4083318

Nah, internet stupidity is not a rare and precious commodity.

>> No.4083327

What a piss-poor troll thread. Who gives a fuck about your little blog OP.

>I'm thinking about posting a comment on there and I would advise all of you to do so as well.

That really gave it away...

>> No.4083330

>The argument of fools goes something like this: if someone calls himself “Jewish,” or even if someone doesn’t call himself “Jewish” but has a Jewish parent, or even a Jewish grandparent, then that makes him Jewish. However, people do not understand that Judaism is a religion. Yes, that’s right. You heard me correctly: Judaism is a religion. It is not a race. You can be any race to be Jewish, and there are Jews of every race. You can even be a negro Jew, as in the case of Ethiopian Jews. Furthermore, anyone could convert to Judaism. It’s not easy. But if you really want to do it, you can do it. Just look at any White Jewish person, and there’s an example of a convert, because the White Jew is probably a Khazar whose family converted to Judaism in AD 8-9th Century. The fact that Judaism is a religion, with its own set of belief and practices, and not a race, means that gentiles ought to define someone as Jewish if they actually practice the religion. And here’s another shocker you probably didn’t see coming. One of the easiest ways to tell if someone is Jewish is by asking them if they believe in God BECAUSE JEWS BELIEVE IN GOD. In fact, the concept of God was invented by the Jews.

This guy has taken trolling to new heights.

>> No.4083334

Nobody click he gets money off every view.

>> No.4083365
File: 47 KB, 960x738, 1241731_498235073600453_189097414_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this blog is dedicated to my book – a shocking eye-opener to all who read it.
>a shocking eye-opener

>> No.4083396

>However, people do not understand that Judaism is a religion. Yes, that’s right. You heard me correctly: Judaism is a religion. It is not a race. You can be any race to be Jewish, and there are Jews of every race. You can even be a negro Jew


>> No.4083410

I think the most hilarious thing I ever saw linked on /pol/, was some guy claiming that the Jewish blood libels actually happened. His reasoning was that Henry III did not have a reputation as a dishonest king, and wouldn't lie like that, also the integrity of the medieval legal system would never be compromised like that.

Also got to love that info graph floating around claiming that the milled coinage was introduced in England to combat Jewish coin clipping, despite the fact that at the time it was introduced there were absolutely no Jews in England.

>> No.4083424

Holy shit, seriously? I wondered if they were gonna start defending the rampant anti-semetism of the middle ages.

>> No.4083425

>Edward kicks out the Jews
>in revenge, the Jews engineer the Black Death and unleash it on the world

It fits!

>> No.4083440

I'm not sure why /pol/ defending anti-semitism should come as a surprise. Anti-semitism is pretty much their thing.

>> No.4083446

/pol/ was always of the holocaust denial/ senior citizens of Zion type of anti-semitism. I'm surprised they branched out.

>> No.4083539

you think this is bad? google neoreaction or mencius moldbug and get some popcorn

>> No.4084395

Is Moldburg a troll as well?

>> No.4084405

yes, a self-declared one

>> No.4086086
File: 6 KB, 390x470, Laughing-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In fact, the concept of God was invented by the Jews.

>> No.4086110

>The Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Greeks stole many of their ideas from the Ancient Israelites. There is evidence that Socrates took most of his teachings from the Hebrews, and then bestowed them on to Plato, who then bestowed them on to Aristotle and so forth. Christianity and Islam, with all of their flawed elements, are merely forms of Judaism.


>> No.4086176

he's right, the Jews did event God.

All the rest of the religions were shitty pagan religions with a pantheon of people with divine powers.

>> No.4086181

Surely only the pre-Jews could have invented God? For Jews to invent God there would have to have been Jews who didn't believe in God, so he could be invented. Which is impossible, as Jews believe in God.

>> No.4086187

nah, the Jews and God came into existence at the same time. Well, not really, God came into existence long before, but they both "came into history" simultaneously.

>> No.4086192

If God came into existence before the Jews did then the Jews can't have invented him.

>> No.4086193

by invented him we mean that they were the first to have received the revelation of his existence, at least after the flood.

>> No.4086203


B-but Nick Land told me Moldbug was g-good tho...

>> No.4086240
File: 31 KB, 403x403, 1363597181129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man I really like Land's philosophy but I don't know what the fuck his politics are
I know Land has a pseudonym but I don't think this is him; he linked this or someone he linked linked this on his blog though

>mfw Land advocated bitcoins
(only in like the comments section of an article or something iirc but still)

>> No.4086247


I've been following his blog Outside In for a while, but it just isn't the same as Fanged Noumena. Which is a shame.

All he really does is reblog Moldbug and guys like him.

>> No.4086265

I really just wonder what he's doing right now, tho it looks like he has Urban Future continuing on another site http://www.ufblog.net/

but yeah I suggested Nick Land to a professor of mine a while back and now I'm afraid she thinks I post on /pol/ about England becoming a Muslim nation or something

>> No.4087821

>These are the so-called “Jews” that hate Western culture, hate Judaism the faith (and often religious Jews as well) but who present themselves as Jews. Think of people like Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud who laid the groundwork for the moral degeneracy of Western Civilization by twisting facts on economics, government, “sexuality” and the human mind. Think of people like the Frankfurt School, all of them fallen Jews, or people like Jacques Lacan and Louis Althusser, both of whom were married to fallen Jews, who propagated these poisonous ideas to the masses with the desire of dismantling Western Civilization’s structural and moral foundations. This is what is commonly referred to as “Cultural Marxism” in conservative and libertarian media. Think of people like the Bolsheviks who established the Soviet Union, one of the most brutal and foolish states in history, and how most of the high-ranking members were fallen Jews. Think of feminists like Emma Goldman, Clara Zetkin and Andrea Dworkin, all fallen Jews, who wanted to de-power males and destroy all traditional roles for males and females. Think of people like Jacques Derrida and Judith Butler, both of them fallen Jews, who hold that everything on this planet is subjective and that words and concepts should not have fixed meanings or definitions. None of these individuals (or their wives in the cases of Lacan and Althusser, even though both were fallen Catholics as I will get to later) can be called “Jews” because they taught AGAINST the teachings of Judaism.


>> No.4088086

Looks like Pound didn't die.

>> No.4088113

The author of the blog is Jewish, yet they propagate a "Jewish conspiracy".