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/lit/ - Literature

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3971437 No.3971437 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you shower and what are your 3 favorite books?

>> No.3971443

Once a day;
First They Killed My Father,
Behind the Beautiful Forevers,
Seven Years in Tibet

>> No.3971451

3-4 times a month

The Metamorphosis

>> No.3971471

I just pour a spare bottle of Gatorade over myself when mom brings me supplies noe and then.
1. Finnegans Wake
2. Don Quijote
3. A Tale of a Tub

>> No.3971474

Shower? What's that?

The Lord of The Rings
The Two Towers
Return of The King

>> No.3971476

every two days but sometimes three or four when I'm not in school (i.e. summer or when i'm particularly misanthropic)
The Trial
Bartleby the Scrivener

>> No.3971475

Every other day. Is that acceptable?

To the Lighthouse

>> No.3971483
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Every day.

The Monadology
Une Saison en Enfer

>> No.3971496

Every two or three days.

The Metamorphosis
Blood Meridian
One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.3971509

once a week

Street of Crocodiles
The Marquise of O
Hymns to the Night

>> No.3971517
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Once when in the morning, and after I workout. Sometimes 4 times a day because I end up getting asked to go on runs/lift with people.

The Sun Also Rises
This Side of Paradise
Catcher In the Rye

>> No.3971520

Monadology? Seriously? Guessing you never studied philosophy in a formal setting with much merit.

>> No.3971549

Hating Leibniz? Seriously? Guessing you never studied a philosopher who wasn't a marxist homosexual Frenchman born in the last 100 years.

>> No.3971581

Das Kapital vol 1
Das Kapital vol 2
Das Kapital vol 3

>> No.3971595

Once every morning at least. I tend to shower compulsively when I'm feeling stressed, though, and might do it 3 or 4 times in a day.
Leaves of Grass

>> No.3971620

Cold shower twice a day. Once in the morning. Once before bed.

1. The Gospel in Brief - Lev Tolstoi
2. The Tao te Ching - Lao Tse
3. Paradiso - Dante

>> No.3971621

Every other day.
The Stranger
The Master and the Margerita

>> No.3971805
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There seems to be a bell-curve correlation.

The less you shower, the worst your taste in literature (is up to a point*).



*That point is once a day (sans the first reply).
At this point on the chart, we get patrician selections.



However, beyond this point, it goes back to being terrible; see:


>> No.3971832

why you only read chinese lit?

>> No.3971834

Everyday. 1984

>> No.3971840

Calling Fitzgerald, Hemingway, and Salinger terrible is just edgy


>> No.3971843

Twice daily.

The Catcher in the Rye
The Sun Also Rises
Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.3971845

Pretty sure liking those 3 would fit me in at tumblr.

>> No.3971848
File: 278 KB, 800x669, Manuel de Gracia - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are just a samefag trying to mess with my poll data

>> No.3971852

every two days

A Hero Of Our Times

>> No.3971854

Once a month

Pale Fire
Infinite Jest

>> No.3971890
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I only shower when I have to go out or after performing self-induced ejaculation. Both occur rarely.

Joyce's Portrait
Tao Te Ching

>> No.3971917


>> No.3971922

>Heart is a Lonely Hunter
>the Plague or Woman in the Dunes

I dunno, like every 3-4 days maybe. It depends

>> No.3971953

>le funny social meme joke lel those smelly hipsters, hippies, and uncivilized neckbeard leftists

>> No.3972262

le shitty post complaining about something not worth complaining about
le metacommentary own my equally shitty equally unnecessary post
le suicide

>> No.3972269

Once a month

Picture of Dorian Gray
Flowers for Algernon
Divine Comedy

>> No.3972293

Every day.

The Magus
White Teeth
The Dice Man

>> No.3972295

Everyday, sometimes twice if I end up having to go out that night.

Absalom, Absalom!
A Cool Million
A Portrait of the Artist

>> No.3972305

>dorian gray

My Nigga

>> No.3972312

Ery dam day

A tale of two cities
A clockwork Orange

>> No.3972317

Every morning:
De avonden
The Great Gatsby

>> No.3972322

Every day

Sirens of Titan
Things Fall Apart
Autobiography of Malcom X

>> No.3972347

once a month
i hate books

>> No.3972345


>> No.3972363

Twice a day

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.3972374

I'm an atheist but I like The Monadology because of its take on metaphysics.

The Monadology is far more secular than the rest of Leibniz's works anyways.

>> No.3972498

Depends. Some people need to. Some people don't. If it is noticeable, that you haven't, then you should. If it isn't, do whatever feels comfortable for you.

>> No.3972506

No, every day is the only reasonable answer. You can wash your hair every other day, though, depending on its length.

>> No.3972507

This thread is currently the shittiest thread on /lit/. A stupid question to begin with and people are just giving stupid answers.

>> No.3972525

it's hilarious how american media has managed to brainwash its citizens into believing that. it takes like a week for your hair to build up its natural oils.

>> No.3972558

I only shower when I have access to non-fluorided water, which here in America is rare (for various reasons)

1. Atlas Shrugged
2. Bleeding Edge.
3. Dreams of my Father

>> No.3972588

daily if not more than once daily if im out doing yardwork and get dirty

johnny got his gun
jesus' son
catcher in the rye XD

>> No.3972593

>Takes a week to build up natural oils
>Clearly doesn't know anyone with naturally oily hair

Fucking tar pit on my head if I don't shower every day, bro

>> No.3972608

Showering less than once a day is only acceptable if you wash yourself in a basin or something. Not cleansing yourself daily is just...

The Remains of the Day
The Road
To Kill a Mockingbird

>Inb4 people hating on To Kill a Mockingbird. It is genuinely fine literature, ans I can't take seriously anyone who dismisses it out of hand.

>> No.3972618

What you're describing wouldn't be a bell curve. Also, it would be an association, not a correlation.

>> No.3972620

Once a week

Ender's Game

>> No.3972623

>Shower twice daily

The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby

>> No.3972624

>Fucking tar pit on my head if I don't shower every day, bro

Not that guy, but the more you wash away your oils the more oils your body produces. It's well-documented.

To wit, the only reason why your hair is a "tar pit" is because you have made it that way. Your head is working overtime to produce more oil to compensate for all that you wash away so often.

>> No.3972629

almost twice a day
1st after my morning run
2nd after work

This Side of Paradise
Atlas Shrugged
The Sound and the Fury

>> No.3972636

You want to know why no one played with you as a kid? it's because you smell like and look like shit

>> No.3972640

Blood Meridian
Moby Dick
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.3973248

1. Slaughterhouse-Five
2. Crime and Punishment
3. Cat's Cradle

>> No.3973360

Every morning

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Infinite Jest

>> No.3973376

Twice a day. The only exception is when it's winter.

The Count of Monte Cristo
Notes from Underground
Waiting for Godot

>> No.3973377


if you're NEET then there's no fucking reason to shower every day, and tons of people on 4chan are NEET.

hell even if you go to school/work with heavy depression it's very hard to work up the motivation to do it every day

>> No.3973381

Every morning and once after work.
Tropic of Cancer
Diary of a Drug Fiend

>> No.3973383


>if you're NEET then there's no fucking reason to shower every day, and tons of people on 4chan are NEET.


You let your standards slip and it'll take you longer to get your life together and get out of NEETness. I cannot even believe that you're berating another poster for suggesting basic levels of daily hygiene.

Get your shit together son because you are severely fucking up right now.

>> No.3973385

What? You don't need motivation to shower. If anything you need motivation to get out of the shower.

>> No.3973393
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>needs motivation in order to shower

Wow. I can only imagine what a fat neckbeard you are.

>> No.3973398


nope. i've gone to school/work off and on multiple times, it's very easy to adjust.


not fat at all, and I shave my neckbeard when I have to go out. why do you think calling a NEET a neckbeard is in anyway insulting?

>> No.3973399
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>there's no fucking reason to shower every day

>> No.3973404

Everyday. Occasionally more than that.

Crime and Punishment
The Myth of Sisyphus
Star Wars Republic Commando: Order 66

>> No.3973413

>there's no fucking reason to shower every day
What. Why wouldn't I shower every day?

Are you saying I should just sit in my gym sweat for the rest of the day, then climb in to bed once that sweat starts to go stale?

>> No.3973418

every morning

The Secret History
The Stranger
The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.3973419

>and I shave my neckbeard when I have to go out

>using this is a defense


>> No.3973422



he defends not showering every day, i don't think a winner like that has time for the gym

>> No.3973433

I shower when I know there are people going to be near me and I'm filthy. Quite simple. No schedule.

>> No.3973927

Hey I really liked the secret history and the stranger as well. what other books do you like? i think we have similar taste. i'm reading The Book of Disquiet right now and I'm enjoying it just to let you know

>> No.3973933

Whaaat? I actually just opened Behind the Beautiful Forevers for the first time. I'm excited.

Every morning, sometimes night as well.

Brothers Karamazov
At the Mountains of Madness

>> No.3973945

Every two days or so.

Robinson Crusoe
Hitchhikers Guide
The Talisman

>> No.3973956

5 times a week.

Brothers K
The Odyssey
Sound and the Fury