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3601770 No.3601770[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does Tao Lin transcend the good-bad dichotomy?

>> No.3601778

No, because that means it isn't bad, what means that it's good.

>transcending the good-bad dichotomy is a paradox

>> No.3601784
File: 697 KB, 640x480, taolinautist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay cool. Tao Lin general then I guess

>> No.3601794

>transcend the good-bad dichotomy?
Wait a second, are you trying to post-structuralise me?

>> No.3601806

Report for spam/advertising

>> No.3601812

Has anyone read his essay Only Connect? It lacks so much that it is barely comprehensible, or is that just me?

>> No.3601815

>>transcending the good-bad dichotomy is a paradox
wut? Good and bad are fictitious concepts applied to something (in this instance a book) that don't actually exist outside of a subjective interpretation of aesthetics. Something not granted a place on your spectrum, for whatever reason, has transcended the dichotomy.

>> No.3601816

go to bed tao

>> No.3601822

Tao Lin is Kafka for the iPhone generation.

>> No.3601892

Transcending means overcoming it, which makes it positive. Something having positive/negative attributes places it smack on the good/bad spectrum.

Also, stop using those big words when it isn't necessary. It makes you look like a freshman.

>> No.3601895

English is my 3rd language and I didn't see any "big words".

You must be dense, bro.

>> No.3601899

Nice answer to the issue at hand.
Also, do you actually use
>a subjective interpretation of aesthetics
in normal conversation? Because that would make you kinda annoying.


>> No.3601900

>Good and bad are fictitious concepts applied to something (in this instance a book) that don't actually exist outside of a subjective interpretation of aesthetics
Good and bad are the values of the fundamental moral laws of the universe prescribed by God and sensed innately by all human beings.

>> No.3601907

>Transcending means overcoming it, which makes it positive. Something having positive/negative attributes places it smack on the good/bad spectrum.
No, what you have done here is artificially tied 'transcending' to one end of the spectrum. You tied it to the word 'positive' then brought it back in for good/bad, presumably to tie to the word 'good'. No, transcending is neutral because it exists external to the spectrum you are using. I guess you could include it within a model, a sort of grading of attributes that transcend things, but in this instance it's neither good nor bad.

>Also, stop using those big words when it isn't necessary.
Are you kidding? which words did you find too big?

>> No.3601916

>a subjective interpretation of aesthetics
>in normal conversation?

Yeah, that's pretty normal. Especially as you're discussing a philosophical concept. I don't mean this in a bad way, but are you new to /lit/?

>> No.3601915

protip: I'm not the one who wrote that.

>> No.3601917

When discussing things like this it's essential to be overly clear and articulate, if that's what you're asking.

>> No.3601936

Do you know that joke about the objectivist's cat who dies because he doesn't have a job?

>> No.3601939

Is tao lin a funny meme, or is it like an ironic shitposting thing that trolls do because they know it pisses of /lit/, or is it just tao lin making these threads?


>> No.3601945

>Definition of transcending
1. To pass beyond the limits of: emotions that transcend understanding.
2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass: love that transcends infatuation. See Synonyms at excel.
3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe): "One never can see the thing in itself, because the mind does not transcend phenomena" (Hilaire Belloc).

Because of the context here I concluded that transcending meant the second definition. That maybe wrong.

However, every attribute that an object can have (big, small, groovy, brutal, fat, slim) gets a place on the good/bad spectrum when it comes in contact with somebodies personal taste.

Because of the difficulty of "transcending the good/bad dichotomy", it stands that this is an acclompishement, further justifying the 2nd definition of transcending.

>> No.3601947

It's actually a combination of all three. He's mainly just shitposted because it really annoys everyone, but recently he's been popping in more to advertise his new book.

>> No.3602058

I just read that and, yes, it's really difficult to read with all the words with: “” . Some sentences are vague but I think his intention was that you could extrapolate the missing data. Also, I believe that the vagueness is part of the irony. I'm glad he uses different strategies now; I like my irony in the content of a text rather than its form.
This text reminded me of another of his essays called "How to be considerate on the internet." I can notice an obsession with the theme: "there's no good and bad in art". He has a point, tho: bashing a certain aesthetic preference is both pointless, in a certain degree, and inherently offensive towards the "spirit" of a human being. Then again, the argument "there's no good-bad..." could be a rhetorical strategy so you can't bash him for using unconventional methods in writing.

>> No.3602117

His writing reminds me more of Samuel Beckett's short stories.

>> No.3602144

>maybe transcended / dichotomy

Has lit become infested with autism as well now? It seemed pretty obvious what the poster meant when he said 'big words'. Even though it was obvious what he meant, he clearly doesn't have to be right

>> No.3602235

He can write coherently and clearly, he's pretending to be retarded because this generation is retarded, specially in the States. That's the funny thing, American culture is self-loathing; all the "irony" it is struggling with comes from that self-loathing.

>> No.3602384

neat advertising tao

>> No.3602389

No, but he certainly doesn't transcend my ability to report him for advertising.

>> No.3604147

Why have you highlighted that?

>> No.3604180

I can't see the rest, but the three Ayn Rand books next to The Story of O certainly piqued my interest.

>> No.3604185

lol! toasting in another epic tao lin spam bread! archive quick!