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File: 6 KB, 200x237, stirner (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3496607 No.3496607 [Reply] [Original]

How does one incorporate the philosophy of Max Stirner into their life?

>> No.3496621 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3496627

Be under 18.

>> No.3496635
File: 330 KB, 1000x1000, stirner65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do as you please, don't get caught up in spooks. That's all really. There's not really a Stirnerist practice because Stirner frees one from precisely the idea that one should adhere to some external ideology, so whatever you end up doing when freed from that is just what you want.

Feels pretty strange at first to just do as you please without all kinds of lofty realisations.

>> No.3496637

Se tuer mon frere.

>> No.3496673


But what if I were to say that lofty ideals are what fuel us to do great deeds?

>> No.3496687


I would say you would be right. That's why the other anon said "be under 18." The same can be said for anarchism and libertarianism.

>> No.3496692
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>great deeds
I would say that you are still spooky enough for both of us.

>> No.3496694

Not having lofty ideals is childish now?

>> No.3496706



>> No.3496751

That's almost as foolish as the reply that springs to mind-

'We can do no great things, only small things with great love.'
What are great deeds? What is 'lofty' to mean? They are not linked, ideologically.

>> No.3496845

That's alright, you are in the second stage. The third will follow swiftly.

>> No.3496905
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I like how people still mistake Stirner for being edgy. In the end what is called his egoism isn't egoistic in the ethical sense, it's egoistic in the sense that the motivation for ones actions stem from oneself without being seduced by external tempers who try to manipulate you into doing their own bidding. Stirners philosophy is emancipatory. How one lives one's life after this cleansing is what comes from oneself, what springs up for one's own well. To me Stirners thought has almost mystical aspects and goes way beyond "fuck you I won't do what you tell me". Of course it may very well lead to that and there is nothing particularly strange about a Stirnerist embracing illegalism or something like that. On the other hand, there's nothing strange about a Stirnerist living like a saint either. If anything, an act of kindness from someone who embraces Stirners thought is more truly kind than one from someone who has accepted compassion as a homework assignment from God.

>> No.3496942

It'll just happen organically

>> No.3496948
File: 102 KB, 500x360, destroying stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just accept Max as your lord and savior.

>> No.3496976


But Stirner makes morality evaporate into thin air. Surely someone who posits no right or wrong is fairly edgy in our society?

>> No.3497020

But morality does not actually exist. It's an abstract concept that varies from culture to culture and even amongst individuals.

>> No.3497043

If morality does not exist how can it vary from inidvidual to individual?

>> No.3497050

>in our society
>implying society is worth a shit

>> No.3497054

>But morality does not actually exist
But it does, and it is truly tangible. I am touching it as I'm writing this.

You shouldn't be generalizing; it's a rookie mistake, pal. The fact, that you haven't seen morality, doesn't mean no one hasn't!

It's beautiful ;_;

>> No.3497059

I'd say moral relativism is fairly accepted and even expected from someone of even moderate intelligence.

>> No.3497082
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This guy has it. Basically, do everything in the name of no-one but yourself. This doesn't mean go off on a Randian binge and talk about how everything (emphasis on thing) should be yours, but rather, recognize that pleasures and self-motivation go beyond petty materialism and encompasses the subjective and ideal as well. Thus, if your fellow man/woman is happy, chances are you will be as well; happiness is contagious. This is a basic interpretation of Stirner's "union of egoists", which utterly destroys fixed ideas (spooks) like "individualism" and "collectivism", as if Stirner's other stuff didn't do so already.

On a side note, I always find it funny how people consider Stirner a proto-Nietzsche or (god forbid) proto-Rand and then use his ideas to argue for capitalism/fascism/racism/nationalism, even though any decently literate person can see that Stirner blasted those as well as liberal, left-wing, humanist sentiments.

>> No.3497148


How is Stirner not proto-Nietzsche?

>> No.3497161

Stirner said that idealism is part of part of adolescence, and that egoism comes at adulthood (or something like that.) It's not childish, it's just misguided.

Stirner didn't believe that everything must go, that we have to get rid of ideals as a whole. He just believed that these ideas have to be accepted by individuals through their own self-interest rather than imposed on them.

>> No.3497207

Why you would have any reason to believe that he would be is the better question.

>> No.3497254
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>> No.3497261


>> No.3497289

no it's not.

>> No.3497294
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>> No.3497312

Just name some reasons why you think Stirner is Nietzsche's predecessor if it's so obvious.

>> No.3497325

He isn't your fucking gateway into becoming the super slick guy you've always wanted to be, but were entirely not even close to being growing up. Stop projecting how lame you are through philosophy because its more a detriment to criticism than anything else.

>> No.3497331


>> No.3497374

>It's an abstract concept that varies from culture to culture and even amongst individuals.
>does not actually exist.
You are making me confused here.

>> No.3497380

anon's saying that it doesn't exist objectively, unless you count all the variations held amongst individuals as the objective morality.

>> No.3497394

so whatever does not exist objectively doesn't 'actually' exist in anon's opinion?

>> No.3497406

he also obviously acknowledged that it does.

>> No.3497408

anon is pretty clumsy with his statements

>> No.3497409


so you still wind up philosophizing in the end anyways.

mankinds obsession with deconstruction and anti-philosophy is so tiring.

>> No.3497465

>so you still wind up philosophizing in the end anyways.
It seems like you say that as if Stirner is supposed to be anti-philosophy.

>> No.3497478


>> No.3497707

>He isn't your fucking gateway into becoming the super slick guy you've always wanted to be
You're right, he isn't. He's calling for enlightened self-interest and total destruction of society, both physically and metaphysically.

>> No.3497729


you can't incorporate Stirners philosophy at all.

Every desire, wish, goal, preference and choice you make is conditioned by forces outside of your "will" or "self"

there is nothing genuine you can tap into.
you will always be a slave to the conditions that create you.

>> No.3497737


lol you emasculated bitch

>> No.3497742

>drop all ambitions and goals
>drop any life guiding principle
>whine like a little faggot at the least bit of responsibility
>"you should get a job. how are you going to feed yourself anon?"
>"all tings are nothing to me"
>"but you havent eaten in days, let me at least get you some ointment for those bed sores"
>"fuck you ointment is spook"

>> No.3497743

thanks for projecting

>> No.3497753
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>> No.3497758

obviously those are just stirner's INCORRECT beliefs

what are you going to do about it, you depressing little nihilist pussy? fuck buddha he was all wrong

fuck atheists too

>> No.3497771

I swear we need to start torturing moral nihilists to death.

>> No.3497773

who the fuck is this inconsequential faggot>>3497743and why is he unaware of my awesomeness

>> No.3497812
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yeah yeah i know who you are, but you're so fucking weird about stirner now.

>> No.3497869
File: 75 KB, 560x315, 29-Zhuangzi_dreaming_of_butterfly_1_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this

the whole egoism thing collapses once you realize the conditionality of that which we call the 'self'

The only way to truly be free is to realize that this self is inherently empty of fixed essence-existence and - paradoxically - to stop trying to 'be free'. Only then can truly spontaneous action arise.

>> No.3497911


pardon my earlier plebe reading.

the ubermensch must inherently follow the principles he sets, otherwise the normative force of his ideals would be nullified. of course he is not "bound" by one specific principle, he can choose to discard it, however he is at every specific point in time "bound" by the totality of principles not being questioned, ...which for max constitutes a 'spook', and in weighing stirner against freddy the choice was obvious.

>> No.3497938


You've been conditioned to think that "the self" is a construction of the influences around you, which is in and of itself a spook- you are not advertising, the movies, the fast food, the books, the faggotry- that you consume, you are an individual human being, and the great lie is that your environment makes you who you are. You were born the man you would become, and the environment, if of any significant, is ultimately of no consequence. It's not that you aren't free, it's simply that you are unwilling to accept the responsibility of complete freedom.

We are always free to act in exactly the way we wish to. We enjoy complete freedom now. All else is a spook. You fear consequences. Destroy these fears.

>> No.3497941

Reading him would be a good first step

>> No.3497942

aint gon read all dat shit faggot
reading is a fukkin spook

dont u trust lit

>> No.3497946

Is stirner the official /lit/core philosopher?

>> No.3497948



>> No.3497957

>the environment, if of any significance, is ultimately of no consequence

how are those tiny glasses working for you?

>> No.3497984


>> No.3497989

i actually think nietzsche, the cynics, or heidegger are likelier candidates

i barely think of stirner as a philosopher

prescriptive politics for self is extremely limited, and as far as i know he only wrote one thing

>> No.3497998


>its all spooks lel

>not anti-philosophy

question remains, why should i do this instead of that.

>> No.3498031

i still dont think you understand

even if you completely stripped away environment, there remain plenty of ways one could still obliterate the self

>> No.3498072

>It's an abstract concept
>that varies from culture to culture
>even amongst individuals.

What's not to understand?
It's not concrete. That's it.

>> No.3498077

>implying the self exists

>> No.3498199
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>abstract concept that exists
>abstract concepts don`t exist
>Existence= nonexistence
Protagoras pls go

>> No.3498254


noun/məˈralətē/ /mô-/
moralities, plural

Principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior

>that varies from culture to culture and even amongst individuals.

>> No.3498263

take points from lil b

>> No.3498548

Stanford, why did you delete your post on Stirner and ointment?

>> No.3498718

itt: People misrepresent someone they've never read


>> No.3499081

Damn, too bad I missed this. I was going to point out how there are strong parallels between what Stirner calls Spooks and the irrational construction of the super-ego, and a Reichian conception of mental health. Basically, from Julien Offray de la Mettrie to Stirner and Reich, the more insightful nihilists have realized that prophylaxis is your best shot at mental freedom. If your psychic setup is such that an irrational moral compass has been entrenched into your mind, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to get rid of it (although Stirner does correctly identify both the detrimental effect on the body and libido of these spooks, as well as the role that those play in getting rid of them, 'Jauchzen'). There is a fundamental question here in whether to try and break down your terrain or whether to deal with the symptoms... and in a way this is parallel to the problems of trying to go 'the long haul' for creating a group of people who are sane enough to make a union of egoists possible, or to live like Jünger's anarch in the more or less phony (but not really phony because it is a self-conscious petty bourgeois state of being) detached kind of socialization.

>> No.3500111


pangs of conscience; that pic zeta tripfag posted brought me back to my stirnerite days...i've been acting like a dick, shit talking max to spite his followers, when in reality i owe a lot of my psychological growth to him.

>> No.3500117


Not to mention the fact that you used to spam him relentlessly two years ago

>> No.3500152

I know that feel. I'd still say your particular flavour of sort of Nietzscheanism isn't all that incompatible with Stirner though, since it's using self-made ideals very consciously (partly thanks to Stirner in the back of your mind I guess) of the fact that it's your own creation to follow by you because it pleases you, which is thoroughly different from the sort of dimwitted servantile dedication to some external idea you just happen to be instilled with. Caught any smiles lately?

>> No.3500263

i feel like stan's struggling internally with his egoistic desire for ubermenschism and wants to totally accept the principles and 'suppressive spooks' (to 'not be a faggot' regardless of the nihilism he accepts, not sure if there is any other real reason he wants to be ubermensch) and it makes him angry at stirner who poses a barrier in his complete acceptance of these principles and' suppressive spooks'

am i wrong stan

>> No.3500273

be basically any pre-adolescent teenager ever

>> No.3500792 [DELETED] 


>> No.3500819

Your choice.

>> No.3503093

saved from page 10

>> No.3503103

thank god, I was afraid of losing this thread

>> No.3503116


>> No.3503180
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>> No.3503256

i allege that these posts were all submitted by the same person

>> No.3503273

Hmm, morality does exist.
A better word for it would be foresight.

>> No.3503289
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Better luck next time, barrister.

>> No.3503394

So basically this was the only practical and rational response in the thread?

>> No.3503739


>> No.3504646


lelele check out fucking sigmund over here but yeah you're wrong and there is no internal struggle between my nihilistic backdrop and normative ethic, the latter rises from the former and you're a naive little schoolboy for thinking that any written text could possibly pose a barrier to a persons selffulfillment,
philosophy merely reinforces ones predispositions; upon full understanding of stirner (post pleb reading) i realized that he was incompatible with my nature


>le why-the-fuck-do-you-keep-asking-me-that goatanon question

no i've been hungover and hibernating all day and just get a fucking tripcode already

>> No.3504648


>le nihilist denial

>> No.3504654
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>le terrible reading comprehension

>> No.3504659

>upon full understanding of stirner (post pleb reading) i realized that he was incompatible with my nature
in what way?

>> No.3504907


ahhh.. monsieur! faux-ignorance is a shroud that belittles you.

for what reason would you bring such ugliness upon my weary eyes, monsieur?

>> No.3504919

I lost my shit, thank you so much.

>> No.3505295

>he doesn't understand post-nihilism

>> No.3505535


>> No.3505609


>human behavior has a causal relationship to biology

>Temperament influences morality

>Therefore, morality has objective predictors. Human morality exists empirically.

Nonetheless, morality is still ultimately subjective. Just stop asserting that it "doesn't exist".

>> No.3505648
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>lel everything is spooks
>not a spook in and of itself

There's a paragraph or so early on that you should also be reconsidering that all the time. Don't be bound to Stirner because Stirner wouldn't like that. Use everything but don't think use is the end of itself, the "thing in itself" of some set of ethics. It's just... keep becoming... but don't always justb ecoming OHGODICAN'TSTOPICAN'TDEFINEMYSELFBYLANGUAGE!

>> No.3505655


>> No.3505679

>>human behavior has a causal relationship to biology
>>Temperament influences morality
>>Therefore, morality has objective predictors. Human morality exists empirically.

That's not accurate. Every individual is biologically unique, every behavioural pattern is unique, thus every 'morality' that you would derive from this would be limited to one particular subject, which is what we call 'subjective'...

>> No.3505703

lol not being deluded is being under 18 now. Makes sense.

>Genocide, holy wars, immolations, Inquisition, alienation,...
>Great things

Yeah, sure.

>> No.3505704

Anarchism is not a lofty ideal? Do you even Tolstoy?

>> No.3505796
File: 44 KB, 477x523, george_haarig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just fucking said is was subjective, you shithead.

"Human morality patterns" share a causal relationship with human biology, therefore have objective foundations.

This refutes the notion of morality "not existing" in a materialistic context.

Fuck you, guy.

>> No.3505836

>"Human morality patterns" share a causal
fucking causals, they ruin everything

>> No.3505891

>"Human morality patterns" share a causal relationship with human biology, therefore have objective foundations.
>This refutes the notion of morality "not existing" in a materialistic context.

That is a bullshit argument. Because you are assuming that any concept has some physical correlate, this would mean that unicorns also 'exist in a materialistic context', because the concept of unicorns has a neurological correlate. However, they don't exist as unicorns, they exist as concepts. Same with morals.

>> No.3505899
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>> No.3505903

>lifestyle philosophy

sure is a faget hipster and/or dilettante in here

>> No.3505936

All great philosophy is (partly) lifestyle philosophy. Seperating philosophy for life in that tiresome academic analytical manner is what caused it's death. Wisdom is precisely the how to live.

>> No.3505980


Unicorns are a projection of behavior, whereas "root morality" is an agent of it.

I would argue that there is, in a sense, a "human philosophy" coded into our DNA. Heredity limits our behavior to a specific range of possibilities relative to our environment. Thus, we have an inborn rationale for our drives and decision making.

Morality is a non-physical concept, of course, but I believe is has strong ties to our biology. To argue it "does not exist" would be equivalent to asserting behavior doesn't exist, only the neurological agents.

I'm probably babbling, I've been up for a couple days.

>> No.3506017

You probably never heard about Epicurus, the stoics or the cynics.

lol this is great

>> No.3506610


>> No.3506745
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>> No.3507670

That drawing of Stirner is better than his own work.

>> No.3507752


hehrehrhhrhrrhr in ways i the fuck literally laid out within this same thread you knob.
i'll try shorter sentences:
1.Uber is spook.
2.I are uber.
3.I are spook.

>> No.3508386


>> No.3508529

This is what plebs actually think.

At least put some effort into criticizing him.

>> No.3508664

Could you or someone please recommend me "lifestyle philosophy" books?

>> No.3508812

Obviously, Stirner
Nietsche's On the genealogy of morality
Aristotle's Nichomachean ethics
Seneca's letters and dialogues
Epicurus' letters
Anything about the cynics
Kierkegaard's bibliography
The complete works of Antonin Artaud (a lot of poetry, plays and weird stuff which is obscure as fuck but interesting).

I'm missing a lot, but these are my favorite ones.

>> No.3508885 [DELETED] 

>no Kant

listen nigger, at least, have some respect for the guy; definitely deserves a mention.

>> No.3508926

No, he doesn't.
Take your deonthologic bullshit away from me.
What kind of lifestyle would be Kant's? "Hey, guys look at my severe autism! I also think masturbation is intrinsically bad, at least go fuck some prostitues instead"?

>> No.3508938

listening to a mentally ill french actor is more worthwhile than reading anything by one of the keystones of modern philosophy without whom Nietzsche, Kierkegaard and Stirner would not even exist

>> No.3508955

urine fucking idiot

welcome to my shitlist

>> No.3509463
File: 49 KB, 400x294, diogenes3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy you're responding to here. Anal guy's recommendations are pretty good, but I would especially stress Hellenistic philosophy and my favourites the Cynics.

This is a great introduction that offers you information on all the Hellenistic schools, listening to all of them will make you a more informed, wise and happy person in every way:

I've been trying to collect works on the Hellenistic schools, but I haven 't got into it thoroughly enough to recommend anything apart from the Cynics, who are my greatest and true love. For my Cynic library, visit my Mediafire:


There's a .txt there with the best way to go about it, but I'll save you a few seconds and say Classical Cynicism is probably what you want to read first. It's a scholarly, contemporary text that offers a very thorough and comprehensive view on Cynicism in Ancient Greece and Rome. The Cynics are known as possessing the 'shortcut to virtue' and therefore the good life. While I can't claim to be a proper Cynic (I'm still too decadent and comfortable for that) applying their ideas in multiple ways to my life has served me well.

For a quick preliminary taste of delicious Diogenes anecdotes visit this page:


A heckler in the crowd shouted out, "My mind is not made like that, I can't be bothered with philosophy."

"Why do you bother to live," Diogenes retorted, "if you can't be bothered to live properly?"

>> No.3509476


>> No.3509488

>A heckler in the crowd shouted out, "My mind is not made like that, I can't be bothered with philosophy."
>"Why do you bother to live," Diogenes retorted, "if you can't be bothered to live properly?"

Sorry, but that was a weak one.

>> No.3509502

It was merely an introductory statement in the "Welcome... to Jurassic Park! tuuuduuuudududu" sense, not ah 'lol Diogenes so random & fahnny xD' type of thing.

>> No.3509734

I'm not an English speaker, but I bet you're intelligent enough to guess what was my point, faggot.

>> No.3509744

Nice rebuttal anyway.

>> No.3509765

>hurrr durr i can be stan tooooo

>> No.3509797

Congratulations. Nice rebuttal, again. Keep it up.
I'll be waiting for a proper argument.

>> No.3509890

lelleel caled the fuck out

>> No.3512429


>> No.3512433


>> No.3512465


>let me bring up hegel for no fucking reason so that people think i'm le deep

its funny how beyond the semiclouded reference of that post lies nothing but the crudest kind of poseurish irrelevance.
dude, you're like, way the fuck past your prime your depth can now be measured within a tablespoon of lad jizz (scraped off your chin after le night out w the lads, how are the lads, etc)

>> No.3512477

Damn D&E, stan be eatin ya.
Dont lettem do dis mane. Mane u got dis. NIGGAI KNOW U GOT DIS

>> No.3512483

Just want to point out how absolutely stupid this picture and post are

>> No.3512487

Why are they stupid?

>> No.3512515

He wrote three different books. The only one I can't find is The History of Reaction.

>> No.3512538

>today is Wednesday Feb 27

i'm not sure whether to be mad you keep bumping your old thread or glad that you are keeping all this shit in one thread instead of spamming him in every philosophy thread that pops up

yolo i guess

>> No.3513009


youre doing the same thing retard

>> No.3513533


Stop bumping the thread.

>> No.3513537

>your depth can now be measured within a tablespoon of lad jizz (scraped off your chin after le night out w the lads, how are the lads, etc)

Kindling the embers of the tripfag antagonism.