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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 99 KB, 395x251, nietzs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3414854 No.3414854 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder taxation is theft.

>inb4 "social contract"

>> No.3414868

preoccupation with voluntary actions is a philosophical dead-end

>> No.3414873

Read the picture.

>> No.3414874
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>> No.3414880
File: 80 KB, 814x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, as a Voluntaryist I urge you to take this thread to /pol/.
I don't think I can stand to hear another endless debate about blah blah blah capitalism/socialism blah blah social contract blah etc etc

>> No.3414935

sir please stfu

We must take the dark things and grow something beautifu out of them.

KILL AND RAPE ALL EMOS! Then take their corpses and wear their skins, fucking piss on their mouths while open.

Then defecate on their hiny

>> No.3414940

Hence the term 'necessary evil'.

I assume you're an anarchist though. No libertarian should get away with just saying taxation is theft.

>> No.3414941

theft does not mean the ends are poor.

Indeed, the fallacy of property is the notion that a thing brought completely into the hands of a person by fate cannot be taken as easily. It is the erroneous notion that labor necessarily equals product, which while appealing does not particularly follow

>> No.3414951

property is theft

>> No.3414961

Government is a monopoly on violence.

inb4: No, that's not a bad thing, it's a very good thing. I definitely don't want any old idiot from the street to have access to violence, I want that shit tightly centralized and in control of a single entity.

So yes, taxation is a monopoly on theft. That's a good thing; the alternative is paying 'protection money' to any old 'entrepreneur' who happened to have a gun.

>> No.3414962

daily reminder moral realism is false.

>> No.3414965
File: 26 KB, 600x412, 1351913418781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you stfu. Take this bullshit to /paul/

>> No.3414968

>implying the sovereign is not so due to the grace of G-d
>implying G-d's grace does not supersede notions of property
>implying the sovereign is not G-d's agent on Earth
>implying agents of the sovereign are not, through him, agents of G-d
>implying the sovereign and his agents do not have the right, as agents of G-d and acting by His grace, to seize, for any use, any private property
>implying acting justly and in accordance with G-d's will can ever be termed "theft"
pay up, peasant.

>> No.3414970
File: 260 KB, 1361x908, 652273d1331754763-post-your-best-watch-photos-dsc01690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfags can't beat the system lul. Why don't you stop whining and play by the rules if you are in no position to change them?

stay rebel lel

pic related you can never afford my Parnis

>> No.3415049
File: 38 KB, 288x499, 1359270922406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3415061

>implying that political philosophy is about finding a perfect system of government, instead of trying, reform by reform, revolution by revolution, to get to the least corrupt system that you can.

You want a politics thread on lit, you gotta talk political theory and drop some "isms"
you want to make blanket statements >>>/pol

>> No.3415067
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>> No.3415069

>typing in G-d instead of God

>> No.3415215

inflation is theft

>> No.3415224

because some people are religious enough that they treat it like it's the name and don't want to type it in full/say it out loud? Just guessing

>> No.3415236
File: 606 KB, 752x469, 1309299389687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that they treat it like it's the name
Yeah, they still don't know its Yhwh

>> No.3415263

Just do what I do, pretend they're trying to say a different word.

>implying Gourd's grace does not supersede notions of property

>> No.3415274

>fuck you I got mine

>> No.3415275


Waiting for the ayntards

>> No.3415277



>> No.3415289
File: 9 KB, 220x229, broblems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3415293

Oh man I love that guy, he's my favourite guitarist ever!

>> No.3415296

Jews usually do that.

>> No.3415304


Because ink costs money.

>> No.3415314

Just because you post a picture of Nietzsche doesn't mean it's /lit/ related.

>> No.3415393
File: 744 KB, 1030x1166, 1357166676895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still, it's a fucking retarded self-refuting statement. The concept of 'theft' is invalid without the institution of property rights.
Actually I wouldn't mind discussing social contract theory. Many libertarians and classical liberals seem to forget that property rights are integral to the social contract of western civilization and arguably predates the existence and surpasses the importance of taxation.

Have you people seen /pol/ lately?
It's overrun by stormtard kiddies, conspiratards and trolls screaming, "NIGGERS AND JOOOOOS". It's a shell of its former self.
>herp gibe free moniez plox
Strawmen, how do they work?

>> No.3415406

Yes but I need public transport. The roads are already congested enough. I can't afford to drive everywhere.

>> No.3415407

I don't disagree but there's a /pol/ on this site, a /pol/ on several other 'chans, and even /pss/ on 420 for a change of pace.

There's no good reason to post it here. You didn't even bring up anarchist or libertarian literature.

2/10 thread.
3/10 if you were trolling.
Best I can do.

>> No.3415416

No tax=no public transport

>> No.3415430

>Yes it is theft. But I like stealing.
I'm not even agreeing or disagreeing about it being theft but if you say it is theft then you say you want to do it anyway, that's shitty.

>> No.3415435

It's not theft. It's the the government charging you a fee for living in the country.

>> No.3415437

So it's rent? The government owns all the land?

>> No.3415438

>charged a fee to live here
>charged a fee to leave
>go anywhere else, still charged a fee
>implying we're free

>> No.3415449

In a way. You pay a lump sum to use land within the confines of certain conditions (the law). You also have to pay continually fees (taxes) as the land owner (the government) determines.

When did I ever imply you were free?

>> No.3415459

I don't understand, how is public transport theft?

>> No.3415505

Because you are not charged only when you ride it.

>> No.3415508

If that example is a demonstration of one's not being free, then you need to concede that those fees were extracted against the person's will - by definition, that they were stolen.