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/lit/ - Literature

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3127203 No.3127203[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you guys rec me more like this?

I'm about 3/4 of the way through and loving most of them.

>> No.3127283

plz respond

>> No.3127301

I always get depressed when I re-read 1984. I also read Ham on rye the other day and that was pretty depressing.

>> No.3127312
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And I guess most of these are depressing aswell

>> No.3127318

maybe about 5 of those are depressing.

>> No.3127323

woah huh, Metamorphosis should definitely be on that. I mean sure, everyone's read it, but it just feels weird not having it there.

>> No.3127332


I've read four books on that list and I found em all depressing.

A clockwork orange, almost transparent blue, a scanner darkly and on the road.

>> No.3127352

It's a novella and the ending takes a huge turn. I don't think it's depressing as it is just unheimlich.

>> No.3127357

I'm gonna hijack this thread and ask if anyone knows the classical piece played at www.youtube.com/watch?v=bv2D-xE1yjA&t=19m20s

>> No.3127373

What the fuck?

>>>somewhere else but this thread, Christ, you idiot.

>> No.3127377


I did know, but I've forgotten. I need to know.
This is going to annoy the shit out of me.
You asshole.

>> No.3127374

But this is about books go to /mu/

>> No.3127380


>implying kids on /mu/ would have the first fucking clue about classical

>> No.3127381

Please leave you are ruining my thread.

>> No.3127384

/mu/ has failed me on three ocasions over the years while it comes to identifying songs

>>3127377 you're welcome

>> No.3127386

>implying crudblod and lolnoyoudont don't know way more about classical than you.
You've never even been to /mu/, dumbass.



>> No.3127388

Doesn't appear like you have the 'first fucking clue,' either...

>> No.3127579


>> No.3127740


>> No.3127762

A few off the top of my head that I didnt see on the list.

Ellie Wiesel: Night
Slyvia Plath: The Bell Jar
John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath < Jesus christ that one had me in pieces.
Dostoyevskys The Double and Crime and Punishment

>> No.3127768

Primo Levi's The Drowned And The Saved is a good one to pick up after the one that features on that list.

>> No.3127776

Albert Camus - The Plague
Erich Maria Remarque - All quiet on the western front
But I guess most war novels are depressing, even Catch 22 got pretty bleak at one point.

>> No.3127866

What did you think of Death and the Dervish, The Day Lasts More than a Hundred Years, The Tartar Steppe, Mouchette, Moravagine, The Maimed and The Sufferings of Prince Sternenhoch OP? Thoughts on any of those would be welcome. They're all coming up on my to-read list and I'm excited.

>> No.3127897
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Johnny Got His Gun. All the feels.

>> No.3127930

I'm currently on Ask the Dust, so I haven't gotten to Death and the Dervish or Mouchette.

>only read each one once, plan to reread many of them
>do not take these as very formed opinions

The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years was fantastic.
It's really accessible so if you're looking for something to scratch your head over and really think about, this might not be the book for you.

I really liked The Tartar Steppe. One of my favorites from the list. Buzzati's style is very nice.
Very Kafka-esque.

Moravagine was odd. I really liked the beginning but it kind of fizzled at the middle and had almost lost my interest by the end.
I'd still suggest you read it, even for the beginning.

The Maimed was fantastic. Really twisted.
Another one similar to Kafka, but even darker.
Definitely recommend.

The Sufferings of Prince Sternenhoch was good, but not something I'd read more than a few times.
Funny at times, but overall not one of my favorites.

>> No.3127932

>'kids' on /mu/ don't have the first fucking clue about classical
>calls that style of music classical
'Classical' is the 'screamo' or 'indie' of it's respective area; it is in fact ORCHESTRAL music.
The word may be used to describe composers of Mozart or Chopin's era, but anything after that is just straight up orchestral.

You would probably call baroque styles of music 'classical' as well. What a fucking idiot. Have fun posing as an intellectual and only listening to mature music for mature listeners such as yourself.

>> No.3127933

>mature music for mature listeners
But that's metal.

>> No.3127963
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>> No.3127970
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Wow. Very funny and original.

>> No.3127974

I'm just so witty.

>> No.3128633

Does anyone happen to have the erotic chart? It doesn't seem to be in the wiki?

>> No.3128644
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Sorry, I don't really considered it "finished" yet, so I hadn't put it up.

>> No.3128649


Kenzaburo Oe - A Personal Matter

A socially awkward loser in 1950s Japan finds out his son is mentally retarded. Thinks about killing child while trying to fix his life.

>> No.3128672


Second this and add:

- The Mad Toy - Roberto Arlt
- Grave of the Fireflies - Akiyuki Nosaka
- The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea - Yukio Mishima
- Pale Horse, Pale Rider - Katherine Anne Porter

>> No.3128743

Good list

>> No.3128782

Oh damn now I need to know it too

>> No.3130152


>> No.3130214


If you're still about... it's Gabriel Faure's Pavane.

>> No.3130277

These are somewhat obscure-ish books. Some are pretty well-known, are were very depressing, so I'm not sure why they weren't included on this list.

Buddenbrooks - Mann
Memoirs from the House of the Dead - Dostoevsky
And Then / Grass on the Wayside - Soseki (or almost anything by him, really)
L'Assommoir - Zola (or anything by him)
À rebours - Huysmans
The First Man - Camus (it's depressing in both its plot and the fact it was left unfinished)
Kanikosen - Kobayashi
Factotum - Bukowski (if you're into that sort of writer)
A Fool's Life - Akutagawa
The Trial - Kafka
A Dark Night's Passing - Shiga

>antiwar (therefore, depressing)
All Quiet on the Western Front - Remarque
Grass for my pillow - Maruya
Summer Flowers - Tamiki Hara

And I'm spent

>> No.3130295

>Gabriel Faure's Pavane.

Thanks, I wonder where I heard it the first time, a movie perhaps?

>hdlink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2LfUi6q5T0&hd=1

>> No.3130301
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this is now god tier music thread


>> No.3130329

>Mr. Nobody

yes i fuckig knew it!

>> No.3130331


>god tier music
>Deus Ex soundtrack

Go back to whatever shit board you came from.

>> No.3130347

Not that guy but
>implying Deus Ex:HR soundtrack isn't godlike


>> No.3130350


I laughed when she died.

>> No.3130354

No Bell Jar?
Also, Wide Sargasso Sea made me cry. Rochester is such an asshole. I hated him in Jane Eyre, as well

>> No.3130364

I believe Les particules élémentaires should be added to that list.

>> No.3130379

Beyond Sleep by WF Hermans
Welcome to the N.H.K by Tatsuhiko Takimoto
Growth of the Soil by Knut Hamsun

>> No.3130464
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I think you forgot one great erotica book, 50 shades of grey, it really is the best

>> No.3130558

I have heard that _As for Me and My House_ by Sinclair Ross is the quintessential depressing Canadian novel.

>> No.3131069

No Camus? Come on! The Stranger?!

>> No.3131141

Read "Sobre Heroes y Tumbas" from Sabato, then "Abbadon el Exterminador" also by sabato.

>> No.3131315

Disregard this.
Sabato sucks.

>> No.3131331


>> No.3131940
