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/lit/ - Literature

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3023268 No.3023268[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what suggestions do you guys have for very depressing literature?

>> No.3023275
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Atomized, aka The Elementary Particles, by Michel Houellebecq.


>> No.3023274

Also should have specified that I was looking for works not in the wiki

>> No.3023276
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i dont read. i'm from /fit/ but I quickly found this

>> No.3023292

try "grave of the fireflies" by Akiyuki Nosaka

it's crude, short and goes direct to the point

also try Roberto Arlt's works

>> No.3023299

Just write a biography of your life then read it, OP

>> No.3023305
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So, works not on this chart, or works not on any chart on the wiki? Because the later's a bit difficult.

>> No.3023317

Works not on that chart specifically. I've already read many of the ones in that image.

Also, thanks gor the suggestions so far.

>> No.3023323

Nah, I want to read something depressing with a bit more eliquence. I love reading, writing not as much.

>> No.3023324


>> No.3023326

Beyond Sleep by Willem Frederik Hermans

>> No.3023332

Oh, nice. Which are your favorites off of it so far? What did you think of The Day Lasts More than a Hundred Years and The Sufferings of Prince Sternenhoch, if you've read those two yet?

>> No.3023337

I'm suprised you didn't pick up on "gor" in my previous post.

>> No.3023340

1984 depressed the fuck out of me at the end.

>> No.3023342

NotesFfrom Underground is definitely my favorite so far. Mostly because I can identify eith the characters futile ramblings as he attempts to state his views on all kinds of subjects. Haven't read the ones you suggested, but I'll pick them up if you really recomend them.

>> No.3023345

The Iron Heel by Jack London depressed the hell out of me, most London books do though.

And the Iron Heel was pretty bad, so on second thought, don't read it.

>> No.3023349

is winston's tear a sign that he loves big brother that much, or is it an awareness set in resignation and sadness?

>> No.3023350


>> No.3023351

I haven't read them yet either, but I've only heard good things! Was curious about another person's opinion on them before I start, and you did say you'd read many on the chart.

The ones that I personally recommend off of it are On the Marble Cliffs, Stoner and To Live. Have you read them yet?

>> No.3023352


>> No.3023355

White by Jose Saramago is about how people are fucking horrible. I couldn't keep reading it.

>> No.3023358

I always do this, it's "Blindness" (not White).

>> No.3023360

that's not an answer when given two option, nerd.

but yeah...it's a tear made of ambiguity. i should use this as a story title. mite b cool.

>> No.3023363

So you haven't read all of them. Why don't you do that, anon?
Do you think you won't like them or you won't find them depressing enough?
Because I've read half of that chart and they're all good books, I would stick to it.

I'd add The Buddenbrooks by Thomas Mann and The House of the Dead by Dostoevsky,

Anyway, what kind of book did you have in mind?

>> No.3023365


no, it won't, face it

>> No.3023380

OH. forgot to say. check out "the setting sun," op.

my favorite book by dazai. he's definitely depressing but beautiful too.

>> No.3023382

Doublethink, motherfucker.

>> No.3023401

Big reason why I haven't read more on that list is because I couldn't find them at a library. Anyways, looking for books that center on the many anxieties people have or meaningless of life.

>> No.3023411

Does your library not do inter library loaning?

>> No.3023418
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>> No.3023425

It does that, but only beetween libraries in the city. Even though I live in a state capital, I still can't find everything I want.

>> No.3023427

Ah, that's unlucky. Maybe ebooks of the ones on the chart you haven't read will show up soon.

>> No.3023435

FUCK E-BOOKS. Thanks for the suggestion, but I hate not having a physical book in front of me. It just feels wrong.

>> No.3023447
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Have fun living in the past.

>> No.3023516

The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe was pretty rough.