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/lit/ - Literature

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2826787 No.2826787 [Reply] [Original]

Sad book that I won't be embarassed [as a guy] to read?

>> No.2826790

>embarrassed of sadness
so macho

>> No.2826795

Read some Angela Carter and stop being so heteronormative lol.

>> No.2826797

Not of sadness. I mean, of reading a Nicholas Sparks book. Because those are made for girls. And I wouldn't cry.

I WANT to cry. but I can't find any books that will make me.

>> No.2826802

The only thing that got me close to crying was reading the "Buried" script in one sitting. Shit was feels, man.

>> No.2826803

Feminist. Yeah, that'll make me cry;
but not from sadness

>> No.2826805

You're a stupid faggot.

Sage because you are a stupid faggot.

>> No.2826810

>Sad book that I won't be embarassed [as a guy] to read?

You're such a dumb idiot

>> No.2826815

Can someone explain a logical reason why people think it's stupid that I ask this? I put one limitation on it which I explained afterwards, and I get called a faggot and an idiot.

>> No.2826819

No Longer Human by Dazai

>> No.2826822
File: 1.50 MB, 2000x2800, depressing lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2826829

>Something is bad because it is "made for girls"
Nicholas Sparks is shit, but fuck off and die you dumb slut.

>> No.2826833

Because your "limitation" was moronic.

>> No.2826834

I thought war and peace was sad sometimes.... But probaly not what your looking for. Hemmingway has a sombre feeling for his storys(ive read the short storys and the sun also rises.) As to make you cry.... Idk.

>> No.2826840


Because, as you said, crying with authors like Sparks should make anybody feel embarassed, not just manly men.

Your post implies that you still have outdated preconceptions of gender roles. Something that you yourself confirmed here >>2826803

Go back to /b/ or whatever conservative hellhole you came from.

>> No.2826842

Itt: people dont realize op didnt want a book with roses or some shit in the front.

>> No.2826846

itt: people realize that perfectly well, thankyou very much, but we're just going to ignore that and tell op he's a stupid cunt instead (because he deserves it)

This guy is right.

>> No.2826855

Why is 1984 not included in that list?
Most depressing book I ever read.

>> No.2826861

Becuase /lit/ in general thinks 1984 is too mainstream, for some reason.

>> No.2826863

This. 1984 is a book that destroys every single hope you build up while reading it. First time a book left me with a really sad and dull feeling.

>> No.2826865


Please he's self concious and thats it. I mean I wouldnt care if i saw some guy reading dr seuss books in public, but i dont know if i would (fuck you i still think dr seuss books are cool.)
Just recommend him some damn books.

>> No.2826868

He was given a chart of more than fifty depressing books already.

>> No.2826872

I think that's because in England and the US the book is used in school and many of e/lit/ists had to read it back then. And because there is a general disapproval of thinks that are subject to education in schools, they consider it less valuable.

Living in continental europe, I haven't met anyone yet who share the same attitude, maybe because it is less frequently used in class.

>> No.2826908

I don't think it's considered less "valuable" so much as why should we include a book that is already recommended on every top 100 list and that many of the users here have already read?

The charts are generally used for discovering and recommending books that you might not have already read or plan to read. The vast majority of posters here already know about 1984. It's silly to include it, because it's already assumed to be known.

>> No.2826964

Thank you for actually being decent!

Thank you for being understanding!

Thanks for responses none-the-less, bumping my thread and all.