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2539370 No.2539370 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most boring book you've read?

>> No.2539371

fiction wise i would definitely say ''The Pale King'' (why i responded); in the non-fiction realm it would have to be ''Critique of Pure Reason''

>> No.2539379

I think the question is: what's with the bandana?

>> No.2539381

The second half of Lost In the Funhouse was torture. Interesting ideas, yes, but they read like no effort was put into making them seductive.

>> No.2539386

He played tennis and instead of having a haircut he used the bandana as a "manly" hair tie to keep his hair out of his face.

>> No.2539387

The System of Nature by Baron d'Holbach

>> No.2539388

I'm almost scared to say so, and I anticipate plenty of pleb accusations, but I found 'War & Peace' kind of excruciatingly dull. It's probably my fault, I'm probably just not a mature enough reader yet. Though I have enjoyed other purportedly boring books like 'The Trial' and 'The Great Gatsby' and 'Moby-Dick'.

Oh, and I found 'Wuthering Heights' and 'Pride & Prejudice' boring as fuck, too. But so does everyone, right?

>> No.2539391

There are people who call Gatsby boring? Who are they, middleschoolers?

>> No.2539392


So, instead of cutting his hair he decided to look like a wigger?

>> No.2539395

DFW, neckbeard hero

>> No.2539403

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

It was like a scrapbook of shit

>> No.2539405

Yeah, we get threads about how boring it is all the time. I do suspect that the participants are mostly middleschoolers and fantasyfags, though.

>> No.2539407

Catcher in the Rye.

Come to think of it, most "Great American Novels" are shit. It takes three hundred pages for nothing to happen.

>> No.2539415

Atlas shrugged
Boring as shit,TLDR,and faggotry in general.

>> No.2539419

Tell us something we didn't know.

>> No.2539478

Never Far From Nowhere
- Andrea Levy, was in High School, god what a boring peace of paper

>> No.2539481

Things Fall Apart, that book is terrible.

>> No.2539484

catch-22 and don quixote

>> No.2539497

If a book's boring, I won't finish. But Scarlet Letter takes the cake. The first time I read The Sun Also Rises was also bad, but then I began to appreciate Hemingway, so I enjoyed it the second time

>> No.2539498

Mansfield Park

inb4 soo deep, British imperialism

>> No.2539500
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I thought it was because he was a heavy sweater and nervous public speaker. The bandana kept sweat from pouring down his face.

>> No.2539537

Not sure if serious...

>> No.2539544
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Not the same poster, but I also found Catch-22 a bit boring. I decided to pick up another book and never went back to finish it.

>> No.2539566

jane eyre UUUUUUUUGH

>> No.2539570

The Club Dumas

And it had many elements I very much enjoyed.

>> No.2539575

I've never said this before, but I am anonymous here... To Kill a Mockingbird.

>> No.2539577

Norwegian language analysis.
Got a bit tedious after a while.

>> No.2539607

Any novel by one the Brontes that isn't Jane Eyre for me.Mr Rochester made my willy tingle.

>> No.2539611

Infinite Jest

>> No.2539616
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This book.

Was stuck in an airport and mildly hopped up on opiates.

Got half way through, wanted to kill myself.

>> No.2539617

Kafka's "Metamorphosis and other short tales"

Story starts out of nowhere, leads nowhere, and ends out of nowhere. Which would be fine if there was some profound message to be had from all that - but there isn't.

Other books that people jizzed over but personally found shitty - Catcher in the Rye and Stranger by Camus.

>> No.2539622


>hating Kafka
>21st century

I agree with Catcher and the Rye though.

Camus is ok.

>> No.2539626

I normally give up on books if I find them boring, so I haven't really read many boring ones. The first thirty pages of Mrs Dalloway were pretty boring though. I sometimes wish I'd persevered though.

>> No.2539686

The Hours. It was a bad rip on Mrs. Dalloway, which I also found boring but at least well-written. The Hours lacks even that.

>> No.2539703

One of my neighbors has a bumper sticker that says "liberalism is a mental disorder". Now I know where that's from. Thanks, I suppose.

>> No.2539706

>hating on Metarmophosis
dis nigga 4 rl?

>> No.2539719

Except Gatsby is boring as fuck.

>> No.2539720

Mein Kampf.

I read his Good Sense for my thesis, and on the second reading I found it to be quite intricate. I still think him to be the most consummate atheist, far surpassing his later epigones such as Russell or Dawkins (and yes, there are fundamental similarities between d´Holbach and the later atheists).

>> No.2539722

The Bible

>> No.2539723

The Brothers Kamarazov

My god. How long does it take for a certain someone to die and get things going? Half the book I think?

>> No.2539744

Mein Kampf.
Twilight series.
Shardik by Richard Adams.
It was mentioned in one of the dark tower books by stephen king, figured why the hell not, if king mentions it it has to be worth something. It wasnt.
Took me three months to read, the longest i've ever spent reading anything.

>> No.2539764

True it was one of the most boring fucking things I've ever read, but it became one of my favorites.

>> No.2539768

Hear hear!

>> No.2539774
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When we had to write an essay on that shit I just wrote about how much it sucked. I got an A on it.

>> No.2539796

Gatsby. The prose is very nice but I couldn't bring myself to care about a single character in it.

>> No.2539803

i cannot get through treasure island. i've tried twice, and turning the pages becomes a fucking chore

>> No.2539809

>ad hominem

>> No.2539821

I thought that book was interesting

>> No.2539860

Agreed! Gatsby is one of the greatest books ever written.

However, I can understand how some can find a technically brilliant work of fiction dull. Moby Dick, I'm looking at you!

>> No.2540029

moby dick is a great work despite the fact that it is technically flawed. how do you think it is "technically brilliant"? have you read it? do you really even know what you mean to say?

>> No.2540032

Great Expectations is horribly written.

>> No.2540034



>> No.2540038

Probably Villette.

>> No.2540064

Mist by Miguel de Unamuno