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File: 27 KB, 398x600, hunger_games_book_cover_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2517072 No.2517072 [Reply] [Original]

Oh wow, what an awesome book. It's the Harry Potter of our generation.

>> No.2517074

Too obvious.

>> No.2517075

Isn't harry potter the harry potter of our generation?

>> No.2517084

Maybe if you're over the age of 30

>> No.2517085

in all seriousness is it any good. are we talking decent young adult stuff like harry potter or crap like twilight?

>> No.2517087

Yes, we're talking crap young adult stuff like Harry Potter and Twilight.

>> No.2517091

You can't be serious. I read the first Harry Potter when I was like 9.

>> No.2517092

I honestly think that it's a great YA book. It's defiantly good.

>> No.2517094

crap like twilight

>> No.2517098

Avoid if you're out of middle school.

>> No.2517101

simplistic writing
glosses over details

Any and all moral dilemmas you might expect from such a premise are all conveniently dodged in the end

>> No.2517102

well i dont expect deep prose. but by the standards of these kind of books is it good. like is it a well written story for teens

>> No.2517106

What I meant was that it was simplistic even both those standards.

It's like talented high school writer level.

>> No.2517108

A good book for teens would still challenge them in some way. The Hunger Games does not do that.

>> No.2517118

is there sex in this book

>> No.2517124

No, but in the second book she sleeps in the same bed as Peeta a lot. She keeps on "wanting Peeta to sleep with me" but for some reason no one finds this sexual...

>> No.2517132

They have a whole fake romance thing going for the cameras and the whole time all I was thinking was "Just fuck, it's very convincing" but NOOOOO, this is a kids book. I mean, if they have a whole tv show where kids violently kill each other why not add some sex to the whole thing? I see nothing wrong with that.

>> No.2517137

do any of the people rape each other at knife point?

>> No.2517152

only in my fantasies

>> No.2517157


>> No.2517168

I was scared until I read the part about the Mockingjays copying her screams
It made me laugh and cum

>> No.2517232
File: 15 KB, 267x450, Old lady middle finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting in this thread. You're getting trolled.

>> No.2517466


newfag doesn't sage

>> No.2517641

ITT we bitch about how YA books are not written for adults

>> No.2517650

I still can't tell if this book is good or not. Whatever.

I got through the Twilight series, I'll get through these books.

>> No.2517661

I heard that in all honesty, The Hunger Games is a respectable series. I don't think it should be associated with the Twilight series, and it would be a shame if it gets distorted because of that. (if i hear "team [insert a boy characters name her]" ever, I will go on a rampage. I personally wouldn't read it simply because I feel I would be a little too old for it and hold more of an interest in books that address heavier subject matter.

>> No.2517663

>I heard that

So you haven't read it, have you? It follows the Twilight formula exactly. There is a girl and two guys that pine after her. She struggles to make a choice between them.

>> No.2517669


The moral questions are a lot deeper in The Hunger Games.

In Twilight it's just a choice between two creeps.

>> No.2517675

You've been goaded now please rage. Wait, Katniss is not a boys name ok.
And suck it

>> No.2517676

Hurr, love triangle=twilight. Grow up peter pan. And no, I haven't (like i clearly said in my response). I have heard no criticism about the main female character being incompetent or a bigger setback to women since the invention of the sandwich. Any more brain busters?

>> No.2517683

I was actually pretty impressed with the way it dealt with modern moral issues in a way that Harry Potter and Twilight never went into. It's actually quite interesting for adults, because of the way it makes fun of reality tv, superficial mass culture, and the wealth-poverty gap, and the way that it implies that the first two help perpetuate the last one. There are parts when Katniss wonders "What would I do if I didn't have to spend all my time looking for food?" and then realizes she'd spend her time doing many of the same things as the rich assholes in Districts one and two. It kinda suggests how you stop worrying about poverty and forget your poor hometown once you get out of it (helps it from getting too moralizing, although it definitely points out the wrongness of the entertainment-as-life mentality).

captcha: conscience traxpla

>> No.2517685

Well, unlike Twilight, I guess I'll have to hate the fans and not the series this time. shame our media perpetuates this kind of bullshit behaviour. Oh how mtv and alike have fallen

>> No.2517694
File: 40 KB, 362x362, 1318025029700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending a book that you haven't read

You're a woman, aren't you?

>> No.2517698

sorry to disappoint your neckbeard self

>> No.2517700

>implying i dont know the plot line

>> No.2517701

>denying your sex in order to save yourself from further embarrassment, and in so doing, inadvertently setting your gender further back than The Hunger Games already did
>annos dominei 2012

>> No.2517708

Not original poster, but as a woman, I didn't find it insulting to women at all (unlike Twilight). Katniss is a strong character, to the point where the love triangle seemed really out of character for her. I would have expected her to know which man she loved more... all the parts where she stuffs down her emotions or gets confused about them seem really incongruous to the parts where she recognizes when they are useful and is intelligent enough to let them give her strength.

>> No.2517711

again, not a girl.
>have a dick
>follow bro code
>bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks
Shall I try and appease you more with further generic bro talk so you simpleton self can understand, or are we done here?

>> No.2517723

This is extremely pathetic if this is what men define themselves by. You don't hear girls talking about boys in terms like "hoes and tricks" because girls don't resent boys for controlling them by their vaginas. Get some goddamn self-control. Why do men always think that they can't change themselves while expecting women to be perfect?

>> No.2517725

The love triangle was forced into the story in order to appeal to pleb women. The same pleb women who enjoyed Twilight. How is this difficult to understand? Collins and her editor are transparently aiming for the Twilight audience, and they have overwhelmingly succeeded at box office. The entire story has been focus-grouped to hell and back.

>> No.2517731

I think you misunderstood. I was being ironic to prove a point. Guys, well most at least, don't actually do this. Also, its from an old rap song

>> No.2517734

Sorry, I'm belligerently drunk and just read an article on cracked about why men hate women. Most of it was probably true, though. Can we go back to talking about Hunger Games?

>> No.2517732

>generalizing men by a post made on 4chan
What are you doing with your life?

>> No.2517735

>aiming for twilight audience.
You mean a YA book is aiming for hormone raged teens?! STOP THE PRESSES!

>> No.2517748

I just posted this in an above thread, before spotting this, so will repost my brief "review" of sorts of the two of three books that I read.

I was actually surprised by the social commentary that was slipped into The Hunger Games. It's nowhere near being great literature, but there was considerably more meat to its plot than I was expecting, and I don't mean in pure narrative. Catching Fire was fun as well but my girlfriend took the third with her while at her parents' and by the time I received it I had resumed reading well-written novels and couldn't slip myself back into the series.

All that randomly stated, people here who tend to despise things simply for their popularity shouldn't be so quick to write off Games. It's fanbase consist mostly of rabbid girls, yes, but the book itself is fine. It's not a gold standard of young literature, but is much a step up from Twilight. I'm only curious to see what the next huge book series will be. Wizard boy, Vampire bitch, and now Political Pawn girl. Weird how these things go.

In all seriousness, though, the book is a very simple read. Collins' strength (and weakness) is that her writing contains very little description. It is all very bare and focused on moving on to the next scene. And once the first one hundred pages of rising tension are past, and the actual events of the Games kick into full gear, it is a very enjoyable novel.

In terms of writing technique, it does match the standards of something from Redwall or the Bartimaeus trilogy, but in terms of being an effective book for young adults that slowly eases them into the political awareness cherished today, it is a very strong contender. I feel it deserves the accolades it's received.

>> No.2517753
File: 27 KB, 343x346, 1319263274747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lyl, so we both agree that it's a book with no substance and transparently focus-grouped and edited into garbage that is jarringly at odds with the characterization of the main character?

Oh wait, most of you defending the book haven't even read it, and so, can't even hang with me in this criticism of the main character's love triangle.

>> No.2517763

feel free to read this.

>> No.2517766
File: 52 KB, 429x410, 1319325617211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I do enjoy rereading my own posts and admiring my syntax and grammar. :)

>> No.2517769

Im 29, and when I was 18 I used to substitute teach at a local middle school, where the kids were reading the second and third harry potter book.

You are a full of shit.

>> No.2517772

It's also worth mentioning that people tend to react with anger to stupid media that appeals to women, while stupid media that appeals to men gets laughs. I would say that "Princess of Mars" was at least as badly written, sex-pandering, and ridiculous as "Twilight", but we tend to overlook the sexism and view it with reverence because "OMG, it had cool ideas about space and stuff!" even though the science in it was totally implausible and it didn't really address any important themes except maybe racism... and even that in a very flippant and non-serious way.

>> No.2517776
File: 37 KB, 700x467, 1319932040758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we look favourably upon scifi or the men channel or anything with Joe Rogan in it

This is about plebs and how disgusting you all are.

>> No.2517778

Cute. I'm actually this guy
now would you like to respond to that persons text, or just stroke your own ego in place of your tiny dick. Choke on a quart oh hippo cum.

Sincerely, this guy.>>2517763

>> No.2517781


There were better books written with nearly the same atmosphere, all she did was take a hodgepodge of dystopian future ideas and mash it weakly into a set of three books.

That said, her writing is pretty strong which makes me even more emphatically dislike the book because it could have been so much better

>> No.2517783
File: 18 KB, 271x272, 1319151552991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>resorting to ad hominem attacks because she can't draw on the primary text that we are arguing over, having never actually read it

>> No.2517794

I would have to be defending MY response for it to be an ad hominem fallacy. I took grade 12 philosophy too bro.

>> No.2517800
File: 13 KB, 178x200, 1318648515647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never actually moves back to valid criticisms of the love triangle being at odds with Collins characterization of the main character
>can't respond because she hasn't read the book

>> No.2517802

Which is why i directed to the criticism of someone who has. Also, guy. Cute that so many neckbeards want me to be a girl though.

>> No.2517815
File: 112 KB, 344x320, 1318492159798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What criticism has replied to my accusation of the novel being completely focus grouped to hell and back?

The woman-anon who posted this:
>Not original poster, but as a woman, I didn't find it insulting to women at all (unlike Twilight). Katniss is a strong character, to the point where the love triangle seemed really out of character for her. I would have expected her to know which man she loved more... all the parts where she stuffs down her emotions or gets confused about them seem really incongruous to the parts where she recognizes when they are useful and is intelligent enough to let them give her strength.

I don't see anybody who refutes my claim convincingly. This was a novel that was decent, if not for its awful shoe-horned in love-triangle. And it is that love triangle that sets back the gender, because it once again underlines the old trope in literature that women are indecisive emotionally.

>> No.2517817

That's actually really ironic, considering the book is about two kids being controlled by their PR reps so they don't piss off the government and might be able to feed their families.

There's an art to writing a bestselling novel as well as a literary one -- writing clearly enough to be understood quickly is actually a more difficult thing to do than you are making it seem, you'd be surprised how many people can't do it.

Trying to compare Hunger Games to something literary is like comparing apples to oranges, but compared to all the other apples, imo, Hunger Games stands its own because it's got some fun horror elements, a good moral core, and a fast-paced plot that's interesting and makes sense.

>> No.2517826

I see I have failed at properly linking the post haha. I was reffering to this.
and was responding to this comment

>> No.2517851

There is about to be a huge increase in first-person present-tense narratives among YA novels...

>> No.2517855

Have you read YA? that's pretty much the definition of half the clap trap they publish.

>> No.2517863

No I really only read Harry Potter when I was growing up. I didn't really hear all the hate for it that Hunger Games and Twilight are getting.
Hunger Games wasn't even that bad.
Catching Fire though... /shiver

>> No.2517865
File: 91 KB, 412x700, THE-GIVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a thread about YA literature?
Don't mind me, just stopping by, being respectable...

>> No.2517884

People who created YA need their own special place in hell. Really though things that were written that predate the classification of YA are often much better than the thin group of books that are considered topical in this genre. Some very good YA gets missed because it is too adult (Black Cauldron) too difficult to read [the Grey king] or considered too childish. What's left is books that pander to reading metrics, ethical righteousness, and spend too much time worrying about political correctness. Many of the books glorify violence but lack honest sexuality for children of that age.

>> No.2517887

>Many of the books glorify violence but lack honest sexuality for children of that age.
I was thinking that exactly while I was reading the Hunger Games. She kills tons of people, but instead of having sex scenes or allusions to sex, she just has Peeta sleep in bed with her. Very non-sexually...

>> No.2517890


But he's bread. He's PEETA. He's dough. She's Katniss. The motherfucking girl on fire.

He becomes hard within heat. She is heat. She hardens him. and she knows it.

>> No.2517903

Good point! I have a huge problem with the novels which are glorified by the media, mainly because they fit the idiotic stereotypes that our media subscribes to. If it can't be sold to the masses, then its garbage to them. I mean, Haroun and the Sea of Stories is fantastic. But is it popular with the media? no, because it's not marketable

>> No.2517907

*YA novels

>> No.2517910
File: 61 KB, 499x480, 1317370567548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed sooo hard thank you.

>> No.2517908

+1 internet to you fine sir

>> No.2517914

The author avoids constantly very important details and limits herself to narrate obvious and repetitive actions. You'll find yourself wishing the book ends the soon as possible, because it gets predictible and boring. The entire District 12 part was good bat that's all.

>> No.2518064

I'm suddenly realizing that everyone on this board is in highschool.

>> No.2518104

Is Black Cauldron really too adult? I read it in elementary school from the campus library.

>> No.2518168

Suzanne Collins clearly was trying for meta-irony by condemning violence for entertainment with a book, the main draw of which is violence

>> No.2518170 [DELETED] 


>> No.2518175

>have a philosophy tutor called Susan Collins.
>girl asks if she wrote hunger games.
>"yes, yes I did"
>girl falls for it.

>> No.2519286

We can agree that Hunger Games is babby's first dystopian novel, right?

>> No.2519294

No, that goes to Yertle the Turtle