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23344122 No.23344122 [Reply] [Original]

Naomi Wolf being rekt by Chadmille Paglia

>> No.23344140

Has anyone got the quote where she basically calls that fat feminist a fat pig who should be more concerned about her eating than the prospect of her being raped?
Also, it infuriates me to watch interview where that smug kike Sontag tries to dismiss Paglia's credibility. So many artwhores I know (who worship Sontag, for some reason) viewed Pagllia as some kind of hysterical, jealous bimbo, when it's clear Sontag was the embittered cunt.

>> No.23344295

It's hard to pick any one thing as the most pathetic thing about American right wingers, but thinking Camille Paglia is "based" is top ten anyway. Naomi Wolf is an idiot, but Paglia is such a pathetic narcissist, and such an absolutely abominable writer, what is the point in quoting her saying "Naomi Wolf sucks" but taking an entire page to do so, 3/4 of which is humblebragging about how everyone all over the world tries to get her on TV? Why are you so insecure you can't just insult some stupid ivy league academic airhead, you have to quote some prolix BASED lesbian academic airhead doing it poorly in between reciting highlights from her resume? Oh, look how NOT SEXIST and NOT HETERONORMATIVE I am for quoting BASED CAMILLE and wasting everyone's time instead of just saying what I think! It's gayer than having sex with men.

>> No.23344301

Sounds like someone is triggered

>> No.23344390

You sound you've had sex with men for sure

>> No.23344418
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The No. 1 problem today is not ignorant students but ignorant professors, who have substituted narrow "expertise" and "theoretical sophistication" (a preposterous term) for breadth and depth of learning in the world history of art and thought. There is no true expertise in the humanities without knowing all of the humanities. Art is a vast, ancient interconnected web-work, a fabricated tradition. Overconcentration on any one point is a distortion. Only small minds fail to see patterns and wholes.

For 15 years, fast-track American academics have neglected scholarship and learning to chase down the cul-de-sac of Ferdinand de Saussure, whose flawed system of linguistics underlies the work of Jacques Lacan, Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault, as well as their Parisian disciples, Julia Kristeva and the overpraised feminist propagandists Helene Cixous and Luce Irigaray.

Lacan was a psychoanalyst, untrained in history, whose tediously obscurantist work is simply a malicious gloss on the far greater Freud. Derrida is a Heideggerian philosopher who has convinced gullible academics that there is no meaning or order in history and that every literary text collapses into self-devouring fragments. Foucault was a radical professor of modern intellectual history who was ignorant of anything before the Enlightenment and outside of France; yet he claimed to discover the secret authoritarian codes in civilization that brainwash us into sexual and social conformity. These minor French theorists have had a disastrous effect on American education.

Most of this country's academic leftists are no more radical than my Aunt Hattie. Sixties radicals rarely went on to graduate school; if they did, they often dropped out. If they made it through, they had trouble getting a job and keeping it. They remain mavericks, isolated, off-center. Today's academic leftists are strutting wannabes, timorous nerds who missed the 60's while they were grade-grubbing in the library and brown-nosing the senior faculty. Their politics came to them late, secondhand and special delivery via the Parisian import craze of the 70's.

By what retrograde lace-curtain shrinking from reality did our academics look to spinsterish French notions of the "decentered subject"? Of course the French felt decentered: they had just been crushed by Germany. American G.I.'s got shot up rescuing France when she was lying flat on her face under the Nazi boot. Hence it is revolting to see pampered American academics down on their knees kissing French egos.

Lacan, Derrida and Foucault are the perfect prophets for the weak, anxious academic personality, trapped in verbal formulas and perennially defeated by circumstance. They offer a self-exculpating cosmic explanation for the normal professorial state of resentment, alienation, dithery passivity and inaction...The 70's French fad was a flight from 60's truths, a reactionary escape into false abstraction and rationalism, masquerading as distrust of reason.

>> No.23344439

God I hate neocons
I think paglia has actually said that she's disappointed people "betrayed the true spirit of the 60s". She's basically a Vatican 2 apologist but for hippies/progressives. Just a verbose hippy psychoanalyst tranny(but in a heckin based way). It's strange how conservatives flock to her.

>> No.23344463

I'm torn. Naomi Wolf turned out to be based and antivax. That paranoia eventually served her well. Like Camille says, Naomi IS intelligent. Just ill served by bad academic habits.

>> No.23344475

Where's your 700 page book on the history of art you utter faggot.

>> No.23344510

what a fucking repellent writing style. I couldnt even get through that page jesus christ

>> No.23344572

This is really the unforgivable thing about her. She writes like the English language murdered her parents and she's dedicated her life to getting revenge. Academics are sovlless careerist retards and the furthest things from /lit/, you'd be better off quoting loansharks and fent dealers.

>> No.23344622

Naomi Klein is the hot one, right?

>> No.23344773
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>> No.23345578

>These minor French theorists have had a disastrous effect on American education.


>> No.23345598

One of the best arguments against Constin Almarui and his Bronze Age catamites (and the rest of the red scare podcast ethos) is that they take this silly woman so seriously

>> No.23345617

Let's be honest, it's "based" because it happens to be written by a female academic. Apart from that it's perfectly generic "postmodern french theory is le bad". Also,
>um, Miss, um
what the fuck is that? Reads like a vice article.

>> No.23345937

One of the best arguments for Costin Alamariu and his modern-day basileis is that they were not filtered by this woman.

>> No.23347046

>Sontagpill is le BASED!
>Pagliamaxxing is CRINGE!!1!!!1!

Ok then

>> No.23348630
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And both wrecked by the milky madness of my mother-making, slut-sloshing, tit-tossing jizz-javelins!

>> No.23348673

She's making fun of a verbal tic.

>> No.23349972

>Costin Alamariu


>> No.23349982

A dude who's been shilling himself around here lately. That's probably him. You're probably him.

>> No.23350041


>> No.23351478

>Art is a vast, ancient interconnected web-work, a fabricated tradition. Overconcentration on any one point is a distortion. Only small minds fail to see patterns and wholes.