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File: 445 KB, 2038x2048, Dennis Wilson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23341113 No.23341113 [Reply] [Original]

Dead white boy edition.

Previous: >>23338292

>> No.23341117

I no longer have interest in gooning

>> No.23341125

I second guess things that should be obvious to me, especially things about myself.

>Do i really like reading or am i just larping?
>Could i get good at this thing or is thst just a fairy tale fantasy? Do i posses the necessary strenght of character?
>Can i do the things that people normally do? Am i retarded?

This might be a result of living in complete social recluse since age 15. I spent entirety of my adult life in my own head so i don't know anything about the material realities and myself.

The last time i had a conversation with a friend was six years ago.

There really isn't a single reason to watch porn. It's almost as much of a scam as taxes. The idea that you do either for a real cause and effect reason is just retarded.

>> No.23341134

>There really isn't a single reason to watch porn.
It makes jorking my pensdis feel so much better and the girls are oh so cute.

>> No.23341138


>> No.23341140

I am only ever happy when I have a gf. It's not even the sex. I just like being near her and having someone to talk to, on a level that is different from the talk I conduct with my brother and father, even though I am super close to both of them too.

>> No.23341143

That's strange, because when I was living in the Netherlands, a nominally Protestant country, Catholic masses had lots of young people and most Protestant churches were dead. I did go to a mass at Wuppertal and that was fairly populated, but also that whole town was kinda weird.

> I don't think calvinism will disappear, but I also don't think it's relevant.
I'd prefer if it didn't dissappear. I guess I'm vocalizing my anxieties about your tradition. While Calvinism is obviously not an instutional body, there are instutional churches within that tradition and some of them are really struggling. Presbyterians and the Dutch Reformed Church come to mind in particular. Still, mea culpa.

> ordained priesthood seems ad hoc
Not from the historical sources I've read, but ymmv because I don't expect people to go through all that stuff. Imo though I think the succession through the apostles for that priesthood is apparent in Acts.

>> No.23341145
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It's been a rough 11 months but I finally have my novel in a good place.

>> No.23341146


>> No.23341151

Girls, females, women, same thing.

>> No.23341152

I have a code for Fallout 76 on XBOX that I wanna give out but I don't know a fair way of doing it.

>> No.23341154

Penis-less human beans.

>> No.23341155

Of all the constantinian doctrines, apostolistic succession was always the least convincing to me. It seemed at least in the middle ages that it turned the church into nothing more than a hereditary monarchy of sorts.

>> No.23341164

You get it.

>> No.23341174


>> No.23341176

Started lusting after a woman so hard on the bus today that I nearly lost my shit and I think I started crying. I think I need help or sex or something.

>> No.23341178

I cannot get hard without touch it. It started bothering me. Why cannot I get hard when I see a pretty young woman who is inducing dirty thoughts in my head?
I just want to feel like a horny 16 year old again.

>> No.23341185

why do you church boys congregate in this sinful place to have your church talk?

>> No.23341188

How old are you? I'm 20 and I think my libido has probably reached its peak, but it sucks that I'm a khv and have to go through this torment basically daily.

>> No.23341196

Get sex, dude. I'm 32 and I regret not putting more effort into getting sex earlier in my life.

>> No.23341201
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What if it's all a form of pareidolia? What if the meaning I believe I am understanding is just something I made up and projected onto what I saw? What if none of it was real? What if there are unknowable things going on behind the walls? What if the answers I'm trying to find are incomprehensible to human intellects? What if those answers are dangerous to attempt to grasp? What if you can think yourself out of the safe comfortable confines of human intellection and end up in some dark place where strange things leer from the heights? What if none of this is even happening? What if I look too hard and something looks back?

>> No.23341202

I'm 21 and I just don't understand why I'd actively go looking for sex? It's not gonna last long, it's gonna be a lot of effort to get, and I'm gonna leave them disappointed which will make me feel shitty. I can just sit here at my computer and jerk off, it doesn't matter how long it lasts, it's easy, and no one will be disappointed.

>> No.23341207

Because one day you will be too old to experience young sex.

>> No.23341211

Every place is a sinful place in this fallen world

>> No.23341216

I already have one failed attempt, but I'll try again soon

>> No.23341219

Oh no? If I don't care about sex now then it's safe to assume that I won't care about it in 15 years.

>> No.23341220

three coworkers called me skinny today. I was already lean but started a suicide cut a few weeks ago, because I want to write something about a guy who starves himself to death at work and I need to know what it feels like. a little but more. more bone and vein.

>> No.23341224

I thought exactly like you did at your age.
A decade later I regret it all.
I should have fucked all the sluts that wanted some.
I should have indulged in all opportunities.
Instead I wanted to remain pure for the pure soul mate that was supposed to come into my life.
Shit never happened.

>> No.23341229
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>I should have fucked all the sluts that wanted some.
Believe me, there are no women who want to fuck me, and even if there were, I wouldn't know where to find them, dating apps definitely don't work. For context, I'm 6'1", skinny-fat but trying to lose a little weight, have the same hair and beard as picrel and have a 4-inch phimosis penis.

>> No.23341240
File: 199 KB, 1224x551, 1714219880915856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I sit down after a long, strange, gay day to drink this now cold, ass-tasting coffee I've been looking forward to for hours, I realize how much I appreciate this board.

>> No.23341246
File: 550 KB, 1200x1279, Francis Bacon (1954) - Figure with Meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've resorted to /soc/ and I am ashamed. I just want someone like >(You)

>> No.23341260
File: 23 KB, 800x450, 1713950178372818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just not interested in sex. Sorry.

>> No.23341266
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Webster... where is "further" and "farther" in your dictionary? What's up with that? Are they real words? Are they novel concepts of recent times?
>on-going (n.)
Someone changed it to an adjective!? Fuckery has no boundaries nowadays. Reject modern dictionaries.

>> No.23341272
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>> No.23341279

Sometimes parents consider their children important.

>> No.23341283

Feeling like I missed out always has this way of creeping up on me. I shake it off, get over it, but a month later it worms into my mind and I brood a while before I move on again.

>> No.23341292

I broke up with my gf of 3 years two months ago (she lost interest), I am good with being alone, but no friends, no family, no kids, and being 30 already takes its toll and its getting harder day by day to deal with it. I just miss sharing my life with someone.. but who would want to be with a broke, lone, failed artist? I feel like I already depleted my chances with women. To be fair, it could be much worse, yet I still yearn for some company.

>> No.23341294

I mean the apostles either had the authority to teach or they didn't. If they didn't, then who they taught and sent out doesn't matter, but Christ clearly gives that teaching authority.

/his/ is a shit heap and every other site is either gay shit or vapid boomer theo.


>> No.23341342

Giving authority is interesting. I would say the fallacy here is that the authority is somehow 1) institutionalized and 2) heritable as such. That the authority is then kept exclusive to the institution is an even bigger problem. It really bothers me to learn about the medevial Church executing people for preaching the gospel.
I think the Day of Pentecost shows that the Holy Spirit can descend upon people freely. I don't think the Holy Spirit is kept corralled in an institution like that.

>> No.23341350

I wish I could go to college in the US and have the college experience, it's just not the same here in Australia, there is no "uni experience". I mean, I'm probably too old to have a college experience anyway considering I'm 21 and most freshmen in college are what, 18? 19?

>> No.23341364

College experience is a meme. Just about everyone I know has so much regret about college.

>> No.23341373

Sometimes I'm thinking about writing a short story collection with stories I've heard as a child in Poland. Some folk wisdom, some religious stories, also some ghost stories. Do you think something like this would be interesting? It at least seems more realistic to do than writing a full novel.

>> No.23341393
File: 361 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240430_192748_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably actually look like this guy. Scraggly and scruffy

>> No.23341398

I absolutely agree about the Holy Spirit, but I don't thinm we should conflate that with teaching. Quite the opposite. The Holy Spirit is accessible to us all, but we're not all called to be pastors. Being a teacher taken as proof positive of an indwelling of the Holy Spirit is dangerous.

I went to the Netherlands when I was 25 and my classmates were like 20. Had the time of my life. Don't let your memes be dreams.

>> No.23341408

women love this guy because he's funny

>> No.23341425

My forehead is a lot smaller and all of my hair is a lot more full. That guy probably looks fine after a shower but that picture does not serve him well.

>> No.23341432

>I went to the Netherlands when I was 25 and my classmates were like 20. Had the time of my life. Don't let your memes be dreams.
I'm also a high school dropout, lmao. I couldn't get into a college if I wanted to.

>> No.23341436

Try seasonal work somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Requires no education and you can sometimes even go abroad. Not exactly the same thing but it will get you exposed to new people and new ideas.

>> No.23341441

Getting a work visa is pretty hard unless you're doing specialty work (I think it's called) which requires a degree.

>> No.23341448

name top 5 books and I'll date you

>> No.23341449

That's how he always looks. I was so repulsed by him that I didn't watch his videos for a long time. Then I realized he was funny and made racist jokes so I'm on board now.

>> No.23341450

How the fuck do you die like he did, If you are swimming just surface, did he black out or some shit

>> No.23341460

If you're American just go to community college

>> No.23341461

He was drinking.

>> No.23341462

Some work visas are handed out like candy bro. America is a feeding frenzy of Indian sharks that smelled poo in the water

>> No.23341463


>> No.23341469

They're not gonna hand out a work visa to a guy like me who is a high school dropout with no real skills, lol, I appreciate your replies though.

>> No.23341472
File: 610 KB, 1115x1102, IMG_8153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many of us foolishly view the individual desire for change in one's life as this "beacon from high above", coming from an unknowable source, not to be questioned, only to be waited for. And so we descend into hedonism because there is never some strong internal impulse to get your life together. Well I am here to say that such a view is bunk. If something as simple as drinking coffee on an empty stomach can radically alter my emotional attitude towards everything, then surely all of my internal drives are similarly grounded in reality, physical and beholden to the same rules. So instead of waiting for that "magic signal" recognize that such a thing will almost never arrive, and that one must create the drive within themselves. Because being a shitty hikkikomori fucking sucks and is a straight path to misery and suicide.
Determine rationally what one values, and then make yourself want it. Your internal drives are flawed and foolish. Disregard them.
Some examples of how the driving impulse is not to be worshipped: gambling has none of its infamous pull until you start playing and losing. A videogame only starts becoming exciting once you've felt it challenge you. Working out becomes way more enticing once you've already done it.
You need to force yourself into it, and once you're in, it becomes way easier. Recognize the bounded mechanisms of your brain. Make a better, less naive strategy.

>> No.23341477

yeah still, I find it hard to believe you just black out like that

>> No.23341484

I think the most reasonable explanation is that since he was arguing with his wife that day, he really wanted to get her shit back to make it up to her, so, after having a bit too much to drink, he swam down to retrieve it but accidentally went a bit further than he should've and just didn't have enough time to swim back to the surface, especially considering the state he was in. I don't think there's a grand conspiracy behind it, and I'm not claiming that you do either, I just think it was a bit of drunken foolishness.

>> No.23341490


>> No.23341498

Also, I just double-checked to make sure I wasn't sounding like a complete retard and saw that he was going after shit that was thrown overboard three years prior to the day he died. I change my answer to it being that he probably swam a little deeper than he should've and that he was probably searching for a lot longer than he should've been.

>> No.23341507

i use the internet a lot so the only personality i experience from people is hate

>> No.23341520

i fucking hate work. i hate it. i hate being away from my dog. i have fake socializing. i hate permanently being a slave to schedules. i hate not having time for friends. i hate it. i dont care how childish and pathetic it is. this is shit its shit it sucks.

>> No.23341524

Just fly to Tijuana and walk over the border

>> No.23341529

Hey, I'm only a humble community college graduate. Go easy on me

>> No.23341535

Bitch ass nigger faggot fuck you

>> No.23341551
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People said university would be the greatest days of my life but I just go into class, dont talk to anyone and go home most days.

>> No.23341553

90% of people shouldn't use the internet. especially normtards.

>> No.23341557

at least you're tall

>> No.23341562

Thats most people dawg. I do the same and just have fun outside of college

>> No.23341569 [DELETED] 

Thats just a myth made up by the professors to lure in naive young women.

>> No.23341575

Harry potter 1-5

>> No.23341578

In what order

>> No.23341579


>> No.23341582

Shit taste

>> No.23341589

Ew I dodged a bullet

>> No.23341602


>> No.23341613

5 is just whiny Harry going through an emo phase. It's only upside is the better world building and more sophsitcated plot, even if it is slow and drags on. 4 is peak where Harry is more complex, but the storyline is still charming and magical

>> No.23341619

That's awesome, anon, congrats and well-done.

>> No.23341648

I hate Israel but I love watching delusional college protestors get beaten by cops. I feel very conflicted

>> No.23341653

Eh, am I though? Feels pretty average to me.

>> No.23341680

I could never get with a chick who has a dad.

>> No.23341718

You might enjoy black women then

>> No.23341724

i wish women liked me.

>> No.23341725

Same anon, same

>> No.23341728
File: 110 KB, 950x497, 875856785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy doing hard physical labor as it distracts from the fact that I am a tax slave for the zionists.

The same zionists who are carrying out a genocide against my people in Jesus Christ in the Holy Land.

The Bible says a man who does not provide for his own household is worse than a nonbeliever.

>> No.23341729

Not with that trip you won’t

>> No.23341791

Man I guess I’m screwed then

>> No.23341838
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>> No.23341845

There are some hot ones. Not in my country, but there are some hot ones. There also aren't many who have the type of personality that I'm looking for either.

>> No.23341850

Family isn't the most important thing, people only think it is because they've been brainwashed into thinking that, they never think otherwise because why would they? It would be stupid and insulting to think otherwise. In reality though, family are just friends who you happen to share blood with, that's it, and sometimes they aren't even good friends, sometimes they suck balls.

>> No.23341851

I wonder whether my contrarian instincts stem from being the person who always got ganged up on in family arguments ever since I was a child. Nobody ever stood up for me, I only ever had myself to rely on. The majority was always wrong, irrational, and authoritarian in their arguments. Nobody cared what I had to say, and even if they did listen, they practically never understood me, and even when they did, they pretended not to understand it to defend their points, and when they couldn't do so, they just resorted to ad hominems or appeals to authority. It was all futile. Sociologists usually say that the youngest member of the family is always the most spoiled and most beloved, but in my case it only meant being everyone's punching bag because they all knew I possessed the least means to do anything about it. It and my school experiences did cause me to grow up extremely cynical of other people, so I guess at the very least I got that out of the way as early as possible.

>> No.23341853

I was the oldest but that was literally me growing up, only it also extended past my family into school.

>> No.23341854


There is honest work for those willing to find it, I'm a construction worker myself.

Lucky for me there are plenty of jobs that no one else really wants to work.

>> No.23341865

4chan archives are proof that i existed

>> No.23341867

Different anon but I wish I could drive, seriously, I could have a job already if I did, I wouldn't care what it is, I'd do factory work for fucks sake. I hate how much this world revolves around cars.

>> No.23341879

Same (the anon who he’s responding to)

>> No.23341890


I don't have an issue walking to work, have walked an hour and back to construction offices just to get work.

You can take the bus, hire/catch a ride or carpool, where there is a will there is a way. Diligence is a virtue.

Lived in the big city and walked everywhere, even in car-focused places I've walked on the grass.

It is good exercise, just like doing hard physical labor. Have thought about getting a bike.

>> No.23341891

One day I came to the realization that I was bisexual, and after a prolonged meditation, decided to be straight.

>> No.23341927

I'm not gonna wake up 2 hours earlier than I have to just to walk to work.

>> No.23341970


You don't have to, but I have a responsibility to the people I love and to the Lord.

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

1 Timothy 5:8

>> No.23341983

Someone once told me that a true measure of intelligence is being able to get what you want out of life. I've acquired all the skills and resources I need to pursue my dream, but I'm too young to destroy myself pursuing some juvenile fantasy. I'm tired of waking up in the morning and feeling that this isn't what I should be doing.

>> No.23341990

The Beach Boys > The Beatles

>> No.23342014

Why? People are doing something good for once in their life and you hate them for it? Why? Because they are more privileged than you?

>> No.23342016

So much for the moral superiority of the western world. I used to believe in that lie, lol.

>> No.23342018

What is your juvenile fantasy?

>> No.23342022


>> No.23342025

new music > old music

>> No.23342091

I made my father cry yesterday, I feel subhuman.

>> No.23342094

But it's not a visceral self-disgust what is affecting me. I think the lack of a strong reaction is part of what makes me feel subhuman.

>> No.23342101

What happened?
Did you announce your new pronouns?

>> No.23342114

No, I told him I was not actually ever trans and I just castrated myself to spite him. She cried tears of joy.
But in all seriousness, we just had a discussion over college. (Not U.S version of college, for the record). It got pretty heated.

>> No.23342127


>> No.23342149

The grown-up version of that is political activism or investigative journalism.

>> No.23342154

I just can't stick to things even if I'm enjoying them. For example, I started learning HTML last week because I wanted to complete the first challenge on hackthissite, so I went to the website that they suggested and I learnt just enough to be able to complete the challenge, it was fun, I enjoyed doing HTML and I enjoyed completing the challenge. I haven't touched HTML since. I'm by no means good at it, I just learn enough to complete the challenge, there's so much more to learn but despite me enjoying it and despite me wanting to learn to program for basically my entire life, I just gave up, I can't bring myself to keep learning it, I don't know why. This has happened with everything I've tried to learn.
>I start learning it.
>I enjoy learning it.
>I stop learning it.
>I never touch it again.
I just can't stay committed to something, I fucking hate myself.

>> No.23342163

I know how you feel. It sucks to have something beneficial to you, which you truly enjoy, only to refuse it for no reason and spend your time doing things you hate instead. I have no clue why I am like this, nor how to fix it. I don't think there's even any way to fix it other than to just force myself to do it, but to me discipline is a very limited resource.

>> No.23342238
File: 549 KB, 2415x667, 1714544580873628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't talk enough about how cosplay gossip forums, all of them derived from /cgl/, have evolved into a radical feminist subculture all its own.

>> No.23342258

I'm more interested in the accountability of making people pay for their crimes. I think some of the systems we have in place are so corroded that there isn't really any option but to dismantle them using extrajudicial and possibly violent means.

>> No.23342270

For whatever reason, I can't shake the feeling that some of Arno Breker's male statues have goofy faces. I assume they are meant to look intimidating, or martial, or something.
But they sometimes just look constipated or vaguely concerned.

>> No.23342273

Lol Israel is now literally sending thugs to start beating up US college students.

Just call it the United States of Cucked Israeli Slaves already.

>> No.23342293

Extra-judicial punishment usually meant/means violence. Regardless, no mob can ever be a good jury.

>> No.23342307
File: 8 KB, 225x225, Damn bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just call it the United States of Cucked Israeli Slaves already.

>> No.23342322

>never had romantic/platonic relationship with a woman, khhv etc
>talking to girl from a class im in
>things getting weirdly romantic in my head
>she starts dropping weird messages and comments about the way I look/dress
>not sure if desperate incel mindset making me believe she is attracted to me or if she really does
>today she asks me to give her a ride home
>no real life friends or job atm so say ok
>do it
>before she gets out tells me to wait
>comes back out with a little togo box of danishes and croissants
>hands them to me
>says its to thank me for being nice
>get home
>has a handwritten note saying how much she cares about me and how happy our time together makes her
>cry for the next 45 minutes because no human on earth has ever shown me anything close to this level of kindness before
i wish i had the emotional/social skillset to handle this situation

>> No.23342333

You do, it's just your first time using it so you have to be careful while you figure things out, don't overdo anything, and I mean ANYTHING. Just act normal, and don't you dare fuck this up, don't you fucking dare, the amount of people who would kill to be in your situation right now is astronomical.

>> No.23342336

fuck you, I hate you so much,
but I'm also happy for you

>> No.23342337

I would commit warcrimes to be in your position.

>> No.23342344

what an odd post. Begins reading like a standardized doomer /pol/fag post then twists itself into a weirdly erotic femcel power fantasy and deluded grasp of the progression of human civilization/culture from pre-history, and then ends with an extra erotic fantasy exposition.

>> No.23342349

let me guess, you're 6'1

>> No.23342357

>I started learning HTML last week
>I haven't touched HTML since
Dude just pick it up again, it's only been a week.

>> No.23342358

Meh, don't seethe.
Drop a rock on something.

>> No.23342367

Friend of a friend spent all his spare time and most of his money trying to become irl Batman. So he had all these high tech crime fighting gadgets, knew a ton of different martial arts, etc. The end goal was to take justice into his own hands, not sure if he ever did anything with it though

>> No.23342374

i am 6'3 yes however i am also a bit overweight and my face is extremely ugly
im basically an ogre

>> No.23342384

A lot of women think Shrek is hot, "kindly ogre" is a good angle to work

>> No.23342395

Camilla: You, sir, should unmask.
Stranger: Indeed?
Cassilda: Indeed it's time. We all have laid aside disguise but you.
Stranger: I wear no mask.
Camilla: (Terrified, aside to Cassilda.) No mask? No mask!

>> No.23342404

I often feel like Orwell just really, really hated catholicism and all of his political opinions are downstream from him never being able to get over his anti-catholic angloid instincts. Whenever he is talking about "totalitarianism", what he is actually talking about is catholicism. That's why he didn't give a fuck about who is it that he fought for in the spanish civil war as long as his bourgeois ass got to play soldier against the spanish clergy and rural peasants.

>> No.23342409

Actually true, the amount of bigger guys, uglier guys who I see pulling good-looking women is crazy.

>> No.23342415

I want to, I just can't bring myself to. I get intimidated by the time it takes to learn things, I guess. And yes, I know it doesn't take long to get good at HTML, only a few weeks if you're consistent, but after HTML, I wanna learn Java, and I know how fucking long that takes even when you're consistent and it more or less "scares me".

>> No.23342416

yeah, but at least you're big, that matter for females


>> No.23342418

>I often feel like Orwell just really, really hated catholicism
Based if true.

>> No.23342423

>clergy and peasants on the same team
Big doubt.

>> No.23342424
File: 275 KB, 433x520, Blanka shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna play SFVI but I'm broke...

>> No.23342430

>Listening to old JPOP songs on a music mix video
>Hip Hop song starts playing.
Fuck this.
Laugh all you want, but the peasants did in fact like Jesus. Communist propaganda aside.

>> No.23342437

>Laugh all you want, but the peasants did in fact like Jesus
I come from a region and from a family where people are simultaneously both very religious and also quite anti-clerical.
Clerics, especially Catholic ones, abuse their power way too often.

>> No.23342445

Not all regions were like that, you know. I come from a region were they were very much in the same side.

>> No.23342454


>> No.23342462

I know multiple fat tall guys with really hot gfs. Not even average, but downright hot.
Being really tall is a huge advantage.

>> No.23342465

Same, used to work with a Chris Farley looking guy who was pushing 6'4", he had a wife to come to every day

>> No.23342498

You'll see it in every single country town here in Australia, the tall fat guy with the mullet and moustache who pulls hot chicks with ease.

>> No.23342500

im not saying ur wrong but this definitely hasnt been my experience in life, that said i was also much fatter than I am now as a youth so that almost certainly contributed to the issue

all this stuff aside i appreciate the kind words from you guys, ill try not to sperg it up too much.

>> No.23342502

Of course rural people had issues with the clergy, that's just how real life organizations work, but their issues paled in comparison to the threat of atheistic bougie city boys coming down to the countryside to pillage and murder.

>> No.23342519

>ill try not to sperg it up too much.
Don't sperg it up at all, if you're ever thinking of doing something and the questions "Is this the wrong thing to do?" crosses your mind, it is, don't do it.

>> No.23342535

Historically, they always were. Communism and liberalism has always been an urban and middle-class thing. If you look at the reformation, the English civil war, the French revolution, the 1848 revolutions, or the Russian revolution, they all showed clear class dynamics of team aristocracy/church/peasantry vs. team capitalist city-dwelling bourgeoisie.

>> No.23342538

Oh I’ve taken public transportation before

>> No.23342544

Modern content recommendation algorithms have enabled society wide peer pressure.

>> No.23342545

>in comparison to the threat of atheistic bougie city boys coming down to the countryside to pillage and murder.
Huh? My Catholic relatives supported the (atheist) socialists when it came down to it. They gave us jobs, education, healthcare, housing and lifted us out of poverty.
The priests wanted to keep us toiling the lands and kissing their rings like a fucking 3rd world country.

>> No.23342547
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Personally I don’t give like one anon said I don’t like Israel but seeing college students get beat gives me some personal satisfaction

>> No.23342551

>crusty old faggots complaining about high schoolers and college kids on the internet
Is there a more pathetic phenomenon on this site?

>> No.23342558

that thought goes through my head about 40 times a day so it will be hard to put into practice but ill keep it in mind

>> No.23342564

There is a precedent for that, but in the Middle Ages it was the merchants who gave the rural populace jobs. And we know that communism came out of liberalism which came out from the middle class which came out of vagabond merchants, a good portion of whom were Jews.

>> No.23342565

Who do you think you're fooling lmao

>> No.23342571

lol, you’re mad. Go take your hrt zoomie, and dilate.

>> No.23342573

>le trannies, le zoomies, le hrt, le dilate

>> No.23342574

What song is on your mind, /lit/?
These two tracks have been in my mind for so long, I'm convinced that the singer has bewitched me.

>> No.23342591

You know what's more? It was Napoleon who first broke the hold of the Clerics over my people. God bless his soul.

>> No.23342592

I hate normies.
My roommated complained that i don't do enough chores around the house. I asked them to list things they would like me to do and how often should these be performed. They just got mad at the idea of listing them down, called me an autist and threw a hissy fit over the fact that i can't telepathically infer their wants and needs.

They also tried to make it my problem whereas it's not. The living space i occupy and use is squeaky clean and i do my own laundry. If they want me to start taking care of the communal parts of our living arrangement they have to actually tell me to.

Also i'm not a NEET and pay rent.
I know i'm "in the wrong" on the account of opposing normans but yeah just had to vent a bit

>> No.23342593

you're focusing on the results much more than on the process

>> No.23342599

>americans pay rent to live with faggot normies
Do you ever leave dirty dishes in the sink? Do they? If you don't and they do, you won the argument.

>> No.23342600


>> No.23342602

I’m aware despite being American. I read history books constantly.

>> No.23342604

Bend them over and give them a good ass fucking. Will sort them right out.

>> No.23342609

Normies always expect you to read minds. Females are the worst with this and I can’t count the number of times I fucked up because my then girlfriends expected me to mind read.

>> No.23342619

Yeah, I guess I do that a little bit.

>> No.23342628

That's your fault for living with strangers, you can't say you didn't ask for this. I'd rather die before I have a roommate.

>> No.23342635

I have an exam today. It is nearly 2am. I have not studied at all. Why study? Its pointless. I dont care. What can a subhuman do with good grades in tax accounting? There are whole realms of normal human life that normal people inherently experience that only exist for me as abstract concepts. They will always be abstract concepts. My distress at this grows and grows. A life in such a state is not worth living. Nothing can be done to resolve this and make it worth it. Yet I still havent killed myself. Pathetic, faggy whining and complaining. I am far, far too vain. Maybe I will still be writing this drivel in 10 years. Life isnt worth it! Suicide! Soon! Yet it never happens. I dont seem to get any closer to resolving this at all. Purgatory of vanity.
Realms of normal life? Relationships with other people. Friends. Going outside. Any sort of interaction at all with the opposite sex. Utterly incomprehensible! I must be profoundly mentally ill. Lower than the lowest bug. Indisputably subhuman. At least im not alone. There are plently of other subhumans in this very thread! I love you because it seems like only you know what its like. I hate you because your posts remind me of what a broken down wreck I am. For a moment I regard you with mocking scorn and demeaning pity. Thats how other people must see me. All i can seem to do stand around silently, a 2d cutout of a person, and cry to myself in private like a pussy. Sent from my fucking iphone.

>> No.23342637

Dishwashing dutied are switched on a weekly basis and i have yet to dip on that responsibility.

I have literally 0 issue with doing chores, they just need to tell me what needs to be done
The core of the argument is that they won't list things down and just expect me to do them out of "common sense".

I wSn't being an ass about it either. I literally went "Yes, i am retarded, i do need to have a list of basic shit like that, sorry. Please just oblige me here" and they just got even more pissed off.

>> No.23342639

"The college experience" Depends so much on how you interact with your time in university that its really just a "forced to be around people with a minimal common interest" experience. Sure you can form bonds and explore interests and have cool experiences, if you are already the type that can get themselves to do those things in general. Maybe try doing some community college courses in a subject you are interested in and find out if you are the type to exploit what a school environment has to offer before making any kind of commitment to student loans or moving to another country.

>> No.23342646

>sharing a living space with fucking normies

>> No.23342658

That doesn't have to be all you do though. The "college experience" is what you make of it. Just like most situations people find themselves in.

>> No.23342661

Nothing is true.

>> No.23342662

nah. it's what the college experience makes of you. if you're an unsexual dork, it's over.

>> No.23342665

Just bee yourself

>> No.23342671

>In reality though, family are just friends who you happen to share blood with, that's it, and sometimes they aren't even good friends, sometimes they suck balls.
Ok but how does this mean that family isn't the most important thing? You would think that people's programming would at least be challenged when confronted with the stark reality of what family is (like you think you have), so why don't they see it? Is it possible that those people that believe family is the most important thing see something that you don't? Or are you the only person capable of seeing things others miss?

>> No.23342674

I dont even see why they're mad. You seem entirely reasonable.

>> No.23342677

Of course you do. You are me.

>> No.23342682

My father is insistent that while I'm in medical school I have children. He could hypothetically support me during these times so I don't have to worry about financial assistants, but I'm unsure if I could take care of my wife during these times. What do /lit/?

>> No.23342687

Delusional pussy defeatist mentality. No wonder its not going well for you.

>> No.23342691

Delusional faggot

>> No.23342695

Nobody cares about your faggot normie problems

>> No.23342698

Every stick has two ends so maybe i appear like an uberautists who doesn't get the most basic of basics,but yeah it trips me out too.

I'm willing to compromise or whatever but they refuse to give me concise demands

>> No.23342708

Same fag

>> No.23342709

>medical school
>financial assistants
Weak larp.

>> No.23342727

>I'm willing to compromise or whatever but they refuse to give me concise demands
Fuck em, if they don't want to do something that will take at most five minutes then they don't deserve any help. Why should you help them if they're not even gonna help you?

This is how I imagine it is living with male roommates, it sounds like hell.


>> No.23342754

Depends. What race are you?

>> No.23342759

Why does that matter?

>> No.23342765

How do leftists/anarchists reconcile their distaste for hierarchy with the contemporary western dating market where the hierarchy of physical attractiveness is so blatant?

>> No.23342774

Ok I get you guys may think I'm b8ing you but I'm black

>> No.23342782

They talk about "pretty privilege" and how beauty standards are made up by western racists

>> No.23342783

African or American?

>> No.23342787

>beauty standards are made up by western racists
That's not even false. Hollywood clearly plays a huge role in certain beauty standards.
But there is also such a thing as natural beauty and natural ugliness.

>> No.23342788

Which is dumb because the preference for white and blonde or let's say racially neutral aryan traits is hardwired and probably ontological

>> No.23342793

son of an Afr immigrant

>> No.23342804

makes sense, desu, I would have kids, early on, like your father advises, it will work better in the long term

>> No.23342818
File: 2.39 MB, 720x404, Diplomatic Victory.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there are women who seriously are arguing they'd rather encounter a bear than a man because the man is statistically more dangerous
>When you point out that this is a fallacy, they argue that i should instead listen to "why" they believe this, even though it's fallacious
i try to keep my misogyny to a minimum, why do they make it so hard on me?

>> No.23342825

What're some pros & cons I should consider before having children early on though? I'm afraid that I'm walking into something which I may regret; this isn't to say I don't want kids at a young age though.

>> No.23342839

I met a guy who is a firefighter and a woman who is a school teacher in my city. They said their house was for sale and I should buy it. I have a good job, so I looked. They have the house listed for $620k. It’s a modest 4 br 1.5 ba home built in the 1920s. It struck me how insane this was that these people could get into an over half a million dollar house but I’m living at home into my 30s and effectively locked out of the market. When you see and hear shit like this along with statistics about how boomers have all the wealth or the average age of congress, you realize the United States is a bonafide gerontocracy.

>> No.23342842

1. Your kids will turn out healthier, taller, more intelligent.
2. You will still be young to enjoy them as adults and to enjoy your future grandchildren.

>> No.23342845

>Which is dumb because the preference for white and blonde or let's say racially neutral aryan traits is hardwired and probably ontological

It's not.

>> No.23342847

It doesn’t matter. There’s no reason not to and no reason to wait. Men can have healthy children through their 30s and 40s. The question is more about your wife and if she’s healthy. Obviously, if you’re not married there’s no reason to rush into marriage for kids. You’re going to be a doctor ffs. Somehow, I think you’ll find a woman that will want your kids. If you are married, go ahead and have them, or don’t. You have time either way.

>> No.23342848

Oh shut the fuck up. The US is a relatively young country. Come to Yurope if you want to experience a gerontocracy.

>> No.23342849

It is in normal times but not in these times. These are times of selfish people with diverging interests. The family isn’t the basic unit of society and people behave that way.

>> No.23342852

It is, there's no possible world where doughy abo women are everybody's hardwired preference, sad as it is to say.

>> No.23342855

It’s only relatively young in the Southwest because of the millions of Hispanics. Look up the median age of most U.S. states. It’s 40s to 60s.

Besides, being young or not young is not a gerontocracy is you illiterate. A gerontocracy is when old people have all the power.

>> No.23342860


What makes white features more attractive than east-asian features?
It's just the halo effect. Whites are currently the master race so looking white gives you a boost in status and you become more attractive.

If China was the centre of the world and the Chinese were the dominant race, I'm very certain that people would start considering Chinese features to be more attractive.

>> No.23342865

It's 65 in Germany.

>> No.23342869
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Wrong, it's the other way around: whites are the master race because they exemplify aryan features. I settled for racially neutral aryan features, btw, nothing stopping a black man or woman from having these ratios

>> No.23342870

>Missing the point this hard
On my literature forum?

>> No.23342872

>A gerontocracy is when old people have all the power.
That is exactly what I implied. That is even more true in European politics. Do you know why Europe is falling so much behind the US, economically? Because of all the old fucks. Everything in Europe is geared towards serving these old ass nappy wearers.

>> No.23342876

There is no causality to your argument. It's just stupid.

>> No.23342880
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Thats gonna be the norm everywhere
just look at south korea and japan

>> No.23342882

>any gender understanding statistics
People are fucking retarded, and statistics being used as probability is an extension of that principle

>> No.23342887


Are you retarded? I said something about wealth and power dynamics and this retard thought the median age of a place on the other side of a continent was somehow a refutation.

No, it’s not retard. In fact, it would be almost impossible to have a gerontocracy if a country were very old. The median or average age or how relatively young a country is have absolutely fucking nothing to do with what I said.

Why do you come to a literature board if you are this stupid? Read more.

>> No.23342894

Look, women do not reason like men do. They don’t have a sound sense of the reality of things. Even if they did, they will say bullshit just to get a reaction out of you. This is how women are, how they’ve always been, and how they always will be. That’s exactly why it’s total insanity to elect them PM or let them run companies.

>> No.23342895
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>seething ugly mutt
Don't argue in counterfactuals next time. Whites are the master race because they exemplify the aryan phenotype, just like non-white ethnicities with this phenotype are also naturally dominant within their own race, people don't prefer the aryan phenotype because whites are dominant. That's just nonsensical cartoon logic.

>> No.23342899

non-white individuals*

>> No.23342902

Stop calling others stupid if you are the bigger idiot.

>> No.23342907


>> No.23342910
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>uh uh uh it's because her skin is a different hex code that people naturally prefer the woman on the left!!!!
Get real

>> No.23342911

I feel like shit. I have very strange symptoms. I don’t even know what to do about this short of going to the ER for an IV, which I cannot afford.

>> No.23342915

Normies brutally select ugly incel dorks out of the sex market and then they hire simps like this to gaslight suckers about the existence of innate preferences

>> No.23342917

The other anon is wrong. Focus on med school and getting your own practice. Don't even consider breeding until you're at least 35. Same with your wife.

>> No.23342919

Honestly, I'd be more concerned about encountering a human myself. Most black bears will avoid you while humans can be absolute psycho

>> No.23342922

>worst korea
>birth rate <1
>unironic gender war
>shit like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR-gtbPOfyc is unironically a thing
>so much wrong shit going on that I honestly don't know where to begin
Wouldn't be surprised if they unironically ceased to be in the future.

>> No.23342923

I'm so tired of coming to work, attempting to reach unrealistic quotas and expectations, failing, the company adamantly refusing to adjust expectations, working 6 days a week to get caught up or having my hours cut in spite of being behind on processing and to top it all off, being underpaid. I suppose it's most profitable for a company to shovel more work on less people but it's certainly not moral. Can't quit because I'm a white male and I do not fill diversity quotas in Canada. It's been 10 years at this job and my job has only gotten harder. I'm so tired.

>> No.23342940

Why should I wait?

>> No.23342955

>the median age of a place
You are somehow hung up on this without considering any of the implications. Text book missing the point.

>> No.23342988


>> No.23343005

I need to get rich quick. My wife-to-be is going to inherit a lovely property in the country. I want to escape urban society and just move there. But I need money for certain construction/renovation projects on the land. I also cannot be seen as a parasite/pimp subsisting from a dowry. I want it to be known by everybody that I am a man of honour and dignity, so that people will see me as a true patriarch and not just a trickster. I want to have 6 children that I can homeschool and put to work on the land. I need a truck, a firearms license and a shotgun, tools, a writing hut, a place to store books, weightlifting equipment, mats to teach my boys how to wrestle & fight, a place that can be used as a classroom.
Unfortunately I am from a poor family, unlike her. I have skills in computer programming and have some ideas for mobile apps I could design. I also am leaving university in a couple of months and will probably land a job in tech (interviews are going good). I'll put all my wage into crypto or stocks or my business ideas.
Hopefully I can make it before I turn 25, which will be in 5 years. Then I will escape society and become a great writer, patriarch, and husband.

>> No.23343012
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>be happy for a moment
>suddenly remember her
>happiness instantly ruined

>> No.23343020

found a very bad adaptation of Billy Budd last night. William Shatner, of all people, as Billy. i don't know what's worse, the ridiculous script or Shatner's acting. if nothing else, it's interesting that this exists.

>> No.23343037

justifyability has overcome morality in the eyes of the common man.

take for instance the funko pop consumer,
everyone knows what he buys is worthless,
his friends, its makers, and even himself

but were the creators to admit, live that it was worthless?
no one would gain any information, but with the supposed justifyability of his belief removed he would shrivel in shame.

>> No.23343041

Sounds like a (you) problem.

>> No.23343046

i am going to play MGS3 AGAIN

>> No.23343106

Start an AI or crypto company and grow it for a few years then sell

>> No.23343108

should i got to a protest to meet women?

>> No.23343114
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>mfw reading this post

>> No.23343117

If you want to meet Muslim women or leftist bitches. Maybe the leftist bitches will let you fuck them if you're attractive enough, but don't expect anything long-term.

>> No.23343134
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why did he do it bros?

>> No.23343141

anon you thank her and get her flowers or something like her fav candy and ask her out on a date

>> No.23343146
File: 47 KB, 704x528, 1626662813087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You found her, anon. Don't overthink/do things, just bee your elf and seize the chance. Godspeed, motherfucker.

>> No.23343151

>if you're attractive enough
It always goes back to that huh? Too bad I dont believe in consent

>> No.23343154

That's unfortunate. Too bad we cant bomb them

>> No.23343157


>> No.23343158

I wish microwave coolers were a thing. This soup is hot.

>> No.23343162

At this point I stopped caring

>> No.23343165

Its tall to me, I'm 5 6 or roughly 167 cms for nonhuman measurements

>> No.23343168

Feminists shouldn't exist, even Male ones

>> No.23343172

Nta but it's not my choice either way

>> No.23343215

Why is everyone so obsessed with women?

>> No.23343230

Had bubble tea for the first time
Very overpriced and only okay-ish.
Do not buy

>> No.23343235

I just realized that I’ve fallen into the same sort of life as my father without realizing it and that terrifies the fuck out of me. I never wanted to have my dad’s life.

>> No.23343251

Whichever way you bend or twist it, I am a rapist. I am a man who has committed a rape. I did not receive any legal consequences, and enough time has passed that the case can not be raised. I think sometimes about what I would say to her if I met her. I don't know if "sorry" makes much sense. Currently my life is pretty good, but I haven't really had much sexual activity since then and that seems fair to say the least. Maybe some day.

>> No.23343258

I don't remember what children are.

>> No.23343272


>> No.23343275

Tell me the full story. Tell me about what you've done since then.

>> No.23343301
File: 16 KB, 550x534, 1625131192926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been anhedonic since i had my depressive episode in 2012. The last time i actually felt happiness was 12 years ago, a month before the episode.
Sicne then i finished my bachelor and master's in biomedical research, and i always wanted to do a PhD, but i just cant dredge up the motivation for a 4 year+ project. I occasionally get these moments of passion and motivation but it just burns out too quickly, and i honestly don't know what to do.

>> No.23343304

I feel like i don't learn anything and feel hopeless, maybe my brain is finally fucked up

>> No.23343312
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I am now employed

>> No.23343317

I guess I'm just burnt out but nothing excites me anymore. I haven't enjoyed a book in a while. Reading for long period is very hard as well. Any recommendations that'll pull me out of this.

>> No.23343324
File: 200 KB, 645x773, 1631199835039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this metaphor in Small Gods by Terry Pratchett, where the god Om compared a god being worshipped for a time to a bird flying in absolute darkness and solitude, then entering through a window into a room full of light and warmth and then having to fly out again knowing they can never come back
That's kind of how I feel after my first year at university. I spent years alone, either completely isolated during covid or working a night job with no coworkers after that, and got so used to being by myself I didn't miss people.
Then I went to university, met all these people who I enjoyed spending time with and talking to, who I shared interests with, and if I went even a couple days without contact to them I'd get anxious.
And I know that I will never form lasting bonds with any of them just like I never did before with anyone else, and then I'll be alone again and before that meant nothing to me but now I'm anxious about it.

>> No.23343327


>> No.23343338

Ph.Ds are mostly a SCAM. Name a scientist in the last 100 years who became rich from his discoveries. It's a fucking SCAM. Only good reason to do a Ph.D is to get a VISA for a richer country.

>> No.23343388

when people dont actively act, they copy. and the first person you copy, is your father.
you need to think, to grow into a complete person, not just a good one, but one with a direct plan for approxximately everything (its not that hard, just start working on it while you act)

>> No.23343397

About what?

>> No.23343399

Rode the bus for the first time in a long time and dayum, there were a lot of cuties who got on once I got closer to the outer metro area of Portland. Since I'll be riding the bus everyday, any suggestions or thoughts of how to approach them in the future? Just a simple "so, where you heading?"

>> No.23343433

they are on his mind anon

>> No.23343437

carry something, so they can ask about it

>> No.23343458

I had my copy of Proust's Swann's Way in my pocket but I was listening to music on wireless headphones (which my hair covers up) anyway. And you mean so they can ask about it during our conversation? I mean I've had girls approach me in public plenty before but on the bus? That's a lot to bank on and hope for. And Ideally I would just ask for their number and to hangout in the future within a few minutes of the opener/approach anyway.

>> No.23343501

from what i've seen of normalcy, they value being meaninglessly indirect, and having small talk to avow that you are san e before starting any meaningful conversation with you. if you bring somethng, hopfully they will ask about it, and the conversation will feel more natural.

if bringing a book, try some non hoe scaring lit that they will have vaguely heard of, like dune.

remember to be the best you you can imagine being for five years or so

>> No.23343504

Bee yourself then they will approach you

>> No.23343510

(for reference i have been approached by a 8/10 at a bus stop while reading dune, it went fairly well, but i did not search for contact details, as i was young and didnt care)

>> No.23343513
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Some people are so enterprising and energetic. Really mind boggling. I cant remember not being a shut in hermit with low energy. I dont know which caused the other but im so lethargic and tired all the time now.

>> No.23343519


lol def good advice but I've really only been approached by girls at the coffee shop and school hallways, so I feel like on the bus I should make the approach myself. Especially since I'll be on the bus already.

>> No.23343529

what you have to understand is that most people are animals. i walkinto a gas station and i tell the guy working the till to kill hmself. half the time he does it right there in front ofme.7the other half he waits til he gets home.

>> No.23343533

You'll probably have to approach them. A book will definitely help, but that only helps on a campus or in a coffee shop, where bitches who read books hang out, but arthoes are usually ugly tho

>> No.23343542

Yeah I got no idea what kind of girls these were that were getting on the bus lol, some different types I guess. You think just a "Hey, so where you heading to?" will suffice? I'm pretty attractive too.

>> No.23343557

Had a conversation with a Gen Xer and mentioned that CSU tuition is now just over 4k per semester. The Gen Xer basically spit out her drink in shock. She didn't realize how bad things have become and I didnt realize how good things used to be

>> No.23343559

getting old sucks. don't waste your youth zoomanons

>> No.23343565

I'm 29 and plan to an hero at 40 anyway.

>> No.23343571

I'm 20 and plan at anheroing at 30. We all know it won't happen

>> No.23343572

I'm 25 and I plan on living as long as I naturally can because life is a precious gift and wonderful experience. I thank God everyday for the blessing of having been born.

>> No.23343573

30!? That's too young. Why 30? I guess I still look like I'm 20 or so is why that seems way too young.

>> No.23343579

If I become a successful writer by then or my parents need me to take care of them, as you can get paid in my state to be the caretaker for a family member or whoever, or if I somehow end up with a family of my own by then I'll keep on going. Otherwise, gonna call it.

>> No.23343581

But I'm happy for you, anon.

>> No.23343589 [DELETED] 

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his own self?

>> No.23343595
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yep, x thought that it couldn't get worse or better and got all nihilistic about everything since. Ngl, this is where zoomies do better, unlike the x, zoomies didn't succumb to apathy part of nihilism and do somethig in spite of absurditiy, rarely see any bitter zoomies as their old man, despite the fact they know they most likely will die alone, never owning anything and even saying that they have ''given up'' but still keep going; almost as if even they themselves refuse to agree that they have given up. Or maybe they are too retarded to give up, either way the point is its better to feel retarded than not to feel at all.

>> No.23343596

I had a group of friends from back during my good ol fascist days of 2017 to 2019. In the past couple years they've all been taken in by BAP and the "Manosphere." They've slowly morphed into ardent and outright zionists, and now they want America to nuke Iran. They now say the same basic tenants of fascism that we used to all share is actually third worldism and crypto communism. BAP really was a Trojan horse. He took good fascists and anti semites and turned them into zionist neocons. It's really sad to see.

>> No.23343600

Im grateful to be alive, thats part of the reason getting old sucks because you know you don't have too much time left

>> No.23343601

Somehow I think we zoomies just fully embraced the absurd and are cool with just laughing at the world

>> No.23343606

I mean Zionism seems consistent with those views, it's the ideal ethnostate, only just for Jews so you white folks need your own.

>> No.23343616

Nietszschean struggle and self-overcoming.

>> No.23343663
File: 50 KB, 720x730, 1671677855552920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to become a succesful artist fren

>> No.23343669

global caliphate NOW

>> No.23343678

You will never know how much I relate to that cat

>> No.23343680
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>> No.23343710

>It's really sad to see.
not sadder than a washed up alt righter moping about the "good ol fascist days" of 2019

>> No.23343720

One of the things I wish I did was move and travel around more. When you read great writers, they’re really mobile. They’re moving around the country, across countries, they’re meeting new people. Rarely do they stay out in their hometown or state. But i’ve never even left my home state.

>> No.23343725

28 and I'm planning to kill myself at 25

>> No.23343731

I too believe in reincarnation, unironically.

>> No.23343763

I'm not washed up

>> No.23343770

Were you at all concerned for him?

>> No.23343773

I love and hate you too, my fellow 2d cutout.

>> No.23343793

>Maybe I will still be writing this drivel in 10 years
You will if you don't do something drastic now.

t. you 10 years from now

>> No.23343803


>> No.23344221

That is good advice.
Laugh with devil if you have to, but laugh.

>> No.23344239

As a sodomite I'll never have anyone to pass the fruits of my life's work onto. After I die my possessions will be acquired by the government and split between the people living on benefits. I'll live like a dog, die like one and leave nothing behind.

>> No.23344703


>> No.23344706

well, except for a trail of doo doo