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23303522 No.23303522 [Reply] [Original]

It wasn’t very good

>> No.23303525

>book not good
What did you expect from someone with an IQ of 84?

>> No.23303533

most of his books aren't

>> No.23303534

Why not? Also what does that title even mean?

>> No.23303576

It's like 1984, it's a Japanese thing. Something to do with Q being the 9th letter of the alphabet.

>> No.23303842

You picked one of his worst

>> No.23303848
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>> No.23303874

danse danse danse was good to be fair

>> No.23303880

Regrettably, Muramaki is a man. And Sayaka Murata mogs him.

>> No.23303884

Aomame parts were literally unbearable to read in last book of this

>> No.23303889

the book begins with a janacek reference so you'd expect it to be excellent right

>> No.23304280

great writer

>> No.23304318

No, Kafka on the Shore is by far his worse.

>> No.23304359
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Japanese literature is pretty bad overall, yeah.

>> No.23304426

it's the pronunciation, kyuu (きゆう) means nine

>> No.23304474


>> No.23304567

What didn't you like from it?
I liked most of it. I think that his short stories better fit his style though.
Colorless Tsukuru is my favorite of his novels with Hardboiled Wonderland as a runner up.

>> No.23304582
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Neither of them write diaspora literature, anon.

>> No.23304691

higher iq than me so I expect more

>> No.23304693

I finished a book of her today and enjoyed it. I never read murakami

>> No.23304699

>Colorless Tsukuru is my favorite of his novels with Hardboiled Wonderland as a runner up
I really really miss the time when I was first getting into Murakami. The spring of 2016, when I had just turned 19, I started with Kafka on the Shore and then read the ones you mentioned as your favorites (they're my favorites as well). There seemed to be so much more potential to life back then, something about that time and those books made me feel like anything could happen. Nowadays everything seems so bleak; life feels like an endless series of humiliations, and as if that wasn't bad enough, I can't find a book that I could really get into. There seems to be nothing that even compares to that time of the initial Murakami reads in my late teens, and rereading them just isn't the same (I've reread most of his books)

>> No.23304711

Anons told me Norwegian Wood was his worst (Murakami seems to agree apparently) but I honestly enjoyed the setting of college in Tokyo and the sanitorium the protagonists GF stayed at. It was a comfy read in my late teens. But 1q84 is just overindulgent and overly long for no reason. I don't know what the point of it was.
I feel this

>> No.23304875

I generally liked it but I felt like it pretty much went nowhere, it has some neat ideas but nothing really converges into anything resembling a satisfying conclusion, it kinda just fizzles out. Still a pleasant read though, although it absolutely does not justify its length.

>> No.23304906

He doesn't plan stories. He started the whole thing with the initial taxi scene in mind and the love due. Afaik the rest was just daily linear continuation and improvisation.

>> No.23304913

I thought Norwegian Wood was pretty good. Mostly for the mood and nostalgic haze; the love story and whole Naoko plot was not that interesting and when he fucks Naoko's friend from the conservatory it's almost laughable. I liked his romance with the city girl though. Haven't read anything else from him but I plan on reading his first (Wind/Pinball), Wind-up Bird; and Kafka on the Shore. If I like that maybe IQ84, but then I'll probably be done since he's apparently so repetitive. I think I've heard comparison as the Nip Hemingway and I think it's fair, the prose feels literary yet highly accessible.

>> No.23304919

Yeah it sure feels like that. It's not necessarily a bad thing and it does have its charm but it's also pretty unsatisfying when a whole trilogy just goes nowhere.

>> No.23305111

>hang out with coworker
>has a very high esteem of himself
>foppish af
>lives in a very nice apartment beyond his means
>keith haring prints
>notice his bookshelf
>look at 1Q84
>"Have you read this, anon"
>snobbish grin, "you need to read Murakami, you must"

nope and never will

>> No.23305212

>I think that his short stories better fit his style though.
I agree, I haven't read 1Q84 but I've noticed his longer books tend to start really strong and end up fizzling out by the end which is probably because of how he seems to write things on the fly. Hardboiled wonderland might be my favorite, I also really like a wild sheeps chase.

>> No.23305215

u r 9t

>> No.23305821

Kawabata is one of the good ones tbf altho I do think snow country is a bit overrated

>> No.23305877

None of Murakami is very good. It's lowest common denominator normie slop about sex and Beatles music

>> No.23305898

Lot's of people think that that's his best for some reason
IT'S 1(one)Q not IQ

>> No.23305919

I bet you've read his 60 short stories and 15 novels.

>> No.23305945
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I am currently about half-way through right now. It's okay. I had never read anything from him before but since he seemed to be highly praised I expected more. Maybe the prose is better in its original language and some of it is lost in translation.
All of the characters are bizarre and their dialogue is stilted and strange but it's a pleasing contrast with the seemingly realistic background. A lot of the time nothing is happening and some events are just repeated sometimes multiple times on the same page, as if the author believed the reader had amnesia. I don't know if it's meant to be style but I just found it annoying at times. It still manages to keep a pleasing pace regardless.
Every sex encounters is hilarious, and then becomes annoying because of how much the author insist on them (I'm not interested in reading about Tengo's girlfriend cupping his balls throughout multiple chapters).
6/10 for now, but reading some of the posts about how it doesn't have a satisfying conclusion and the whole narration amounts to nothing I'll probably keep it that way or lower it.
Also now that I know what Murakami is about I'll probably never read anything else written by him, it just doesn't interest me enough. I'm also glad I don't have the edition with OP's cover.

>> No.23306178

Never was him myself, but even my wife said he isn't intellectually stimulating enough

>> No.23306350

Nice to know. I just made my post up.

>> No.23306594

>I felt like it pretty much went nowhere, it has some neat ideas but nothing really converges into anything resembling a satisfying conclusion
Yeah that's all Murakami books except Hardboiled Wonderland.

>> No.23306831

I stand corrected, it's a small yu
き + ゆ [ki + yu]
きゅ [kyu]