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/lit/ - Literature

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23266157 No.23266157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Confess your /lit/ sins.

>> No.23266167

I'm an avid writer but I'll never share it on /lit/ because I, not only think I'm too talented for this shithole, do not want to tarnish any possible literary reputation by being asscioated with 4chan forever

>> No.23266172

who gives a fuck you self important asshole

>> No.23266174

>do not want to tarnish any possible literary reputation by being asscioated with 4chan forever

lol I think about this sometimes. I've posted quite a bit of writing here anonymously

>> No.23266194

>asks for my /lit/confession
>tells me no one gives a fuck
you asked, anon?
It's not even that I'm ashamed of being attached to a right wing incel board. My work does share a lot of right wing opinions, it's just I don't think any "serious" writer should attach themselves to social media or interenet culture. Seems like a net-negative for anyone trying to establish themselves unless they directly write for 4chan culture, such as Gardner

>> No.23266201

There are two kinds of /lit/ards

>> No.23266207

>you asked, anon?
That anon is not OP.
t. OP

>> No.23266223
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Penthouse Forums is better than any of (You).

They have...Passion for it.

>> No.23266224

I hate philosophers and think my own theories are the best. I have no interest in reading diluted, watery theories that prove no man any more "correct" than another; ultimately no one knows what is going on in this weird universe. Philosophy is mostly a masturbatory timewaste for limp-wristed, noodle-brained scholars to feign intelligence.

>> No.23266233

I bought a YA novel because I didn't know it was a YA novel. Ended up giving it to my zoomer sister. May Allah forgive me for my sin.

>> No.23266234

OP, people are using the confessional to weirdly self-aggrandise

>> No.23266236

>Philosophy is mostly...
...connecting the dots of all the fields, Doctors of Philosophy (______) is sub-Specialization, but the people forgot that, and a reunification was meeded, but happened behind the scenes because it involved variables people didnt know where connected.

>> No.23266240

nutting instead of saving energy for my wife

>> No.23266299

holy massive cope bro.
.>too talented
yeah yeah yeah, anon, just say your shit, no need to explain further my nigs

>> No.23266317

what are your theories anon? if it doesnt involve the universe being an electromagnetic and understanding its conjugate pair that creates physical spaces..i really dont want to hear it my g.
plus you probs got filtered by plato

>> No.23266319

I'm just afraid my dick is too big and i fuck too good

>> No.23266321

same..but boywife

>> No.23266330


>> No.23266331

I do not like Wagner's music.

>> No.23266354


>> No.23266362

didnt stutter my g

>> No.23266367

i bet you love da bussy

>> No.23266373

I don't like family dramas. Following that, I can't enjoy most "classics". I also can't read a book if I know it's going to be sad.

>> No.23266380

Back to Discord, then to English class.

>> No.23266438

I don’t read fiction because I have legit autism

>> No.23266442

Even after all these years, I find most classics boring and would rather read a fun adventure story.

>> No.23266454

I don't read non-fic except for /his/ texts

>> No.23266658

I can't stand Borges.
Cool gimmicks, yesh, but without them there's no story

>> No.23266668

I don't read Russian novels or the Greeks

>> No.23266671

Most overrated writer of the second half of the 20th century. Completely shallow. Nabokov put it best:
>At first Vera and I were delighted at reading Borges. We felt like we were on the portico of a great house. Then we realized there was no house.

>> No.23266734

I've got this book for free by E.G. White that I still havn't read, even though I said that I would.

>> No.23266805

i dont read the books ive claimed anon, at best watched a shitty review of them and wiki their life and get into arguments with anons on lit cause i have no friends irl.

>> No.23266841

I'm what you could call a casual reader. I read 7-8 per year. However, I already read 4 this year, (plus 2 novellas that makes half of a book).

>> No.23266864

I've read like 6 books in total before I turned 20 and 4 of them were genre-slop. Now I'm in my late 20's and I've read like 200.

My English is probably somewhere around the C2 level, but I'd still rather pick up a mediocre translation into my native language than to read the original.

I hate most of the /lit/-meta writers and most of the American literature.

Shakespeare sucks.

>> No.23266869

I almost fell for christcuckery when I was terminally ill and was mentally approaching the reality of potential oblivion after I died, and that scared me into absolute servitude to God despite my previous "resolute" rejection.

I was not surprised by my cowardice in that regard but it was still sad to see.

>> No.23266873

I finish 400k word long Naruto fanfics in a week but I can't read a real book past 100 pages without getting bored and forgetting about it.

>> No.23266877

>most of the American literature.
desu as painful as it is to say as a burgeroid this is an entirely rational and justifiable opinion

>> No.23266931

>My English is probably somewhere around the C2 level, but I'd still rather pick up a mediocre translation into my native language than to read the original.
I do the same.

>> No.23266945

6 books in English, or 6 books total? If the latter, that’s pretty bad lol. But at least you caught up.

>> No.23266979

t. literal "no atheists in a foxhole"
Why does it matter if you believe? If it brings you comfort, why not do it? There’s no reason to be stubbornly atheist until death. Not taking advantage of your innate capacity for belief isn’t brave; it just makes you obstinate and dumb. Go ahead and believe in God (or Allah or Vishnu or the Supreme Being) if it makes you happy. Marx had the faggotiest take ever - as if there were something honorable about ascetically denying the instinctive yearning for God. Better stop eating good food, getting good sleep, going on walks, and soaking up the sun, because that all feels nice, too. Religion, in some form, is essential for a full life, and it’s not necessary or even logical to reject it out of hand because it can’t be crammed into our finite theories of reality.
You can live without it, but why would you?

>> No.23267002

Because it's cope.

>> No.23267018

t.atheist midwittery

>> No.23267109

gm what?

>> No.23267290

>my g

shut up

>> No.23267486

>Nabokov (he counts as a yank seeing as he was 2nd gen)
>+ all the great pulp writers that came out of American magazines
Are Americans really this ungrateful or are you all simply retarded? Your literature is the only worthwhile thing your country has contributed in culture and art. It's also diverse enough for there to be an author for anyone. I literally hate Burgerland but I'd never disregard the importance of American literature.

>> No.23267512

Based, but how is that a sin?

>> No.23267516

I dropped what I was reading because a girl I like said she was going to read a certain book and then she never read it. I have 10+ books on my shelf that I have not finished. I don’t remember the names of characters in many of the books that I read. By 2 years later I cannot tell you the plot of the majority of the books that I read. I don’t retain anything when I read, and still look down on friends or other people that are honest about not reading.

>> No.23267523

I have never read any woman author, ever, and just google whatever fashionable opinion I'm supposed to have about their work.

>> No.23267529 [SPOILER] 
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Forgetting someone, Anon?

>> No.23267547

I’m too retarded to pick out deeper themes and motifs or whatever in the stories that I read and just like the plots.

>> No.23267549

Original anon claimed he hated meta-lit authors so I avoided listing any. Although I was a bit retarded as I listed Burroughs and Pybchon, who could be considered proto-meta-lit authors

>> No.23267570

i read the wiki after i finish the book

>> No.23267589

My last read was a 250 page novel and took an entire month to finish.

>> No.23267687

I write slash fanfiction under the false justification that I'm shitposting for fun when in actuality I get off on the praise I recieve.

I also confess that I made all of that up so that I could maybe get (You)'s

>> No.23267699


>> No.23268016

i dog ear my books, library books, borrowed from friends books...all of them and no one can stop me, heh


>> No.23268359

i browse here more then i read

>> No.23268380

I don’t think I’ve read a single book in the last three years that I haven’t seen posted on lit first

>> No.23268382

In politics I always promote peace, humanism, and nonviolence. Even when my people suffer, I advise forgiveness. People get mad at me and think I am a pacifist.

It is not so. I actually have a lot of hate in my heart. I fantasize about taking revenge, about making them feel the way they made us feel. And on top of that, I fantasize about finishing the job for once and for all.

And so I promote non-violence and forgiveness. I have to believe there is hope in those things, because the alternative is doing to them what they did to us.

>> No.23268390

what are you, jewish?

>> No.23268409

Sikh. The other group in my case are Afghan and Pakistani Muslims.

>> No.23268535
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I keep getting filtered by Paradise Lost. The poetic verse really fucks with my reading comprehension as entire pages feel like a run-on sentence with no punctuation. I always end up putting it down after chapter three.

I really like it which is why I keep trying to make it work, but I am too much of a brainlet to understand what I am reading at first glance.

>> No.23268554
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"Pretend to believe it because it's comfortable" is evil, cowardly, and exactly the fake Chritianity that the devil wants. Fidelity to truth is fidelity to God.

Read Manion's essay "The Contingency of Knowledge and Revelatory Theism". God can be proven through the logical impossibility of forming a contrary epistemologically justified proposition.

>> No.23268562

You need the Ortho essence/energy distinction to have the real separation between God and Man necessary for the epistemology to work, by the way

>> No.23268565

Haven't read a page in half a year, only play vidya and watch tv now

>> No.23269066

who said anything about pretending? I know of the One, the absolute, The Agathon.

>> No.23270608

i can't tell if Hamlet is 30 or the same age as Opheels

>> No.23270614

>Your literature is the only worthwhile thing your country has contributed in culture and art.
Cinema and comics, too. Not the slop but the good shit.

>> No.23270624

I’m the only one on this board who isn’t a self-important asshole

>> No.23270628

I honestly don't care about Harold Bloom or "these are good" made by famous authors lists at all. It feels tacky to place that much importance on it in the current day.

>> No.23271253


>> No.23271316
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>I use Goodreads to get a little revenge on all the garbage I had to read in high school/college that almost killed my love of reading. Now that I can read whatever I want, (ya, sci fi, fantasy, romance) I'm much happier. I also used Spark Notes a ton
>I love the LOTR movies but couldn't get into the books at all. I got 100 pages into FOTR and gave up out of boredom.
>I used Spark Notes to get through my college philosophy courses. I got As in both and haven't touched it since.

>> No.23271354
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I'm a grown man that reads Twilight.

>> No.23271357

When did you transition, anon?

>> No.23271825

I don't trust a writer's skills who's too afraid to show their work

>> No.23271921
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Are you actually good?
I agree with >>23271825 in this case.

Back when I used to draw there were lots of people saying they thought they were good but when you finally found their artwork on DeviantArt, it was laughable to say the least.

I have attached the first chapter to my anti-tranny novel called "Two Days Cold Winters" (/gif/ users are familiar with my earlier stuff). It's quite bad and if you can at least top this drivel then I'd be more inclined to believe you.

>> No.23271928

I read Clara Delavigne’s book. The whole thing.

>> No.23271956

Whether or not these are sins, I'll confess them anyway
>I like "furry" literature
>I don't like nietzsche
>the enlightenment era is one of my favorite eras for literature and philosophy
>I thought the space trilogy was better than narnia
>my favorite book is moby dick
>I have worldbuilding autism, It goes into great detail
>I write pony fanfiction
>HP Lovecraft is one of my favorite authors
>my favorite fantasy series is Lord of the Rings but The Monarchies of God, Conan, BOTNS, Elric of Melinbone stuff, and EA cycle are close runner-ups
>I love Occultism, Mysticism, Esoteric stuff, etc

>> No.23272479

When I get a book of short stories, I read the titular story and put the whole book as "read" on GoodReads. I might skim through one or two other short ones more before I park it on the shelf.

>> No.23272523

At this moment I own 93 books that I have not read and I'm thinking of buying more. I went to the library just this Monday, took out six books and have read two of them already.

>> No.23272541

Ive dropped blood meridian, the iliad, and lord of the rings

I think i just like hard sci fi and cant get into anything else

>> No.23273143

>I like "furry" literature
Any published works?

>> No.23273148

That’s not so bad except the goodreads thing. Most short story, essay, and poetry collections aren’t meant to be read cover to cover. If you never touch the book again then it is somewhat of an issue but we all have duds every once in a while

>> No.23273165

I like to read classics, when I tried russian Literature I speed read through them, I mean like skip the "narration part" and read only "dialogue" parts of the story, not for every novel but only happened to 2, Brother Karamazov and Anna Karenina, even after I finished them I didn't felt that guilty about it but thinking now I suppose I was just lazy or i couldn't "drop" a piece of litterature that I found boring and only wanted to be the "cool guy who read classic litterature", well this was during my University period, now I'm 30 and read what I like and interest and if I find it boring (for many chapters/pages) I drop it now instead of doing the long war with them.

>> No.23273174

In total, I've recalculated the number though and I think it's closer to 15 since I didn't count some slop fantasy I completely forgot about and a bunch of school books.