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/lit/ - Literature

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23233276 No.23233276 [Reply] [Original]

Share some books that will bring me back to God's light. I first converted to Christianity after someone on here recommended that I read Confessions by Saint Augustine. I'm hoping that I can get some more good recommendations from here.

>> No.23233372

Fear and Trembling (even though I have not read it thoughbeit).

Also, all the works of St. John of the Cross. I personally would recommend Ascent to Mt. Carmel, but for people struggling with their faith, read Dark Night of the Soul.

>> No.23233374
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>> No.23233382

Before I give some suggestions:
How well trained are you in Classical Philosophy?

>> No.23233388

You can start with Shusaku Endo. Silence is a good book, but maybe not what you are looking for in regards to doubt.

The Samurai is one of my favorites. Endo was a catholic who went to study in France after the japs lost WW2. So he was despised by the Japanese for being catholic, and he was despised by the Catholics for being Japanese.

I think his books are great examples of when faith gets hard. In many ways he lost everything, by holding on to his faith. And many of his characters gets put into similar dilemmas, where they have to chose between their lives and their faith.

Otherwise the power and the glory by Graham Greene is also a great book

>> No.23233405

Suicide and see if god actually exists.

>> No.23233408

Seconding St. John of the Cross.

I answered a similar question on /his/ so I will post that. It would be helpful if you said what you were struggling with/interested in though.

The most direct, shortest work might be Thomas Merton's The Inner Experience. It's not very long but gets at the contemplative element. Unfortunately, there isn't a huge focus on freedom. Saint John of the Cross's Dark Night of the Soul too, but it's less accessible and less theoretic (it's a spiritual guide for the already devote).

For freedom, my favorite is actually not an explicitly Christian book. It's Wallace's Philosophical Mysticism in Plato and Hegel. However, Wallace's Plato almost seems to have more in common with the Patristic's version of Plato than Plato, and he mentions Christian authors quite a bit. It's a bit academic but fairly successful. It only goes into a sort of literature review slog in a few places and they are skippable (this is where he catalogs modern writers sort of early on and the Hegel chapter; I like Hegel, but the chapter gets into a lot of minutes, whereas the Plato chapters — most of them — are more practical). The early Christians made heavy use of these guys and I don't think God placed the two traditions together by accident. MacIntyre's After Virtue, while more dry and not a top recommendation, also shows how the Aristotlean tradition fits in for ethics on a social scale.

For a more mystical perspective, I really like William Harmless' Mystics. Harmless has a real gift for letting ancient and medieval writers speak in their own voice through careful excerpts while giving appropriate background. It's a good mix too, Merton, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint Bonneventure, Hildegard, Evargrius Pontus, Miester Eckhart, and then he also covers Rumi and Dogen as a Sufi/Zen comparative study. Harmless' books on Saint Augustine is also phenomenal, basically all the greatest hits compiled, as is his book on the Desert Fathers, although that is a bit more historical.

Mystics seems out of print but it is on Libgen. So is Wallace who is unfortunately expensive because it is an academic publication.

And then Light From Light is a good compilation with Origen, Augustine, Saint John of the Cross, Eckhart, etc. But less good intros.

St. Aquinas commentary on Boethius' De Trinitate can be found online. It is very dry but short. I think it's useful for seeing why we need to strain our minds towards God, rather than expecting a sort of life changing revelation to be given us.

God bless.

>> No.23233422

Origen's commentary on Numbers is pretty great too, the idea of life as a pilgrimage and struggle to the promised land, being raised out of slavery to sin — desire, instinct, passions, and circumstance.

>> No.23233437

Isn't St John of the Cross not for beginners?
Maybe he should read an introductory work on him before?

>> No.23233453

Bro why don't you read St. John of the Cross first before making these assumptions.

>> No.23233502

I'm not a Christian but my favorite Christian themed books are Augustine's Confessions, which gives me that feeling of 'awe' at the presence of the divine, and the various writings of the Russian theologians Vladimir Soloviev and Nikolai Berdyaev, because of the emphasis on the 'heart' rather than the mind. Alyosha Karamazov in the Dostoevsky novel(incidentally that character was based on Soloviev) and the story of father Zosima's brother are also interesting though Dostoevsky in general feels to me like someone who struggled with Christianity rather than an exemplar of the religion. That whole 19th-early 20th century Russian religious scene is very engaging for some reason, though outside of that I can't say the Orthodox church particularly appeals to me. These mystic guys feel more like protestants to me anyway(though they would themselves not agree with this at all).

If you're interested in Soloviev check out "The Heart of Reality", which is a compilation of various texts translated into English. For Berdyaev I'm not sure what to recommend but his essays aren't hard to find online.

>> No.23233563

It's stuff like this that tempts me to become iconoclast.

>> No.23233733

Yes, John of the Cross is writing for people who are begining contemplation, but there is no "too soon" to start this. IMHO, Christianity has been negatively denuded of its meditative and contemplative traditions in order to make it "easier." But this tends to just hollow it out. Metanoia requires study, contemplation, and ascetic discipline.

Indeed, I think a big failing of modern churches is not introducing people to theology and Christian philosophy. I Peter says we should be able to explain why we believe what we do.

Plus, if he/she made it through Confessions, which has some dense passages, it shouldn't be inaccessible.

>> No.23233755
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Crime and Punishment captures the essence of redemption perfectly.

A man commits a heinous crime, believing he has the moral authority to transcend societal laws. Instead, he finds himself tormented by his own conscience throughout the book. Sonya, who is in far worse circumstances than Raskolnikov could ever imagine, remains more upright, forgiving, and steadfast. This contrasts starkly with his garbage, nihilistic personality, despite the many options available to him. He squanders his life for nothing, while Sonya's perspective—molded by circumstances beyond her control and her refusal to give up—mocks his pathetic worldview and actions. She clings to hope and to Christ.

Her situation serves as a wake-up call to people like Raskolnikov, who had the opportunity to be educated and a loving family that sacrificed everything for his education. Instead, he chooses to commit murder under a delusion of grandeur and in the end, he couldn't even handle the consequences. Had he been in Sonya's place, he simply wouldn't have survived. His actions are utterly pathetic; the people he murdered couldn't even defend themselves either. During the Bible reading scene, he realizes just how stupid and delusional he has been.

So, when he confessed to the police, it was a profound moment for me. And Sonya’s decision not to abandon him during his imprisonment struck me as almost supernatural. Who would do something like that? It opened my mind and heart to the power of the Holy Spirit.

I never bothered with any other work written by Dostoevsky. Nothing could ever surpass that experience.

>> No.23233933

>I never bothered with any other work written by Dostoevsky. Nothing could ever surpass that experience.

You should try the Brothers Karmazov some time. It's widely considered his masterpiece for a reason. C&P is great though. Notes from the Underground is great in a different sort of way, and short.

If you liked him, Gogol is really great. The Master and the Margherita too (also Christian).

>> No.23233942

Sometimes it depends on what you’re struggling with. The Divine Comedy of all things encouraged me to remain Catholic when I was doubting over the corruption of the clergy.

>> No.23233963

Read the Book of Psalms.

>> No.23233965

I wish I knew. Nothing has done it for me.

>> No.23233973

Read LGBT books and you will see the light.

>> No.23233974

Bruh as much as C&P is kino, you will never make it to the end of Brothers K without weeping tears of joy, sadness, wonder, and awe. It surpasses C&P

>> No.23234025

Brothers k

>> No.23234506

Rap is poetry

>> No.23234632
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Thomas Paine

>> No.23234635

If you are alluding to Dostoevsky’s worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely The Brothers Karamazov and the ghastly Crime and Punishment rigamarole. No, I do not object to soul-searching and self-revelation, but in those books the soul, and the sins, and the sentimentality, and the journalese, hardly warrant the tedious and muddled search. Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place." Crime and Punishment’s plot did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers. Dostoyevsky never really got over the influence which the European mystery novel and the sentimental novel made upon him. The sentimental influence implied that kind of conflict he liked—placing virtuous people in pathetic situations and then extracting from these situations the last ounce of pathos. Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: that not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment—by this reader anyway. Dostoyevsky seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels.

>> No.23234639

Epistles of paul

>> No.23234640

>that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist.
ie. he makes sense for this thread lol

>> No.23234813

Dosto is essentially sadomasochistic, he loves dwelling on characters who revel in how depraved they are, but who also prostrate themselves in the just punishment or humiliation of their depravity. Again, sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes imply the exact situation he adored, all the violence and sexual intrigue he desired so much, but with the approval of his super ego since they ritualistically degrade themselves in a kind of spiritual fetishistic pleasure in confessing, being punished, and then being "redeemed". It's lurid and partakes of a sick kind of gratification in self flagellation.

>> No.23234817

doubts are not a bad thing, they are an opportunity to build your faith. First you must trust that God is real, and that the Word of God is accurate in all regards. Keeping that in mind will help dispel all doubts. If you come across an apparent contradiction, there must be more to it. There must be, because the whole Word must be coherent.

>> No.23234834

I have nothing to add re: Dostoevsky but I'm Catholic and I'm skeptical of the Shroud of Turin. Between the fact that it can't be dated to the actual ancient era, I'm more honestly suspicious of the idea that such an important relic (arguably the most important relic ever) would randomly just appear in the Middle Ages with no concrete history of its transmission to that point.

We don't entirely know how it got its image imprinted on it but beyond that it doesn't seem to have any preternatural qualities to it as far as I know.

>> No.23234839

The Bible.

>> No.23234872

he criticizes exactly that sort of pathology in the form of Fyodor Karamazov. Father Zosima tells him that proclaiming his own guilt and wallowing in his sin and awareness of it and not changing his behavior is not real repentance. It's one of the first chapters in TBK

>> No.23234881

But Dosto himself is guilty of this. If you read Dosto's novels, they are chock full of a grotesque macabre fascination with suffering and shame, with murder and sex and the subsequent groveling misery of those who find themselves in such situations. This type of tripe is 100% on the level of a typical harlequin romance novel, but because it's some old Russian who added Christian Orthodox themes as an accent to the sadomasochism, /lit/ eats it up. It's perverse.

>> No.23234890

Of course he's guilty of it; that's why he's so good at diagnosing it. All genius psychologists are imbalanced.

>> No.23234951
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A lot of people (not all, but a lot) on 4chan who talk about religion don't even believe in anything but they want religion for pragmatic purposes, raising birth rates, restoring national identity, etc.
However, such conversations are boring and it's not what true spirituality is about. Those practical things can be secondary effects of religion, but primarily it must be about truth and God. If you don't even believe that the religion is actually true in a spiritual and metaphysical sense, then I don't care what you have to say. You are just another boring nerd on /int/ crying about birth rates or something.

>> No.23235015

God doesn't exist

>> No.23235027
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OP have you tried just talking to God? And being open to responses?

>> No.23235170

Also, daily prayer.

>> No.23235232

>just read Paul and pray!
Why do so many anons insist on doing this and in such a glib, matter-of-fact fashion too? As if the issue were already decided. Paul is one of the more difficult authors in the Bible and Romans is perhaps the most difficult of his letters. Most of you here just say things to say them. You're not posting for OP. You're posting for yourself.

>> No.23235239

The Kybalion, unironically

>> No.23235591
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Your request is overly unspecific.

If you cannot recognize that Christianity —through Catholicism— is the one true faith, and are more in need of reminding or remodeling than of replenishing or refreshing, and your intellect overponderates in talent over your ethicomorality, read more Christian/Catholical gnostic works in order to ease your way into the same more theistic ones; if the converse is the case, do the converse; afterward, reconcile the two through inversional practice.

>> No.23235613

>I first converted to Christianity after someone on here recommended that I read Confessions by Saint Augustine
Oh buddy

>> No.23235665

I don't think it's a problem of difficulty per se but that it's fairly meaningless without reading other complex sources to understand the context, which itself makes much of Romans pretty controversial. So someone trying to find faith could go around in circles with the varied discussions. It's better to look for the effects of Christianity in individuals and community and how it opens certain possibilities and closes others off.

>> No.23236255
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Honest question here. What do you guys mean when you say Christian?

I am a pretty sturdy atheist but undeniably culturally catholic, raised in a predominantly catholic country and through traveling I realized my brain and moral structure is catholic. For years when someone proclaimed to be christian I undestood as NOT catholic and associated it with.. honestly? Crazy evangelical protestant churches.

Catholic churches here are usually specific buildings while evangelical churches are any hole they can find, sometimes gross mega churches with music and pastors in sneakers.

So, when 4chan talks about christianity, are we talking about some flavor of american protestantism? Trad orthodoxy? or Chad catholicism? I'm so confused.

>> No.23236357

Till We Have Faces by CS Lewis,
Also watch the diary of a county priest by bresson.
Bases catholic director.

>> No.23236397

Not them, but it's a good question. I suppose there's a valid ecumenism that allows for the generic Christian label to be good enough. Further, "faith in Christ" is such a categorically unique approach that other approaches can be separated by contrast.

>> No.23237763

OP Here, sorry for the late response to my own thread, I was busy visiting my father and I figured that the thread would've died by now. I'm glad to see it's still up.

Notes From The Underground absolutely broke me, and I enjoyed 300 pages or so of Crime and Punishment, but I never finished it. Dostoyevsky is honestly such a great writer and is a master of human psychology, so I’ve been thinking of picking it up again.

I’ve read a few of the pieces from Plato, a few from Aristotle and all of the Stoics.

From the Catholics, I’ve read Saint Augustine, Saint Catherine of Siena, Francis De Sales, and Meister Eckhart, who really made an impression on me.

I absolutely adore Soren Kierkegaard and have read all of his major works (Either/Or, Fear and Trembling, Sickness Unto Death, Works of Love, the Modern Era, Training in Christianity, bits of Philosophical Fragments and bits of his diary.) He really influenced my sense of faith and is the reason I'm a Lutheran.

I'm definitely going to check out St. John of the Cross! Thank you for the recommendation!

Shusaku Endo sounds really fascinating, and I'm definitely going to look into his works. I've read Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima and Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata, so if Shusaku Endo is as a good a prose writer as them, I'd be glad to add another Japanese author to my collection!

What I'm struggling with is mental illness and a sense of feeling abandoned by God. I have bipolar disorder, and last summer I had a manic episode in which I developed religious delusions and wholeheartedly believed that God was trying to communicate with me. I had a psychotic break after a long year of being clinically depressed (according to my doctor, this isn't uncommon for people with my condition). It was during this break that I felt the closest to God, and when I came back to reality it was the worst feeling ever.

I want God to exist, because I think the concept of a Loving Father in heaven is a beautiful thing. But in the back of my head, the only thing I can think about was how much I went through alone, and how my psychological need for God was probably driven by mental illness and desperation. This makes it hard for me to take the Faith seriously again.

>> No.23237850

Romans is a book about the Gospel. A person doesn't need to understand the book of Romans 100% or prefectly to benefit from it.
There is no easy book of the Bible, because each one speaks truth.
Facing the truth is what everyone struggles with.
I understand everyone's experience in the matters of conversation and faith are different, but in my experience, reading other's writings about God or the Bible are less impactful than reading the Bible.

>> No.23237864

I know it's easier said than done, but don't rely on feelings as a basis for faith.
Faith is an action, not a feeling. Read Hebrews 11.

>> No.23237887

I'm a Catholic from a predominantly Catholic city/region of a predominantly Protestant country. I just say "Christian" unless I'm referring specifically to something that's associated specifically with Catholicism or something.

>> No.23237888
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>Share some books that will bring me back to God's light.

Try A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken. It's very good, a beautifully written memoir. Two American atheists, a husband and wife, go to study at Oxford, and become friends with C.S. Lewis. The unthinkable, for them, happens, and they find themselves drawn to Christian conversion. It is the story itself, the characters involved, and the quality of the writing that make this an outstanding book. I really do think it's a book that could "bring [you] back to God's light."

I would also recommend:

- Thomas Merton, The Seven-Storey Mountain. In particular, his conversion experience as recounted in Part II of the book.

- John C.H. Wu, Beyond East and West. I was pleased to see this book recently became available again, on Kindle, after being out of print for many decades. Wu was an interesting character -- from a poor Chinese family, he rose to clerk for Oliver Wendell Holmes on the Supreme Court. A winsome and charming memoir of Christian conversion.

- Spiritual Journeys, edited by Robert Baram. I have read many volumes of Catholic conversion stories, and if not the best, this is certainly one of the best. (Out of print, but used copies are available: https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Journeys-Robert-Baram/dp/0819868760/)).)). Highly recommended.

- Surprised by Truth series, especially the first volume. Accounts of "atheists, Evangelicals, Fundamentalists, and Pentecostals being surprised by Catholic truth." A very good collection.

The case for the Resurrection is much stronger than many realize. The evidence is set out concisely and well in these two books:

- Green, Was Jesus Who He Said He Was? (Out of print, but inexpensive used copies are
available: https://www.amazon.com/Was-Jesus-Who-He-Said/dp/0892836245))))

- McDowell, More than a Carpenter

-If you're the scholarly type, N.T. Wright's The Resurrection of the Son of God is a much longer and more detailed development of essentially the same idea.

Do not neglect to pray. *Ask* for the gift of faith (by praying, you are already making an act of faith). It is all a matter of grace. Trust in the goodness of God. Ask for God's light and guidance as you seek the gift of faith -- to open the eyes of your mind to the truth. As is written in the Epistle of James: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." In my experience, this is true.

The Lord works in mysterious ways. Pic related.

>> No.23237892
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>> No.23237900
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Reminder even Dawkins himself has subtly admitted that militant 2000s atheism was kinda cringe.

>> No.23237907

This is just him advertising an event he is financially invested in

>> No.23237924

He was financially invested in the book too.

>> No.23238005
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>> No.23238013

so has everyone who has any self awareness

>> No.23238023 [DELETED] 
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Meanwhile Christianity has been cringe for over 2000 years

>> No.23238041

I'm an athiest. I'm just saying being an extremist who allows it to consume you is not a good thing.

>> No.23238072
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I liked this. Biologist’s take.

>> No.23238075
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>every time

>> No.23238084

Who cares what Jew scientists have to say about "the dating" of the shroud? These are the same people that tell you race isn't real and men can become women btw.

>> No.23238087

You will never shake off the fedora meme no matter how hard you losers try lmao!!!!

>> No.23238092
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>> No.23238100

>Bible says Mary was a virgin only until the birth of Jesus
>Jesus had at least six brothers and sisters
>no previous marriages of Joseph are mentioned in the Bible
>Catholics say she was a virgin forever
>no sources mention this until the late 300s
Explain please.

>> No.23238104 [DELETED] 
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Clinging to a decade+ old meme to avoid the reality of how absurd Christianity is. Sad.

>> No.23238144

joseph was also an incel

>> No.23238148

With 7 or more children?

>> No.23238151

>Clinging to a decade+ old meme
Says the offtopic fag who can only post wojaks from 2015

>> No.23238166

Jesus says that anyone who follows him is his brother (Matthew 12:49). "Brothers of Jesus" has a very specific Greek term attached to it that isn't really translated into English but is nevertheless also used by Paul to describe 500 Christians, and Mary obviously didn't have 500 kids. James "the brother of Jesus" was the son of Mary of Clopas, and there are fragments from Papias of Hierapolis (who was directly taught by the Apostles) that confirm this.

Lastly, the way that first-generation Christians called themselves "brothers" was kind of like how monks call themselves "brothers." This is even attested by Lucian, a pagan who treats Christians with a kind of condescending pity.

>> No.23238175
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>tips fedora

>> No.23238181


>> No.23238194 [DELETED] 
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Cope and seethe

>> No.23238201

>why should a christian doubting their faith read the scripture that deals with that exact scenario
jeez, I dunno!

>> No.23238209

Unironically what is even your endgame just shitting up threads with this kind of offtopic shit and never earnestly trying to convince anyone of anything? Even other atheists itt were trying to be constructive.

>> No.23238211

>just accept it bro
doubt with good faith is a sign of higher intelligence. Unquestioning compliance and doubt with bad faith is a sign of the lack of intelligence.

>> No.23238212

St. Mathews Gospel is what you need. Pray to God to open your heart and soul before reading

>> No.23238303 [DELETED] 
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The Christian death cult mindset is genuinely insulting and demeaning to the human spirit. It deserves total and unrelenting mockery.

>> No.23238332

>"why are you acting like a faggot"
>continues acting like a faggot
very illuminating, thanks

>> No.23238334

The Camp of The Saints

>> No.23238339


>> No.23238420 [DELETED] 
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At least other religions have poetic Holy Books. The Bible is atrocious and is only revered by unthinking automatons who can only regurgitate the indoctrination of their upbringing.

>> No.23238486

God's Revelation to the Human Heart- Fr. Seraphim Rose

The Contingency of Knowledge and Revelatiory theism- a paper you can find online

An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith- St. John of Damascus (good explanation of essence/energies, which completes the argument in the paper mentioned above by explaining how a real separation between God and Creation is possible while allowing interaction)

The fact that Christianity is not possible for man to have invented on his own. You can't come up with the right theology by accident, as it's God that allows the human mind to be honest. Separation from God = error

Man independently inventing original, authentic Orthodox Christianity but with the names changed and serial numbers filed off would be cognitively impossible.

Don't listen to Catholic answers. Their religion is dying because they over-relied on St. Augustine for over a thousand years and went in a bunch of crazy directions they can't begin to justify. They still pretend Rome is somehow some kind of Thomist institution too, like Aquinas' opinions are somehow binding on the many uniate groups with mutually exclusive theological claims

>> No.23238635

I'm not even a hardcore christ-cuck, but claiming the Bible isn't poetic? The state of lit

>> No.23238734

You seem to be already be well read enough on theology. Maybe St John of the Cross is the right one for you.
Catherine of Siena already explains what you are feeling, you might want to revisit her.
If your issue is with belief in God, you should look for Aquinas.

I won't quote all your posts, but I don't understand what you get from doing this kind of thing.

>> No.23238750

Romans is not primarily about how to overcome a crisis of faith. It isn't aimed at people who are wavering as a result of a lack of faith. It's designed to assure veterans about certain eschatological issues in relation to the Jews and salvation. Eschatology is not the same thing as belief, however. This is what I mean... have you even read it?

>> No.23238933

Good post, brother in Christ.

>> No.23238934

If you intellectually converted, you might need to actually partake in the Catholic Sacraments at this point. Speaking with a goos priest could help you immensley.

>> No.23238940

I'm a Roman Catholic convert. Typically, Christians here are likely non-denominational Prots who will likely become either some form of congregationalist but ideally all of them would join the fullness of the new life in Jesus Christ's revolution and mercy and become Roman Catholic. I'm in NYC.

>> No.23238945

There's too much odd context. Jesus's "brothers" are never meaningful characters but St. Peter's mother in-laws are, so that seems to be weird. Additionally, St. Joseph and the Blessed Theotokos ever-Virgin Mary both search for Jesus themsves for four days in Jerusalem (odd to do with kids, why not just one?). The linguistics imply your position but the context of the overall story does not. My personal theory is that St. Joseph had an adopted family or a family he supported (carpenters being too poor to afford a goat or lamb sacrifice with no children seems WILDLY specious to me, even today I think a standard laborer at $55K/yr who is religiously devout would spring the 1-2K for his child's birth offering).

>> No.23238948

>The Christian death cult mindset is genuinely insulting and demeaning to the human spirit
fallen human spirit* - once you realize that these are different you'll be helped a lot. Your overall impression is actually theologically insightful just making a category error. I wish you the best and a very very joyous Easter. He is risen.

>> No.23238961

Jesus' brothers are his cousins...
Remember that Jesus left Mary to the care of John (and John to the care of Mary). He wouldn't do so if he had siblings.

>> No.23238982

>come home
so... suicide?

>> No.23238992

>Read Book of Job
>Still unemployed

>> No.23239262

I really enjoy C. S. Lewis's works, especially Mere Christianity. I think it helps if you read it in conjunction with other people, to discuss it as you read it.

>> No.23239276

Any alternatives if you don't wanna be a papist?

>> No.23239317
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>> No.23239349

Job only tells you you can't curse God for being unemployed which I'm sure you already knew.

>> No.23239586

>Psalms and Song of Solomon
>not poetic
actual retard, please stop posting

>> No.23239589

>Job only tells you you can't curse God for being unemployed
That's not supported by the text.

>> No.23239597

I outright said Catholic in my post. Don't mega respond to every post anon, come on.

>> No.23239610


Indeed, but what does your greentext have to do with my post?

>> No.23239758

>Thread opens with OP mentioning Confessions
>Nobody even mentions City of God
Read City of God by St. Augustine, it's great.

>> No.23239767

Catholics have lots of doctrines based on "tradition" and not scripture. They worship Mary, and it's a weird idolatry.

>> No.23239798

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
— Romans 10:17

If you're having a crisis of faith, read the Bible, not writings of philosophers.

>> No.23239806

the guy who castrated himself? lol
I will say, though, it is my interpretation that the reason yeshua never had children is because they took off a little too much during his circumcision

>> No.23239809

Romans 3
>What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision?
>2 Much in every way! First of all, the Jews have been entrusted with the very words of God.
>3 What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness?
>4 Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being a liar.
jew worship is such a disgusting creed

>> No.23240033

You are hispanic aren't you? This is the kind of question that someone raised in a hispanic culture would ask.

>> No.23240092

The main Catholic prayer for Mary's intercession is literally just direct quotations from scripture.

>> No.23240098

Reskolnikov never found redemption t b h

>> No.23240109

The holy spirit is a human invention, but humanity itself was invented by God, and God invented Himself.

>> No.23240148

Like you said it depends where you were raised. Like for myself I was raised Catholic so when I ended up returning to church obviously I returned to that.

>> No.23240155

But generally speaking, I would say /tv/ has the most catholics, /lit/ has more catholics and some nondenominational protestants with the occasional trip, and /his/ is where the majority of low protestants gather

>> No.23240158

Saying faith comes from hearing is unliklely to help OP out of his rut by itself. I am sure OP is already aware that he needs to read the Bible in order to believe. I take it he means he's experiencing a crisis despite this reading.

>> No.23240187

Hey, are you that guy who used to be obese who posts pictures of himself on /pol/ thinking he's not fat/ugly anymore?

>> No.23240202 [DELETED] 

It's all fiction. It's not even that impressive among religious origin myths, but the extensive focus on death and judgement and the bizarre obsession about cannibalizing the body and blood of Jesus is quite frankly disturbing. Nietzsche was pretty hit and miss, but he was 100% correct when he said Christianity is life denying and death worshiping. Any person who gladly accepts and partakes of a human sacrifice is a barbaric ignoramus. These ideas are the negation of morality, the indulgence in the worst impulses of our collective societies. You are not guilty for the sins of another man. You cannot be "redeemed" or "saved" by the death of another man. Do not lose your soul in these evil lies, focus on your own actions, your own will, and your own life and be the best man you can make yourself be. Anything else is an attack on your spirit and the degeneration of your mind.

>> No.23240206
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>> No.23240212

I say again, not poetic. It's massively overrated and very low tier and not worthy of the popularity it receives.

>> No.23240214

I never go on /pol/ but it's pretty funny that guy seems to living rent free in your mind.

>> No.23240226
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Of course, can't engage with a single word I've said to try and defend the embarrassing collection of rancid ideas which constitutes Christianity. Drink down the blood of God made man you sick freak, eat of his flesh like an animal, pray for your own death that you may be gathered to the arms of your delusion, waste the preciously short hours you have of life wishing and praying for death and it's supposed rewards, sell your reason, thoughts, and mind to a age old con. Sad!

>> No.23240306
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>> No.23240320
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>Hi there, I'm calling from the Based Department to say keep up the good work. Fantastic post.

>> No.23240457

>Drink down the blood of God made man you sick freak, eat of his flesh like an animal, pray for your own death that you may be gathered to the arms of your delusion, waste the preciously short hours you have of life wishing and praying for death and it's supposed rewards, sell your reason, thoughts, and mind to a age old con
I'm detecting a level of bitterness here, did you have a bad experience with Christian abuse in your childhood, or have the actions of a hypocritical Christian disgusted you? Or were you raised by Calvinists or something with their depiction of God and Jesus as evil figures who they stockholm syndrome themselves into supporting?

>> No.23240465 [DELETED] 

The beliefs in and of themselves are vile. Why do you seek to deflect attention from these indefensible ideas?

>> No.23240467

maybe he just doesn't like jew worship death cult and its anti-human message

>> No.23240468

This fag is just saying any bullshit to derail what was a decent thread. Stop giving him attention and he'll fuck off.

>> No.23240473

I'm asking because generally speaking Catholic Atheists tend to calmly laspe unless they were directly abused or injustly handled by Priests, wheras Protestant Atheists tend to implode into full Gnosticism and keep a lot of fundamental Protestant assumptions of Christianity

>> No.23240488 [DELETED] 

My posts have been directly in line with the OP, I am discussing the subject the thread was started to discuss. If you are a Christian doubting your faith, you should; your faith is misplaced and you have bought into an abhorrent collection of miserable ideas which should be dropped as soon as possible.

>> No.23240493 [DELETED] 

I do not fit into any of your prearranged boxes. Does this cause you discomfort?

>> No.23240499

Alright, my bad

>> No.23240522 [DELETED] 

>I won't quote all your posts, but I don't understand what you get from doing this kind of thing.
Opposing evil is always worthwhile. Christianity is a collection of evil, life denying, death worshiping lies. Notice how no anon in this thread can actually refute this. The entire premise of Christianity is to embrace death, partake of human sacrifice, ritualistically cannibalism flesh and blood of an executed man, give your soul up, and shrink from the joys of life and the solidarity and primacy of your fellow man. It is a grave insult to the human spirit, an all out assault on the wonder and preciousness of human life. There is more on Earth and in life than is dreamt of in your miserable philosophy.

>> No.23240530

>I won't quote all your posts, but I don't understand what you get from doing this kind of thing.
Opposing evil is always worthwhile. Christianity is a collection of evil, life denying, death worshiping lies. Notice how no anon in this thread can actually refute this. The entire premise of Christianity is to embrace death, partake of human sacrifice, ritualistically cannibalize flesh and blood of an executed man, give your soul up, and shrink from the joys of life and the solidarity and primacy of your fellow man. It is a grave insult to the human spirit, an all out assault on the wonder and preciousness of human life. There is more on Earth and in life than is dreamt of in your miserable philosophy.

>> No.23240555

I remember my r/atheism days.

>> No.23240568

if someone not from the US asked me where I lived, I would say the US. if a fellow American asked me, I would say Nevada.

>> No.23240588

i read Lilith and it's depiction of the afterlife and how people work has made me, if nothing else, attracted to the idea of Christian universalism

>> No.23240683
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>we all descend from one guy 6kya
>all land animals came out of a single boat 4.3kya
this is Christianity. don't try to say it doesn't count. the Gospel of Luke traces Christ's genealogy back to Adam.

>> No.23240728

Christbros, our response?

>> No.23240947

The "abuse" these guys all faced was their mom making them go to Mass on Sunday and telling them not to masturbate

>> No.23240967

kek, did your mom really talk to you about touching your peepee? Why are religious people so obsessed with the genitals of children?

>> No.23240975

Incel detected!

>> No.23240996

Read Paul Tillich

>> No.23241033

Nice projection my friend, don't worry, I am sure there is someone out there for you if only you'd stop being so toxic and worked on yourself a little. If you choose to grow up, you can find a life partner and be happy, there is still hope buddy, don't give up!

>> No.23241071

Sounds like what you’re struggling with is your feelings of bitterness, not belief. Think about it rationally. What is there not to believe? The miracles? The resurrection of Christ? Are these sort of things not within the power of an omnipotent God? And are we not talking about an omnipotent God? The only question that need be grappled with is whether that sort of God exists. If that sort of God exists, there’s no logical reason to doubt any of this. Doubt would be merely a choice and faith could just as easily be chosen. So there’s no real reason to grapple with feeling abandoned. The only thing to grapple with is whether you accept that God really does exist, regardless of how you feel about that God’s presence in your life.

>> No.23241076

ok incel lmao

>> No.23241095

It sounds like what OP is really struggling with is not belief but a sort of bitterness about not feeling God’s presence in daily life.

If you just think about it logically, there’s no reason why that we necessarily would feel God playing an active role in our lives if God does exist. So to doubt on that basis is basically irrational. It would be predicated on feeling, which means the problem is really a feeling and not a matter of accepting this or denying that. After all, if you didn’t believe in God at all, why would you be bitter about this non-existent God not being active in your life? That also makes no sense.

No. It’s actually a sort of bitterness, if you ask me. “God’s real, but why isn’t it obvious that He is especially interested in me?” is a question I accidentally wonder all the time. I desperately want to feel God playing an active role in my life. When I don’t get the signs I ask for, or the answers to prayers I pray for, or the blessings I desperately want, or just be special somehow, I get resentful and I mistake that for disbelief. “If God was real, He would make it clear to me. He would choose me, pay attention to me.” is basically what I think. So I get it.

>> No.23241150


>> No.23241261

No idea.

>> No.23241309

Read the King James Bible.

If reading your bible with humility and prayer doesn't increase your faith, then it's probably not the bible but one of the translations of the counterfeit from the adversary.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

You're just a troll trying to say anything to keep OP from reading the Bible. You didn't put this much effort into getting offended by any other reply. Burn in hell, Satan.

Dawkins got BTFO by Ray Comfort's movies.

>posts soijak
All you're doing is proving atheist posters are cancer.

The fruit of atheism is pedantic childish nonsense and a brat attitude. Your father clearly failed to discipline you.

What's the problem? Apart from the guy posting pics of immodest women that's likely a stumblingblock and offense for others?

Science confirms the Bible. There's evidence all over the earth of the flood. What are you asking for? Do you really think the God who created all things, even the atom, couldn't create man? couldn't bring the animals Noah needed to save or gave him the wrong information?

You guys read the Bible and remove God from it then scoff as if you're wise "herp derp, how did [insert something God did] happen without God, within my self-refuting naturalistic world view". And naturalism is self-refuting, but most are just brainwashed by the schools to believe it, but most don't realize they believe it, just indoctrinated public school chattel.

>Christianity is life-denying
You literally mass murder your own unborn children, you deny life to the totally innocent. Atheists are insane, they mass murder and sacrifice their own children just to maintain a level of convenience.

If you kill a pregnant woman, that's double homicide; if a pregnant woman kills her child, it's still homicide no matter what you baby-killing atheists say.

>> No.23241334

Science says humans were around long before the time of Adam.

>> No.23241349

>All you're doing is proving atheist posters are cancer.
Imagine getting so rattled by wojak memes lol
>You literally mass murder your own unborn children
No I don't, and never have. My wife and I have two healthy kids and we cherish them dearly, and we even refrained from cutting up their genitals, you know, the thing Christcucks are so infamous for.

>> No.23241377
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Science doesn't say anything, scientists do.

Thanks for proving my point, newfag cancer. Go back to your sharty spinoff, loser.

>> No.23241379

>converting because of /lit/
You followed the devil

>> No.23241394

>I'm a Lutheran
No wonder you're feeling weird. Roman Catholic is the true path.

>> No.23241458

You have literally no response. You got bodied and can't even respond. Embarrassing.

>> No.23241466

>Science doesn't say anything, scientists do.
Are they lying about carbon dating?

>> No.23241504

Hegel's Religion lectures and early theology material (if you're Protestant).

>> No.23241683

NTA but you should look up the "old wood effect."

>> No.23241695

whatever you do DO NOT read any Roman or Greek philosophy, if in your weakend state you read stuff like the meditations, the enchiridion or Senecas Epistles you may never be able to believe christianity ever again, also try not to read the bible either, esp the OT

>> No.23241787

>sucking nigger toes is the true path.
weird take, ngl

>> No.23242071
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>roman philosophy

>> No.23242265

>zoom speak
>implying papal actions mean anything when the church is compromised
it's all so tiresome

>> No.23242424
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So full blown creationism, geocentrism, the whole thing. No fossils are older than 6,000 years, no rock strata, no billion years of evolution. Got it!

>> No.23242440
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you need to pay at least 15 min per day

>> No.23242443

>You're just a troll trying to say anything to keep OP from reading the Bible.
Show me in Romans where it talks about how to help people who have begun to doubt God specifically. Not have begun to doubt Christ's role in relation to the Jews. I am asking you to show me where it talks about how to overcome a loss of faith, which is what OP is asking about.
>Burn in hell, Satan.
This is a grotesque form of ad hominem. I will pray for you because you're clearly disordered in your practice of the faith if you think this is how God desires you to behave towards someone who is speaking earnestly.

>> No.23242454
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>Was in a really bad place at the start of 2023
>started praying out of desperation, was never really a believer and I relayed to God my doubts and insecurities and my selfish desire to pray just to cure myself of my situation
>Pray every day and go to church every day I could
>Things turn around and I become the happiest I've ever been around July-August
>stop praying entirely around October-November
>things went to shit again at the start of last month

It was deserved. Maybe this will make me a true believer. It can't just be coincidence.

>> No.23242484

Just don't get too fixed on the "prizes". Focus on loving God, rather than on things like this.
How is your readings like, friend?

>> No.23242492

I'm >>23242484
I meant "How are your readings like".
My bad.

>> No.23242503

I've read the Bible once, and some St. Augustine

>> No.23242507

>I meant "How are your readings like".
That also isn't proper English. What are you trying to say? Do you wish to say: "What have you read?"

>> No.23242526

Ah, you should read the Cathechism of the Catholic Church first, IMO. It is a very didactic book about the Christian faith.

Yes, that would be it, thanks.

>> No.23242536

It really seems like their catechism book would solve a lot of issues for a lot of people. Nobody even has to believe in the Pope or anything Catholic for that matter--just read and understand what smart people have compiled over the decades from work done over centuries. Basically you will be blind to ideas that you haven't been exposed to.

>> No.23242542

I had chathechism school and did the Communion and Confirmation.

>> No.23242552

That list does skew Latin, but I am not a Catholic. Merton was very interested in Sufi Islam and Zen and is not pushing Catholic dogma. Origen and Evargrius are both pre-split Greeks. I am a big fan of St. Maximus as well but I didn't think he was as accessible as the titles I mentioned. The same is true of Hegel and Boehme who are Lutherans, but somewhat impenetrable.

It is true though that I am not a huge fact of a lot of modern Evangelical writing. I find it tends to be too watered down, or just reduced to "blind faith = salvation." The idea of ascetical practice, illumination, and metanoia is lost.

I find Luther himself incredibly quotable but I am not a huge fan of his work as a whole. I've read less of Calvin.

>> No.23242722 [DELETED] 

Man, Brothers Karamazov was one of the few books in my life that made me sob, if not the only one (I've shed a few tears for other books but nothing more than that). Dunno how to explain it but it just struck a chord with me

>> No.23242756 [DELETED] 

Not to be glib, because I don't exactly buy the 6k age of humans theory, but from my understanding carbon dating isn't as accurate as the reddit atheists would have you believe. Either way, imo, there's really about either theory that necessarily disproves/proves God and the bible. After all, God himself gave humans the capacity to learn for themselves about the laws of nature and reality so it would make logical sense that as time went by, human knowledge would go up

>> No.23242758 [DELETED] 

I can confirm. 2022 was my dark year and 2023 was incredibly fucking bleak for me, to say the least (spent a month and a week in hospitals, unsure of whether I would ever be the same again or even live) and praying and really dropping on my knees for God saved me.

>> No.23242761

>the church is compromised
>the pope is compromised
>but the catholic church is the true way frfr

>> No.23242763 [DELETED] 

>Cathechism of the Catholic Church
Is that a published work I can buy? Or does the cathechism have different works based on it?

>> No.23242776 [DELETED] 

Nta but:
>water sources are poisoned
>but water is the true way to quench thirst fr fr
Your logic, btw. This is your average zoom-zoom brain on tiktok and porn kek

>> No.23242778

So is the family line of Jesus listed in the Bible a lie?

>> No.23242784

It is a published work you can buy. The Vatican actually publishes it for free on the official website, too.
But a physical copy is better.

>> No.23242834

Theistic evolutionists don't say that. Nta

>> No.23242887

whatever apologetics you need to engage in, jew worshiper

>> No.23242905

Correlation is not causation. Was praying the only thing you did to help yourself? Perhaps this was a period in your life where you were working on improving yourself in general, and praying was just one of those things you did. Happy for you though anon

>> No.23242932

Well, if you are saying Catholicism is not racist, you are correct. We are not racist.

The Pope is not doing anything wrong when he is washing the feet of others.

>> No.23242999

I know this isn't the most relevant question, but since it was brought up, what is the big deal about circumcision?

I get the whole mutilation argument and all the immediate problems that stems from it, but ultimately in my mind it's like cutting off a sixth finger. Like yeah, the kid didn't have any say in it, but it's no skin off their hide whether they have it or not, mainly since they're perfectly fine with or without it.

I mainly say this since it's on a part that covered up most the time and the foreskin has negligible effect on one's health from what I read.

If anyone could lay it out straight for me (because frankly, I'm very stupid and very confused) I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks.

Also, isn't it mainly a Jewish thing? I know some schisms do it, but do Christians really do it often enough that it's a big point of contention for them?

>> No.23243015

Christianity isn't racist, it's not even a European religion. If Paul was as racist as you are, you would never even have heard of Christ.

>> No.23243022

Circumcision isn't a Christian practice, lots of Europeans simply do it out of tradition or other reasons. It's basically the Jewish equivalent of the Christian baptism, which is why Paul wrote rather heavily against it
>Galatians 5:2-6 Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you. And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law. You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love.

>> No.23243045

There are Christians who do circumcision for religious reasons?
I'm a Catholic from a Catholic country. Never heard of that before.

>> No.23243052

What is their explanation for it? I can understand Eden and Noah and Babel being parables, but the family lines are different.

>> No.23243094

I'm going off my own experience (I'm a Baptist and I'm circumcised; my parents say it's because of a skintag/mole paired with my Dad having a few predispositions to skin cancer, so it's both a religious(?) and a health thing) to and a few brief readings that tried to explain it. From what I've read, it's mainly a few Orthodox dominions that do it, so it checks out to me.

Thank man! Been sitting on that question for a while. I'll give it a read to see if there's anything else I can glean about it from Galatians.

>> No.23243104
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The foreskin is like an organ in itself. It's akin to cutting off the clitoral hood. The glans underneath become dry and desensitised. People without a foreskin cannot therefore experience as much sexual pleasure as they could if they were left intact. Women report having better sex with men who are intact because the foreskin is designed to enable the penis to better enter the vagina. The industry surrounding it is also deeply corrupt: parents in America have to actually pay to have it done, but the hospitals sell the tissue on and make thousands in terms of profit. That's akin to organ harvesting. The cells from the foreskin are then sometimes used in expensive beauty treatments for wealthy women, so there's an exploitative aspect to it also. The frenulum is one of the most sensitive parts of the male body; removing or damaging it (as always happens in modern circumcision) is cruel. Almost all health organisations, aside from those in America, do not recommend the procedure as it confers no medical benefit that could not be equalled by simply washing yourself under the shower. Studies that claim it prevents STDs have since been found to be non rigorous; they were conducted entirely within Africa by biased parties using biased samples. All in all, cutting off the most sensitive part of an infant's body for no good medical reason, without permission, is wrong. Deeply wrong.

>> No.23243164

I see. I didn't realize that the foreskin was anything but a flap of skin; I knew there were glands in the testes and all that, but I never knew they ran into the penis itself, at least to the point where cutting the skin off would be a problem.

You wouldn't happen to have that African study or critiques of that study on hand, would you? Figure after Galatians that'd be the next logical steep in understanding all this.

If there is the faintest glimmer of a silver lining to this, it's knowing that I can call some raggedy, snooty older women "dickhead" or "peckerwood" and be kinda right about it.

>> No.23243169

>mainly since they're perfectly fine with or without it
someone who is circumcised has been sexually crippled. from a strict mechanical standpoint removing the foreskin removes the entire piston like mechanism an intact penis emulates, ensuring a smoother sexual experience for the woman. from a sensory standpoint a circumcision removes roughly 50% of a penis's sensory tissue, and then the mucosal tissue above the scar line dries out and further desensitizes. a circumcised dick is more like an unmoving, unfeeling dildo than a penis. the way a circumcision is performed is by cutting away the middle of the penis and then stitching the bottom to the top
>but I'm circumcised and I'm plenty sensitive
you aren't. you're like someone who has only ever eaten dog food so you mistakenly think it's fine cuisine.
given the damage caused, and the scale and scope of how circumcision has been imposed on the populace, it fits the UN definition of crime against humanity

>> No.23243173

The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel

>> No.23243193

They believe Adam was a real human who lived in ancient prehistory, the specific understandings of him vary but I've generally seen most say he was chosen by God to be the first high priest in the temple of Eden similarly to how Abraham and Israel were chosen by God.

>> No.23243280

Here you are: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3255200/

The important part(s):

>The research in support of circumcision, however, does not seem so impressive to Dr. John Travis, a member of the board of directors of the Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children, a donation-supported educational organization based in Charlottesville, Virginia. “I can tell you that the research being touted as significantly protective of HIV is highly biased, poorly done,” Travis writes in an email.
>One the major problems, according to Travis, is that the researchers didn’t determine the source of HIV infections acquired during the clinical trials, assuming all infections would be from heterosexual sex, though some of the infected men reported acquiring the virus during a period when they didn’t have sex or had sex using condoms.
>“Conservatively for the three trials, 89 of the 205 infections (43.1%) were sexually transmitted,” writes Travis. “Without knowing which infections were sexually transmitted, it is impossible to test the hypothesis of whether circumcision reduces the rates of sexually transmitted HIV.”
>Travis also claims the clinical trials were rife with various types of bias, such as attrition bias (the number of participants who dropped out vastly outnumbered those who became infected), duration bias (the trials were not long enough to determine if the positive effect would plateau) and expectation bias. Some of the primary investigators had already called for mass circumcision, Travis writes, so it is no surprise that they got the results they expected to see. This expectation of positive results may also explain why all three trials were terminated early.
>Another form of bias in the research, writes Travis, is lead-time bias. The circumcised men were told not to have unprotected sex for 4–8 weeks, yet they were monitored immediately, as were the men in the uncircumcised group. The men in the control group were therefore exposed to infection for a longer period of time.
>“It is like having a ten-mile race in which one group is give a 20-minute head start and then being surprised when the group with the head start finishes the race first,” writes Travis.

>> No.23243503

Just sounds like you have mad mood swings dawg.

>> No.23243511

It helped prevent STDs in ancient times. Christians never did it very much (for most of Christianity it was literally frowned upon) and that only weirdly changed by schizo Amerimutts in the 1800s.

A Catholic in Italy or a Lutheran Swede probably aren't gonna be circumcised. An evangelical Amerimutt definitely will be.

>> No.23243586

I have Borderline Personality Disorder, and have been a Christian for around six years now. I get what you're saying, where you're coming from, that "psychological need for God... probably driven by mental illness and desperation." But God loves you, nearly and dearly. That's real, and no delusion. If you believe that He came as a man, died, rose and ascended, then you know that He loves you. There is no other option or reality that can exist besides. Your delusions can't change that. I would echo most of the anons here on their recs, especially Merton and St. John of the Cross. However, I would recommend, more than anything, to do all you can to be near and intimate with the Christians you are in fellowship with. As a protestant, I've gotten a lot from and been encouraged by Tim Keller's sermons, would recommend those as well. God bless you.

>> No.23243605

>the 6k age of humans theory
God literally said it. The Bible lists how old Adam was when he had his son, his son's age when he had his son, and so on. The Bible starts in 4,000 BC, it just does

>> No.23243641

Aren't the Evangelicals the ones that are supposed to read the Bible? Paul was very explicit on "Gentile Christians don't need to get circumcised".

>> No.23243680
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The Temptation of Saint Anthony by Gustave Flaubert.

>> No.23243688

no, he wasn't. Paul has a very bad habit of speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
Romans 3, already cited in this thread
Or Acts 16
>Paul came to Derbe and then to Lystra, where a disciple named Timothy lived, whose mother was Jewish and a believer but whose father was a Greek.
>2 The believers at Lystra and Iconium spoke well of him.
>3 Paul wanted to take him along on the journey, so he circumcised him because of the Jews who lived in that area, for they all knew that his father was a Greek.

And while all christians worship a dead jew, Evangelicals literally worship jews

>> No.23243709

This has been debunked.

>> No.23243719

>Paul was very explicit on "Gentile Christians don't need to get circumcised".
>no, he wasn't.
Well, that's one way to quickly reveal yourself a liar and that nobody should consider your words.

Sad that the world no longer has that value, where the average man's word doesn't mean anything. It used to be "my word is my bond" and if someone broke their word, they were considered untrustworthy and most people would no longer do business with them. And the atheists/antichrists/secularists celebrate such as "progress".

>> No.23243731

I literally cited the scriptural text. keep worshiping your foreskin eating desert demon and his man shaped kapparot

>> No.23243732

Timothy was supposed to preach to the Jewish community

As Paul said:
>To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to gain Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though I myself am not under the law) so that I might gain those under the law. To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (though I am not outside God’s law but am within Christ’s law) so that I might gain those outside the law.

He didn't circumcise Timothy because that would be necessary for his salvation. He did so because otherwise he wouldn't be able to preach to that community.

>> No.23243736

so timothy was required to drop trou in order to even talk to jews?
freaks. vermin

>> No.23243743

You are the most dishonest person I have ever seen on 4chan. You take things out of context. You make strawman arguments. Frankly, I hope you get a tripcode so that I can block you.

>> No.23243746

and you're a typical christian, a spirtual jew. nothing but lies

>> No.23243750

post nose

>> No.23243753

I'm not the one taking things out of context in order to misdirect others like you did here >>23243688

Your anti-semitism won't work on this thread either.

>> No.23243754

>your foreskin eating desert demon and his man shaped kapparot
Why should I care about the cherry-picking of some hate-filled psycho like you?

I already know what's in God's Word, God's Word doesn't need me to defend it, that'd be like defending the lion against the gazelle, or the elephant against the ant. You're an ant.

>nothing but lies
You're just projecting.

>> No.23243757

so Paul literally circumcises timothy, but that's no big according to you
morally, ethically and spiritually bankrupt

>> No.23243767

Yes, considering the context, Paul didn't get in contradiction.

>> No.23243779

the context is he mutilated his genitals. that's the entirety of the context

>> No.23243785

>If you cannot recognize that Christianity —through Catholicism— is the one true faith,
It’s not though

>> No.23243802
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Both of you should repent desu. Read the desert fathers and proceed with the church fatthers.

>> No.23243808

>help me affirm my mentally ill delusions that yahweh and rabbi yeshuah are really divine and that jew worship is the path
You were "converted" by a discord raider in the middle of psychosis. You're right to doubt.

>> No.23243818

So you just have faith in yourself? Lmao bro

>> No.23243820

The context is the issue of circumcision as necessary or not for salvation.

Apologize. Apologize to everyone in this thread for trying to mislead people.

>> No.23243839

So is it?

>> No.23243844

No. You are citing Galatians 5
>2 Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all.
But then Paul goes and circumcised Timothy.
Well fuck Paul, and fuck you. It's mutilation and it's evil.

>> No.23243845

the cloud of unknowing
revelation of divine love
writings of st catherine of siena

i believe that doubt is the cornerstone of true faith desu

>> No.23243857

As usual, you are being dishonest and taking things out of context in order to give the wrong impression of what Paul said. Don't you have any kind of shame?

Here is someone who can explain better than I do


>The Christians in Galatia were listening to false teachers. These Judaizers were telling them that they must add the works of the law to faith in Jesus in order to be truly right with God (Galatians 2:4). Paul has rejected that teaching. Christ has set us free, Paul insists, by buying our way out of slavery to sin. That deal is done. We are justified before God (Galatians 3:25–29). To begin to follow the law of Moses in order to be justified by God is to miss the point of Christianity entirely. Paul has said repeatedly that it amounts to asking God to judge us by our works and not by Jesus' sinless life and death in our place. It makes us a slave to our inescapable sin.

>Now Paul reveals that it's even worse than that. To seek God's approval by following the law of Moses makes Christ's death for our sins worthless. More specifically, Paul says that to "accept circumcision" makes Christ of no help to us. This is a dire remark, and one that needs to be carefully understood.

Apologize. Apologize for trying to mislead others

>> No.23243858

>Plato, Aristotle
Lutheran schismatic Prot
Pluralist hippy
>Origen, Evargrius, Eckhart
Heretics and Greek ones at that
Platonist Pagan worshiper

>> No.23243874

apologize for worshiping a flesh eating demon, and then for drinking human blood and eating human flesh every sunday

>> No.23243954

>no skin off their hide
it is literal skin off their hide, lmao

>> No.23243970

I doubt you're Catholic in real life.

>> No.23243972
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First for Steinbeck. Despite his pinko-mason-spook weirdness, Grapes of Wrath and East of Eden really are full of the Spirit.
Ibsen's Brand is also good food for thought if you're struggling with the whole piety/clemency thing (I know I have).

Just don't blaspheme against the Holy Ghost and you'll find that doubt can serve to sharpen faith.

>> No.23243975

Everything that came after the original can't be correct.
>And I say also unto thee, Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church...
>actually no I was wrong bro, here upon THIS rock, hundreds of years later, interpreted by different people after they all split and made their own branches of my ideas, I will build my one TRUE church

>> No.23244132

Catholics generally have tremendous respect of Plato and Aristote. Catholic philosophy is like its own huge section of philosophy separate from analytical/continental. A lot of really great stuff comes out of there too, a lot of phenomenology-inspired work, but with more of the ancients and medievals brought forward.

Their overall project of making medieval thought applicable to today's problems is really interesting and some of the best philosophy coming out today. Generally, it is way more practical too.

>> No.23244156

Damn… poor choice of words on my part, decent pun though. I’m keeping that one in my back pocket next time the topic comes up, ought to get at least a smirk.

Also thank you everyone who answered my silly question concerning the snip. I’m not the best Christian or academic so I’m thankful you cut all the fat and got to meat of the issue. The sources are a nice touch too; I’m still confused, but considerably less so.

>> No.23244205

>Faith in yourself
True Chad Energy

>> No.23244546

>I'm still confused that removing a proverbial pound of flesh from a defenseless infant is somehow bad
seems like you're combating cognitive dissonance

>> No.23244723

I ought to clarify a smidge so I don’t look like a total tool.

What I meant was is that I’m confused as to why Christians would adopt, and more importantly keep, the practice in the first place.

Paul said It wasn’t necessary as well as chastising the practice by saying it alienated believers from Christ. The New Testament for the most part says that Jewish law is irrelevant as Christ had come to fulfill it. 1 Corinthians 7:19 straight up says circumcision means nothing and that the commandments are what Christians should concern themselves with. Galatians 5:6 says essentially the same thing as the previously mentioned verse.

Ultimately, it wasn’t the ethics of circumcision that confused me (got that part loud and clear), but rather the reason a fair bit of Christians still do it.

What confused me more was when I was trying to find an answer the only schism I saw that really believed in circumcision was a few Orthodox dominions (Coptic, Eritrean, and Ethiopian). I was under the impression that they’d be the schism least likely to practice this sort of thing.

Sorry for the confusion I spawned with my own confusion.

>> No.23244864

>paul said
yes, but the messiah, he who lived a perfect, sinless life, the king of kings and object of prophecy and all that jazz, Jesus H. Christ himself, was mutilated
and christians are told repeatedly that they are to emulate him in all things. as one example, Ephesians 5
>1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children
>2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
>3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.

so when paul, a man who never met yeshua, says something (and contradicts that directive in other places) who else are christians supposed to follow the example of other than their mutilated messiah?

>> No.23244869

what is with christfags and these embarrassing gamer chad memes?

>> No.23244981

I need a book for being ghosted by a 10/10

>> No.23244993
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>Share some books that will bring me back to God's light
Not a book, and I'm not a Christian, but I've always loved the Castlevania series for portraying Christianity and God as glorious and holy pillars that the heroes stand upon to face down the darkness of the night. It's a big part of why so many fans hated the Netflix series, and makes me wish there was more positive portrayals of religion and Christianity in media with no giant asterisks.
Also, Castlevania 1 took place on Easter, so it's kinda a good game for this time of year.

>> No.23245286

I'm not a Christian anymore but Father Sergius.

>> No.23245363

>>1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children
>>2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
>>3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.
He might have been chopped being born in the time and place he was, but that passage isn't an example of emulating cutting your dick.

>> No.23245562

What absolute cringe
Raskolnikov is a caricature of a person that barely even exists. The average real life murderer doesn't have a "conscience" to be bothered by. Do you think gangbangers from Detroit are eaten up by the fact that they popped some cracker yesterday? Lmao

>> No.23245871

circumcision is a form of human sacrifice and one of chrstianity's great virtues is self sacrifice
further, and you completely ignored this point, yeshua lived a perfect sinless life, and christians are told to walk in his footsteps. being mutilated can certainly be considered part of that, and that's a big reason certain sects of jew worship circumcise

>> No.23246333
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>I'm a Lutheran.
So over. Come to the one True Church anon, the one Christ established unto Peter. The one Orthodox Apostolic Catholic Church!

>> No.23246543

Nobody cares, kike. He didn't advocate for circumcision and nobody after kikes did except for mudslimes and Kellogg. Only people pushing this ritual are jews, cryptojews, some niggers and cutfags who are so angry at being mutilated they try to bring others into it. Similar to vaxxoids.l

>> No.23246545

I read this article and I thought it was pretty interesting
If I converted to Christianity and got baptised would I be able to find the kind of Christianity described in this article?
How can you live a Christian life like this today?

>> No.23246617

I'm quite certain the Jacobin magazine is not a good place to try to learn about Christianity theology.

>> No.23246625

Isn't David Bentley Hart popular with 4chan Christians?

>> No.23246635

anyone who heaps blame a minor player like kelogg is a jew apologist. kelogg was one of the least influential jew worshipers who pushed for the practice

>> No.23246836
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Yes, it is.

Catholicism comprehends the underlying Christian essence of all of the traces of good intentions & works that are contingently referred & related to the various schizopathical cults & sects of the world, which are erroneously called "religions".

>> No.23246860

Late to the party and lots of good recs. Would add St Teresa, Interior Castle talks about aridities, uneven distribution of consolations, graces and trials.
Also strongly agree with everyone suggesting regular prayer. The Rosary is good because you can just follow the script but still keep yourself very regular that way, or you can hang extra prayers onto the structure or really dwell on each mystery.

>> No.23246976

Let’s get into this. Do you think the Protestant Reformation robbed the Christian tradition of its contemplative practices with its Sola Fidé doctrines?

>> No.23247016

How do I believe bros

>> No.23247021

>In evolutionary biology, one of those mysterious thresholds of which at present we have only the vaguest conceptual grasp is that moment in the ramification of any phylogenic series at which an irrevocable taxonomic divergence occurs, and a genuinely new species emerges.
He huffs his own farts

>> No.23247034
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Sex and Character - Otto Weininger
>The founder of a religion is the man for whom no problem has been solved from his birth. He is the man with the least possible sureness of conviction, for whom everything is doubtful and uncertain, and who has to conquer everything for himself in this life. One has to struggle against illness and physical weakness, another trembles on the brink of the crimes which are possible for him, yet another has been in the bonds of sin from his birth. It is only a formal statement to say that original sin is the same in all persons; it differs materially for each person. Here one, there another, each as he was born, has chosen what is senseless and worthless, has preferred instinct to his will, or pleasure to love; only the founder of a religion has had original sin in its absolute form; in him everything is doubtful, everything is in question. He has to meet every problem and free himself from all guilt. In him was all error and all guilt; in him there comes to be all expiation and redemption.

>Thus the founder of a religion is the greatest of the geniuses, for he has vanquished the most. He is the man who has accomplished victoriously what the deepest thinkers of mankind have thought of only timorously as a possibility, the complete regeneration of a man, the reversal of his will

>There were two possibilities in Judaism. Before the birth of Christ, these two, negation and affirmation, were together awaiting choice. Christ was the man who conquered in Himself Judaism, the greatest negation, and created Christianity, the strongest affirmation and the most direct opposite of Judaism. Now the choice has been made ; the old Israel has divided into Jews and Christians, and Judaism has lost the possibility of producing greatness. The new Judaism has been unable to produce men like Samson and Joshua, the least Jewish of the old Jews. In the history of the world, Christendom and Jewry represent negation and affirmation. In old Israel there was the highest possibility of mankind, the possibility of Christ. The other possibility is the Jew.

>Nothing is easier than to be Jewish, nothing so difficult as to be Christian.

>I am not disposed to believe, with Chamberlain, that the birth of the Saviour in Palestine was an accident. Christ was a Jew, precisely that He might overcome the Judaism within Him, for he who triumphs over the deepest doubt reaches the highest faith; he who has raised himself above the most desolate negation is most sure in his position of affirmation. Judaism was the peculiar, original sin of Christ; it was His victory over Judaism that made Him greater than Buddha or Confucius. Christ was the greatest man because He conquered the greatest enemy.

>In Christians pride and humility, in Jews haughtiness and cringing, are ever at strife ; in the former self-consciousness and contrition, in the latter arrogance and bigotry.

>> No.23247036

I was bothered by his use of the word adumbrate which Ié never seen before but it gets better

>> No.23247122

He's a major reason that people do it today in the US, listed among others who do it. You have piss poor reading comprehension.

>> No.23247494

>OP asks for book recommendations
>devolves into anons arguing about dicks

No surprises

>> No.23247829

Lol a quick google search reveals that is not true and a myth.

>> No.23247835

Yes it is. Among others. Piss poor comprehension. Kellogg was a total lunatic, but was right about some things. For example, he was also a proponent of eugenics and segregation. Horseshoe theory definitely applies in cases like this, he wraps back around to being a retard.
>Seventh Day Adventist
no wonder he was ultimately retarded, he wasn't Catholic.

>> No.23247882

> Another common misconception credits Kellogg with popularizing routine infant circumcision in the United States and broader Anglosphere. This is incorrect. Kellogg in fact criticized this growing belief among medical professionals, arguing that routine circumcision provided doubtful medical benefit

Are you retarded nigga?

>> No.23247901

Piss poor reading comprehension. I never said nor implied that he was the only one. the inventor or pioneer, or even advocated for it in infancy. He pushed for it in young boys. Also, none of that implies being a Jew apologist, I give equal blame to every retard who does this or remains ignorant of facts even when explained properly.

>> No.23247978
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The Lamb's Book of Life, writen by an anonymous author during the 2000s
The original language is french but there's an english version online even if there are some translation mistakes in it


It's not the original website but the other one returns an error message due to these translation mistakes : https://thebookoflife.eu/

>> No.23248069

Be high permanently.

>> No.23248730

Only among monastics. What has Hart himself done about it in his own life though? He’s been writing about it for years it’s old news to him now

>> No.23248773

the NT is so explicit that you don't do this lol

>> No.23248785

Ok Rabbi just admit you were wrong.

>> No.23250214

If you haven't, of course, read the Bible. If you have, keep reading it regularly, but also:

I Believe in Visions; Kenneth Hagin
Surprised by the Power of the Spirit; Jack Deere
Eros Defiled; John White
Growing Up Spiritually; Kenneth Hagin
Waking the Dead; John Eldridge
Weight of Glory [essay]; C.S. Lewis

Also, listen to the testimonies of various Christians. Sometimes, the testimony of another can really remind us of what's important and where our focus and our faith needs to be. Jesus loves you, anon.

>> No.23250387

I denounced kikes, circumcision, the talmud, and any proponent of this jewish ritual. Fuck off retard, it's nit my problem if you can't read properly.

>> No.23252099


>> No.23252752

>Books for Christians doubting their faith
The Age of Reason, Thomas Paine
On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin (as updated a version as you can get)
Forbidden Archeology, Cremo and Thompson
Basic math

>> No.23252975

Did the netflix series retain these portrayals? I might watch it after all....

>> No.23253706

The kikeflix series is trash and doesn't feel anything like the (good) games in the series. Play I, III, Rondo, SOTN, Aria, the DS games, and maybe SCIV if you want. The rest are mediocre to awful as far as good games go. Bloodstained has 2 classicvania type games that are also pretty good, but don't bother watching anything on netflix.