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File: 49 KB, 1245x841, mishima-y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23150758 No.23150758 [Reply] [Original]

> death in war is beautiful
I believed him but then I went to /gif/ war thread and death in war looks pretty unesthetic

>> No.23150784

He was over compensating for his homosexuality and effeminate nature by becoming a ideological zealot for right wing extremism. It's a pretty common psychological experience in these parts, that's why he's popular

>> No.23150787

>Death in war was beautiful

>> No.23150790

Nice projection

>> No.23150791

In a true war, between your homeland and a foreign enemy who wants you dead, then death in war is beautiful.
One moment of true heroism is worth more than a whole life of slavery

>> No.23150793

yeah. if you've any had any experience in the military or in armed conflict you realise quite quickly that romanticised accounts of war is bullshit spewed by naive morons.

its actually quite a pathetic spectacle

>> No.23150796

> One moment of true heroism is worth more than a whole life of slavery

>> No.23150798

cool story bro

>> No.23150799

Trying to repress your inner desire to have gay sex and cross dress with outward exaggerated expressions of traditional masculinity is literally the spiritual core of Mishimas work

>> No.23150802
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1618508447153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i just saw a webm on /gif/ of a young mother whose toddler got killed because some dude committed suicide by jumping from a nearby building.
She was about to cross the road and the guy just landed on her toddler out of fucking nowhere. It's so absurd and tragic that i actually almost ended up laughing. It's incomprehensible.

>> No.23150810

Nice 2012 meme phrase

>> No.23150811
File: 29 KB, 368x368, 1661530434760187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the webm of a russian soldier giving a BJ to another russian soldier before being sniped by a ukrainian grenade drone.
Mishima would have approved of the homosexuality AND the violence.

>> No.23150819

Not quite, it’s your interpretation.

>> No.23150826

suck my dick roody-poo

>> No.23150829

Understanding that Mishima engaged in performative caricatures of hyper masculine figures as a mask is key to understanding him as a writer.

>> No.23150842

Not true. That interpretation comes from a Jewish literary critic.

>> No.23150844

he was right. I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings ;_;

>> No.23150849

She* and no, she wasn’t.

>> No.23150851

>One moment of true heroism is worth more than a whole life of slavery
Both are worthless

>> No.23150854

For you

>> No.23150868

It's incredibly true, and I'm getting this from literally just reading his works and understanding his life. It's unavoidable if you approach his work sincerely. You're denying it because you want to force his work into a mold of your liking

>> No.23150877

> You're denying it because you want to force his work into a mold of your liking
That’s exactly what you’re doing.

>> No.23150891

No I'm not, I'm viewing Mishimas work honestly with a complete view of his life and character.

>> No.23150892

well said.

>> No.23150895

People who say this are just want a strong homofascist to fuck them. Also, psychoanalysis is nonsense. You will never understand another person with any certainty and there is no true self

>> No.23150898

Have you seen his life and character for yourself? Did you know him? Are you gay?

>> No.23150899

> honestly
You’re forcing an interpretation based on your own bias.

>> No.23150902

VERY dumb take.

>> No.23150912

I've read his books, which are extremely self reflective, watched the movie about him and the documentary about him. I've read his work for about 10 years now from many perspectives, I would say I have a very strong grasp on his character

>> No.23150917

It's based on his own words, actions and writings anon

>> No.23150919

It's true though. Theodore Adorno is the prototypical example of this his homophobia and fear of hypermasculine "fascism" betray his repressed feminine homosexuality

>> No.23150920

You’re trying to psychoanalyze him

>> No.23150922

Sounds like you're trying to psychoanalyze

>> No.23150929

Yes. And my analysis is accurate and correct

>> No.23150932

Ok so you haven't actually met him or seen him from birth to grave and the only thing you have going for you are some scholars who should be working in coal mines wanting to believe that he was this repressed gay man or whatever. I think I need stronger evidence than "dude just trust me bro! He was gay! I should know!"

>> No.23150935 [SPOILER] 


>> No.23150938

Yes, and my analysis is accurate and correct

>> No.23150943
File: 46 KB, 460x350, 1611180029940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone post the image of Mishima's head where it's the guy who decapitated Mishima revealing that he nutted when he died

>> No.23150945

I don't think you've ever actually engaged with any of his work if you deny that he was a gay man

>> No.23150947

>you can psychoanalyze people without ever meeting them.
I know psychoanalysis is basically just magic but come on

>> No.23150949

How is that possible if you think psychoanalysis is nonsense?

>> No.23150953

I'm objectively correct

Yes you can

>> No.23150957

I have though. I guess I just don't make up things about the guy for absolutely no reason. The only thing I think is that he was suicidal. I also don't believe in any inherent gayness or whatever. I think being gay is a matter of choice

>> No.23150958

> I'm objectively correct
Prove it. Pro tip: You can’t.

>> No.23150959

I'm not the guy you are refering to, obviously.

>> No.23150964

Dying was something he was obsessed with even before the war had started in Japan, and it was largely based in fantasy. It had to be beautiful. Getting torched by a flamethrower in Okinawa isn't the beautiful fantastical death he was talking about.

>> No.23150980

>Yes you can
You can in the same way that you can 'hear' me telepathically communicate with you right know. Also, I know you guys are gay and all but why is it so important to you that Mishima be gay? Moreover, why do you guys obsess with the idea of gay fascists? Do you think calling people gay will make others no longer be fascist?

>> No.23150982

Would an interview with his former ladyboy lover talking about their nights out dancing at gay clubs be proof enough for you?

>> No.23150997

I would prefer a first-hand confession where he says he’s “overcompensating” for his “repressed homosexuality”. This is the gap you can’t fill.

>> No.23151001

It's not a need, it's literally the objectively correct understanding of his life and character, denying it means you aren't fully engaging with his work and can't understand it. Fascism has psychosexual element in it, the sadomasochistic worship of masculinity driven by the desire to dominate or be dominated by other men

>> No.23151002

>Would an interview with his former ladyboy lover talking about their nights out dancing at gay clubs be proof enough for you?
No? Did he actually have sex with him or was he just doing that for books and movies? Why did he marry a woman?
>inb4 muh gay men marry women because they are cowards!
Is Mishima being bisexual not an option for you guys or do you think that bisexuality isn't a thing? Again, I don't believe in inherent gayness. I think it's purely a choice.

>> No.23151013

>It's not a need, it's literally the objectively correct understanding of his life and character, denying it means you aren't fully engaging with his work and can't understand it.
You keep repeating this but it remains a baseless statement.
>Fascism has psychosexual element in it, the sadomasochistic worship of masculinity driven by the desire to dominate or be dominated by other men
Yes and marxism is post modern. I know that marxists secretely desire tp be dominated by fascists and prohect this desire onto the men whom they desire in the hopes that they will fulfill their fantasies but I have a hard time seeing the who "sadomasochistic" implications in Giovanni Gentile's writings or any other fascist work. Btw, have you heard about the women's organization of the nazi party?

>> No.23151017
File: 265 KB, 1080x1069, 440217fce859a1a10c09aba99fa6f89d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother, every expression of masculinity he puts on is an over compensating caricature. I feel like you've never earnestly looked at this man or his life story

>> No.23151029

Yes he had sex with him and with many other men. He got married to please his parents and for social perceptions. It was an arranged marriage. If Mishima was bisexual he had a strong preference for men and men dressed like women.

I can't believe this is something still being denied, it's literally just a fact he was gay

>> No.23151039

> over compensating
You keep throwing that word around but you simply cannot prove it. There is no contradiction.

>> No.23151044

>Brother, every expression of masculinity he puts on is an over compensating caricature.
how do you know it's that and not narcissistic tendency and him visiting gay bars wasn't just a way for him to get validation wherever it may be. The only people who desperately want an author to be this gay are simply gay themselves. I feel like you are psychotic and incapable of giving other people the benefit of the doubt. the truth is that you can never fully know another person. Even Self-knowledge is always suspect. And you haven't even met Mishima. You just read hand-picked accounts about him. none of which mention gay relationships. It's more likely that you simply want Mishima to have been gay or to be perceived as gay. You also think he was a fascist for some reason but you use the word fascism in the same way some boomer uses the word communism.

>> No.23151046

It's based in the reality of his own words and actions anon. You haven't ever engaged with those ideologies and their manifestations in any type of sincere way unclouded by your own personal desire to have these works confirm your own beliefs and biases

>> No.23151053

>Yes he had sex with him and with many other men.
can you prove this?
> He got married to please his parents and for social perceptions.
can you prove this?
Can you prove anything?
>I can't believe this is something still being denied, it's literally just a fact he was gay
You are being very silly. Maybe you're overcompensating. Did you, like, write a thesis about Mishima being gay and the fact that people don't buy into this retarded hypothesis just makes you feel like you need to defend yourself and your baseless belief?

>> No.23151062

>It's based in the reality of his own words and actions anon
ok, prove it.
>You haven't ever engaged with those ideologies and their manifestations in any type of sincere way unclouded by your own personal desire to have these works confirm your own beliefs and biases
I have, actually. You however have not and cannot I'm afraid.

>> No.23151068

I know he was gay because of all the gay sex he was known to have and because of the clear descriptions of homosexual adoration throughout many of his stories. I don't know how you can read his books and not see it. If you're willing to watch it, I can show you an interview with his ladyboy lover describing their relationship together

>> No.23151072

Look at the picture I posted. Look at his other modeling

>> No.23151086

>I know he was gay because of all the gay sex he was known to have
News to me. Do you have relevant citations? Also, you are starting to sound extremely angry for some reason.
>and because of the clear descriptions of homosexual adoration throughout many of his stories.
can you give examples of these adorations? Also, is a girl who admires her own beauty or the beauty of another woman, perhaps in an ad for some make-up, a lesbian in essence?
>I don't know how you can read his books and not see it.
It's very easy! I don't leap across the two hemispheres to retarded conclusions lol.
>If you're willing to watch it, I can show you an interview with his ladyboy lover describing their relationship together
Why not? It would be your first attempt at providing evidence at least.

>> No.23151094

>Look at the picture I posted. Look at his other modeling
how does this prove that he is doing the made-up thing you accuse him of doing? What if he was just a raging narcissist seeking for some validation?

>> No.23151096

What have you actually ever read of Mishima? How can you be this attached to him as a writer yet be in complete denial of his homosexuality?

>> No.23151108

You know, the older I get, the more I begin to understand that no amount of identity, or culture, or self-anything will ever truly shed the scorn of someone dedicated to belittling or mocking the weird, the meek and the undesirable. I've watched time and time again how these ineffectual males take up things because they felt some desire to "improve" or otherwise validate themselves in the eyes of those who, for some inherent reason, decided to be aggressive toward them, and every time those inferior men are ultimately mocked anyway, and the things they decide to take up or otherwise hold dear or in high regard, the alleged key to improving their self worth, becomes something that is ultimately mocked by the privileged caste as well. Stoicism, atheism, shallow things like certain articles of clothes, various accessories, hobbies, viewpoints, political stances, it really doesn't matter. Human beings are such inherently tribal organisms, and they all rely upon their best (or at least most confident, and best-attuned to tearing others down) as a proverbial yardstick for measuring the quality of a man in ways that forever lie totally outside of the man's power. Anyone who is inherently mocked will remain inherently mocked regardless of what he thinks or does, forever. His spirit is hexed by its own inherent inadequacy. No different from nature bearing down upon the weak until they perish. It's truly fascinating to watch doomed men crumble in this same reliable way.

>> No.23151112

>What have you actually ever read of Mishima?
I'm read frolic of beasts rn, thanks for asking!
>How can you be this attached to him as a writer yet be in complete denial of his homosexuality?
attached? Are you delusional? The only person here who is clearly attached is you. I simply have an aversion to baseless assumptions and by extension internet psychoanalysts. Bigger psychotics I have yet to find.

>> No.23151118

Who are you talking about?

>> No.23151119

Watch this documentary, and reread Confessions of a Mask


>> No.23151122

It's based in his own real life, his actions and his writings

>> No.23151124

I'll do it some other time. But since you have watched it you should be able to elucidate with absolute certainty that Mishima was in fact gay Even though as of now you have not proven your case.

>> No.23151131

You honestly cannot see any aspect of desperately trying to over compensate in any of his body building or modeling?

>> No.23151132

>It's based in his own real life, his actions and his writings
What is? Your assumption that he was gay? Ok, can you prove it without just endlessly repeating yourself or will you eventually have to admit that you simply do not have any authority to decide whether this dead author whom you are clearly attached to by the hip, was gay?

>> No.23151153

>You honestly cannot see any aspect of desperately trying to over compensate in any of his body building or modeling?
No? Why should I do that? maybe compensation isn't even real and you are just trying to fix some unseen cause to explain someone's behavior, treating them like an object instead of as a person who willingly decides. Maybe you are actually autistic. And you haven't even explained why the Narcissistic angle isn't correct. They certainly seem equipollent at the moment.

>> No.23151159

He patroned all male Kabuki theater performances so he could fuck the ladyboys who played the women roles, and he wrote Confessions of a Mask, a self reflective story about a repressed homosexual with increasingly sadistic sexual fantasies

>> No.23151164

Then get back to me

>> No.23151170

>He patroned all male Kabuki theater performances so he could fuck the ladyboys who played the women roles,
again, can you actually provide clear evidence?

>> No.23151180

Dude, do you want a fucking porno of Mishima fucking men?

>> No.23151182

now get back to me. Also, are you gay?
I want pictures! Pictures of Spiderman!
any evidence will do.

>> No.23151183
File: 121 KB, 768x768, Yukio-Mishima-and-Tadanori-Yokoo-Tokyo-1968.-Photo-Kishin-Shinoyama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was an extremely small and sickly boy who was chastised for having effeminate interests constantly, causing him to have a deep seated insecurity about his masculinity manifesting in him constantly trying to portray himself in a hyper masculine fashion.

>> No.23151192

Ok? And this makes him gay how exactly?
Also, I don't buy this autistic causal relation. I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.23151195

I posted a video that's an extremely well done documentary about his life with an interview of his ladyboy lover, you could watch that for evidence.

>> No.23151196

also, what if that actually just made him narcissistic?

>> No.23151198

Ok, I'll do it later, but since you have clearly seen it you should be able to use your knowledge to give certain evidence for why we should consider Mishima to have been gay instead of straight or bi.

>> No.23151203

He was unhinged.

>> No.23151205

A retard, even. Japs will read fucking anything

>> No.23151207

His intense life long passion towards the beauty of men and masculinity in his writings and little to no interest in women unless they were men expressing femininity through cross dressing

>> No.23151209

He's gay because of the gay sex he loved to have.

Why do you think narcissism is detached from this particular manifestation of his psychology?

>> No.23151217

>His intense life long passion towards the beauty of men and masculinity in his writings and little to no interest in women unless they were men expressing femininity through cross dressing
Again, is a woman who admires the beauty of another women, like in an ad for some make-up product, essentially a lesbian? Also, did Dostoevsky want to kill his landlady? What if Mishima was just making fun of faggots or something? It sure sounds like it. The guy in the book comes across as an absolute loser.
>Why do you think narcissism is detached from this particular manifestation of his psychology?
it could be. Maybe all gay men are also narcissists but it could be that he was simply seeking validation wherever he could find it. But, since gayness is a choice and there is no evidence that he ever had gay sex, I don't see any reason to believe your assumption

>> No.23151218

Why would a straight man write a story like Confessions of a Mask and make the protagonist have so many life experiences drawn directly from his own life?

>> No.23151225

Idk? again, I don't believe in inherent gayness like you I suppose. being gay is a choice.

>> No.23151228

That's what your theory is? That Mishima wrote extremely detailed stories about homosexuality, spent a lot of time dancing at gay clubs and dated ladyboys as a joke to make fun of gay men?

>> No.23151239

Well he chose to write long detailed descriptions of gay sexual fantasies he had

>> No.23151251

>That Mishima wrote extremely detailed stories about homosexuality, spent a lot of time dancing at gay clubs and dated ladyboys as a joke to make fun of gay men?
I think Mishima never actually had gay sex. I simply don't jump to conclusions nor see the point in this manic obsession with an author's sexuality. I haven't read much and honestly probably won't read much more from him if Frolic is anything to go by. Btw, was did he also have the hots for mature women?

>> No.23151254
File: 99 KB, 1024x1011, MISHIMA_1-1024x1011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many straight men publish modeling photos like this anon?

>> No.23151257

>Well he chose to write long detailed descriptions of gay sexual fantasies he had
Really? Which books are you referring to? Just Mask?

>> No.23151258

Probably some. Women post pictures like that all the time. Are they lesbians?

>> No.23151261

His sexuality and sexual fantasies are core aspects of his writing anon. Eroticism was one of the main things he was fixated on. To understand his work you have to understand his sexuality. He had fantasies about being dominated by cruel and violent older women, yes.

>> No.23151266

If they wrote a book about a repressed homosexual struggling with her sexual identity and made the protagonist extremely similar to herself I would assume she's a lesbian yes

>> No.23151267

He seems very dominating and cruel to Yuko, anon. I don't think there's much to understand.

>> No.23151272

ok. But posting pictures is fine?

>> No.23151278

Mishima was what all gay men shut be: silent and working toward either their own deaths or the destruction of progressives.

>> No.23151286
File: 40 KB, 430x599, 1689367059954774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok so you haven't actually met him or seen him from birth to grave
Is this what you say when anyone writes a biography on someone? Do you just hate biographies? My god, you must be one of the biggest retards I've ever seen on this board. You are a shining example of brain rot.

>> No.23151292

He wasn't silent at all, he enjoyed passionate gay sex with many men

>> No.23151299

All biographies are in some way propaganda. The simple truth is that you can never fully know another person more than they know themselves. And they cannot even know themselves with much certainty either.

>> No.23151307

I'm sure you masturbate to the thought. My point is that he never paraded it around like fags do today. Plus, he got married and had children so he was more than likely just bi and not gay. The idea of the married gay man is pure fantasy and makes no sense. Best of all, he eventually killed himself.

>> No.23151311

leftist men*

>> No.23151320

You will never truly understand the world around you or gain any true insight because of how poisoned your perceptions have become

>> No.23151326

It's not pure fantasy because Mishima was in fact one of them

>> No.23151333

Mishima was a giant homofascist who fucked a lot of leftist men in the ass. Why does this bother you?

Also, you are projecting. You are clearly a solid case of a perceiver forgetting himself as a perceiver.

>> No.23151339

Yeah yeah, Now explain how he managed to have sex with his wife enough to have two children with her. Are you one of those weirdos who doesn't believe in bisexuality? You are an actual retard.

>> No.23151356

He was a very disciplined and dutiful man

>> No.23151368

He chose to have sex with his wife and got hard doing it. He was bi. No go and kill yourself like your bisexual hero.

>> No.23151371

When did your whole world become consumed by the culture war?

>> No.23151375
File: 593 KB, 872x1642, 1693910991058988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23151379

never? Also, Mishima, a giagantic homofascist (not my words) fucked and dominated a lot of leftist men and they liked it. They like talking about it endlessly to this very day.

>> No.23151380
File: 99 KB, 736x1027, 514cba96e70c4558bd3e1ec4f086a992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He had to have this painting in the room with him to keep it up

>> No.23151390

You're insecure about a notable right wing nationalist hero being gay so you're injecting a weird made up culture war narrative into it that he was fucking leftist men in the ass to try and save face.

>> No.23151396

>You're insecure about a notable right wing nationalist hero being gay
No. I just think you are a retard. I literally do not care about Mishima. What the fuck even is "right-wing"? Like wow, you want the emperor to have power? Great! are you going to actually do somethin- oh he killed himself.

Also, he fucked tons of leftist men and they loved it because they love getting fucked by strong homofascists with soft sides or something.

>> No.23151403

My man, you are actually autistic. You brought this on yourself since you started raving about how he was gay from the very start of this thread.

>> No.23151404

Where are you getting the leftist aspect from?

>> No.23151406

Is that image a big funking meme cope lmfaooo.

>> No.23151408

Gay men who do not repress themselves tend to follow the ideology that accepts their behavior and even glorifies it. It's not that hard to figure out. Most gays today are left-wingers.

>> No.23151410

It's not raving to point out a well known and crucial aspect of his personality that influences his work heavily

>> No.23151412

maybe he closed his eyes and thought od england? i myself am bisexual but i'm still aware that it's possible for a gay man to impregnate a woman. the reason i maintain that he was gay and not bi is because of confessions of a mask, in which the hero REPEATEDLY states that he is exclusively attracted to men. i can't picture a bisexual writing a book in which everything that happened to him IRL happens to a monosexual.

>> No.23151415

He was having gay sex in mid century post war Japan though

>> No.23151417

It is. You are ultimately assuming that he based his entire corpus on his bisexuality. including his story where the protagonist is in a relationship with a mature woman. Even when Mishima denied that Mask was autobiographical. You just have a very inflexible image of an author in your mind and refuse to look at anything outside it or flirt with other possibilities because you are actually autistic.
You are also a retard who believes in psychoanalysis.

>> No.23151429

And you're in denial of the devastatingly obvious facts of his life because you don't want him to be gay.

>> No.23151431

>He was having gay sex in mid century post war Japan though
yeah? and he was doing it with leftists.
> i myself am bisexual
nah, you're gay.
> i'm still aware that it's possible for a gay man to impregnate a woman.
how? I mean, I know that the progressive conception of sexuality is retarded and you guys don't actually know what you are talking about but still.
> i can't picture a bisexual writing a book in which everything that happened to him IRL happens to a monosexual.
Well, you are autistic so.

>> No.23151440

My man, have you been reading my post? I don't care if Mishima was gay or bi. If he was gay then he was a good kind of gay because he ultimately got married and killed himself. Overall, I think he was a loser.

>> No.23151447

There wasn't a culture of leftists like that in Japan anon.

>> No.23151449

Yeah, they've all been uniformed with bad takes

>> No.23151452

Like what? Men who openly identify as being gay or are unashamed of it I automatically assume are leftists since progressives accept gays. It's simply bayesian inference.

>> No.23151457

There weren't leftists or progressives who accepted homosexuality openly in 1950s Japan

>> No.23151462

Not so. I think you are just very dogmatic and rigidly autistic to think otherwise. You still haven't explained Frolic and it seems like you haven't even read it.
Down-low then. Point is, if Mishima was having gay sex, then he was doing it with progressives.

>> No.23151467

>Even when Mishima denied that Mask was autobiographical
did he? i've heard it said here that he called it autobiographical in letters to kawabata. when did he deny it?
>nah, you're gay.
i have had and enjoyed sex with both men and women
they're gay, not sterile. like i said, close your eyes and think of england, and, as another anon said, mishima was disciplined and dutiful. it's not difficult for a young man in good physical condition to get and maintain an erection. he probably just pictured hot sweaty dudes while he did it. if that didn't work he could even have turkey basted her.
>Well, you are autistic
do you think a straight man would spend months working on a book that depicts as convincingly as possible as a bisexual? of course not, it would serve no purpose other than forcing him to spend the rest of his life explaining that he is not bisexual, even though he wrote a book explaining that he was.

>> No.23151472
File: 151 KB, 932x541, IMG_0990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you’re going through this thread and listening to all these armchair psychologist fags or leftists insulting someone as great as Mishima, remember this quote by him.

>> No.23151473

He was having gay sex with men performing in traditional Japanese Kabuki theater, who were men specifically interested in resurrecting and preserving traditional Japanese culture

>> No.23151481

It's not insulting him to accurately explain his psychology

>> No.23151486

>they're gay, not sterile. like i said, close your eyes and think of england, and, as another anon said, mishima was disciplined and dutiful. it's not difficult for a young man in good physical condition to get and maintain an erection.
yes, and if he managed to do that then he had the hots for his wife. I don't know why that is hard for you to accept. Being gay is not an essential trait after all.

>do you think a straight man would spend months working on a book that depicts as convincingly as possible as a bisexual?
Do I have to think for you? I am telling you that he was probably bisexual. You were the one who said that he was only gay and always tried to fit in retarded hypotheticals to deny the possibility of him being bisexual.

This is a waste of time. You're too retarded.

>> No.23151492

You cannot accurately explain his psychology. The image of him that you see is something that you have created. That's how it always is with everyone. People who deny this are just psychotic control-freaks, which leftists ironically tend to be. Those who cannot accept the very idea of anyone other than them having any more authority than them tend to be massively insecure control freaks once they get their hands on their much-coveted power. They cannot trust and ergo cannot even love.

>> No.23151496

Leftists love consuming traditional media, what are you talking about? Do you think leftists actually create anything of their own? Have you ever been to the Globe recently?

>> No.23151501

>yes, and if he managed to do that then he had the hots for his wife.
not true, as i explained in the bit you elected to omit. you are not arguing in good faith.
>I am telling you that he was probably bisexual.
i still saying that he was 100% gay. the purpose of the hypothetical was to show that just a straight man would not write a book describing himself as bi, a bi man would not write a book describing himself as gay.
>This is a waste of time. You're too retarded.
how yould you feel if you hadn't had brealfast this morning?

>> No.23151511

>not true, as i explained in the bit you elected to omit.
you mean, the silly hypothetical?
>you are not arguing in good faith.
You are not acting in good faith.
Also, take a breather, I can barely read your text. And Mishima is writing a character whose name isn't Mishima. Honestly, believe whatever you want. The main reason your doing this is probably just because you see Mishima as being a "right-wing" author or whatever and him being bisexual or gay is somehow corrupting. Then you accuse others of culture war. You are autistic, I'm afraid.

>> No.23151513

I can and I have. You on the other hand cannot accurately understand the world around you because of culture war brain rot

>> No.23151519

>The main reason your doing this (arguing that Mishima was gay) is probably just because you (a bisexual) see Mishima as being a "right-wing" author or whatever and him being bisexual or gay is somehow corrupting.
you are a dunderhead.

>> No.23151521

>I can and I have.
You cannot, I'm afraid, know with any certainty.
>You on the other hand cannot accurately understand the world around you because of culture war brain rot
If that helps you sleep at night. At least I admit that I cannot read other people's minds. You however think you can know everything about everyone better even than themselves despite never even having met them. That sounds pretty psychotic.

>> No.23151523

He was in stone cold objective reality a homosexual and a right wing political activist

>> No.23151527

So you're saying the American Civil War is the only good American war/ intervening conflict? That's pretty progressive, Anon

>> No.23151528

Exactly right.

You're not explaining his, he already explained his, you're explaining your own. Read that quote again. He cut you off at the pass.

>> No.23151531

I can interpret basic facts about a person based on their own words and actions without having to filter all of my perceptions through seething cultural anger towards leftists like you do

>> No.23151534

Ok, then he was a good homosexual. Like I said. He also probably dominated a lot of gay leftist men.

>> No.23151536

Dumbest thread I've read in a while

>> No.23151537

Why do you believe he had sex with leftist men?

>> No.23151538

>I can interpret basic facts about a person based on their own words and actions
evidently not since you filter out the part where he says that Mask is not an autobiography and the fact that you have yet to give certain evidence that he actually had sex with gay men or did any of the silly hypotheticals when fucking his wife like you assume. You are just autistic, and that's a fact.
>without having to filter all of my perceptions through seething cultural anger towards leftists like you do
Correct, for you, it's "right-wingers".

>> No.23151539

I am explaining his psychology

>> No.23151543

Are you a goldfish? Use that scroll bar because I'm going to sleep. Good luck attracting your dream homofascist btw.

>> No.23151545

nonsense. it's only the dumbest thread we've had since the last mishima sexuality thread.

>> No.23151548

>You however think you can know everything about everyone better even than themselves despite never even having met them
He counters you here:

>> No.23151551

Baseless statement. Again. Yawn.

>> No.23151554

Is this actual autism?

>> No.23151556

end of counter <-- counter end here

>> No.23151560

No you're not. Even your assumptions of homosexuality being anti masculine are baseless and rooted in a post modern atmosphere. You have nothing so far.

>> No.23151561

>impressed by freshman level psychoanalysis
thanks for reminding me I'm on /lit/

>> No.23151575

You're so mind broken you cannot even conceive of a person not being owned by the culture war like you are

>> No.23151576

Right lmao it's painful

>> No.23151582

He liked to have sex with cross dressers

>> No.23151583

There is no culture war. I am just open in my beliefs.

>> No.23151588

As do you, I'm sure. By the way, are you autistic? Because it seems like you are incapable of reading other people's posts and understanding them.

>> No.23151633

>the desire to dominate or be dominated by other men
Sounds like fighting.
>well fighting is ACTUALLY about sex and-
Nah. Don't buy it.

>> No.23151639

As a top. ;)

>> No.23151781
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I wonder, why does this thread happen constantly? Or a better question, why does it pertain Mishima only though?
Why not Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf, or even Herman Melville even though if you really want to have a gay discussion?
There are so many authors known for writing homoerotic literatures and have accusations of same-sex lovers as well, why is it always Mishima and just autistically bickering about the quality of evidence kind of nonsense?

>> No.23151792

It's because anons here are more likely to have a parasocial relationship with Mishima as opposed to the authors you listed, thus have an emotional investment in his supposed sexuality.

>> No.23151812

Ah, so it's just another pathetic episode of "owning the chuds" by calling people they like gay. Very compelling. Hate to pop your delusions like the ruby heart of a dissected kitten, but Mishima was right, as in correct, first and foremost.

>> No.23151841
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But why Mishima, why not over Baudelaire or even F. Scott Fitgerald instead though? They may not have a cultish, death-worshipping magnetism or Mishima, but they are quite valuable works of art regardless.
>You are only saying he's gay because of cultrue war
And so the cat comes out of the bag, thanks for showing everybody here that you are here for a culture war rather than a legitimate argument.

>> No.23151961

the industrial revolution and its consequences has been a disaster for warfare and by extension, for all men.
>fascism is when you're a japanese ultranationalist
learn words

>> No.23151975

>women and mens are sexually fungible

>> No.23151995

>man engages in behaviour designed to attract the attention of men
>women engage in behaviour designed to attract men
not gay

>> No.23152153

>Fascism has psychosexual element in it, the sadomasochistic worship of masculinity driven by the desire to dominate or be dominated by other men
It's always funny to me when Marxists get flustered by the mention of fascism in any tone that's not scathing, and they start weaving these nonsensical spells at you. Bro, you're not gonna conjure the ghost of some French pedophile to save you from the fascism energies.

>> No.23152178

Exactly. If Mishima is such a closeted homosexual why isnt there a "Confessions" book where he confesses to wearing a mask of hyper-masculinuty and violence to compensate for being a weak, effate homosexual? He never wrote a book about being a sickly child who would fetishize the healtheir, more robust young men in his class. In that same book he never talks about masturbating to violent homoerotic imagery like the maryterdom of Saint Sebastian. He certainly doesnt discuss his feelings of inadequacy in seeing his healtheir more viral male classmates die in war while he stays behind the front lines due to his weak and effeminate nature, and how that manifested itself in twisted sexual pathologies. There is no such confession because Mishima never wore a mask. He was exactly the muscle bound, motorcycle riding, film noir protaganist he presented himself as in later life, and I'm sick of these pseuds pretending to psycho-analyse a man theyve never even read.

>> No.23152193

That GIF is easily still the worst one I've seen, I just hate it

>> No.23152201

Back to /tttt/.

>> No.23152216

>People who say this are just want a strong homofascist to fuck them. Also, psychoanalysis is nonsense.
Correct. However, Mishima still was a massive cum-guzzling gay faggot who longed for impalement by a sword because impalement by a dick was no longer doing it to his absolutely busted boypussy.

>> No.23152219

Read Confession of the Maks. Mishima is degenerate faggot who needed to see shrink

>> No.23152225


>> No.23152228

You're already a slave to the Jews and yet you prefer that to dying in the effort of overthrowing your slave masters. Interesting.

>> No.23152237

Have you read Confessions of a Mask? Or Forbidden Colors? I get it. You identify with Mishima because you think you’re a neurotic special snowflake, but to defend his honor as a straight man is so foolish. Especially when his homosexuality is so blatantly obvious in his work.

>> No.23152298
File: 38 KB, 400x388, 1nu1mt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i saw a video of a baby being violently sodomized a few years ago on /b/
>masturbation is still to this day something that I do out of necessity with indifference and disgust

>> No.23152299

This is the worst Mishima thread I have ever read.

>> No.23152529

>there is no true self

Source: my repressing ass

>> No.23152548

Imagine being this afraid of oneself. Grim.

>> No.23152590

On point. However what is it that's forcing you to argue with reactionaries for an entire thread? Do you truly think you can rationally convince anyone of anything? Beliefs are rooted in emotions, you should know that psychoanalysis guy, and you're not resolving them for them.
Seems like you just want to be more "correct" than the retarded masses, missing the fact you end up joining them in doing that.

>> No.23152607

you you feel that mish was not secure in his manhood later in life? he seems like he did whatever the fuck he wanted once he became ripped. it's hard to call a man insecure when he debates a whole auditorium of his politcal opponents. i think your description applies only to the very young mishima and is incomplete without acknowledging that he grew out of it.

>> No.23152624

>Seems like you just want to be more "correct" than the retarded masses, missing the fact you end up joining them in doing that.

I mean that's what the whole education system is based on. By all means call people out for this, but I still struggle with these thoughts. Don't forget that for the entity of their formative years, we put children in camps where they are forced to compete with their peers. As if life is some sort of game show.
The internet is an extension of the classroom because people are molded during their critical development.

>> No.23152652

It's either that or the brick of destiny through the windshield
Both are Russian, iirc.

>> No.23152852

Mishima was NOT effeminate, he had a strong sense of honor and discipline

>> No.23152863

There is no true self. You cannot even begin to point it out. Sartre already dragged Freud through the mud and back with this nonsense
What are you talking about? Do you want to get fucked by a big strong homofascist?

>> No.23152865

>You identify with Mishima
No? I've barely read him unlike this other guy who I was talking to since he's clearly obsessed with him. I'm not defending his honor. I'm just being skeptical about this guy's adulation of Mishima.

>> No.23152876

My man. You accuse others of what you are doing. You were the one to imply that the only reason people like him was because he was gay. Your autism is obvious

>> No.23152903

You know. I used to think that I could never be friends with homosexuals. Then I read Mishima and said:
"Well, technically he's bi."

>> No.23152994


>> No.23153113

retarded and reductionist take that only people who havent read mishima would make
its just as dense as the people that assume he was just an ordinary right winger
one of the greatest authors that ever lived and all people care about is how to reduce him into one single sentence to cover up the fact that they DID NOT FUCKING READ HIS BOOKS

>> No.23153397

thats terrible anon
i remember that, i wonder if the shithead was actually targeting it

>> No.23153408

You cant target that, it was just a cosmic fuck you to that man and woman in particular.
Also a warning for people to properly secure their cargo

>> No.23153438

i know war is not cool because i played metal gear solid.

>> No.23153439
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>My man. You accuse others of what you are doing.
Anon, please tell me in which ways am I particpating? Also, please try to think what kind of benefits that people might have as well; because under any circumstances, the LGBTQIJKL+ stretching reality to claim Mishima would make no sense whatsoever.
Think about it, would they really want to claim a far-right emperor-loyalist who commited seppuku after a poorly thought out coup?
I find that highly unlikely, but what is more likely is that you are an autist who severely lacks nuance and considers anybody saying men like Mishima or Ernst Roehm is gay is a mudslinging tactic to paint the whole far right as gay.
>You were the one to imply that the only reason people like him was because he was gay.
I have only posted two times thus far, you can recognize me since I am the only person to post image in an IMAGEBOARD.
Now tell me, when do I say people like Mishima only because he's gay?
In fact, all of the authors have listed so far have celebrated works that goes beyond their gayness.
Instead, I was merely asking, why are you lots so obsessed with the sliver of possibility that Mishima is straight is the question. You don't see this behavior with any of the other gay-contested (to varying degrees) authors, but you see it everytime with Mishima thread.
>Your autism is obvious
Of course, anon, this is not normienet, you should have expected that when coming to this godforsaken location.
Here have a CYOA for your trouble :)

>> No.23153562

I mistook you for another person then. Sorry for making you write those paragraphs but you could have just stated the obvious.
Also, Mishima was bi, we've been over this.

>> No.23153592

Bi with an extremely heavy preference for men and only engaged with a wife out of social obligations

>> No.23153598

>Mishima then committed seppuku, a form of ritual suicide by disembowelment associated with the samurai. Morita had been assigned to serve as Mishima's second (kaishakunin), cutting off his head with a sword at the end of the rite to spare him unnecessary pain. However, Morita proved unable to complete his task, and after three failed attempts to sever Mishima's head, Koga had to step in and complete the task
Lol everyone always talks about his faggotry but his pathetic attempt to overthrown Japanese government and his suicide/death is actually hilarious

>> No.23153604

is it bad i want to see it now? why does morbid curiosity exist?

>> No.23153605

It's on Youtube. But be warned, it'll ruin your day

>> No.23153617

The simple truth, I wonder why PewDiePie is a fan tho

>> No.23153622

Mayhaps. Propably not because being gay is purely a choice and since he chose to have sex with his wife enough to have children with her and he denied that mask was autobiographical, we can at best say that he was simply bi and that he would never have fucked your fat ass had you been with him sorry

>> No.23153636

>You don't see this behavior with any of the other gay-contested (to varying degrees) authors, but you see it everytime with Mishima thread.
It's largely your perception but there's a lot of people who really want to believe that his sexuality was the only thing relevant to his writing even though Mishima himself denied it. They also usually couch this with degredations to his character by essentially calling him a dysgenic loser. I know that most people probably naturally see homosexuals in this way for whatever reason, but it doesn't hold up in my opinion and is honestly extremely lazy.

>> No.23153639

this might be true
hand holding is pretty common in old male friendship but if you show something like that to a westerner he's like oh gay

>> No.23153643

What if being in contact with others just automatically causes this competitiveness?

>> No.23153646

Your weird emotional hangups with gayness and leftism makes it so you can ever have good or accurate takes on any subject

>> No.23153651

have you seen his PUBG bridge incident? his online identity is clearly some sort of persona as well

>> No.23153653

What do you mean by "emotional hangups"? I'm perfectly correct.

>> No.23153658

What the fuck is a persona? Is that like a video game or something?

>> No.23153671

doesn't seem absurd

>> No.23153699

Beautiful deaths peaked in the bronze age when you could die from a single stab to a vital area for a small city state that respected your sacrifice.

>> No.23153726
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Are you the weirdo who was insisting that Mishima dominated leftist gays for whatever reason?
If so, I want to ask, tell me what leftists are, since it looks like you are associating the japanese gays with western gays, but you need to remember that the contexts between the two are extremely different.
For one, the modern Japanese government didn't really criminalized homosexual behaviors like the US did at the period, so no real revolutioanary incentives are present. If you meant them being neoliberal pawn pieces, then you should know that the liberal government is pretty conservative in Japan you know.
I understand your frustration of people trying to degrade Mishima in a lazy way like this, but I don't think denying he's gay (or at least attracted men) is the way to go with it. Personally I would just try and force them to formulate their arguments better (surprisingly, a great way to chase away trolls in my experience).
I don't really love Mishima but good luck to you nonetheless Mishima-stans.

>> No.23153751

Do we know whether Mishima had copious amount of gay sex like that one anon kept repeating ad nauseum to everyone in the thread or do we know it in the same way that I know that he fucked leftist gays which rubbed that autist the wrong way as I intended?
If you must know, I don't really care. But progressive obsession with "homofascism" is something I consider a sport to ridicule.

>> No.23153768

Sounds like the Jewish critic was right then

>> No.23153912

as a non-homo right winger i agree

>> No.23154116
File: 3.96 MB, 1600x900, tegaki_2021_01_11_13_04_39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, is this yours?
I've read maybe five effortposts in my tenure that have truly said something and this is one of them.

Sauce if not original

>> No.23154161

Beheading someone with a sword isn't very aesthetic if you ask me

>> No.23154175

Only if you are a landowner with at least several tenths of peasant heads to your name.

>> No.23154594
File: 243 KB, 1024x1037, MISHIMA_4-1024x1037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we can all agree that his fixation on being stabbed to death as an erotic art is cool as hell

>> No.23154618
File: 62 KB, 400x571, TMpKNTc0DUxtvlhrJfk81zzw0HQERS60aAHRbpyCUAs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Glorifies death in war
>Doesn't even die in war
>Instead attempts to commit ritual suicide in the name of the emperor (he just made them uncomfortable)
>Trusts one of his twink lovers to give the coup de grace, who apparently was so nervous that he did a bad job and required several painful swipes
>Die looking like an autist for a cause that everyone had already gotten over decades ago
>Makes the news for five minutes and then everybody forgets.

>> No.23154621

Glorification of war is generally written by people who've either never been near one themselves, or by men who have become so broken by what they saw and did that confrontation with the internal is impossible.
Most honest veterans despise war, and realize they were duped: they fought for an eventual peace that never comes.

>> No.23154630

It's poetic really. One of his femboy Kabuki actor former lovers did an interview talking about seeing it on the news and understanding what he did and feeling proud of him that he achieved the unity of pen and sword he always wanted. It was a spiritual war he fought

>> No.23154834

>t. Pollack who saw some dash wave aesthetics memes about him but never read him
He was the faggiest of all fags and his sole redeeming characteristic (besides the fascist larping which is cool) was how open and sincere he was about how I fly and deranged the homosexual mind is (confessions of a mask)

>> No.23154839
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yukio mishima was a pseudo intellectual who said nothing of substance. it was all just nonsensical gibberish

>> No.23154872

Mishima wasn’t gay he was a narcissist, granted these are usually comorbidités. He loved attention wherever it came from which is what fuelled his success and his death. He was banging dudes and teenage girls simultaneously.

>> No.23154882

No straight man would write deep and descriptive gay sexual fantasies like Mishima did

>> No.23154887

Yeah man the dude that banged dudes wrote about wanting to bang dudes

>> No.23154934
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>> No.23155156

Lmao who is the right guy tho?

>> No.23155159

People will hate on >>23150784 but he is correct. Same with Sparta

>> No.23155336

No, he admits to waking up past 1 pm pretty much everyday in "lessons to young samurai" or whatever the fuck its named in english

>> No.23155349

What a deranged manlet.

>> No.23155359

It's not the aesthetics of dying in war that's beautiful. It's the transcendental values that are present in giving your life to defend your country which are beautiful. War is ugly, striving for the defence of good is beautiful.

>> No.23155363

What if your country is engaging in an imperial war of aggression and you die failing to take a minor city in a long form campaign?

>> No.23155618

when has dosto said anything about war?

>> No.23155622

Unfathomably based, most people's lives are spent much worse

>> No.23155627

He doesn't talk about modern warfare. Mishima imagined being sliced down by a blade not an unearned bullet.

>> No.23155628

>transcendental values
also known as the fake made up bullshit narrative fed to low IQ proles at school.

>> No.23155687


>> No.23155697


>> No.23155707


>> No.23155718

You think getting shot in the thigh and dying two weeks later in a retreating medic camp during an unsuccessful campaign is based?

>> No.23155798


>> No.23155903

One of the reasons I was terrified of jumping off a bridge one day. I heard a story of a suicide jumper landing on someone's car. Then I had the thought to get hit on the interstate, but I remembered that sometimes drivers will skid off trying to avoid it and die. I don't want to kill an entire family if I can wait

>> No.23155913

I want you to live

>> No.23155975

He did imagine getting blown up by a rocket or a hailstorm of bullets. It's the idea of dying for the Emperor in battle that was beautiful

>> No.23155979

I was watching Go Pro footage in Ukraine earlier and it hit me how mechanized modern warfare is. It reminded me of chess and how all the top players have to memorize the calculations of machines in order to remain competitive, otherwise they’ll lose to the players that do. It’s soulless.

>> No.23156015

He was right. His meaning isn't that ANY death in war is beautiful but rather, for a man to fufill his duty and fight for his race against their foe is a worthy cause to die for. To grow old, sick, and ugly, patiently collecting a pension and driving 25mph in a 45 to get groceries, using all your savings for medical treatments which won't extend your life, is a shameful passing

>> No.23156059
File: 64 KB, 707x682, 1673386563564710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mishima stepped out onto the balcony to address the soldiers gathered below. His speech was intended to inspire a coup d'état to restore the power of the emperor. He succeeded only in irritating the soldiers, and was heckled, with jeers and the noise of helicopters drowning out some parts of his speech.

>Mishima then committed seppuku, a form of ritual suicide by disembowelment associated with the samurai. Morita had been assigned to serve as Mishima's second (kaishakunin), cutting off his head with a sword at the end of the rite to spare him unnecessary pain. However, Morita proved unable to complete his task, and after three failed attempts to sever Mishima's head, Koga had to step in and complete the task.
Fucking hell what a badass.

>> No.23156077

Both are equally meaningless wastes of potential.

>> No.23156088

kills himself because wagies won't listen to his retarded ideas

>what a badass

>> No.23156104

is this really the same guy? what a fucking queer lmfao

>> No.23156256

You dropped some Doritos, bruh.

>> No.23156718

Why do it in the city? Just pick an abrupt fall in nature. You won't land on some unsuspecting trekking group.

>> No.23156820

Bait or mental retardation

>> No.23156860
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>> No.23156982
File: 22 KB, 200x262, bf40da1ff5db8a6181b3652205310b67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if you've any had any experience in the military or in armed conflict you realise quite quickly that romanticised accounts of war is bullshit spewed by naive morons. its actually quite a pathetic spectacle.
Knew a journalist who had been blown up more than once, kidnapped by frightened child soldiers in Africa, and been with soldiers on numerous occasions where they'd get ambushed by the Taliban and so on, and this was his attitude. He said it was kind of embarrassing and that he felt like a moron. Seems like there's a lot of bumbling about and then you piss yourself.

>I was watching Go Pro footage in Ukraine earlier and it hit me how mechanized modern warfare is ... It’s soulless.
I imagine people had a similar reaction at the onset of industrialized warfare in WWI. The soldiers are just fleshy bags talking meat wrapped around a skeleton and to survive they come to mimic the functions of the machines like the pneumatic rhythm of the machine gun. What makes war seem scary to me in science fiction is, like, the intro to Terminator 2 when the machines show up, they're totally remorseless unthinking automatons, they "are" the essence of war. I don't know where I'm going with this but I thought it sounded wicked.

>Fascism has psychosexual element in it, the sadomasochistic worship of masculinity driven by the desire to dominate or be dominated by other men
I think there's something like that going on. There's an attraction to power and domination, and striving for excellence, but also being dominated and losing yourself in a homogenous mass or a historic tradition. It also seems to go further than other ideologies in communicating itself through its affective dimension and its aesthetics, or collapsing the verbal message that it's trying to communicate into the aesthetics so they merge completely, as if fascism itself is somehow more of a really bizarre art movement.

>> No.23157207

was he wrong in his views though?

>> No.23157600

This would make a great Judas Priest album cover.

>> No.23157620

This is why I think everyone deserves to suffer.

>> No.23157689

it's not this one

>> No.23157710

It's this one
Obviously it's extremely horrible

>> No.23157843

>oh my gosh! why don't we like vote to abolish nasty stuff like war and death
you are a gay faggot. Stop eating onions and stop masturbating until you think like a man.

>> No.23157884
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As sissified modern westerner you wouldn't get it

>> No.23157919

What war have you fought in?

>> No.23157935
File: 239 KB, 599x569, 1709856925422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you fag, soldiers regurarly get addicted to war.

>> No.23158016

The whole romantic war bs is just to get young people excited to kill each other in rich family squabbles, or for bankers. Or faggots like Mishima larping as uber badass samurai wanting to die a painful death for a rich pencil necked dweeb who claims he's Emperor by divine right.

>> No.23158054

Are those kind of men your heroes?

>> No.23158233

>bro war is so le hecking based!!!

>> No.23158274

faggot I will give you 1 serious answer for any anon you might confuse.

War is a fact of life.

There is nothing optional about it. No choice. To think, "do we need war?" or some other acid-induced commie bullshit is a form of psychosis. It's like saying, "I wish fire wouldn't burn". Then you suggest, if we all hold a vote, we can put our hands in a flame and it won't hurt us. Even if you get a universal vote that burns are bad, fire will still burn because it is its' nature. Reality is not democratic. We must base our beliefs and actions on the first premises of what is -not what we wish would be.

There will always be war. To even suggest an alternative is fantasy. A fantasy born of feminine weakness. Such talk was first popularized in the 19th century and known as, "defeatism". What's telling is, the same jews and masons who hype the people up to go to war against our rulers, when they didn't rule, 180 their position and say violence is never the people's answer when they do rule.

So the argument given in the first place is disingenuous. None of the useful idiots protesting against Vietnam were espousing a sentiment the comintern never believed. They only encouraged this subversion as a form of ideological AIDS to kill-off their enemies survival instinct so Americans would no longer put meaning to the word, "enemy" or feel such a thing existed as an enemy for them to fight against.

If war is bad then let every jew lament Stalin and that cripple didn't make peace with Hitler.

>> No.23158751

What war have you fought in?

>> No.23158863

Modern industrialised total warfare has robbed war of its dignity.

>> No.23159008

This is true. Liberals always have these strange soft spots for extremely conservative men like ISIS whose members they even try to import. They often try to protect criminals too and want to give them "another chance". It's as if they needed a more visceral father figure around they lacked.

>> No.23159013

They never had dignity

>> No.23159042

You sound like a low IQ neocon jarhead or boomer.

>> No.23159241

Why don't you faggots complain about schools like this? Kids get raped in schools and traumatized forever quite frequently. This is an idiotic, dishonest nonargument. Although I've never fought in a war I have experienced being on the losing side of one as a kid, lot more than what can be said about some fat goblin American like you.

>> No.23159249

Why didn't you fight in a war?

>> No.23159272

The army didn't accept me and i don't think one should fight in foreign wars

>> No.23159277

If you actually believed in your ideals you would be dead right now. You just like the way they sound

>> No.23159294
File: 24 KB, 852x540, 1709887706078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you actually believed in your ideals you would be dead right now. You just like the way they sound

>> No.23159298

How can you be a zealot for war and never participated in one?

>> No.23159300
File: 32 KB, 915x915, 1709887978932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can you be a zealot for war and never participated in one?

>> No.23159320

Why haven't you joined the military, it's easy

>> No.23159538

this picture exists and we STILL have to debate in EVERY SINGLE THREAD about mishima whether he was gay? no straight man does a leatherdaddy photoshoot. he looks like he's trying to establish a chapter of the village people in the east.

>> No.23159542

What makes it a caricature or performative? Did he not put his money where his mouth is? I'm not gay and don't even really like gays, but I don't understand this logic that somehow if you're gay you're less masculine.
What about that picture is "compensatory"? and compensation for what exactly? Muscles and motorcycles are good fun. Not my preferred aesthetic, but hey it was the 50s. I think the problem here is that you're just a massive midwit. If pressed enough there is no way you could define the fundamentals of your psychoanalytical garbage. Where is your definition of an "authentic" masculinity since you keep trying to deconstruct his?

BTW what's even bad about overcompensating for things you lack? Isn't that usually how you acquire things... the leftist mind boggles me.

>> No.23159550

>doctor refused to amputate
was there even anything wrong with it?

>> No.23159556
File: 30 KB, 266x442, Dirlewanger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the most horrible warmongers never served in combat. Pic related, for example, only did some weimar era street fighting.

>> No.23159584

his wife said he was straight, why would I trust internet gossipers over her?

>> No.23159588

No, he was a finger-tranny

>> No.23159639

Ernst Jünger I think talked about the death of war as a transcendent act by being reduced to a meat grinder of man being destroyed by machine.
might have been Guenon or Evola though.

>> No.23159640

if he was his marriage was a sham. a big part of a sham marriage with a gay man (actually, the whole of a sham marriage to a gay mam) is pretending that the fay man is straight.

>> No.23159703

This is true. I bet all liberals have something in common: a lame father.
Does the whole political scene ultimately boil down to the matriarchy vs the patriarchy?

>> No.23159715

“Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl”- Frederick the Great.

>> No.23159720

not in death

>> No.23159726

Link it

>> No.23159750


>> No.23159763

I don't follow.

>> No.23159781
File: 25 KB, 456x337, 1699638924141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck does anyone read confessions of a mask and not come away thinking he's a repressed homosexual?
Replies to this saying otherwise are retarded.

>> No.23159793

I don't think there is more dignity in being blown to pieces by some guy a kilometre away, being disemboweled by some dude whose face you will never know rather than being stabbed by someone in front of you.

>> No.23159804

That's probably because you have a romanticized idea of what war is like, whereas Frederick on the other hand, experienced war first hand.
Mishima's notions are also of the romantic kind.

>> No.23159832

More like Frederick the Gay

>> No.23159977

Now there's an intelligent post.

>> No.23160815

you could be right desu
Id like to know why Frederick the great thought shooting cannons from far away, huddled down has more dignity than fighting someone face to face though

>> No.23161460
File: 15 KB, 220x229, 220px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R05148,_Westfront,_deutscher_Soldat_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most honest veterans despise war, and realize they were duped: they fought for an eventual peace that never comes.


This is why i find Ernst Jünger batshit crazy and fascinating, the guy was legit just different. In a swedish interview that he did when he was 104 years of age, the Interviewer ask him, What does the german Stahlhelm means to him? He replied:

"An die Antike erinnern" (It reminds me of the Ancient greek)
