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23148982 No.23148982 [Reply] [Original]

Just started reading this and I have to say so far it's been factual and fair, hardly the deranged and bigoted anti-Jew screed that some reviews paint it as.
Does it change or are the negative reviews just proving the book right?

>> No.23149149

The negative reviews are from jews or shabbos goyim. Do the math.

>> No.23149254

There was an interesting critique of it by Nathan cofnas.

>> No.23149565

Whether or not you agree with the premise is one thing, but it serves as an amazing catalogue of their deeds.

99% of the people who criticise it never read it, it’s obvious.

>> No.23149594

why does it limit itself to the 20th century? jewish intellectuals have been relevant in europe since the middle ages. to limit it to the 20th century just seems to fuel the conspiratorial nonsense, as if jews woke up one day and decided to co opt a field

>> No.23149601

Cofnas rebuttal of this book dissolved my anti-Semitism

>> No.23149684

> "White man is made only for independence and domination; he must not be subjected, in the course of his acts, to the direction of others."
> This law, of course, is not a local invention. We find it elsewhere, we review it in all the social constitutions of the family that can be observed closely enough to see the details. I draw from this the consequence that, according to this opinion, it was not permissible to reduce to servitude a white man, that is to say a man, and that the opposition, when it was limited to individuals of the black and yellow species, was not supposed to constitute a violation of this dogma of the natural law.
> After the separation of the different white branches, each nation having imagined itself, in its isolation in the midst of multitudes of inferiors or mestizos, to be the sole representative of the species, made no qualms about using the prerogatives of force to the full extent, even on the relatives they met who were no longer recognized as such, because they belonged to other branches than them.

>> No.23149789

What arguments were persuasive ?

>> No.23149827

>factual and fair
It's not it just appears that way to you because an academic style citation is enough to impress you.

>> No.23150126

[citation needed]

>> No.23150269

Honestly, Jews praised it until CoC was released. Most found out about CoC, didn't read it and immediately start screaming about it. Most of the criticisms of CoC start with "I didn't read this book, but ..."

>> No.23150275

It's a build up to 20c.

>> No.23150302

the real ones are the druids and they're innocent, the Roman empire murdered them because they knew magic is real

>> No.23150336

You don't read. You're here because you people noticed the sudden lack of moderation or got one of your own as a mod and your discord sent you here. Do you atleast go to real life neo-nazi rallies?

>> No.23150342

No there wasn‘t

>> No.23150349

It's the third volume of a series

>> No.23150379
File: 28 KB, 598x420, charedim-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't read. You're here because you people noticed the sudden lack of moderation or got one of your own as a mod and your discord sent you here. Do you atleast go to real life neo-nazi rallies?

>> No.23150412

What does “you people” mean?

>> No.23150436

It's over. You're gonna have to find a new guy if you still want to pretend that you're not just as stupid as you look in your goyim defense league roadside rallies.

>> No.23150441

t. leftypol tourist

>> No.23150460 [DELETED] 

>t. /pol/tard who doesn't actually go to goyim defense league rallies to fight against antifa so he has to come to /lit/ to pretend to live out some pathetic internet version of it

>> No.23150465

>didn't greentext
>t. election tourist

>> No.23150479

I thought so. The two interesting points were how the Jewish rate of marrying outside of other Jews is pretty high. And pointing out how gentiles have been behaving radical in many ways too. But culture of critique appears to paint a picture that it is a uniquely Jewish thing. Macdonald’s argument seemed to be that but for Jews, america and the west would still be a harmonious hierarchal society. I don’t find that convincing though looking at all the arguments

>> No.23150490

>implying the irl version of this isn't even more pathetic
>shilling for that honeypot org that only literal drooling mongoloid retards fall for

>> No.23150491

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23150520

There really wasnt tho
Whining like a little bitch about “muh antisemitism” is not an argument

>> No.23150526

It‘s funny how clearly Cofnas didn‘t read CofC (or simply trusts that the neoliberal lemmings he caters to haven‘t) otherwise he‘d be aware that MacDonald extensively accounts for these phenomena: the former mostly as resource seeking, the latter with gentiles brought into jewish movements and given very public parts to play disproportionate from the actual levers of power and decision making. Cheney and Rumsfeld as the most overt faces of neoconservatism covering for the massive jewish lobbying and promotion thereof being the example which most sticks with me. Margaret Mead being the most popular face of Boasian studies too.

>> No.23150534

That wasn’t what the critique was about. You should read the first paper it’s only 20 pages. It obviously was not nothing as Macdonald and Nathan and up publishing responses to each other like six times each

>> No.23150567

I don’t find that convincing. One thing pointed out of post modernism which was mainly french gentiles. You also have Alfred Kinsey as the most influential lgbt influencer.

Is there something about Jewish culture that looks like it could predispose Jews to left wing beliefs? That seems reasonable as they are a historic minority and a persecuted one. I am unsure if being a minority predisposes people towards left wing beliefs that favor the out group rather than the majority of the in group, I am not sure. It could be that being a minority even a historic minority doesn’t really have much to do with political leanings. But it seems just on observation from how the world works that it does.

That being said, the Jewish group evolutionary strategy Macdonald argues for is unconvincing to me. He tries to argue that Jews are ethnocentric and are two faced in their support for liberal values in that they are liberal to whites but conservative with fellow Jews. But that doesn’t seem true. Liberal Jews seem to also usually be liberal towards Israel. And they don’t seem ethnocentric in that they don’t marry Jews that often if they aren’t religious. That sort of behavior doesn’t make sense from a group evolutionary strategy Macdonald is making it out to be. Macdonald is trying to explain Jewish behavior in a genetic way. That it is the nature of Jews and thus nothing can be done about it. But this doesn’t seem convincing.

>> No.23150699

Youre forgwting about Freud choosing Jung as his sucessor specifically because he was a gentile, which pissed off all his jewish accolades

>> No.23150706

It was german jews first, french gentiles later

>> No.23150729

I don’t think it matters. I think white gentiles have just as much of an ability to be leftists as Jews. I don’t really see any reason to doubt this. The most numerous demographic of liberal progressives are whites. I see on /pol/ that they say that white liberals are all just brainwashed. Seems more like to me that white liberals simply find it appealing. They like woke ideology.

>> No.23150737
File: 4.00 MB, 4128x2685, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't read.
But I do read... and I'm not new either, I think people might recognize my shelf if I post it.
>You're here because you people noticed the sudden lack of moderation
No. I'm a mod for another imageboard and I hate shitposting retards, too.
I'm not on discord. I'm only able to be contacted on IRC and via email.
>Do you atleast go to real life neo-nazi rallies?
Nope. I'm not a neo-nazi, or any national socialist derivatives for that matter.

>> No.23150768

How are you saying this is a criticism of Macdonalds books when he literally says nearly exactly this very early on? It’s impossible to miss him saying very clearly whites have a very low in group preference. Did you honestly read any of the books?

>> No.23150769


>> No.23150809

Stream with KM here in a few minutes https://odysee.com/@WarStrike:a/episode11:c

>> No.23150860

Ive only read CoC. I am aware though of his other works and the general outline of what they are about as I have listened to interviews and podcasts of Macdonald. That being said his theory on whites/Jews leftism being that whites are low in group and Jews are high in group doesn’t convince me. If we were to look in the past whites in america would have seemed very in group focused. And with Jews marrying out so much I don’t see that either nice trial Macdonald is arguing exists. Macdonald’s argument of sting group preference for Jews seemed to rely on his argument that leftist Jews are conservative when it comes to Jewish I ashes and only left wing when it came to gentile issues. I don’t think he was able to prove that. The marrying out thing is just a hard thing to square with a group that is supposedly high in group preference. I just have a hard time believing it.

>> No.23150871 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 1144x967, richard_golden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subhuman retard making excuses for why he doesn't join up with his fellow drooling subhumans irl but only shits up 4chan 24/7

>> No.23150879 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 1140x641, burt_neo_nazi_ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those pristine spines
lel what a stupid subhuman.

>> No.23150936

>taking care of your books is bad
Well, my kids are inheriting them, anon. Actually, I've had to rebind one of them already. Don't bother guessing what.

>> No.23151378

When exactly did discussing jewish misdeeds and group preferences become taboo in America?
It was before WW2 which is the commonly believed date, but iirc Macdonald provides examples of people being attacked for it pre-war (like Lindbergh) and argues that their protection from public criticism is one of the reasons they were able to drag America into the war, but does he pinpoint when exactly they gained this immunity?

>> No.23151401

>factual work is called anti-Semitic and racist

>> No.23151426

>Is there something about Jewish culture that looks like it could predispose Jews to left wing beliefs? That seems reasonable as they are a historic minority and a persecuted one. I am unsure if being a minority predisposes people towards left wing beliefs that favor the out group rather than the majority of the in group, I am not sure.
I would assume that being a tiny out-group would incline its members to attach themselves to causes that would ameliorate or eliminate the laws and conditions denying them participation and acceptance from the societies in which they inhabit as aliens rather than equal citizens.

>> No.23151444

>they were able to drag America into the war
they were able to what now

>> No.23151900

>The marrying out thing is just a hard thing to square with a group that is supposedly high in group preference.
Asians marry out at high rates yet Asians very very clearly have a high in group preference, so that shouldn't be very confusing.

>> No.23151955

I'd say the last few chapters is when Kevin MacDonald starts going mask off with his nazism. He starts defending Nazi Germany as a mere mimicry of the jewish evolutionary strategy, and also states that whites need to become like jews in order to survive as a people, which taken together means he discretely advocates a return to national socialism.

At the end he talks about the future of whites and the threats different races pose. He's pretty worried about East Asians coming in to fill the technical niche. You start to get a throwback to Stoddard and Grant's racial works from the early 20th century in its broad sweeps of how whites, browns and blacks are doing.

Because the 20th century movements were ones that advanced their group interests. Marxism couldn't even be considered Jewish until the 20th century, it was for the most part a yuppie white thing with trust fund babies like Engels. Boaz anthropology, Freudian psychology and 20th century Marxism all advanced jewish group interests by undermining the confidence of the majority culture to assert its own group interests.

I'd say the strongest criticism of MacDonald's work comes from Paul Gottfried. Jewish involvement in 20th century intellectual movements took place so disproportionately because jews themselves were highly educated people part of a managerial class, and it's the managerial class that's subverting and destroying the majority culture in order to retain power. MacDonald doesn't recognize that the rich yuppie whites participating in the destruction of western culture aren't just manipulated golems, but are acting in their class interest alongside jews.

>> No.23152002

I think it's the nature of being left wing that makes one a subversive, two faced, undermining piece of shit. And that discretely all left leaning of a certain persuasion are exactly like how MacDonald describes jews. People say progressive whites don't have an in group and hate on other whites, but that's not exactly true, they have an intense in group selection. They live among progressive whites, exclusively date and socialize with other progressive whites, are the most sensitive to changing demographics and participate in white flight. It's just that non-progressive whites are their intensely hated out group.

I for one live in a country without a significant amount of jews, but we just have progressive whites behaving exactly like what MacDonald describes with jews, filling the same niche. I think Jared Taylor is right in that there's something else going on, and there's something inherent in whites causing the problem. No doubt jews are exacerbating it, but it's not a sufficient explanation for the entire problem.

>> No.23152040

>I for one live in a country without a significant amount of jews, but we just have progressive whites behaving exactly like what MacDonald describes with jews, filling the same niche.
I'm not saying you're right or wrong, but are the numbers of jews *in the country* really that relevant? After all jews as Macdonald describes, don't care for a nation's borders and I'm guessing those liberals share a similarly low opinion of it and would happily work with foreign jews.
I don't think that whether they are manipulated golems or independent traitors can really be determined on that basis.

>> No.23152491

Nice try shutting it down, shlomo

>> No.23152558


>> No.23152825

If they are marrying out I don’t see how they have a high group interest. It’s the basic thing you need to do to keep genetic distinction. I don’t think the Asians who marry out display ethnocentric behavior. That behavior that is traditional may be mistaken for ethnocentrism

>> No.23152841

I have no basis for this, but I believed there is some sort of biological memory for Westerners to invite hordes of alien people in their countries to work under them. I just don’t see any other civilization doing this, especially more throughly and based some sort of rationalization of it like the west does.

>> No.23152911

>MacDonald doesn't recognize that the rich yuppie whites participating in the destruction of western culture aren't just manipulated golems, but are acting in their class interest alongside jews.
What do you mean by this?

>> No.23152913

>People say progressive whites don't have an in group and hate on other whites, but that's not exactly true, they have an intense in group selection. They live among progressive whites, exclusively date and socialize with other progressive whites, are the most sensitive to changing demographics and participate in white flight.
That’s a point I’ve never heard before. Most people especially on /pol/ seem to ignore in group ethnocentrism that isn’t purely racial. People can understand ethnocentric trims when it comes to religion. So cultural political views is just another aspect of ethnocentrism.

>> No.23152914

I think it speaks to how certain White people like to regard themselves, and how they treat politics when unstressed.

It's interesting that Trump had blowout victories last night in California and Texas, winning 79-17. Both are minority White, and just a quarter of school children are White in both states.

Meanwhile, Haley did best in Vermont and Utah, which are two of the Whitest states.

>> No.23153030

>I'm not saying you're right or wrong, but are the numbers of jews *in the country* really that relevant?
Not him but there are two different ways of looking at this. One is the traditional /pol/ argument that because america has a lot of Jewish influence, it is able to to other countries through the American media, that do not have much domestic Jewish influence like Sweden. Another is that Jewish influence is not that important as /pol/ will usually claim. That it is not Jewish influence, but that there is a western culture that liberalism and leftism is able to propagate very well.

One of these is appealing to white nationalists as it paints an out group as being the instigator of leftism. While the other one is more problematic for white nationalism as it claims that the western culture itself may be what creates the culture to allow leftism. With culture being what causes leftism the problem becomes more abstract.

>> No.23153041

>to work under them.
This doesn’t make sense. White progressives are interested in having people to be under them. They are interested in putting foreign people above them. There is an argument that white progressives are the real racists as they seem to think lowly of minorities. They seem to think that minorities “can’t do it on their own.” In contrast to the average conservatives who actually is more of an egalitarian. This is the way i see things. Progressives are racists but reverse racists. They think poorly of minorities but want to push them up and disadvantage whites to create equality. Conservatives are egalitarian and believe effort is all that’s required to succeed. And then the natsoc right are what would be considered traditional racists. Other ways of seeing the differences exist but this way is a good sort of intro into the differences.

>> No.23153044

I’m unsure what it is. I wonder if the whites who live in Austin would ever vote for someone like trump. Huge American cities already have a minority white population yet those whites in big cities still vote blue

>> No.23153211

based narnia reorderer

>> No.23153861

This book certainly opened my eyes. A lot of things suddenly made a lot of sense.

>> No.23153886

>inherent in whites
the leftists are all the same, the non-white ones are integrated in a weird way, where they're also the client group, but overall it's the same in places like India, where a non-modernist political option even exists and represents the native identity. Then the Left hates the native tradition and sides with the minorities.

Majority leftists are straight forward classists, minority leftists are trickier. Mostly because of the level of schizo seething they exhibit. Very erratic.

>> No.23153954
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I personally have a theory I play with in my mind that western culture since the ancient Greeks has been radical. Reading platos the republic I see these radical ideas. Plato is willing to go so far as to ban certain musical melodies. I see this as the western mind that will want to radically change society to fit into an ideal society. This is in contrast to the East which never really had similar philosophy like the west. The western mind is not content to simply accept life but it must try to solve every question even if it means deconstructing everything that is normal. The western mind will decide to radically alter society if it finds an inconsistency with society that does not match up with their framework they have philosophically thought up. While the East is concerned largely with social harmony instead. For the East, the individual should strive to adapt to society, while for the west society should adapt to the individual. We can see this with things like the transgender issue. The left wing had this new philosophical idea of gender and demands that society change to adapt to these individuals.

I generally see this as a left wing sort of mindset but it can also be seen as a right wing mindset as well. The concept of “purity spiraling” known very well in far right wing circles comes to mind. This sort of group will focus heavily on race to the point where they will demand complete purity in their message. They will dream up these utopian ideas of bringing back the Roman Empire. The concept of a normal society is distasteful to them. They would rather try and fail to achieve their utopian dreams.

>> No.23154479

>Majority leftists are straight forward classists
Im what way? Classist as in a rich trust fund champagne socialist turning xir nose down at a working class White 'trash' man or as an unemployed/servant class poor leftoid railing against the rich White billionaires whilst defending megacorporations?

>> No.23154552

> I for one live in a country without a significant amount of jews, but we just have progressive whites behaving exactly like what MacDonald describes with jews, filling the same niche.

Because the social mores of your culture have been set by jewmerica. Easy.

>> No.23154625

doubt the negative reviews have read it to be fair

>> No.23154637

Yeah people overlook how similar Indians are to Whites when it comes to advocating for their racial interests. India has their own version of the great replacement going on with Islam, and they're sitting around doing nothing about it, they struggle to advocate for their own native culture and have a horde of leftists undermining the native people. Indians got effortlessly swept aside in the racial conflict in Fiji against the Polynesians, despite being equal in population and holding disproportionately more social and economic power. They believed in socialist idealist policies while the Fijians just formed a right wing junta and swept them aside. They got brushed aside from Uganda and scurried off overseas without a fuss, they get bullied in Malaysia and burdened with unfair quotas. They tried rioting against the abuse a few times but just really ended up taking it.

There absolutely is a strain of this self destructive mentality in certain upper class Indians looking to punch down. If India itself was a more wealthy first world country, I absolutely could see their elites doing exactly what western elites are doing to whites.

>> No.23154690
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It's an official part of /lit/

>> No.23154873
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> rate of marrying outside of other Jews is pretty high
They marry into gentile power. See Trump’s daughter, Biden’s sons. In Portugal where I am yet to actually encounter a Jew irl, the literal mayor of the capital is married to an international rich French Jew (picrel) and converted. He got a big ass European Commission job, in trade he has went on the average American Jewish script about too many white males in power .

>gentiles have been behaving radical in many ways too. But culture of critique appears to paint a picture that it is a uniquely Jewish thing
It portraits first and foremost Jews as conning individuals who use all possible means of subversion to manipulate their hosts while exploiting a code of conduct they pretend to adhere but never actually do, a tribe which promotes diversity in their host nations but reject it for itself except for when it aids to own group advancement strategy, as mentioned in point 1

>> No.23154907

>But culture of critique appears to paint a picture that it is a uniquely Jewish thing.
Gd forbid somebody mention jewish radicalism without bringing up the misdeeds of the dirty white gentile, YHWH knows there's not enough written on that topic.

>> No.23154908

I remember reading 20 pages of CoC and shortly thereafter learning that Sarah Silverman's sister, Susan, wrote a book called "Jewish Family and Life: Traditions, Holidays, and Values for Today’s Parents and Children." For me, that confirmed MacDonalds thesis and I didn't even bother finishing the book. My antisemitism has been locked in ever since!

>> No.23154914

>misdeeds of the dirty white gentile
Well, if we're going to dishonestly lumping groups together, then we can lump in Arabs with the Jews. They're all semites anyways.
Alternatively, we can agree that we are incompatible. Whatever is cool with me.

>> No.23154937
File: 720 KB, 1080x1507, Screenshot_20240307-134441_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nathan Cofnas
He's currently being #cancelled by a mob of the usual sort.

>> No.23155240

Jews have an IQ almost a standard deviation higher than whites, no shit they marry into elite whites. It's the same reason Episcopalian whites marry other white elites, they're part of an elite social class and only have other elites to pick from.

That's the weakest argument of Kevin MacDonald, with intermarriage being used to promote jewish influence. At this point the destiny of jews is tied to the destiny of whites in the United States, because jews themselves are at this point significantly mixed white. If South African whites in South Africa were intermarrying with blacks at a rate of 50% a generation, everyone would be saying they're being bred out, why is it different for jews in the States? You could argue that Orthodox jews are still kept as a pure reserve, but it's actually now Orthodox jews increasingly coming out batting for white people and are opposed to the increased browning of the west. Jared Taylor was assisted for years by a Rabbi early on with American Renaissance, and Zeymour in France is a literal practicing jew.

Yeah actually observe the dating habits and migratory patterns of progressive whites and you'll at first think it's a member of the KKK in that they just so happen to flee to majority white areas. They're a rootless cosmopolitan group that thinks of itself as being superior, settles and nests with its own kind, transforms and subverts institutions, promotes diversity and miscegenation, but almost always mates with their own kind. How is that literally not everything MacDonald says about the jews? An upper class episcopalian church with a pride flag has a congregation thinking and behaving little differently than a reformed jewish synagogue.

>> No.23155801

Why are episcopals in the elites rather than say baptists? What made this difference?

>> No.23155806 [DELETED] 

Barring the economic and intellectual outliers, they're one, indistinguishable mass.

In their bulk, the ideological Left (in contrast to those not paying attention to politics and going by peer opinion or slogans) align heavily with the unemployed/burger flipping humanities majors that sneed at strawmen of industrialists (especially self-made country rubes drive them nuts), or grade school teachers/govt clerks styling themselves as intelligentsia, bemoaning their unjust wage. They dream of being part of some big corporation or institution with a cushy, prestigious job high up the hierarchy. They always emulate the elites in garb, beliefs and anything they can make out about it, leading to some naive cargo cultism at times.

They aspire to partake in elite culture or join the elite altogether and spend their time repairing their self-esteem by siding with the rich/enlightened/authoritative/etc against the apologetically common people. They also love any sort of work that doesn't produce anything tangible, as a mark of status. It's a wonder they haven't adopted the Mandarin super long pinky fingernail yet. Their dominant animus is of social climbing and displays of inflated standing in society.

The actual generational rich adopt Leftism because it has the stamp of academia, is a "leisure" belief, which sounds awfully idealistic and therefore a flex on all the slobs that live outside gate communities and actually needing the police and finally because via the university super donors, it is aligning more and more with actual corporate elite interests. They're still not the thought leaders behind it, although they signal boost it. They ride it as a convenience thing.

If you ever pondered how a Cyberpunk dystopia can function, when everybody's such a trinket-laden rebel, then wonder no more. Apparently, it's not nu-realistic to expect that all those mohawk-wearing freedom fighters throat corporate cock on the week days and their cubicle is overflowing with anarchy stickers and the like.

>> No.23155818 [DELETED] 

Barring the economic and intellectual outliers, they're one, indistinguishable mass.

In their bulk, the ideological Left (in contrast to those not paying attention to politics and going by peer opinion or slogans) align heavily with the unemployed/burger flipping humanities majors that sneed at strawmen of industrialists (especially self-made country rubes drive them nuts), or grade school teachers/govt clerks styling themselves as intelligentsia, bemoaning their unjust wage. They dream of being part of some big corporation or institution with a cushy, prestigious job high up the hierarchy. They always emulate the elites in garb, beliefs and anything they can make out about it, leading to some naive cargo cultism at times.

They aspire to partake in elite culture or join the elite altogether and spend their time repairing their self-esteem by siding with the rich/enlightened/authoritative/etc against the unapologetically common people. They also love any sort of work that doesn't produce anything tangible, as a mark of status. It's a wonder they haven't adopted the Mandarin super long pinky fingernail yet. Their dominant animus is of social climbing and displays of inflated standing in society.

The actual generational rich adopt Leftism because it has the stamp of academia, is a "leisure" belief, which sounds awfully idealistic and therefore a flex on all the slobs that live outside gate communities and actually needing the police and finally because via the university super donors, it is aligning more and more with actual corporate elite interests. They're still not the thought leaders behind it, although they signal boost it. They ride it as a convenience thing.

If you ever pondered how a Cyberpunk dystopia can function, when everybody's such a trinket-laden rebel, then wonder no more. Apparently, it's not nu-realistic to expect that all those mohawk-wearing freedom fighters throat corporate cock on the week days and their cubicle is overflowing with anarchy stickers and the like.

>> No.23155824

Barring the economic and intellectual outliers, they're one, indistinguishable mass.

In their bulk, the ideological Left (in contrast to those not paying attention to politics and going by peer opinion or slogans) align heavily with the unemployed/burger flipping humanities majors that sneed at strawmen of industrialists (especially self-made country rubes drive them nuts), or grade school teachers/govt clerks styling themselves as intelligentsia, bemoaning their unjust wage. They dream of being part of some big corporation or institution with a cushy, prestigious job high up the hierarchy. They always emulate the elites in garb, beliefs and anything they can make out about it, leading to some naive cargo cultism at times.

They aspire to partake in elite culture or join the elite altogether and spend their time repairing their self-esteem by siding with the rich/enlightened/authoritative/etc against the apologetically common people. They also love any sort of work that doesn't produce anything tangible, as a mark of status. It's a wonder they haven't adopted the Mandarin super long pinky fingernail yet. Their dominant animus is of social climbing and displays of inflated standing in society.

The actual generational rich adopt Leftism because it has the stamp of academia, is a "leisure" belief, which sounds awfully idealistic, and therefore a flex on all the slobs that live outside gated communities and in actual need of the police. Finally, because via the university super donors, it is aligning more and more with actual corporate elite interests. They're still not the thought leaders behind it, although they signal boost it. They ride it as a convenience thing.

If you ever pondered how a Cyberpunk dystopia can function, when everybody's such a trinket-laden rebel, then wonder no more. Apparently, it's not nu-realistic to expect that all those mohawk-wearing freedom fighters throat corporate cock on the week days and their cubicle is overflowing with anarchy stickers and the like.

>> No.23155828

PS Another motivation by the rich to align with the Left, is that quite often, they know deep down they're pampered fuckups next to their parents. So becoming a champagne socialist is an easy way to cancel out the merit their parent/s hold over them.

>> No.23155833

>Jews have an IQ almost a standard deviation higher than whites
only studies of that I've ever seen had piddling sample sizes and done as dishonestly as humanly possible, recruiting subjects from theological studies etc. Not a lot of downies studying Talmud at the 'goge, I imagine.

It would be very easy to produce something like this and then hang it over the obvious nepotism problem

>> No.23155908

OP here, I've read a little more of the book over the past couple of (busy) days.
Most recently it covered the differences between Europeans and jews in the areas of xenophobia, collectivism vs individualism and family units.
Still nothing that would be considered bigoted or inappropriate were the subject any group other than the jews.

>> No.23156824

>almost a standard deviation higher
Except that a std is 15 and the only standard of deviation higher is black vs non-black, and we find between 2 - 3 std-dev when comparing africans to almost any other country.
So, are they redefining what standard deviation means, because usually Jews hit ~6 over and that's only for the aforementioned dishonest sample sizes. On larger sample sizes, Jews tend to be of lower general IQ, hovering somewhere between under "American White" IQ. I also want to also mention that non-Ashkenazi Jews share the range as Arabs.

>> No.23156831

>Jews have an IQ almost a standard deviation higher than whites

>> No.23156876
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> Jews have an IQ almost a standard deviation higher than whites, no shit they marry into elite whites
Political western leadership is no longer appointed by IQ, competence, morals or any other traditional metrics. Those who keep rising to the top are increasingly the ones who would never make it that far were they not to exploit public resources and make use of nepotism to be appointed to such positions (ie Hunter Biden).
Compare if you will, the president of the United States with the highest IQ individual (a literal bouncer and farmer who couldn’t be bothered to get involved in politics). Political power is more correlated to ambition and amorality (Jewish individuals do rate high in these) than IQ.
Jews rise to the top because since they couldn’t care less about the community and country they are appointed to, it’s easier for them to betray all the citizens who voted for them (see Zelensky), a trait which is desirable and rewarded by those those who actually detain the power and globally run the governments from the shadows.

>> No.23156919
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> jews themselves are at this point significantly mixed white
Jews infiltrated the universities, institutions and political offices creating lines of thought followed by implemented concrete measures to eradicate as much as they could white conscience, rebellion against traditions and any sort of in group preference (while fostering all types of pride and racial conscience in the 3rd world country individuals they ship to our nations and reject in their own impenetrable ethnostate). You could claim this was just high IQ at work and the dumber whites who fell for this trick like a good golem don’t actually deserve to live, yet just further confirms Jewish amorality, since in our code of conduct to even think of doing something so disgustingly vile seems too evil to conceive, and that’s how whites lose the war, by their own code of morals, which Jews masterfully exploit. If you were a bit less conning, we would have already exterminated you for good, yet your actions as a group are evil beyond the average person capacity of comprehension, thus seeming inconceivable, and the blame is shifted from then perpetrators to those who warn against them.

>> No.23158050

>It would be very easy to produce something like this and then hang it over the obvious nepotism problem
This is the true origin and reason for the myth but it should also be pointed out that merit/IQ/hard work were never acceptable reasons to explain Whites maintaining their positions in White countries, yet this is never allowed to be challenged for the jew.

>> No.23158078

>Through the series, MacDonald asserts that Jews as a group have biologically evolved to be highly ethnocentric and hostile to the interests of white people. He asserts Jewish behavior and culture are central causes of antisemitism, and promotes conspiracy theories about alleged Jewish control and influence in government policy and political movements.
It's antisemitic because it's true?
It's just like the Protocols of the Elder of Zion being a "fabricated text" that describes exactly what happened in the last century.

>> No.23159154
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This book aged like fine wine.

>> No.23159164

>they are doing it because of their genes!
How is this antisemetic when it gives Jews a perfect defense? Antisemitism is calling it like it is: Jews are antisocial because they choose to be that way.

>> No.23159479

>obnoxious jew acting exactly like the book claims they do because he can't stand any discussion of his people's aggression
You never learn do you?

>> No.23159544

Antisemitism and the sensivity around it has always striked as very weird to me. What is it about Judaism that makes it have this pressure around it? How come antigypsyism or anti-[insert christian revivalist denomination] aren't as prominent for example? Cultural nepotism is quite expected, why is it such a touchy subject when it comes to Jews?

>> No.23159849

>why is it such a touchy subject when it comes to Jews?
It's a touchy subject because it's dangerous to talk about.
They have quite deliberately engineered this situation through their control of media, influence in politics and business as well as resorting to coordinated social attacks and harassment.
The result is people cold censor themselves and those who don't are censored by them.
People will look over their shoulder when they're alone before they say something even mild about the jews.
This is intended to paralyze any attempt at resistance to their aggression and it works exceptionally well, with even the most blatant and audacious of jewish crimes handled with kids gloves. Contrast that to the reaction a White man making a mild comment on any topic receives.
Thankfully it is declining in effectiveness every day due to over use.

>> No.23160621

Cofnas's critique is important to read for anyone interest in Culture of Critique. He makes valid counter-assertions, points some pretty important inaccuracies (e.g., Boas marrying a gentile) and posits his own theory which is quite powerful. I still agree with a lot of what MacDonald argues, but Cofnas's rebuttal is great if you're going to avoid becoming too narrow-minded about the whole issue.

>> No.23160692
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I found what Cofnas said to be very insightful as well. But his default hypothesis is lacking imo. He criticizes Macdonald for ignoring gentile radicals but the cofnas default hypothesis ignores the aspects of Jewish culture that would influence people in that culture to leftism in a way that is very distinct from white gentiles. This is an explanation of Jewish overrepresentation from the jewish paleo conservative Paul gottfried. The point being that Jews have a long history of being a persecuted minority in christian Europe. This is a very different culture and history than what a typical white gentile will be coming from. That long history of being a persecuted minority could make leftism seem very appealing. It’s a history of being the out group. And modern leftism is very outgroup focused. It’s the poltical ideology of immigrants, illegal aliens, homosexuality, transgenderism, non Christian religions, and non white racial groups even though white gentiles do make up a large part of leftism. When it comes to African Americans they also are largely on the left, we’ll at least they vote Democrat. And they too have a long history of being a minority.

This explanation though doesn’t lead to the minority group whether that be Jews or African Americans being to blame as what Macdonald’s thesis is about. With Macdonald the behavior of groups is due to evolution and so it’s genetic somehow. When it comes to the nature vs nurture question Macdonald says it’s nature. But with this cultural and historical look it is more neutral. It could be that the in group is to blame for not accepting the outgroup. Or there could be some other explanation for why a certain group remained an outgroup for so long. So it’s apparent why fans of Macdonald who are liekly going to be white nationalists would prefer the genetic answer. Not only becuase it puts the vapor on the outgroup but because white nationalism prefers answers that are genetic in origin rather than cultural. Cultural explanations seem to be for those in the left while genetic answers are preferred on the right.

Somewhat off topic but gavins JYNO Jews in name only explanation is interesting in that it’s similar to Jared Taylor somewhat. There is something observable about Northwestern Europeans and then being very into wokeness. A lot of people say whites are just brainwashed but it seems like many whites may just find being woke appealing. And highly educated secular leftist ashkenazi Jews seem to behave like highly educated white leftist secular gentiles.

>> No.23160708

what are the other volumes called

>> No.23160717
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tried typing in his name and this is the "suggested" result

>> No.23160744

You make it sound like the fear of being called an anti semite didn’t come about naturally. There liekly was a huge change in anti semitism after the Holocaust.

>> No.23160746

lol. damn

>> No.23160793

Probably when they flooded into America after 1880. The question is what triggered that and did laws change to allow it?

>> No.23160805

Notice the language used. Discredit, Discredit, Discredit. But this is the SPLC, which is a known arm of Zionism, so it is to be expected. Yes, I'm also using language to discredit them.
However, they have a vest interest in discrediting him, especially when you look at how praised MacDonald was for the other books in the trilogy, by rabbis and other jews.

>> No.23160810

Threatened by a people I've never seen through my whole life and who I consider pussy mfs? Nope.

>> No.23160889

>praised by rabbis and other Jews for the first two books
so are you saying the first two are like an anthropological take on the history of the Jewish race, and it wasn’t until the 3rd one that he made his killshot?

>> No.23160896

>Hey is this book good or does it start to go off the rails later on

>Well uhm akshually there's a good critique of it which *snickers* I guess you could say criticizes the culture of critique

OP asked if the text launches into bigoted screeds or remains objective and unbiased and people instead tell him the author has been deboonked. Modern /lit/ everyone.

>> No.23161133

>A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy, With Diaspora Peoples
>Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism

>> No.23161153

>aspects of Jewish culture that would influence people in that culture to leftism in a way that is very distinct from white gentiles
One of the points Macdonald tries to make is that jews from both the left and the right act in ways that benefit the jew at the expense of the gentile.
Neocons being the biggest example of a jewish right wing movement.

>> No.23161201

Jews, Blacks and Muslims are the only groups that get this special taboo treatment, and it, no shit, comes down to the fact that they hysterically whine and cry crocodile tears each time they're criticized. That's it, that's all it takes.

Western culture allows egregious behavior to get a pass simply as long as the group involved cries and whines. Paradoxically the harder you work and the more affable you are, the more you'll be discriminated against, morally shamed and have diversity quotas work against you. This is actually similar to how women get such a pass for their shitty behavior. And explains completely why Hispanics only get moderate affirmative action benefits and media representation, why Blacks get the lions share of pity, attention and benefits and why Asians are actually discriminated against alongside whites.

>> No.23161362

I thought his points on that weren’t convincing. It seems most leftist Jews are left wing towards Jewish causes too

>> No.23161373

The treatment of Jews by the national socialists makes anti semitism different from any other racist feeling

>> No.23161375

Ops question was boring. I I am interested in the debate. The discussion here if the criticism of Macdonald is leagues better than any on /pol/ would be.

>> No.23161376
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>> No.23161382

The play here is to make him seem like such a repulsive figure that no one would dare think of reading him. In reality he doesn’t say anything overtly offensive and all his claims are well cited. His works on children and palaeolithic societies are a great contribution to the field of anthropology.

>> No.23161431

Couldn't it be that it is actually europeans who are the exception to the rule due to their ridiculous xenophilia and complete lack of nepotism among each other? If you look at any other non-european immigrant group in western societies they act exactly like jews do. Indians exclusively hire other indians, muslim immigrants exclusively hire other muslim immigrants, the chinese exclusively employ other chinese, and so on. Nepotism is the rule and not the exception. It is just that jews are the most visible non-european group to act nepotistic because they wield more power than all other minorities combined.

The real mystery here is why europeans are unlike any other group rather than why jews act like they do. There is nothing unique about "the culture of critique" but the culture of xenophilia definitely is one of a kind. I am almost certain that it's due to christianity.

>> No.23161530

I think it’s a bit of a shock for a thoroughly shilib-indoctrinated, naive white male to discover that while he is conditioned in all sorts of ways not to “see color,” etc., other groups do not share the same way of thinking. It’s okay for these other groups to assume racist practices (for themselves) and discriminate as they see fit. But the same does not apply for white men. That would be “racist.” If there was, for example, a 100% white male scientific research group at a university you wouldn’t hear the end of Jewish and minority screeching. In fact, I’m positive that such an entity doesn’t exist because such an entity would not receive funding. Considering this, I would rephrase your question: would white men be nepotistic if they could?

>> No.23161549

The idea that whites are not ethnocentric is a very recent phenomenon. In america Jim Crow laws were enacted. Slavery existed on racial lines. And xenophobia was the norm for centuries. If the argument is that whites are somehow not really xenophobic naturally it would need to be explained why they historically seemed to be xenophobic. I know Macdonald has written on this but I just can’t imagine how he could write a convincing argument in support of that idea

>> No.23161601

I think every group has a natural tendency to be with their own kind. At university (engineering major), I made friends with white people and the browns stuck with their own people. No big deal. And while I was friendly with some browns, I would never be considered a part of their group. Never. For them, the racial lines are conscious while for white people they are not. Never did the natural tendency for my white friends and myself to hang out and do homework together manifest itself as a conscious racial boundary. And I agree with you, this lack racial conscious is a new phenomenon. Consciousness of our group identity is being bred out of us.

>> No.23161655

good posts.

>> No.23161676

Speak yourself, cunts. My race has historically been more classist than racist. In fact, I used to be from an old wealthy elite family until my dad lost the money. I just don't like lower class people in general. Garbage taste in literature, poor decorum, lack of elegance and metacognition, etc. Classism is based but racism is cringe. People who descend from an interminable line of peasants should not be allowed to move up socioeconomic class.

>> No.23161782

>People who descend from an interminable line of peasants should not be allowed to move up socioeconomic class.
Key-word is should. Currently, we have white and non-white people in power who give preference to non-whites in terms of prestige and advancement. If this tendency continues and gives rise to a new non-white aristocracy, racism won’t seem cringe anymore.

>> No.23161792

People should be judged based on their top 5-10 favorite artwork, aspirations in life, accomplishments by a certain age, values and weltanschauung, etc. by an AI that is not afraid to discriminate.
Judging people based on things they cannot change such as height, accent, skin color, nose shape, etc. is immensely insulting and arbitrary. Rather people should be harshly judged based on measurable metrics reflecting the depth of mind. They should be judged based on the depth of consciousness which a series of lists (including some proof) can help reflect.
In fact, I will go a step further. Since "33" has special numerical significance in many world traditions, when people who hit age 33 have not engaged in any meaningful self-cultivation (e.g., liking James Cameron films, reading trashy pop books, etc.), they should be either executed or made into slaves.

Such an AI can also be used to class people's patriline in a rigid caste system thereby introducing more social stability. If such an AI were made, I would organize my lists and proudly share it with the Ai.

>> No.23161806

I don't think white europeans are the worst for ridiculous xenophilia and lack of nepotism, at least historically. Arab countries were more accepting of minority populations like the jews right up until the Napoleonic era, and were willing to intermarry with whites and add them to their gene pool, while Europeans never bothered to take arab muslim wives back home. We seemed to have more racial consciousness back then than most people. Even today filipinos are endogamous to an absurd extent, well beyond anything you could ever possibly find with whites, both in rhetoric and practice, while with whites it's purely rhetoric. We don't actually marry out that much despite the intense pressure on us to do so.

It's a very narrow elite class that's enforcing this lack of nepotism through blunt force of the law. Take away civil rights laws against discrimination and I guarantee you within five to ten years you'd have explicitly white schools and explicitly white neighborhoods again. White people cower in fear at the idea of being called racist out of moral shaming, if you look into a white person's eyes if he's accused of being racist or the idea of antisemitism, you see his eyes darting back and forth and fear. They've been conditioned by social and legal bludgeons, the same way a person in a communist society gets skittery at the mention of free markets and being counterrevolutionary.

An intense hatred of the white working class is behind it, I've seen it. I've been in the car with these sorts of people driving through the countryside, going through small towns they'll sneer with disdain at how "racist" and "backwards" the towns are. Talking about how the cities are so much better and that these places need foreign food shops and diversity. I don't have proof, but I think this hatred of poor whites goes as far as to give them schadenfreude over things like opiate deaths and pakistani grooming gangs. These are wihte people, and it's the ones that grew up poor but are desperately trying to climb social classes that are the worst for it.

MacDonald says that white people are uniquely vulnerable to moral appeal because we interpret things through universal standards more than other races. I think there's some truth to this. It doesn't just make us spineless cucks, mind you, it can sort of drive us to be arrogant and imposing. It's that moral universalism that made us impose our views on the entire world, making Africans stop slavery because we didn't like it. We do the same today with imposing LGBT stuff on the entire globe. He says other races and groups like the jews are moral relativists and pretty much immune to to the same moral appeals, "but is it good for the jews".

>> No.23161833

>Judging people based on things they cannot change such as height, accent, skin color, nose shape, etc.
As a tall white man who regularly induces seethe for simply existing, I endorse this message.

>> No.23161857

This is the mentality that lead to South African landowners allowing large scale black bantu migration for migrant workers, wanting to save money at the expense of the working class. This is the mentality that lead to their descendants for the most part being ethnically cleansed from the region and fleeing to other countries, or remaining as a despised minority heavily taxed by the black majority. I've heard it described that white south africans are now effectively cognitive slaves to the blacks in the country, despite doing all the elite cognitive work that blcaks can't do, they're burdened the most by taxation to pay for a class of blacks to work do-nothing jobs.

A midwit elite that has numbers behind it has more power than an educated cognitive elite that doesn't, the jews themselves in medieval Russia experienced this, being swept aside by borderline illiterate barons who had lots of troops and a big sword.

>> No.23161862

Ultimately the mind is the most important, and the AI can determine that best.
For example, do you hate low IQ brown Muslims who only read only the Quran and can only repeat "allahu snackbar"? I guarantee you the AI will designate them as the lowest of all castes.
Give benefit of the doubt and let the AI judge impartially based on the comprehensive data it was trained on.
The AI can also ask questions and ask for essays to determine the sincerity and depth of the consciousness of the individual.

>> No.23161867

The AI would designate such blacks as low class and stupid. It would ask for top 5-10 books, aspirations in life, and other measurable metrics. It would also inquire further to determine sincerity, depth of beliefs, etc. to gauge level of contemplative depth.
Everyone should take the test with the AI.

>> No.23161958

I just don’t see there being any explanation that makes sense. Culturally you see white countries now being as out group focused as possible but back in the 1930s many European countries not just Germany were extremely racially focused. I have not read Macdonald’s arguments but just how I see things I think Macdonald desperately wants to frame the narrative where whites are just being taken advantage of because of something inherent and unique to whites. I simply don’t see it. When you see Asian immigrants often times if they attend Ivy League schools they will act just like blue haired liberals.

>> No.23162038

>poorfag genetic trash spawned from a failure thinks he's any better than a peasant
loving every laugh

>> No.23162069

It's one of the great arguments in White Nationalist circles, the great mystery. The other question White Nationalists always debate is how much do white progressive elites diversifying western societies really believe in what they're saying, and how much of it is purely cynical.

Jared Taylor has probably done the most research on it and thinks this has been going on for a bit longer than people realize. Most people focus too heavily on the 1960s with the watershed civil rights acts and mass migration. But you had lots of signs much earlier, even as far back as 1898, the UK liberal elites were trying to force white colonies like Australia and Canada to take indian migrants, insisting they were "one empire" and that race didn't matter too much.

>> No.23162089

Let a future AI decide and not ADHD fags like you.

>> No.23162659

>I just don’t see there being any explanation that makes sense
They were defeated in WW2 and the denazification process brainwashed and destroyed entire generations.
That's the explanation, if you like it or not as an explanation is irrelevant.

>> No.23162788

/// These Cretan institutions were much extolled by some writers of antiquity, but receive only qualified praise from the judicious criticisms of Aristotle /// If you're late to work again, you'll be out on your ear /// To what extent is a man of 68 the same person as the callow youth of 18 that he once was? /// Mozart responded with a lilting melody that enhances the regular, sing-song accents of the metre /// After a bad year, Judd's career hung in the balance ///
Dan nabbed the seat next to mine /// Per the IOM white paper, about 100,000 people a year die because of medical mistakes /// The bright flavor of paprika, in combination with sour cream, is a perfect foil for the succulent meat of rabbit /// I remember my grandma using that perfume — the scent, and the preening in front of the mirror that went with it /// The old diplomat was shaken to the core to discover that in their correspondence Mozart and his family and friends were gleefully given to silliness and smut /// The negative influence of bereavement on physical and mental health often fades over time /// A wad of money in a gold clip ///

>> No.23163231

It seems to me that nobody in the West really cared about the holocaust until the 70s onward