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File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1280, cursive practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23134296 No.23134296 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about many American schools no longer teaching cursive? To me it just seems like a further degradation of zoomie/gen alpha education. I write cursive every single day as an artist and handwriting is effectively a form of art practice that I'm sure affects your brain in a positive way every time you do it but young people are just only engaging with machines in general. Why write when you can type? Why cook when you can order DoorDash? They don't do anything more complex with their hands than select things on a screen and this probably makes you partially retarded.

In Russia they literally *only* write in cursive and handwriting block letters for day-to-day tasks doesn't happen. We are getting cucked by our own language.

>> No.23134306

I only write is cursive. My handwriting is atrocious however, so I stick to typewriting.
I'm from Spain.

>> No.23134313

>Why do....
Because moneyline won't go up if we aren't connected all day long so hand writing is not seen as necessary anymore.
Ragebait though.

>> No.23134325

Cursive is pointless, it was invented to save on ink by not lifting the pen nib as much thereby leaving drops of ink

>> No.23134327

Low effort thread but not really rage bait. Kinda hoping somebody just knows some interesting insight or anecdotes about this/how schools work lel. Reading /r/teachers is like gazing into a Lovecraftian void where you assumed there would just be normal school teachers but it's just a Lovecraftian void of reddit-brained education majors who want to talk about black liberation all day getting assaulted by teenagers. The cursive situation in those places must be crazy.

>> No.23134381

Cursive is retarted. Teach them a second language or some other shit. Maybe teach them geography outside of Canada and Mexico too. They seem to be uniquely dogshit at that.

>> No.23134390

>you share a board with this

>> No.23134395
File: 993 KB, 1125x1110, 1707872554436125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter. The west has already fallen. We're all just bracing for impact.

>> No.23134420

Well it made me rage and seethe thinking about the future so checkmate.
I watched a program a while ago where a high school principal and a linguist (or something) talked about their success in getting kids to read again by just gifting books to their students. They said especially poor kids don't read because their parents don't want to spend the money on books or a library card.
They made good points about how parents should lead an example by reading themselves but that schools should stimulate kids by letting kids read whatever they like.
They lost me when they said "You know, hiphop culture is really trendy so kids will be more interested to read if they are allowed to read those for school assignments. Biographies of famous footballers might be good too". They have great intentions but a lot of them are obviously out of touch and I wonder why they became teachers.

>> No.23134427
File: 7 KB, 259x195, rappin' space goblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23134429

They tried to teach me cursive but my print was and is so bad they gave up and focused on me just being legible at all. My handwriting is still terrible.

But honestly if you care about this it seems more performative than genuine. There's worse going on in education.
I guess it can feed into a delusion that its 2 more weeks until collapse and you get to play your video games in real life.

>> No.23134435
File: 593 KB, 830x741, deepfried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One California high school has eliminated honors classes for ninth- and 10th-grade students. While school officials claim that the change was necessary to increase "equity," the move has angered students and parents alike.
>Starting this school year, Culver City High School, a public school in a middle-class suburb of Los Angles, eliminated its honors English classes for ninth- and 10th-graders. Instead, students are only able to enroll in one course called "College Prep" English. The decision, according to school administrators, came after teachers noticed that only a small number of black and Hispanic students were enrolling in Advanced Placement (A.P.) courses.

think of the retards and the dyslexics :)
dont be racist and ablest

>> No.23134438

As if our honors classes were worth a shit. If I had to go back in time I would never bother with honors or AP.

>> No.23134440

They did the same in NY. Not enough black kids get into honors/AP classes, so they just cancel the classes. Real Harrison Bergeron vibes.

>> No.23134449

Yea it was basically that lmao. They all were over 40/50 too. You don't even have to think hard on why that would fail. Why would a kid read a book about rapping when he can listen to it. They already had success gifting other books anyway.

>> No.23134460

We were taught cursive at school, it was not a requirement though, while in high school I found writing several letters in print were just easier and more convenient, today my writing is mostly in print but sometimes I join letters in cursive manner.
What I personally don't understand is why some people (like op) sperg out so much about what other peoples handwriting looks like. So what if some people write cursive while other print, it's pretty much irrelevant.

>> No.23134483

Mass literacy has always been an aberration, and mass education done by civil servant is a just fat joke lol

>> No.23134532
File: 752 KB, 303x224, 1419423361514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure where I stand on this honestly.
I was taught "standard" cursive in youth and it seemed stupid to me at the time. Why teach me to write the letters in a laborious, weird way?
As an adult, my writing developed into a kind of semi-cursive anyway, from a natural process of optimization. It resembles standard cursive, but with many differences and still being partially print letters. This hybrid is simply the most efficient way for me to write.
It seems to me that handwriting is personal and unique, and trying to force a standard method is soulless and pointless or even detrimental.
On the other hand, I can see the value in having people being aware it exists. Would my own personal cursive have developed at all, if I had been unaware? Probably, but it also probably would have been illegible to anyone else.
Perhaps it just needs to be taught less rigidly, and maybe they could experiment with the timing to see when the idea best sticks.

Anyway, subscribe if you like my blog, it really helps me out.

>> No.23134682

>What I personally don't understand is why some people (like op) sperg out so much about what other peoples handwriting looks like. So what if some people write cursive while other print, it's pretty much irrelevant.

This is the is most important part of the OP:
>I write cursive every single day as an artist and handwriting is effectively a form of art practice that I'm sure affects your brain in a positive way every time you do it

The problem is you don't know what you don't know.

>> No.23134763
File: 157 KB, 732x604, !-!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about many American schools not teaching simplified Chinese? To me it just seems like a further degradation of zoomer/genner alpha education. I write simplified Chinese every single day as an asmrtist and Sino-American cultural exchange practices are effectively a form of asmr practice that I'm sure affects your brain in a positive way every time you do it but young people are just only engaging with machines in general. Why tingle when you can vibe? Why Gook when you can order HoloLive? They don't do anything more complex with their strokes than write things on a screen and this probably makes you partially retarded.

In Russia they literally *only* write in simplified Chinese and using Russian for day-to-day tasks doesn't happen. We meanwhile in America we are getting cucked by our language!!

>> No.23134769

out of 100 people how many people are artists that mainly create art with their hands (painters and similar) ? why do we have to teach every single child cursive (and then force them to use it daily) when barely even 1% of them are interested in painting/drawing? according to op everyone in russia writes cursive but how many artists and how much art has russia produced in the last 100 years? basically 0, yet everyone, from primary school children to old people are literally "practising" their art skills every single day.

>> No.23134775

It's dastardly, but it has had the effect of making me seem even more patrician.

>> No.23134786

Vast majority of people no longer write, they type or use speech to text.

Also, cursive is for people too lazy to lift the pen between letters.

>> No.23134806

there are plenty of traditional artists and the vast majority of people on earth creating art are still doing it without computers. you are talking about popular entertainment which is mostly done digitally and is the best way to make bux but that's a different thing. anyway the point is less about art itself and more about using your hands, learning how to write letters well teaches kids many things and people saying "durr it's trivial" don't understand the point of education. it is to be create an educated person, i.e. someone who cares about presentation, ideas, and carefulness. Schools are now just mostly daycares that teach kids how to be an employable cucks and don't even do that well anymore.

We should at least have a return of cursive after the US figures out how to separate the violent retard students with drug addict parents from everybody else so that people who actually want to learn can do so. The country seems allergic to any of its medicine though.

>> No.23134815

I think you need to find something that actually matters man

>> No.23134821

no. total printy death.

>> No.23134829

I don't think people should be taught to read at all

>> No.23134837

any country without a widely literate populace is going to be subsaharan tier so unless you imagine an epic future of neofeudalism with swathes of suffering illiterate peasants because it's based or whatever, i don't see the play here.

>> No.23134865

Ah Hank Hill, leader of the chuds.
>Be american
>Construct a ridiclous strawman that under communism smart people are forcefully dumbed down
>Actually end up doing it yourself while communist education systems are world renowned for being challenging

>> No.23134869

prioritizing people for other than their abilities tends to dumb things down, simple as.

>> No.23134871

I just speak personally. I don't attempt to diagnose the world or my country. I think being literate has made my life worse.

>> No.23134874

Ah yes, because the learned men of the past were famously lazy, not the chicken scratch writers of today. Psueds, I swear...

>> No.23134879

Funny you use the image of a strong man as the implied face of a weak man's words.

>> No.23134902

>you are talking about popular entertainment which is mostly done digitally
no I am not, I am talking about art that requires fine and very precise control of hands and maybe even fingers. Drawing and painting is like that, however sculpting is not, many art forms do not require skills like having a nice cursive handwriting. My point is that for a sculptor practising cursive is a waste of time. Printed handwriting can also be messy or it can be carefull and presentable.

>> No.23134918

You have to be an above average draftsman to even be a sculptor, what the are you even talking about.

>> No.23134919

I wish English had a Kanji equivalent.
Something that all the real literature and scientific stuff was in except more. Extended to common novels and instructions. The English chaacters were writing now being something just for children or to clarify something.

I guess that use to be Latin? Except with a more expanded use case.
I think the world would be cooler and more magical

>> No.23134928

>under communism smart people are forcefully dumbed down
This is correct

>> No.23135024

I'm an American and I started using cursive due to the massively increased amount of notes I've been taking and journaling I've been doing. I retain written information better when I write it out compared to typing.

>Printing notes
>Noticed it was really hard to write fast and not have my letters become misaligned
>Then I tried to limit the number of times I lifted the pen off the paper
>Realized why cursive is so effective and useful
>Swapped to cursive
>First by doing 5 minutes of my daily writing in cursive
>Then more and more every day until all of it was in cursive

I write faster now and it looks better too. I used to hate the way my writing looked. I'm still not happy with the way it looks but big improvements have been made so far.

>> No.23135136

European here
I remember that I had to learn how to write with a fountain pen and until 5th grade year we we haven't known that you can write in 'printed' letters. I mean, we call them 'printed' but they are essentially block letters. Some people changed their handwriting because of that and still write in these letter. Surprisingly they were almost exclusively girls. Really, almost every girl that's around my age had at that time that blocky way of writting whereas boys usually didn't. And it ended up like that every guy had his own distinct quirks about his hand-writing and teachers always had trouble decyphering it, whereas girls write mostly the same way.

>> No.23135324

Yeah Americans are retarted. Even for Anglos.

>> No.23135435

I'm not teaching at the moment, but I was pretty disappointed to find that the children couldn't read cursive when I was writing on the board.
But then my son started school this year and he is learning cursive lettering, so I don't know what's going on in this country.
>Why write when you can type?
The majority of 13 year olds I have interacted with can't even do that. They can't download a work sheet off google classroom because they don't know where it saves, they can't open something in edit mode, they type slower than my mother texting, and they think I can't tell from the smell when they've been smoking. They want dictation software on their ipads in the classroom.

>> No.23135496

Oddly wholesome. I love when large groups of people are lazy. Genuinely makes the world a better place.

>> No.23135503

I can't read cursive at all. I wish my parents didn't even bother putting me in school. Came out the other end with a stupid ass bachelors and 15 wasted years

>> No.23135538

We all learn geography, but for us it is largely useless. Our nation is far larger than most of yours. We can easily spend our entire lives only dealing with other Americans. My state of Texas alone is larger, more wealthy, and more militarily powerful than most nations. Geography is merely contextually useful for the average American and has no relevance to their daily affairs. Cursive does.

>> No.23135553

You are both cancerous human beings. I really hope you're not real Americans.

Based educational warrior fighting the good fight. I'm sorry it's such an uphill battle.

>> No.23135557

Whats bad about >>23135503

>> No.23135590

>As an adult, my writing developed into a kind of semi-cursive anyway, from a natural process of optimization. It resembles standard cursive, but with many differences and still being partially print letters. This hybrid is simply the most efficient way for me to write.
This is what happens to literally everyone over time, will continue to happen, and what happened in the past. D'Nealian was invented in the 1960s to deal with the fact that everyone's handwriting just becomes it's own special snowflake font over time. The idea was to standardize handwriting so that all documents could be legible across the US and through time.What is actually meant by "schools aren't teaching cursive" is "schools aren't being paid to force their students to learn D'Nealian"

t. has to read really old documents for a living.

>I wish English had a Kanji equivalent.
We're already there. The English written word is actually composed of ideographic radicals that are only barely phonetic due to genealogical holdovers.

>> No.23135642

You write like an american too. Disgusting.

>> No.23135664
File: 877 KB, 3072x1680, 1709334229790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The abbreviations and personal foibles of secretary hand tend towards being ideograms. At least those are mostly consistent. Mostly.

>> No.23135734


Really just that.

>> No.23135764

transcribe this please, think i can make out most of ti but some really odd letter forms

>> No.23135773

Reading olde documents sure is fun isn't it anon? Spending so much time trying to decyph it & read old journals has sohomehow made my handwriting more legible than 3^e scrawl I learnt in school.
>.t Anon
I spent a lot of time on /x/ reading John Dee's personal notebooks.

>> No.23135776

>Went to a uk uni
>postgrad students were involved with marking undergraduate essays and exams.
>American students couldn't read or mark half the papers.

I know zoomer adults who can't read an analogue clock also

>> No.23135799

How many of us do you know personally?

>> No.23135805

Of course I do, you imbecile. I am an American. Go to a site in your own mother tongue if you detest us so much, you clown. It's you who seek our company, not the reverse.

>> No.23135848

>I know zoomer adults who can't read an analogue clock also
Jesus christ don't remind me
>sir, what is the time
>*point to clock on the wall*
>*gormless staring*
>umm what's the time
>quarter pas
>quarter past what?
>quarter past 11
>what does that mean?

>> No.23135943
File: 317 KB, 1224x1584, Quikscript Manual (just the letters).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, there’s pic related
Nice to know that it’s actually useful for something.
I was a teacher for a while and one of the students wrote in cursive. Unfortunately, his handwriting was kind of bad and I think it would’ve been much more legible had he given up and gone back to print

>> No.23135965

Because I have no interest in the learning the language of ontologically evil people

>> No.23135969

The tension has been getting worse between us and the rest the world on this site lately. I probably don’t help the problem but I can’t help but notice.

>> No.23136111
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, DO NOT LEARN MANDARIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23136141

It does seem that way. I couldn't care less. As often as they dare to stand, I'll knock them down.

>> No.23136164
File: 1.46 MB, 1132x1675, IMG_5198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problem with cursive is reading it. Perhaps this is partly due to only reading 150+ year olds scans but it’s damn near impossible to read IMO. Scans from pre1850 are way worse than this.

>> No.23136296

>Scans from pre1850 are way worse than this.
post em

>> No.23136316

>tiny hands that can't properly wield writing implements

It's moronic and delays the development of their own script with naturally eliding characters. Irrelevant since commercial type writers became ubiquitous-- you'll never be writing papers or CVs by hand for scrutiny. Expecting little retards to do anything other than basic history, geography, and arithmetic is a fool's errand. The cursive they teach isn't even good as calligraphy anyways.

>> No.23136333
File: 62 KB, 906x650, ball point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ballpoint pens and their consequences have been a disaster for the penmanship race

>> No.23136353
File: 812 KB, 1201x816, IMG_5199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone can translate this I would be forever grateful. This is a deed from where my 8x grandfather bought land in 1799

>> No.23136386

that is pretty tricky. first 7 lines:

This indenture made this Fifthteenth Day of December One
thousand seven hundred and eighty seven between Joseph Hanaca of the
County of (Burry?) and State of Carolina of the ____, and John Noble of the
____ County and State of the (other?) Hereforth that for ____ (concession?)
the ___ of fifty pounds ____ money to the St Joseph Manaca by the ____
John Noble in hand paid before the Execution hereof the Receipt ____
Joseph Manaca by these (presents?) hath Granted _____ ___ __ __

I think it would be easier, if you fish out more of these, as legal documents often have similar language. that way you can reconsutrct the most likely words ot be present.

>> No.23136406

I have actually been doing that. My dad still owns 130 acre farm. I know for a fact it was split from my 2x grandpas ~250 acre farm which was called the “home place”. I have pieced together deeds back until the late 1800s (when it was split) however after that and you get into writing the quality of the scans and legibility of the handwriting quickly deteriorates. I am just curious if my dad still owns portions of the original farm.

>> No.23136424

>Joseph Manaca by these (presents?) hath Granted _____ ___ __ __
more like
> Joseph Manaca doth hereby acknowledge and therefore ____ ___

i guess the last bit is the hardest to read and most interesting

(appoint?) the St John Watson his Heirs Executors (administrators?) ___ ____
Joseph Manaca by these presents hath granted Manager __ ___ ___
____ ___ Confirms __ ____ ___ the St John Watson his
Heirs ____ ___ ___ __ Rockingham County and ___ County
as the ____ of ______ and ____ by an Extant heir ___ act of
is _______ ____ his (knouby???) Floyds ___ (oats?) to be exactly in the line

>> No.23136430

have you thought about going to a cursive or calligraphy writing tutor/teacher/artist/ethusiast/youtuber(!?) and seeing if they can read it?

>> No.23136465

>John Noble
oh it was John Watson all along, nevermind.
So Joseph Manaca is selling land to John Watson, right? and then John Watson names his heirs upon coming into posession of the land.

P.S. "Manaca" is an interesting surname for 1787, is it not?

>> No.23136469

>John Watson
no, John Webster!

>> No.23136476

do these physical records still exist? it would probably be a lot easier to read that way, i think the scans are just awful.

>> No.23136477
File: 745 KB, 948x749, IMG_5200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve asked my lawyer that I use for closings and he said it was too much of a pain for him. I may try someone else although I feel bad effectively bumming free professional services.

>photo of marriage bond from 1850

This wife died giving birth to my 4x grandpa in 1858. Said grandpa is buried in a cemetery less than a mile from where I live. He’s the oldest descendant of mine I know of a burial place.

>> No.23136484
File: 615 KB, 680x846, IMG_5201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go and steal the original if I can find it. I talked to my lawyer and he said often times you can find originals.

Yes manaca is a very weird surname, none of those people have left any real impact on this area.

>photo of the grandpa born in 1858>>23136477

>> No.23136496
File: 48 KB, 719x568, everything is bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a shit about standardised cursive? Handwriting should be personal. Yeah yeah falling school standards and all that, but not all school standards were good.

>> No.23136508

>Who gives a shit about standardised cursive?
>nerds trying to decypher land ownership deeds literally right above him

>> No.23136512
File: 201 KB, 598x574, 1632993005206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23136534

I think
>Heirs ____ ___ ___ __ Rockingham County and ___ County
should be
>Heirs and assigns a piece of land in Rockingham County and Guildford County

>> No.23136558
File: 726 KB, 1799x648, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this makes more sense: the next line,
>as the ____ of ______ and ____ by an Extant heir ___ act of
reads more like
>on the ____ of ____ck and ____ by an East and West line (serfs)

Rockingham County is north of Guildford County (see pic), so evidently the land must have sat straddling County lines

>> No.23136566

Are your counties really square? You need to come over the border and see the madness of what happens when you let a president survey the state.

>> No.23136573

>To me it just seems like
that's because your mind is controlled by Saturn, you have no existence of your own or capacity for independent thought, you simply rage against this and that according as the vicissitudes of the zeitgeist told you to. In the same moment you seethe at Saturn, you are only his agent. You are just a puppet.

>> No.23136575

Also rocmingnam county was created from guilford county in 1785. This document was only a couple of years after that so it may have had to reference guilford since that’s where all this originally was

>> No.23136574

well the border boxes in that pic are what you get when you search for the corresponding county in google maps. I'm no expert on US County politics

>> No.23136583

we communized our education system thoughever after wwii though.

>> No.23136585

i see. im really scratching my head at the last line. i originally wrote
>is _______ ____ his (knouby???) Floyds ___ (oats?) to be exactly in the line

is it possible that "Floyds oats" is a place? its a weird sentence because im pretty damn sure it says "Floyds", but thats persons name.
>to be exactly in the line
as in, the dividing county line. Im scouring google maps but doubt ill find anything.

>> No.23136593

Usually they run along rivers and mountains or are jerrymandered to hell and back for political purposes. Or were >>23136575 split like anon says.
This is a great site, sometimes you get really old survey maps that have parcels on them. There are even older maps out there but it's been a while since I stayed up all night having autism.

>> No.23136605

who gives a shit? even famous authors have dogshit handwriting. if they didn't give a shit about pensmenship whh should i?

>> No.23136633

Reading and writing cursive allows you to read original older historical documents and the pattern recognition required is probably a workout for that pattern recognition part of your brain that recognizes that human biodiversity is real.

>> No.23136712

i see. i found some acts that created guildford and rockingham, but nothing too useful:

>> No.23136732
File: 255 KB, 1090x221, last-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is useful, i think the document is naming a place but i can't make it out.

>Heirs and assigns a piece of land in Rockingham county and Guildford County
>on the ___ of ___ck and ___ by an east and west line ____

well you get the idea. that "___ of ___ck" is probably the place name, so anything ending in "ck" that is on or near county lines?

anyway im going to bed now, i cant decypher any more of it.

>> No.23136753

Because it's garbage. The boomers I've dealt with who prefer cursive are really lazy with it and their shit is illegible. Bad handwriting can be tough to read but nowhere near as hard as bad cursive. Send it on the way of latin, something reserved for academics only.

>> No.23136765

Schools stopped teaching Latin because they didn't want you (yes, you, non-Latin reader) reading the vast wealth of freely available, copyright free texts. They want you to buy and read their newly edited (((translations))). And with no one around to read the originals, no one can notice what's been omitted.

This end of cursive in school will mean future generations will not be able to read The Declaration of Independence. They won't be able to read their own grandfather's journals. They won't be able to read any historical documents at all. All these things can now be rewritten to say whatever those in power want them to say.

What's that? You say Harriet Tubman didn't sign the Declaration of Independence? What are you a conspiracy theorist? You really believe some .jpg on the internet more accurately translated those indecipherable scribbles better than every single school textbook in the US did? Time to remove $2,000 from your PayPal balance for spreading false news.

>> No.23136773

Until I learned English I had no idea americans didn't learn cursive. I thought it was the default thing to do, like, I couldn't understand why would american children be taught to write each letter separately like a fucking kindergartener or a printer lol. I can't fathom how much more bothersome it would make writing if you lifted the pen for every single letter.

>> No.23137110

where's he lookin?

>> No.23137193
File: 114 KB, 960x960, Based Jake Wiedmann, Master Penman and Christian Champion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this for all my unwashed and unread /lit/erary brethren.

>> No.23137338
File: 237 KB, 912x1140, stfu faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23137349

I can't write in cursive at all. I also write in all capitals because I can't do lower letters. I'm 28 a d I graduated with a really good gpa and got a full ride to university

Life's a joke. I should have been aborted

>> No.23137360

It's not the cursive that is the problem with this one, but the ink being almost completely faded.

>> No.23137387

This, it's John Webster.

>> No.23137435
File: 474 KB, 800x1087, Jake Weidmann, Based Master Penman and Christian Champion - His Eye is on the Sparrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. What are you going to do about it? That's right. Nothing. NOT. A. THING. Lol. What? You can't handle how awesome Jake is, or you can't handle that someone as awesome as him is an unashamed Christian? Cringe, either way.

>> No.23137439
File: 438 KB, 950x1024, Jake Weidmann, Based Master Penman and Christian Champion - It is Well With My Soul by Horatio G. Spafford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sidenote: for those who don't know Horatio G. Spafford's story--it is an amazing story.

>> No.23137460
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>In Russia they literally *only* write in cursive and handwriting block letters for day-to-day tasks doesn't happen. We are getting cucked by our own language.
this is not a fault of the Latin script, rather it is a fault of the Cyrillic script
cyrillic is totally unsuitable for being written with a pen without using cursive because it basically does not have a lower case, lower case cyrillic is just block capitals

in latin-based alphabets there are very few letters that are the same shape in both upper and lower case, only:

whereas in cyrillic-based alphabets the only letters NOT the same shape in upper and lower case are
A/a E/e У/y (pushing it)

so in order for Russian to be fluidly written with a pen, you have to use cursive, otherwise you are just writing in block capitals

English is not like this and thus cursive is not a necessity

>> No.23137461

>What do you think about many American schools no longer teaching cursive?
Because it's literally style over substance. It's hard enough to teach niggers to write, let alone to write stylistically.

>> No.23137814

Why does capital block necessitate cursive?

>> No.23137819

try writing English in block caps
it's slow, requires you to constantly pick your pen up off the paper
not at all fluid for handwriting (with a pen) and it just looks bad
cursive is naturally more useful for cyrillic than latin

>> No.23137828

I was taught cursive growing up and while I don’t “use” it anymore, I have incorporated a fair bit of it into my everyday handwriting. I feel like combining both cursive and print writing together is an efficient method of writing, a shame that future generations won’t have the privilege of discovering that for themselves

>> No.23139050

I never understood why cursive mattered to some people. It's harder to read and it's mostly uglier unless someone spends a lot of effort and time on it. All right, a French wine probably looks more genuine with a cursive label on it. You're a doctor. You use your cursive style as a secret communication device and only one or two assistants can decipher your messages. I suppose that works great too. I don't know that there are any other advantages.

>> No.23140538

Do they make you all in a factory or something? Why are you all retarded in the same ways.

>> No.23140651

It doesn't really make sense to teach kids how to write and read cursive when people are trying to push the utility of paper away. Just let them learn it on their own if they really want to

>> No.23140660

>calls us retarded
>doesn't know what culture is
The typical arrogance of non-Americans. I'm smarter than your whole family tree kid.

>> No.23140752

>typical arrogance
Ironic coming from a literal burger.