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File: 486 KB, 800x964, 800px-Shakespeare_Droeshout_1623_From_the_First_Folio_Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23129419 No.23129419 [Reply] [Original]

Why do most great writers were chuds?

>> No.23129425

They weren't. They actually were progressives for their time.

>> No.23129428

>They actually were progressives for their time.
When will this myth die? Most writers have always been reactionary.

>> No.23129430


>> No.23129456

In what way is Shakespeare a chud?

>> No.23129521

BBC cuck fetish

>> No.23129601

Weil Sie ein Idiot sind, während diese Autoren großartig waren.

„Chud“ existiert nicht
Töte dich

>> No.23129645

kys GSL you will never be german

>> No.23129661

Lmao even.

"Mostly progressive Dostoevsky"

>> No.23129699

Nice fucking up of the English language you dumb ESL

>> No.23129751

This site is 18+

>> No.23129755

In pretty much everyway he can be.

>wistful for a lost age of purity

>> No.23130002

Du hast recht

>> No.23130010
File: 32 KB, 512x288, idiocracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do most great writers were chuds?
absolute window-licker-tier phrasing

>> No.23130013


>> No.23130014

Reactionary was not a thing until the 1800s and most writers were certainly not reactionary, it’s a minority position.

>> No.23130017

That was standard for the time. He was still progressive in those departments.

>> No.23130018

Why would i kill myself?
I can read the great writers in german, while you can't.

>> No.23130026


>> No.23130030

kill yourself you fucking faggot

>> No.23130036

seethe harder

>> No.23130051

Du bist derjenige, der sich umbringen sollte, du Schwuchtel.

>> No.23130056

English-only website, Muhammed.

>> No.23130064

Ok, you ignorant faggot.

>> No.23130066

we don't sign our posts here

>> No.23130067

>tranny tranny tranny
Such is the brain of a seething coombrained retard.

>> No.23130069

I didn't sign my post, you imbecile.

>> No.23130097

Ich gebe dir recht. Du verstehst Shakespeare ein bisschen besser als er.

Mein Name ist August Wilhelm Schlegel.

>> No.23130104

Er ist islamophob

>> No.23130106

I just told you, we don't sign our posts here.

>> No.23130118

You are the islamophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, homophobic imbecile here. Begone, chudcel.

>> No.23130121

>Mein Name ist August Wilhelm Schlegel.
Are, you insulting my German???
I dont get it.

>> No.23130128

What is there not to get?

>> No.23130134

I dont care what you think of it.
Im still going to say it like that.

>> No.23130137
File: 801 KB, 1000x874, 1708968827321810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chud website, retard nigger. Reddit might be more your speed.

>> No.23130139

August Wilhelm Schlegel translated Shakespeare into German around 1800.

You should brush up on your Shakespeare or German

>> No.23130141

I didn't sign it, though.
You are just schizophrenic.

>> No.23130145

faggot imbecile schizophrenic, please stop signing your posts

>> No.23130149

Yes because you are all brainlets, retarded Nazis who unironically love Hitler and jerk off to A.I. generated art. You are the worst. No aesthetics, no morals, no language.

>> No.23130150

Shut up you idiot.

>> No.23130159

So please shut up.

>> No.23130166

Your iq is not high enough for the internet. Go scrub some toilets please, brainlet chudcel

>> No.23130169

despite what you were taught beauty needs confinements. a mind that cannot draw lines cannot make distinctions. a mind that cannot tell apart between a decent and indecent is a broken one. if it cannot tell apart between the moral and the immoral, beautiful and the ugly it cannot work towards creating anything artistically satisfying.

>> No.23130170
File: 2.86 MB, 562x1054, 1708102107057830.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit nigger go home

>> No.23130176

nah you are

>> No.23130177

>muh, reddit.
You are the redditor, faggot.

>> No.23130182

Go jerk off to some BBC porn. Your gf cheated on you with a black man, then became a lesbian because of you, then she became trans and is now called Bob.

>> No.23130184
File: 543 KB, 750x738, 1707837573234297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah you are. Go back.

>> No.23130188

seethe, kike

>> No.23130194

You lost so many brain cells throughout your life that the only thing you are able to say is: No u. Sad.

>> No.23130201
File: 595 KB, 1208x1218, 1709139952534711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you literally chopped your dick off lol

>> No.23130205
File: 538 KB, 750x738, 1708814377359276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23130208

I’m fucking your gf rn, chudcel

>> No.23130215
File: 223 KB, 746x662, 1650137257817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being an infant and getting hiv infused milk from man boobs

>> No.23130214

slam 'em Hulkster HH

>> No.23130217

Reactionary doesn't even mean anything. Marx was a reactionary since he was reacting to the consequences of the industrial revolution.

>> No.23130221

Yeah women love to be fucked by dickless pervert men who think they're women and pervert men who think they're women but also want to keep their penis even though it's saturated in female hormones so it barely functions. For most of human history that is what women have been attracted to: dickless and broken-dicked faggot perverts in women's clothing

>> No.23130222

no, you're just growing fatter and balder and you will still never be a woman lol

>> No.23130230
File: 22 KB, 600x343, 2f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless America

>> No.23130231

Just because he says I am a woman. I am not. I am a man. You might call me cis.

>> No.23130233

at least we're not speaking German

>> No.23130240

>You might call me cis.
No, I'll call you "faggot". Faggot.

>> No.23130242

Sie sind dumm

>> No.23130247

We don’t sign our posts here

>> No.23130250

chuds aren't defined by their political opinions

>> No.23130252

I want to be a woman but a lesbian

>> No.23130276

every person ever who had nuanced opinions was a progressive

>> No.23130450

That's the opposite of a chud, lol. ESLs...

>> No.23130462

-Doubtful, as the Jews try to claim he was one frequently.
-Nothing wrong with Christian. Without Christians there would scacely be a literary West at all.
-The last is just a symptom of being a sane person.

Ironically, you're the "chud." You simply make chuddiness to the things you hate acceptable and try to shame others for hating what you like.

>> No.23130522

da joos

>> No.23130642


>> No.23131835

Can we just talk about Shakespeare? I got choked up today talking about Lear. "Love, and be silent," from Cordelia floored me all over again; the idea that love born from duty and bond is not lesser than emotive love but greater is really captivating, and I wish it were more present in Western lit.

>> No.23133315

He is saying a fact though, we do not sign our posts.

>> No.23133322

you do realize its leftist men that tend to have that fetish lmao

>> No.23133340

If you'd actually read Shakespeare you'd know you're wrong about all of this. He says black people are ugly, Othello's nobility contrasts with his outward ugliness. The ugliness of dark skinned people is a regular throughout his poetry, and it goes without saying that he considers their culture's to be inferior. He regularly uses 'jew' as an insult outside of The Merchant of Venice, and anyone who tries to claim that play isn't antisemitic is desperately coping. His Christianity is extremely traditional and against any kind of progress and loosening of restrictions. And the last point follows on from that, since he's regularly prophesying a future era of rampant degeneracy (which is a necessity, at least theologically, for any Christian).

>> No.23133341

Your sentence gave me a stroke

>> No.23134488

>I can read the great writers in german
So you can read like one author?