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23122898 No.23122898 [Reply] [Original]

Reading makes people think I’m stupid.
>read a lot, don’t talk much
>initially people think I’m smart
>open my mouth
>constantly mispronounce words because the English language is piss and I say them how they’re spelled
>my friend even keeps a list of words I’ve mispronounced that made him laugh his ass off

>> No.23122903

>read a lot in other languages, think in them too
>proficiency in native language dropped to pathetically low levels due to a decade and a half of exclusively thinking in other ones, so when I talk in it people think I'm retarded

>> No.23122935

Did this actually happen?

>> No.23122947

Yeah. You can actually forget your native language, as I've found out.

>> No.23122980

i want to do this please help me

>> No.23122992

I feel like people think I'm insulting them by having a home library and it makes them insecure because they don't read. I wish I had a big house and a dedicated library room so guests wouldn't have to see my books.

>> No.23123029

Just throw some genre fiction in there

>> No.23123036

>never think in your native language
>never speak in it
>never read in it
This should get you quite far. That being said, if for example your native language is Spanish and your second language French, it'll be a lot harder for your knowledge of your native language to decay.

>> No.23123065

Yeah, maybe print out for fake dust covers.
>Oh wow, anon, I love that book, Eat Pray Love
>*opens it*
>Ee... eee... eeenneads... What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.23123101

so what should i learn

>> No.23123151
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Reading makes people think I'm smart.
>read a lot, talk a lot
>people are amazed at my knowledge
>when I don't talk people think I'm deep in thought
>always pronounce words correctly because I have a deep knowledge of etymology
>my friend even keeps a list of vocabulary that he wants to learn, and keeps asking me for advice as he seems me as an authority on the subject

>> No.23123158

As in a second language? That's up to you. Ideally though you would learn one that would allow you to live your whole life in it, everybody around you in real life would also speak it, so you're not forced to keep using your native language.

>> No.23123162

well im trying to forget two native languages. is there any hope i cant go anywhere where other language is spoken

>> No.23123189

Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses.

>> No.23123234

yes, I always grasp for words when talking to my family in my native language, I wish my native tongue was English

>> No.23123242

If your native tongue was English you would complain about it being not of your own, forced to share it with everyone on Urth.
t. knower

>> No.23123258

sounds interesting, my problem is that I just do not possess the vocabulary of a native and it is driving me crazy

>> No.23123272

I'm EFL and I've done this mispronouncing thing too. The solution is simple. Just stop caring what people think. Also, your post made me laugh because of this, "Even a fool, when he is silent, is thought wise." KEK. It's from Proverbs--can't recall exactly where though.

>> No.23123277


>> No.23123278

I wouldn't say that there's much hope. If you live in a country where the languages that you want to forget are being used then the only way to forget them is to neet it up for a good decade or so with absolutely zero human interaction, including with your own family.

>> No.23123312

Post a vocaroo of you reading this sentence aloud.
>I may contrast the monistic and pluralistic forms in question as the 'all-form' and the 'each-form.' At the end of the last hour I animadverted on the fact that the all-form is so radically different from the each-form, which is our human form of experiencing the world, that the philosophy of the absolute, so far as insight and understanding go, leaves us almost as much outside of the divine being as dualistic theism does.

>> No.23123969
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No but here is a part of my friend’s list of words I fucked up.

>> No.23123984

KEK. The Psalm one is a pretty fair assumption, though.

>> No.23123998

I sometimes say words in a middle english pronounciation out of habit and people think I'm a spastic.

>> No.23124018

this is happening to me too right now, except was I once great with my native language and now I am shit with both native and second languages

>> No.23124037

Same. I try to make up for it by using a lot of French and Latin loanwords/cognates in casual conversation. They think I'm a retard till I drop that Nolens Volens

>> No.23124044

That reminds me of Tolstoy mentioning Russian aristos taking Russian lessons during Napoleon's invasion.

>> No.23124073

Because they are right, and even if subconsciously, this is what you're doing. Having a home library is a performative action.

>> No.23124074

Im a terminally online ESL so I mainly think in English and mostly read and listen to English stuff

I mean I can communicate fine in ny language, but often an English word pops into my mind mid-sentence and then I slow down to either translate it (sometimes can't be done to sound naturally, so I have to rephrase the entire thing making me sound even more retarded), or if I know the othet person speaks English well I just say the English word if it won't make it sound too pretentious

>> No.23124134
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>constantly mispronounce words because the English language is piss and I say them how they’re spelled
idk man maybe you are just retarded.

>> No.23124161

what is your native language?

>> No.23124175

it takes 3 seconds to check pronunciation, maybe you are stupid

>> No.23124294

Don't worry. I mispronounced this one in college until a professor corrected me in the middle of a class.

>> No.23125211

>That reminds me of Tolstoy mentioning Russian aristos taking Russian lessons during Napoleon's invasion.
Top Russian aristos of early XIX century did not take Russian lessons becuse they forgot it - they typically never knew it in the first place.
>Parents spending most of their lives at court (everyone speaks French) or abroad, never have to even use Russian even if they know it
>Parents are not raising children themselves, they have hired tutors for that. All the good tutors are foreigners.
>Good educations involves reading/listening to classical works, math textbooks, epics and drama. Nearly none of them are translated into Russian yet
Before Pushkin and Co it very much was a peasantry language.

>> No.23125228

You played yourself

>> No.23125235

Epitome I’ve pronounced that exact same way for a long time. I actually don’t give a shit. People say no man is an island but I’d jump at the chance to live a castle surrounded by a moat filled with sharks.

>> No.23125631

your friend is a cunt

>> No.23125640

>constantly mispronounce words because the English language is piss and I say them how they’re spelled
You are stupid.

>> No.23125651
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>keeping a list of a friend's mispronounced words
based evil friend

>> No.23125652

/// The soldiers were ready at a moment's notice /// Additionally, about 96 percent of the land is under conservation easement, meaning it can’t be developed /// He's a mouthpiece for the pharmaceutical industry /// The army has been whipsawed by a shrinking budget and a growing pool of recruits /// It’s been really hectic here. When things settle down, I’ll give you a call /// He had developed a reputation as an automotive savant and tinkered on cars in his spare time /// Although exports are in this sense an epiphenomenon, they are the most measurable of the two /// She strapped the children in and drove away /// The lotion alleviated the itching /// I'm sure they will charge up the wazoo for tickets /// Farming may seem bucolic, but it is an inherently volatile industry, subject to the vicissitudes of weather, disease, and disaster /// Kept the truth from their unwitting friends /// The wily City veteran is rarely caught on the wrong side of a trade /// He saw no fulsome eulogies carved upon the headstones, often nothing but a name and the two dates of birth and death /// And our blithe drift towards becoming a cashless society is coming at a cost /// The movement promotes female supremacy and misandry /// I've got some bits and bobs to get done before lunch /// Noticing my slightly glazed eyes, he quickly summarized his points /// I initially dismissed the idea out of hand /// I wouldn't set foot in that haunted house if you paid me /// Taking a sheet of hotel stationery from the drawer of one of the desks I wrote: Any chance of seeing you for a moment? /// The show is well-acted, and the dialogue is snappy /// The plan vests workers with pension benefits after 10 years of service /// I sometimes wonder if people like Klein are just hustling the rubes, as they say /// History is littered with the astounding scientific and artistic achievements of some pretty glum, dissatisfied people - who let their minds wander /// Happily, inlaid game tables sell well, especially florid examples /// For an hour I was walking around in a daze /// The chairman caucused the water pollution committee before making recommendations /// They pursue other birds, forcing them to disgorge the fish they have caught /// Many men's briefs are called "Speedos" even if they aren't made by the company /// Bran and straw are placed between layers of discharged sludge until the pit is full /// It is neither here nor there why the individual has reached such a decision /// Don't shuffle your feet like that! Walk normally /// Imperial conquest, here, was represented as just retribution for egregious sin /// That comment may have been a political gaffe and a blunder, but we are not making much of that because such things occasionally happen /// In the 1950s, this animal was thought to have been extirpated due to habitat loss ///

>> No.23125654

>Having a home library is a performative action.

>> No.23125657
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>in university
>trying to show off and namedrop some french guys
>"Michael Fookalt"
>"Albert Kamoos"
>get corrected immediately

>> No.23126891

I bet you say “foyer” wrong too