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/lit/ - Literature

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23117434 No.23117434[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Writes 16 horror novels
>Suddenly goes on a podcast to announce he hates jews and loves adolf hitler

Is this some kind of 5D chess move or is he actually a for real maniac?

>> No.23117472

Bruh it’s 2024, it’s not even a bad thing to hate Jews anymore even normies don’t give a fuck cause they see Palestinians getting the shit bombed out of them daily

Face it, if mikes were removed from the Minecraft server there’s a lot of people in the server who would celebrate

>> No.23117486

People are just starting to ask wait why are we letting these people act like this when we collectively don't let any other group act like that. Why do they get so much say in things in general

>> No.23117563

Are you actually defending this? Also Gardner seems to just really love Hitler. This is not the same situation.

>> No.23117575
File: 557 KB, 2000x1490, Platt-Ezra-Pounds-Opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's surprised that the smartest board on 4chan is antisemitic

You didn't think /lit/ didn't Notice Things, did you?

>> No.23117594

He’s the official post pandemic retard lolcow of this board. What did you expect?

>> No.23117597

Im Nta, avtually the one he’s replying to, but why do some authors knee jerk say Jews can do no wrong like mark twain,

>> No.23117616 [DELETED] 

The jews run the west. Fact.

>> No.23117640
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I know nobody cares but I worked in Venice for a couple of months and the family owning the boat repair shop at 1 are nice and have a super cute dog that you can watch while sitting at 2 on the stone wall and have really cheap and great aperol spritz from the bar right next to it. Very wholesome. You may continue with your debates on semitism.

>> No.23118043

I care anon

>> No.23118049 [DELETED] 

Jews are lame its cool to hate them

>> No.23118075

This is the best part of this fucking useless shit ass thread.

Thank you. I may never use this information but if I ever visit Venice it will hit me like a photographic memory.

>> No.23118092
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Just pointing out that antisemitism is now a mainstream position in the Democratic party, is all. If Frank wants to be edgy, he'll have to do something much more extreme, like cut off his father's head and display it on his YouTube channel, like Justin Mohn did. Also, Justin is a much better writer than Frank will ever be; just compare Justin's work https://files.catbox.moe/kq003e.7z with Frank's horrible (not horror) swill https://files.catbox.moe/d9sukc.zip

>> No.23118177

He is clearly jewish himself.

>> No.23118210

This is an actual interesting fun fact, thanks for sharing.

>> No.23118955


>> No.23118986

they're not actually antisemitic, they just hate white people and see le hecking settler colonalist state oppressing brown bodies. that said if this causes the neocons to gtfo causing white identitarians to surge in the gop then i suppose it wouldn't be all bad.

>> No.23119001

That’s the narrative that BAPist push on twitter but that’s not true. Most of Israel is brown, anyway. Any person with a little bit of goodness in them can see that Israel is in the wrong.

>> No.23119022

you seem confused and lost

>> No.23119026

that is a fact that can be verified, they see ashkenazim as white brahman. the point today is to focus on america alone, quitting with the whole 'invade the world, invite the world' shite and turn inwards and fix up the nation. the cold war was over 30 years ago, for us to continue playing world's policeman would be to ultimately serve the empire and not the nation regardless of who does it.

>> No.23119034

>he hates jews and loves adolf hitler
he's literally me fr

>> No.23119038

>t. some kike on the internet
very interesting indeed

>> No.23119070
File: 180 KB, 894x752, A1xRLOh8ukL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shilling your own book and responding to yourself.

>> No.23119283

>looks like a massive faghomo


>> No.23119292

just read one book they are very cheap, good value

>> No.23119299

Kill yourself, Frank

>> No.23119325

only thing worth reading in this thread

>> No.23119333

Does he really walk around in a kimono all day?

>> No.23119491

>>he's surprised that the smartest board on 4chan is antisemitic
I'm surprised when people can resort to the lowest forms of technotribalist groupthink and still delude themselves into believing they're intelligent.
>we did it /lit/dit! we're the smartest group on the internet and we're all unanimously and unquestioningly antisemitic! lets give ourselves a pat on the backs!
It's okay to be antisemitic but keep the dumb groupthink shit in >>>/pol/

>> No.23119497

If he takes it off it is extremely painful.

>> No.23119543

why do people make threads and act like everyone should know about your 5 view podcast that you made in your grandmas basement. fuck off shill.

>> No.23119551
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Wow F. Gardner wins the award for the silliest interview ever from /lit/! I wish my son was like F. Gardner!?

>> No.23119597

I think there's two explanations for him:
1. He's a relatively normal guy who wrote some books. When he realized how bad they are (and they are, objectively, poorly written), he realized the only way to salvage his pathetic dumpster fire of an attempt at a literary career was to go full Tommy Wieseau, and the F. Gardner of the past few years is just a character. His opinion of Jews is irrelevent, because it's not a genuine belief, just a marketing ploy.
2. He's a delusional idiot whose only way of coping with the fact that his books aren't brilliant but are, in fact, trash, is to let his delusions consume him. His opinion of Jews is irrelevent because he's not actually forming independant beliefs.
I remember when he first started shilling his books he seemed more or less nice and normal-ish, by 4chan standards at least. I feel like it wasn't until his books started getting trashed, which admittedly wasn't long, that he went moron.

>> No.23119651

his books are genius