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/lit/ - Literature

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23115631 No.23115631 [Reply] [Original]

Various /lit/ publications have come and gone: The Lit Quarterly, Pinecone, The April Reader, and Ideology, to name a few. There have been collaborative works, like Coronameron, The /lit/ Annotated Moby Dick, Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra, and The Complete Works of God II. Some of these projects were one-offs, some were serialized. Some /lit/ projects, like Unreal Press, are still hanging on but are plagued by drama, and some, like &amp, seem to be rapidly in decline.

Also related are the solo writers of /lit/, composed of various namefags and shills who frequent the board: MNM-DR, John David Card, Zulu Alitspa, Frater Asemlen, Horia Belcea, Ogden Nesmer, Lewis Woolston. There are also those who did not come from /lit/ but are /lit/-adjacent simply because they are discussed here so frequently: Mike Ma, R. C. Waldun, Bronze Age Pervert.

This thread is for the discussion of the history of /lit/ writing and the future of /lit/. Why have so many /lit/ projects failed and fallen apart, and what do you think is next for the scene? Does anonymity vs pseudonymity vs. the use of real names make a difference in the success or failure of these projects, and the way in which these projects are perceived? Of the works that /lit/ has produced, are there common characteristics and themes shared between them? Is there a definitively /lit/ style of writing? Has /lit/ produced anything truly great, and if not, do you believe that it will in the future?

>> No.23115692
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give in
give up

>> No.23115744

Fuck off already with your shill-spamming threads, Frank. Just because you pretend to want to discuss other /lit/ writers doesn't mean you do.

>> No.23115751
File: 2.51 MB, 1393x3940, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which deranged schizophrenic keeps reposting this retarded and gay thread?

>> No.23115793

This thread is Frank's latest attempt to shill-spam, since his open attempts get deleted quickly & then he gets banned for a week.

>> No.23115899

do you think Frank's parents already bought his headstone..do you think he'll be buried at a cemetery in or right outside of Chicago?
for normal people...what an absolute cobra strike to the soul...having a piece of shit, do nothing, no good son.

>> No.23116060

Headstone? He wishes. He'll be cremated & mixed in with the cat litter right before they dump it out.

>> No.23116100 [DELETED] 

Frank recently went ballistic ranting about the Jews and praised Hitler


>> No.23116108

Nice dubs, Frank.

>> No.23116154 [DELETED] 

Already seen it. It was great. F Gardner might actually be the most interesting author alive.

>> No.23116178

stfu Gardner

>> No.23116192 [DELETED] 

Why does Gardner attract so much hate?

>> No.23116205

You mean, apart from being a shill-spamming, samefagging, seething, schizo, failed-crab delusional troll? I can forgive shitty writing, but you and your mean-spirited arrogance can go to Hell, Franki.

>> No.23116255 [DELETED] 

Jews mad that Frank’s denying the Holocaust.
Hi rabbi.

>> No.23116273

You think your antisemitism makes you edgy? That's now a mainstream position within the Democratic party. You're NORMIE. If you want to be edgy, you'll have to match Justin Mohn; he cut off his dad's head and displayed it on his YouTube channel. See for yourself here https://files.catbox.moe/otqzr8.mp4 . Plus, he's a much better writer than you. Compare his books https://files.catbox.moe/kq003e.7z with your worthless swill https://files.catbox.moe/d9sukc.zip

>> No.23116303 [DELETED] 

>he mohn posts without dropping a link to Wonky Honky

>> No.23116310 [DELETED] 

You’re calling F Gardner, a Holocaust denying antisemetic Buddhist flat earther who thinks gorillas are fake a normie? Talk about trying too hard. You must be Jewish

>> No.23116324 [DELETED] 

OP what the fuck have you done? “History of le /lit/“ is just a thinly veiled way of saying you wanted a Horror’s Call thread

>> No.23116333 [DELETED] 
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Where can Gardner take his work after the Call of the Kabbalah?

>> No.23116345 [DELETED] 

Halfway though this is unhinged yet Frank is somehow good at being composed and doing interviews. He seems to have encyclopedic knowledge of the JQ.

>> No.23116392

he's top tier in terms of buddhist flat earther intellectuals

>> No.23116401 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23116410 [DELETED] 

Wow Trump supporters are like western ISIS

>> No.23116427 [DELETED] 

F Gardner’s far right of Trump supporters. Most MAGA guys love Israel. Did you even watch that full Faggot Gardner interview? Gardner’s literally saying Hitler did nothing wrong and outright saying the Holocaust is a lie.

>> No.23116521 [DELETED] 

>Most MAGA guys love Israel
Aren't all of Biden AND Trump's kids married to jews?

>> No.23116534

That's because I knew you'd be along!
I thought you said you were leaving...? >>23116223

>> No.23116545

I wrote a story for the last Tales of the Unreal volume but it ended up exceeding the maximum word count. It was shit but I liked writing it, if any other /lit/izens are trying to publish short stories by board members I would definitely submit it

>> No.23116554

>The Tunnels of Chabad
>The Ass Goblins of the Denver Airport

>> No.23116581
File: 298 KB, 720x848, Team Bryan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking dumb requests.

>> No.23116582 [DELETED] 

Does he like mac and cheese?

>> No.23116589 [DELETED] 

Tunnels of Chabad was already Kabbalah of the Crocodile.

>> No.23116603 [DELETED] 

Gardner is so insanely popular here that I’m wondering if we’re ever going to get a nonfiction book about his life story

>> No.23116608 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, gardnercoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever it takes for one of us to actually get into the mainstream. Although with his most recent books, I don't know if that is possible. Being critical of the chosen people just seems like a losing strategy, even if a lot more people understand that certain groups have so much power. It doesn't matter if people know, because that group controls media, government, entertainment, finance, etc etc etc.

>> No.23116625 [DELETED] 

If what F Gardner says is true then I think he’s gonna be fine. According to that podcast he has reality warping powers. This would’ve normally sounded like a LARP from anybody else.

>> No.23116627

I request that you kill yourself

>> No.23116632

kill yourself

>> No.23116640 [DELETED] 

F Gardner doesn’t even feel real anymore. He feels more like some entity at this point.

>> No.23116668 [DELETED] 

Kek. Most of his vids looks like he lives in some liminal space. Before his penthouse move the Gardner Mansion always gave me unsettling vibes and his most recent video looks it was filmed in some void

>> No.23116703 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 1719x951, kys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please keep sending these, I get lonely when I wake up, check my email, and I haven't been told to kill myself at least 10 times!

>> No.23116739 [DELETED] 

How exactly would one go about praying to F. Gardner and what are the benefits?

>> No.23116762 [DELETED] 

You aint a real /lit/izen if you dont already gots a f gardner shrine nigga. benifits are enhanced writing ability and protection against jewish

>> No.23116785

kill yourself

>> No.23116844

>reality warping powers
if you mean he's totally delusional, then we agree

>> No.23116854 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 615x501, almostready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep giving me more attention, you have helped motivate me to finish book 3. Releasing it in days!

>> No.23116863
File: 252 KB, 1440x1080, such hideous paint color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a penthouse, it's a 540 sq. ft. studio apartment on the 38th floor of a crappy part of Chicago. the unsettling vibe is from the gold paint, which is left behind from the old Jewish lady who used to own the apartment and then died. so either (1) gardner likes the hideous decor, in which case he's a total faggot, (2) his parents (who are listed as the owners) wouldn't let him re-paint it (in which case he's not in control of his own life) or (3) he couldn't afford to paint it (in which case he's a poorfag). keep in mind that any of these 3 reasons would contradict what he's said about himself, in which case he's a massive liar.

>> No.23116866

>30k words
You realize a novel is 50k words minimum, right?
Also, kill yourself.

>> No.23116906 [DELETED] 
File: 449 KB, 1024x1024, feedme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
>29 610

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
>28 668

Old man and the sea by Hemingway

Bro... you are going to be so broken when Jason Bryan keeps releasing more and more work while you sit on the sidelines just repeating "kill yourself" which only fuels Jason Bryan more and more, and for that, I thank you!

>> No.23116907 [DELETED] 

Oh, celestial wordsmith, F. Gardner, I come before you, humbled and seeking the divine essence of your literary prowess. Grant me, oh revered Gardner, the strength from your celestial penthouse. I beseech you, F. Gardner, to bless me. Oh, literary deity, as I turn the pages of my own narrative, guide my pen with your divine spark. In your literary penthouse, I find solace. As I kneel before the altar of your genius and your holy kimono, I pray that you grant me power. Let your literary blessings rain down upon me, oh F. Gardner, the celestial scribe of our imageboard. Amen #PrayerToGardner

>> No.23116920 [DELETED] 
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Your obsession with hating Gardner is pretty sad little dude

>> No.23116922

kill yourself

>> No.23116933 [DELETED] 

Breakfast at Tiffany's
>26,433 words

Keep it coming, I'm so excited to finish this book and jump into book #4.

>> No.23116971
File: 484 KB, 1280x960, such hideous wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your delusion with being a famous author, when literally all evidence contradicts you, is what's sad. just think, a 38-floor plummet from the window of your sad studio apartment is all that lies between you and all the fame you've ever dreamed of

>> No.23116998 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 1024x1024, rjc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With every post you reveal yourself to be the biggest loser on this website. You are the eternal crab, always on the sidelines, always in the shadows, never on the stage yourself. You can't write, you don't create, you come to a shithole like 4chan just to attack others. Bruh... you have the worst life and the "kys" shit is 100% projection. I tell you to keep telling me to kill myself because it is one of the only things you actually do in life, if you stopped doing it, I'd be afraid you actually killed yourself.

Maybe you need to seek help.

>> No.23117007

kill yourself, Jason

>> No.23117020 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, crabspray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to stick around this website publishing book after book after book, all while you accomplish nothing other than feeding me your attention. Jason Bryan, rent free.

>> No.23117043


>> No.23117063

These threads have deformed into their grossest cringe hyperstate

>> No.23117101 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 1024x1024, authorcrabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a writer.

>> No.23117108


>> No.23117256 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 1024x1024, OIG2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I feel like doing something other than writing in my spare time, I remember you and open LivingWriter and get back to work.

How many words have you written today?

>> No.23117297 [DELETED] 

From what I can tell the /lit/ writers that are likable are F Gardner, Jason Bryan and Robert James Cross. F Gardner’s always fascinating and crabs seethe at his celebrity status. Jason Bryan is the most regular poster I see and he seems to be extremely supportive and a nice guy. He’s hard working and I don’t understand why anyone could ever dislike him. I think it’s because the crabs are jealous that he’s such a good writer and hate his positive outlook. Robert James Cross also seems to be great and makes great posts. The obvious answer for why the crabs don’t like him is also jealously for the fact that he became a sudden rising star on here. But that’s because Cross, along with Gardner and Bryan, are hard working and actually write interesting books. As far as I’m concerned the /lit/ canon worth reading is the Horror’s Call series, The Shit Kickers, and Shards, in addition to whatever else these guys wrote or will write. Personality and talent are why I read the authors I read and these are the guys who have it. Which is also they remain the most talked about writers. OP, you can’t just complain that nobody is reading your books. You really should be trying to learn from the best of them here which is Bryan, Gardner and Cross. Cheers.

>> No.23117314 [DELETED] 

Don't forget about Ryan, heartfelt posts full of soul from 1:30 AM at bars goes a long way to stitch together a shred of community among the god-damned and autistic-enhanced members of such a strange Swedish bowling forum.

>> No.23117456

kill yourself, samefag

>> No.23117579 [DELETED] 
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Keep crying, nobody

>> No.23117681

kill yourself
nobody loves you

>> No.23117725

It looks like Waldun has betrayed the Melbourne Movement. He isn't even following them anymore. Maybe Jaidyn was too based for him. Waldun is not a writer.

>> No.23117746

you know no one really took waldorf seriously as a writer, ever

>> No.23118094

At least most of Frank's BS got deleted. Now, if only this thread would get deleted...

>> No.23118257


>> No.23118810

looks like Jason Bryan got banned

>> No.23118859

Finally, the janny does his job. I say we double his salary.

>> No.23119157

2 x 0 is still 0

>> No.23119516

You're right, doubling isn't enough. We need to TRIPLE the janny's salary.

>> No.23119746

nay, quadruple it

>> No.23120374

based jannies

>> No.23120861

Waldunchads… is it over?

>> No.23120870

no one took waldorf seriously as a writer, ever

>> No.23120903

I did :(

>> No.23120910
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>> No.23122036


>> No.23122135

refer to >>23115751 and kys

>> No.23122150

Sorry that you lack the intellectual capacity to appreciate Waldun's genius

>> No.23122163

I am waldun.

>> No.23122180

post nudes with timestamp

>> No.23122710

pretty sure the &amp editor is the one posting these threads lately

>> No.23123172

no homo

>> No.23123661

What makes you say that? I've thought he might be behind a few things, but RJC constantly making a fool of himself and the editor in these threads would make me think otherwise. Though the editor has had the "any press is good press" mindset for a while.

This popped up not long after the &amp thread, so maybe it was a way to divert the faggotry from reflecting on &amp as directly.

>> No.23123864

this is a gardner spam thread, so he can talk about himself while pretending he's not. let it die.

>> No.23124287

Hes not even mentioned in the OP tho

>> No.23125053

Im sorry????? Im sorry im sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry please don’t say that ?????? Please I’m so sorry please don’t do it (?????? I.m so sorry please (?????? It’s not real it’s not real it’s not real it’s not rea l please it’s not real

>> No.23125058
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ExSqueeze me?

>> No.23125314

I'm picturing JB tearing out whatever's left of his hair when, after typing up another pointless tirade about "crabs", he's greeted with "You are banned". He has admitted that he's only on here because the rest of the internet won't have him. Imagine being such a tiresome asshole that you get banned on sight on fucking 4chan, let alone a janny-less shithole like /lit/. For most people, this would be cause for reflection.

Still, I guess the citizens of Vancouver should be grateful that he's hell-bent on making his "point" with shitty fiction and not a firearm.

>> No.23125328

What are the odds that Jason Bryan will become a mass shooter?

>> No.23126042

Isn't Canada the kiddie-safe noguns tutorial version of America where you basically have to be a Jason Bryan-level dickhead to fuck your life up? Though I guess the first hockey stick-related mass casualty event has to occur at some point...

>> No.23126423

He's the most insufferable poster on /lit/ by far. I pity anyone who has to interact with him irl

>> No.23126660

I’m not going to squeeze you???????? Im not going to squeeze you ever I’m not???????

>> No.23127284

Zulu has announced his retirement from /lit/.

>> No.23127326

he's been here for at least eight years. alitspa goes fucking nowhere.

>> No.23127402


>> No.23127623

How come? He wrote quite a lot, one of the better novelists /lit/ has had.

>> No.23127687

Is there anywhere I can catch up on the full archive of /lit/ projects, especially the magazines and journals?

>> No.23127718

This has the magazines. There's an older one with projects like Coronameron and Moby Dick if you search Warosu.

>> No.23127913

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.23128108

Sucks that one of the only writers with any decency or common sense is leaving the scene.

>> No.23128117
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>leaving the scene

>> No.23128221

no one leaves 4chan

>> No.23128257

Don't forget: You're here forever.

>> No.23128502
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>> No.23128503

Thanks for the report from transvestite Discord land, fag.

>> No.23128765

he will be missed

>> No.23129413


>> No.23129574

Quit bumping this shit thread

>> No.23129605


>> No.23129688


>> No.23129876

You make it sound like he died

>> No.23130125

This is really a thread for celebrating the works of F. Gardner, the literary genius of /lit/?

>> No.23130151

remember ruse-anon? those were the days.
if I didn't have things to do that I'm totally gonna start on any minute I'd download Pharaoh (1999) and play it in his honour

>> No.23130165


RJC is no fool. He's thinking about doing a PhD in quantum computing.

>> No.23130239

>PhD in quantum computing
Confirmed fool.

>> No.23130318

The fact that he has zero educational background in mathematics, computer science, or physics and still thinks that he can get accepted into a quantum computing PhD program is just further proof of him being a fool. Fucking delusional.

>> No.23130458

How come discussion about these projects and writers have gone so quiet? Did it just move to chatrooms? Compared to /wg/, there is almost no transparency on who is writing what or even if he is writing at all, besides two posters.
Just as far as the future of /lit/ is concerned, it'd be nice to see what is moving writers in the moment rather than after the work is done.

>> No.23130501

It's almost as if /lit/ has no good writers interested in contributing to literature and only narcissistic shills.

>> No.23130574

W-Well, this is me

>> No.23130610

>Bionicle fan
Alright, I'm going to read this, but I expect it to be at least slightly retarded. Before I even start, you should justify your text and make the pages smaller to improve the readability. And I'd take a picture of a moc over the random AI shit on the title page.

>> No.23130630
File: 2.57 MB, 3494x2922, IMG_3954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll try making the pages smaller, thanks.
Fun autism fact: I imagine the characters in my stories as bionicles

>> No.23130676

That's not a charitable view. At the very least, such discussions are on /wg/ and in project/issue threads over the years. Understandably, I've seen some smaller cliques form, opting for more private channels through email. It's not farfetched to hope that some of the discussion would spill into a thread or podcast at some point.

>> No.23130718

The fact of the matter is that the literary fervor that peaked here around COVID time has petered out. /wg/ has been entirely, and I use this term without ill intent, schlock writers for years. If you remember /crit/ threads, this board has always primarily been meditative writers moaning about banal observations from the rapidly changing world. This was the nexus of "burgerpunk"(for sale baby shoes never worn). But where the hell is that guy now? He's not on /wg/. He certainly hasn't flown to some other writing forum, those that exist are hostile to him. I know many of them flowed into discords but the output in those channels has completely dwindled. The creative energy of this place has waned significantly. I mean, almost all of the collective /lit/ projects this thread is about were birthed in a 3 year span. Less, even. From the quarterly until minimag is maybe 2 years.

>> No.23130775

That makes sense. I would like to believe some of the anons are gonna make it, but more often than not amateur writers give up. I can think of a few I talked to.

>> No.23131245

>almost all of the collective /lit/ projects this thread is about were birthed in a 3 year span
I think you're wrong. ZWG goes back to 2010. The span is not that short, and I think there's a reasonable continuum of projects from that point in time, though you're probably right to say that the mid-COVID times meant an uptick on account of spare time. Regarding /crit/, that's where I started out showing my writing on the board, and I know Ogden Nesmer was taking part (pre-trip?). Anyway, comparing to mid-COVID is probably going to give a bad representation for obvious reasons.

>But where the hell is [burgerpunk] guy now?
Burgerpunk also had a run with people in &amp from 001 to 014, but most were pretty superficial about it or missed the point somehow. The only really successful attempt in there (in my eyes) might be Burgerpunk Delivers (009?), but maybe that's more just a colouring of a more typical story than something you could really define by a new genre (ultimately the idea of burgerpunk as a genre may just be that shallow, which has been discussed before).

There are also some patterns to the way projects go on this board.

When was it ever loud? As I said above, there have been projects running for a long time, and among the periodical ones I've never known any that kept discussion going on /lit/ interim; writing was submitted on the side and discussion was only had when a release happened. (Maybe I'm wrong; I wasn't around for most of those, and my reference for them is searching the archives.) If your reference for discussion was 2023, it was entirely polluted by topics unrelated to writing (here we are now); in 2022 &amp gained discussion but only after another hiatus started and the best-of came up, which was aimed as a final (and unofficial) capstone release for &amp, and thus meant to terminate at some point.

Locally, I remember hearing that some people who contributed to &amp were talking in a Telegram well before 015 or any Discord stuff. And apart from that, regarding how one's "writing colleagues" actually form: I was speaking to a (real, published) author at an event recently, and she told me that the group of people she discussed her writing with pre-publication shrank over time rather than growing; once you find a select group of people who you trust to critique your writing, or just a single good editor, etc., you don't need more than that, and an open group (like /lit/) probably isn't conducive to good critique past a certain point.

>I imagine the characters in my stories as bionicles
I'm not surprised.

And really justify your text; that means making it "stick" to both margins, so your text will no longer be jagged on the right side. Ideally you should also enable hyphenation (words breaking with hyphens if they extend onto the next line). These are standards to improve body text, and they're easy, one-time things to do (Word/whatever will have buttons for you).

>> No.23131399
File: 121 KB, 1121x813, lit and mu posts per day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the literary fervor that peaked here around COVID time has petered out
Pic related. We're well below the pre-2020 traffic at this point, and it's been steadily declining since 2021. Traffic doesn't necessarily quality posting, of course. A slower board means less instant gratification, which might push the barrier up for post quality, but a declining population probably isn't a good sign in itself (since it means some incentive brought people here and it's being going away; having had more people here would have meant more instant gratification discourse, pushing away good posters, meaning an exodus of low quality posters is less likely to leave behind a higher quality stratum or something appealing to new, good users).

The more up-to-date stats from 4stats.io show an approximate plateau from the first third of 2023.

>> No.23131521

>That's not a charitable view
Narcissists don't deserve charity
>At the very least, such discussions are on /wg/
Then stop making this shit thread and go back to >>>/wg/
>It's not farfetched
Yes it is

>> No.23131672

You'd be more interesting if you argued why and substantiate it. Yeah man, RJC is a blowhard, and say the same more or less about some of the associated characters, but there's more to a discussion about /lit/ than those people.

>> No.23133007


>> No.23133062
File: 17 KB, 360x360, 3284923849238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your history

>> No.23133077

> Ideally you should also enable hyphenation (words breaking with hyphens if they extend onto the next line). These are standards to improve body text, and they're easy, one-time things to do (Word/whatever will have buttons for you).
I didn’t even think to look for this. Thanks!

>> No.23133761

What does alternative lit even mean? What can it not be, by your own definition?

>> No.23133766


>> No.23133768


>> No.23133897


**Definition of Alternative Literature:**

Alternative literature, also known as avant-garde or experimental literature, refers to works that challenge traditional literary conventions and explore unconventional forms, themes, and perspectives. It often pushes the boundaries of language, narrative structure, and subject matter.

**What Alternative Literature Cannot Be:**

According to my definition, alternative literature cannot be:

* **Mainstream Literature:** Works that adhere to established literary norms and appeal to a wide audience.
* **Genre Fiction:** Works that fit into predefined categories such as romance, mystery, or science fiction.
* **Traditional Narrative Structure:** Works that follow a linear, chronological plot with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
* **Conventional Language:** Works that use standard grammar, syntax, and vocabulary without significant experimentation.
* **Familiar Themes:** Works that explore common or widely accepted themes without offering unique insights or perspectives.

**Examples of Alternative Literature:**

* James Joyce's "Ulysses"
* Virginia Woolf's "To the Lighthouse"
* Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot"
* Toni Morrison's "Beloved"
* Haruki Murakami's "Kafka on the Shore"

>> No.23133906
File: 554 KB, 988x1257, 1708998684024831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.
I want to know what you fags think it is, not GPT. What makes something alternative today, more than any other time? Are there hardliners on how the writing is published, or does alternative only imply idiosyncrasy?

>> No.23133930

Make your own thread, faggot.

>> No.23133934

**What Makes Something Alternative Today:**

In addition to challenging traditional literary conventions, alternative literature today often incorporates elements that reflect the contemporary cultural landscape, such as:

* **Digital Technology:** Exploring the impact of technology on human experience and identity.
* **Social Justice Issues:** Addressing themes of race, gender, sexuality, and inequality.
* **Environmental Concerns:** Raising awareness about climate change and environmental degradation.
* **Mental Health and Trauma:** Delving into the complexities of mental illness and the aftermath of trauma.
* **Global Perspectives:** Incorporating voices and experiences from diverse cultures and backgrounds.

**Hardliners on Publishing:**

While alternative literature is often associated with independent or small presses, there are no hard and fast rules about how it must be published. Some alternative works may be published by mainstream publishers, while others may be self-published or distributed through online platforms.

**Alternative Only Implies Idiosyncrasy:**

Alternative literature is not limited to idiosyncratic writing. While it often embraces unconventional forms and perspectives, it can also include works that are well-crafted and accessible to a wider audience. The key distinction is that alternative literature challenges the status quo and pushes the boundaries of what is considered "normal" in literature.

**Examples of Contemporary Alternative Literature:**

* **Ocean Vuong's "On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous"** (explores themes of immigration, sexuality, and intergenerational trauma)
* **Ottessa Moshfegh's "My Year of Rest and Relaxation"** (a satirical exploration of mental health and consumerism)
* **Hanya Yanagihara's "A Little Life"** (a harrowing and unflinching portrayal of trauma and resilience)
* **Colson Whitehead's "The Underground Railroad"** (a historical novel that blends realism and magical realism to explore the horrors of slavery)
* **Lauren Groff's "Matrix"** (a collection of interconnected stories that explore the lives of women across different time periods)

>> No.23133961

It's clearly on topic. /lit/ projects have been self-described as an alternative scene by a number of anons.

>> No.23133967

go back to whatever subreddit u came from FAGGOT.

>> No.23134599

Make your own thread, faggot.

>> No.23135263

fuck I hate ChatGPT

>> No.23135274

The &amp editor is back in jail. Its over.

>> No.23135307


>> No.23135461

Check the discord

>> No.23135768

fuck, I'm really sorry to hear that. hope he gets out quick and keeps &amp going

>> No.23135865

which one?

>> No.23135984


>> No.23136094

My God, the regulars here are losers. No wonder they never accomplish anything of note.

>> No.23136098

Not clicking that link, someone post a screencap

>> No.23136119 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.23136185

fuck off discord tranny

>> No.23136237
File: 108 KB, 857x1200, u r a faggot 4 looking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek kek

>> No.23136363

what did he do this time?

>> No.23136370

Burgerpunk guy had some new burgerpoems in the last &amp. He's still around.

>> No.23136547
File: 155 KB, 714x900, iuOEEA4Q9O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking as a narcissistic shill, I, the author of Fedbook, John Jay Stancliff, posted my work here often in an attempt to get people to read it, rather than to make money off of 4chan posters. Squeezing dollars from /lit/ would be something like trying to farm in the desert.
I wanted criticism and discussion, because I am a narcissist (like any serious writer). I did not get much of that though. I mostly got ignored, and I don't blame anyone for ignoring me. I was simultaneously annoying, and not dedicated enough to shilling. It hurts my feelings when anons speak poorly of me, even though I know they take no thought of the things they write.
That said, I was briefly exposed to the drama of the /lit/ self-publishing world. It is almost totally harmless and somewhat endearing. Too much work to keep up with though.

>> No.23136572

>Burgerpunk guy
Who specifically? 019 looks like it attributes the poems to "5040 Review", but there have been a few people who wrote things they called burgerpunk. And I don't recognise 5040 Review as being any of them.

>> No.23136661


>> No.23136676

I bought the paperback of your book. I made it to about page 47. Way too many lore-dumps and travelogues. I got tired of waiting for something to happen. Maybe I'll get back to it some day.

>> No.23136741

I remember you were the first to break 100k in the /lit/ top ten

>> No.23136759

Lit Quarterly was the peak of all these. Best writing and good quality paperbacks, first edition I believe the guy paid out $200 each. Crazy, but obviously not sustainable

>> No.23136767

Someone create another project that I can submit a short story to.

>> No.23136836

Try here as well

>> No.23136842

>magazine run by a gay canadian schizo doxxer

>> No.23136848

Hartley ain't gay, retard

>> No.23136851
File: 76 KB, 500x489, IMG_1916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not in jail, Frank, you better watch your mouth.

>> No.23136861
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>amp schizophrenics instantly responding on a friday night to a saged post
kek. you freaks are the ones who keep reposting this thread

>> No.23136865


>> No.23136867

thanks for your concession ;)

>> No.23136897
File: 203 KB, 1284x1585, IMG_6705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello fellow narcissist, it is I, Robert James Cross. The one and only author of SHARDS. I have purchased your book and look forward to reading it. Good day!

>> No.23137064

Can you write comedy, satire, or absurd? I've thought about a KDP get together but I don't feel like I could pool nine other authors.

>> No.23137126

I understand. Thanks for buying sir, I hope one day you finish it

>> No.23137905


>> No.23137910

discord fag trash

>> No.23138032

There is literally no organic interest in this thread. Stop bumping it already.

>> No.23138064


>> No.23138069

The true history of /lit/ is a bunch of dullards who are so unimaginative that they can't figure out how to bump a thread without a simple-minded "bump". This is why none of you have accomplished anything of note.

>> No.23138072
File: 121 KB, 498x498, joever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. amp mental patient begging for another deranged amper to circlejerk with

>> No.23138114

&amp defines /lit/ culture. get used to it, fag

>> No.23138129
File: 13 KB, 220x241, neckbeard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The canadian schizophrenic amper is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him gay and an astroturfer and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.23138282

I think you've got it reversed. Because &amp took everything and attracted a variety of different people, it gave a representation of /lit/ through people's writings.

>> No.23138375

It's a bit of both desu

>> No.23138536

he sucked his dealer's dick in exchange for crack. sounds pretty gay to me

>> No.23138541

Rich Vos?

>> No.23138819

It's March, bros. &amp 020 is imminent.

>> No.23138823

kek >>23138072

>> No.23138991

It's not happening. The editor is in jail

>> No.23139206

Hasn't all of the burgerpunk stuff in &amp been written by the same guy? That's what I always assumed

>> No.23139252

Where are you getting this info?! I want to send the manuscript of my novel to him. Should I?!

>> No.23139283

No, not at all. In &amp there were a number of different people who wrote stuff they called burgerpunk; outside &amp there's a semi-collab burgerpunk story hosted via Github, another dude with a Royal Road story, and presumably more. The first guy writing anything titled "Burgerpunk" in &amp (or one of the firsts) actually had a big falling out with the editor over wanting to retract his work (pre-publication) because his designs were criticised, which the editor refused to do. Anyway, it's a bunch of different people who've jumped on it.

I dunno, I've started to think that &amp's "impact" was very insular. I don't think the reach is as wide as the people contributing thought it was.

You can send mail to prisoners. And as a bonus the guard forced to read your letters is probably going to cut you off before he can scam you.

>> No.23139353

>I've started to think that &amp's "impact" was very insular.
&amp is just getting started. 019 was kino and 020 is going to be even better when it drops. &amp is gonna shape /lit/ culture for years to come

>> No.23139361

>Jason has been unbanned

>> No.23139398

Will these threads ever stop?

>> No.23139416

Will you ever stop being a faggot crab?

>> No.23139483


You should send him your manuscript. Ryan is the most professional person I've ever encountered in the publishing industry, and he makes the process easy. I'd wholeheartedly recommend publishing your book with Lamp Standard Press.

>> No.23139491

>t. RJC
>t. got scammed
>t. sucker
where's that money that Ryan owes you? cuck

>> No.23139676

It was easy because he wanted to rip you off, dude. He succeeded.

You can publish to Amazon KDP yourself without having to give 50% of your profits to anyone, let alone a drug addict. As far as has been shared so far, the only guy who's done a book with the &amp editor hasn't been paid yet and has had all sorts of issues with his book that were never properly edited.

If you want professional help without traditional publishing, find someone with good reviews and pay them a flat fee for things like a cover, editing, ads, etc.

>> No.23140230

>find someone with good reviews
Where tho?

>> No.23140252

consider suicide, jason

>> No.23140351

Search "hire professional editor/artist/whatever" with or without [my city] appended. There are professional editors' associations who host directories online, or go with any of the million other options you can find by searching Google. For art, I'm sure there are a million starving artists on Instagram etc. that would be glad to make you a cover on commission, which is a matter of finding someone whose art you like and offers commissions.

Do your research instead of taking the first option that appears in front of you. And learn to do what you can on your own; it's not hard to typeset your own work, and if you're self-publishing then you can work on your own editing skills before sinking money into an editor (the more they have to do the more it's going to cost).

>> No.23140378


The benefit of Lamp Standard Press is that Ryan is offering the complete package of everything you need to publish your novel for free, no strings attached. All you have to do is send in the manuscript and he does the rest.

>> No.23140381
File: 7 KB, 252x200, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complete package of everything you need to publish your novel for free, no strings attached
you'd realize it takes about 10 minutes to do this by yourself if you weren't a schizophrenic canadian retard, Jason Faggot.

>> No.23140924

Have you been paid yet?

I hope you someday have a lucid moment and realise that you've been taken advantage of and that what you said almost immediately gives away the whole thing as a scam. It's like you're quoting one of those "one trick they don't want you to know about" ads, dude.

>> No.23141065


Unlike you, I'm not a broke NEET who's desperate for $150. I make that much in a few hours of teaching. I don't care about the money. I'm in this to share my literature with the world, not to make a buck. With all the ads he's bought and copies he's sent to reviewers, I probably owe Ryan money at this point anyway. I value our business relationship because he's a professional who respects my creative choices and does quality work, not because I can get rich from publishing with him. I see the money earned from SHARDS as an investment in the future of Lamp Standard Press, and I'm sure it's being put to good use. No one is being scammed.

>> No.23141241

You talk about the advertising, but what are your sales numbers now? You showed 50 before, so I'd like to know the current status. Similarly, where's the advertising going from here? You've mentioned a "pretty prestigious book review journal," so what's the deal with that and is Ryan the one who set that up?

All your posts read like somebody trying to mock you (yet somehow it's almost always you in the end). Post some proof it's you or I can only barely believe it; I don't get why you don't put on a trip for this.
>I see the money earned from SHARDS as an investment in the future of Lamp Standard Press
Is this about that pyramid scheme shit where he promised you a cut on all the future releases?

Do you not remember posting about how you were going to share proof of your first payment? Or about how you said he was only a few weeks late around a month ago? Or that shapeshifting contract that you lauded after dragging your feet about what it actually stipulated? (on top of your own misunderstanding of it)
and the pagecount doubling i.e. price inflation
Ryan's post-release bender
typos in the copyright page
the DoA ebook
And all this considering this whole "press" thing was supposed to be free, yet you end up bleeding not just the stipulated 50%, but so far 100% of your profits while saying you'd be happy to never see them.

>> No.23141314

>a new &amp Standard novella came out two days ago
>ask anon about his experience
>he got to upload it to KDP himself after the editing help
>seether ITT will still find a way to call it a scam

>> No.23141386
File: 402 KB, 960x1440, p10688488_p_v8_ag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that amp is so toxic they make these retarded threads over and over to pump their canadian schizo ponzi scheme kek

>> No.23141918


RJC here, this is the only post I've made in this thread. Anyone who is pretending to be me, while hilarious and entertaining and feeding my ego/narcissism, is being dumb. Haha

>> No.23141971

not RJC but it's not your book, or your decision, so take your crabbing and shove it firmly up your narrow ass

>> No.23141993

these threads are made by Frank so he can talk about himself while pretending he's not

>> No.23142035


RJC here. This poster is pretending to be me. I've posted in this thread about my book and about Lamp Standard Press several times.

>> No.23142117

Do you have a link? I don't see it listed on the &amp website.

Someone going through the process and not getting ripped off doesn't mean it's not happening now or won't happen again. There's everything with RJC, and the fact that he was promised a cut on future releases implies Ryan has the intention of taking cuts from more people. Not every person makes a good mark, and at this stage Ryan benefits from any image of legitimacy.

>> No.23142653

Dunno which is the real RJC, but all of the RJC posts in this thread read very similarly to the sort of ridiculous shit he's said about his book in previous threads.

>> No.23142659
File: 131 KB, 1284x603, IMG_6714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's your proof. Someone, probably Ari or Atlas, is pretending to be me.

>> No.23142668

Probably Ari considering that he's pretended to be Hartley in the past. Dude is obsessed with crabbing and bringing writers down.

>> No.23142703


It's quite odd. If he spent as much time writing as he did crabbing he could have a book published with one of the Big 5 houses and throw it in our collective face. Instead he is King Crab and I feel sad for him and the future of his bloodline.

>> No.23142712

kys jason

>> No.23142731

That was actually me...RJC. Jason's a homie though so I'm stealing his lingo.

>> No.23142782

has the crackhead paid you yet? cuck

>> No.23142859

it's not your book, or your decision, so take your crabbing and shove it firmly up your narrow ass

>> No.23142896

If the guy can't get paid his rightful share from his book, he shouldn't be recommending the scheme to anyone else.

>> No.23142938

Clearly that's the most important part of this to you. Just as clearly, that's not the most important part of this to him. It's not your book, or your decision. You know the rest.

>> No.23142958
File: 131 KB, 1395x859, _ - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These retarded threads are made by the faggy schizos of amp, of which you are probably part of.

>> No.23142990

Why let the guy continue peddling the same scam he got suckered into? Even if all the bitching, seething, and etc. does nothing for RJC, it's at least made a record of all the ways he's been ripped off, which serves as a fair warning for other people.

I imagine some of the interest shown in LSP has been manufactured, but there are still anons who might have known &amp and mistaken that for a sign of legitimacy. With that it comes down to an abuse of goodwill over a project that, for a while, was cool and didn't stink of ulterior motives.

>> No.23143006

t. crab

>> No.23143100

Don't you have anything better to do than seethe and crab and try to bring writers down?

>> No.23143123
File: 69 KB, 1200x600, bed bath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that the other amp 'tards are now at the level where jason's 90 IQ schizo ego defense actually sounds intellectually capable. LMAO. No wonder why you tards can barely plop out an e-pamphlet

>> No.23143269

LSP isn't a scam. It's a small press that supports indie writers.

>> No.23143285

It's a pyamid scheme predicated on Kenneth Hartley (a 40 + year old canadian crack addict schizophrenic) giving Robert Cross (a substitute teacher) monetary bonuses for every new sign up. A literal pyramid scheme done in the only way Kanneth Hartley could assemble (as zher has no degree, real life connections or an actual job)

>> No.23143308

You're using zhe/zher neopronouns incorrectly. You should be saying ZHE as a substitute for HE, and ZHER as a substitute for HIM, and ZHERS as a substitute for HIS.

>> No.23143319

A literal pyramid scheme done in the only way Kanneth R. Hartley could assemble (as ZHER has no degree, real life connections or an actual job)

>> No.23143327

No, it's
>as ZHE has no degree, real life connections or an actual job

>> No.23143341

zher is an alternate form of xir you fucktard lmao

>> No.23143365
File: 209 KB, 1280x1024, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this chart, you fucktard.

>> No.23143383

I won, troon. How maek u feel?

>> No.23143392


>> No.23143413

Nah I don't think I will troon. And it doesn't change the face that amp is a pyamid scheme predicated on Kenneth Hartley (a 40 + year old canadian crack addict schizophrenic) giving Robert Cross (a substitute teacher) monetary bonuses for every new sign up. A literal pyramid scheme done in the only way Kanneth Hartley could assemble (as zher has no degree, real life connections or an actual job)

>> No.23143437

>giving Robert Cross (a substitute teacher) monetary bonuses for every new sign up
I've seen no proof that this is going on. It's just a lie made up by crabs.

>> No.23143470

>obfuscating the post with retarded shit about troons didn't work
>now I'll claim that it's false
It's no wonder you're a substitute teacher, Robert. Your 112 IQ machinations are easier than pie to predict kek

>> No.23143551
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>> No.23143564
File: 26 KB, 483x418, 4539859348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got BTFO lil' buddy

>> No.23143656
File: 61 KB, 718x855, wala.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pyramid scheme claim is substantiated by pic related. I posted parts of this before, or at least discussed it, which RJC got mad at me for*. This is part of my email exchange with him was when he was still only alluding vaguely to a contract on here.

In the exchange RJC says that Ryan promised him
>a small cut of all the other books [on Lamp Standard Press] after [Shards]

*To be fair I made the offer to keep parts of the exchange private if he wanted, and he never made any mention of caring. But, on account of how sketchy it turned out to be, I probably would have shared most of the details anyway. I posted openly after he stopped replying to me.

>> No.23143713
File: 1.86 MB, 2316x3088, IMG_6717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it!!!!

>> No.23143721
File: 549 KB, 616x412, 1573167354691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brutal. Ampers really are the bottom of the barrel ponzi scheme lying slime.

>> No.23143727


Why do you care so much about what Ryan and RJC are doing? It doesn't affect you at all. Stop being an obsessive weirdo and learn to mind your own business. Go write your own book instead of shitting on other people's work

>> No.23143734


He's good. I find it amusing at this point. What I said was based on a prior conversation I and Ryan had had. Things have changed. A new LSP model. No pyramid schemer shit (which I wouldn't be involved with anyway because of my steady moral compass). I believe that fucking someone over is akin to murder. I believe that the universe balances itself out and I do not want to be on the unbalanced edge of morality.

>> No.23143759
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>> No.23143761

See >>23142990

>> No.23143793

schizophrenic canadian jailbirds and amp never not done here

>> No.23143796


Still, why the fuck do you care so much about something that doesn't affect you personally? You have some kind of bizarre personal grudge against Ryan, and it makes you seem like a petty weirdo. Let it go.

>> No.23143807
File: 7 KB, 213x237, 3432409234029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bobert's response upon getting accused of propping up a ponzi scheme by a barely literate canadian grifter:
>I've seen no proof that this is going on. It's just a lie made up by crabs.
After getting utterly BTFO with words from zher's own substitute teacher email account:
>Things have changed. No pyramid schemers.

>> No.23143811


>> No.23143813

ZHER own, not
>zher's own

Get it right.

>> No.23143819

>the substitute teacher tries to teach troon grammar to distract from being a FRAUD
and it will NEVER change the fact that you are a fundamentally dishonest fraud

>> No.23143833


Ryan's a good guy and he's always been straight up with me. Don't see why anyone would have reason to dislike him.

>> No.23143850

Don't care. LOL @ your truly pathetic attempt to change the subject from your fraudulent denial that at one point you, Robert Cross of San Diego School District / mall cop at Allied Universal, ever attempted to establish a ponzi scheme to an admittance that you in fact once agreed to the scheme, but have now (supposedly) changed your mind and cancelled the scheme.

>> No.23143857


I don't even care, Ari. Now fuck off.

>> No.23143858


>>23143437 = Not posted by me.

>> No.23143865

Silence is an endorsement, Bobert Cross of High Tech High

>> No.23143874


Well, consider your attempts from here on out to be endorsed.

>> No.23143884
File: 3.15 MB, 680x904, f38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23143887

I'm not your fellow Gay Amper. Get fucked bitchy.

>> No.23143896

Why don't we all just admit it:
>we all take ourselves too seriously
>we're overly sensitive to criticism
>we all have no interest or respect in anyone's work other than our own
>we don't have the intelligence, stamina, or education to make truly brilliant creative works like the great writers of generations past
>we like to conjure up things that evoke the IDEA of a creative circle, a movement, or an era of creative writing but don't back it up with discipline or talent
None of this is to say that we shouldn't keep trying, but I think more attention is needed to being original, thoughtful, intelligent, plausible, and SERIOUS about our writing.
Yes, publishers are fucking gay and jewish, but that doesn't mean you dismiss all institutions dedicated to publishing. Similarly, popular writers are fucking gay too, but that doesn't mean they don't know anything about writing.

>> No.23143914


>> No.23143921

a hurt dog howls

>> No.23143955

He has beef with Ryan because of all the drama with Atlas from a few months ago

>> No.23143957

I've met some some writers here that have positive qualities, and personally I love to read new stuff from /lit/, but in general I agree. The stories are more important.

>> No.23144009

I don't see how this has anything to do with the LSP spat, which, from my end, is about the fact that it's a scam. The fact that it's worked (on one guy) has to do with some of those qualities you describe, but everything you've said skirts around the fact that the fundamental problem in this case is deception. Someone taking himself less seriously doesn't mean he's being ripped off any less.

>> No.23144038

Let's take bets on who will be the first /lit/ author to kill themselves intentionally.

>> No.23144044

I for one dislike ALL ampfags for clogging up the board with repeat discord faggotry threads like this one.

>> No.23144096

I know for a fact that there are talented writers here. I was seriously involved with one of the projects listed in the OP. Still, however, I think we are mostly crabs in a bucket and, in many cases, are delusional about what we're doing and what we're capable of. I used to be very involved in the critique threads and spent the time to provide feedback because it was fun and there was good stuff there. Once you try to formalize it, however, something is lost.
Not sure what you're referring to. I was speaking generally about whenever there's a collaborative project that isn't a complete joke, people forget that they're nobodies who haven't yet earned the right to call themselves serious writers yet. Yes, it shines out with the discord group as they try to conjure up a "movement" and "circle" with their immature bullshit and, of course, ego-driven drama, but it's still nice to see the spirit of it all.

>> No.23144165

>Not sure what you're referring to.
Sorry, I read it as deflection from the bickering going on about the &amp stuff.

Regarding /lit/ projects in general, I agree, though if you cut it down to individuals I don't think you have to be as pessimistic; group projects aren't going to reach any great heights here, but I think individual people can have it in them to do significant things for themselves, and for all its limits /lit/ still has some import for learning and improving. Being better or worse than the Greats is beside the point to me---forgetting about ego is something I think leads to better work, and to me that means not diminishing yourself through relativity either. I won't say a new Joyce or whatever is going to be formed by /lit/, but my point is that there's no point in chasing that as an individual either. (I'm realising now that that's probably close to your point as well.) I think you're right about formalisation killing some of the spirit.

I like the idea of projects on here being a place for people to learn with low stakes. Nothing goes down permanently; the critique on /lit/ can feel quite sincere and useful when it comes; and there's no regimen for what you can or can't do, which opens up the ability to experiment and try things somewhat aside from just writing (e.g., design, editing, etc.), sorta DIY ethos. Even just the exposure to other people's writing who exist in the same "level" as you is nice.

Mind saying which project you were involved in?

>> No.23144170


>> No.23144188

I agree, that's sort of how things play out. That's kind of a double-edged sword: we diminish our work because it is, as you said, low-stakes. But similarly, this is your work, and if you're not willing to put in serious thought and effort for both a hostile audience and a sympathetic audience, who are you willing to put in serious thought and effort for? I think a lot of people fall into the trap of, "this is just an exercise. I'll be different later. I'll be more serious later. I'll be better later." But that's a trap too because there also might be more generous feedback streaming in right alongside the more hostile and pessimistic feedback.
>Mind saying which project you were involved in?
Lit Quarterly

>> No.23144198

>we all take ourselves too seriously
I don’t
>we're overly sensitive to criticism
I don’t
>we all have no interest or respect in anyone's work other than our own
Yes :(
>we don't have the intelligence, stamina, or education to make truly brilliant creative works like the great writers of generations past
Yes :(
>we like to conjure up things that evoke the IDEA of a creative circle, a movement, or an era of creative writing but don't back it up with discipline or talent
Yes :(

>> No.23144217

>we all have no interest or respect in anyone's work other than our own
>Yes :(
Which means you take yourself too seriously; it means you can't appreciate the productive or promising things in other people's creative work because it isn't your own.
>we like to conjure up things that evoke the IDEA of a creative circle, a movement, or an era of creative writing but don't back it up with discipline or talent
>Yes :(
Would be comfy, of course. But writing isn't about being comfy. It's about toil, sacrifice, self-loathing, and misery. We all know that.

>> No.23144265

nah this shit is just mostly bad. honestly. Whenever the gatekeeping discourse pops up again i just have to laugh. there really isnt a single person here who has the right to complain about being gatekept.

>> No.23144282

Hey, I finally read this. I saw you got some critique from a guy in /wg/, and I'd agree with some of his points: your dialogue is generally very bad, and the descriptions felt in many ways generic, but it was still an interesting story and I liked the ideas you were using. And even with a lot of your descriptions being cliché, some were good; I liked
>his body was elongating into something thin and hideous
in particular, though you goofed it a bit with teeth and whatever.

In general I think you'd benefit from not making your descriptions so concrete. Think more about the images and ideas you want to evoke, then write it in fitting similes/metaphors. And do it sparingly, since it will make your few descriptions more poignant. Cornus' palace and Saturn in general could have been left much more abstract---leave more up to the mind of the reader after planting a seed.

I don't read much sci-fi or fantasy, so I'm not too confident in giving specific plot-related pointers, but I think you could simplify the story quite a bit. Maybe think about the big points you want to make and condense it around them. Ex: with the leaf/god, you could introduce him as a fully articulate leaf in place of the first god, then play up the reveal/recognition later. The leaf's baby-talk was really annoying, and you could have cut a lot of that out by relying on describing their early attempts at conversation, which is, again, about evoking the ideas you think are important. And the leaf would have been just as good at providing the early context of the afterlife to the protag as his god form.

Some shorter points:
>use longer paragraphs
>much less dialogue
>do more to evoke the passage of time
I think the story suffered from jumping too quickly through the plot, which was in part due to the short paragraphs. If you condense your plot points a bit it shouldn't be such a problem, and it'll open up more space in the story for you to describe the in-between.

Most often when I read writing on here, I give up after a few paragraphs. Even if your stuff wasn't to my taste and had some really weak points, conceptually it was interesting enough for me to read it entirely. That's cool. Your story reminded me of the C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy (esp. the first two); I liked the trilogy a lot, and if you haven't read those books they might make good learning material. If you have more writing you want eyes on, you can email me at unofficial.drivel@gmail.com.

When it comes to the trap you describe, I think one way to deal with it is for people to set standards for themselves. You're right about having to make sense of critique, and for me I think the generous/positive stuff is what allows me to raise my standards for myself. Complacency is what you've described, and I think even people on here can be a bit coddling. I'm interested in hearing more details about Lit Quarterly, so if you're willing you can shoot me an email at the address above (or I'll ask here).

>> No.23144398

> Which means you take yourself too seriously; it means you can't appreciate the productive or promising things in other people's creative work because it isn't your own.
More like my backlist is fucking clogged like a Walmart shitter and I cannot afford to place /lit/ authors higher in the queue aside from short works

>> No.23144413

it'll definitely be atlas

>> No.23144428

If you're talking about merely what you read, sure. I'm not going to defer things on my reading list for the work of amateur strangers. But if you're going to bother critiquing work on an anonymous forum, don't treat it as if it's a nicely-bound novel you purchased from the "classic" section of the book store.

>> No.23144460


I hope so. He's the literary genius of our era.

>> No.23144468

She isn't an author and any of the Amp crew (Jason, Kenneth, Bobert) seem like potential suicides considering how often they are on here and their position as fringes of society

>> No.23145170

Jason's 3rd book is dropping in a day or two, who is excited? :)

>> No.23145715

kill yourself

>> No.23145734
File: 2.22 MB, 990x1583, bef-cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if you weren't such a fucking loser, you might be able to write too :)

>> No.23145769

Why would you even say that that you want me to be dead?????

>> No.23145779

Why do you hang out here? The people here are legit sociopaths.

>> No.23145787

kill yourself

>> No.23145815

Bro keep giving me this, keep leaving messages on my website, you've only fueled me to get my 3rd book done and already 10k words on book 4. I will release book 4 as soon as possible and I'm burning the fuck through it.

The more pressure I get from you with your "kill yourself", the more I actually want to live and put out all 10-15 books I have started writing already. I love all attention whether negative or positive, so you're doing me a huge favour. Please, spam more "kill yourself" on my website contact form, when I get those emails, I immediately get back to writing so I can come here and drop my next book right in your face. :)

>> No.23145824

>Please spam more "kill yourself"
Kill yourself

>> No.23145842

Thank you, your hate is inspiring!

>> No.23145848

thank me after you kill yourself

>> No.23145863

The fact that some karmic negative, nobody person has chosen only me to spam "kill yourself" with proves how special I actually am, you don't target anyone but me. Jason Bryan is going to release several books this year and you will be directly responsible.

>> No.23145879

It just means you deserve to die

>> No.23145892

I cannot wait for the seething and coping on your behalf when I pump out book after book and slowly but surely, gain sales and people who like my work. Meanwhile, you will always be the nothing, nobody "kill yourself" guy that can only crab. Honestly if it wasn't for you, I'd probably have moved on from this place. But now, I kind of like asserting my dominance over you.

>> No.23145902

You ain't asserting shit.
Just kill yourself.

>> No.23145904

You're revealing yourself to be a nobody, a hater crab that does no writing, that assists no one. All of /lit/ can see you for what you are. A loser.

>> No.23145911

Whom do you assist?
That's right. No one.
Kill yourself.

>> No.23145918

I am kind to other people here and encourage everyone.

You? You're a nobody. A crab. Just someone who copes and seethes when other people write. You don't even do jack shit yourself.

>> No.23145935

>I am kind to other people here and encourage everyone.
Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.
Do kill yourself.

>> No.23145936

How powerful I must be to threaten you so much that you spend so much of your time with such negative-karma activities as telling someone who shares your hobby to kill themselves. You are lower than a snake's belly. It pleases me greatly to know that you're going to be a witness to my success in writing.

>> No.23145939

Post your published book(s)

Soon I will be showing off my 3rd book, and then the 4th, and the 5th, and so on. Will you even have one book finished by the time I have 10 done?

>> No.23145941

>my success in writing
The only success you'll ever have is in suicide.

>> No.23145944

You will kill yourself after your third book reveals itself a failure.

>> No.23145958

I don't expect my 3rd book to be a huge hit, but I do know that I have never been more motivated to finish all of the books I have started.

Where is your work? :)

Oh, right, you're not a writer.

>> No.23145984

>You are not a writer.
Neither are you.
I, on the other hand, never claimed to be. So deserve to kill yourself for lying.

>> No.23146031

3rd book coming out in days baby, and only more to come. Going to keep going until I make a living off it and you will seethe so fucking hard.

>> No.23146061

Prepare for disappointment when your book comes out to no fanfare.
Alternatively, just kill yourself now so you don't have to face the disappointment.

>> No.23146092

>Prepare for disappointment when your book comes out to no fanfare.
Oh no what will I do?

Oh, that's right, I'll write book number 4. :)

Cope and seethe, you will never be a woman.

>> No.23146105

kill yourself

>> No.23146106

Cope and seethe, Jason Bryan is fucking waaaaay cooler than you.

>> No.23146119


>> No.23146120

You are my own personal fan club!

>> No.23146189

I have to do it I have to because I rlly need to?? How did you know that she said that?? How did you know that she told me that about the sociopath thing??

>> No.23146201

you should just kill yourself

>> No.23146219

You complete me!

>> No.23146231


>> No.23146234

Suicide completes you

>> No.23146257

Writing does, and coming back and knowing you seethe so hard that I'm just myself. With every post I make, you hate your own life that much more that you have to dip into negative karma just to strike out at me because you are so fucking weak. You hang out on 4Chan to crab, your life is a bleak wasteland and you have nothing to live for. Everything you do is projection.

Working on the chapter header images now, book is going to be published in possibly hours. How does it feel knowing I'm living my best life and following my dreams while all you can do is crab like a bitch? Bwahaha!

>> No.23146307 [DELETED] 

Ari was never in the arena. Ari occupies the cheap seats, and those of us on stage who can hear him, would do best to ignore him. Gardner is as well somewhere in the audience, or rather heckling from some outpost nearby, tilting and pantomiming and comparing it to These crabs don’t want to enter the arena, because they’re terminally afraid of somebody doing to them what they now cant help but do to us. Get off /lit/, boys. There’s nothing left here, and it’s crawling with crustaceans.

>> No.23146315

Ari was never in the arena. Ari occupies the cheap seats, and those of us on stage who can hear him, would do best to ignore him. Gardner is as well somewhere in the audience, or rather heckling from some outpost nearby, tilting and pantomiming and comparing it to art.
These crabs don’t want to enter the arena, because they’re terminally afraid of somebody doing to them what they now cant help but do to us. Get off /lit/, boys. There’s nothing left here, and it’s crawling with crustaceans.

>> No.23146319


>> No.23146342

>they’re terminally afraid
100% this.

>Get off /lit/, boys. There’s nothing left here, and it’s crawling with crustaceans.
I do get some power from the crabs though, because it kills them to see someone actually stick around and continue to work. The worst thing for them would be to see one of us continue to write, continue to hang out here, and encourage other /lit/ anons to keep writing. The crabs cannot handle people who do the work that they themselves cannot do. Their hate is the coal firing the steam engines, I will allow them that, because it feels so good to know that they are out there, and seething incredibly when someone from /lit/ releases a book.

This is why I have to keep going. Crushing crab shells feels good.

>> No.23146343

Why would you even say that???? You don’t know

>> No.23146351
File: 644 KB, 2057x1163, beffull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feed me your attention, crab, Jason Bryan is now fixin' up the table of contents in his epub file. Gonna have this shit on Amazon for approval in hours.

Once this book is online, I'm going to figure out what to do about getting a real slick hardcover version of it done. How do you like my full sized cover?

>> No.23146356

kill yourself
your book will be shit

>> No.23146358

Bwahaha! Cry harder little crab, Jason Bryan is going to be cranking out the books and be a successful writer while you remain a fucking nobody.

>> No.23146462

>Jason Bryan
>successful writer
kys for putting those two phrases in the same sentence

>> No.23146522

It is going to happen, and all you can do is cope and seethe!

>> No.23146594

All you can do is kill yourself

>> No.23146618

is that made by A.I. or was there an artist involved? not too shabby, Bryan. not gonna lie.

>> No.23146633
File: 1.18 MB, 2187x1563, bef-alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew it with a pencil and paper and then had the AI refine it, then I added the text. I have a bunch of sketches that I feed into the AI and it works much better than prompts.

The AI is cool because it can take your scribbles and make something amazing from it.

>> No.23146644

Thanks for the rare /lit/ compliment, friend!

Can I interest you in the first 3 chapters for some feedback?


>> No.23146650

I put a ton more effort into actually putting emotion into each sentence and paragraph and less screenplay. Opening line of the book:

>In the underbelly of Vancouver's skid row, life doesn’t just pass by; it collides—hard and unyielding.

>> No.23146663

kill yourself

>> No.23146689

how much of it is AI written? post some of it here and I'll review it. I'm not gonna click some sketchy links, fren.

>> No.23146733

Get fucked crab, you're going to watch me live my dream while you fucking seethe like the faggot you are.

>> No.23146738

>chapter 3
Right as the dawn cracked open, spilling its grey guts over the city, Dr. Fuck, with hands that once danced around brains, now dug through the bowels of a dumpster like it was a treasure chest. Pulls out this bike frame, all scuffed up and faded like some ancient map to nowhere. To the straight world, it's junk, but to Dr. Fuck, it's pure gold, the key to his ultimate victory.

Mumbles, his right-hand man, all grunts and muffled curses, didn't have the words to share the vision. His sign language? Chains clanking and copper wires twisting around his fingers, a mime show of their nightly plunder.

Then comes slinking by, a cop cruiser, slow and sniffing like a rat on the scent. Dr. Fuck, in tattered clothes and a battered old top-hat, his beard a wild nest of fuck-you's, spits a string of obscenities, a whispered battle hymn against the blue badges. Mumbles, cool as a street-corner Jesus, just leans back, his posture a silent scoff at the law passing by.

Their chariot, a jacked-up shopping cart, was a rolling museum of their midnight raids: bike bits, electronic entrails, tarps, and throwaways, all marinated in night dew and desperation.

The target? The Gastown Grand Prix, a highfalutin race where the city’s silk shirts pedal their pricey bikes. Where Dr. Fuck's old friend would be in the race today. He watched Dr. Burke win the race last year, and felt more than a hint of jealousy. They had shared a hallway, their specialty practices across from each other in a face-off of titans, that is until the drugs enhanced his life. You needed to be some fancy fuckin' pants with trappings of a modern life to sign up for that shit race, but thanks to a twisted web of debts, favors, and back-alley brawls—courtesy of a friend named Icepick Mike and a landlord with a newly sore face—they got a wildcard entry. It’s like sneaking into a king’s feast, ready to flip the tables.

As the morning piss-rain eased up, giving way to a hint of sun, Dr. Fuck was all fire and schematics. With Mumbles, the Picasso of the scrapyard, ready to engineer their Frankenstein ride, they were gearing up not just to race, but to raid the streets like meth-fueled Vikings. This bike, it wasn’t just a bike; it was their dragon ship, armed with weed whacker engines and a patchwork of gears and gizmos, ready to blaze through Gastown like a comet of pure defiance.

This race was more than a contest; it was their war cry against the shit-stained world that cast them out. Dr. Fuck, once a god in the temples of medicine, now a pirate king of the alleys, saw this as his shot at a legendary comeback, or at least a huge fuck you. And Mumbles, the silent storm of genius, was his first mate, ready to turn trash into treasure, to show the world that even the god-damned have their day.

>> No.23146745

>chapter 3
So, they hit the pavement, their cart clattering like a battle drum, a war party of their not-give-a-fuck crusade. This was their rebellion, their spit in the eye of society, sailing the concrete seas with a flag of bones and junk, ready to prove that even the lost and the low can steal the spotlight, one pilfered piece at a time. The podium finish was as good as his.
Stumbling out of the shadow-stitched alley, their carts clanking like cheap liquor bottles in a bum's embrace, Dr. Fuck's gaze snagged on a prize that'd make a gutter king turn green. There it was, slumped against a cracked pole—a mattress, its once-white sheet now a brown canvas of stains and smeared stories, fluttering like the last breath of dignity. But to Dr. Fuck, with his spine twisted from too many nights on the concrete's cruel bed, it was a slice of heaven, a damn fluffy salvation thrown right there in the shit. "Holy hell," he muttered, the words slurring from his lips like drunk secrets, "That there's the fuckin' cradle of the gods, if the gods ever had to crash in these piss-soaked streets." With a grin that had more yellow than white, he staggered towards his find, imagining the sleep that didn't come with a side of backstabbing concrete or the uneven, rocky ground.

"Holy fuck, it's my golden fuckin' day, Mums!" Dr. Fuck hollers as he slaps his alleyway trophy, his voice slicing through the air like a grinder through a bike lock, a feral glint in his eyes that could scare off Beelzebub himself.

"Here, grab it, throw it in your cart," he commands, his tone brooking no argument.

Mumbles, looking more like the hunchback of Notre Dame's less fortunate cousin, somehow manages to wrangle the mattress onto his back before shoving it into the last available inch of his cart. The damn thing stands tall, like the brown sail of some pirate ship destined for disaster. But Dr. Fuck, he’s got a soft spot for this kind of disaster; gives it a second and a third good slap, testing its resilience like it's the new first mate of his ragtag crew.

"Aight, let's dip and stash this shit. Then you get to work, yeah?" Dr. Fuck says, the plan clear in his mind.

Mumbles just mumbles, a sound that's somehow affirmative, his rare three-toothed grin splitting his face. It's a sight, I tell ya, like watching a sunrise over a garbage dump – it's got its own kind of beauty.

>> No.23146748

>chapter 3
With a newfound rocket up their asses, they hustle back into the alley, weaving their way toward the hidden sanctuary of Dr. Fuck's tent, ducking in and out of alleyways like a prison shank in a soft belly, crossing busy streets without even looking one way, let alone both. Cars screech to a stop and horns honked, chaos serenaded their little jaunt.

His little home, it’s tucked away in Crab Park, but not the bit where the do-gooders hang out, handing out socks and sympathy like it's going out of style. No, they’re camped out in the wilds, among the bushes and trees, where the only charity you get is a swift kick from Mumbles if you look at their stash the wrong way.

This spot, it's their kingdom, away from the prying eyes of fat men with names like Perry and his well-meaning sandwiches, and those grad student girls that Dr. Fuck enjoys tormenting with a flash of his unkempt wildness. It's a slice of paradise, if your idea of paradise is built on the backs of stolen goods and guarded by a man whose smile could curdle milk. But for Dr. Fuck and Mumbles, it's home, a haven in the heart of the shitshow, where they plot their next move, living one golden fuckin' day at a time.
Dr. Fuck and Mumbles are hittin' the pavement, their carts heavy with the night's haul, when disaster strikes. One of the carts starts bitching with a squeak before giving up the ghost entirely - a wheel pops off from a pothole overdose. Dr. Fuck's cursing the skies, wishing he'd made Mumbles fix the damn thing before it turned traitor on them. Now, they're stuck, the cart hobbling worse than a drunk on his last legs, threatening to dump their precious cargo with every crack in the sidewalk.

"Mums, just carry the fuckin' mattress already!" Dr. Fuck bellows, dumping his crippled cart outside a weed shop, figuring it's as good a spot as any for a pit stop.

Right on cue, a couple of familiar street soldiers drift their way, all smirks and slow walks. "Hey Doctor!" one greets, flicking a butt Dr. Fuck's way, who snatches it up with the desperation of a man on his last breath. The smoke's barely lit with Dr. Fuck's sucking on it like it's the last bit of life left in this godforsaken place.

>> No.23146753

>chapter 3
"Poncho, you slimy bastard, got something that'll send me to the moon?" Dr. Fuck's all business, eyeing Poncho like a man who knows what he wants. Poncho, ever the entrepreneur, flashes his coat open like a peacock, showcasing his wares. He pulls out this pink powder, promising the trip of a lifetime for the modest price of a hundred bucks.

Dr. Fuck's about ready to blow a gasket. "$100! I oughta be summoning demons for that price!"

The exchange is brief, the pink powder making its way into Dr. Fuck's gnarled, battle-worn hand—a hand that tells tales of a life full of fuck-ups and living rough.

Mumbles loudly adds his two cents, all aggressive grunts and gestures, backing up Dr. Fuck's play.

Poncho's trying to stand his ground and get paid right away, claiming he's moved up in the world, dealing with the big boys now. Guatemalans. But after a bit of a tussle, it's clear he's not getting his product back without a fight, and his goons aren't about to step into the ring with an amped-up Dr. Fuck and Mumbles.

"Alright, alright, your funeral, Doc. But remember, you're on the hook for this, and the Guats don't sleep on debts. They know where your tent is, everyone does." Poncho warns, shaking his head.

Dr. Fuck, with the grace of a man who's rented the basement at rock bottom more than once, tests the product right there on the street. "We're hitting the big time today, Poncho. Gastown race. Be there when I cross the finish line, I'll have your cash."

Poncho's skeptical, wondering how Dr. Fuck plans to settle his debts, especially with the Guatemalan dealers now in the picture. But Dr. Fuck's already plotting, thinking of who owes him a favor he can cash in.

>> No.23146758

>chapter 3
As Poncho and his crew fade into the city's heart, Mumbles pulls a stunt to snag Dr. Fuck's attention, ending up with lungs full of that pink promise. Dr. Fuck's quick to secure the rest for later, snatching the baggie from Mums dirty hands and tucking it inside his haggard jean shorts. They've got a race to win, after all.

And just like that, the clouds part, a beam of sunlight hitting the scene like a lake of golden piss.

"See! Everything is better on meth!" Dr. Fuck declares, ready to take on the world, or at least the streets of Gastown, with nothing but their wits, wheels, and a bit of chemical courage.

The moment the sun decided to crash the party, Dr. Fuck and Mumbles were already balls deep in their own fucked-up parade, hauling their three-wheeled piece of shit cart through the city's guts. Their brains, fried on a god-tier batch of meth, had them spinning through the alleys in a never-ending loop of the city's bowels: walls plastered in human shit like some demented artist's canvas, puke puddles shimmering like sick jewels under the daylight's harsh interrogation, dumpsters overflowing like the city's bloated belly, and that same fucking dead mouse, turning up like a bounced cheque at every god-damned turn.

They kept bumping into the city's walking dead, the bums with eyes as empty as their pockets, who served as fucked-up mile markers on this corrupt journey to nowhere. The meth had promised them wings, but all they got were circles, round and round for hours in a dizzying dance with their own shadows.

"Fuck me, we're just rats in a maze," Dr. Fuck spat out, the clarity cutting through the high like a razor through skin. "Chasing our tails, Mums, fucking fuck!"

Their throats screamed for water, a primal call back to some sense of reality, anything to dilute the chemical chaos that had them by the nuts. They hit a corner store like a hurricane, swiping bottles of water with the finesse of seasoned bums, a minor victory against their own ruin.

>> No.23146762

>chapter 3
That stolen water was a godsend, washing away just enough of the meth's madness to let them remember who the fuck they were. With their heads halfway out of the fog, they set their sights on Crab Park, their promised land of dirt and defiance. The mattress, a gift from the city itself, was slung onto their battered chariot as they made their way out of the concrete jungle's twisted intestines.

Their march back to the park wasn't pretty. It was the kind of trek you make when you've been chewed up and spit out by life, but you're too stubborn or too fucked to stay down. Crab Park loomed in the distance, a haven for the city's castaways, and they approached it like kings of the trash heap, ruling over a kingdom of rats and broken men. This was the raw, uncut reality of their lives, a daily grind of grime and survival, where every day was a middle finger to the world that had left them for dead. They were the refuse of the city, moving through its veins like a virus, unwanted but unkillable.

As they crested the hill toward the park, the world seemed to tilt on its axis. Mumbles, hit with a sudden bolt of paranoia or maybe just a rush of fucked-up clarity, grabbed Dr. Fuck by the shoulder, yanking him to a stop. His eyes always wide but even wider, the whites showing like a cornered animal's, as he stared down at their makeshift kingdom.

"What the hell's the problem, Mums? Spit it out!" Dr. Fuck barked, his patience fraying like the hem of his last decent shirt. But then, Mumbles, in a move that was part genius and part street rat, hands over an XL Pringles chips tube, the bottom knocked out, with some plastic and glass shit jury-rigged into a makeshift telescope.

>> No.23146767

>chapter 3
Hoisting himself up onto their ramshackle cart, Dr. Fuck struck a pose that would've made any sea captain green with envy—if said sea captain was high as fuck and commanding a vessel of trash. He planted one foot atop a mound of garbage, raised the Pringles can to his eye, and peered out over the urban ocean. "Holy fuck, those Guat bastards are shakin' down our fuckin' tent! Four of 'em, Mums... We could tear them a new one, but shit, we're racing against the clock here!"

Mumbles, his face a mask of bewilderment, clutches at his head, trying to make sense of the madness. "Fuck it, Mums, wheel us the hell out of here. Needlepoke Alley's calling," Dr. Fuck commands, a strategic retreat to the only turf in town where the Guats wouldn't dare to tread—their sanctuary, their shipyard for piecing together their Frankenstein monster of a race bike. With a grunt and a push, Mumbles swings the cart around, and they make a break for it, their escape as graceful as a pair of wasted ballerinas.

A half block ahead, a stylish young woman screams while looking right at them, turns around, and runs away. "What's her fucking problem?" Dr. Fuck muses aloud, the sweat cascading down his face, a salty gift from the meth still doing a number on his system, and the relentless sun overhead that shows no mercy to man nor beast.

>> No.23146858

>how much of it is AI written?
That he hasn't said makes me guess that it was a lot, or he had it rewriting things for him the whole way.

>> No.23146867

No different than a mainstream publisher with a team of editors, last book I bought from Penguin had 5 editors.

All it involves is writing out your chapter and then pasting it bit by bit into Grammarly and it advises you what style you're writing in. The LivingWriter Ai works similarly. Chat GPT doesn't work as well for asking it what it thinks about your writing. I have not yet decided which AI is the best for actually giving feedback. Chat GPT seems to "keep track" of what is happening in your story and can even remind you if you've forgotten a detail.

>> No.23146874

What was your workflow? How complete were your chapters pre-AI? Was it like filling in from an outline sort of?

>> No.23146891

The last time before you got banned you went on a series of insane rants trashing one of the most supportive writers on /lit/ because someone else said you might agree with some of his ideas.

>> No.23146894

I start with my first chapter and then I start with my last chapter and where all the characters end up in the end. Then I write an outline. Then I write the actual meat of the chapters. Once it is done, I paste it into AI and ask it what it thinks of the chapter. Then it can point out spelling mistakes, grammar issues, and how to better use the voice. I found it interesting that I had to tone back the pirate references because you have to really watch AI, as it gets confused. I wrote it out that the brown mattress looked like an old pirate's flag atop the shopping cart, and AI went crazy adding as many naval references as it could.

Someone who can't tell a story won't be helped by the AI, you really need to learn to use it as a tool like anything else.

>> No.23146895

okay, now I've read it all. I like the contrast of misery and the glorification of it in these characters' heads. reminds me vaguely of Ginsberg and Hubert Selby Jr. the style is way too disgusting for a large audience, but I assume you know that. in the end, it all depends on whether or not you have an over-arching story that makes readers endure the ugliness of it all. shock-value pales after a page of constant filth anyhow. there needs to be real tragedy in Dr. Fuck's false heroism.

>> No.23146897

That's in the past now, water under the bridge. I'm only looking forward. Maybe when I crank out several books this year, it will inspire others to write more, too.

>> No.23146898

who is 'she'?

>> No.23146900

The book has an overall theme of redemption and arrogance.

>The most arrogant paragraph I could come up with:
Michelle's guacamole stood as a monument to her unassailable superiority, not just in the realms of art and culture, but in the hallowed domain of gastronomy as well. Crafted from the finest organic avocados, these verdant jewels were not merely plucked from the branches of any tree, but were the bounty of an exclusive orchard in Mexico, hand-selected by an associate of Michelle's—a gentleman whose charm and culinary expertise eclipsed those of her own husband in both measure and manner. This associate, a luminary of the television cooking show circuit, world-famous, and multi-millionaire many times over, understood the importance of provenance, ensuring that each ingredient sung with the purity of its origin. Alongside these peerless avocados were slivers of red onions from the fertile fields of Tuscany, cilantro harvested under the watchful eye of a Peruvian shaman, sea salt whispered from the holy mines of Himalaya, and limes, their zest kissed by the sun of the Amalfi coast, each component intertwining to create a symphony of flavors. Into this alchemy of taste, Michelle stirred her soul, blending not just the ingredients but the essence of her unparalleled discernment. To the uninitiated, it was merely guacamole; to Michelle, it was the very epitome of culinary perfection, an elixir-paste that hinted of distant lands and elevated tastes—a dish so refined, so sublime, that it could only be described as perfection—a green-hued ambrosia that bore the unseen hand of ancient secrets and transcendent flavors—a creation so ethereal, so transcendent, it seemed to descend from the heavens itself, or the closest thing to it—her.

>> No.23146914

>over-arching story that makes readers endure the ugliness of it all.
I have a certain character who is the sweetest old lady who balances it all out. The book has several characters and everything crescendos in the end. I particularly like my character Tara from chapter 1, she is the most out-there hipster girl I could've written. I think she can fit into my next book as an antagonist because of the way this book ends.

>> No.23146983

Your tense is immediately contradictary. Keep to the past tense. Otherwise, it’s fun.

>> No.23147002

Thanks, but will the majority of readers even notice? The thought of going through the entire book and fine-tooth combing it for past tense seems like a lot of work for little real gain.

>> No.23147159

Well, I guess I could push back the release by a couple of days to put everything in past tense.

>> No.23147235

Holy fuck the AI fixes the tense so fucking fast it isn't funny!

>> No.23147296
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If it’s an intentional hallmark of the prose, it can be accommodated while reading (much like Gardner’s work (for whom tense is far beyond understanding)), otherwise it’s a terribly amateur delivery, and it makes it sound like the narrator is a little retarded. Now that might be a useful affectation in your case, for style, however out of context it’s really a dead giveaway that your prose is substandard.
I’m not saying it’s the end of the world; McCarthy plays with tense, but more thematically and within somewhat cognizant motifs. In the your case, it seems more like the mistake of an amateur writer pantsing stream of consciousness.
Because your work is also rife with unconventional sentences and grammar, you could definitely get away with claiming that erroneous tense shifting is just part of ‘your voice’.
I definitely recommend doing the work to correct the tense; it’s grade ten-tier criteria, and it makes reading much more enjoyable and immersive.
On the other hand, this isn’t your first rodeo, and I have read a little of your past work, for which your voice is rather similar, so, as I said, stylistically, maybe it fits. For me personally, it’s distracting, though I’ve read much worse.
I appreciate writers whose vision outpaces their technical skill because their ideas are often bombastic (like their personalities) and audacious. I enjoy James Krake for this reason.
Keep going, never stop, Jesus is Lord.

>> No.23147311 [DELETED] 

Have you composed much with AI? I used Inferkit (primarily; but among others) to help me write a novella earlier this year. I’d be interested in collaborating on an AI generated novel.

>> No.23147318
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Have you composed much with AI? I used Inferkit (primarily, but among other tools) to help me write a novella earlier this year. I’d be interested in collaborating on an AI generated novel.

>> No.23147391

When did they let you out of jail?

>> No.23147426
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When you publish, do yourself a favor and choose the proper trim size (pocketbook), and make sure it’s in EB Garamond or something equally sophisticated. Nerd out on every aspect of the design. Email me if you need anything.
Ari may have chosen to be the mortal enemy of &amp, but he perfectly embodies /lit/, and I will admit that he’s a terrific editor and designer. He doesn’t have a lot of work, but his theory is on point, and he’s taught me a lot. When RJC and I began our relationship, he sort of insisted that I share in the proceeds of the publication of his book, mostly because he’s a generous dude, and maybe because he wanted me to match his energy. And I almost have. Since then, we’ve rewritten our agreement to reflect my original paradigm. And we’re better for it. Because all of this rather private affair has become increasingly public, I have no problem now admitting that by wearing as many hats as I do, as casually and irreverently as I do, errors were overlooked, not only in my own works, but also in Shards. Ari actually helped us filter those errors by pointing them out in these History threads, and for that I’m both humbled and grateful. Ari would make an excellent addition to any writing/editing/designing roster, except that he’s not a team player. And that’s fine, because he offers his perspective here on /lit/, without any strings attached, or any expectations required.
I doubt he actually thinks I’m scamming anybody, he’s just hyper critical by nature, and doesn’t trust me. And why should he? I didn’t trust him about Atlas and look where it got me.
All in all, I’m not too concerned. Most of us know how much work it takes to write, edit, and fully self-publish an original book. It’s a lot. At the end of the day, despite the blackpill that these threads (and by extension this scene) may have become, we’re all gonna make it.

>> No.23147430

I broke out, some other niggas saving my spot for me. Jk I stuck a Nokia up my ass and now I’m posting from the gym yard (Bubba ain’t gonna like this).

>> No.23147436

I'm just getting used to using the AI at the moment, the best thing it is for, so far, is helping me see things that I don't see the first time I write. Like it makes suggestions for character development to show progress in a chapter. It is like having a person to bounce ideas off of, and it is pretty good at showing you things you're doing well and what you're forgetting. I completely forgot that I started writing about ants in one chapter and it reminded me that I had written about them and totally forgot to finish the next paragraph, and the character, high on drugs, hadn't mentioned them again. Totally slipped my mind because the chapter flowed so well that I forgot all about the ants!

>> No.23147440
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>> No.23147448

Jason Bryan may be the trolls’ primary food source, but at least I’ve read his stuff. Throwing tomatoes from the nosebleeds only makes him stronger, so maybe consider that he’s out-trolling you by at least getting attention to his art.

>> No.23147450

My brain is retarded and when I write, I see the scene in my head and tense is thrown out the window, so, as per your suggestion, I went through all of my chapters and have 4-15 tense switches in each chapter. I don't think my brain notices this stuff as long as the vision of the action in my head lines up, so a biiiiig thank you for helping point this out to me.

I pulled another all-nighter last night so I'm going to bed soon so will probably fix the tense tomorrow AM whenever I wake up.

>> No.23147459

It’s figuratively a mech suit for writing. I definitely prefer not to use ChatGPT because I don’t trust whatever style guide it subscribes to (modern writing is shit (nobody seems to read English classics (or write in a classical style))), however it’s a pretty handy research tool.

>> No.23147463

>you could definitely get away with claiming that erroneous tense shifting is just part of ‘your voice’.
It is definitely because I don't think tense, I think "does this create an image in my head" and I throw tense completely out the window. It is 100% because I don't see it while pantsing and I don't have a critical eye to my own work as long as the vision makes sense to me. This is where an expert on actual writing can help me refine the work. Thanks again!!! Definitely going to fix the tense. When I'm writing, I get this tunnel vision where the words just go on the page and after like an hour, I'm like in a zone where I'm not even thinking about typing, it's all automatic, and that's probably why I don't even pay attention to tense, because the words are flowing.

Appreciate your input! Already holding me to a higher standard.

>> No.23147472
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Once I get the ebook version on Amazon I'll definitely nerd out on the softcover... and I do want to create a hardcover too! Will reach out for your advice... This book is only 36k words, I think a pocketbook would be great!

>> No.23147484

AI has helped me write better, but doesn't have any critical eye to correct me on things like tense. It also moves words around to make the sentences flow better in ways that I didn't imagine. I love how it can take simple statements and suggest I expand on it for "x" and "y" reasons, and then it also gives me feedback on being too "wordy" and cuts out some shit I don't need.

I have to laugh that on Reddit's /r/writing they have such a massive hate for AI when it is just another tool in the toolbox. People shouldn't be afraid of it.

>> No.23147503

>For me personally, it’s distracting
When I asked the AI to point out all of the tense switching and it pointed out each instance and suggested a fix, I applied the fixes and... you're right, it does flow better. I can't see that in my own work because the writing matches the idea in my head. You, as the reader, don't have the idea in your head yet, you just feed yourself the words to build the story, and that's why the tense switching is so much clearer for you to see. I think I go "prose blind" after I write if that makes sense. The other day I wrote something like 6,000 words to finish the book in like 6 hours and I barely remember even working. I sat down, and blinked, and it was 6 hours later and I had to piss so badly then I got a migraine because I hadn't ate nor blinked for hours, then my shoulder was completely frozen in place because I was leaning on the left side of my body writing for hours without moving anything other than my fingers. Total trance-like state when I'm cranking out the words.

>> No.23147550
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>I doubt he actually thinks I’m scamming anybody
No, I do actually think you're running a scam.

>> No.23147642

What the fuck is your problem? Let him do his thing in peace, you're just a hater

>> No.23147676

new thread when?

>> No.23147706
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>my brain is retarded when I write
- genius is retarded
- practice makes perfect
- everyone needs an editor
It’s a unique period in the context of art and technology. There will always be pushback. For me, it’s a lot of fun, so I’d like to see where it goes.
Everybody you’ve spoken to about working with me has refuted your claims that I’ve scammed them.
I’ve always held an olive branch for you, except you’re the sultan of butt-hurt. And with regards to 4chan’s Literature board and its admittedly cringey landscape of original content, all you’ve done is crabbed out on my coattails.
I don’t doubt that if you spent as much time on creative pursuits as you do criticizing the creative pursuits of others, we’d have more common ground.
While I have your attention, how is the Best-Of coming along? Your perfectionism is hindering your productivity. Consider downsizing the scale of the project. You can do this. We all believe in you.

>> No.23147708

You know, even though this place has some horrible crabs, it also has some of the nicest and realest bros.

>> No.23147726
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>how is the Best-Of coming along?

>> No.23147730
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>> No.23147759

After seeing what you posted of chapter 3, I might check it out.

>> No.23147765

honestly it clearly sucks but ill still check it out becuase this is the trippiest thread ive read on lit in a while

>> No.23147770
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>Everybody you’ve spoken to about working with me has refuted your claims that I’ve scammed them.
RJC hasn't been paid yet (or has been paid very late), is going to lose 50% regardless, received dogshit (i.e. nonexistent) editing and oversight from you in return, signed a clearly superfluous contract which he didn't even fully understand, and was offered compensation via pyramid scheme---and so on. RJC's justification that you've funnelled his money into ads etc. is pointless considering the ads are a gain for you and only you while you hold out on paying him, and have the additional self-serving purpose of furthering your "brand", which is, again, done on RJC's dime; it's all a play at legitimacy and reach which you've financed in part by ripping him off. The fact that someone can't recognise being ripped off doesn't mean it's not happening; you've got a knack for recognising good marks.

At present you're playing nice with Jason in hopes of getting him to shit out AI novels for you, with surely a similar gameplan in mind.

>olive branch
My personal experience with you is that you're a knob-polishing cunt with a loose grip on reality, sucking up to get by and then losing it when you don't get what you want. Your laziness and sloppiness are tempered by a combination of drugs and mania, not to mention the pity of others.

Look at it now: you wrote a suck-up post about the quality of my work before switching to condescension after I told you off---to say nothing of your barely masked raving at me up until now. Suck a dick, dude.

>> No.23147793
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>combination of drugs and mania
Sounds fucking awesome!

>> No.23147868

brutal evisceration of the canadian schizo kenneth hartley.

>> No.23147975

You call that brutal?

>> No.23147977
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>page 10

>> No.23147986


New Thread

>> No.23148198
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