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23110251 No.23110251 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it seem like Japanese writers are more creative than American writers? This also goes for manga, games, etc.

On another topic, why are the Irish and English so much better at fantasy than Americans?

>> No.23110269

different cholesterol levels

>> No.23110272

japan doesn't care about ESG and woke culture

>> No.23110280

It's that full turbo otaku spirit guiding their minds and creating their creativity in writing.
The west dosen't have that.

>> No.23110329

I admire how someone like Kojima, influenced by Jewish Hollywood propaganda, tries to do the Hollywood thing, but his Japanese autism fails him. Instead of lecturing his audience about how bad whites are and how awesome trannys are like that Jewish faggot Neil Druckmann, his characters give a speech about the importance of everyone getting along.

Same thing with Hideaki Anno. Evagelion is about learning to live in the world and learning to love yourself. No nig politics. No critiques about why seele is evil because they're powerful and power is evil.

I think part of what makes Japan a based culture is their respect for authority, their hierarchical view of promotion (vs the west which denies hierarchy), their self-reflection (which western people, conditioned to not have an internal monologue, thinks has something to do with them being quiet, but this is why many of them are so to answer questions), and their respect for cleanliness. It's not a Japanese thing though; it's any isolated country with a mono-culture.

>> No.23110367

Because they're honourary Aryans. They must be one of the only non-white cultures in the world with their own original forms of art and media, albeit heavily influenced by the West, but nonetheless. Look at Korea, China, all these countries, they don't have shit of their own that's original. It's like Japan is the soul of all Asia.
I disagree about America though. Obviously the best of them they are just English, Irish, German, etc. transplants so they have the spark too.

>> No.23110377

I agree on the "japan is the soul of asia" thing.
It's like every time japan does something, china and korea follow.
Japan industrialized first,in the meiji era, creating a lot of high literature, with korea and later china following japan's example.
Japanese create anime, and later korea and china do their own inspired "anime" clearly inspired by japan's example.
So i agree, it's like japan creates the soul and later china and korea follow it in their own weird ways.

>> No.23110408

Part of it has to do with the Japanese people not receiving a post-modern education.

>> No.23110453

They have less sacred cows and political/social incentives.

>> No.23110494

ニガ you guys geniunely think Japanese culture equals
>Guin Saga
>Anno Hideaki
>And other stuff all of it is anime?
You guys are this shallow???

respect for authority????????? What the fuck????????
Literally namedropping "meiji era" and """respect for authority""" when these two contradict each other???

>> No.23110498

The Meiji emperor was an authority though.
So i don't get your point.
Also, how is saying all of that "shallow"?
Do you know of anything Japanese that's good that's not that?
Because i dont.

>> No.23110502


>> No.23110508


>> No.23110514


>> No.23110518


>> No.23110519


>> No.23110520

This is literally a work of Haruki

>> No.23110526


Please commit sudoku desu

>> No.23110587

I think what I admire most about modern Japanese culture, or, I suppose, "pop culture" is the work ethic and output that would be considered to be prolific in the west but is more or less standard for them. Writers write. Musicians make music. Mangaka draw. Directors direct. No one goes around calling themselves a "creative" and then crumbling like an interrogated criminal shown proof of their crime when asked "so have you create?".

This isn't an argument for quantity over quality, but rather artists seem to be passionate and sufficiently incentivized, and the entertainment industry in general, although I am sure is just as corrupt as in the west, doesn't seem to have let itself become as inefficient.

This can't be some inscrutable ancient eastern cultural idiosyncrasy that the west will never comprehend, because throughout much of the 20th century we were the same. You look many artists/musicians/writers/etc from the 30-50 years ago and they were similarly prolific in their output, and yes you still get that but it isn't industry standard and tends to be indie and niche.
It has happened to video games in the west more recently. You are getting these 6-8 year dev times becoming standard, hell the most recent AAA flop, Skull and Bones was in development for 11 years.

Japan produces a lot of shit, just as much, if not more than the west. But no one is waiting around for a decade for the turd to drop. When something is bad it is forgotten quickly, very little is lost, and people can check out the next dozen things to find something they like. It is increasingly harder in the west to simply call out "NEXT".

>> No.23110601

There's Dragonball Z too

>> No.23110658

weebs arent exactly known for being in touch with reality, its why so many of them tranny out

>> No.23111028
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Western art tends to have a single focal point, with every detail of the artwork referring back to said point. Eastern art tends to be more like a tableau, with no single thesis but a broader collection of elements.

This is easiest to see in the visual arts, where western paintings typically emphasize a single figure that all the other figures in the painting are somehow related to. Eastern paintings, on the other hand, are often court dramas or adventures where cliques and paired rivals share equal emphasis in the frame.

The same is true of literature. Most western novels focus on one character (e.g. Holden Caulfield) or one idea (e.g. “what if America was a patriarchal theocracy”). Because every other element of the novel refers back to this focal point, western writing feels derivative or lazy when it’s not done masterfully.

By contrast, an eastern novel will blend dozens of characters, themes, and stylistic elements, and no one part will be the referent of every other part. This makes the world of the eastern novel feel more imaginative, because there’s not a straightforward rationale for each element. However, when this style of writing is poor, we wind up with a collage of many unrelated things, signifying nothing.

People who mistake novelty for depth favor the mediocre eastern over the mediocre western. People who mistake single-mindedness for depth favor the mediocre western over the mediocre eastern.

>> No.23111040

Fantasy derives from history and culture. American culture and history is only 250 years old so there is nothing to draw from.
Plus most people in the west don't know Japanese culture, mythology, history so when they see a modern story that incorporates those influences it's like holy shit I've never seen anything like this before.

>> No.23111045

You description of the eastern novel reminds me a lot of modern western epic fantasy doorstoppers where generally often yeah you have you protagonist-ish character, but then spend a good deal of time POV hopping between a increasingly bloated cast of characters.

>> No.23111078

This is why I like eastern fantasy too. It feels chaotic and kinda random like how an actual world would be.

>> No.23111288
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The japanese have no creativity at all, everything you consider "japanese" is literally just aped off greater western works

>> No.23111290
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>> No.23111291
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>> No.23111313

>On another topic, why are the Irish and English so much better at fantasy than Americans?
The Irish? Post examples.

>> No.23111359

Fucking retard

>> No.23111365

I mean you.
You are cringe.

>> No.23111368

damn how do they get away with it??? and why do we remember godzilla and think its awesome and not "the beast from 20,0000 fathoms"