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23100245 No.23100245 [Reply] [Original]

Why is afrocentrist literature made fun of so often when this kind of stuff is more common AND more historically relevant?

>> No.23100250

Why do Anglo chuds like to larp as ancient Greeks and Romans?

>> No.23100254

Because this stuff is true

>> No.23100255

Ancient Greek colonies reached into modern day France and many English words are of Greek origin. It's not wewuzzing if you say Greeks wuz English people.

>> No.23100256

inferiority complex because said romans thought they were barbarians (and with good cause)
britain never once made a profit for the empire, it was always a drain on the economy and considered a backwater. let that sink in

>> No.23100257


>> No.23100259

>We wuzz greeks because some words!

>> No.23100264

True. The Roman reports were that the Anglos were the ugliest people they have ever seen in the world

>> No.23100265

> always a drain on the economy and considered a backwater. let that sink in
Speaks I favour of the English people. They are not an obedient slave race.

>> No.23100273
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It's kind of like niggers LARPing as Egyptians.

>> No.23100276

They were a useless people until better races conquered them.

>> No.23100280

Correct. Just as cringe.

>> No.23100281

Ok, if being obedient and complacent to you is better than to be barbarous and disobedient.

>> No.23100286

Marseillaise originated as a Greek colony. Unironically, we Gallics have the blood of the ancients running through our veins.

>> No.23100295

Literally everyone has the blood of the ancients running through their veins, retard.

>> No.23100300


>> No.23100302

I personally do not. I am of pure Germanic descendance.

>> No.23100303

whatever helps you cope, Nigel.

>> No.23100304

Greeks could have blond and red hair and blue eyes. They're white. Doesn't mean modern Europeans are directly descended from their particular type of white.

This shouldn't be controversial.

>> No.23100306

Based. The truth is you wouldn't catch non-Anglos larping as ancient Greeks. It seems to be a disease specific to them.

>> No.23100311

I must rectify what I have said. I am a Northern European Celto-Greek. The governmental building of my country has an old, ancient inscription in Greek letters used by my ancient Celtic forefathers.

>> No.23100313

Larping Anglos made it controversial. They should stick to their own culture and ethnicity.

>> No.23100322


>> No.23100324
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It's so funny how much everyone seethes over Anglos for pretty much no reason other than pure jealousy

>> No.23100329

It’s not common, but obviously this makes a lot more sense than sub-Saharan Africans saying they’re Jews or Moors or Wakandans or whatever.

>> No.23100331

Not anglo

>> No.23100334

The Irish are the real Jews and Greek history is millions of years old. Negros are malevolent bio-robots nerve-stapled by the Vatican to burn down Burger Kings owned by Protestants

>> No.23100335

That's the logic of a teenage girl. Everything is always muh jealousy. They never admit any wrongdoing. Pure narcissism.

>> No.23100340
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You just sound mad as fuck anon. Cry about it. YWNBAA

>> No.23100342

Weren't the ancient jews negroes? Or is that a meme?

>> No.23100344

I can 100% guarantee you meds have far more of an inferioty complex than nords due to recent history. Outside of this board meds always want to think of themselves as white (which they are). I mean go on and ask your average Italian or Spainard if they are white.

>> No.23100346

Only negroes use mad to mean angry as opposed to crazy. You're not anglo either.

>> No.23100350
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.... NTA, but what the fuck?

>> No.23100358

white is an American-made thing. Everyone is simply their ethnicity/nationality. Only the meds that are retarded fall into that amerifag label trap.

>> No.23100365

It's how it's used in polite English society and English literature. Mad = crazy. It's Americans and niggers who use it to mean angry.

>> No.23100367

You're missing the point. Anglos still belong to the larger identities of 'European' and 'white' that the Greeks did. Insofar as you believe those are significant, then Greece belongs to modern Europeans. But it's not as if the enormous influence of Greece hadn't already consolidated that.

>> No.23100372

You realise people identify as both white and their specific ethnicity especially in relation to other races? This is just a stupid /his/ delusion due to never leaving the house and actually interacting with people. Go and ask actual Italians and you will see not a single one agrees with you.

>> No.23100373
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The best part about being an Anglo is that the opinions of whatever backwater shithole you're from phase me as much as any other bugs.
Shit man, your biggest insult to me was to say that I'm in fact NOT an Anglo after all, as if being anything but is just a waste of a life.
I'm exactly Anglo enough to own old-world ivory unironically, dunno if they have inheritance wherever you're from. Can explain the concept if needed

>> No.23100381

Those identities you mention don't really exist. They're labels invented in modernity. What does exist is nationality. The ancient Greeks saw Northmen as a different and inferior group to them. It's ironic and completely anachronistic to see Anglos claim ancient Greek culture. The Greeks would've seen them as savages.

>> No.23100385

Didn't read your cope, Nigel. Try again.

>> No.23100386

Gobineau and the enormous influence he had on 19th and 20th century European thought would like to have a word with you.

>> No.23100390

>Uses Simpson garbage
If you were truly Anglo, you would have posted Wallace and Gromit.

YOU don't deserve to live. You are absolute garbage, the lowest of the barrel for your race. If you want to help your race, then commit suicide ASAP.

With the introduction of modern medical birth technologies, we no longer have natural genetic winnowing mechanisms. High infant mortality was a form of natural eugenics we no longer have. Cretins like you wouldn't have survived without modern medical intervention.

Also, I doubt you were breastfed. There is a direct correlation between intelligence and being breast-fed. Seeing how you've turned out, it would have been more merciful to drown you as a child.

I look forward to you knee jerk reaction, you edgelord automaton of infernal chaos.

>> No.23100394

Any anglos claiming greek culture are a tiny minority usually relegated to websites like this and you are their equally delusionally counterpart. Anglos only identify with greeks in as much as they are both european and their culture was heavily based on greek culture. Why is this so hard for you to understand? I mean you are realy going to pretend greeks don't see themselves has having more in common with anglos compared to say japanese and therefore belong not only to their own ethnicity but a larger umbrella category?

>> No.23100404

not him but are you actually losing your shit over a simpsons reaction image? meds asap

>> No.23100406

I have read 19th Century racial scientism papers and one study concludes that the Semites are a group of ancient whites who however, still in upper Asia, mixed with a minority of nig-nogs and thus arrived mixed in the Assyrian lands, wich during that time was majority nigger, minority white, according to the paper. So in short the original essence of all Semitic peoples, including the Jews, is white, but this original essence was heavily alterated by a series of subsequent mixtures with negro and half-negro stock.

>> No.23100407
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>I look forward to you knee jerk reaction
Oh dear.

Again your best offence against Anglos is basically to say that I'm not good enough to be one. So they can't be that bad then can they? I'll post whatever culture I like, it's the way of my people to take without asking.

You also come across as not being half as smart as you think you are :)

Why lie? I know you did

>> No.23100410
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>it's the way of my people to take without asking.

>> No.23100416

That was my first post in this thread.

Wallace and Gromit is better than Simpsons. It you are truly Anglo, why did you post a Simpsons meme image rather than an Anglo one, huh?

America is not culturally connected to Europe. It was never culturally Anglo.

>> No.23100417

Again, you're missing the point. Many people DO see, whether scientific, linguistico-cultural, metaphysical, or whatnot, a uniting identity between all Europeans. They would say, just because the Greeks and all other peoples were living under the pressure of ancient times, and, as a result, did not see it, does not mean it does not exist. And likewise one can say your modern, totalising idea of the 'nation' is an anachronism, as if, because Greeks defined themselves above all as a people against others, they wouldn't see similarities or differences to relative degrees, as shades rather than lines.

But, again, the ultimate fact is that our civilisation begins with Greece. Europeans are the only people who can say that, and that is enough to define the Greeks as 'ours', just as if, hypothetically, Japan being civilisationally founded on Greece, even though they're a totally difference race, would allow them to claim descent or ownership. In the greatest significance Greece is European, because our 'Europe' is built upon Greece. So even if it is anachronistic, it doesn't really matter.

>> No.23100424

It's much more fringe and has now died out completely after studying ancient genetics became a thing.
If they don't then they have to accept that what they idolize is foreign to them and they spend all their history living in straw huts until Romans raped them. Which is true
They're handling it a bit better now but still like to larp as some steppe nomads. Why not just embrace your viking/snownigger/whatever heritage? That's cool too, imagine wanting to compete with Meds in their own game. Stick to what you do best snownigger
Isn't southern France like almost 100% Italian genetically? Some Greek must be there too
There was a genetic study that shows this in some page, France is mostly homogeneous and then there's a small part identical to Spain and Italy
Could be Corsica tho
Anglo culture has nothing to do with Greek culture, you could read a book about Greek culture and realize this. Bruckhardt is good for that
>I mean you are realy going to pretend greeks don't see themselves has having more in common with anglos compared to say japanese
Actually try Turks or Iranians

>> No.23100425

I don't see a uniting identity. I would prefer Euroshits to go back to slaughtering one another. It would benefit you in the long-run too.

>> No.23100426

> Many people DO see, whether scientific, linguistico-cultural, metaphysical, or whatnot, a uniting identity between all Europeans
Jewish non-sense most self-allegedly anti-semitic poltards religiously believe in. Sad!

>> No.23100428

Your civilization begins with Judeochristianity actually

>> No.23100430
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Meds don't care about made-up Anglo-American identities anymore.

>> No.23100434

Most euros are busy importing sandniggers and niggers to slaughter them because they got too lazy to do it themselves

>> No.23100439

I'm Greek and have not heard anyone in over 25 years using the word "white", online or irl kek. The only time it was from some american translated globohomo article
We just refer to others by their ethnicity. At most we'll use the term "scandinavians" for northerners

>> No.23100450

>Europeans are the only people who can say that
No, Greeks are the only people who can say that. You mock niggers for wewuzzing but Angloids act exactly the same. It's also not even your civilization. Greco-Roman civilization is a different thing as Spengler pointed out. An Anglo claiming Greek culture is no different from Jamal in Chicago claiming Egyptian culture.

>> No.23100463

The Arabs in Egypt claim to be Egyptians though so your stupid comparison does not make up. What are Italians? What are modern Greeks? And many Europeans even outside of those countries are at least genetically related to them if not culturally. Greco-Roman civilization has also heavily influenced Romano-Germanic civilization. I'd say it's share to it was about 50%. All in all fuck yourself in the asshole discord tranny.

>> No.23100468

This sort of resentment for the obvious superiority of modern Europe is evidently your only motivation in this argument. There was a time when the Mediterranean was doing nothing but 'slaughtering one another'. But modern day Europe and its ancestors became the carriers of the torch of civilisation and advancement, and no one could claim they have performed at it worse than the ancient Greeks, contrary to which you seem to be implying modern Europeans are biologically inferior to the ancient Greeks.

But none of this was necessary to say, because you're clearly a retard. You don't see any uniting identity? Not as if we all speak European languages! This type of disingenuous argument is why your motivation is so clear. You could recognise some basis to the claim of a larger, uniting identity, while at the same time argue against the enormous significance claimed for it. That would be the reasonable thing to do from your position. Actually look at the arguments people make, instead of pretending like people are basing their views on what Greeks thought of the matter.

>> No.23100470

Why are you guys so angry?

>> No.23100472

They were reminded that they aren't Anglos.

>> No.23100478

Way to miss the point that we got all of our technology, art, science, philosophy, religion from Greece and continued to build on it. Way to miss that THAT WAS MY ENTIRE POINT. And, as a result, Greece is of foundational importance to OUR CIVILISATION. You fucking retard.

Unbelievably disingenuous argumentation. Do you have such an inferiority complex that you can't even argue in good faith?

>> No.23100479

You sound upset after being found out. You really thought Greek culture belonged to you, didn't you, Nigel?


As mentioned before, you mock Jamal for wewuzzing but you're the same shit.

>> No.23100484

Anglos get upset when people correctly point out their larp.

>> No.23100489

I have already explained it: it's not wewuzzery if you claim that Greek people have 'created' the English people.

>> No.23100493

This thread stays up but me posting my thoughts from reading a specific book gets deleted with a 3 day ban

>> No.23100495

You sound like the fat black women on twitter claiming Mozart was black. There's no need for such an unbelievably dogmatic and one-sided argument. You should be able to grant the complicated interrelation of European culture and genetics, rather than equating the difference between Greece and England as that between sub-Saharan Africans and Europeans. Refusing to do so, ironically, makes YOU look like the smug blacks who think they're responsible for everything great in the world.

>> No.23100496

>The Arabs in Egypt
Which ones? Most modern Egyptians are almost identical to the ancient ones.

>> No.23100497

No, your entire point was weaseling in Anglos via some made up European identify that never existed in order to claim Greek culture.

>> No.23100498

Serves you right.

>> No.23100502

>assumed I was another poster
I don't see you people as superior no matter how much retarded rhetoric you can give. Neither your praise nor condemnation of me literally means anything either. I just skim read your trash posts at this point.
In fact, I hold such little regard for you that you're not a part of my narrative, at all. We live "in parallel" with little to no interaction outside of business contexts. I see you "people" as transparent haze with the illusion of phenomenal experience. Your eyes sparkle with the darkness of demons. That's how little attention I pay to you.
I was just pointing out I don't see a uniting identity when viewing your histories, and I would prefer you go back to slaughtering one another. Would side with either China or Israel in destroying your cultural legacies and "people".

>> No.23100504

>But modern day Europe and its ancestors became the carriers of the torch of civilisation and advancement
Buddy, Europe went from worshiping a jew to worshiping niggers and trannies and is currently dying out after said niggers and other sandniggers breed them out of existence
Not very Greco-Roman innit
/his/ tradition

>> No.23100508

kek look at this dood

>> No.23100509

You only argument is to make up an ridiculous imaginary enemy and then project. This is how I know what I say it's true and hurts the Anglo pride. I know I'm sticking my finger in your wound. You wil never be Greek.

>> No.23100512

>evidence is a 4chan post

you ever heard of a vpn?

>> No.23100516
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>tfw Angloids ACTUALLY thought they were Greek

>> No.23100520

These 'genetic studies' are nonsensical. If Egypt was founded by Aryans, on top of a nigger mass, and later conquered by Semites, and all this people mixed with each other, while in Arabia we have a group of Semites, who founded their society on top of a nigger mass, and later conquered by an Aryan minority, and all these people mixed with each other, and the modern Arab appeared, and conquered modern Egypt, then of course the two people have a similar genetic makeup. It doesn't mean that the people living there are anyhow actually similar to the ancient Egytpians wich they arguably are not.
In any way it is not 'wewuzzing' for a modern, Muslim, Arab speaking Egyptian to say he descends from ancient Pharaons. It simply is not the same as Jamal from America saying he is Egyptian and the same applies to Europeans. There have been many Greeks all around continental Europe.

>> No.23100525

But why do you insist on Anglos of all people? Just say modern or northern European, unless you somehow think Germany is in a different boat to England.

>some made up European identify that never existed in order to claim Greek culture.
You are as dumb as pigshit. You're literally making whatever Mediterranean country you come from sound like it is biologically inferior. In our European history, Greece is foundational. That is the very least you could agree with, that no one should need to argue against. It doesn't involve claiming to be biologically descended from Greeks, it doesn't claim a great significance for the shared qualities of Indo-European language and culture. It's not even claiming we would be of any significance to ancient Greece if they saw us today. It is only claiming that Greece is uniquely significant to US in world-history. Why are you so sensitive that you need to deny and misrepresent this, unless you have some sort of inferiority complex when looking at European civilisation?

>> No.23100529

Snow nigger we wuz LARPing. Read some population genetics. Or better yet, just kys

>> No.23100532

Haplogroups are useless. I might as well have a Sub-Saharan African haplogroup and it wouldn't change the fact that I'm 99% white.

>> No.23100533

I've never witnessed this, this seems like a solely German phenomenon.

>> No.23100534

Such an astounding example of inferiority complex. So much malice and seething, and for no reason. I'm not even claiming your people, whoever they are, are inferior.

I'm just going to guess that the "white people wewuzz at Greeks" posters, that inevitably show up in every thread, are spics.

>> No.23100535

Europe was a mistake born from the ruins of the hypocritical Romans.

>> No.23100540

>biology is not real when I don't like it
Also there were no Iranians in Egypt. And by the time Egypt was founded Europe was still full of Anatolian farmers, the Yamnaya hadn't even migrated yet
Even in the scenario where some elite minority founded Egypt these would be gone long before 2500 BCE and the rest would just be the common sandpeople. Egypt's glory days were after that
>It simply is not the same as Jamal from America saying he is Egyptian
Yeah no shit lol
>There have been many Greeks all around continental Europe.
Northern settlements were sparse or nonexistent and disappeared without a trace. Likely just merchants moving for business. Greco-Roman culture was spread by Romans, but once they lost their colonies in Britain for example the culture disappeared. Romans occupied most of Europe like Ottomans occupied Arabia, they didn't change anything

>> No.23100541

You first

>> No.23100542

I am talking about autosomal DNA, pseud snow nig.
I just don't like you people. There's no seething. I barely talk to snow nigs anymore outside of berating you demons on here.

>> No.23100543

And you sound like you have an iq of 90 because you have trouble understanding very simple and reasonable arguments. You leave this correspondence in antagonism, I leave it in astonishment. You've clearly based your entire self-worth on Anglos, or any northern European I'm presuming, having nothing to do with Greek culture, and it's pathetic.

>> No.23100545

Nobody is talking about haplos, we're talking about autosomal DNA. Literally all the genes in your body, with haplos being something like 0,05% the total

>> No.23100554

> Anatolian farmers, the Yamnaya hadn't even migrated yet
Celts. Continental Europe was full of Celts. This is the opinion of Herodotus, these are the facts brought to us by the Romans.
> Greco-Roman culture was spread by Romans, but once they lost their colonies in Britain for example the culture disappeared
It did not disappear though. Most of what is considered 'civilized' and 'cultured' in Northern Europe is the Greco-Roman heritage. Castles, Germanic language, the Middle Ages, that is the heritage of the Northern peoples.

>> No.23100557

So the thing I share 99,7% of with chimps?

>> No.23100562

>I just don't like you people.
>I barely talk to snow nigs anymore
>berating you
This is a case study in inferiority. I don't have dislike any nation in the world, or at least not to the point where I act like a bitchy woman to them on the internet. I talk to Israelis perfectly normally on the internet, and no one, in theory, likes them. I just don't understand how you can think your hatred is logical. Did too many white people call you a shitskin or something? That's not even an insult, it's just that you talk like you have a personal source for this hatred. 'anymore' as if you've had bad experiences. I just don't get it, except supposing an inferiority complex, given the topic at hand. You're dogmatically, ideologically, opposed to Europeans.

>> No.23100566

I barely talk to any of you except on here. I don't bother reading your posts anymore outside of skimming. That's how little regard I hold for you.
Blah blah. Kys, pos.
Israel should join BRICS and then proceed to systematically cull every European. You can cry to your Jew on a stick to save you all the way to hell.

>> No.23100567

oh boy oh boy oh boy it‘s this psycho again

>> No.23100573

>celts in <2500 BCE
lol nigger, are you aware that celts barely existed in 1300 BCE?
>Most of what is considered 'civilized' and 'cultured' in Northern Europe is the Greco-Roman heritage.
It's actually christian, with stylistic influences from greeks and romans. you're aware that civilization and culture refer to many things before mere architectural style? lol
>that is the heritage of the Northern peoples.
actually their heritage is what they built mostly themselves, vikings and all that. Never understood why they never bring those up
and 60% with bananas but you might be closer to 95%
I think you're confusing inferiority complex with disgust. It's the opposite, he thinks you're subhuman

>> No.23100575

This has more to do with the Brits being a bunch of swamp ogres, so being associated with ancient Greece is a massive upgrade. You don't typically see Germans bragging about kicking Greece's ass as barbarians, or Hungary bragging about Atilla being directly related to them, or Poles being a direct genetic link to the Visigoths, or the Middle East impregnating Spain through religious conquest because their history isn't as sad as Britain's. The only thing they really accomplished was systems of central banking, and a lot of that they just plagiarized from big nose Khazar gypsies who like to poison wells.

>> No.23100576

Wow, you're a cool guy. You're being rude to someone on the internet, and declaring that it's intentional. Very strong and intimidating! You look cool.

One day I hope you get over your inferiority.

>> No.23100580

looks more like they’re circumcising him

>> No.23100585
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>he thinks you're subhuman
Do you realise how little this means coming from someone who's probably not white?

>> No.23100587

a lot of cope itt

>> No.23100590

Whatever you are, I'd rather not be. Keep LARPing, snow nigger trash.

>> No.23100591

Words don't mean anything in general, I don't think it means anything to you and it doesn't mean much to him either. He just wants you dead, just like others do. It's fairly common among humans
Why would it mean anything? It just explains his behavior toward you

>> No.23100595

What nationality are you even?

>> No.23100596

I'm glad I'm not a snow nigger. I consider Indian and Chinese cultural legacies richer than your LARPing bullshit one.
Btw Romans were a bunch of hypocritical bastards. If I were a snownig, I wouldn't want anything to do with their legacy

>> No.23100602

Generally speaking, blacks being called subhuman is an extremely sore insult for them because it touches on a soft point, their history. In the same way, a white person being called subhuman is just laughable and I don't think it would ever lead to a physical altercation. Words clearly mean things, dude...

>> No.23100605

> lol nigger, are you aware that celts barely existed in 1300 BCE?
We know as a historical fact that they conquered the Pyrannees in the year 1600 BC. So at that point they had already spread far into the West but they are many thousands of years old, coming from Upper Asia.

>> No.23100626

Everything good about Indians was derived from White people

>> No.23100636

Keep LARPing, snow nigger trash. Unlike you, I've studied the population genetics considerably.

It was only when Sintashta snow nigs mixed out with the indigenous populations that are higher culture was created, one that surpassed the Sintashta by themselves initially.

Kys, snow nig. Literally mixing yourselves out of existence will yield superior cultures to your own. Perhaps they will do more impressive things than sucking the dick of a Jew on a cross.

>> No.23100637

>I consider Indian and Chinese cultural legacies richer than your LARPing bullshit one.
Yet the only reason they still are states and are able to defend themselves is because of European technological innovations...

>> No.23100651

Blah blah, I don't care about snow nigger half assed assessments on complex historical contingencies, the complexity introduced by modernity and industrialization, and so on. The world is in an unstable environmental and cultural mess, largely stemming from Faustian snow nigger innovations, and I don't give two shits what a dumb plebian snow nig like you has to say. I barely skin your pseud posts.

>> No.23100652
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is /his/ down? third worlder seethe belongs there

>> No.23100659

If you want to whine about other races, then I'll attack yours too, snow nigger trash. Your race can't vanish soon enough. Go back to your Twitter safe space.

>> No.23100664

>the complexity introduced by modernity and industrialization
That doesn't matter if the entire complexity, as you hint at, is European. At any rate I don't know where you anger comes from.

>> No.23100672
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I don't understand how this much seethe is going to make your skin look any less like feces, must be some butthurt third worlder voodoo medicine type thing

>> No.23100673

No the transcendent metaphysics were the best part

>> No.23100674

>the entire complexity, as you hint at, is European
The Faustian snow nigger says this like it's a good thing. Not like your underclass vermin are cognitively equipped to grapple with such high level of complexity either.
Can't wait until AGI and further ecological erosion finally humbles you while you eat shit in pain.

You can amor fati all the way to hell. Basically turned Nietzsche's conclusions into a global phenomenon.

>> No.23100677
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Anglosionists (not all english/ american people) think all the World spins around them. Same happened with the french until they lost in some months at the biggest war ever.

>> No.23100683

I have light skin, snow nigger trash, but I wouldn't mind if I had dark skin. Anything to resemble you disgusting vermin less. You people disgust me so much that I never bothered sleeping with your whorish man jawed women. Many of them hit on me too. I don't lie. They're whores just like you. A bunch of detestable stupid snow nigger filth.
The transcendent metaphysics does not have origin with the Sintashta, you stupid snow nigger trash. The nonduality and monism were later additions to the Upanishads (which is coextensive with Veda's).

I'm not Indian. I just like them more than you on average.

>> No.23100689
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hahaha lil third world midge malding hard

>> No.23100702

Varna culture and others were the opposite, and it seems that's what is happening again with the "trucks of peace". More trucks of peace are coming your way.

>> No.23100705

This exactly. The Greeks themselves.said they migrated back to Hellas in waves.

>> No.23100715

Larping snow nigger trash.

>> No.23100728

Classical era near-middle easterners.used to call themselves white.

>> No.23100734

No one gives a shit what a poorly read snow nigger filth POS like you has to say. You should just commit suicide. It would help your race in the long run too.

>> No.23100742

It does though and the later pajeet stuff is just weird perversions

>> No.23100743

I'm detecting copious butthurtic activity within the pajeet-arab-jew butthurt triangle ITT

>> No.23100752

I've studied the matter deeply, pompous snow nigger trash. You're wrong. Sintashta and Scythians were a bunch of nomadic retarded vermin, and the later Persian or Indian cultures had marginal admixture with them.

>> No.23100765
File: 137 KB, 288x865, white and black Syrians from Strabo&#039;s 16th book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about when the ancient Syrians themselves were white supremacists?

>> No.23100768

The Greeks themselves said they came in Aeolian, Ionian, and Dorian waves. The Dorians wear the same clothes and have the same art style as ancient Danes.

>> No.23100770

Having light skin does not autosomally make you into a Euroshit. You are underclass snow nigger trash who is incapable of any deep reflection. I recommend killing yourself, which would unironically benefit your race in the long run by offering eugenic benefits.

>> No.23100776

You must be pitifully deep into cope to explain away all of the religious connections of the Indo-Aryans while dismissing the literal toilet that India has been since they lost primary influence.

>> No.23100778
File: 117 KB, 1080x810, scythian metal working.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scythians were a bunch of nomadic retarded vermin

Which is why they were master craftsmen and conquered everything from Poland to Mongolia.

Did /pol/ have its way with you again or were you rejected by another girl today?

>> No.23100779
File: 57 KB, 220x410, Lucablight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pea brained snow nigger trash should have never learned to read or write. It's obvious you are not good with abstractions and remaining unbiased you "people" are not worth engaging except beyond driving a sword through your throats. Hopefully more trucks of peace come your way and more of vermin children eat the gravel.

>> No.23100783

>whiteness is a white racial concept
>wait no it's a near eastern cultural concept too
>but that doesn't matter because uh uh uh uh

You realize you sound like a psycho right?
Keep moving those goalposts.

>> No.23100784

ok the dude might be a bit deranged kek
the spartans thought they were originally achaeans thoughbeit. Return of the Heracleids is what the Dorians were
Dorians are post-homer too btw. Greeks used the word αυτόχθονες for themselves, indigenous Born out of the land
Dorians were also confined in the south, and the dialect is a west Greek one

>> No.23100788

>you can't read or write
>here we are reading or writing

Thinking isn't your strongsuit. I get it. I'd be angry too if I were so stupid.

>> No.23100789
File: 2.14 MB, 3400x2800, 1672188962040838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/his/ is leaking, this kind of ethnic buttholocaustic meltdown is the board's specialty

>> No.23100791

>all of the religious connections of the Indo-Aryans
There aren't any actually. There are connections between Greeks, Iranians and Indians with Assyrians and Levantines but if you look at the Nordic Bronze Age for example they lack almost all the gods that the Vikings had, hence they were later imports. Or Bell Beakers.

>> No.23100793

Keep gloating, snow nigger trash. The Scythians were a bunch of boorish faggots. If you want to be a Scythian so much than why not do the Enaree ritual, lol?
NW India preserved its Brahminic traditions well.
Point is, indo Aryan was not unidirectional.
Keep relying on lying by omission, snow nigger demon trash.

>> No.23100797

Don't look up their genetic makeup kek
varg is based and he married a med (which is why his son has brown hair)
Nords hate varg mostly, Meds love him. Cope

>> No.23100798
File: 327 KB, 2000x1125, Skoloti bro 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Scythians were a bunch of boorish faggots

What's fueld your racism for today? It really sounds like envy, as others pointed out.

>> No.23100800

Having light skin does not mean anything, snow nigger demon trash. I'd rather be a psycho than to be on good terms with genetic lying garbage like you. You should have never learned to read or write.
You can't read or write WITH NUANCE. You most likely have ADHD and should commit suicide.

>> No.23100802
File: 176 KB, 778x921, Scythian in Mongolia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't look up their genetic makeup kek

You don't know it yourself. You can't even post sample sizes or dates.

>> No.23100803

You are not a Scythian, snow nigger trash.
The Scythians died out for a reason.
Hopefully you meet their date soon too.

>> No.23100808

Projecting. You're a literal psychopath and you know it. Any day now you're going to migrate to Europe for free stuff and end your time by slashing innocent civilians in the streets after being rejected for employment and female companionship. You know its over.

>> No.23100810
File: 266 KB, 1280x914, 1706551426974244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>married a med
kekkaroni, new lil medi cope just dropped

>> No.23100812
File: 1.56 MB, 2634x1821, on roman phenotypes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scythians didn't die out, they just switched languages. Twice. They went from Iranic to Germanic then to Turkic and Slavic.

>> No.23100813
File: 414 KB, 1400x1990, nature-science-Gnecchi-Ruscone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, pretty mindblowing to see how people who were full of chink and sandnigger DNA had light features (hair, eyes, skin). But then again all of these traits originate from far before, light hair and light eyes originally in dark skinned hunter gatherers.
Crazy innit

>> No.23100814

As I've said, I have had plenty of snow nigger women hit on me. I never found such "people" attractive. I genuinely do not like you and want nothing to do with you
I'd embraced being a psychopath if it means you suffer and eat shit and die.
I do what is expected to survive like pay taxes or whatever. I am averse to taking risk, but the event of a societal collapse, I think would not be against crushing your skills

>> No.23100818
File: 73 KB, 720x900, Siberian Ice Maiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sample sizes? Sample dates? Sample locations? Actual citation? There are no actual sources listed. It's just colors and scribbles. You have the brain of a literal five year old. Very undeveloped. It's probably too late for you.

>> No.23100820

I am not in the mood to debate this further. To me you are insentient retarded trash. I've studied much of this impartially and your issue is confirmation bias AND lying by ommission.
I can justify anything too with confirmation bias and lying by ommission.

>> No.23100825

>Meds can have light traits
groundbreaking research, as if we didn't know it from 9000 BCE kek
Since ancient DNA dropped we don't even have to post the actual breakdown of the apricity chart because it doesn't even matter. Get on with the times anon

>> No.23100830
File: 452 KB, 1696x873, Vinca-Varna00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a NEET, KHV. It's obvious that you're a danger to society though. Someone should report you to the authorities before you do something crazy.

>I am not in the mood
Aw what's the matter? Can't take a little scrap? Thought you'd blow off some steam without getting each of your points stomped into the dirt?

>> No.23100834

Here lmao
You can look up all the other studies on scythians as well, Lazaridis et al 2022 too as he includes some. The samples sizes are of course relatively small since scythians were not numerous, and in every single one of the we find the same type of DNA mix
>Siberian Ice Maiden
Pazyryk culture, insanely chinked up. You can look up their facial reconstruction, they look like full blown chinks. At least the rest of the mutts look somewhat caucasoid although very large-nosed

>> No.23100836

I am a computer scientist.
I am averse to taking risks.
I have no issue breaking your spirits on here.
I am not going to do anything that puts me in risks with authorities.
I am just saying I would prefer you to die, including your women or children.

For example, let's say society collapsed and I became a warlord king. This is a thought experiment. I would never rape your women, but I wouldn't be against torturing them in a non sexual manner and sending you their severed heads as a gift. That is all.

>> No.23100839

>'ve studied much of this impartially and your issue is confirmation bias
You literally just dropped a picture designed to cater specifically to confirmation bias. It was a set of facts with zero evidence to support them. You either know you're projecting, or worse, you don't and you're afraid that you are but can't even figure it out yet.

>Since ancient DNA dropped

The Romans and Greeks said they themselves were this way. Meanwhile you're using sample sizes as small as a dozen. We all know Roman and Greece had slaves, so this means absolutely nothing. You have no idea where your sample sizes come from and no actual source to define your evidence. You don't actually have any evidence at all. You're just stating facts that you would like to hear.

>> No.23100842

Anonkun we've analyzed both peasants and elites, and the slaves of Greeks were literally other Greeks as they've said themselves. Moreover your cope is that "well all the evidence don't show what I want so we need more evidence", it's a pretty funny pseudoscientific god of the gaps case which of course is already refuted by the genetic makeup of Scandinavia and the Balkans at the time. We literally know how these people are, we know cultural influences and population movements. Randomly guessing fanfiction has died out and for a good reason. This is why the only thing you can do is word salad on an indonesian fish frying forum

>> No.23100843

The only picture I dropped was of Luca Blight, you stupid snow nig.

>> No.23100847

>mr. ubooduh please just sign the discharge form so we can release you and give your padded room to a patient who might be cured
>heh, another snow nig roastie REJECTED

>> No.23100848

You mean IT help desk without a degree. You probably don't have a degree because most IT, or especially computer science programs, require taking statistics. So when you link me this bullshit right here saying:

>"To address these questions, we produced genome-wide data for 111 ancient individuals"

You didn't know that in order to meet a standard deviation less of 3% with a confidence factor of 95% that you would need 3000 samples. 2000 samples would already drop you to around 70% accuracy from the usual 97% most studies require. 111 samples is nothing. That number drops to a few percent of accuracy. In other words, it is most definitely not accurate. You dropped evidence of being a complete retard and it's obvious you have no idea what's going on because the questions I asked are all answered by the paper you linked, and it all says exactly what I thought about you. You're a clueless idiot.

>> No.23100850

By the way, I was always curious about this. Some Scandinavians apparently left Scandinavia and did some amazing stuff in faraway lands but Scandinavia remained a shithole, with the same type of Scandinavians, even though the Romans built pretty cool shit later on in the same environment (see Britain and Germany).
Did the best stock of Northerners go down and mix with the Southerners and only the genetic trash remained back in the North? That's not a very good look Nordbros kek

>> No.23100852

I have two BS degrees in STEM. I am presently doing a MS.

You are confusing people, you dumb snow nigger trash.

>> No.23100856

>Pazyryk culture, insanely chinked up. You can look up their facial reconstruction

You're literally just copying the Russia Beyond article and it's apparent you have no idea what you're actually talking about. The literal definition of reaching for straws.

>> No.23100857

>yes sar two degree from Calcutta
>pay the money get the paper, very easy curriculum

>> No.23100859

No you don't. You didn't have knowledge on this topic at all. You literally just copy/pasted a Russia Beyond article without actually reading it hoping buzzwords would be enough to make you sound credible. Not to mention you posted statistical information that completely undermines your genetic argument.

>> No.23100862

I'm not Indian. I just prefer their race on average more than yours. I think snow niggers deserve a genocide, and I am not saying this lightly.

>> No.23100866

That's not me, you stupid fucking snow nigger garbage. You and your whole familial line should be slaughtered IMHO.

>> No.23100867
File: 148 KB, 850x539, Sculptural-reconstruction-on-the-skull-of-the-Scythian-queen-Reconstruction-by-RM Pazyryk from Arzhan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea what you're talking about anon, but here have some cool skulls anyway! Here's an elite

>> No.23100868
File: 27 KB, 410x500, dna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people should go get an AncestryDNA test, I doubt you come out as nice Shirley here did

>> No.23100872
File: 241 KB, 740x545, Pazyryk scythians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More from Pazyryk. The other scythians seem to have more middle eastern DNA and less chink but it's still there. At least they didn't look as mongoloid

>only 9% native british (+2% from great britain)
Holy fucking grim.

>> No.23100882
File: 714 KB, 879x805, siberian ice maiden reconstructed bust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the "Asian hapa" you were talking about. Notice how it doesn't look Asian or very hapa. That Russia Beyond article had her dressed up with robes and with her hair up in a weird fashion, there's no evidence it was like even that. The artistic liberties were just for news interest. That should have been obvious.

>> No.23100889

Those skull tops don't even match. The one of the left is clearly caucasoid, the one on the right has its skull top rounded and face flattened, chin is even receded. More liberties where you can get them I suppose.

>> No.23100890

>slanted eyes
>no nose bridge
Anon, I...
You do realize these people were >40% mongoloid genetically right?

Here's a question, if she looked 100% Dutch due to selection of such facial traits, but remained a literal half chink, would you accept her into your ethnostate if you had one?

>> No.23100894
File: 898 KB, 970x2478, Mongol nobles r1b mongol warrior r1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You do realize these people were >40% mongoloid genetically right?

No they weren't. The Asiatic element doensn't kick up until the Chinese population boom in the 1300s. The Chinese pop boom doesn't even crest until the 1600s. That's where the Uralic migrations came from- expulsions from China post- Mongolian dissolution combined with Han population surges. That's that actual, material and written, history.

>> No.23100898
File: 444 KB, 4096x1365, F6PVYgsXoAAyIhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The left isn't a skull, it's a sculpture. This is a skull, from Skilur the king. Even in literal European lands, the Western Scythians carried significant Asian and Middle Eastern ancestry and this affected how they looked like, even though they did not have a caucasoid+mongoloid skull mix like many Eastern Scythians.
Any questions? Do read up the studies sometimes, they're interesting. You'd spend your time better instead of posting here about things you don't understand

>> No.23100904

>The Asiatic element doensn't kick up until the Chinese population boom in the 1300
There were no Scythians by then. Also the earliest Scythians from the Iron Age have the most mongoloid DNA out of all later ones
Not sure what you're on about

R1b (R-M343) has been in China since Afanasievo times btw, and persisted throughout the Iron Age.

>> No.23100910

>Here's a question, if she looked 100% Dutch due to selection of such facial traits, but remained a literal half chink, would you accept her into your ethnostate

...What? Ethnicity is cultural. It just happens to carry with it racial implications because everyone is racist and self-identifies this way. Strange question but if she looks Dutch then those genetic levers for behaviour are likely closer to Dutch, she would probably act more like a Dutchwoman.


I'm not mocking you I just found this funny

>Western Scythians carried significant Asian and Middle Eastern ancestry and this affected how they looked like

Meanwhile: >>23100894
And the Romans are saying the Cumans are as white and blonde as Normans. We have to face the actual fact: something happened to them all. Everywhere from Gaul to Mongolia has blonde samples of light skinned, clearly very European features on the softer side. Then they start disappearing in the medieval. We know what happened in China between 200-400, they were genocided, but we wouldn't expect their genocides in Russia until the 1300-1600s due to population pressures.

>> No.23100911

>still no answer

>> No.23100914
File: 206 KB, 1089x820, Europe Looting 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want the honest truth as to why you can't see the cultural black holes and fill them in yourself.

>> No.23100915

Modern anglos are Christians so that's a no-go for these faggots, so they have to go back to pre-Christian times. Anglos' pre-Christian ancestors were illiterate swamp barbarians so they have to go appropriate more successful ancient cultures instead.

>> No.23100917
File: 149 KB, 1064x717, Europe Looting 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There were no Scythians by then
Obviously, linguistically they had already switched through three other language families, which further illustrates the point: why did the largest confederation on Earth dissolve without much discussion from the written record?

>> No.23100919
File: 2.00 MB, 4000x2250, Newgrange Monument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anglos' pre-Christian ancestors were illiterate swamp barbarians

That's weird. So why are some of the oldest monuments in the world all in Britain?

>> No.23100921

>Ethnicity is cultural.
KEK thanks for clearing up your nigger tier IQ anon, not that we were wondering about it

Meanwhile what?
>And the Romans are saying the Cumans are as white and blonde as Normans
Greeks wrote that Scythians are red-haired, and they weren't. They were a mix of brunets and blonds. You need to look up actual samples to determine what they looked like, for example the Baltics did not have super fair skin well into the Middle Ages and were more tanned, then lightened up completely. It's stuff like that that some Roman would just call "the whitest snownigger imaginable" even though in reality it wasn't all that pale.
Anyway there's no point in talking with you, you need to seriously read up some genetic papers. And by this I mean at least 100-150 out of the 300+ out. They're free to download, go read them

>> No.23100926

I'm one quarter Sicilian which was conquered by Arabs, Arabs also conquered Jerusalem which had Jews. Some Jews in ancient times migrated to Ethiopia. Guess I'm a fucking Ethiopian huh.

>> No.23100927
File: 238 KB, 1200x630, England Ferriby boat 1700 BC reconstructed from wreck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The oldest boats are all found in northern Europe. The oldest Egyptian boat goes back to something like the 2500 BC, very special, but there's only like one.

>> No.23100931

Probably joined other nomadic peoples. It's not like the area was settled, and the people didn't disappear. The steppe was never made into some kind of stable population haven, and there was khaganate after khaganate uniting the people and then dissolving.

>> No.23100934
File: 785 KB, 1772x840, Ness of Brodgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we don't know how old the British monuments really are. The carbon dating only indicates a minimum of between 2600-3300 BC. They could be older than Gobekli Tepe. There's no way to know.

>> No.23100937
File: 73 KB, 845x403, on Genghis Khan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greeks wrote that Scythians are red-haired, and they weren't.

They did have some. So did the Saka lol

>> No.23100942

Pretty cool
Megalithic structures are younger than 4500 BCE since Anatolian farmers had not made it to the island before that (they used boats as well, although none preserved). Small amounts of hunter-gatherers were there before and obviously didn't build anything
4000-3800 BCE is a good starting point for megalithic stuff in England

>> No.23100943

You don't have a culture, you don't have a race, and you're forcing the "med" thing but every other nation west and north of you spits on you whenever the subject of your typology comes up.

>> No.23100945


Is this supposed to be impressive?

>> No.23100950

>a cave built into a hill
Meds still had actual free-standing temples several centuries older

>> No.23100951

>Megalithic structures are younger than 4500 BCE since Anatolian farmers

You're going to have to drop Anatolian farmer theory. It was always based on faulty evidence, or lack of evidence. The simple fact is that we would not expect grains and seeds to last for decomposition checks.

>Small amounts of hunter-gatherers were there before and obviously didn't build anything

How would you know that? If the buildings are that old, then they wouldn't be hunter gatherers in the first place and they would have obviously built things. Your entire worldview is based on farming starting in Anatolia, and then pushing the Anatolia date itself up several thousand years.

>> No.23100954

"Some" is not "the Scythians are red-haired" since you can find even some ginger Arabs today.

>Rashid al-Din
Not trusting a fucking jew, no offense. Btw isn't Genghis' portrait by his grandson preserved?
I'm pretty sure we know how he looked like, and such recessive traits would be required on both sides of his family tree in the middle of nowhere in Mongolia

>> No.23100956
File: 89 KB, 564x722, idols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are no "meds". It was one straight continuum of Eurasians from the Altai to Morocco.

>> No.23100963

>since you can find even some ginger Arabs today.

Arab isn't a race, and as has been discussed above Syrians were literal white supremacists in the classical period:>>23100765

>Not trusting a fucking jew, no offense. Btw isn't Genghis' portrait by his grandson preserved?

Are you talking about the Chinese portraits? They just depict most people as Chinese anyways. Of course anyone that gets painted by them is going to look sinofied. That was the art style.

>> No.23100967

What "Anatolian farmer theroy" anon? Anatolian farmers, the predominant genetic component in EEFs migrated to Britain and built these things. It's called the Neolithic period, do look it up

>How would you know that? If the buildings are that old, then they wouldn't be hunter gatherers in the first place and they would have obviously built things.
HGs are before 4500 BCE. After that these structures, which correspond with mainland and mediterranean Europe structures begin to appear. HGs didn't build anything, maybe a few wooden huts.
>farming starting in Anatolia
Huh no it starts earlier, in the Levant but this is unrelated to what we're talking about (Neolithic buildings in England)

>> No.23100981

>Arab isn't a race
Irrelevant to what I was saying though since all arabs are genetically brown, however you can find some gingers there. To say that Arabs are gingers is wrong because like 90% of them are not. Scythians were not red haired either for this reason. The Greeks were wrong and made shit up
>Art style
True. Explains why they didn't give him the more moon-faced Mongolian look. Mongolians always looked more extremely slant-eyed than chinks for some reason

>> No.23100984

>the predominant genetic component in EEFs migrated to Britain and built these things. It's called the Neolithic period, do look it up

Do you have sample sizes larger than 111 lmao

Also, I think between the two of us, I'd know the Neolithic. You claim to have two stem degrees and didn't know basic stats. I have confidence in my degree.

>Huh no it starts earlier, in the Levant

Nope. Not even close. The problem is that when Israelis found out about Gobekli Tepe THAT SAME MONTH they came out with their theory about them being ancient Atlanteans and called it Natufian. I guess they figured if Turks could do it so could they, so they start their date of foundation at 9500 BC (one century exactly after Plato's Atlantis). The problem is there isn't any evidence for it whatsoever.

>> No.23100985

anyway I'm off to bed
read more nigger

>> No.23100989

>brown people are their own race
>but they can be ginger light skinned white Aryan such as yourself, who I hate for being light skinned

Ughhhhhh Mindbroken? lol

>> No.23100996

Stop confusing us, stupid underclass snow nigger trash. You're probably a bot.

>> No.23101818
File: 449 KB, 1111x741, tumblr_oc97v7gEY31sqc8wzo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's mostly a thirdie thing to be sure but destroying the continent for purely for selfish reasons was a really foolish move in hindsight, could've ruled together.

>> No.23101830

>But why do you insist on Anglos of all people?
Because it's Anglos who larp as Greeks and claim Greek culture as their own. That's the whole point.
>all the rest
Anglo pilpul.

>> No.23101835

Good God please don't let haploautism take over /lit/ like it did /his/.

>> No.23101857

>f they don't then they have to accept that what they idolize is foreign to them and they spend all their history living in straw huts until Romans raped them.
Romans never came close to conquering germania, not sure what you're on about. Are you confusing the English with the Britons?

>> No.23101873
File: 3.79 MB, 2103x9389, Aryas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23101875

anachronistic. is this /lit/? is it normal for people to be historically illiterate here? western rome collapsed by the time the english invaded britain.

>> No.23101881

That's why they left /his/. They couldn't keep track of actual history and they get ruthlessly bullied on /pol/. They really don't belong here either but they're perpetual rejects.

>> No.23101882

"white" and similar terms in german and other languages have been used as a synonym for ethnic europeans for at least six centuries.

>> No.23101898

those meme images are not real quotes, lmao

>> No.23102317

Anglos have many good things going for them, being faultless angels is not one of them, nor do they have much self-awareness, really.
Being all "Why do they hate me so?" gets grating.
Nignogs are a lot funnier. The otherside doesn't really make claims outrageous enough to make the cut.
I would addendum that the anglo-germanic is increasingly prone to fake bluster out of fragility/worsening position.
Especially the right-wing types.

>> No.23102400

It's endearing and only becomes a problem when bad actors take "northern Europe is derivative of Greeks" to mean "Greece is derivative of northern Europe" and start to think that everyone significant in the Greco-Roman world were Dorian Invasion Dolph Lundgrens and would've approved of whatever extremely modern ideology these unimpressive people have. Luckily those types are unheard of outside of fringe places on the internet, so we can all coexist peacefully in the 2000 year old Hellenism fandom.

>> No.23103914

It looks beautiful but not impressive at all. Shallow and pedantic.