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23096157 No.23096157 [Reply] [Original]

So we shouldn’t try to make art today? This is the building phase of a new civilization? But I want to make art

>> No.23096165

That doesn‘t sound right; why is everything efficient but evil?

>> No.23096166

Both tech and art have co-existed since always. It's just that our age will be shaped by tech. This isn't to say you shouldn't make art.

>> No.23096177

Making art is fine. Chances are YOU won't make it though

>> No.23096185
File: 265 KB, 744x1000, ezgif-2-79262599de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know
read picrel.

>> No.23096235

nobody gives a shit about your stupid bad art and AI has replaced everything already anyway. you think that stupid crap you read on your stupid favorite blog is written by a human?

>> No.23096326

Terrific bait. Sadly I think OP left the thread already.

>> No.23096436

Faustian high culture ended with Wagner.

>> No.23096498

Ok spengler

>> No.23097192

Nope, it ended with mid 20th century cinema.

>> No.23098251

He is not advocating for you to give up.
What he is saying is that the art you make wqill be essentially shackled by what came before you and not as creative.
You live in the very early winter of civilization, enjoy it.

>> No.23098265

I didn't read him, but remember this quote:
>What you build may be torn down. Build anyway.

>> No.23098266
File: 207 KB, 1280x877, Gustave_Doré_-_Dante_et_Virgile_dans_le_neuvième_cercle_de_l'Enfer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you're such a great artist that you make art that survives the downfall of your civilization, and comes to influence the civilization that replaces it?

I mean, that's essentially what Vergil did, right? So much of Medieval and Enlightenment art and literature flowed from his poetry, especially the Aeneid, which was read extensively by the Medievals.

Why do you think Dante regards him as his teacher and master, and he's the guide through Purgatory and Hell?

>> No.23098271

The cives is replaced by the global. I find your statement suffering from pessimism bias. Why not state
>We live in the spring of globalisation, enjoy it

>> No.23098276

Not OP, but my obvious literalist idea is
>Then you as an artist have left your mark on humanity. Good job! Now find something else to do.

>> No.23098291

It's actually an optimistic statement, at least relative to yours.

>> No.23098302

I think our perspectives just differ. Isn't it beautiful that we're conversing while we're possibly one ocean apart?

>> No.23098316

Kill yourself faggot. Cinema is anti-art.

>> No.23098320

>wagner (old kino)… le good
>kino… le bad

>> No.23098322

Yes. Thank you for understanding.

>> No.23098331

That is merely an illusion, in reallity nothing has changed inherently about the human experience, I'm a thirdie, so I'd know.
And no, faustian baubles are not paradigm shifting changes to the human experience.
Plus, "globalization" is what Spengler usually refers to when he says civilization. Homogenization and standarization of culture, the death of creativity, the destruction of nations in favor of democracy/money and then the tyranny of caesars.
Also, remember Spengler's words about the sentinel at Pompey. Like him, one must be steadfast to the very end.

>> No.23098336

Will the Caesars themselves not foster a certain kind of art? We love to read about Great Men, after all.

>> No.23098409

Yes, Spengler never denied civilization (or even post civilization fellaheen cultures) is capable of producing art. The art of the Caesars just happens to be rather conventional and ossified.
I'm not the best guy to explain it, but essentially: As autumn draws to a close and winter begins, all innivation in the arts and sciences essentially dries up. This is not to say artists and scientists do not exist at this stage, they just don't innovate.
During the winter art and architecture transforms into a set of (generally rather crude) standard forms. And of course, the Caesars art is to be defined by gigantism.

>> No.23098894

I really hate how he says medieval culture is the bedrock for our modern cultural expressions when basically no one can name more than 1 (one) text from that era or name five artists.
Its so retarded how Spengler latches onto extremes to get his point across.

>> No.23098913


>> No.23098918

>an organic culture rather than dead civilisational structure
Did you even read Spengler?