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23092061 No.23092061 [Reply] [Original]

>Because the technology is just gonna get better and better and better and better. And it’s gonna get easier and easier, and more and more convenient, and more and more pleasurable, to be alone with images on a screen, given to us by people who do not love us but want our money. Which is all right. In low doses, right? but if that’s the basic main staple of your diet, you’re gonna die. In a meaningful way, you’re going to die.-DFW, 1996.
The normies are doomed with this AI garbage. If you think suicide rates and depression are high now, just you wait.

>> No.23092088
File: 285 KB, 1024x1024, OIG4..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Techno Asceticism Pill

>> No.23092092

It will be the exact opposite of your gay frogcoaler image...people will primarily use this junk to make pornography

>> No.23092118

It’s probably the reason why he self terminated. How are we even supposed to combat this? Perhaps I should learn a new language and move to Eastern Europe.

>> No.23092170

Ted K was right

>> No.23092200

Society is shifting, from collectivism to individuality, it'll be up to you how you want to spend your time, what you want to watch, people are already living in their own little worlds and this only going to get more extreme. Instead of outside in, it'll be inside out.

>> No.23092206

>you’re going to die
tell me something new lol haha :)

>> No.23092215

>Randtard can't meaningfully interact with the complexity of the world and reduces the conversation to Cold War era nonsense

>> No.23092225

>It'll be up to you how to spend your time

>> No.23092228

Serious projection, was it too complex for you?

>> No.23092233

You want the government to tell you what to do?

>> No.23092242

>No you
Rand's collectivism v. individualism binary is reductive and thereby superficial way to understand major social upheavals brought on by technological changes.

>> No.23092245

AI will only increase government power, surveillance and control...it already has

>> No.23092249

Why the fuck are you bringing up rand

>> No.23092253

I didn't mention Rand, you did, it's you that's being reductive.

>> No.23092255

He's a Randtard, anon. They pretend the world boils down to the will of heroic individuals versus the manipulation of collectivistic cartoon villians. They have no line on how such problems arise organically and instead of thinking about the problems they shoehorn ideological catchall terms into the discussion. This fools them into thinking they understand the world and reenforces the self-esteem cult that is Objectivism.

>> No.23092262

More projection.

>> No.23092264

>collectivism v. individualism had nothing to do with Rand and is just a coincidence
Ok, explain your position clearly without any similarity to the ideas of Any Rand.

>> No.23092265

I want the government to tell other people what to do: more specifically I want it to tell them to stop watching porn and playing video games

>> No.23092269

You think you could travel half-way across the world living in a tribe thousands of years ago?

>> No.23092272

Dunning Kruger. No point explaining something you can't understand.

>> No.23092276

The church no longer influences anything.

>> No.23092279

He's right. Online conversations are already mediated by algorithm on social media platforms used by the majority of people. Social media democratized information but there are secretive means to amplify or deamplify how such information is interpreted by users.

>> No.23092282

>I can't
Called it. Have fun with your self-help cult. Leave the conversations to the adults until you move through your little phase.

>> No.23092284

Interacting with retards is not the only way to gather information.

>> No.23092288

Bro, did you just learn about Ayn Rand?

>> No.23092293

Is that what freedom is? Slaves were moved halfway across the world...

>> No.23092297

>were moved

>> No.23092298

No one said it was. However, the way people attain most of their information now comes via social media interactions. On top of this the only way impactful narratives are formed is via the democratization tests offered by social media platforms. Such tests are manipulated not by the public at large but by hidden algorithms that favor certain narratives through the suppression of conversations that prioritize inconvenient facts.

>> No.23092300

the Entertainment singularity is near

>> No.23092301

If you don't have anything meaningful to add to the conversation beyond dredging up Ayn Rand lolbertarian shit keep your hands still. I'm done with you.

>> No.23092303

You are the only that keeps bringing her up, take your meds retard.

>> No.23092306

They were bad at it in the first place. That‘s why I want the government to do it.

>> No.23092309

>nothing to add
Again, you're free to clearly state your position with no reference to the work of Ayn Rand. You can't. Hopefully this will teach you that you're not buying into your own individualism but rather a collective ideology that retards your understanding of the world. Good luck.

>> No.23092315

Good, there are too many people

>> No.23092316

It's cool, you obviously don't understand the subject outside her work since you think she invented the concept, don't worry, it's a phase, you'll grow out of it.

>> No.23092327

>No you
You're incredibly boring, anon. How about you log off and let the adults have a conversation

>> No.23092332

Go ahead, we are waiting for you to say something interesting but instead you seem to be obsessed with telling us how much you love Rand.

>> No.23092340


>> No.23092355

so my two options are either looking at the screen to numb the pain or go out there and get mocked by women because they only want chad. it's not really a choice and I am already dead. I hope the images on the screen gets better to look at.

>> No.23092366

I've already posted about the democratization of information that has taken place due to the rise of social media and how such has been curtailed by the secretive manipulation of narratives by algorithm. If anyone has thoughts on that (including why I'm wrong) they're free to reply to that post. The conversation thread involving you is worthless because you've repeatedly refused to present "your" ideas. Thereby, the entertainment value you offer to the thread is through ridicule (i.e. mocking you for being a retard).

>> No.23092375

It's talking about a metaphorical death you Malthusian blockhead...and in any case, AI will have the exact opposite effect. Read Ted K.

>> No.23092384

You seem to think Reddit is the entirety of the internet. No wonder you have a hard on for Rand.

>> No.23092444

>still nothing to add
I'm not talking about upvotes/downvotes, anon. Twitter is more influential than Reddit and Google has a more obvious/perceptible track record of amplification/deamplification via algorithm (e.g. monetization, shadowbanning posts to prevent certain conversations from taking place, etc). I've never used Reddit but my perception is that it creates tailor-made echochambers moderated through bans (which is a more formal version of Facebook groups).

The above is why "individualism v. collectivism" is naive. In order to have any impression at all in online discourse you need to either have a massive following or direct control over amplification/deamplification. What we're seeing is a messy democratization of public discourse and traditional gatekeepers attempting to force relevance.

>> No.23092462
File: 491 KB, 445x498, copium-mushroom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck holy copius maxius

>> No.23092469

Being a doomer just means you're a pussy.

>> No.23092473

I'm not a doomer, you're just being a retard

>> No.23092480

What a narcissistic little faggot. Why is it so important for people to hear what you have to say? Do you realise none of this existed until a couple decades ago. How old are you?

>> No.23092483


>> No.23092505

>no response
The cultural shift caused by the advent of social media is ongoing and relatively new. Facebook only goes back to 2003 and Twitter is even newer. Before that, social media was widely made up of disconnected message boards which attracted people who shared interests in a given subject (4chan arguably harkens back to this era but the influence of other platform types, which are much more widely used, is still felt).

I'm sorry you're too retarded to engage in this conversation, anon. Go back to boosting your self-esteem via a largely irrelevant failed Cold War era cult.

>> No.23092522

What is reading comprehension? He said in a "meaningful" way, meaning your dead before you know it.

>> No.23092548
File: 38 KB, 400x388, 1nu1mt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DFW is my 21st century Socrates

>> No.23092655

>if that’s the basic main staple of your diet, you’re gonna die.
I'm gonna die anywayz. I'm not getting off the net. I've accepted life in the hyperreal.

>> No.23093507

ESL moment

>> No.23093536
File: 140 KB, 754x1270, secks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me personally i'll just go for a walk with my gf and have cookouts with my family

>> No.23093560

the government can't do it properly either, at least not on the national level. local communities need to return.

>> No.23094408

Actually, he killed himself because he was suicidal.

>> No.23094450

>just gonna get better and better and better and better. And it’s gonna get easier and easier, and more and more convenient, and more and more pleasurable,
What shit writing
I really hope this quote was transcribed from spoken word and not something that was written and green lit.

>> No.23094514
File: 72 KB, 512x264, IE migration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think you could travel half-way across the world living in a tribe thousands of years ago?

>> No.23094531

He wasn't suicidal
He took (prescribed) drugs and had a bad reaction and became suicidal
The crazy thing about anti-depressants is that they can actually make you more depressed

>> No.23094543

>Perhaps I should learn a new language and move to Eastern Europe.
What excatly do you hope achieve by that?
t. eastern european

>> No.23094643

You have to be a legitimately braindead normalfag to think the internet is making us more ‘individualistic’

>> No.23094647

depends on how you use it

>> No.23094649

I mean, why is art meaningful to the subject. If it is, you’re the moron.

>> No.23094651

I love Mr. Beast

>> No.23094720

You only see it that way because you yourself are an unconscious drone who is putty in the hands of the world.

>> No.23094722

DFW at his best
It's a shame that his suicide overshadows his statements like these.

>> No.23094743

>Society is shifting, from collectivism to individuality
Lol you're about 70 years late to the party there.

>> No.23094752

Not at all, we are entering total atomization.

>> No.23094758

I would bet money you don't even know what you're trying to say.

>> No.23094763

What was complicated about it?

>> No.23094774

Lol I don't think unnecessary complexity is your problem.

>> No.23094777

So you're just stupid then.

>> No.23094782

Be mindful how you project out your own insecurities. It makes you easy to manipulate.

>> No.23094792

You mean like the emotional manipulation you're trying now? Desperate.

>> No.23094953

No, but the vast majority of people are exactly that in the face of the internet. It obviously doesn’t have to be that way. Your average joe will not use the internet to refine his worldview and learn new things, but to join mental hiveminds and cults essentially.
>I love mr beast

>> No.23095241

Pre-internet people were consuming the same content, now people have their own separate unique feeds aligned to their own interests.