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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 366 KB, 1469x716, mayocide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23075317 No.23075317 [Reply] [Original]

why is the suicide rate of white males so high but white women barely kill themselves, why is that? does it have something to do how black male and white women relationships are 700% more common than white male with black women? and thats not even mentioning all the hispanic males going for white women. if that is the cause then no wonder!

>> No.23075323

You forgot to type "books for this feel?"

>> No.23075325

Very cool fetishposting but women attempt suicide more than men.

>> No.23075337

women attempt suicide more, men succeed more lmao, what does that tell you?

>> No.23075357
File: 379 KB, 924x516, lmaox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some problems solve themselves

>> No.23075360
File: 283 KB, 853x1000, 1705362410651294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browncel coping that White women will never fuck him
meanwhile your immigrant women practically grovel at the feet of average White men or are used as a 1 night pnd by Brad while you are like a literal ogre monkey seething at White people on the internet.

>> No.23075372

unfortunately this is true to quite an extent. as a brown guy, if seen the most beautiful and traditional women grow up to be clubbing hoes chasing after White dudes while i stay indoors gaming and being a virgin at 32.

>> No.23075389

It takes a man to do it.

>> No.23075458

>women attempt suicide more than men.
they don't actually "attempt" suicide and "fail", if anybody seriously attempts suicide he or she will probably be successful. what women do is either say they attempted suicide when they didn't or a suicidal gesture, both are just done to get attention

>> No.23075480

No frontier

>> No.23075712
File: 143 KB, 1261x643, blog_suicide_1900_2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I take a long position on this? Is it possible to trade suicide futures?

>> No.23075722

Most white guys have yellow fever
Latina is about as brown as they go usually

>> No.23075729

Set up a ton tine with some depressed folks.
The great depression really did a number on the country good lord, and we think things are bleak now.

>> No.23075740

No, it's a thinking issue. Same reason suicide is so high in East Asia, people are in a stressful environment and kill themselves. It's why blacks were so easy to enslave. They accept slavery, so Arabs, other Africans, and Europeans enslaved them easily and they rarely had slave revolts. Even now, if they're policed and given a lot of sweet drinks and chicken they're very docile.

>> No.23076092

do jannies not exist on this board?

>> No.23076280

This really is demoralizing. I work in a bar in a college town and get to see every year a significant amount of foreign women who start the year clearly carrying the mannerisms of a different culture and end it indistinguishable from the rabble.

>> No.23076321

This is my first lurk since 2019 and it used to actually be much worse. There were times where legitimately around 75% of the threads would be off topic or extremely low quality with straight up dick pics staying up for 18+ hours at a time every time.
Idk why /lit/ is so neglected. I feel like it gets more traffic than /x/ or /sci/ but with much less moderation.