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/lit/ - Literature

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23039589 No.23039589 [Reply] [Original]

If you go on websites for well-adjusted people, have you noticed how strikingly different their book taste is from ours? Sure, they read much more non-fiction on specific skills and building things, your programming or mathematics or gardening or woodworking, but also even if it's philosophy they read more modern and lucid work in general. What is it about Kierkegaard, Kant and Freud that attracts people who are always in and out of rehab or psych ward, anons?

>> No.23039592

Me, under her bum.

>> No.23039606
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can you give an example anon? I don't really look at other people's bookshelves. I think mine is pretty okay, although you might be able to sense a bit of /lit/ in there. I will say my philosophy books are mostly modern analytic stuff. Maybe Continental philsophy is inherently retarded?
Either way, no bookshelf is worth a dime unless it has the Holy Book of Our Celestial Emperor.

>> No.23039657

Not sure about Kierkegaard, perhaps another anon who is more knowledgeable on him can provide a better answer. There are still living authors who feel the need to write about Kant, maybe a year or 2 ago there was even one on a best seller list at some point. A fair amount of philosophy post-Kant is just replying to Kant as is so I suppose a better question is why are you so averse to discussions about Kant? I can understand why the average normie (term for your 'well-adjusted person') would likely want to avoid reading him directly since his works are still viable filters for the majority of people but given this to be the case then why are normies still as seemingly interested in him as we are? Freud is interesting, in my experience most everyone, including psychology types, likes to respond to overt inquiries about Freud with responses along the lines that he is no longer considered relevant or that psychology has moved past him. Now to their point, yes psychology has moved on, but given enough inquires the prospective individual will inevitably go back to Freud at some point. So perhaps this is just an adapted response on their part to avoid the awkward discussions about mother fucking that seem to inevitably follow. I can hardly blame a normoid for wanting to avoid this so I can certainly understand why they would rather talk about other influential names in the field instead but if discussions about Freud are so repulsive to you then just avoid Freud threads. I have seen threads about math, programming, and gardening books on here, and nowhere near as many on woodworking. I would say they are just not prime cuts for the constituents here.

>> No.23041055

Kierkegaard is a reply to Hegel

>> No.23041063

>If you go on websites for well-adjusted people
gross, go back faggot

>> No.23041102

>well-adjusted people
They're not. These are the people that cheat on their spouse through words with friends

>> No.23041111


>> No.23041122

>read more non-fiction
Not in my experience

>> No.23041123

I would not call the general populace well-adjusted. When there are more and more cases of self-diagnosed mental illness (fake, I know but hypochondria and narcissism is also a pathology), and so much use of antidepressants, you can't refer to the norm for sanity.

>> No.23041270

>people who are always in and out of rehab or psych ward
uh, normies?

>> No.23041285

These well-adjusted people don't think that hard about the things they read.

>> No.23041288

You keep posting this dude without ever mentioning who he actually is

>> No.23041291

Yes , normal people don't like reading mystic, edgy, retarded /pol/ shit. That's strictly for the retards on this site.

>> No.23041294

This anon has a point. The OP doesn't understand 4chan. Anons here refuse meds or help, and then go on schizo rants about how everyone they disagree with is the same anon.

>> No.23041305

He literally names him in every post: "The Celestial Emperor".

>> No.23041329

I can't find him when i search.
I fucking hate mystics...

>> No.23041346

>websites for well-adjusted people
Not trying to go Diogenes here, but where do you even find well adjusted people nowadays?
Small religious communities?

>> No.23043036

People like Freud and Jung are still applicable to the arts even we’ve “moved past” them.

>> No.23043046

Well-adjusted means they don’t have autism. From my experience, everyone else fits in fine.

>> No.23044208

>they read more modern and lucid work in general
like tranny child 101?
You're a bullshitter, OP.

>> No.23044404

>>>/pol/ is that way, this is a literature board. We don't stan transphobes here.

>> No.23044422

Well-adjusted people?! Like who? When is the last time you met a truly “well-adjusted person”?

>> No.23044433

The mainstream is a circus sideshow filled with a cloud of poison. How are you going to talk about well-adjusted people in the mainstream when the mainstream overtly endorses juicing yourself up on SSRIs just to keep living. Get real, dude. You are living in clown world and you’re looking at the clowns like they’re statesmen and artists.

>> No.23044447

You are Americans, if not in fact then because you consume too much American media. You can live a calm life in many European countries even in places that aren't super rural, so long as you avoid international hubs full of people of Arab extraction. These Europeans also read books and form online communities, imagine that.

>> No.23044472

>when you're a Euronigger and you haven't thought about Americans in 0.00003 seconds

>> No.23044498
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>reading the Radio Rwanda genocide priming anti-white hate fuel called books these days
>well adjusted
o i am laffin

>> No.23044510


>> No.23044515

It’s not a question of calmness, never has been. It’s a question of whether the margins have seized center page and indeed they have. The only place which is even somewhat exempt at all is the undeveloped 3rd world.

>> No.23044544

This one bitch I knew in undergrad had this to say about what she learned from being an english major: "there's just all these ways white people are prejudiced that I didn't even know about!"

FYI, she was a broke cocaine addict with a criminal record and severe mental issues. Yeah, I'm totally convinced that reading with the goal of making herself feel even worse about life is the thing to do, it's not like you can read to gain some perspective and practical wisdom or anything.

>> No.23044592
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>>reading the Radio Rwanda genocide priming anti-white hate fuel called books these days
You're around some strange normies, have you considered being around better normies? The normies I know shop for books on the recommendations from the Financial Times and similar outlets. Those are pretty much fine.

>> No.23044605

I'm sure she's eternally grateful to professor Shaniqua Shekelbergstein for showing her how intrinsically evil her existence, and the existence of her entire race, really is.

>> No.23044610
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Every single day in Universities across Canada, whiteness is demonized as much as possible

>> No.23044627

Are you 60 years old? Because that's the demographic I expect to be reading that. And no, the normies that read (most don't) are the ones reading the top of Goodreads. There's 2 categories being read there, ethnic grievance porn, and literal porn. Sometimes they're the same thing in one book. Some minority women complaining about a white man who later fucks her.

>> No.23044630

Jesus Christ, how horrifying.

>> No.23044644
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>> No.23044671

In two years you will make that much as a Macdonalds cashier
Pic related is vomit inducing. It's driving nails into my eyeballs

>> No.23044675

No, because your rent and food will eat up 80% of your entire income.

>> No.23044690

>Are you 60 years old? Because that's the demographic I expect to be reading that.
You'd be wrong.
>ft.com's audience is 58.84% male and 41.16% female. The largest age group of visitors are 25 - 34 year olds.
The tone of the content and the age range of FT contributors match these statistics. Well-adjusted normies in their 30s is whom I expect to read the FT. You may be under the impression that pieces on finance and economics make up the majority of the newspaper, but this is not so, it's just a high-quality normie outlet. (Better by far than American rags like the NYT.)