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22998823 No.22998823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>started making a list of the poems I really like
>most of them are about romantic love
>I've never had a gf

>> No.22998827

Man just practice meditation for awhile. Idk do a guided trip on shrooms. You need to get over that ego I swear there's more to life than that shit

>> No.22998836

i guess you're making it right then. Scala Amoris and all that

>> No.22998842

it sucks. I stopped reading poetry for the same reason. literature supposed to be my escape from this cruel Chad owns all world, not further remind me of this Darwinian hell.

>> No.22998861

>I stopped reading poetry for the same reason
anons, you know many poets don't get to bang their muses, right?

I can give you examples: Dante, Yeats, The Fair Youth (I Guess)

>> No.22998871

True but in the case of Dante it was more like an ideal than something carnal. He married and had 4 children.

>> No.22998880

yes good point but I am already aware of it. one of my favorite poets in my own language happened to have a disaster of a relationship history with women. they all suffered and some significant ones would probably be virgins if not for prostitution. but this truth no longer helps me. last time I read a poem, from it I remember a line about a cold hand of her lover laying down on his chest or something and after immediately realizing this will never be me I just had to end it forever. I am not reading poems anymore.

>> No.22998895

Yes, mostly.
And the muse of Yeats married another man, if my memory doesn't fail me.

Diotima, the muse of Holderlin, was a married woman. And I don't recall if they ever got physical.
But that's how it goes.

Baudelaire had as a muse, a black whore.

>> No.22998935

>one of my favorite poets in my own language happened to have a disaster of a relationship history with women
Who? I'm curious.

>I am not reading poems anymore.
Well, anon. If you're that exasperated maybe it's better if you take a break for the moment.
These books won't create legs.
Go read something sober, or don't read nothing at all. Go for a walk. To the beach, or I don't know.

>> No.22998944

One poet I know found the love of his life and voluntarily renounced to her to help his poetry.

>> No.22998976

>One poet I know found the love of his life and voluntarily renounced to her to help his poetry.
how so?

>> No.22999156

Edwin Arlington Robinson?

>> No.22999160

Well you're saving up and can have greater use for them later

>> No.22999194

Good. Experiencing earthly romance will ruin your perfect devotion to the Form of romance.

>> No.22999212

Exactly, OP is a poet in the truest since of the world. But mark me, he will regret it deeply if he chooses poetry over love.

>> No.22999264

>implying romantic love from books exists in the real world

Enjoying a love relationship and enjoying the idea of romantic love are not the same thing. The latter is a purely fictitious and abstract concept loosely based on the animalistic intersexual relationship you see irl. It is the same as if you'd be sad that you couldn't learn the invincible and powerful kung fu from the movies, because it worked only in fiction and the real-world analogue of that sucked.

>> No.22999272

>proceeds to contradict himself

>> No.22999283

I agree with the other anon that poetry (pure) and love (earthly) like oil and water but disagree that one should choose poetry.

>> No.22999287

then enjoy porn, you ugly fuck

>> No.23000060

You know, when you make yourself this reprehensible, any insult you might throw will fall flat on account of being dealt out by a lunatic.

>> No.23000406

What are some poems that express heartbreak beautifully? Preferably heartbreak that drags you down in the presence of unrequited love.

>> No.23000765

>have no affection in your life
>HAVE poetry
>stop reading poetry because you will never coom
>poetry's only purpose was to give an aesthetic value to your potential cooming
>having neither affection nor poetry in your life is tolerable because you can watch porn
this is an unironic recommendation for you to kill yourself

>> No.23000774

In really good romantic poetry the woman or the romance is little more than decorative scenery and a backdrop against which love itself can be explored. You don't need to be don juan to appreciate romantic poetry.

>> No.23000778

I write poems for my girl, but she is the only one who reads them. I also make music for her, and she is the only one who hears it.

Writing for a general audience changes the way you write. The most precious things are personal and private, which is hard to do in our times.

>> No.23001175

OP might be a fag as always, but some of us truly are unlovable, anon. You could use some compassion.

>> No.23001694

I don't turn my back on the few things in my life that are beautiful. THAT'S what is unlovable. Fuck him and fuck you.

>> No.23003617

>Edwin Arlington Robinson?
is it him?

>> No.23003635

It’s Amado Nervo :)
Only known in my country, I think.

>> No.23004147

>It’s Amado Nervo
Good stuff:

sirena de aquellas que Ulises, sagaz,
amaba y temía.
Por tus ojos verdes yo me perdería.

Por tus ojos verdes en lo que, fugaz,
brillar suele, a veces, la melancolía;
por tus ojos verdes tan llenos de paz,
misteriosos como la esperanza mía;
por tus ojos verdes, conjuro eficaz,
yo me salvaría.

>> No.23004169



¿Versos autobiográficos ? Ahí están mis canciones,
allí están mis poemas: yo, como las naciones
¡oh, noble amiga ignota!, que pudiera contarte.

Allá en mis años mozos adiviné del Arte
la armonía y el ritmo, caros al musageta,
-¿Y después?

-He sufrido, como todos, y he amado.


-Lo suficiente para ser perdonado...

>> No.23004172

Disregarding literal slumtrash dying of starvation, modern dating is just retarded nobleman court games that the entire world is expected to play and treat 100% seriously.
You can find love, anon, just by not getting sucked into it all you'll realize everyone is fucking retarded, including you.