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/lit/ - Literature

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22997291 No.22997291 [Reply] [Original]

Trevor was six foot three. He was clean and fit and confident. I’d choose him a million times over the hipster nerds I’d see around town and at the gallery. In college, the art history department had been rife with that specific brand of young male. An “alternative” to the mainstream frat boys and premed straight and narrow guys, these scholarly, charmless, intellectual brats dominated the more creative departments. As an art history major, I couldn’t escape them. “Dudes” reading Nietzsche on the subway, reading Proust, reading David Foster Wallace, jotting down their brilliant thoughts into a black Moleskine pocket notebook. Beer bellies and skinny legs, zip-up hoodies, navy blue peacoats or army green parkas, New Balance sneakers, knit hats, canvas tote bags, small hands, hairy knuckles, maybe a deer head tattooed across a flabby bicep. They rolled their own cigarettes, didn’t brush their teeth enough, spent a hundred dollars a week on coffee. They would come into Ducat, the gallery I ended up working at, with their younger—usually Asian—girlfriends. “An Asian girlfriend means the guy has a small dick,” Reva once said. I’d hear them talk shit about the art. They lamented the success of others. They thought that they wanted to be adored, to be influential, celebrated for their genius, that they deserved to be worshipped. But they could barely look at themselves in the mirror. They were all on Klonopin, was my guess. They lived mostly in Brooklyn, another reaoson I was glad to live on the Upper East Side. Nobody up there listened to the Moldy Peaches. Nobody up there gave a shit about “irony” or Dogme 95 or Klaus Kinski.
“The worst was that those guys tried to pass off their insecurity as “sensitivity,” and it worked. They would be the ones running museums and magazines, and they’d only hire me if they thought I might fuck them. But when I’d been at parties with them, or out at bars, they’d ignored me. They were so self-serious and distracted by their conversation with their look-alike companions that you’d think they were wrestling with a decision of such high stakes, the world might explode. They wouldn’t be distracted by “pussy,” they would have me believe. The truth was probably that they were just afraid of vaginas, afraid that they’d fail to understand one as pretty and pink as mine, and they were ashamed of their own sensual inadequacies, afraid of their own dicks, afraid of themselves. So they focused on “abstract ideas” and developed drinking problems to blot out the self-loathing they preferred to call “existential ennui.”"

>> No.22997304
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Jewish girls are cock starved

>> No.22997310

lol seethe harder

>> No.22997322

do I understand it correctly that op is skinnyfat?

>> No.22997330

Dumb cunt

>> No.22997331

This is an awful passage. It’s made exclusively for twitter users and hipster Brooklyn residents. Why is art like this so acclaimed? It has no universal appeal.

>> No.22997338

>Why is art like this so acclaimed?
Jewish nepotism which gives her good reviews, then the herd follows.

>> No.22997339

You will never be six foot three.
Women like tall men.
Get over it.

>> No.22997351

Human society is and always will be dictated into castes. "Intellectuals" enjoy pretending otherwise, and they toil within the confines of their own thin skulls to rationalize these delusions as "right", but the irrefutable truth is mankind abides by the laws of the animal kingdom just as they must breath air and drink water. The human castes are as follows:

>the strongest
>the largest
>the most favored by women
>the object of jealousy by men
>the most willing to engage in violence
These men is the peak of human biology and thus human society. The hand of this being grips the thin skull of the scientist, the artist, the doctor, the laborer, the intellectual, the laborer and the politician in equal measure and presses it against the granite of life, sanding away tissue and drawing blood until they are convinced to submit. They existed at the beginning of mankind and they will remain once it ends, providing to answer to all of the inferior man's senseless navel-gazing questions in the form of a brutal death. They torment these lesser men without effort. They exist as all humans wish they could: fruitfully yet simply.

The destined prize of the above males. Human beings are at their strongest when the best available men cohabitate with the most women possible, thus producing more strong men who share those same strong qualities. Women are also the vanguard of these powerful men; they alone hold the reins of human culture, set the standards of human society and determine "what is acceptable." They are the most common observers of the best male and inevitably their greatest advocates. Simultaneously they christen who is worthy of reproducing (and thus contributing to the species in any way) while shooing away all other delusions that inferior men may conjure to rationalize their existence, geneological loserdom. Women are effectively the true brain matter of human society.

>males who do not fit the first category
The lowest caste. You, /lit/.

>> No.22997355

You will never be a woman.

>> No.22997358

Literally just an incel rant I could read here 3 times per day, just reversed. Wow, art.

>> No.22997386

>universal appeal
like what, gangnam style?

>> No.22997399

A good character attack ruined in the last couple of sentences because she couldn’t go a single paragraph without talking about her pussy. Shame. Also, isn’t she pretty much the female version of this? Isn’t this whole book about her wallowing in her own melancholic misery because she’s like le afraid of le patriarchy? (abstract boogeyman to disguise her own laziness)

>> No.22997434

women dictate what's good and bad in society so she cant be wrong

>> No.22997441
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After reading the master (picrel) reading shit prose like that is rough to get through. Don't think I could get through a whole book of prose that unaesthetic.

>> No.22997446

I know that feeling

>> No.22997532
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>trevor was six foot two and rude as hell

>> No.22997609

What an absolute shit book

>> No.22997616

Oh God, this is gold, OP. Why didn't you tell me?
You should have posted it before. That's a fair peek in this kind of female mind. And the lesson is, as always - be fit and have money. The rest you can't change.

Talking about tropes; she lost me in the end as another case of female obssessed with heir own vagina. lol

But I totally would read it, just not as a priority.

>> No.22997618

>there's a time for truth
>and a time for lies

>> No.22997683

>and they’d only hire me if they thought I might fuck them.
> But when I’d been at parties with them, or out at bars, they’d ignored me.
This doesn't follow

>> No.22997686

>The lowest caste. You, /lit/.
Curiously, since we're talking about castes lit/ would be the Head of Brahman.
The highest caste, at least on paper.

>> No.22997710

I never read things written by women. Is this a excerpt of a book written by a woman? I read it and I regret it.

>> No.22997728

shes right tho

>> No.22997991

>“An Asian girlfriend means the guy has a small dick,”

I wonder what it means for a college girl to get fucked by a seventy year old man like she did when she (Ottessa) was a Barnyard whore getting dicked by Philip Roth

>> No.22998002


>> No.22998010

What's amusing to me is that I don't feel attacked by this paragraph because I'm so invisible to women they don't perceive me as a sexual being. I'm below the object of her scron.

>> No.22998013

wtf is this garbage?

>> No.22998014

>she did when she (Ottessa) was a Barnyard whore getting dicked by Philip Roth
This makes her more based, sorry to hear about your dick
Kek she did her research. Better than I expected honestly

>> No.22998023

Why are women celebrated for making fun of nerds but with big words? Is it because they're too "sensitive" to be honest about it?

>> No.22998027

>when she (Ottessa) was a Barnyard whore getting dicked by Philip Roth
this isn't true, right? kek

>> No.22998032

The nerds didn't even do anything to them. I suppose these "women" have no father figure to teach them respect and grace

>> No.22998044

The thing with passages like these, if I ignore the pretension and I'm charitable about it, is they do land on a certain type of insight about people, right? Stereotyped as they may be, there is some meat on these bones, there are guys that are like this, and it wouldn't be fair to say it's wholly inaccurate just because it hits close to home.
But, people aren't humble. It's not that this lady is wrong, but OK, so you walk around cutting other people's lives to pieces in your head all day because you're perceptive enough to get a read on them? And you want me to clap?

I do that shit too but at least I have the courtesy to recognize im a fuckin loser lol

>> No.22998051
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All of those words to just say that you want to fuck tall guys.
Who thought it a good idea to give women rights?

>> No.22998058

After a re-read, it strikes me as kind of strangely hypocritical and a bit sad, particularly the part where she doesn't seem to understand why no one wants to talk to her. Is this all there is? Deranged nerdy men and deranged nerdy women who loathe and fail to understand each other while the meritocracy devours them and the normies go on?

>> No.22998068
File: 1.03 MB, 2394x2385, OttessaMoshfegh-credit-Jake-Belcher-e1592510307638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a sadistic femcel.
>le prize nominee

>> No.22998070

>actually thinking that this is how people think

>> No.22998075

femcels are people too anon.

>> No.22998076

You've clearly never met a bpd femcel

>> No.22998080

Femcels are outcasts and retarded. Their cognitive mush dies with them.
The bigger question is, who the fuck is reading this shit?

>> No.22998081

I'm reading that book after Death Of Virgil, I'll probably finish it tomorrow. I need something light, like a palate cleanser.

Death of Virgil - now that is a great book. What a journey. What an ending.

>> No.22998083

A terrible style of writing that tries very hard to describe things with specificity in order to produce an impressive, humourous effect, comes out quite poorly when made by Jewish frauds and women.

>> No.22998085

Look at the bottom part. She says something about her pretty pink pussy, guys afraid of their dicks and sensuality, etc
There's probably truth to that in some of the people she's talking about, there is also truth in the fact that she's insecure too. You wouldn't write something like this down, or project your desires on to a pretend "Mr. Tall Stud" unless you were incredibly insecure. So im not doubting this woman's ability to present accurate distillations of people or even her ability to write, but I am saying she's apparently, totally clueless. Lmao

Juxtaposed with the reality of any real person who embodies her "Chad" character, it's funny bc those types of people are secure which means writing or even considering something like this is unimaginable to them

>> No.22998099

I suppose that's what goes on in the heads of psychos, they simply can't enjoy life. Because in life, there's many to think about like family, bills, your pet, groceries, work. However, it looks like whoever OP is, is rather an irresponsible person who goes around seeking for some strange euphoria in bullying people who don't even know she exist. Strange way of living, I would say. Creepy. I suppose this is what feminism do to women, strip off women from the truth that they do need some sort of protection from men, and they start saying things like this to ward of men. Not only men, children, animals, other women.

>> No.22998131

The entire novel is the arthoe equivalent of American Psycho. You're stupid if you think she's self inserting into the first person narrative instead of writing from the perspective of a woman so vapid she literally needs chad to deepthroat her for three days and then lock herself in a studio for three months on a drug binge (and giving her best friend, a deeply insecure ladder climbing Jew, a chemical abortion before she dies in 9/11 in the process) to make up any sort of meaning in her life.
The funny thing is that just how Bateman was right about niggers so too does this excerpt nail it when talking about weak-chinned, /lit/-type nerds getting lost in their existential horror (they all see themselves as Sartre, but even he had a passionate romance and wasn't just some cuck lol) and their bullshit abstractions because they're too afraid to face reality. Their cope for never facing their insecurities is in making their own, and it's often just as shitty as you'd imagine that leads to.

>> No.22998133
File: 75 KB, 425x600, tfw no femcel wife to fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon... where do you thinking you're posting right now? it's not exactly a place for societal insiders to put it lightly. maybe if both us and them could get over our hangups about the opposite sex, we could all find true love...

>> No.22998139

Lmao this is actually pretty based. Besides the asian gf part, that is a huge cope for knowing asian girls are prettier than her. Is this bitch jewish? If this bitch is jewish Im not reading this shit. But if not it might just be based.

>> No.22998148

This is just what people who hate themselves do. Its not particular to women, although, this passage embodies womens particular expression of it rather well.
But I mean take a look at the content of the website you're on and then reread your post
Think about your own actions in life too

Always remember you're not a fuckin loser because you're a fuckin loser
You're a fuckin loser to the extent you think it's everyone else and not you
And thats a universal law not necessarily an admonishment. For example, just as it applies to you and me, it is the exact error committed by the woman in the OP.
Humility is godliness.

>> No.22998154

Am I stupid or are you exactly the same as this woman and don't realize it. Phrased another way, are you an unintentional source of comedy.

>> No.22998156

I'm a man. If you don't extract a scathing and accurate critique from this (coming from an awful person, yes, but that doesn't invalidate it) then you're probably the very same type the excerpt is describing to begin with.

>> No.22998161
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>Lmao this is actually pretty based. Besides the asian gf part, that is a huge cope for knowing asian girls are prettier than her

>> No.22998184

are you stupid or just illiterate
it's narrated from the pov of a CHARACTER who is literally so beautiful it fucks her up
her mom was a super model and her dad was a stemcel from the feynman days
she literally has everything in life from the vapid perspective of post modern capitalism
imagine a tiktok whore with millions of followers, that's her
that's exactly why she's a shallow broken and deeply insecure cunt m8 (shes still right tho)
she's not the writer odessa is ugly as sin

>> No.22998186

I wasn't implying you were a woman, and I did critique her, specifically for being a self absorbed, insecure little twit who takes it out on others in her head all day, despite whatever superficial accuracy there might be in her depictions.
And you then replied to me by doing it yourself which was, while a bold move, not one I could really appreciate the logic in. The humor in it, I thoroughly appreciated.

This woman is acting like an idiot because of how she looks at others to compensate for avoiding looking at herself
Food for thought

>> No.22998188

the whole point of the book is that the protagonist is a sociopathic cunt. How does that go over your head (if you've actually read the entire thing)?

>> No.22998190

I'm well aware of that, but I'm a writer, so I know what a character is actually made of and where it comes from
Having said that if there's some wild transition in tone later in the book then I'll concede that I jumped the gun

>> No.22998196

Well to be fair anon this is /lit/ lol nobody's read the book they're replying to the excerpt in the post to socialize on the internet bc they are losers. Why would I ever read this book

>> No.22998197

Wise words

>> No.22998199

>You're stupid if you think she's self inserting into the first person narrative instead of writing from the perspective of a woman so vapid...
-She's totally unlike me, haha.
-This character doesn't have anything in common with me. Why would you think so?
-Yes, she sold clothes just like I did once in my life. That's just a coincidence.
-MC doesn't have a single drop of me in it. Right!

>> No.22998206

the only one who gets it

>> No.22998207
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You're not wholly wrong but I'd say anyone under 30 and with above average intelligence is like this.
I genuinely doubt her pussy is anything but the deepest shades of greyed brown.

>> No.22998216

you have the literary competence of a third grader

>> No.22998222

No anon they're telling you the author intentionally made this character to be an exaggerated piece of shit.

>> No.22998228

Just read the synopsis on wikipedia and this actually sounds like something that'd be up my alley surprisingly enough. Is all the prose like the OP post? It's a bit too terminally-online-woman for my tastes, but I like how confrontational it is.

>> No.22998237


What do you know? A few minor changes of details and you can convince a moron you are a completely different person. Wow, I guess an author never thought of that before.

>> No.22998243

What makes you think the character is the same as the author in the first place?

>> No.22998244

I read the plot too and wasn't interested, then I saw "9/11 tower jump" and "chemical abortion" and out loud said "oh okay." No lie. Then I had to take a good long look at myself.

I'll probably read the book

>> No.22998245

>she's not the writer odessa is ugly as sin
unfair. in her younger days I would. lol

>> No.22998251

Many of the people who read this book say Eileen and Lapvona are both better so maybe I'll check those out first.

>> No.22998253

>(if you've actually read the entire thing)?
I haven't, that's the point. Wasn't this thread made in order to sell us on it?

>> No.22998255

i actually enjoyed it. But i generally don't mind reading books by female authors.

>> No.22998257

>to socialize on the internet bc they are losers

>> No.22998269

nta but I'm not saying it's necessarily a self insert; what I am saying is, as a writer, you can't make characters like this unless it's within you. If, later in the book, there's anything that let's me in on the fact that Odessa realizes her character is a piece of shit and she can universalise it, then she can join my honorary club of acceptable women in writing, The XXX Big Titty Bitch Patrol.
If she just let's me in on it but doesn't really universalize it, thats still a problem. If neither occurs, then it's a self insert, which is the most mind numbing, but an critique of a character without universality in the critique demonstrates that the author truly doesn't recognize the evil within herself that allowed her to concoct this beast in the first place. That's actually the worst one.
If she realizes that this bitch lives somewhere inside her, then good. That's her job

>> No.22998271

>you have the literary competence of a third grader
bullshit kek

>> No.22998283

she's not making fun nerds but of pretentious hipster dudes

>> No.22998298

Has anyone here who's actually read the book give us a review?

>> No.22998301

>What makes you think the character is the same as the author in the first place?
I don't think they're one and the same. But you're being disingenous if you think there's nothing of her in it.
Kinda like of what this anon is saying:

>> No.22998341
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Incels weren’t a thing 40 years ago— ugly men married ugly women. Now the internet has trained them to hate each other.

>> No.22998344
File: 213 KB, 854x717, luke goebel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is her husband

>> No.22998377

iran is in asia

>> No.22998384


>> No.22998394
File: 514 KB, 1284x1699, IMG_7170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the losers that he publishes over at tyrant kek

>> No.22998587

um stop ogling me on the train,femcel

>> No.22998626

just stop lol

>> No.22998654

I mean, she is on-point regarding the hipster phenomenon yet the entire last part of her rant seems to be nothing but cope and seethe, blaming sexual insecurity of her own incapacity to attract or keep the attention of the males she despises.

Which seems weird, really: Her entire protrayal gives the idea that she wouldn't like to interact with the hipsters, yet she seems strangely bitter about being ignored or avoided. Seems like she in reality just resents them for not giving her attention.

>> No.22998656

Of her experience writing the novel, Moshfegh said:

>I feel like the book was successful in that I graduated out of a lot of those concerns by writing the book. When I wrote the book, my passion and anger were located much more outwardly and so the tone of the narrator, who I think a very angry person, is not something I relate to anymore.

>> No.22998724

Aside from being literal Nazi shit, this is so contrived and boring. Man, let me tell you about my neighbor. He's this fat guy who does not have a handsome face. He told me he never leaves the house. I don't think he has charm based on my experience of talking to him. Yet, his girlfriend of almost 7 years is a total AWOOGA level babe.

Stop trying to pretend human relationships can be explained by something so pat and tidy. They are pure CHAOS. The heart does not obey any rules.

>> No.22998756

>people will spend time reading books like this

>> No.22999134

tbf i'd fuck phillip roth just for the novelty

>> No.22999139


>> No.22999206

Honestly suprised this stuff affects /lit/, enough for anons to reply. I consider myself poorly read than your averagge /lit/ anon. Maybe I have matured up after actually taking up reading., ormaybe it's because I just hit 30. All I feel after reading this is indifference to all characters.

>> No.22999224

She's very ugly, no wonder she feels threatened by Asian girls.

>> No.22999404

>They would be the ones running museums and magazines, and they’d only hire me if they thought I might fuck them. But when I’d been at parties with them, or out at bars, they’d ignored me

>They wouldn’t be distracted by “pussy,” they would have me believe

Actual seething cunt

>> No.22999419

Ironically she is a female version of said hipsters. The vanity and self loathing and pseudointellectulism and alternativeness she lumps on them while all being true is exactly what she is. People hate the traits in others that remind them of themselves

>> No.22999423

holy cringe, reads like satire of social darwinism

>> No.22999966

I quite liked it and laughed a lot - it's actually kind of dated for a Gen Z book though. She goes on about Whoopi Fucking Goldberg. There's a solid twist though, and it's fairly tuned in to the contemporary subconscious.

>> No.23000055

Freakiest girl I've ever been with was a literature student doing a PhD on Shakespeare, who told me she liked me because I was tall and muscular and manlier than the students at her faculty, who were either gay or, if they were straight, were still effeminate and skinny.
At the end of the day, humans are just violent apes and for all our culture, literature, music, arts, it's the violent barbarian who gets the girls.
I had sex with a philosophy student who wrote in her Tinder bio that she's "dominant" in bed but with me she turned into a sweet little sub. Her ex-boyfriend was a philosophy student as well and she regularly pegged him. She said she didn't really enjoy it but did it more to please him.

>> No.23000058

No one here is having sex simple as

>> No.23000094

I'm far below six feet, scrawny as hell, and was a philosophy student. If all of this true, why have I gotten more pussy than you and why have women left their muscular, tall boyfriends for me? Lololololol men are so funny
>my archetype actually sits securely at the top
Oh? Does it now? Or maybe you're a fucking SUCKER homeboy
>teehee I wuv how tall and muscular u r, not like the other boys, those dorks
>who I also fuck
Her with those guys
>omg I love how smart you are
>No I think those jocks are all brawn no brain, not my type I promise
You're a SIMP anon, a sucker

>> No.23000097
File: 97 KB, 500x552, latfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hate? Everyone here would absolutely loathe the kind of guy she's describing.

>> No.23000107

Most of the people here are the kind of guy she's describing. Read it again. She's not describing nerds or Eagles of Death Metal tier hipsters. She's talking about me and you lol. Read it again but this time without bullshitting yourself

>> No.23000122

The main character of this book is meant to be unlikeable you retards
Moshfeghs femcel literally me characters all are, she's a genius for making retarded women buy her books while she is mocking them

>> No.23000125

Well, I doubt she sees it that way. She probably thinks she can make people realize something about themselves through this character, something about their own selfish or flawed natures and how it's bad.
Which, you know, fat fuckin chance on that one but I'd guess that's more her aim.

>> No.23000130

>the character is a self-insert because she uhhhhh sold clothes like I and most other people do at some point
Wow dooood I guess Bateman was Ellis's insert cause Bateman bought groceries too, groundbreaking stuff

>> No.23000133

I did prefer Eileen to this one but for irrelevant reasons, both are decent
Haven't read lapvona though

>> No.23000144

you seem hurt

>> No.23000151

It's absolutely not "pure CHAOS." The anon you're replying to is being too reductive, but there's also far more reality in what he said than you want to confront, lmao pulling exceptions to the obvious rule that surrounds us all, to prove your point. Combined with "you're a nazi bc you didn't say everyone's equal and ppl just fawl in wuvvv :3 "

What are we on motherfuckin reddit

>> No.23000153

I am but that's because I have terminal AIDS, not relevant

>> No.23000191

>just be tall and attractive
wow thats deep

>> No.23000192

Where can I read the male equivalent of this?

>> No.23000196

I'll write it rn just gimme a sec

>> No.23000197

My Twisted World by Eliot Rodger

>> No.23000216

Whatever by Houllebecq

>> No.23000240


>> No.23000294

that's the whole point of the character, retard

>> No.23000301

everyone here loathes women way more than they loathe hipsters

>> No.23000312
File: 39 KB, 309x475, incel lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23000316

>i don't believe that's what the author had in mind based on nothing
you're just making shit up about her intentions to suit your own world view. She's done countless interviews stating that her characters are supposed to be unlikable cunts

>> No.23000321

any incel blog post on this board

>> No.23000332

The Eileen character was just as much of a bitch as this one but less entertaining to read. All she did was complain and her fantasies about that one cops dick and balls were drawn out way too long

>> No.23000338

And literature is generally about getting the audience to arrive at an insight
And the characters are usually vehicles for this
You have just completed 8th grade Lit 101. I will be sending you a bill in the mail.

>> No.23000363

>And literature is generally about getting the audience to arrive at an insight
that might be the case for some works of literature but can't be said about literature in general, you retarded cunt. And now fuck off i'm not arguing with holes

>> No.23000369

I'm a man
Name one work of literature where this is not the case

>> No.23000427

>posts bitter roastie rant about cock selection

>> No.23000461

>muh useless liberal arts degree
you will never be a man, roastie.

>> No.23000464

He's a Nazi because of the biological essentialism. I'm really not sure how exceptional what I described really is, now that I spend more time outside I feel like I see couples like that with some frequency.

Hell, I even have a friend, an older women, who told me about a friend she had in college who was so hot his nickname was 'Stud' (translated). Lots of women got interested in Stud simply from looking at him. But then they spent time with him, and he would just lose them because he had no personality.

Tracks with what I read in Book of Pook, about how he himself was tall and muscular, and could therefore get laid easily, but he had nothing else going for him, and therefore, women wouldn't want anything with him other than sex.

So yeah, being hot isn't a silver bullet even when it comes to romance, much less for ruling the world or whatever that idiot was on about.

>> No.23000541

This fucking delusional LARP is one of the most pathetic I have seen this year hahahaha

>> No.23000576

>I even have a friend, an older women

>> No.23000675

at least make it believable retard

>> No.23000729

It is usually men who are stereotyped as obsessed with sex and cooming but if female authors of fiction are anything to go by women are obsessed with their pussies to a degree that very few men are with their own penises. Like their entire consciousness and personality perpetually revolves around it, horny or not.

>> No.23000792

Diary of an Oxygen Thief

>> No.23000832

Like 95% of men aren't six foot three so that means you'll never have a six foot three man to yourself. Men would also prefer if they could have a 10/10 virgin harlot, but they usually aren't so delusional as to think they can.

>> No.23000862

Wait.. what’s wrong with hairy knuckles? Are you supposed to shave them??

>> No.23000869

I am 6'3" though

>> No.23000908

>to a degree that very few men are with their own penises

>> No.23000980

I remember reading this and thinking /lit/ would seethe so hard over this paragraph. I was right hehe.

>> No.23001158

>He's a Nazi because of the biological essentialism.
If that's the case the both God and Man are Nazis.

>> No.23001168

Lapvona is her best book, hilarious how it was panned by almost all the publications who’ve been sucking her dick since Eileen

>> No.23001363

Is there NO level of biological essentialism in reality? Testosterone in my bloodstream has zero implications?

>> No.23001382

Anon, female reality is centered around men, and that's why they're so sexual. That, combined with society basically having zero restraint left.
But we are their whole world. Once in a while you will meet a woman who is meta, and thus has some level of individuality and thoughts that aren't geared toward men. Those are the best ones.

>> No.23001418

She's Jewish as fuck lmao, in body and spirit.

>> No.23001537

This is false. Being hot absolutely is the silver bullet. Most other things you can work on. That's why people focus on being hot. You can work on being fit and lean but your face and body type are genetic.

>> No.23001557

I dont have a degree nor am I a woman.
I am simply more intelligent than you are anon its nbd. I can't throw a ball for shit. I bet you can toss one over the house!

>> No.23001560

Not even half a paragraph in and I would have thrown this away lmao. Korean girls will always be hotter than jew broads.

>> No.23001565

Every poem ever written

>> No.23001573

OK. Non poetry.

>> No.23001581
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>Korean girls will always be hotter

>> No.23001612

incels kill themselves everyday over not having a gf. And let's not even start with the "muh male loneliness epidemic" that apparently somehow is all womens fault. So idk whose life is centered around who

>> No.23001623

Id rather go yellow than jew anyday Moishe and so would the rest of the male population

>> No.23001627


>> No.23001628

Why dont you people just stick to r9k? Why do you have to bring your retardation everywhere? Do you guys even ever have a single thought that doesn't revolve around sex? Even animals sometimes think about food for a change. Get help.

>> No.23001640

You will never have testosterone

>> No.23001645
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>> No.23001655

You will never have a foreskin

>> No.23001668

>dysgenic dyel yellowfevercel can’t stop talking and thinking about dicks
Knew all of you losers were homosexuals

>> No.23001693

Lol seething Amerimutt immediately calls everyone gay when exposed as a castrated goy slave. Typical stuff

>> No.23001711

the united states as a modern superpower after ww2 was brought about by ivy league educated east coast WASPS in fancy suits with glasses and soft clean hands. the idea that idealized masculine features and aggression have much to do with who's in charge and how things work is largely something insecure guys buy into more than anything you can point to in reality

>> No.23001766

Well, sure, but that's not what we're talking about here at all. I'm just disputing the notion that there's zero degree of biological essentialism in reality, which is ridiculous when you consider we don't design ourselves and have sexed genitalia. From the outset this already preconditions our experience. Then we have the unconscious mind for lack of a more accurate phrase. Things that drive us which we aren't aware of and thus can't control. Then we have the issue of never being able to certify when we've fully understood our own minds, there's always the possibility that some part of us we don't understand is making or influencing a decision.
And at least some of that is rooted in biology.
I agree with you that whatever one is aware of they can then exert influence over, and that the alpha of the pack is not necessarily always the biggest and baddest gorilla on the block, but that doesnt root out bio essentialism as a concept entirely.
Maybe essentialism is too hard of a term tho ill give you that. We definitely derive a lot from biology that we aren't aware of, but since we can alter it if we become aware, I guess it's not truly essential. Still you're acting like it plays no role

>> No.23001799

Yeah, men are guilty of this same thing in the main. I won't fault them for it.
I'm not even faulting women for being so centered around men. It makes good sense. Men and women need and love each other. It's beautiful and good
What drives me up a fucking wall is everyone's lack of awareness and catastrophizing endlessly, that's all.

>> No.23001810

Enslave women and deny them all 'human' dignity and rights and everything. They're cattle.

That's all I have to say.

>> No.23002434


>> No.23002525

>she's a genius
This word has been so vulgarized lately.

>> No.23002533

all around this site

>> No.23002660


Yeah, but you guys are gay. It's different.

>> No.23002764

Nah, God is a transcendent entity, and spirituality in general teaches the way out of the meatbag. The world of the senses is strictly 0 next to the Infinite.

>> No.23002771

It makes things easier, but is neither necessary nor sufficient.

>> No.23002779


>> No.23002789

I posted the original reply. I don't think it plays no role, but it's also not insurmountable or the entire game, there's too much counter evidence against that view.

>> No.23002800

Intellectual post

>> No.23002840


>> No.23002855

>but I'm a writer
No you're not. You're the teenaged version of what shes literally describing. And if you're an adult saying stuff like that, fuck me you're cringe

>> No.23002856

>He's a Nazi because of the biological essentialism
biological essentialism is indisputable, retard. your feelings do not count as a refutation.

>> No.23002867

A lot of those ivy league guys fought in the world wars, and the upper class of the time had a very athletic culture. The stereotype of ivy league men being potbellied hipsters with brittle bones came about decades later.

>> No.23002950

how can you tell that the writing is not composed of genuine thoughts though? please respond

>> No.23002951

Ironic that you're calling others cowardly when your writing reeks of being a self important cuck faggot.

>> No.23002960

>You're a fuckin loser to the extent you think it's everyone else and not you
you know. I wish I could have told myself that back in high school. I feel like I have alittle more understanding but it just feels like I went from hating others to hating myself.

>> No.23003033

>Asian gfs
>running museums and magazines
This is just bad writing in how inaccurate this is. The descriptions of the hipster and their taste is not too far off. Obviously she is trying to describe a typical /lit/izen. The part about this type being successful, running magazines, hiring women and fucking them, having gfs is ridiculous. This is some weird white men bad fantasy projected on social outcasts that get into art and intellectual interests because of a lack of social skills - but in this fantasy they're successful because muh patriarchy and white privilege. It's impossible for these types of people to imagine a white man having a hard life, or just enjoying great work of art just for the sake of it, and not some means to seem important and or get pussy. And don't tell me "uhh the protag is supposed to be sociopathic". These are observations, mostly objective descriptions about these men, without much subjective judgement to them. It's obviously the writer's own thoughts. Women are the worst.

>> No.23003135

She's describing upper middle class guys whose parents subsidize their lifestyle in New York City. Not mega rich, but more privileged than the average /lit/izen but a fair amount. These guys wouldn't post on /lit/ because they have a substantial irl social circle that talks about /lit/ topics. The narrator's lament here is essentially that men of her socio-economic caste and subculture are sexually unattractive while the men who are attractive are from alien social castes and therefore have too little in common with her to be feasible long term relationship prospects. The fact that she's resentful of the hipsters paying her insufficient attention gives her away as a member of their tribe, because every woman is anxious to be desirable in the eyes of her tribesmen even if they themselves are less attractive than she would prefer.

>> No.23003146

but jewish women are literally built for BBC

>> No.23003148

Recomend me books on those people plz.

>> No.23003171

the talmud

>> No.23003279

>This is some weird white men bad fantasy projected on social outcasts
Well yes, if she prescribed those things to the (((group who actually does them))) she would face backlash that would ultimately kill her. It's much easier to bully those worse off and blame them. Does any of that go toward fixing the problem? Of course not. But women never fix things and don't want to, they want to virtue signal.

>> No.23003620

I thought it was decent. Death in her Hands was a great read, I wish that was the Moshfegh book people talked about.

>> No.23003668

Unless you're some doctrinaire freudian it's really hard to argue that everything that men do, think or say is a mere footnote to their genitalia. Something which is far harder to say about women.

>> No.23003951

I'm better and more capable than you

>> No.23004180

>muh male loneliness epidemic
20% of men fuck 80% of all women.
Modern society is all about status and money.
Women have been brainwashed by feminism to the point that they are absolutely impossible to hang out with.
Entire generations of men checked out of society, wont work, wont have families, wont fight for their countries
>what male loneliness epidemic???

>> No.23004184

I'd bet that women are more normal IRL than online and since our exposure to them is mostly online it seems worse than it is
However I do agree that generally they've become more annoying and I don't like being around them
Idk tho. Don't lose perspective. There's some cool girls sometimes.

>> No.23004202

I have known people like that and found the passage hilarious.

>> No.23004216

I'm 6'1 is that good enough or should I kms??

>> No.23004226

They aren’t more normal lol. Im not a woman hater, but at least in america society makes it so that you basically can’t ever criticize a woman, let alone properly discipline. Women are beautiful but must be treated properly and not in this gay ass way. Its why men and women are unhappy these days

>> No.23004229
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Scientifically, there is zero selection pressure for height in the modern world.


>> No.23004252

Well women have been inculturated toward narcissism since we've been kids and nobody listened or cared. Boomers let them consume virtual terrorist media growing up and didn't care. I don't want to abuse my aging mother so I stay silent, but the truth is, simply by allowing my sisters to watch the Kardashians while we grew up unabated, means she failed.

>> No.23004254

Heightcels on suicide watch

>> No.23004259

I agree my friend I think we all know who is to blame for our conditions and it isn’t women…

>> No.23004615
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>us, our, we
I have zero contact with women online. Plenty of contact offline and its bleak out here. If they are not from a stable family with a strong father figure and not psychologically schooled they are impossible to date. Finding one that fits these criteria is bascially impossible. Most girls here have been infected with the feminist mind virus going near them is actually dangerous.
My friends and I are all around 35 now and we all have bascially lost all interest in trying to get a partner. The average female doesnt add anything to a mans life. They have no idea how to make a man happy and are basically a second job. A second job that is not fucking worth having.
Tldr: the jews won.

>> No.23004644

I get it. I'm just saying it's not good to always see the worst in other people. It makes you worse, too.

>> No.23005493

not an argument

>> No.23005606
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>Diary of an Oxygen Thief

>> No.23005741

I would.

>> No.23005766
File: 148 KB, 400x297, 1000009223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“The worst was that those guys tried to pass off their insecurity as “sensitivity,” and it worked. They would be the ones running museums and magazines, and they’d only hire me if they thought I might fuck them. But when I’d been at parties with them, or out at bars, they’d ignored me. They were so self-serious and distracted by their conversation with their look-alike companions that you’d think they were wrestling with a decision of such high stakes, the world might explode. They wouldn’t be distracted by “pussy,” they would have me believe. The truth was probably that they were just afraid of vaginas, afraid that they’d fail to understand one as pretty and pink as mine, and they were ashamed of their own sensual inadequacies, afraid of their own dicks, afraid of themselves. So they focused on “abstract ideas” and developed drinking problems to blot out the self-loathing they preferred to call “existential ennui.”"
mid foid seething that she can't get attention

>> No.23005790

god you sound like such an insufferable effeminate faggot

>> No.23006185

Fuck, first time i've seen this cover, and it's hilarious.

>> No.23006193
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I'm 5'7" and have pulled dozens of bitches, some of them 10's. It's all about confidence, bro. you have to believe you have some worth, and then women will believe it, too.

>> No.23006246

>all her main characters are dumb Chad chasing femcels
>she has extraordinary insight into their psychology and motivations
>noooo she is doing it ironically she doesnt really enjoy talking shit about beta hipsters and how they will never reach the recesses of her tight vagina with their flaccid, small, Asian-banging dicks like Chad does
Yeah sure

>> No.23006265

That is the point of the passage. Moshfegh probably wrote it from the hipster stuff from the heart but she recognized her own hypocrisy enough to include that last part.

>> No.23006293

Not that deep
Shes a woman
She wants to have her cake and eat it too
She wouldnt shagg them, but she wants to feel desired, plus the ego boost of both gaining attention and rejecting them

>> No.23006370
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Absolute chad post, psudeo basedbeans literally seething.

>> No.23006433

OP and DoaOT are probably going to be the long term Zeitgeist classics of our terminally online era, and future generations will study the seething ITT like current generations study weird Americans believing Catcher in the Rye was a communist plot.

>> No.23006434

This reads like it was written by a gay robot. Where in modern society are these alpha tough guys? I see very few of these types these days and they aren’t the guys getting the most puss or making the most cash lol

>> No.23006572
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Pic rel, written by /ourguy/

>> No.23006589

If you only knew the reason why most modern men are weaker and psychologically deranged compared to their ancestor is because their weak mother. Then you'll probably going to erase that entire paragraph describing women as a grand prize of life lol.

>> No.23006812

>god you sound like such an insufferable effeminate faggot
Simp. You're part of the reason women behave the way they behave.
When we, as people, don't ask anything beyond beauty from them, the result is dismal.

>> No.23007038

I have never in my life seen a character be projected onto an author like this lol
does /lit/ read books?

>> No.23007740

they're definitely a second job, but you can still find a loving one that you like, plus many of them earn quite a bit of money now

>> No.23007746

the love affairs of nathaniel p.

>> No.23008769

t. seething beta hipster who can't handle criticism or his alcohol

>> No.23010453

>I ended up working at, with their younger—usually Asian—girlfriends. “An Asian girlfriend means the guy has a small dick
Why are women so racist bros?

>> No.23010466

If immigrants were mostly thick latinas and petite asian girls instead of military-aged men, white women would form right-wing death squads overnight.