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22965797 No.22965797 [Reply] [Original]

>in and of itself

>> No.22965803
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>in and of and on and at and over and around and under itself

>> No.22965806

Are you mad that you're a dimwit and could not understand that phraseology?

>> No.22965867


>> No.22965875

Is there an external archive for /lit/? Im trying to find something.

>> No.22965890
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>by and large

>> No.22965904

In and of itself = as such = in essence

It means we are tallking about the essence of the thing in question, not conditions or particulars which it may take on

It is a useful if clunky phrase.

>> No.22965911

But why not simply say "in itself"- why the "of". Its just another example of EFL superfluousness.

>> No.22966056

English speakers are lobotomised the day they start learning this transgender language

>> No.22966071

my guess is "in" implies something hidden and unseen in the abstract, whereas of implies what is seen and understood physically. thus "in and of itself" is neccesary to fully express the idea.

>> No.22966073

Pray tell me, what is your first language?

>> No.22966087

>pray tell me
Hello, Mr. ESL.

>> No.22966090

It is just a language conventiom that emerged over time. I am not sure when, that is a good question. The phrase is used heavily in philosophy, perhaps it owes its origin to a translation convention from Greek or Latin.

Languages are big and complex fields, they have their thickets and their flowing streams. In and of itself is barbarous prose but a handy technical term

>> No.22966124

>barbarous prose
Bullshit, the reason its popular is probably because of its rhythm, philosophers could just say “as such” or “in itself” or “per se” and it would accomplish the same thing, so that it is a “technical term” isn’t an explanation of why people say it

>> No.22966134

itself and all of its offshoots/spawns
kind of like jewry. There jews- IN THEMSELVES, and JEWRY- OF THEM

>> No.22966135

>Accusing others of being what you are
Classic trick, you can do better. You didnt answer my question either. Keep speaking your backward click language in your home country, remember that whenever you have to deal with actual people, you will speak English.

>> No.22966137

I am tired of arguing, I won't. I hope you find whatever it is you want.

>> No.22966156

>accuses someone of being ESL
>writes pray tell me
>can’t even get a basic expression correct

>> No.22966172

"in itself" means, the essence of the thing. What's at the heart of it?

"of itself" means, considering just the thing, not how it is *of* something else [i.e. a part of something else].

They're obviously very similar ideas but there is a little bit of difference. But I doubt people thought "let's say that to cover those slightly different ideas. It was probably more just "let's say the same thing twice for emphasis and because it sounds good."

>> No.22966181

>Insult the English language while having to use it to communicate
>When asked what is his first language, accuse the questioner of being ESL
>Ramble on about some irrelevant point
>Avoid question
Im not responding until you tell us what your native tongue is.

>> No.22966208

I’m not the other guy

>> No.22966218

Two different people responded to you, Mr. ESL. I accused you of being ESL for your incorrect use of the expression “pray tell me.” Only a genuine ESL would feel the need to add the pronoun “me.”

>> No.22966368

One that wasn’t raped by the French in 1066 to the point it lost case, gender, conjugation and half of its vocabulary.
I know that isn’t very specific, but at least you can cross one out of the list

>> No.22966387

>albeit there was more

>> No.22966440


>> No.22966472
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>be that as it may
> in as much as
> vis a vis

>> No.22966483

>an und für sich

>> No.22966840
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>as such
>there can be no doubt that
>we must conclude
>which implies