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/lit/ - Literature

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22938043 No.22938043 [Reply] [Original]

Why do the denizens of this board experience such seething hatred towards female and minority authors?

>> No.22938048

whats a denizens?

>> No.22938076

Stupid question. Incel website full of incels. Little do they know they'd stop repulsing the opposite sex if they stopped consuming fascist faggots and cracked open a Virgina Woolf or Sally Rooney novel from time to time.

>> No.22938105

/pol/tards and incels come here because they think they're so fucking smart for "cracking the code" or some asinine shit like that, so they come here and make it an echo chamber.

>> No.22938109

/lit/ is a Christie Sims fan subreddit

>> No.22938113

most of this board doesn't think about them at all

>> No.22938119

Harold Bloom

>> No.22938162

fucking kek, good one mate

>> No.22938179

Because women are barely human

>> No.22938196

because vast majority of them are whiney crap
The only good ones were written 60 years ago when the53 were actual discrimination

>> No.22938203

Like /fit/izens but not as swole

>> No.22938217

This, I only really remember their existence when a thread is made.

>> No.22938221

there are a lot of children and immature adults here

>> No.22938231
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Because everything is about replacing the white man with some Stronk BIPOC Wymxn who writes 100 times better than we do, so naturally they win all of the awards.


>> No.22938232
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It's especially infuriating when someone you seem inferior is more successful than you, especially in a field you are very passionate about.
In a nutshell, it's envy. /Lit/izens are butthurt women and minorities can write, publish and living the life they can only daydream about.

>> No.22938236

Wow profound

>> No.22938245
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They are definitely writing the best books and not because they check off boxes. I mean, where else in Canada do you see anyone putting down the white man in favour of minorities? It doesn't happen. Only chuds and MAGAs fall for that ruSSian propaganda.

>> No.22938257

What if I tell you I know a white heterosexual dude that has won 150k euro last year in different prices. This is not counting the money he has made selling books and writing for different papers. He's been invited to events all over the world and living his best life as a writer. No one has taken your spot, nor does the world owe you anything. Go out there and write something.

>> No.22938259
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There is definitely no push to remove power and influence from white guys. To believe so, you must also believe in flat earth.

>> No.22938261

Name? I've written two books dipshit, but if you're not playing for the "librul" or "conservatard" sides, you're on the sidelines.

>> No.22938269

Most modern popular writers dont make that much money at all. It's why that asian female author (Jay Zhao, author of Iron widow) complained about being paid less than a mcdonalds worker.

>> No.22938270

Is it so hard to believe there are successful white men in the world? Most successful people in the world are white men.
>I've written two books dipshit
Well either you can't network for shit or your books are shit. It happens.
If you feel comfortable sharing your books I'd be happy to give you a honest review.

>> No.22938271

Why cant you name this super popular white guy author who made 150k in prizemoney alone?

>> No.22938279

I’m cool with minorities but I don’t respect women, especially when the main argument for consuming their work is le diversity and le new opinions.

>> No.22938284

I don't feel that way at all.

>> No.22938286

Him being straight white man means nothing if he is some commie writing liberal, anti white, lgbt/feminist books.

>> No.22938290

I'm just not into Romance or YA and that's basically all they write.

>> No.22938297

>Why cant you name this super popular white guy author who made 150k in prizemoney alone?

>> No.22938305

/lit/ is actually a pretty fair board all things considered. I have never seen anyone here who goes out of their way to not read minorities, I myself enjoy a few non-white authors, and it’s women’s fault we don’t respect their writings. Reason and accountability and all that.

>> No.22938317

Post your works and maybe I'll tell you his name.

>inb4 shitkickers guy

He doesn't write fiction. His focus is sociology and to a lesser extent history. And no it's not LGBT/feminist shit. His focus is urbanization and it's problems. He also writes scripts for tv shows and documentaries sometimes. Also writes on news papers. Whatever he can get his hands on. Dude works his ass off. Kek why is it so hard to believe?

>> No.22938322

>He doesn't write fiction. His focus is sociology and to a lesser extent history. And no it's not LGBT/feminist shit. His focus is urbanization and it's problems. He also writes scripts for tv shows and documentaries sometimes. Also writes on news papers. Whatever he can get his hands on. Dude works his ass off. Kek why is it so hard to believe?
So he completely plays within the system and makes sure to capitalize Black and Brown and be a good goy. Gotcha!

>> No.22938325

Austen is one of my favorites personally. Usually dont look to deeply into a writers background but usually their race is apparent when you read the work. Recently enjoyed the book blood on the forge by some negro whos name i forgot

>> No.22938330

recommended books from woman and minorities? go tell it on the mountain, and orlando seem interesting.

>> No.22938336

I don't read liberal and progressive books and most if not all minority authors are progressives and women. I just don't like women mental process (or the lack of it) but have nothing against non white male authors who write good books.

>> No.22938341

Eh not really, but sure bro keep living your life complaining the brown women are holding you down.

>> No.22938342

>only authors should care about certain groups not being as prevalent in publishing
Why are you deflecting so hard, you aren't doxxing yourself, you are talking about a super popular hundreds of thousands of euros winning author. Not even mentioning his income through sales.
It's not hard to believe but he seems super popular yet I can't put my finger on it. Surely you can't not name one example to disprove these anons.

>> No.22938350

Oh sorry I misread, he doesn't write fiction.
Into the bin it goes.

>> No.22938361
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Hating on whitey is 100% supported across every industry, every western nation, every institution, every corporation...

>> No.22938363
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As long as we’re happy.
That’s all that really matters

>> No.22938375

I'm willing to bet you 5euro that 90% or more of staff in high management of whatever company that is are white. I'm sure they put LGBT posters and BLM posters all around the office to make the grunts who get paid minimum wage happy.

>> No.22938429

>White women

>> No.22938467
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...annnnnddd where do you think the "artists" that created this exhibit at the Vancouver Art Gallery got their funding from?

>> No.22938521

Leftist spaces are already echo chambers

>> No.22938528

>world doesn’t owe you anything
Weird hill to die on for a leftist

>> No.22938529

I live in supported living, brown women are definitely keeping me down

>> No.22938531

Who cares about the opinions of women when an average high school senior can overpower any woman

>> No.22938533
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>> No.22938999
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They're just anti white, anti male empty headed little nobodies. You know I can turn on the television and listen to female girlboss shit right? Why would I want to read something so negative and, hello, BORING. In theory I could pick up one of these books and be entertained but 99% of the time it's just, well, "not for me."

I'm not even a MGTard. They just really suck


>> No.22939027

Also not to make you feel bad but I don't even discriminate based on race or gender when it comes to art. You guys just don't make anything interesting. Make something interesting for once and stop talking about your immigrant story or whatever it's boring as fuck. Persepolis is forgettable

>> No.22939032

Also the only interesting fiction written by non-whites is written by Asians.

>> No.22939147

>acting like virtually every space online and every college campuses isn't a 10x worse echo chamber for the left

The fact you can actually complain about muh poltards here unlike every other social media where'd you be banned for wrongthink shows how wrong you are. You get so mad and frustrated about it which shows how accustomed you've become to having every space in your life conform to your worldview. Yet still you come to the one place left where the right isn't silenced and complain and demand mods ban them. Pathetic control freak.

>> No.22939162

when did I say any of that, you fucking spastic

>> No.22939168

>consistently pushing points you know are left wing
>consistently target the right wing
>pretend to be a fence sitter with no side when called out

such a disengenous gaslighting tactic, pure sophistry to avoid criticism

>> No.22939170

/pol/ is just one click away from /lit/

if you don't like it here go back to 9gag

>> No.22939177

Then stop complaining about poltards here if you don't feel that way, there is virtually an endless amount of online spaces where you can have your left-liberal safe space.

>> No.22939186

They need every space, every last one! It isn't enough that all of the arts require you to be woke as fuck, the entire entertainment industry, EVERYTHING requires you to think alike... but if someone points out on /lit/ that writing and authoring is dominated by, you guessed it, progressive women and their minority pets, it must be silenced!

These are the type of people who work at publishers, these people filter out anything that isn't woke nonsense. These people pick the literature prize winners. (darkies, women, and gays)

>> No.22939196

A sperg who can’t discuss anything without throwing in identify politics, regular politics, or some culture war bullshit, is a sperg and a cancer regardless if he’s a lefty or righty. Neither side is bad. It’s the radicals or extremists who are cancerous and have to shoehorn their shit in everywhere. Two sides of the same coin

>> No.22939201

eat shit. if you're going to be that assblasted about someone not liking your "ideology", you can fuck off back to /pol/ and suck each other's dicks all day, where I don't have to listen to your vapid opinions .

>> No.22939209

It's also because /pol/ has declined in quality so much even 80iq retards are leaving it, with some of them ending up here by mistake. Killing /pol/ post 2016 with all the election tourists, and more sinisterly, with bots, turned out to be a way to kill this site for good it seems.

>> No.22939212

Meritocracy is left wing? Top kek you american fucking retard you don't have to hate women to be right wing.

>> No.22939223

Once people started talking about 4chan in the mainstream , I knew 4chan's days were numbered. I hate newfags so fucking much.

>> No.22939237
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Awh am I intruding your safe space?

>> No.22939259

This, memeing a president into the office actually wasn't worth it. Though considering how this site started, I'd say it's a fitting way to go. We achieved maximum trolling, now we die.

>> No.22939278

Anyone who doesn't like our ideology is a fag

>> No.22939294
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>I'm willing to bet

No, you watched a television show where somebody said that. Go to reddit, normie

>> No.22939310

because i hate niggers and i hate nigger enablers, aka women

>> No.22939384
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You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.22939415

Want to know how to make the board better? Post and make threads about books you’ve read. Be serious but if you must troll then troll in the realm of literature. Don’t respond to bait. I see so many tards get sucked into flamewars. They do nothing but destroy the site. Don’t talk about current day politics. Bump threads that are good and reply to posts that have effort. We could all be hero’s but we’re failures. End the /pol/ brain rot. Let this be a space for readers. If you don’t read books then fuck off

>> No.22939438

Yeah it means you're an employee who doesn't think, just repeats whatever they've heard from school system / media / government

>> No.22939462

Yeah I'm employed, I can't imagine bitching about being oppressed by women and brown people though. I work hard and live a comfy life. You keep blaming your failures on others, faggot.

>> No.22939468

This sums it up, although I would add that niggers are also womanish (narcissistic and daft) too

The whole latter half of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st was handed on a silver platter to any nigger, faggot, or dumbass crybaby attention-seeker (woman), while everybody normal and interesting was systematically kept out of culture creation

>> No.22939589

Missed the point retards. The fact that you can shit all over poltards here shows you this is not a circle while every other space on the internet is in fact a circle jerk for your worldview. It is just The one space where you have close to total free speech and therefore have a higher ratio of right wingers (rather than just the total dominance of the left which you are used to) you complain about being a circle jerk. I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy and arrogance.

>> No.22939596

Your posts are good and your point is correct but you need better tranny detection. The lowercase one is literally a tranny, note the (highly male neurotic type) snarky bitchy bitterness. No real man writes like that (they're more directly aggressive) but no real woman writes like that either, it's a tranny or a future tranny / tranny adjacent.

>> No.22939642

good point anon, I picked up on the tone but just filtered it out to make my point

>> No.22939648

I like Ayn Rand and Thomas Sowell

>> No.22939670

look, there are many excellent black and female writers. Du Bois and James Baldwin are masters, and should be read by all. Virginia Woolf and Gertrude Steine were undeniable masters, and should be read by all..

There is a stupid, superficial brand of progressive politics that ascended post 60s and it came under the burden of a culture continuoisly divorcing from text and embracing hashtags and forum posts as sources of ideology, same as all ideologies in the period, it got badly marred, now many people are pretending to be intellectuals or writers who are just twitter users in reality since that is where they absorb worldview. The amount of inane bullshit these people say is insufferable and offensive to reason. Being the loudest in the room, many assume that they represent anything more than an outgrowth of media forms, such as an actual political ideology, and have gone to war with this paper doll, on crusades for male and white assertion in a post civil rights society. America is deeply racist and white people are all fucked up and neurotic, and this provides an eternal wellspring for bizarre crusades against masturbation, negroes, Jews and women.

>> No.22939750

Post nose

>> No.22939765

Write better shit and people will read it, nobody asked for your struggle session tier blog post

>> No.22939777

The funny thing is my writing is archaic, not bad, the clausing cadence comes from the fact that I have been reading endless 19th century literature lately. I forget that modern readers cannot comrephend a sentence with more than two clauses, having lost their train of thought midway and becoming distracted by grammatical conventioms or unknown vocabularies, thus losing track if the subject and the predicate most generally and finally concluding that they have been misled and bewildered by the bad technique of the writer.

inb4 omg your writing sucks bro hahahah omg you think your good but etc.

>> No.22939812

"write better shit"

Bruh... if you're banned everywhere, how is anyone going to find you?

>> No.22939827

If you’re banned everywhere I think that speaks clearly that you’re an edgelord

>> No.22939892

80% of my bans came from me saying "Fuck that shit, I ain't ever taking the COVID "vaccine" that shit is poison. History will prove me right some day."

Boom... banned everywhere. Fuck you vaxxie.

>> No.22939897

I am a naturally offensive person, society punishes me for that, yet I also do not break the law. I'm a peaceful person who prefers a battle of the wits.

>> No.22939932

>Heh, I'm so smart that you mere plebs just can't follow along with my train of thought


>> No.22939951
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I just don't think I can thrive as a straight white male in 2024 because I talk too much shit

>> No.22939953

>Just write anything that publishers (white women and browns) don't find scary to think imagine
There's books about every disgusting thing possible in this world but only with a female dominated industry is everything so similar and sterile. You are disingenuous and not that smart. Wonder why you go to bat for them so hard.

>> No.22939972

Hatred? Just think their books suck, simple as

>> No.22939986

lol, every fucking time, every fucking time like clockwork

the midwits just cannot accept that intellectual excellence exists

>> No.22940007

Don't hate them but I became disillusioned by the massive amount of femslop they more than usually opt for. Literature is in a coma.

>> No.22940014

Poe’s law. Parody or real? I can’t tell. Let the vaccine go. There’s more to life than dying on a 4 year old hill

>> No.22940027

/lit/ is a female board, you should expect misogyny

>> No.22940037

It is not in a coma, it is six feet under and never to rise again

>> No.22940071

I want to have hope but lately I'm more inclined towards that belief yes. "What gets published is what sells" what sells is Colleen Hoover and stories about oppression. Cool if you're into that but the market has definetely less interesting stuff to offer. Not just a literature thing ofcourse, happens in all sectors of entertainment and food and whatnot.

>> No.22940083


>> No.22940087

the WEF

>> No.22940090

Is the American in the room with us, Shaniqua?

And yes, Meritocracy is indeed left wing, how about you actually pick up a book you ESL retard.

>> No.22940093

What’s actually wrong with being an edgelord besides sentimental reasons? Hume was right.

>> No.22940105

Nothing and most people are edgelords but most people hate it when you don't agree with their worldview, only then is it a problem. Just look at tiktok and how much they bully unfortunate looking people, it's not incel chud racists doing the bullying its social media addicted girls and gays. It only reinforces what we already know though.

>> No.22940123

I don’t go out of my way to read them, also the ones that just endlessly complain about the patriarchy are annoying. I think male writers are definitely more relatable overall for me though. Also roll my eyes when a professor of mine tries down talking the western canon and says [insert timeless classic] was boring. It’s just so fucking performative and gay. When I go on social media and look at who’s posting the most literature artsy type stuff it’s always women too, why is that? I don’t despise women writers at all but there is something in this stuff that annoys me. Something annoying about women supposedly girlbossing hard and owning the spotlight, not needin no heckin man but at the same time seething at me for silently enjoying the western canon. I love that me enjoying literature on my own and not simply following the herd annoys these types. They have so much instant validation but for some reason they also need yours despite you supposedly being an incel nobody. Hilarious.

>> No.22940130

Whoa whoa who said anything about autism?

>> No.22940135

The story of the death of literature is the exact same story as the story of modern man becoming.

Literature is not just one more of the arts. It is a deeply, profoundly human arena where thoughts can be transmitted directly from mind to mind, almost magically, or exactly magically, I do not know.

It's loss is as significant as the loss of the genders, which may come next. Or the loss of woodcraft by plastic chemistries. It is essential to the whole thing, it gives us tremendous insight into the force of history.

It seems exponential growth of technology has totally displaced all human thought, and we are all now the pawns of Moore's Law. I find it shocking how easy it is to model history with the exponential growth curves for mechanical energy, electrical energy and data/information. I can only suspect these are demonic forces dragging humanity deeper into deceptions and manipulations by powerful entities, because their affect on society is so empirically evil. Increasingly I find myself drawn aboard Train Kali Yuga by observing the horrific manipulations of literature achieved by modern minds. The atmosphere feels bleak, surprising, curious and complex. I take it as a hopeful sign that my curiosity is perfectly alive even though my depression and anxiety are increasing.

>> No.22940138

Who cares about the opinions of white bois when a Tyrone can easily overpower his bussy using his BBC?

>> No.22940140


>> No.22940144

This is a board for people who read books. Please go to /pol/ if you are interested in inserting your own head so deep into your anus that you vomit sense.

>> No.22940184

That's a good way to describe it I feel, the almost not human way of everything nowadays. Everything being something to sate base desires only. Everything has to be maximalized and/or done in mass before it is allowed to be worthy. Big sports events nowadays where you are barely connected to the players used to be filled with guys from your street, hell the tour de France used to be some guys just biking around and drinking whatever they could get their hands on. It's not perfect but very human and much more enjoyable than the whole predicting of trends and the next new thing obsession. I feel this is mostly the case for current publishing as well, tried and true formulas being printed out again and again. The need to be perfect kills the need to be creative or daring.

>> No.22940231

>The need to be perfect kills the need to be creative or daring.

Those are very wise words. Modern people are desperately afraid of mediocrity, failure and inability. Where does that get them? Medicority, failure, inability. Greatness exists in every human soul. True greatness. It is hampered every which way by our sheepish fear of one another, our sheepish fear of suffering, our sheepish fear of failure. We are murdering one another, stabbing with smarts, as if anyone else's success must diminish ours. We are children-people. We are reduced. Humanity still calls everyone, even if the cry is far, far off. We must grow in the mind while our bodies age or life is a total loss.

>> No.22940363

take your meds

>> No.22940384

Blacks are weaker than Whites on average and have smaller penises

>> No.22940390
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what a fucking stupid nigger posting his midwit normalfag takes on 4chan

>> No.22940396

>This is a board for people who read books
not him but you have shit taste (and you obviously aren't White lmao)

go back to your 3rd world toilet, you mediocre shitskinned piece of trash

>> No.22940407

Post nose

>> No.22940423

ya based

He's right, the top ranks of corporate management are all White boomer who have been there 30 years. They definitely go out of their way to hire shitskins tho

This post is stupid and you're an idiot. I don't want to write, also every other board is pretty much the same. Women are fine, nonwhites have to go tho, or at least be mitigated. Nonwhite writers have nothing to offer that hasn't already been said, the same with most authors today. The problem is if you're nonwhite it's much more likely you'll get published simply for that fact, instead of having somehting interesting to say

>> No.22940427

>hurrdurr someone doesn't like me, must be a tranny
you're what's turned this board to shit.

>> No.22940431

oops meant for>>22940363

>> No.22940435

>implying that's what he wrote
can you even read? lol. sounds more like you're turning the board to shit with your awful posts, whiteknighting for trannies and shitskins

>> No.22940437

>hurrdurr someone doesn't agree with me, must be a polcel
you're what's turned this board to shit.

>> No.22940489

I've been on this site since 2007, and I've watched you fuckwits spread across this board like a fungus. I hate you both from the bottom of my heart.

>> No.22940499

>I've been on this site since 2007
so you're a tranny?

i've been here since 2010 (jessi slaughter), everybody from old /b/ went to /pol/, then spread across the rest of the board. sorry you're so upset by the consensus reality on this site, most other sites don't allow such kind of talk, so you should be more appreciative of this rare form of dialogue, and stop being so intolerant.

>> No.22940501

When was the last time you were to 9Gag? 2011? It's/pol/ 2.0 now hahahaha.

>> No.22940503

I have been here longer, what now, kys internet lingo using retard. Your brain is rotten and so is your heart.

>> No.22940504

self hating gay or tranny poster

>> No.22940511
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how many covid vaccines did you get?

>> No.22940513

>t. upset this isn't like xir other sterile websites

>> No.22940516

At least you're honest that you don't care about literature but only politics. I don't know if you understand that people who care about what the board represented might not like this?

>> No.22940519
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go back. everyone here is "racist" (aka based, redpilled). cope.

>> No.22940527

>I have been here longer
>he thinks this is good
ooof al la le leddit
le *cringe* lel
#2012 le 90s kid
nostalgia throwback f7u12ca2010
philosoraptor /b/tard
newfag summerfag oldfag tfw gf
>wub wub wub
>drop the bass
>bro just be chill, everyone is chill, life is good
>spaghetti in my pocket

Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidiin ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Σίβνλλα τί ϴέλεις; respondebat illa: άπο ϴανεΐν ϴέλω.

>> No.22940528

i don't care about politics, i just like to talk shit about nonwhites and trannies, and am interested in literature, although not the common kind anymore

>> No.22940536

>brought up first time used as an argument
>can't handle it when someone else is his supposed senior
You are very annoying and only argue for the sake of arguing, obviously.

>> No.22940541


“Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidiin ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Σίβνλλα τί ϴέλεις; respondebat illa: άπο ϴανεΐν ϴέλω.”

>> No.22940542

Ah well.

>> No.22940545

You are very annoying and worse than what you cry about

>> No.22940560

Mais où sont les neiges d'antan!

>> No.22940562

I won

>> No.22940607

lol you goddamned jackass, we have not argued

>> No.22940613

Yet, I won

>> No.22940630

here is your prize
>HeeeeEEeeee HAaaaaaaa

>> No.22940660

So you're telling me there are hundreds of hot intellectual women on /lit/ willing to date me?

>> No.22940663

It's a female board, not a hot female board. Why do you think we don't post our faces constantly?

>> No.22940665

and they're all in your area

>> No.22940707

Post your feet hahahaha?

>> No.22940730

I already post them on feetfinder

>> No.22941057

I read nothing but /femlit/, I think they're more interesting writers.

>> No.22941061

how's life in copenseethen

>> No.22941063

convenience store woman

>> No.22941066

My favorite books by POC authors are The Iliad, the Divine Comedy and Don Quixote
The only female author I ever liked was Evelyn Waugh. All the rest were pure cancer.

>> No.22941069

can second this
femlit is shit but convenience store woman is a gem

>> No.22941072

women and transexuals and leftists are in this board and there's nothing you can do about it other than cry like a little baby

>> No.22941078

Yea so let's all stop whining about le pol as well

>> No.22941080

no, we won't stop whining about pol and you can also do nothing about that, in fact you're gonna leave the board at one point because all you people run away like cockroaches as soon as your echo chambers get challenged

>> No.22941081

this is insanely funny

>> No.22941170

good effort, not enough zest to be proper bait

>> No.22941253
File: 10 KB, 183x276, images-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how dare women write

>> No.22941977
File: 38 KB, 346x341, 35464565467587809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol, every fucking time, every fucking time like clockwork the midwits just cannot accept that intellectual excellence exists

>> No.22942131

Diversity awards given out by an organization given money by the government to promote diversity

>> No.22942141

They are artificially being propped up and stuffed down our throats, drowned in awards, for mediocre slop to serve a political agenda, all at the cost of straight white males.

>> No.22942152

You have a problem in your psychosexual mind, clearly. The proper reaction to a modern transexual is deep sympathy for a human being that is utterly tormented by modernity.

>> No.22942180

Exactly, women and homosexuals are the problem

>> No.22942214

It is amazing to see just how forced it all is.

>> No.22943217

>cry like a little baby
you mean "laugh out loud at how dumb and inept they are"

>> No.22944603

This, but unironically