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/lit/ - Literature

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22934913 No.22934913 [Reply] [Original]

IYO: Should literature be banned if it undermines the cultural and legal protection of the disadvantaged? Should readers of Peter Sotos and Germaine Greer be criminally charged in the way that readers of Hitler and Stalin are in some European/North American localities? morally, I would probably attack someone if they invited me to their house and had pedo apologia in their bookshelf, but strictly ethically speaking I don't believe freedom of speech should be regulated in anyway. My brain is libertarian but my gut is fascist and I can't reconcile them.

>> No.22934943

Come back when you've read and understood the book.

>> No.22934951

I have some controversial works by equally dubious people. In the case of Lolita, it's fiction.. we indulge in criminality in works of fiction but does reading Clockwork Orange make you want to murder people? As for Hitler and Stalin it could be argued that Ideologies should be treated differently. But Mein Kampf had a lasting impact on the world so it is interesting of course in that way. But it's a terribly written book and a dull and stupid one at that.

>> No.22934962

Just shame the people that read it, or just ban it from being taught in schools.

>> No.22934981

mein kampf had no impact on the world, hitler did.

>> No.22935043

Why people make a big deal out of this book, Its not like it has graphic sex scenes involving minors in it like some more mainstream and accepted books I could mention

>> No.22935071

I read this to the little girl I babysit after I have sex with her and she thinks it's pretty entertaining. I think you need to calm down, touch grass, and maybe have sex chud.

>> No.22935085

>Germaine Greer
She just said that a young boy was cute. Only trannies pretend they are offended.

>> No.22935100

basado y rojopastillado

>> No.22935130

thats a lie and you know you're jewish

>> No.22935155

>My brain is libertarian but my gut is fascist
Oh boy. We got a tough guy over here.

>> No.22935159

>morality is a club I bludgeon people not on my team with
wew lad

>> No.22935160

It's the natural conclusion. Survival instincts>The Enlightenment and everything succeeding it

>> No.22935168

That is correct. if you can't kill your enemy then the children will suffer. The only actual "own" in history was whenever a group got genocided or political factions got purged.

>> No.22935181

Then why the smoke and mirrors of moral qualms? Just say might is right and call it a day.

>> No.22935192

Because they could spare their own lives if they just admit I am right. Thats literally all it takes and they can't even do that.

>> No.22935216

What if you're wrong? Mao suicided 50 million of his people leaping forward and shit. That was fucking retarded. I'd rather be associated with pedophiles if it meant I could be free.

>> No.22935253
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You're not understanding me. Freedom of speech, not freedom of consequence. "free speech I can guarantee, freedom after speech I can not."
Ergo, if you say or do something that upsets me(like being a pedophile) I would deprive you of the ability to do so by any means necessary.
You can come to your own conclusions, but you have to go through me to enact them in the real world, so long as you are in my immediate vicinity.

>> No.22935263

Also, "I" in the most literal sense(according to formal logic), can not be "wrong". I can't be wrong per se, only wrong in the sense of the limitations of my proximity.

>> No.22935264

But who the fuck are you? What if my gang of pedophiles is bigger than your gang of self-righteous cunts on a given day?

>> No.22935274

>Should literature be banned
Catholic Church called, they want their mediaeval age back.

>> No.22935279

>like some more mainstream and accepted books I could mention
plz mention them anon, I need it for my... bachelor thesis

>> No.22935285

There aren't enough of you to stop me alone. You seem to be neurologically fickle, so softly say to yourself over and over: "He's right." Ramping up in speed and intention, until you've said it enough and felt it deeply enough that you, for the sake of you and your pedo gangs safety, truly believe it. Only then can you be safe.

>> No.22935289

So you're just arrogant and naive. My pedophiles and I will be just fine, pussy.

>> No.22935307
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One is only arrogant if it's a facade. I lack zero apprehension in saying this: I can, and indeed would enact sparagmos on you and any number of your NAMBLA mates, given I am provided the necessary information to deduce your identity(s).

>> No.22935315
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>My pedophiles and I will be just fine

>> No.22935319

STUF you pretentious phaggot, get off my /lit/ you goddamn retarded spastic

>> No.22935324

It is a facade. You have no absolute knowledge and you're a mortal who is huffing his own farts. It actually would be a lot easier than you think to put you down like a dog.
Dats rite. We strapped too.

>> No.22935333

You think ze tranno-pedo elites are reading that transgressive shit? Nah. Just let some losers enjoy their Literature.

>> No.22935335

If you cannot guarantee your innocence, I cannot guarantee your safety. It is that simple.
It is only with this understanding by which you can fully understand the severity of your deed.

>> No.22935339

nice trips niqqa

>> No.22935343

>You think ze tranno-pedo elites are reading that transgressive shit?
Why would they be reading it when they could have just hopped on Epstein Express... literature is for poor fags who can't do it for real

>> No.22935354

>it's only with this understanding by which you can fully understand
Yeah, I am not worried. I guarantee no innocence. All the things you hate to see I am doing them right now, at the same time.

>> No.22935361

I bet so, you jewish kid fucking transgender mulatto. Hope that PhD in Liberal Arts and the HPV from carpet munching is worth it, faggot.

>> No.22935372

>You seem to be neurologically fickle
kek. It's that easy. All that gorilla chest pounding and he folds like a cheap suit. Classic.

>> No.22935376

>you jewish kid fucking transgender mulatto.
I bet you support Israel, you sick fuck.

>> No.22935390

>oh shit he described me to a t, better save face by pointing out his bad words!
You are as psychologically mature as the children you rape, I hope when your victims grow up they Julius Ceasar the shit out of you. Praise be to allah

>> No.22935397

I say deport all of them over there so they can all be in one place when we drop the bomb on dey azzez ya urd

>> No.22935407
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lol they're already moving there once they done cooming

>> No.22935408

>Praise be to allah
The one where the prophet is a pedophile?

>> No.22935409

shit good point lmao

>> No.22935410

>The one where the prophet is a pedophile?
They were legally married, you sick fuck. Don't project your fantasies.

>> No.22935414

desert people man. You'd think their land isn't the only thing going through a dry spell with all the raping they do.

>> No.22935421

dudes like this are always closeted pedos

>> No.22935427
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>desert people man
There's no race/peoples/whatever in history that didn't engage in such things. It's as human as anything else, whatever that may mean.

>> No.22935434
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>> No.22936342

true morality -- the ethical consideration that separates us from animals -- is an affair of the guts, but ought to be guided by the brains.

>> No.22936363

only so if the brain has the guts best interest.

>> No.22936367

I don't know what any of those words mean but I think no book should be banned. Hiding the ugly wrong parts of history is disrespectful and people need to know bad things exist so that they don't repeat them.

>> No.22936389

>should literature be banned
No and also fuck off.

>> No.22936437

>"free speech I can guarantee, freedom after speech I can not."
Good job retard, you are now advocating for ruining people's lives for saying nigger accidentally. Stop posting you 90iq ape.

>> No.22936443


>> No.22936845

Incorrect. The word nigger doesn't bother me, so I wouldn't ruin anyone's life over it. If however you said nigger to a black guy that was bigger and stronger than you it should be up to him if he wants to ruin your life or not.

>> No.22936860

There's not really an argument in favor of censorship: it's just a raw exertion of power to limit what other people have access to. The argument in favor of NOT doing that is that, because human judgment is fallible (in that we all have imperfect information), it's optimal to maximize the amount of information people have, even wrong information, so long as correct information can also be spread. It's not that it's good to have smut and disinfo floating around, it's that sometimes smut has value that goes unrecognized and "disinfo" might actually turn out to be correct in the end, and there's no good way to consistently predict how things will turn out, so the safest answer is just to allow everything.

Now, why the first amendment in the US Constitution? It's not actually because of that second argument: it's entirely because the US colonials had just gone through a decade of censorship enforced on them by their government, and they were worried about the new government they were creating pulling the same shit, and they didn't see government as a good but as a necessary evil, so they put a lot of limits on it, including extremely strong limits on censorship. Did they like smut? No. Did they really think deeply about making good decisions under uncertainty? No. They wanted the ability to stir up shit against the government they were creating if they wanted. It was an exercise of power against the censorship power of the state.

>Should literature be banned if it undermines the cultural and legal protection of the disadvantaged?
If you don't see how that kind of reasoning can very easily be used to suppress any and all dissent, you're a blind fool.

>> No.22936960


>> No.22936986

>pedo apologia
What do you mean? Lolita is not prepubescent, but rather pubescent, which would mean that attraction to her is hebephilia and not pedophilia.

>> No.22937029

I would unironically rather have 100 pedophiles in my community than 1 of you. They're not going to randomly decide to try and murder me because I read the wrong book. You complete and utter psychopath.