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22899812 No.22899812 [Reply] [Original]

>IQ 160
>favorite book Fountainhead
How is his taste so refined?

>> No.22899879

Ayn Rand’s work is enjoyed with nuance even if many say she doesn’t have it; simply cause they disagree.

>> No.22899881

I don’t think taste has that much to do with IQ. It would be quite expected for someone with a very high IQ but without a developed capacity for empathy or particular interests in aesthetics to claim Rand as a favourite author. I don’t personally have much interest in or admiration for these kinds of people but I also think it doesn’t preclude them from being very smart.

>> No.22899890

where is the proof his iq is 160?

>> No.22899907

He read Ayn Rand

>> No.22899912

Where's your god, The Bell Curve?

>> No.22900024

is this the guy that was calling british mps midwits because they couldn't solve some probability question?

>> No.22900028

Ayn Rand claims society moves forward with great people with singularly unique minds and ideas so we should do everything possible to let them flourish. it's a pretty simple idea and I don't get how so many (intentionally) misunderstand it. last thread on ayn rand I had multiple people trying to tell me there is no such thing as a great man that moves the world forward. Stalin, Hitler, Einstein meant nothing apparently (yes I named these three and idiots actually said they meant nothing in history)

>> No.22900056

by definition, we can't stop them from coming up or doing great things

>> No.22900057

forget why i stopped paying attention to this guy. was it because he's a jew? or is there something else wrong with him?

>> No.22900067

bullshit. that makes no sense. you must be a child to think something this detached from reality

>> No.22900074

Prove me wrong, how do you know they are great before they have already proved it by which time they will already have risen to prominence.

>> No.22900092

>Ayn Rand claims society moves forward with great people
Serious question, why the fuck do I see Ayn Rand mentioned everywhere in this board? Is it literally only just because she's a woman? She was certainly not the first one to start believing that, nor the first to write about it, so why do I never see any of the other men who believed this and argued for it posted here on /int/?

>> No.22900109

because Ayn Rand is very famous and often attacked for having "stupid" ideas/ideals and then others explain that no it's not stupid to value a society that lets great people move society forward. she only ever gets brought up to attack her which in turn has people "defend" her (explain what she actually says to strawmen idiots).
did you really need this explained? really?

>> No.22900112

>did you really need this explained? really?
Yes in the sense that I sure as all hell don't want to dive into a Really Big Ayn Rand Discussion, no in the sense that this is almost worthless knowledge and I may as well have just not learned at all.

>> No.22900115

>in the sense that I sure as all hell don't want to dive into a Really Big Ayn Rand Discussion
*to figure things out myself

>> No.22900131

Who else like her was a fiction writer? Genuinely curious/ignorant and would like more like Rand. Her characters are great, anyone who writes characters that could ostensibly be considered randian heroes would be great.

>> No.22900214

People below 120 IQ are dumb and people over like 145ish IQ are more often than not soulless untermensch bugs like the men with long ears in Zarathustra.
>t. 138 IQ golden zone chad

>> No.22900316

Just take look at him. Fuck, I am dumb alright but at least I am good looking.

>> No.22900446

>society moves forward with great people with singularly unique minds and ideas so we should do everything possible to let them flourish
the most brainlet npcish take i've heard. amazing combo

>> No.22900486 [DELETED] 

If you genuinely like Rand for her characters you would enjoy reading comic books.

>> No.22900536

This. Aesthetics are, well, aesthetic. Subtle versus straight forward is a subjective thing. One ofmy best friends is turbo smart and he likes stuff that I find heavy handed. I write poetry and one time he literally told me "I don't get all of the ambiguity of art. Why don't you just say what you mean?"

>> No.22900556

I've only read Atlas Shrugged but there is seems like all the heros are clear eyed geniuses with saint-like self control. Attractive and confident, they also all fuck the stand in for Ayn Rand.

Meanwhile, every person related to ideas she doesn't like is an almost comic degenerate. They're fat, unlikeable, weak willed, craven, etc.

One wonders how the weak and quite unlikeable people got to running things in the first place.

And it is certainly over the top at times. Like the train crash where we get a panoramic view of how the whole train load of people deserves to die because they all embraced socialism for their own various degenerate reasons.

>> No.22900572

Exactly my experience, but I also feel this is something with many variables and I can move between the two extremes. It's the old great scientist vs great artist divide. Reason versus the human experience.

>> No.22900576

There's a class of people who are chronically asshurt at her.

>> No.22900584

High IQ doesn't mean you're smart

>> No.22900589

She's that bad, yes

If Hitler had his way Einstein would have been killed

>> No.22900591

Einstein wasn't that important really. Would have been worse if he killed von Neumann.

>> No.22900639

Ayn Rand doesn't actually argue that we should let great men flourish, she is more of the opinion that great men should have sex with her. Her notion of great men is flawed. Take a look at one of her characters in Atlas Shrugged, Frisco. He is able to achieve anything with extreme ease, from doing complex mathematics in his childhood to solving the stock market and using the cash to start his new business to being able to throw pebbles with perfect precision without any prior practice. Her enlightened characters never have to toil. I am certain that if Ayn read the autobiography of Da Vinci she would call him a loser wannabe smart guy because he hated his own laziness and sucked at math. What makes her fiction even more absurd is the fact that the entire world is split into 2 groups of people, the ubermensch and the untermensch, further, everyone in their group has the exact same opinion.

>> No.22900683

A high IQ doesn't mean you aren't

>> No.22900708

Still, lotta empty posturing in those books

>> No.22900833


you didn't mention which iq test and under what conditions, midwit
>t. 9000 IQ based on my.own test

>> No.22900898

hes got a sqaure brain. outsytche his eogh field hed be useless

>> No.22900935

>One wonders how the weak and quite unlikeable people got to running things in the first place.
Yeah because in the real world this totally doesn't happen.....

>> No.22901730
File: 61 KB, 559x680, 1701375432757518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a trolling tactic, as you can see by this thread. nothing of substance is said. op doesn't even comment on rand herself. in all likelihood, he hasn't read rand. op associates rand's work with an e-celeb, so that people will argue over whether she or the e-celeb is based. iq, too, plays a role, as it's a metric that only mental masturbators give any credence. as you can see by the remainder of the thread, we've devolved into misogyny, debates over the "great man" theory, and shitposting about physiogamy. no one in this thread will learn anything. no one in this thread will even bother to read rand. we'll just post in circles until the whole affair falls off the catalog, and into the dustbin of digital history.

>> No.22901757

Leftists are comic degenerates

>> No.22901782

Most of those super high IQ people always have some form of autism. I couldnt care less about what one of them thinks is the best thing ever written.

>> No.22901817

I have a very high IQ (maxed wechsler twice so nobody knows how high exactly) and there is a certain neurosis and anxiety that comes with that. if you are too stupid to figure out competent human social interaction then your IQ isn't that important

>> No.22901905

Sounds like the literary equivalent of a s𐐬yjak meme

>> No.22902837

thank you anon

>> No.22902872

Is that Rob Dyrdek?

>> No.22902883

It's almost like she's a long-nosed subversive weirdo. Just look at her. Genuinely.

>> No.22903036

I love Michael Malice and I own one of his books. I only wish go back to doing livestreams where he'd shoot the shit with his audience members like he used to.

>> No.22903162

No way that guy is above 120 (generously), I'd bet you $1M against $5 on this.

>> No.22903203

>thinking anything related to Ayn Rand warrants a serious discussion
lmao even

>> No.22903623

Yup its some flowers for algernon esque shit fr fr

>> No.22903797

>clear eyed geniuses with saint-like self control. Attractive and confident, they also all fuck the stand in for Ayn Rand.
lol wait so it's a reverse harem? thank god I never picked it up (I don't read anything written by a w*man)

>> No.22903858

Taste and IQ aren't strongly correlated. People like what they like, you can be picky but you have to accept there's a reason for the shit you don't like to exist.

>> No.22903874
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My IQ is 105

>> No.22903879

well said king

>> No.22903947


no cap

>> No.22903982
File: 50 KB, 633x640, 0cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he posts on 4chan

>> No.22904012

above all what people would see if they could stop seething and frothing from anger because of the libertarian theme, is that Ayn Rand is actually a great writer. her books are very well written.

>> No.22904022

>iq, too, plays a role, as it's a metric that only mental masturbators give any credence
I'm sorry you failed calc 2.

>> No.22904332

Based midwit

>> No.22904917
File: 614 KB, 2000x1332, jerry-messing-41b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not wrong, it's simply that she isn't one of these great people

Neitzsche already made her point and it only took him a paragraph.

>> No.22904997

>just hope loud enough

>> No.22905004

i got 139 on my test

>> No.22905015

I’ve had a few friends in the >160 range, and most of them don’t even like fiction.
the one who loves it and has read nearly everything is literal they/them.
t. 141 Proustfan
t. think about iq too much
t. I know it’s a fault and makes me a faggot

>> No.22905019

based honestposter

>> No.22905062

>reads w*men