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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.61 MB, 2276x3508, topsters2 (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22887231 No.22887231 [Reply] [Original]

This is a continuation of the thread creating a new horror fiction chart, >>22857408
The choices are mostly solidified (pic related is the most recent draft), though some anons have brought up points against including Dean Koontz. Input will gladly be appreciated

>> No.22887471


>> No.22887582
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>> No.22888036

I'm back. I can try to edit the chart today, and I also have a pretty stupid idea/reasoning: I know that Koontz is contested by some, and if we remove him, the chart will not have a row with a single book in it and look a lot more streamlined. I would like your thoughts on it.

>> No.22888262

? just put the book at the end there are two spaces?

>> No.22888266

The books are sorted by time period (early, post-war, and modern), with a break inbetween every period, so that books of different time periods don't overlap in one row.

>> No.22888287

then put a vertical like in between them and delete the space

>> No.22888303

No, that really wouldn't look as good, especially after I put in the text that indicates the time periods.

>> No.22888612

Honestly, I don't think not having that blank row is that big of a deal if we remove him since there's no distinction between the early and post war periods either. I agree that it'd look more streamlined if we remove him and just have it go straight to the modern section with no blank spaces

>> No.22888619
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If you do remove him, I can still move the rows a little bit to give a bit of room between the time periods. A little bit like the old chart, so that there's room for the text "post-war" etc, and so that the distinction is clear when looking at the chart as a whole.

>> No.22888652

Do you agree that we should remove him? I want to make sure we're in agreement before taking stuff off

>> No.22888715

I would say so. he is the one that I feel least bad about removing, and it does honestly make the chart look really good without really losing much of quality or an important niche. What do you think of it? If you do agree and post the chart without Koontz, I can start editing it.

>> No.22888788
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I'm fine with it, I just wanted to make sure we were both on the same page

>> No.22888804

Nice! I'll try to get it done this evening.

>> No.22888826

Karl Edward Wagner

>> No.22889191

Thoughts? It's a late addition I know but it would add the blank line for the post war section. Wagner's stuff seems a little pricy to come by from what I can tell though. Has a great reputation though

>> No.22889241

I'm so embarrassed by that Negative Space garbage being on there

>> No.22889259

I'm in the middle of editing the chart, so I think it's a bad idea to add anything at this point in general. Also, like you said, the fact that his works are basically out of print and both very hard to get by and very expensive doesn't make this the best to add to this chart.

>> No.22889269

What didn't you like about it?

>> No.22889293

edgy teenagers doing drugs and feeling sad

>> No.22889323

I can understand that, but to me that's not a good enough reason to remove it from the chart.

>> No.22889361
File: 73 KB, 800x450, HD-wallpaper-gas-staion-under-a-red-sky-red-town-gas-station-sky-street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good urban horror about night city (maybe with melancholic vibes)? Not about flats, but about streets, gas stations, urban railroads, etc.

>> No.22889615

an anon in the previous thread recc'd Jack Townsend's Tales from the Gas Station, which is humor mixed with horror

>> No.22889637
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Maybe there is something with the vibes of Max Payne, Condemned: Criminal Origins or Fahrenheit (game)?

>> No.22889665

I'm not a gamer but your pic reminded me of Clive Barker's short story "The Midnight Meat Train"

>> No.22889669

Condemned was pretty obviously influenced by Silence of the Lambs and true crime stuff on serial killers

>> No.22889671

I have watched the movie.

>> No.22889732
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I think you'd enjoy this

>> No.22889770
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>Silence of the Lambs
I have read it.

But I want a book with those vibes, like you explore the jungle of a night city with its secrets (cults, conspiracies, etc).


>> No.22889783
File: 2.42 MB, 2552x3572, Horror Literature Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone, after 2 hours in MS Paint I managed to edit the chart, and this is the end result!

Title at the top, little horizontal spaces inbetween time periods (with those periods marked at the top left of the first book of that period), a lot less space inbetween books vertically, so it fits on a screen without you having to scroll to the side (for pictures, the side text makes the chart too wide for that, but that's okay to me), authors and titles on the right side of the chart, and a general cutting to size!
If there are no editing mistakes/requests, then I think people should save this chart and share it as much as possible in horror and/or chart threads, so other anons can see and save it too, and use it over the previous one!

What does everyone think of it?
Second question, does anyone know how to get this chart uploaded to the wiki in the right area?
Thirdly, as a general question, which books on here have you read? What did you think of them? Any favourites etc?

>> No.22889811

The Gone world is Supernatural shit. If you just want a Noir detective story check out God is a bullet

>> No.22889823

Favorites: EAP (OF COURSE), Dracula, Night Shift, Swan Song

>> No.22889829

I heard that The Gone World has "True Detective (season 1)" vibes. I'm ok with that.

>God is a bullet
I have watched the movie.

>> No.22889830

Excellent job anon! It looks great and it was a lot of fun ironing it out with you. Do you want to put the thread number and date on the bottom like you did with the Dark and Disturbing chart?
I'm not sure about the wiki but I remember an anon from the last thread mentioned getting it on the MEGA so I'll have to look into it.

>> No.22889856

Thank you! I also greatly enjoyed compiling the thread with you. I will answer in more detail later, I need a break from the screen for a bit, haha

>> No.22890136

I'm back! No, I don't think I want to add the date and thread number; there was a lot less discussing with other anons when we made this chart in comparison to the dark/disturbing one. That one took 3 full threads that were all incredibly busy with anons suggesting books and discussing what they thought of them, and here it was 90% you and me, with only very few anons giving input.
Are you going to look into the MEGA? I will see if I can do anything in the wiki.

>> No.22890204

I'll look into the wiki. I think all I have to do is upload the image but I'll come back and let you know if/when I get it up uploaded

>> No.22890215
File: 2.41 MB, 2552x3572, New horror checklist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for fun, I've filled in which books I've read on my own chart. So far I've read 26/68 (I'm 4 pages away from finishing The Great God Pan and Other Horror Stories, I I'll count that).
Some of my favourites are:
>Arthur Machen - "The White People"
>Lovecraft - quite a few, like "The Rats in the Walls", "The Music of Erich Zann", "The Colour Out of Space", "The Call of Cthulhu"
>I Am Legend
>Rosemary's Baby
>The Exorcist
>The Shining
>Clive Barker - "The Yattering and Jack", "Dread" and "The Forbidden" are my absolute favourites, but most stories in Books of Blood are very good.
>The Silence of the Lambs
>The Cipher
>Exquisite Corpse
>The Fisherman (even though the ending wasn't as strong as the rest of the book, it was still a very good and atmospheric read)

>> No.22890216

from what I gather, MEGA anon will upload the new chart at some point in time. I just uploaded it but since he owns the MEGA he has to put it in the proper place so we'll just have to check every now and then to see when he updates it
Also, now that we've gone through this, what're your favorite horror authors anon? What're you reading now?

>> No.22890524

Bump to show everyone that there's a new horror chart! >>22889783

>> No.22890586

I didn't see your message for some reason, but coincidentally answered it here >>22890215
Like I said, I'm almost done with Machen's collection. After this I want to focus more on more recent writers (but not exclusively).
Other books I've read this year and aren't on the chart that I think are top tier:
>Stephen King - Misery
>Patrick Süskind - Perfume
Right now I have a few books lined up to read next year (in no particular order):
>Plastiboo - Vermis I and II (they're books with a cool concept: a video game guide for a dark fantasy/horror game that doesn't exist, and it has incredible artwork)
>Ligotti - My Work Is Not Yet Done, and Teatro Grottesco
>Robert Bloch - Psycho
>Brian Evenson - Song for the Unraveling of the World (hasn't yet arrived, but I'm excited to read some of his work!)
>John Ajvide Lindqvist - Let The Right One In
>M.R. James - Collected Ghost Stories
I also want to look more into recent horror, like more of Evenson and Ballingrud, and check out Matt Cardin's To Rouse Leviathan. That sounds super interesting and I'd really want to read that sometime next year.
What about you?

>> No.22890663

The Exorcist is probably one of the best horror novels I've ever read, tied with Haunting of Hill House. Straub's Ghost Story is a close second. I cut my teeth on a lot of King but I moved past him a long while ago. The Shining and Cujo stood out to me a lot. I read Let the Right One In a while ago and though it dragged a little to me, was pretty good.
I recently bought Ligotti's collection from Penguin that is in the chart which I'm excited to get to but besides that I try to mix up my reading every year. I just started Godel Escher Bach which I hope will broaden my horizons a little.
Do you have a Discord or anything? I'd love to know any of the new horror stuff you find

>> No.22890689

The Penguin collection of Ligotti is pretty good. the stories don't focus too much on the plot as far as I remember, but the atmosphere and mindfuckery are top notch. I've read it a long time ago so I don't remember that much of it, but I'm excited to read more of his work (hence the two other easily available works that I've got and want to read soon).
Yeah, I have Discord. If you give me your ID I'll add you, and we can talk more horror/books in general whenever we have time

>> No.22890698

(I'm also about to go to bed, so I might read your messages later/tomorrow)

>> No.22890714

I wish there were more crime noir games, dark urban chaos, etc.
Hell, even the first Outlast felt closer in spirit to Condemned at times

>> No.22890755

Great chart, Anon. No complaints

"In a Lonely Place"
t. Karl Edward Wagner
Valancourt Books

>> No.22891864


>> No.22891987

>the fact that his works are basically out of print and both very hard to get by and very expensive
KEW's In A Lonely Place was reprinted earlier this year by Valancourt. It definitely deserves a place on the chart for the stories Sticks and More Sinned Against (the rest of the stories are all good too).

>> No.22892165

I saw that the chart was uploaded. I moved it to horror books folder.

>> No.22892194
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To be honest I'm not into contemporary shit, it's too shitty and smelly and sticky and it gives me chronic diarrhea.

>> No.22892308

>Negative Space

>> No.22892451

What don't you like about it?

>> No.22892734


>> No.22892749

Gas station carnival from Teatro Grottesco.

>> No.22892864


>> No.22892880

Thanks, man. I was thinking of dipping my feet into something new for a change.

>> No.22892893

No problem! I hope you get some good reads out of it.

>> No.22892946

Fisherman sucks balls. Worse than king, it's boring af, no cap.

>> No.22893014

Which ones on the chart did you enjoy?

>> No.22893351
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thoughts on pic related?

>> No.22893369


>> No.22893784

Nick Cutter's prose is very flowery. It's mixed-format storytelling, but Nick Cutter's voice is too strong, so it's mostly pointless. It's gross. The end was obnoxious and the interviews at the end were boring. overall, not a bad book.

>> No.22893941

Stay very still OP. A trolls vision is based off movement. Anyway, Fisherman and NS are awesome, they certainly deserve a spot.

>> No.22893975

Thanks, and it's good to know they should be on there. Are there any other books on the chart you have read and enjoyed? Any books you feel should've been on the chart?

>> No.22893994

t. Joyce Carol Oats

Look at a picture of, Joyce. Now read the book.
Yup, that little lady wrote that book.

>> No.22894015
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Well, part of me wants to say the first book in the John Dies at the End series...but I don't know if I recommend it because one, it's more of a horror comedy thing and two, I'm not entirely sure how people feel about it here on /lit/ in general, but if I remember it has a status that's probably lukewarm at best. I still love the book though.

>> No.22894098

i like it

>> No.22894322

Are you still here? We can still connect if you like.

>> No.22894490

I'm here, yeah. I'll be honest I was thinking about it and I don't really want my Discord on 4chan lol. I've been trying to make another account but I'm not great with tech shit; when I figure something out I'll let you know

>> No.22894517

Ah, okay! I'll keep this thread alive at least until then.

>> No.22894523
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This is better. A chart needs to be divided into sections and have some text describing the choices, otherwise it's just a mishmash of book covers thrown into a jpg.

>> No.22894531

Fisherman was so bad that it makes me doubt everything else on the list.
Any actual good charts?

>> No.22894549

I don't care about history, I want the best books. Most of these are probably bad and don't hold up.

>> No.22894563

You've only read The Fisherman, and nothing else on the chart?
Captcha: Y0HAXD

>> No.22894582


>> No.22894986

Hate to disappoint but I haven't been able to figure out a good substitute. If you've got any ideas I'm all ears

>> No.22895045

I am going to bed soon, but if you're here right now you could send me an email in this temporary email address: feb667659203c1@cashbenties.com
It deletes itself in 5 hours, so if you send me something after I go to bed we can try again tomorrow, but that seems like the best idea for now.

>> No.22895196

I'm off to bed. Let me know when you're here tomorrow, and I'll make a new temp-email.

>> No.22895909

Step 1: create discord server or give temp invite to existing one
Step 2: you both join it
Step 3: you see each other
Step 4: wow

>> No.22896039

figured it out lol
thank you anon, I am awful with tech