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22881998 No.22881998 [Reply] [Original]

Are they decent?
Would you consider them a good source?

>> No.22882004


>> No.22882084
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fuck off neonazi

>> No.22882087

Aha. I love this mutt white supremacist.

>> No.22882090
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>> No.22882095
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>> No.22882101
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>> No.22882108
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>> No.22882114
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>> No.22882134

He used to steal theories and sources from some members of an esoteric neonazi discord server that he later used for his academic work

>> No.22882224

So does that make his sources reliable?

>> No.22882249 [DELETED] 

Yes, I know his father is jewish, you don't need yo act as if you just discovered fire.

I asked him about that, his answer was that unless you are born to a jewish mother or corvert to judaism you can not be considered a jew, neither is the case with him

>> No.22882252


>> No.22882257

Jews jewing their way out of being identified as jews. I‘ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

>> No.22882259

Yes, I know his father is jewish you don't need to act as if you just discovered fire

I asked him about that, his answer was that unless you are born to a jewish mother or convert to judaism you can not be considered a jew, neither is the case with him

>> No.22882282

Sepehr is very rare as a last name for Iranians. Typically, Sepehr is a first name.

>> No.22882323

Unironically me except more brown

>> No.22883432
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post your pic

>> No.22883434

operationally define what a "neonazi" is please

>> No.22883480

>what are genes

>> No.22883544

Worth reading, ya.

Why are you so afraid of people who are pro-White?

>> No.22883567

>Are they decent?
>Would you consider them a good source?
Robert Sepehr literally makes shit up. He'll find a source and "paraphrase" it in a way that makes it look like a direct quote but absolutely misrepresents the source material. He's a textbook fraud. He does at least dig up interesting things to misrepresent and he has the benefit of the broken clock. You don't need to make shit up to know that white people invented rocket ships and airplanes and computers and such. Reading his book and taking his word at face value is absolutely retarded. You would have to dig through his sources and find out how badly he's twisted them and at that point you're doing honest research. He markets his books as history or science but really it's more like a young-adult disinformation book about bigfoot. I've read good crackpot books and his aren't in that vein.

>> No.22883573

He's basically just putting into YouTube videos what various authors and secret societies have written and known about for a long time. They're good videos but if you're really interested just dyor. I have books from 50 or 60 years ago approaching ancient Aryans, Atlantis, global civilization, White/blond Egyptian mummies, etc. from a scientific/academic perspective. Sepehr's books are probably good enough, certainly better than most of the gay politically garbage published most of the time today. There isn't really anywhere to stop along the way, read him if you want and then find other writers

>> No.22883577

>but he's a white supremacist
so he's appeals to your average 90 iq /pol/tard trailer trash
>but he's a jew but he's not ashkenazi
so he knows he's a disingenuous fraud
he's another jew selling porn but instead of fake tits it's just fake history

>> No.22883585

What has he said that's incorrect? Most of it is pretty accurate, at least overall. He's kind of one-sided and probably got some minor things wrong, but it's simply a fact that ancient North African Berbers were White cro-magnons.

His esoteric stuff is kind of shallow but that will always be the case with youtube videos and making such things available to a wider audience.

>> No.22883592

>a literal seething tranny
Go dilate

>> No.22883608

>Would you consider them a good source?
Yes, his imagination. He's a decent memetic wizard blessing our common existence with the joy of creativity and sparkle of goodwill.

>> No.22883632
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knuckle dragging nigger
>white cro magnons
My initial reaction was to accuse you of idiocy but you might have a point even though you're too retarded to know what it is. White culture and language is all Indo-European but cro-magnons may have been culturally assimilated (excluding basque enclaves) while retaining whatever racial characteristics. Calling cro-magnons white is like calling your car a carriage. It's all semantics and might technically be correct but the differences are so vast in practice that any comparison is silly.
Anyway Sepehr is spitballing out ideas. I think half of his ideas might be vaguely right, or at least the dots he's connecting are on the same page. His types SHOULD exist because when there's no standards for research interesting ideas will crop up that have legitimacy but academia usually will outright dismiss. Sepehr is a modern Velikovsky. Give it forty years and a real genius will come along and demonstrate a good argument for ONE of his ideas.
Not mincing words, Sepehr writes entertaining fiction that appeals to literal "we wuz atlanteans" knuckle dragging albino niggers.

>> No.22883640

Cro-mags are the closest species of ancient hominids to modern Whites, it's just a core idea of his which is accurate. I didn't get it from Sepehr, you insufferable autistic freak. Learn how to write in coherent sentences before calling people niggers, you seething shitskinned idiot.

>> No.22883647

get off the internet sepehr and read a real book instead of headlines and abstracts

>> No.22883652

Recommend a book that engages with these topics then. Btw, you remind me of a frantic woman with no center.

>> No.22883671 [SPOILER] 

Species With Amnesia is a useful compilation of the material in his videos, and makes a great gift

>> No.22883694

"The Horse The Wheel and Language" has a lot about how languages and cultures spread.
Personally I picked up "Species with Amnesia" because of a meme about Viracocha and an ark, but it goes into no detail at all other than "atlantis lol". Dundes's "The Flood Myth" sorted that out (very plausible).
Sadly enough I don't know any books specifically about South-West Europeans before in that time frame. Most of my information comes from article after article checking this and that. A North African Berber - Basque - Pictish connection is remotely possible in my opinion but I am out of my depth and would have to investigate it much more deeply.
I've looked at the best scholarship and here's their conclusions:
>people can cross the ocean pretty easily
>and they absolutely have in remote times and there's proof of it
>but that doesn't mean there was any massive migration except for the Siberian land bridge
on berber basque and other languages
>"nobody knows" where basque came from
>but there's several competing theories and some seem fairly legitimate
>but linguists hate making distant connections and will only accept it when out of options
>also these connections tend to get stronger over time instead of weaker
on atlantis
>there's absolutely no such thing as atlantis or any sunken continent
>although the massive ice sheet melted and the sea level rose a hundred feet or more, sometimes in bursts
on Noah and the universal flood myth
>they probably got it from missionaries
>even though the myths usually date well before colonial contact
Mainstream academia is often contradictory but usually thoroughly thought out. Anyways anyone even considering reading Sepehr should read "Demon Haunted World" or "Invented Knowledge"

>> No.22883710


>> No.22883725

Stop debating these morons. They're always spamming /lit/ with the same esoteric Nazism shit.
Also, Robert Sepehr and Jorjani are both morons. Something about race mixed Iranians tends to lead to mental illness and intense identity crises. Reza Negarestani is a better thinker than both of those loons.

>> No.22883729

Why am I wasting time thinking about this book again? Let me look through it again.
In ch 1 he has a good point that australopithicus probably didn't walk upright and is basically a chimpanzee. He also brings up piltdown man. This leads into ch2 where he says that race is real (fine). After pictures of ligers he very clumsily avoids saying "assimilation hypothesis" which is the feasible alternative to out-of-Africa. Not mentioning the assimilation theory or assuming none of his audience will know about it basically sets the running theme of the book: There are real explanations but you don't get them. Instead you get shoddy scholarship with cliff-hangers where real discussion should be.
Actually, you know what? Fuck it. His book is fine. I've read 100% academia accepted books that are about as disingenuous but even more braindead.

it's time for bed anyway

>> No.22883995
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That's interesting, considering many here only care about his iranian jewish side, why not his gentile german side?

Do you guys consider the people on the left side of this image the same as those on the right?

>> No.22884513

>Do you guys consider the people on the left side of this image the same as those on the right?
Yes, you smoothbrain. And Jesus was an Israelite, not a "jew". Modern jews are Edomites. Can't win your arguments without being dishonest? How jewish of you.

>> No.22884551


Are you implying that judaism is so matriarchal that those with jewish fathers and non jewish mothers don't feel jewish?

Do you suggest than those with jewish fathers are considered part of the outgroup?

>> No.22884932

The text below Jesus clarifies that his mother was JUDEAN, he's in the list nevertheless because many people consider ancient israelites and jews to be basically the same.
And btw Robert is a supporter of the "Whites are the real israelites" theory.

I'm not implying nor suggesting anything, the reason I asked that is because people are quick to point when someone, even a pro-White person, is half jewish and immediately assume he or she will only identify with their jewish side and not the gentile one.
As for the image, depending of whom you ask people will give you different answers some people (whether jewish or not) will tell you that only those in the right are jews while those on the left are not except for those who converted (like Chelsea Handler), others will tell you they're all half-jews, others, who follow some sort of one drop rule, will tell you they're all jews, etc.

>> No.22885057

>many people consider ancient israelites and jews to be basically the same.
Then they'd be wrong.

>And btw Robert is a supporter of the "Whites are the real israelites" theory.
I don't care what a grifting jew thinks.

>> No.22885095

A pseudoscientific concept.

>> No.22886378


>> No.22886403

Since no one has observed a "gene" or "DNA" in nature and then done a scientific experiment to test a hypothesis and provide evidence for them doing something, the concept is not scientific and hence pseudoscientific. It has the appearance of being scientific but the evidence for it is not derived from the use of the scientific method.

>> No.22886686

Fuck off racist

>> No.22886706
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He's not jewish you lying kikes.
There is a massive anti-Robert Sepehr shilling campaign which pervades all social media platforms. This is because they are afraid of the true history of the world and it's peoples being spread. And because they hate Aryans.


>> No.22886733

Ya there hasn't really been any proof of him being jewish in the first place, just a bunch of weird and slanderous bot-like spam that normally happens whenever someone pro-White gets posted. Also, even if he was, so? He's promoting White advocacy and anti-marxism.

>> No.22886801

That's his maternal grandfather, his father was an iranian jew called Ben Hur Sepehr, nevertheless he's pro-White and he doesn't identify as jewish for the reasons I mentioned above

>> No.22886953
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I’m not learned enough to know whether the Khazarian hypothesis of (Ashkenazi) Jewish ancestry is true, I’ve heard there’s some genetic studies that prove it then others that contradict it, although I guess this is the case in ideologically motivated “science” — either of these types of studies could be funded/supported by people with interests in proving or disproving the hypothesis respectively.

Anyway, even without this, Ashkenazi Jews do plausibly often just look like some type of Eastern European or light-skinned Caucasian. They do have the distinctive genetic traits like big noses (not always), sometimes curly hair (the Jewfro, I don’t mean the way the Orthodox artificially curl their hair on the sides), often the men can grow great huge beards (like Arabs, contrast with some East Asians like the Koreans/Chinese/Japanese who rarely can), and various genetic markers and propensities towards some genetically passed down disorders like Tay-Sachs disease. I assume a tendency towards insularity over centuries/millennia of their presence in Europe (separated from the Gentile/Christian populations) made them breed with each other and turned them into a unique genetic group/race. They also do have one of the highest IQs in the world — Ashkenazi Jews specifically. You can get angry about this and swear up and down and try to hem and haw around it with misinterpreted studies (eg taking the average IQ of Israel, which includes some Arabs, Africans/Ethiopians, Mizrahi, Sephardic, etc. Jews besides just Ashkenazis, the group being spoken of here). Maybe it’s from selective breeding for those Jews talented in Talmudic scholarship, becoming hyperliterate, or even for those in finance after the Catholic Church banned usury for Catholics yet bizarrely let Jews do it, maybe even the accelerated natural selection from the persecution they faced throughout European history. Any number of reasons.

So what am I saying finally? Ashkenazi Jews are basically some type of European/Caucasian phenotype. The hatred of them comes, I think, from a cultural difference some people find (a tendency towards ethnic insularity and cliqueishness, as well as a facility perhaps aided by nepotism in rising to the tops of fields like the record industry, academia, Hollywood, media/journalism, finance, and political lobbying).

If Sepehr is half-Jewish but, clearly, what could be called a “self-hating Jew”, then I don’t see why it’s some “debunking” of him that he is possibly half-Jewish. That half (Ashkenazi) Jewish ancestry is basically just some type of Eastern European ancestry, maybe even partially Germanic from their migration too Germany, as far I see it. Bobby Fischer was one — and see what he thought of his own race. It’s not like Jews can’t criticize themselves.

>> No.22887007

Finally, to speak critically or conspiratorially of some Jews, of facets of Jewish power, of their censorship mafia and predominance in certain industries, etc., doesn’t mean to unreasonably hate Jews or promote genocide. Some Jews are the best people I’ve known, and I have found, from personal experience, Ashkenazi Jews do indeed tend to be very intelligent, very articulate, very high verbal IQ. Some are very (perhaps annoyingly, you might say) liberal/progressive on many issues, others staunchly conservative and allied with defending Western borders and preserving Western heritage and culture. And some will be the worst people you’ll meet.

Who was one of the co-writers of the infamous “The Bell Curve”, which touted racial IQ differences? Richard Herrnstein, Jewish, for one instance.


Even though I am a huge “conspiracy theorist” about topics like Sabbatean Frankism, the Mossad, the ADL, AIPAC, international Jewish finance (Warburgs, Rothschilds, Soros today as a “new money” addition, etc.), I’d even say I’m a philosemite. Jews and Gentiles should get together on issues of interest to both of us.

Hating any race unqualifiedly is flawed, it shows you’re being led by your emotions, letting them throw you off your balance and have power over you in that way. For what my two cents are worth. A loving racial realism is possible, corny/sappy as that might sound to some, and offensive as it may sound to yet others (to even bring up the concept of “racial realism”), based around love of one’s own people and culture instead of just hatred for others.

>> No.22887052
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The Ashkenazis are the Radhanites of ancient Babylon. The name was made up around 1066 when they started working for the English kings collecting taxes.


>> No.22887070
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>Some Jews are the best people I’ve known

>> No.22887074

This could be so, but they could still be a fundamentally Indo-European people, even being Radhanites from Babylon or wherever they ultimately came from. I’m very bad with genetics and anthropology, my knowledge is vague, but I don’t think that’s impossible. They are again, in certain clear ways, genetically distinct from other Europeans and this can be found with genetic markers and stuff like the propensities to certain diseases etc., but in other obvious ways are also extremely close to European Caucasians, just phenotypically.

Thanks for the link, I’ve read some fascinating stuff on State of the Nation before. Very detailed looks at conspiracy theories, and censored facts of history or alternative perspectives on it. https://isgp-studies.com/ is another great one for very intelligent, detailed, long and well-written essays on conspiratorial topics, worth checking out.

>> No.22887079

Thoughts on other races?

>> No.22887085

Sepehr is half Iranian Jew, not Ashkenazi.

>> No.22887111
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Neo means new, everything in the picture is old.

Neo-Nazis are led by Jews and are Negrophilic..kind...of...like...the...current administration, *cough*UKRAINE*cough*.

You know nothing but controlled propaganda designed to cnfuse you about reality

>> No.22887196

Consider me wrong on at least that part, then.

As my reference to Herrnstein & Murray’s The Bell Curve suggested, I think racial IQ differences with a basis in genetics is plausible. Even then, there’s still also a role socioeconomic status plays (blacks in the poorest, most undeveloped parts of Africa have notably lower IQs than African-Americans, for instance), but you can also ask, “What is different in different races that led them to develop different civilizations/socioeconomic statuses/such a quality of life in the first place?” And, at this point, you can either resort to a hemming-and-hawing academically obfuscatory Jared-Diamond-“Guns, Germs and Steel”-style explanation about how actually it was just different climates and natural resources, or the considerably simpler (yet tighter, Occam’s-Razor-like) hypothesis that it just comes from the different traits of different races.

We already admit race can affect phenotype in the crudest and most obvious way of having all different sorts of skin-tone (peachish/pink, light to darker brown, the yellowish of East Asians, redness of Native Americans, etc.), as well as different propensities to different genetically inherited diseases, even stuff like fast-twitch muscle ratios in certain Africans (which could contribute to some of their outstandingness as in track running), yet to extend this to IQ and character traits is apparently “too far.” No one less than Nobel prize winner and co-discoverer of DNA James Watson claims this (and lost his academic accolades as a result).

I don’t hate any race. I try not to, at least. And even this hypothesis is talking in terms of AVERAGES. There are dumb East Asians, Ashkenazi Jews, and Caucasian Whites, and there are intelligent (sometimes very intelligent) Africans, Arabs, indigenous tribal peoples like Native Americans, etc.

I’ve been an aficionado of studying Islamic/Sufi poetry, theology, philosophy in general. Figures like Rumi, Al-Ghazzali, Ibn Arabi, Attar, and so on, were certainly far more intelligent, learned, and articulate than the average person today. I think many races or cultures have things to teach us. I’ve also enjoyed and profited much from studying East and Central Asian (Indian) culture(s), studies in Tantric, Yogic, and Buddhist teachings. Shamanism is also something I want to study next and already slightly have and gotten a lot from.

However, I agree the modern trend of enforced multiculturalism (also under names like “diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI)” and the like) is both dangerous and naive. Just because I’ve liked reading Rumi doesn’t mean I think we should import the entire Third World or Middle East into the West. We already have statistics and news stories showing what a disaster the refugee/migrant crises have been.

>> No.22887263

You should approach each country on a-case-by-case basis since Lynn/Vanhanen didn't even administer IQ tests in the country. For example, newer studies are saying Iran has an average IQ of 97. I'm not sure if it's true since I'm not in the mood to meticulously study the methodology of the research.


The interpretation of IQ scores, especially when applied to entire populations, is complex and can be influenced by various factors, including health, education, and socio-economic conditions.

>> No.22887335
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And it’s clearly being pushed for an end (of globalist control, or the Kalergi plan described by Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, creator of the forerunner to the EU, the plan of a “Eurasian-Negroid race of the future”). It’s a messianic, delusional, dangerous idea of, I suppose, trying to “fix” racism, wars, and ethnic/racial/national/cultural conflicts through simply forcing everyone to be the same. Ironically, multiculturalism is a facade for enforced monoculturalism. Diversity is a facade for an enforced uniformity of thought and opinion (diversity of opinions on certain topics will not be allowed in such a PC-future, and we already see this happening).

I don’t hate any race as a whole. At least, I try not to. Maybe except for Gypsies, but, even then, I remember a great poster on /lit/ who used to post on topics of spirituality/esotericism/occultism/mysticism and said he had Gypsy-ancestry, so shout-out to that guy. But I can see how we’re moving towards a “Camp of the Saints”-scenario, where the most violent and low-IQ of the Third World and underdeveloped nations in general are being imported into the West and weaponized against the European White inhabitants, through teachings of white guilt, “white supremacy”, “the legacies of colonialism and slavery”, etc.

I don’t hate Blacks as a whole; or, at least, again, I try not to. Blacks have created some of the best popular music of the 20th and 21st centuries, and my very own playlist of music would testify to me as a hypocrite if I claimed otherwise. Blues, jazz, funk, R&B, soul, the roots of rock-&-roll, Afrobeat, even some hip-hop. I’ve loved artists like Robert Johnson, Sun Ra, Jimi Hendrix, Fela Kuti, and Kanye. Maybe y’all niggas really do have more rhythm than us, ong.

On the other hand, I also have to admit the reality of crime statistics. Whether you want to call it “ghetto” or “hood culture”, or even, like certain politically correct neo-Marxist academics, deny this even exists at all as something with any negative traits, you can’t prevent me from being somewhat more wary while walking around certain people in the city, also based on how they look, their demeanor, what they’re wearing, what they’re projecting at the time. (Not all Blacks are the people I’m a little nervous around, to put it bluntly, but some precisely are.)

I go to Grand Central regularly in my own life, and have now for a couple of years, so this sort of thing sort of fucked me up hearing about it happening on a rare day I luckily didn’t happen to be there.

>> No.22887337
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BLM, for instance, was a fucking propagandistic lie based off the most horrifically sinister, demonic, self-serving, malevolent, hypocritical and narcissistic warping of truth as we’ve ever seen. They entirely lied about statistics of “cops shooting and murdering unarmed black men at a staggering rate” or misrepresented it so much as to lie. It’s about 5-10 every year in America and has been for the last many years now. Just to repeat: about this small a number (5-10 at most) unarmed black men get “murdered” every year by the police in America, have an interaction that leads to their death.

The stories they gave and made such a fuss about (of the deaths of Michael Brown, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, etc.) were inevitably almost always done in such a propagandized, twisted, racially biased, selective manner, covering up the fact that these were actually black people acting like fucking thugs and idiots. Floyd was on fucking fentanyl according to the autopsy, plausibly enough to have killed them. Floyd also had an arrest record of violent crime, including being arrested for the violent mugging and robbery of a pregnant woman, pointing a loaded gun to her belly. And so on.

There is FAR MOR violent and fatal crime by African-Americans/Blacks against White Americans than the other way around, and that is a statistical fact, including murders of the other race. This is even while including the fact that Blacks are just about 14.2% of the US population as of recently, according to Pew Research, and Whites about 61.6% of the U.S. population.



Blacks are human. I’m not irrationally afraid around EVERY Black. But even some hypothetical Black-anon reading this (if you’ve hypothetically gotten this far and don’t irrationally and excessively hate me yet) has to admit the core inner truth of Chris Rock’s routine about how there are “black people” and there are “NIGGAS”. Urban youth (and even some of the older adults) whom you’re naturally afraid of when you walk around in the city or use some public transportation like the subway. You may not like this, gasp, get offended, and hitch up your proverbial skirts over it, depending on how propagandized you are, but there really are some violent and dumb black people. You could even attribute it to “socioeconomic status” (poverty) if you want, but it’s still true.

Anyway, I guess according to modern Western politically-correct standards, to summarize and give a way briefer answer to your question:

tl;dr: Yeah, I’m considered an “extreme racist” according to modern standards. I try to be a loving and thoughtful person nevertheless.

>> No.22887424

No non-liberal cares about America's treatment of self-entitled negroes. Anyone with any semblance of intelligence knows the worship of the victim consciousness of negroes is ridiculous. What I care about is how America aided Israel, ISIS, and Al-Nusra in destabilizing Syria, trying to assassinate Assad, and also killed Gaddafi. Both of them warned that they were holding back their retarded kin from flooding Europe. You sound like a glowie with your original defense of Israel and Ashkenazis and later changing the focus from Jewish hypocritical shenanigans to America's domestic issues, which it manufactured itself.

America and Israel were behind the catastrophes that led to unruly rapefugees that basically flooded into Europe. And who takes the blame for this? Not Israel. Not Saudis. Not America. But Iran. Endless media news almost every day screaming and calling for war with Iran, which would serve no one's interest but Israel.

Israel is a criminal syndicate. It's involved in illicit organ trade, selling surveillance technologies, destabilizing entire regions, and more. Why do Jews like Soros, Black Rock, (deceased) Adelson, etc. have to be the center of everything? It's not due to being IQ. Even with high IQ, reaching top ranks of political institutions hinges more on conniving and nepotistic tactics.

The Jews are the type to promote liberalism in their host countries and ethnonationalism in their ancestral county. There's no honor or integrity in that. It's possible the Freemasonic elite are in cahoots with the Jews.

Granted, I can accept arguments that Europe deserves to be an ethnostate but not America. America was established by literal Freemasons, who are fishy people, and perhaps they always held an intent to usher in a Messianic age and turn the country into Amalek and manipulate Europe into the same self-destructive thing. America is both destroying itself with far left tranny nonsense and destabilizing the entire world, and now it's moving in the direction of a kosher far-right movement like what we see in Ukraine. Americanization is the end of every traditional culture.

You know what, I will go a step further: I don't care what the ancient Jews were, or whether some people LARP as them or not. They should not have been freed from Babylonian captivity, and the "right" thing should have been done about them then. That would have spared the world Abrahamic misery.

What I respect about Europe is the legacy of many of its poets, the Greeks and pagans, and its later philosophical movements. America was established by the low class fanatics of Europe and literal Freemason upper-class, and this modern globalized disaster is the fruit of all that. If America is the reigning superpower, then it should be viewed more critically and with suspicion.

In fact, there is new evidence coming out Mossad did 9/11. Why don't you talk about that? Here:


>> No.22888017
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not the case