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22874010 No.22874010[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Prove me wrong? You can't.

Pic related - Here in my garage.

>> No.22874016

if that guy is so great why didn't he get lasik

>> No.22874019

Well there are other things which matter
For example, getting enough food to eat
Getting access to clean drinking water
Having a roof over your head to keep the weather out

>> No.22874022

Doesn't matter. He's a multi-millionaire. He knows why.

>> No.22874023

wealth actually solves all those

>> No.22874029

Ok. It makes me happier.

>> No.22874030

can't relate. reading does make me happy.

>> No.22874032

Well yeah but subsistence farmers aren't just going to let themselves starve to death because their activities are pointless according to you

>> No.22874040

please stop doing whatever drugs you're on and if that is not an option please do not seek debate while undergoing the psychoactive effects.

>> No.22874047

There is no debate here
I am simply educating the OP

>> No.22874254

le farming

>> No.22874273

Lasik has not been tested for the long term. I know two people personally that now have permanent cloudy vision after getting lasiked years ago. If vision problems are due to staring at screens and books for too long, you can reverse any decreases in your vision naturally, but it takes time. The first thing one would need to do, though, is ditch the glasses.

>> No.22874286

It does make me happier though

>> No.22874307

When you die you take no material possessions with you.
Why do they matter?

>> No.22874397 [DELETED] 

>/lit/ - Literature
>dude CRAZY idea what if people liked reading and it make them happy
Sorry I was confused for a second you made it sound like the concept of enjoying hobby and it making you happy for was alien to you.

>> No.22874413
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What's the point of accumulating wealth? If the point of wealth to acquire something other than wealth, then it's not the wealth that is important.

>> No.22874437

Wealth accumulation for its own sake is satanic. Money contains energy and needs to be kept moving to ensure the health of society. It flows like water and represents the flow and transfer of energy. That's why it's called currency, why the place you store it to keep it from flowing elsewhere is called a bank, why you charge the account of the other party when you make a transaction, and so on and so forth. Societies that outlawed usury knew this to be a fundamental truth, because usury only becomes weaponized through the hording of currency (which is means it does not flow) and the generation of new money through interest despite nothing being created, meaning that there is no exchange of energy taking place but only the extraction of it.

>> No.22874464

Almost right. Wealth's for wealth's sake is obviously a bottomless pit of evil. Money contains the /promise/ of energy, not the energy itself, in the exact same way it contains the /promise/ of value, dollar bills are even called promissory notes. You just sort of kicked the can down a bit, money is an important representation of energy, what's actually important is this energy -- whatever the hell it is.

>> No.22874472

Reading shows you that lasting happiness is impossible

>> No.22874531

Why wouldn't it make you happier? What a terrible thread either way. I hope you get mugged op

>> No.22875249

That's an entirely irrelevant argument because I won't be there to experience anything after death.

>> No.22875252

Cope from two poor losers.

Slave mentality.

>> No.22875257

>prove me wrong
No. I think I'd rather let you live and die in your ignorance. It isn't appropriate for inferior men to chase after the apple of knowledge anyway.

>> No.22875264

Knowledge = More wealth

Cope more retard.

>> No.22875308

>you can reverse any decreases in your vision naturally, but it takes time
How would that work? Can I get a qrd?

>> No.22875324

Only a wiseman is wealthy

>> No.22875337

then why live at all? if there is nothing after death nothing would matter

>> No.22875347

What a gay and stupid thread
>durrr I post book bad on /lit/ durr I'm very smart and interesting hurrrrr

>> No.22875353

You've given me some things to ponder. I experienced quite a synchronicity today in relation to your post. Good stuff. Thank you anon.

>> No.22875368

any hobby has the potential to make you rich

>> No.22875372

He's the male equivalent of a prostitute. He knows why.

>> No.22875849

Wealth is a cope. You can't even explain why wealth is good. If wealth 'gets you stuff' then wealth's importance is completely transitory to the stuff you can get with it. No amount of wealth and dollar bills would help you if you were alone and starving on a tiny deserted island.

>> No.22875864

Isn't wealth just a way you can not work if you want to? You can choose if and when and what you work on

>> No.22875865

I burn books to make social media money
bookfags BTFO for eternity

>> No.22875883
File: 30 KB, 750x500, 628d6144ae7d7.image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't need a million dollars to do nothing man, just look at my cousins, he's broke don't do shit.

If you're using wealth as a means to any end, then what's actually important and valuable is the end and not the means. Like saying 'sorry cant build a house we dont have enough inches!'

>> No.22875926

But I never have and never will care about expensive cars, I don't even care about cars. What now?

What cope do you have for when I don't CARE about the shiny, overrated SHIT that you've managed to accumulate? You being rich or successful doesn't entitle you to my admiration or respect.

lol, lmao. Fuck expensive sports cars.

>> No.22875932

Nooo brooo you don't get it unless you're wasting money on dumb cars that immediately depreciate in value or the scam of designer clothes then you're not successful brooooo you literally need to show off your wealth to the world broooo

>> No.22875941

Enjoy burning in hell, LMFAO

>> No.22875946

Hell is where the pussy is mate

>> No.22875949

Too bad it's a place completely devoid and absent of fellowship so you can't even begin to even try to get it in the first place

>> No.22875950

I don't even know what we're arguing about mate

>> No.22875952
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shut up fag.

>> No.22875955

There's no pussy in hell. No intimacy, no awareness of others outside of being embroiled in one's own mental prison of suffering.

No bro, there is no "pussy" in hell.

>> No.22875960

Hell isn't real, schizo. I was making a joke. Time to calm down

>> No.22875962

You'll find out, dipshit.

>> No.22875967


>> No.22875968

Bro why are you even triggered? Did you read my original post? I'm literally making fun of people who flaunt their wealth, fucking schizo . Then again that's what I get for expecting literacy from a christfag

>> No.22875972

You're not fooling me FAGGOT. I KNOW you are the OP of this TURD of a thread.

>> No.22875977

holy shit you're an actual schizophrenic
>makes post taking the piss out of OP's opinion on wealth
Please take your meds,I am embarrassed for you

>> No.22875982

Can't take any of that shit with you into the grave, BITCH.

>> No.22875984

>Can't take the bantz
Literal clueless fucking pussy LMFAO

>> No.22875987
File: 421 KB, 1440x1047, house_of_leaves2(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're on to something. Think about it some more and write it down. Maybe you produce a great gift for humanity.

>> No.22875988

>that u turn
Actual schizophrenic top kek, did you finally read the thread back and realise what an idiot you were?

>> No.22876004

I'm just picking on you because you're a fucking faggot giving me (You)s please continue going through life believing that you are the only individual in existence with a mind of their own and the rest of us are either just literally insane or just literally nonexistent projections of your own psyche.

>> No.22876013

Hahahahahahahhahahah nice try faggot but you've already embarrassed yourself with no recourse.

>> No.22876014

>He keeps giving me (You)s
You'll never learn.

>> No.22876021

>noo I was pretending to be retarded to get replies
Hahahahahahaha here's another (you) since you're willing to be a complete embarrassment just for a little bit of attention from me.

>> No.22876035


>> No.22876071

Nigger faggot