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/lit/ - Literature

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22873823 No.22873823 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to local "independent bookstore"
>Only difference is there are way more books about women and brown people
>Turn 360 degrees and walk out

>> No.22873831

Umm, if you turned 360 degrees you'd be facing the same direction as before. I hope you realize this

>> No.22873836
File: 379 KB, 924x516, bss3xp5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is almost like all art and culture is completely fake and gay

>> No.22873960

I'm ethnically Iranian-Scandinavian (cursed mix ik) but I live in England and one of the few remaining vestiges of traditional culture here is old bookstores. Any part of the country you go to you can find a jaded old recluse, a shut-in separated from society, who runs a second-hand bookstore where he buys and sells books for a small markup (just enough to keep the lights on and afford his daily gruel).

There's a good 5 or 6 of these independent bookstores in every city/large town in the country, you can go in and find cheap copies of all the classics and tons of more obscure older books. Old philosophers and political theorists, copies of Carlyle from 100 years ago gathering dust.

The old man in charge (it's almost always an old man) will usually offer you a cup of tea and have a conversation with you if you go there often enough and are bored, you won't even have to buy anything. You'll often find the owner to be an erudite well-learned in everything, they're almost always some form of old-school Red Tory socialist or some kind of traditional Christian. They're a dying breed, unfortunately.

The media even tried to capitalise on this subculture around second-hand bookstores by making a sitcom based on it (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Books)) and while it was ok it failed to truly capture the reality of it. The owner in the show has a hatred of humanity, in reality most these guys just hate the functionally illiterate masses and modern bourgeoise/proletariat culture, they feel disenfranchised, which is why they live as they do, not out of hatred, but out of loneliness.

>> No.22874009

Don't look for independent bookstores, look for used bookstores.

>you won't even have to buy anything
In any worthwhile bookstore, you won't have to buy anything, but you'll definitely want to buy something. The only better place to find books is a university library.
They're a thing in burgerland, too, and while not as soulful as you describe them, they're still excellent sources of books.

>> No.22874641

Sound like cool places!

>> No.22874908

I am lucky enough if I find any bookstores when I move to a new palace.

>> No.22874914

place, not palace

>> No.22874917

>In any worthwhile bookstore, you won't have to buy anything, but you'll definitely want to buy something. The only better place to find books is a university library.
>They're a thing in burgerland, too, and while not as soulful as you describe them, they're still excellent sources of books.

Indeed, second-hand stores beat out the others by miles, never know what you'll find, but in England they form a central part of a particular subculture, the modern hermits. Only large libraries are more useful for getting books.

If you're ever in England, be sure to check out a second-hand bookstore. A lot of the ones in London are nowadays run by hipsters from what I hear, but outside of there (or in certain boroughs of London far away from the glitz and glimmer of the main streets) you'll find what I'm describing.

>> No.22875485

how new can you be?

>> No.22875489

how autistic can you be? You can't read sarcasm?

>> No.22875574

lmao newfriends seething. Responding to the
>you would actually be facing the same way
is part of the pasta

>> No.22875579

Nice freudian slip, we know you're rich now, can I have some money?

>> No.22875586


>> No.22875712

fuck I fell for it

>> No.22875716

That picrel is the most jewish thing seen all day

>> No.22875723

Mine is mostly YA Fantasy and Stephen King top kek. I got Notes from underground for 5 dollarydoos though, not a bad deal.

>> No.22875726

this would have been the only fate available to us before the internet

>> No.22875729

honestly i dont want it to be like this but it really do
we had a new shop open and it was wall to wall copies of heartstopper and packed with women, whilst the older shop for more serious books looked almost deserted

>> No.22875732

Are you going into independent plant stores and getting mad at the rainbow flags?

>> No.22876898

Do you have any recommendations for London bookshops?

>> No.22876904
File: 594 KB, 1365x572, BR7350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk into bookstore
>"excuse me, where if your 'classics' section?"
>"we don't have one"
>turn 720 degrees and walk out

>> No.22876929

I went to my downtown bookshop and it was exactly like this. A dysgenic numale greeted me upon entry. I told him I was looking for a Bukowski poetry book (which they were carrying) and he gave me a disappointed look before leading me to that section. At checkout he tried to pitch me on an African poetry book with an obese black woman drawn on the cover.

>> No.22876934
File: 78 KB, 636x482, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you not buy it, chud?

>> No.22876943

Lurk more newfag

>> No.22876953

Rotate two right angles

>> No.22876964
File: 51 KB, 195x256, 1702432780089225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to trendy bookstore chain
>"Excuse me mademoiselle, where is your 'Holocaust' section?"
>"We don't have one"
>Turn 90 degrees and start weeping.

>> No.22877009


>> No.22877028

I'm an atheist so every time I go to a bookstore I put a few bibles in the fiction section

>verification not required

>> No.22877034


>> No.22877038

holy BASED

>> No.22877071
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, aha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I told him I was looking for a Bukowski poetry book

>> No.22877337

When I visit a new bookstore I always enquire about their racist literature section.

>> No.22877410

My local bookstore is just blasting NPR every time I go in. It makes me not want to shop there but its also pretty entertaining to listen to. They all talk in this weird reassuring tone that makes me tired though. I think it's some brainwashing technique

>> No.22877859

There was one years ago in Edgeware that was near the RAF Museum, I used to go there as a child and teenager often. It couldn't be found on any online maps though (since it didn't have a website) and eventually shut down. I can't remember the name of it. As of right now I live in Liverpool and there I can recommend either Henry Bohn Books or Reid of Liverpool, both are great and run by the types previously mentioned.

>> No.22878866

The technical term is classic or high literature