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22867242 No.22867242 [Reply] [Original]

A reminder that you could go to jail for reading these books.

>> No.22867249
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>it’s another banned books thread

>> No.22867252
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Us Pynchbros safe for another year

>> No.22867262

>36 laws of si0adjadhh suck my dickkk mhhmhh

>> No.22867269

How do I get my book banned? Seems like the only promotion you could do these days. Would me being scandalous enough?

>> No.22867288

It has to be banned by the right people. Write a book to trigger the cuckservatives and you've got a winner.

>> No.22867299
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When will you people realize that the regulars of this site are just people (and/or bots?) reposting slight variations of the same threads for months/years on end?
I'm not sure if autism compels them to or what, but it's strange and sad.

>> No.22867306

Autistic people tend to focus on one thing more than a broad range of things, so it makes sense.

>> No.22867311

They should be called out so they cease that behavior. Repetitive threads where the answers change like Currently Reading threads are fine or Favorites once in a while

>> No.22867315

i dont even know where to start

>> No.22867316

I also get the feeling that these are veiled /pol/ threads

>> No.22867323

No George Lincoln Rockwell, no MacDonald, no Evola...

>> No.22867355


>> No.22867399

>Not allowed in the school library of a small town you've never heard about before
Actually banned books, like Dr. Seuss, are banned anon. You can't buy them at a store. Don't confuse definition one with definition two.

>> No.22867404

the face white people make when they pass each other xDD

>> No.22867442

>Ernest Hemingway
In what fucking universe are these "banned"?

What else is "banned" according to these people, The Very Hungry Caterpillar?

>> No.22868596

Just a fake "banned" list to drive up interest.

>> No.22868598
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Verification not required.

>> No.22868605

I’d be down for this if communism was never allowed to be talked about again

>> No.22868794

"Banned" yet they're still being sold.. hmmm. I need a banned books section that's just Dennis Cooper's work :)

>> No.22869520


>> No.22869546

>How do I get my book banned?
Depends on where you want it banned.

For example being critical of the CCP would easily get it banned in China, but no one cares about what is banned in China.

Putting in references to drug use in a positive light or sexual violence might get your book banned in Australia. But those cunts are pussies anyway so who cares.

Putting accurate bomb making instructions in the book will get the book banned in basically all of the EU and UK. At least if you don't have the proper license or some other dumb shit.

Nah, what you want to aim for is getting banned in the US. With the US the only way to get banned is for your book to be legally deemed obscene. Which is pretty hard to do with just text alone.
You could try writing "erotica" about a necrophiliac child rapist cannibal that dabbles in scat and bestiality. But even then, if you write it too artistically or write it with clear irony then it still might not fall under current community standards for being obscene. So just to be sure it would probably be a good idea to include graphic offensive pictures in the book too for good measure.
Though you run the risk of your book not just being banned but in distributing it being locked up as a felon and fined for personally offened the US govenment with your bullshit.
So it might not be worth it.

>> No.22869563
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>> No.22869564

>a natural history of rape
Wondering if this has a audiobook.
Also I am pretty sure Gor hasn't officially been banned anywhere.
It is just fantasy BDSM sub dom erotica as far as I heard.
Maybe a bit scandalous when it was first published but pretty mild stuff by today's erotica standards.
Though I have read a few erotic tales from over 100 years ago that were intentionally as extreme as the author could imagine, to the point of being hilarious.

>> No.22869592

The drawings don't even look erotic. Are they sexual? Sure, but only the way stuff like Stonetoss comics and 1990s animated music videos are. I grew up surrounded by online porn since I was a kid, so I don't think it'd be bad for a 12-year old to read this sort of stuff.
Anybody remember Goatse or the ED "Offended?" page? Yeah, I saw that back when I was 11.

>> No.22869603

sure, me too, through the use of unfettered interenet access. Not through schools tho

>> No.22869617

Well, I remember my school library had a few fiction novels with written descriptions of sexual actions, and I remember biology textbooks had the usual graphic depictions of "benis in bagina :-DDD", so it's not like the 2000s decade was all that clean and puritan either.

>> No.22869638

I don’t know when you grew up but the biology textbooks I saw were pretty scientific in their description. Conflating that, and the very occasional novel with a sex scene that slipped through the cracks, with say… the top right book that outlines how sex apps work, is a bad faith argument

>> No.22869640

>pornography is fine chud

>> No.22869668

Call me jaded and indifferent, but I don't really see what the problem is with these books, especially since since you got people talking about gay sex everywhere from webcomics to Roblox servers to even daytime television programs. Times change.
Moral guardians used to be against miscegenation, punk music and atheism a few decades ago, and nowadays nobody really cares about that stuff. People used to get scandalized about rap music lyrics that mentioned fighting back against police brutality and nowadays most people are neutral if not if favor of such statements.
I'm just saying, a few drawings of penises aren't much in comparison to zoophilia or gorno.

>> No.22869672

go into the store and put your book on the banned books shelf until they ban you

>> No.22869674

Give it a few more years and people will start calling me the reactionary for only being "fine" with it instead of actively promoting it.

>> No.22869695

And this is supposed to be a good because...?

>> No.22869701

>roblox servers
>daytime television
All things your child shouldn’t have access to unsupervised until they’re in middle school. It’s not that hard to sit there and read while your kid watches cartoons or plays on a games console. I’m not necessarily against kids understanding what these things are but it needs to be further down the line when the biological function of intercourse is explained. I wouldn’t want my son exposed to this before I could give him ‘the talk’ and ideally not before he hits puberty

>> No.22869702

A banned books thread turns into chuds bitching. Who wudda thunk it?

>> No.22869720

Allow me to quote the words of ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus:
>πάντα ῥεῖ (Everything flows)
>Ποταμοῖς τοῖς αὐτοῖς ἐμβαίνομέν τε καὶ οὐκ ἐμβαίνομεν, εἶμέν τε καὶ οὐκ εἶμεν. (We ascend upon the same river and not upon the same river, for we are it and we are not it.)
Everything changes and all must pass. The only thing that we return to is the eternal flux. If society's mores must change, then we must accept that they move away from us.

>> No.22869727
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>> No.22869739

>quoting Heraclitus
>not noting that what you’re posting is an Attic translation of his Ionic dialect, and the other fragments of his work as well as Plato’s interpretation that one may not step into the same water twice but one can step into the same river twice
Brainrot has infected /lit/

>> No.22869771

>noting that what you’re posting is an Attic translation of his Ionic dialect, and the other fragments of his work
I believe that the gap between the two dialects ought to be much smaller than that between English and any dialect of ancient Greek, so even if the Attic one happens to be less than perfectly accurate, it would still preserve the spirit with little effort put into it.
>Plato’s interpretation that one may not step into the same water twice but one can step into the same river twice
An interpretation made by anyone other than the original writer is just as much of a reading subject to personal biases and intentions as any other interpretation. A river may be the same river, but if the waters flowing through it are not the same, then will the fish and the algae that live in it remain the ones?

>> No.22869783

>I believe
Your first mistake, you evidently know nothing about the history of the Hellenic language. Your second mistake is posting an English translation of Attic Greek, which is highly subject to interpretation. Plato would be infinitely more accurate in his assessment than yourself as he would be have access to the original Ionic texts, where you do not. Also fish don’t flow into the sea, freshwater fish like those in rivers can’t survive elsewhere and generally only navigate up or downstream, not out of the river proper.

>> No.22869808

>Also fish don’t flow into the sea
Nowhere in my post did I imply that. Fish populations in a body of water can change because of changes in the water, such as due to pollution, sedimentation, or even due to a flow of fish from another river through a canal.

>> No.22869824

Do you care to justify your amateurish interpretation of pre-Socratic philosophy?

>> No.22869837

Its purpose is not to be an accurate, scholarly assessment of a quote from the survivng fragments of Heraclitus, but to convey an altogether different message, which is that change is natural and that nothing remains the same in the long run

>> No.22869854

So to summarise, you’ve quoted philosophy you don’t understand to justify an argument and appear more intelligent than you are? That’s rather embarrassing.

>> No.22869888

>Red white and royal blue
>Fellowship of the rings
>Gone with the wind
Under what pretence and where were this banned?

>> No.22869890

>Let's tell children how to use a dating app
>I'm not a pedophile
Really now.

>> No.22869934

If children want dick I fail to see how that is any of our concern

>> No.22869948

I think you missed the original point not only of the conversation but even of what I intended to say with the quote. It's common for people use quotes from literature, politics, and pop cultures for the sake of remarking upon a point simply because they like the way it was expressed, rather than because they want to provide insight on the quote's true meaning. Whenever people use metaphors, they don't intend on explaining the real meaning of the metaphor, but rather to drive a different image into the scene by the means of it.

>> No.22869992

Inexcusable. Educate yourself, using a quote by a pre-Socratic philosopher and providing the Attic Greek translation (which you’ve admitted you don’t understand) only served to make you seem more intelligent than you are; of course, anyone with even a fundamental understanding of philosophy can expose your haphazard application of Heraclitus to your argument as a titanic faux pas.

>> No.22870006

It's not a faux pas since the matter at hand originally being argued was not the true meaning of the quote (which, allow me to remind you, can only truly be understood on its own terms if taken literally rather than simply by taking another writer's intepretation for it for granted). On the contrary, derailling an argument about sexual context in books in American schools by bringing up the hermeneutics of a well-known quote by Heraclitus is the sign of a petty-minded literalist who cannot look beyond the "true" meaning of words, which is exactly what so called "STEMcels" and philologists are criticized for.

>> No.22870011

We are changing around the drainpipe that leads to the ocean of shit soup

>> No.22870025

You’re using the quote to justify your position, it would be helpful if you had even the remotest understanding of any Greek philosophy, or even a form of the Greek language. You’ve already admitted to possessing neither so anything you’ve posted since then is weighed down with the knowledge that you’re a simpleton.

>> No.22870083

hilarious that you accuse him of being pretentious when you've done nothing but engage in the worst sort of sophistry in this thread by pedantically arguing about the translation of a quote without ever addressing the point of his posts

>> No.22870107

Why do Americans keep wanting to ban books?

>> No.22870139

What is /lit/'s banned books shelf look like?
I'll start:
>Mein Kampf
>For my Legionnaires
>Storm of Steel (the earliest edition)
>On the Resistance to Evil by Force
>The Nazi Primer
>Essay on the inequality of the Races of Men (Gobineau)
>The Anarchist's Cookbook

>> No.22870176

Mein kampf isn't banned. Probably not that other stuff either. TNT recipes in Minecraft and cheese pizza is banned. Are their really any other things that are hard to find? Those Dr. Seuss with the naughty pictures aren't being published anywhere or sold on eBay/Amazon. Which is approximately about as effective as a ban on the physical books. But doesn't really matter since digital exists.

>> No.22870179

They would have my respsect if they added mein kampft. Toothless otherwise.

>> No.22870191

A store can choose what they want to sell. They aren’t forced to carry any books they don’t want to

>> No.22870205

I agree. I just think if you are going to jerk yourself off for carrying banned books you should at least include Berlins Third Sex

>> No.22870212

I am sorry but I initially glossed over this stupidity but then felt compelled to post after really mulling over how dumb it is. It implies that the antisemite propaganda has more legitimacy to it because it’s more widely criticized and outlawed than the troon books which is a massive logical fallacy.

>you are le troon

The one doesn’t lend credence to the other.

>> No.22870232

There were stories a couple years ago of Canada Border Services Agency seizing copies of Gor books, which is weird because you can find it sold in many used bookstores.

>> No.22870234

You don’t see the similarities between books that promote hatred and books telling you it’s alright to be gay or black or whatever? Shame on you

>> No.22870241

You're ridiculous. They point is they are getting all self righteous because they aren't so uncouth and redneck as to ban books. Except of course they would and do support banning some books, and being a hypocrite is an especially uncomfortable sin for a "liberal"

>> No.22870248

Yes but the one was banned because it was their equivalent of fake news which intentionally caused hate and led to stuff like pogroms. It has a different reason for its being banned.

>> No.22870272

I think the only way you could get your book banned by the US government without getting in legal trouble is by not being American. There's certain stuff that's legal in Japan but not in the US.

>> No.22870291

Please tell me which parts of the Protocols are untrue. Oh wait, you can't because it's banned. I sure wouldn't want someone to assume it's unavailable simply because it is inconvenient to power. Now who could one actually ask questions about it? Oh only the most extreme supporters who also have even more supporting arguments. Sure was a good plan to ban that thing.

There are only two reasons for banning books, bad reasons or about having power over others.

>> No.22870342

I remember back when Barnes & Noble used to have Mein Kampf in the memoirs/autobiographies section.

>> No.22870346
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probably the part where the author claims jews were behind liberalism and not the french. sure marx took from them obviously but he's got the idea and users up solely because there were a disproportionate number of jews in europe at the time. it's a communist conspiracy not a jewish one. read picrel.

>> No.22870350

Gayest marketing technique ever. I actually own several fascist books that are illegal to possess in many countries and banned from all major book distributors

>> No.22870464

Why does Kaczinski get so much gostet? Doesnt he deserve a place in this shelf?

>> No.22870487

Imagine putting them on fire.

>> No.22870977

Borders control, customs, and the post office all are more prudish and have a loophole where they can deny the transport of things they personally find offensive even if it wouldn't typically be considered obscene.

For example loli 99.999% legal in the US but customs and the post office have both in the past seized stuff for being offensive.
Same with certain imports of dolls/sex toys they don't like.

>> No.22870993

There is a time and a place for everything, and not everything is appropriate for everyone.

I am pro-porn and pro-freespeech.
That said there is no good faith reason to put subversive pornographic content in gradeschools for little children.
When they are older or if it's with the guidance of a parent then sure. Give them all the edgy books they want.
However a 6 or 7 year old doesn't need a book teaching them with detailed pictures the ins and outs of butt sex and how to use gay hookup apps for adults as official educational content in schools.

>> No.22871005

I doubt most would have even heard of it.

Only reason I have heard of it is because it's brought up in places like here when talking about actually restricted books.

>> No.22871007


>> No.22871010

>The Anarchist's Cookbook
Not banned (at least in the US) and most of the shit in it doesn't actually work, with the rest being extremely unimpressive.

>> No.22871014

For me? It’s Total Synthesis II by Strike.

>> No.22871027

I too remember this.
It was back when liberals pretended to care about free speech and bush was still in office.

>> No.22871045

They still have Mein Kampf, it's just in the World History section with Shirer's Rise and Fall and Krenshaw's bio of him.

One thing I've never seen in a B&N is Goebbel's Diaries

>> No.22871347

A bookstore near where I work in Sydney has a copy of Mein Kampf in the politics section.
The cunts are charging like $60 for it though; looks like the jews got the last laugh

>> No.22871367


didn't the author denounce it fairly soon after he wrote it? He hadn't even finished his teenage years before it was first released if I remember correctly, so its basically just an angry kid's funneling of angst.

Fun to skim though. I always have it hidden in the files of media I release (I do music) for people to find as a joke.

>> No.22871452

Chapters (now rebranded as Indigo) made a big deal about pulling Mein Kampf from its shelves and no longer offering it online around 2002/2003. Don't know if they ever started selling it again.

>> No.22871468

The history of Indigo is fucked. It's founder married a CEO and he used his company to buy up Chapters and Coles (which themselves owned other stores like World's Biggest Bookstore). They then basically had a monopoly on book sales (and thereby a heavy influence over publishing) and used the infrastructure they acquired through acquisitions to shut down smaller chains (e.g. Smith's Books). If it weren't for the rise of Amazon and online sellers in the mid 00s the only way you could reliably purchase books would have been through them--if they didn't want to carry it you were fucked unless you had access to a small mom&pop store (which Indigo had pretty much eradicated). They're like the Walmart of books.

>> No.22871484

I bought a copy when I was 13-14 and just sold it a few years ago and had to list it like 3 times because ebay kept taking the listing down for inappropriate content

>> No.22871736

The logical fallacy is inherent to the banned books section, which comes with the (sometimes not so) implicit message
>these books are powerful because people don't want you to read them
If you take that message to it's logical conclusion, then you get
>this book must be REALLY powerful, because literally everyone doesn't want me to read it
If you're celebrating banned books specifically because they're banned, then it does logically follow that "more bans = better book". Get mad at banned books sections for existing, not at anon for pointing out they're retarded.

>> No.22871815

>It implies that the antisemite propaganda has more legitimacy to it because it’s more widely criticized and outlawed than the troon books which is a massive logical fallacy.
No, the implication is not that they're more "legitimate" because they're more widely outlawed, but that they're more widely outlawed because they're more "legitimate". You're simply confusing the affirmation of the antecedent with the affirmation of the consequent. And I would add that instead of writing "legitimate", it would've been more charitable to write "legitimately in opposition to the status quo".

Whether you agree with the contents of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion or not, you must admit that contemporary Western society shuns antisemitism and as such said contents legitimately oppose the status quo.

The meme thus humorously attempts to call out "so called 'banned book enthusiasts'" for not reading books that are genuinely opposed by the status quo, and instead reading books that might carry the label "banned" are remain merely mildly controversial without actually leaving the Overton window.

>> No.22871820

Damn, I really butchered that last sentence. Here's what was meant:
>[...] and instead read books that might carry the label "banned" for remaining merely mildly controversial [...]

>> No.22872409
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Jesus, how long is this book?

>> No.22872414

>Mein kampf
Amazon does actually refuse to sell it. You can find books on it but not the book itself.

>> No.22872514

>To Kill a Mockingbird
>Diary of Anne Frank
>The Lord of the Rings
>Gone with the Wind
Into the trash it goes

>> No.22872769

They should call the section "Formerly Banned Books"

>> No.22872783

They should call that section “Average English Class Curriculum”

>> No.22872832

You had to read LOTR in English class?

>> No.22873544

NTA but I did, actually. Hobbit and FotR were part of the curriculum

>> No.22873752
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lmao crybaby conservatives

>> No.22874612


>> No.22874667

I actually found out earlier today that Amazon used to sell the Turner Diaries until 2021. And the reason they stopped selling it was because of the policy the created to counter Q-Anon and anti-vax books. It was only then that they started dropping the hammer down on controversial books.
Until then they at least pretended to want to uphold free speech.

>> No.22874673

Free speech is choosing what books you as a company carry

>> No.22874709

Find new bait.
Yours is stale.

>> No.22874738


Sorry, I only acquire books from the finest Slavic bookpirates.

>> No.22874763

Just a interesting factoid that was on topic that I though I would share.

>> No.22874786

Why would you share a factoid?

/lit/ is a temple dedicated to truth and racism.

>> No.22874803

Oh nice do y'all have an affordable copy of Camp of the Saints perhaps?