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/lit/ - Literature

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22864557 No.22864557 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>22860570

>> No.22864561

i'm gay

>> No.22864566

The paradox that underpins the human condition-an enigmatic tapestry woven with the warp and weft of existential intricacies. Within the labyrinthine corridors of mortal existence, one finds the juxtaposition of prodound meaning and ephemeral insignificance, an eternal dance between the immutable march of time and the transient breath of life. It is a paradox wherein humanity, endowed with faculties of reason and counciousnes, grapples incessantly with the perennial struggle between aspirations for transcendence and the inexorable pull of terrestial limitations. Our very essence, cocooned in the fraility of mortal flesh, yearns for permeance amidst the fleeting temporality of our earthly tenure-a paradoxical pursuit that enkindles both the flame of aspiration and the specter of existential angst, rendering our journey an eternal chiaroscuro of hopes and aspirations amidst the stark realities of transience and impermanence.

>> No.22864573

drinking something that is ostensibly made out of grapes, but i have doubts

>> No.22864580

This Christmas isn't christmasing. Maybe I'm just getting old.

>> No.22864582

Alcoholic or non-Alcoholic?

This reads like Hegel

>> No.22864584

Wen u get older u bcome more like da grinch

>> No.22864586

Nah man I’m 41 and very giddy this year. You just lost your innocence.

>> No.22864593

so alcoholic i've been to rehab twice, why do you ask?

>> No.22864637

Real men drink coffee with sugar and milk

>> No.22864642

i'm getting awfully fond of the cab driver who drives me to drink. i'm not like gay for him or anything i just really like his company. it's a resort town so there's many drivers in the summer but there's literally only one guy in the winter. i don't think it's weird that i know where he lives and how old his children are and what he does in his free time
i'm not fucking gay ok?

>> No.22864655

In the frigid embrace of a wintry resort town, where frost adorned the windowpanes like delicate lace, Anon found solace in the fleeting warmth of a taxicab driven by the lone chauffeur, an elderly African American gentleman. Anon, a traveler seeking refuge in the hushed nights, sought solace in the amber glow of bars, his silent companion ferrying him through the icy roads of desolate winter evenings.

Through the spectral winter nights, Anon found himself ensnared by the understated kindness and genuine warmth that emanated from chauffeur's presence. Each ride, a fleeting yet cherished encounter, forged a silent bond between the passenger and the solitary driver.

Unbeknownst to Anon, his heart harbored an affection that bloomed amidst the frost-laden air. The chauffeur, a man of few words but laden with compassion, found himself captivated by Anon's enigmatic allure, his heart stirred by the unspoken connection that seemed to permeate the cold winter nights.

Yet, fate, often a capricious arbiter, intervened abruptly. A calamitous night veiled in a shroud of sleet and snow bore witness to a tragic turn. An accident, unforeseen and merciless, snatched away the life of the lone cab driver, leaving Anon bereft in the midst of the chilling winter.

In the wake of this heart-wrenching loss, Anon found himself grappling with the agony of a love unspoken and a connection abruptly severed. Each passing ride through the deserted wintry streets became a haunting reminder of the ephemeral bond that had taken root in the chill of those frostbitten nights—a love unvoiced, a grief unshared, lost amidst the desolation of a solitary season.

>> No.22864669

Save me from my misery God

>> No.22864672

I would totally kill you

>> No.22864677

Just curious. I mean it’s Christmas and New Years time that’s expected

Me but I’ll drink it black if I have no other choice. I just a one cup brewing machine last fall from my parents for my apartment to replace the old one which was a regular coffee maker for multiple cups. It took some time to get used to but it does the job.

>> No.22864685

Skimming through Twilight Zone magazines from the 80s. Many thoughts. There are some cool interviews like one with David Lynch. I feel a sense of sadness that all these stories are forgotten to time unless someone like me stumbles upon them on the Internet. Most of all I really like the sense of community that these old literary magazines had and it’s sad that the Internet doesn’t have the same thing. This board for example doesn’t produce a fraction of the literary output that this obscure magazine did.

>> No.22864687

the endgame of philosophy is nihilism and existential dread. its over. i wish i never came to this board or read books. i want to be ignorant.

>> No.22864691

Nihilism is 4 edgy fedora wearing 15 yr olds. Realism is where its at

>> No.22864730

Doomers are so stupid

>> No.22864738

I wonder if I fucked up my sister's life. I wonder if it's all my fault. I wonder if there are even more people I hurt who I don't even know about because of my failure to think critically about my actions.

>> No.22864754

its sort of the reverse for me

>> No.22864756

Well, what did you do?

>> No.22864761

go play in traffic then

>> No.22864765

Thought about that 3 years ago, i was addicted to weed and affected friends and influenced people in to getting on to it. I've been sober for a year now without any stimulants, met wholesome friends and thought hard about it. Try ur best to be a positive impact consciously at all times

>> No.22864798

Did you diddle her, anon?

>> No.22864803

It wasn't gay until you started heavily insinuating it.

>> No.22864806

I'm verily enjoying Aberration in the Heartland of the Real.

>> No.22864810

I bought a 15 case of Pabt tonight along with a pack of my favourite beer Kilkenny (a 4 pack). Think I'm about set lads.

>> No.22864844

Without writing a full blogpost, I was a shitty older brother who wasn't there when I should have been and did the wrong things when I was there and then almost entirely quit communicating with her after I moved out.

>> No.22864892


>> No.22864896

I've experienced a few like this; they come and go. If you're alone take a long, meditative walk this evening. If you're in company, take a shorter one after the meal. Just look at the lights, or the stars if it's dim enough, and let go your mind.

>> No.22864899

A drop of philosophy induces a man to atheism. A draft: God.

>> No.22864905

Just did a cheesy poo.

>> No.22864915

Information no one needed to know

>> No.22864916

I think you needed to know anon.

>> No.22864920

I wish that I could be 18 with the personality and confidence that I have now

>> No.22864926

It comes and goes bro. Last christmas I got a retail job to distract myself from myself. Christmas before that I was borderline suicidal. This christmas feels nice again.

>> No.22864930

Is this chatgpt

>> No.22864932

Camus was right to say that belief in God is philosophical suicide. He was wrong to think that it's a bad thing. Philosophy without faith is pointless.

>> No.22864940

This is pretty bad, so I'm a little ashamed to admit that I kind of liked it
>fate, often a capricious arbiter
made me smile. OTOH it's exactly what Fate is not; OTOH Fate must always seem this way to [us] because what's in store is anyone's guess, or any one author's manifest intention.

>> No.22864945

I'm too intelligent to translate my transcendent thoughts into any known form of communication.

>> No.22864947

I find it frustrating that practically every other tea mixture contains licorice these days. Not only does the forced sweet taste ruin experience, but the fact it negatively affects those with high blood pressure makes it a bad gift for my tea-loving parents and brother.

>> No.22864951

And yet...and yet (you) did deign to delight all with that one. How kind

>> No.22864953

I'm 28 and I still can't get rid of my constant pimple problem. It literally doesn't matter what I do I always get them. I learned to sleep on my back, I clense my skin with micellar water morning and night, I don't touch my skin, I properly clear my skin when I'm popping them, I don't work anything that gets my face dirty and It just doesn't matter. Pimples come up on my face all the time, usually the same spots to. My skin also doesn't properly heal after them as well, still have red dots from pimples I have had from like 4 mounths ago even though I tried using a cleanser for them as well.

>> No.22864961

Have you seen a dermatologist

>> No.22864965

This is the first Christmas in 3 years that I haven't been depressed. Life really does get better

>> No.22864966

Have you tried changing your diet? Pimples can sometimes be linked to digestion problems.

>> No.22864968

we have two /wwoym/ threads up right now. I am stressing out!

>> No.22864970

Yes, she prescribed some expensive smelly cream that didn't do anything.
I have changed my diet a bunch of times, even tried not drinking any milk for a while because people said it might be that, no effect.

>> No.22864972

Cheers, anon. It's just ok, over here-- neither bad nor good. I do have a few presents to wrap later today. Maybe doing that while listening to a little music will switch things up. Merry Christmas

>> No.22864973

this too shall pass

>> No.22864974
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Don't stress.

>> No.22864975

I like to watch my roomate have sex with tinder hookups while im dressed in a dog suit. He knows im watching so he puts on an extra show. Once he showed me to a tinder date and she had to pretend i was a dog the entire time kek

>> No.22864983

dance clubs are probably the last place where you would expect to find autistic people, but it's become a real hobby of mine. no, i don't go in to really party or meet women, i just simply like the feel of loud music pulsate everywhere and it's a place where i can dance to bright lights and changing colours. i don't even take any drugs or anything, nor do i drink. i simply enjoy the experience as it is, not as a medium for sex or indulgence. sure people invite me for a drink at a table or to go out with them elsewhere, sometimes even coffee. but i just decline, i don't get it, the music and the dj is all i'm there for. i've been doing this so often that i'm considered a regular, the various bouncers know me and i know them in turn since i tend to wear variations of the same outfit and just dance in the same corner. it's a ton of fun

>> No.22864993

I can see that as Im also tempted to do so but I cant be around for long.

>> No.22865007

Being on 4/chin/ is kind of like being in a dog suit, without the Tinder hook-ups. There is /b/, /gif/,..., however, so this interesting mode can at least be approximated here

>> No.22865011

I'm on the couch here scrolling /lit/ occasionally looking over at the pretty tree with absolutely nothing on my mind

>> No.22865040

How are you going to spend Christmas?

>> No.22865042

Tru. Prolly why im on here

>> No.22865059
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Thinking about getting the brewitt-taylor translation of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It's 80 bucks for an older hardback release which seems like a good price, but not sure if i should get this or a Moss Roberts translation instead.

>> No.22865071

With extended family = a ton of children. Have been busy all day and will be even busier tomorrow. Just kind of winding down, having trouble falling asleep.

>> No.22865092

My younger sister abhors me.

>> No.22865158

Moss Roberts

>> No.22865183

---- Solaria ----
Electronic Driving Music

Jeff can make the lightest joke of Hell
Effortlessly sailing above it, cigarette as baton

Or comic metronome.

Phil can hardly tell a maple from a mulberry
And yet he takes to sunny avenues

Of sense and system.

Joe's mode of hypnosis, if any, has so little to do with sound
There's no explaining baroque to him

As rhythm space outlines.

Bryan liked as much as I do the idea of a house
That can fly anywhere.

>> No.22865218

does he have a bbc?

>> No.22865322

Immortality does sound good.

>> No.22865331

absolutely no way. on a long enough timeline the chances of you being trapped under thousands of tons of rock for millions of years is 100%

>> No.22865334

Blair Williams’ face. God I want to fuck her.

>> No.22865348

Weird taste
What about with a button that you can activate to die, but it only appears once every ten thousand years for 10 minutes?

>> No.22865361

Do the rocks crush my dick too?
This is important.

>> No.22865371

you're either immortal or you're not. there is no button.

No, but your arms are pinned

>> No.22865389

Fine what about immortality without regeneration, just no aging?

>> No.22865416

Fucks sake…

>> No.22865421

ngl this looks hilarious

>> No.22865542

nobody drinks tea lol

>> No.22865554

Some lady know has a husband in the hospital who keeps lapsing into a coma and is bringing all sorts of dreariness to Christmas. Not on my watch. This is a good year for me. Dont bring me down to your level. Shes a decent person but I dont want to hear about it.

>> No.22865648

She probably secretly hopes he doesn’t make it anyway

>> No.22865667

drinking rum getting drunk slowly

>> No.22865725

Give her a hint or two, people do stupid things when depressed.

>> No.22865755


>> No.22865779

Happy Christmas eve, /lit/. The GOOD LIFE is within you.


>> No.22865781

Firewater, guns, tobacco, two suns, else enemy

>> No.22865801

American spotted

>> No.22865809

People shit talk the burger healthcare system because it's so incredibly expensive, but what they don't realize is that you can just refuse to pay. Like the doctors aren't gonna deny you care and they can't collect on your medical debts. Furthermore, it's an open secret that they just discard your bills after a couple of years if they fail to get anything from you. I have like $20,000 in medical debt and I have never lost a moment of sleep over it

>> No.22865938

Don't they just leave you to die if you don't pay?

>> No.22865966

No lol
Maybe in Canada
The entire US economy revolves around debt, and the big cheat code is that you never actually have to pay anyone back if you don't want to

>> No.22865982

Shaved my hair off. That was a mistake.

>> No.22865988

what about that guy they dumped on the side of the road because his insurance ran out?

>> No.22865995

now you have an excuse to buy a really nice hat

>> No.22866004

Knausgard has talent for writing the most awkward and cringe situations, to the point where I need to stop reading the book for long period of time because it's too unpleasant, and then I always come back and the situation is over, it's like I'm synced at this point to stop as the situation ends. Him listening to someone trying to sell timeshare, the loans he'd have to take in front of his wife, where he doesn't realize it's a scam and his wife and even his 3 yo daughter realize this is bullshit was stomach churning. He's the best writer at inducing anxiety.

Also going from his Hitler essay back to his regular life and holiday with kids is lame, I got really into his analysis.

>> No.22866009

>I have like $20,000 in medical debt
did you sprain your ankle?

>> No.22866027

Buzzcuts look sharp with the right facial hair. Or face shape I guess, but I wouldn't know.

>> No.22866036
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>> No.22866047

Never heard of it. Probably happened in one of the weird states. We have a few of those.
I shattered my ankle and pulled a muscle in my leg and vomited blood and detoxxed from alcohol at least 5 times and got my ass kicked and broke my foot

>> No.22866055

Also I thought I had AIDS (I don't have AIDS)

>> No.22866089

I think I came to a realization that I'm just a dumb consumer

>> No.22866097

I used to live a life in the corporate fashion world that did not fit me at all, I quit and travelled to Iceland for a year and then just kept going to other places. People from the time in fashion always reach out to me with the expectation that I am that person, but im finally myself, hiking outdoors and seeing life flood before me

>> No.22866158

you purchase things you enjoy with money you earned by providing goods and services to people? damn that's fucked up dude. what a degenerate.

>> No.22866215

My dad is an absolute libtard.

>> No.22866223

My dad once kicked an annoying manager into the balls at work.

>> No.22866242

'Turn in the other cheek' is master morality and you cannot tell me otherwise

>> No.22866247

Give me a detailed description of your ideal human.

>> No.22866257 [SPOILER] 
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not sure if ideal gf counts.
maybe you were looking something poetic?

>> No.22866264
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This cat, but human.

>> No.22866270

I had an Inception style like 4 lucid dreams deep that I kept waking up from. The lowest one was me in bed looking out my bedroom window into a mansion with a chair moving slowly toward me, 1 cat looking at the chair, then 2, then 3, 4, and a human figure in another room too far away for me to see. I kept thinking "okay so I'm lucid dreaming, but why can't I affect anything, what am I looking at, what does it mean?" The other dreams kept having to do with being in my bedroom in my old house looking out the window at crazy nightmare things.

>> No.22866276

Japan is the world's biggest cargo cult

>> No.22866279

Ever had a lucid dream you can't wake up from, where you are trying to open your eyes but can't, moving your arms around but too paralyzed to stand up from bed, and you have basically no clue wtf is going on?

>> No.22866280


>> No.22866284

No I actually always wake myself up. I decided not to wake myself during these lucid dreams because I was curious and it wasn't too scary considering it was all outside my bedroom and I knew it was a dream.

>> No.22866308

That's called a false awakening loop, and depending on the intensity, I think it's the closest thing to hell that a living man can experience. It's also incurable

>> No.22866353

Also forgot but there was 1 outside my bedroom. I was in a gigantic mall that people lived in. I found a mom selling shoes, it was late so she said I could sleep in her space. She treated me like her son, pampering me. I bought some pastel colored shoes, but when she put them on me while I was laying down next to her daughter she switched out the color for dark grey. All while this was happening her daughter is slowly starting to cuddle with me. The mom eventually noticed and tried to get us to stop cuddling, but it felt really nice, so we didn't stop until I woke up into the next one.

>> No.22866367

Where did all go so wrong? I'm such a pathetic trainwrack of a human considering I'm only 21.

>> No.22866391

i blame your parents and your parents' parents. it's okay, anon. I believe in you. You'll put something together that your lame-ass ancestors failed to instill in you.

>> No.22866398

So you blame Adam and Eve?

>> No.22866403

I had this discussion with my mother a few days ago. the difference between a consumer and a consoomer is a consoomer lets himself be convinced they need something. He sees a commercial and he wants the thing and he buys the thing. His personal feelings aren't important to the equation. Buying something that you like and want doesn't mean you're a consoomer.

>> No.22866408

nta but i absolutely blame Eve
Who the fuck listens to a serpent? Dumb bitch

>> No.22866412

i wouldn't go so far back as the original family drama but on that one, I blame the snake..

>> No.22866425

Well, I looked into the history of both my grand-parents and they don't seem to have been failures at all. My father's father was a farm bookkeeper, my mother's father a hard and proficient worker who got rich investing money.
And it's not that I have no job or anything but I just feel so pathetic every time I have to forcefully interact with people like I was never properly socialized, like no one respects me, and my habits are similarly pathetic. I couldn't even get past the initial relationship stages with a woman at all. Lot of stuff that simply isn't normal. On some hand I have aspirations to become a worthy and virtuous man, on the other hand I feel too weak to even be able to show more than the most minimal amount of character to other people. I'm worthless, meaningless, unskilled, undersocialized addict idiot retard with no one in the world who really likes or appreciates me, except maybe my brother but even to him I have been an asshole sometimes. The sad thing isn't my misery, it's the fact that there's nothing that could cure it. People have already seen me the way that I am and there's no reason to expect any surreal betterment at all.

>> No.22866435

Every time I go out somewhere I leave my ring in the car and if with the kids refer to my wife as “their mom” so I come off as single.

>> No.22866441

agreed. I wrote a couple stories about that, and they all ended in complete mindbreak for the protag. There's simply no other possible outcome, if it goes on too long.

>> No.22866447

that's pretty fucked up

>> No.22866449

Thats literally the plot to a movie

>> No.22866451

Meh. Sleep paralysis sucks but it’s not even that bad ince you get used to it. Taking too much suboxone was probably closest I’ve been to hell.

>> No.22866454

Yeah but I just don’t want to be outcasted as a fucking mule whose job it is to work and sit at home over and over and over. I should be able to talk to people too, and they basically shut you out if youre married.

>> No.22866456

I have a hard time believing your life is a trainwreck at 21, you're still practically a blank slate.
>t. 33 year old trainwreck

>> No.22866457

never conflate money with value. we are describing the same thing: your parents' responsibility was to socialize you. they failed. possibly even in the pursuit of more money, which it is understandable to confuse with love. they can have all the money in the world, but they have failed at the most basic duty of the parent. you can still right the course, anon. it won't be easy, and you'll fall behind in other ways, but you can do it.

>> No.22866458

Are you talking about this?

>> No.22866462
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no, I'm talking about this

>> No.22866463

Adam blamed Eve and God kicked him out of the Garden for it

>> No.22866465

My brother used to go the ER for free stays because he was homeless. They would do a check up then kick him out because an ER isnt a homeless shelter.

>> No.22866470

no shit. they're still obligated to show basic human decency

>> No.22866474

Yes. They do a medical check, see nothing is wrong, and then kick him out. Thats okay. I dont want to have to go to the ER in some fucked up emergency just to have the whole place crowded with homeless drug addicts

>> No.22866483

sounds like you hold a lot of blame and resentment for him.

>> No.22866489
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All homeless people should be gassed you fucking pussy.

>> No.22866495

I absolutely do and it's entirely justifed.

>> No.22866500

I wish I could be on his jury and acquit him

>> No.22866501

do you really feel you're citing evidence by including emotionally-charged clickbait headlines.

>> No.22866510

in time you will see the patterns beyond the signals.

>> No.22866514

Crazy thing about this story is he was only around that piece of shit because his dad was running some fucking food charity. I hate anyone who feeds these parasites. Some of them are cool and ill throw some money to some of the younger ones if I can tell they are dope sick but at the same time I know anyone past the age of 30 who hasnt figured their shit out needs to be dealt with.

>> No.22866518

Dont give me that bullshit. Homeless drug addicts are universally shitty people who need to be held accountable for their actions

>> No.22866526

there's a difference between releasing a person and dumping them on the sidewalk with their ass still hanging out of their hospital gowns.

>> No.22866532

If only we had some archipelago of camps to house these poor souls

>> No.22866536

Who knows what really happened? Maybe the guy refused to leave his bed so they had to physically remove him. I would like an actual article on the subject to see what really happened

>> No.22866540

Alright I'm just going to admit it to myself. I'm totally a siscon.

>> No.22866544

>they escort him out of the ER by wheelchair with a bag of his belongings
>uncooperative, won't change into the clothes he came in (or even the new clothes provided to him)
>unresponsive and provides no information as to anyone who could pick him up
>social worker gives him a list of info about shelters and charities and churches and what not after he's had three meals and taken up a hospital bed for a day
>walks a few blocks and, as mentally ill drug-addicted homeless are apt to do, goes right to sleep on the sidewalk
>some dumbass takes a photo

>> No.22866553

hi mr. peterson. i hope your room is clean!

>> No.22866557

I don't want to be happy, I want to be bitter and hate everyone.

>> No.22866561

Tell me how I am supposed to gain the appreciation of other people? Sure, I can become a stonks autist and do everything for my career, work hard and perhaps even secure a gf. But it will never be it. I was never socialized from the beginning. The social relationships I have with other people are half-hearted at most. They already have their social circles, why would they need me, a weirdo who doesn't even speak the language properly and who has nothing to offer. You can blame my parents and all, but that won't solve the core problem. Me, I have stopped trying to change them. From now on I will just complacency nodd my head to everything they say. There was never a point in starting discussions with them. It has only made things worse.

>> No.22866566

Currently having a great dinner with family and friends. I wish a Merry Christmas to everyone!

>> No.22866576

My family would celebrate Christmas at my grandfather's home every year. He died near the end of last year and left his house to me (skipping out several older siblings and cousins) due to me being his favourite. Everyone still came over for Christmas last year, but I don't think anyone is coming this year. It's just me, all alone.

I was the only person in the family who was like him, well-read and sophisticated. I've felt all alone since he passed, but never more so than now, at Christmas time. I'm

>> No.22866600

How do I get into the 13th century?

>> No.22866635

Find a time machine lying around and set it to the 13th century.

>> No.22866662

You gotta get that delorian up to 88 miles per hour

>> No.22866676

Twas the night before Christmas
And all thru the Christmas
Not a creature was Christmas
Not even a Christmas

>> No.22866699

My Wife and I of 7 years broke up last week but I agreed to travel and spend Christmas with her and her family so nobody got upset. It's a secret to everybody in our personal lives until after New year's and now I feel like I am living in a stage play where I am playing a happier version of myself. Being questioned about the usual stuff like "when are you guys having children" and "what holidays have you got booked next year" is chipping away at me and making me even more miserable than I was earlier this week. I know I'm a dumbass for going, I also probably overestimated how much people would care. It is now 7:35am on Christmas day and I am trying to muster the courage to join the family breakfast. They seem so happy.
Merry Christmas lads, I'm at a low point in my life but I know it will get better again.

>> No.22866706

Read Wilhelm Tell by Schiller, it gives a great description both of the nobilities and the common people.

>> No.22866712

Where did things go wrong, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.22866724

What stroke me the most was the scene of the Swiss nobleman and the great privilege of the 13th Century nobilities, that he drank first from the beer cup before passing the same cup to his brotha serfs! Truly a different era, like the nobilities had nothing of the arrogance they learned during the later eras, even though paradoxically at the same time they had become much more useless.

>> No.22866822

Technically that's the 14th century, but it's still interesting.

>> No.22866828

Literally the 13th Century, it plays during the foundation of Switzerland in the year 1292.

>> No.22866831
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At the age of 35 I drove over 1200km and through 2 countries to be in Montfermeil, France today, 12/24/23. the two hundredth anniversary of the night in which Jean Valjean met Cosette. the inhabitants I asked for directions couldn't tell where this place is + there is no one besides me. I know it's literary fiction, but I believed that someone else in the world, or in the west would have the pleasure of being there tonight. I left a bucket so if anyone comes after me knows that he's not alone. at 11 to go to mass and then back to the hotel. I have to leave france tomorrow morning to be at work on the 27th.
At the end of the day the anonymous people of a clandestine animal organ trafficking imageboard are destined to be the only people with whom I can share my passion for literature... love you guys, Marry Christmas

>> No.22866842

Oh the Wikipedia article for the play said 14th century.

>> No.22866862

Wilhelm Tell.

>> No.22866886

That's the one I was looking at.

>> No.22866900

Tell, Wilhelm Tell.

>> No.22866924
File: 73 KB, 692x628, william tell play.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22866949

merry christmas friends. take care of yourself

>> No.22866959

based on everything you've revealed to the group thus far you sound like a guy who would/should have AIDS. good job dodging that bullet, pal.

>> No.22866968 [SPOILER] 

Yeah I'm pretty glad about not having AIDS but I don't have much else going for me

>> No.22867056

I hope God takes me already. Everyday is just misery.

>> No.22867079

First time spending Christmas with my gf. I'm grateful to God for puting us together. I wish you guys a merry Christmas

>> No.22867081

I saw your post a few threads ago. Would've gone there but I'm a burger.
Glad you made it though.

>> No.22867092

I'm wondering if I was born innately stunted. I always struggled to fit in with my peers. I was always an outsider and black sheep everywhere I went. But I don't think I was born like that. I think I was born with great potential to be a great person. It's all there latent in me. I have to come to grips with the fact that my family destroyed me. All of my problems are enviornmental. My family life was extremely dysfunctional. I remember feeling relief when I went to school so that I could avoid the stress of home. I was scared of being home. But the dysfunction carried over. I would get to school just realize the new stress of being alienated by my peers. I went to a small, private, catholic school. My family was not catholic. We did not belong there and we were not wanted there. We were treated like lepers because we were outsiders. So that stress would build up in me as soon as I entered the classroom and I would again feel the relief to be on my way home. And then I'd get home and all the violence and fighting and fear would start again. I used to hide when I'd hear my dad's car pull up in the driveway.
Things stabilized later. I was the youngest child so I think I avoided most of the trauma. My older brothers were always messed up. Not like I was. I was just quiet and awkward and prefered to be alone. They were violent, anti social, causing mayhem everywhere they went. During the stable years I bloomed, made friends, and began to be a normal teenager. My older brothers were too far gone and their criminality, drug abuse, and oncoming cognitive impairments from the drug abuse threw my life into total chaos. I don't think I ever really recovered. My brother calls the year everything went to hell The Tribulations. The Tribulations lasted about a year, ten years ago. I was then moved to a new and alien enviornment that I could never belong to, and so my state of alienation solidified. To this day I'm only a half functioning person who only interacts with others on a as-needed basis. I tried to reintegrate myself to society this year but I being around peoppe just causes me so much fear, confusion, and self doubt. I think a hermit's life will be for me. Hopefully I can find a nice homely church girl and raise kids in a protected and loving community. Thats my highest aspiration. A job good enough to provide for children and a boring wife.

>> No.22867148

My wife and I split like once a year but nothing ever comes of it. Then again, we have kids so we sort of have to just come back. Why did you guys not have kids for over 7 years? Thats a bad sign.

>> No.22867157

You got a free house? Fuck dude my pos family needs to start dropping already. Pops been sick for like 3 fucking years. Give ME a house. Why can’t I ever get a fucking break? He’ll probably die the day after me. And my lifetime alimony receiving mom will probably die the day after him. This shit is fucking cursed. That’s what I want for christmas. An inheritance.
Don’t feel sorry for yourself in your free house, many of us never had a good relative to begin with.

>> No.22867161
File: 120 KB, 550x800, Linda_Boström_Knausgård_in_2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knausgaard is a saint this bitch is not hot enough to tolerate BPD this strong

>> No.22867198

Why is there no fucking objective in this god's forsaken world?

>> No.22867214

The solution is to stop popping them, and avoid any of that gay shit, just clean your face with water if you need to.
Thank me later

>> No.22867238

If one more fucking person tells me I look like Anthony keidis I'm going to kill myself

>> No.22867243

I find shipwrecks and beached boats creepy and fascinating for some reason. Love looking at pictures of shipwrecks, especially ones that aren’t underwater

>> No.22867251

Lol there are worse people you could look like, but I am tired of hearing is fucking music thats for sure

>> No.22867279

I can't stop binge eating.

I like the sound of Christmas carols, I'm listening to them right now on the radio, but I don't believe in God. I was brought up Christian, but my belief in God faded away along with my church going. I do think there are some Christian values that I will continue to uphold.

I've finished wrapping gifts for my family who I will see tomorrow. I don't think there is any material gift I could receive for Christmas that would make me content. Not that I expect contentment from materialism. Though there are physical objects that can enable creative and enjoyable experiences.

I have lacked a meaningful circle of friends for far to long.

>> No.22867289

We are at different stages of our respective careers. I spent the last 5 years working to help support her career and now she has "made it". She is ready for kid's and I have a minimum wage job and am only able to start uni next year because I can finally relax and not worry about her income. The thing is she has decided that she wants children now and I just can't in good faith have kids when I know that she will take maternity leave and I will be a student. This has been building for a while and has just boiled over because in her mind her biological clock is ticking and she is scared I might never be ready for children (she might be right). It's sad because we still love each other a lot but both mutually acknowledge that our lives are moving in different directions and we don't want to consign children experiencing a stressful unhappy marriage. I have no regrets, I love the time that I have spent with her. I am not looking forward to starting again and being a mature age student interacting with 18 year olds but that is my reality and I won't let it beat me.
We were dirt poor for most of our relationship, it's only this year that her career has taken off and she is making good money. I would never raise a child in a poor household, that's how I grew up and it's not fair on them.

>> No.22867291

Just have the kids bro.

>> No.22867295

I actually think by the way is like top 20 albums ever recorded, but that's probably because it was a massive departure from their usual thing and frusch wrote most of it

>> No.22867297

just when I thought I'm pretty smart, there comes a reality check to make me fully realize that I'm not

>> No.22867326

All that I know is that I know nothing

>> No.22867330

Masochism is rooted in sadism and compassion. Unwilling to inflict pain on anyone else out of fear of causing harm, the masochist inflicts pain on the one acceptable target: himself.

>> No.22867353

Lately people criticize consumerism in respect to art a lot, but I feel when you separate art from any kind of spirituality, inevitably it creates this dynamic where art is just "food" or "content" meant to be rapidly swallowed and digested. I'm no longer a Christian but my experiences with Christian art as a kid felt so much more profound than secular art generally does. By nature, secular art basically can't mean anything, all of its ideas are summed up in that Hemingway line: isn't it pretty to think so?

I think we yearn for stories to have some meaning because we long for the feeling that religion gives us, yet are incapable of being religious at the same time. When stories have a meaning or a message, it's a very weak surrogate for the true feeling that comes with religion.

>> No.22867359

I got high off a glass of sparkling wine.

>> No.22867373

I took a whole bottle of bum wine to the face last night in spite of the fact I was already quite drunk

>> No.22867386

No dog, my peepee gets hard when I'm being spanked.

>> No.22867410

You are cashing reality checks. I am paying reality's alimony. We are not the same.

>> No.22867420

I just want to lock myself up in my house and keep reading through ancient shit and learn languages. I hate the outside, and there's nothing even worth seeing there except old ruins, and even that experience is ruined by the hundreds of loud and annoying people gathering up around them.

>> No.22867426

Your precious pastos were just as loud and annoying as people today, probably moreso

>> No.22867434

The fuck is a pasto?

>> No.22867461
File: 150 KB, 1080x1080, shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pasto used to be a huge part of Italian and Italian-American cuisine and was a sort of smaller o-shaped pasta, but Chef Boyardee spaghetti rings is really the only remnant of that once flourishing dinner cuisine.

>> No.22867462

The opposite of antipasto

>> No.22867586

Fapped earlier. Right before Christs birthday. I feel guilty.

>> No.22867590

Give it away

>> No.22867633

I log on to lit to escape the world; I dont need to be reminded its Christmas...

>> No.22867642

I was only clowning dog

>> No.22867660

it's been what, seven years now? but i can't keep running any longer before it's too late. i can't keep being such a cowardly loser who drowns in hedonism to escape my anxieties of intimacy with other people, modern society, and the world in general. i refuse to live walking dead in this shithole apartment bedroom of this shithole city any longer. sorry for being so pathetic, mom. you really should've worked things out with gary though.

>> No.22867661

I think I drink because on some level I like being chronically Il and sad

>> No.22867666
File: 448 KB, 960x671, christmaspepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Christmas

>> No.22867676
File: 10 KB, 534x534, sticker7736796704454529301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't cut me!

>> No.22867679

Haha that but with a pic of my wrist haha

>> No.22867687

Dawg I fucking hate living in Maryland

>> No.22867689

Dawg you should come over to CaliWali

>> No.22867694
File: 8 KB, 534x534, sticker3635046611485912159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22867695

I lied I actually love living in Maryland

>> No.22867718

UwU scissor-kun

>> No.22867728

None a this is funny. I keep joking but I don't find any of this funny

>> No.22867748

Awww does anon need to cutty wutty his wristy?

>> No.22867760

No but I'd like to know where you live, if it isn't too much trouble.

>> No.22867770

CaliWali. Want to go get a Hot Carl?

>> No.22867781

Ah fuck there's no way for me to get there. Can you fly out to BWI so I can kick your fucking ass?

>> No.22867783

Where the fuck is BWI?

>> No.22867793

If you type "bwi" into any search engine, the exact location is the first result every time. It's literally like the second biggest airport in the US

>> No.22867798

Oh I see. You're the maryland anon. You're not some baltimore nigger right?

>> No.22867803

so where is it

>> No.22867807

I'm Scrooge and you want to be Scrooge. It's ok Anon, I love you.

>> No.22867809

I'm not black or from bmore but I have comparable shortcomings

>> No.22867811

Like your IQ? Or do you have no father?

>> No.22867815

My dad is less than 20 feet away from me. My IQ is definitely part of the problem THO

>> No.22867826

So do you have tard strength or are you just a standard midwit?

>> No.22867834

It's taking every braincell I have to my absolute limit just to talk to you right now, if that gives you an idea. The federal government also concluded that I'm retarded

>> No.22867843

I'd be interested in kicking your ass. Ive been wanting to go to the east coast for a while. My goal was to go during spring break.

>> No.22867892

Thinking of spending like $100 to upgrade one of my favorite writers books to hardcovers over the next few months. Part of me says do it. Part of me says you already have the books, waste of money

>> No.22867894

I would do anything to resolve my problems except for the things I actually need to do to resolve my problems

>> No.22867897

Merry christmas to all the bastards out here. To all the losers, neets, desperate, passionless, suicidal, depressive and lost anons. To all who never made it, to all who think they never gonna make it and to all who made it and still feel as empty as ever. To everyone who wants to be a good Christian but can’t find it in themselves to believe in anything. To those lost in the desert, who can’t see beyond the dunes no matter how far they walk. People drowning in a sea of guilt and despair, adrift in restlessness.

To you, bishops of inadequacy, I wish a Merry Christmas. I wish you a merry life. I wish you fulfillment. I wish for you to drink of the coolest water, from the humblest grail, and feel plenitude and fulfillment, the likes of which eludes men during most of their lives.

Merry Christmas to all, wherever the paths of life may lead you.

>> No.22867927

damn dude i ate some much fucked up food for christmas eve with my family i think i might puke. as soon as i got home i slammed a tums and i'm about to chug mad water. my sister has a rad view of the city from her new apartment, but the bathroom has the same huge windows as the rest of the apartment so when you take a piss you feel like some guy in a manhattan with a telescope is watching you. kinda weird.

>> No.22867933

Cities are all soulless, bugman.

>> No.22867937

cope, seethe, dilate, merry christmas

>> No.22867943
File: 4 KB, 234x215, 1671829155385427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it brah

I already swore an oath to God that if I ever make it, I'll do everything I can to spread the wealth and save as many /lit/ people or /lit/ type people as possible. Currently my plan is to found autism monasteries


>> No.22867950

if i ever get money i'm gonna do a /lit/ scholarship were u have to do a shit post application and if i'm into it i pay for school. i don't want to see some corny ass effort post, but i gotta know you can do college level work tho. i'm broke as shit rn so don't hold ur breath lmao.

>> No.22867964

Losing privacy of mind had to be the worst thing to ever happen to me.
Going to be a bit before I can piece everything back together.
Hopefully those drones learn to fuck off.

>> No.22867969

oh shit drones reading your thoughts again?

>> No.22867976

holy shit what a jam

>> No.22867977

My Christmas post was originally posted here back in 2018 during my bloomer phase, when I kept trying to help anons and posted positive things here and on /fit/. I recalled it out of the blue a couple months ago and swore to myself that come Christmas I would post it again. Forgot it once again and remembered the post and my promise a few hours ago.
I like your feelings because they're exactly like what moved me back then.
You're based and gonna make it anon.

>> No.22867986

I'm so lost out on the highway with no direction left to go.
Everyday sit up and wonder where it was I started from.

The more you've found the less you've been around.

>> No.22867988

i am a garden-variety narcissist with an inferiority complex. i really think very little of myself while thinking of nothing but myself. i am predictable and boring.

>> No.22867990

Pretty annoying yeah and they’re oddly tolerant to just plain awful shit.

>> No.22867993

Humbleness and empathy are whitin your reach if you want it. Just spend a month directing any conversation you have towards the other person and only talk about yourself if prompted to.

>> No.22868027

Stop being phony.

>> No.22868037

just finished Werther as >>22833545
any recc's with far worse unrequited grief?

>> No.22868040

merry christmas it's midnight

>> No.22868043

werther is like the ohgee of the sadboi genre gonna be hard to top

>> No.22868046

Merry Christmas

>> No.22868052

i'm more authentic when i'm putting on an act

>> No.22868117

There's not a single person in my life who I haven't hated. Of course you might retort that it's something in me, right. But I noticed that they have all done something to slight me or made me as The Other (and thus inferior). I know I shouldn't feel this way and bla blah but my resentment is only going up and upwards and one of these days I might end my completely hopeless life.

>> No.22868122

>Of course you might retort that it's something in me, right
yes actually i would

>> No.22868124

It’s cliche but the common denominator is you. Your feelings are the constant. Resentment is one of the ugliest things. Work hard to change it

>> No.22868131

I'm having the maddest farts from Christmas lunch. Gonna read some comic books, maybe some manga too, then I'm gonna dick around for a little bit before capping off the night by watching Jingle All the Way. My mum and her fiancee made me a giant magnifying glass for Christmas, it's pretty cool. Merry Christmas, anons.

>> No.22868132

Merry Christmas

>> No.22868134

I work with some dude who is from Baltimore. Dunno why he moved up to Ohio for whatever reason but his Ravens gear gets people riled up

>> No.22868136

Can I join?

>> No.22868137

You know the history behind those teams?

>> No.22868148

Mine used to be a hardline paleocon until covid and Biden broke him

>> No.22868163

i have spent an exorbitant amount of taxpayer money on alcohol and shellfish and i am not likely to stop any time soon

>> No.22868169


>> No.22868174

It’s gonna be 61 degrees Fahrenheit Christmas Day. Might as well wear shorts to my folks house

>> No.22868198
File: 165 KB, 1024x1024, _cc49176d-63b7-4821-a36d-f8ad70cd9ffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I am the only person who has the viewpoint that I have and it's very isolating. Everyone always talks about the world as if it's on brink of apocalypse, as if the whole system is collapsing, as if the future is nothing but chaos. Anyone who obsesses over politics is utterly hysterical. But that's not what I see. I go outside and the average person is a normal worker who does normal things. Our time is a time of entropy, boredom, stagnation. Despair is widespread. No one has a vision of the future that isn't just a worse version of the present. Decline and misery is definite, but violence isn't. The generations raised on the Internet are not going to fight any wars, and the few people that actually do fight wars outside the West won't find much victory in the long-term.

This is the way the world ends. With a whimper.

>> No.22868209

I wish I could find a girl like my sister. She's tiny, very intelligent, very cute, has a quick wit, and loves a lot of the things I do.

>> No.22868225

Hearken, good sir, forego the familial folly, in the garden of romance, seek a suitor unkind. Untangle thy heart from kin's entwining embrace, in decorum's domain, dare not to transgress. Secure in the sanctity of sacred bonds, seek beyond kin, discover a damsel divine.

>> No.22868235

almost all of the booze was bottom-shelf but the oysters were delicious

>> No.22868246

Bottom shelf or top shelf, all booze tastes disgusting to me. I don't mind an oyster from time to time though.

>> No.22868250

My parents want me to do drugs because I'm a lame loner. It's better to be a druggie than an outsider in their eyes.

>> No.22868252

>Bottom shelf or top shelf, all booze tastes disgusting to me.
can't relate. even some of the bad booze tastes good to me. if it didn't, i would have bought better booze, since it isn't my fucking money anyway.

>> No.22868257

>since it isn't my fucking money anyway.
Based. I'm glad you can enjoy it, anon, what's your poison tonight?

>> No.22868273

i usually prefer gin but the liquor store closes at 9 and that's right around when i wake up. so i had to go to 7/11. i bought four natty daddy tallboys (my standard when i'm not drinking hard liquor) but i had a suspicion they wouldn't last me long enough so i bought a very large bottle of some wine called "barefoot" that is ostensibly peanut greegio. it's much too sweet for me but it goes down ok i guess

>> No.22868277

For now, hug your sister and caress her and tell her that you love her. A man needs feminine contact no matter what.

>> No.22868278

barberella come and save me from my misery
cant you see its a disease
shoot the bad guys and ill gladly sing a tune for you
lost in space we could be free

>> No.22868293

>A man needs feminine contact no matter what.
Not OP but I seem to be doing pretty well without it.

>> No.22868294

Where's your mom? Grandma?

>> No.22868302

Not possible

>> No.22868306

all i ever wanted was to make you laugh

>> No.22868312

Same but I kind of wish I wasn’t single

>> No.22868313

>decide to go to church for christmas
>wearing a nice suit
>however my white shirt looks wrinkled no matter how much I iron it
Fuck's sake.

>> No.22868314


>> No.22868319


>> No.22868322

got a new iPhone it feels alright

>> No.22868325

I live with my mum (fuck you current rental market) but the most contact I receive from her is her coming into my room every night to lightly hug me when she says goodnight. That's nothing though, I may as well not be getting any with how little that is.

>> No.22868332

That's more than I get with women. My mom hugged me once, but I didn't hug her back because I don't like being touched.

>> No.22868339

I also don't like being touched but it makes her happy so I do it.

>> No.22868343

>i had a suspicion they wouldn't last me long enough
Was your suspicion correct?

>> No.22868354

Any tips on how to create tulpa?

>> No.22868363

this was less than an hour ago and i don't think you understand how much alcohol there is in a natty daddy tallboy. it's like drinking a whole six pack in one can. to summarize, i dunno, it's only 2:30 and i don't generally knock out till like 7

>> No.22868371

My younger brother has a buzz cut and I told him to grow his hair out yesterday and he said no

>> No.22868375

Must be nice my mother absolutely is adamant I can’t move back

>> No.22868383

This guy managed to down it without issue.


>> No.22868389

I wish I could move out, you don't understand how badly I want to live by myself.

>> No.22868394

i forgot how delicious ritz crackers are holy shit

>> No.22868401

Yes I do, why do you ask?

>> No.22868402

You’re better off.

>> No.22868408

that guy was clearly completely sober at the start of the video so it's not really fair to compare me to him. i also suffer from liver-damage induced reverse tolerance so the fact i'm putting it back like i am is nothing short of miraculous

>> No.22868421

Financially, yes, mentally, no.

>> No.22868424

Living in a glorified group home I feel I can’t connect with females in this institution because I don’t listen to “urban music”.

>> No.22868429

I'd rather kms

>> No.22868430

there isn't a single video of david bowie and freddie mercury performing "under pressure" together. you can watch like 20 other popular artists do that duet but you can't see them

>> No.22868433


>> No.22868436

Gotta listen now :]

>> No.22868453

you can listen to the studio version as many times as you like but there isn't a single live recording, in spite of the fact freddie lived for a whole decade after the song was written

>> No.22868454

I kind of want to start making sseth-esque videos about some of my favourite books. They'd either be top tier youtube slop or the most autistic shit ever posted to the site.

>> No.22868455
File: 191 KB, 300x300, An evening with Silk Sonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could've been a perfect album, why the fuck did they have to include "777" what a shitty song.

>> No.22868465

Cool, but if you're going to make Sseth-like videos, try not to be like this guy. I hate him so much, stupid wikipedia historian.

>> No.22868471

i would literally give up everything i've ever owned to be sober

>> No.22868514

I'm looking at this guy's shit... just horrible. Most definitely the opposite of that. My thought was something along the lines of comedic reviews of books, probably lots of satires, like the works of Evelyn Waugh or A Confederacy of Dunces. Edited in that ADHD style Sseth has, or maybe more in line with the style of E;R. It'd all really just be me hoping that the algorithm picks a video up and gets at least one zoomer to start reading.

Sober from what? Booze? Go to rehab, or AA or something, dude. The first step in quitting is deciding that you're going to start trying to quit.

>> No.22868528

i went to rehab and got five months and was deeply involved in the 12 step culture but i got burnt out and drank and have not been the same ever since

>> No.22868581

My only bit of advice is to just keep trying. I've had similar struggles with no-fap; had two periods of about four months each after having read that book where the thesis is basically "don't do x because you don't gain anything from partaking in it". I've not matched those two runs since the second relapse though. But I still at least tell myself that I'm going to give up that nasty little habit for good. I know it's nowhere near as bad as alcoholism. But, do remember that I, and surely many others with more applicable experiences, do feel for you, Anon.

>> No.22868583

Thinking about sneed's feed and seed

>> No.22868590
File: 357 KB, 667x677, coco1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ermmmmmmmm, Anon... I saw your sneedposts on /tv/. They were really funny. Would you like to come with me to the general store to go buy some gummy bears?"

>> No.22868594

buddy i don't want to diminish your problems but i'm literally dying

>> No.22868600

>Second helping of Christmas lunch.
>Glass of cola.
>Jingle all the way.
>Comic and manga waiting for me when the movie is done.
I don't know about you fellas, but I'm not doing too bad right now.

>> No.22868604

Yeah of course, let me just go find my gucci loafers

>> No.22868632

I made a mistake again

>> No.22868667


>> No.22868764

I've eaten so much food that I feel like I'm bursting at the seams, it hurts to sit in certain positions, fuck.

>> No.22868852

I agree. God will probably snuff us out half asleep like a candle by his bedside.

>> No.22869125

that was me yesterday now it's time to a massive dump

>> No.22869126

Ok, I was confused because the play contained scenes of the foundation of the union of the three states in 1292