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/lit/ - Literature

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22863056 No.22863056 [Reply] [Original]

junger sucks, and this book especially

based on a deeply vulgar reading of stirner and padded in some of the most pretentious, self-righteous bullshit writing of all time. junger was sucking his own dick so incredibly hard you can find spots of cum in every copy of this dogshit novel. that said, it does have some fairly memorable quotes.
>People convince one another that the world is impefect. Then they send out calls for help and flash beacons of hope. It makes no difference whether Hercules cleans out the Augean stables or a mailman his pigeon house. And the stars draw no closer no matter what pedestal one gets up on
all in all, 4/10

>> No.22863071

I disregard all critiques that use the word "pretentious".

>> No.22863087

especially if the author being accused of it is Junger. Junger is exactly as dignified as he assumes himself to be.

next critique!

>> No.22863107

anyone that uses the word 'quisquiliae' three times in two pages is a retard faggot too busy sucking their own dick to actually write well

>> No.22863127

>Your vocabulary must be limited and twitter-friendly!

>> No.22863244


>> No.22863284

You do realize there was a time when it was expected for writers to be actually educated, right?

>> No.22863311

>want to write 'details'
>decide it doesn't sound cool enough
>look in thesaurus for synonyms
>find quisquiliae
>pat myself on the back for being educated

>> No.22863330

I disregard all critiques from people that take Stirner seriously

>> No.22863334

so you must hate this book then, right anon?

>> No.22863349

I remember you. You were slandering Jünger in a different thread, ranting about his personality or something. Sad to see that you're still at it.

>> No.22863358

It's probably the same guy that calls people "rusanglogermcucks"

>> No.22863438

Perfect illustration of my point. You don't even grasp the concept of a classical education or what it consists of. It's several horizon-lengths beyond you.
Just as people can be brought up speaking a different language from you, they can also be brought up with totally different cultural reference points and a totally different vernacular than yours. Your shitty little cultureless world is not the world full stop, its limitations do not apply to a well-born midcentury gentleman.

>> No.22863487

Wish people would post actual critiques and just spergouts on here.

>> No.22863491

*not just spergouts

>> No.22863690

Never read it.
I liked Storm of Steel, On the Marble Cliffs and his Brazil travel diaries.
The Glass Bees was ok, but the childhood flashbacks were not good.

>> No.22864225


>> No.22865745

Yes but he's handsome and "aryan", he's "le epic warrior" so of course nu-lit (pol) love him

>> No.22865829

yes, its the same mentally ill nigger who shits on him everytime someone is discussing one of his books without a reason other than "pseud" whatever that means, because jung is pretty modest in his thoughts. same as other troons here with evola and nietzsche.

>> No.22865895

you guys are all projecting, this is my first post on /lit/ in 5 years. also i'm white, and have a 7inch cock so no, not a mentally ill nigger either.

>> No.22865989

Love this book

>> No.22866095

oh and i'm a tranny btw, in case that matters to you incels

>> No.22866410

I just finished reading this and I spent the entire book repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.

There’s just too many "Le epic" dialogues for me. After a while when I would read a sentence I started to picture the lines appearing in front of me as a reddit post with the reddit upvote downvote arrows next to them, and let me tell you, there were lot of upvotes.

>> No.22866418

Does anyone know who the author of that painting is?

>> No.22866604

perfect for these closeted redditard faggots

>> No.22867113

>I was so closemindedly cynical that I couldn't appreciate a book that reached for something higher
what kind of fucking retard thinks Junger is "reddit"? no redditor could appreciate him because he's too politically problematic