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/lit/ - Literature

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22855098 No.22855098 [Reply] [Original]

Various /lit/ publications have come and gone: The Lit Quarterly, Pinecone, The April Reader, and Ideology, to name a few. There have been collaborative works, like Coronameron, The /lit/ Annotated Moby Dick, Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra, and The Complete Works of God II. Some of these projects were one-offs, some were serialized. Some /lit/ projects, like Unreal Press, are still hanging on but are plagued by drama, and some, like &amp, seem to be rapidly in decline.

Also related are the solo writers of /lit/, composed of various namefags and shills who frequent the board: MNM-DR, John David Card, Zulu Alitspa, Frater Asemlen, Horia Belcea, Ogden Nesmer, Lewis Woolston. There are also those who did not come from /lit/ but are /lit/-adjacent simply because they are discussed here so frequently: Mike Ma, R. C. Waldun, Bronze Age Pervert.

This thread is for the discussion of the history of /lit/ writing and the future of /lit/. Why have so many /lit/ projects failed and fallen apart, and what do you think is next for the scene? Does anonymity vs pseudonymity vs. the use of real names make a difference in the success or failure of these projects, and the way in which these projects are perceived? Of the works that /lit/ has produced, are there common characteristics and themes shared between them? Is there a definitively /lit/ style of writing? Has /lit/ produced anything truly great, and if not, do you believe that it will in the future?

>> No.22855109

Do we need to update our /lit/ soccer team? I feel it has stagnated in comparison to other boards.

>> No.22855247

Suck my Dick bitches - Bob Cross

Me Big Lou and Ry are building an empire. Nobody bringing that shit down. Now I'm gonna get fucked up then get my dick wet. My wife's outta town.

>> No.22855251

Big Lou and I gonna have a drink off on youtube New Years eve. Get that shit ready and suck my dick.

>> No.22855257

Man I'm so fucked up I jus wanna get my dick wet man. My wife's outta town on her period.

>> No.22855268

kiss my arse

>> No.22855285

This dick ain't gonna suck itself I just wanna get some head

>> No.22855294

I'm drunk at 1pm fuck suck my dick bitch my wife's outta town I'm drink as fuck happy christams

>> No.22855303


"Bob" Cross doesn't drink. First mistake.

>> No.22855373

What a load of rubbish
>Has /lit/ produced anything truly great,
>and if not, do you believe that it will in the future?

Go to college/uni and get involved in a real journal instead of LARPing at it on a weeb image posting site.

>> No.22855382

>Go to college/uni and get involved in a real journal
/lit/ collabs are more influential and far-reaching than shitty college journals

>> No.22855394

>Go to college/uni
Good goy factories

>> No.22855419

No they're not you self a aggrandizing dolt.
Why LARP as a student then? Its pathetic

>> No.22855434

Anyone replying ITT (without saging) feeds a bot and deserves to be castrated.

>> No.22855483

Suck my dick big daddy Bob cross has a good fucking time man

>> No.22855511

Fuck off Gardner

>> No.22855569

Kiss my arse

>> No.22855760


>t. Ari

>> No.22856114

suck my dick and kiss my arse

- Bob Cross and Big Lou

>> No.22856545
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Woolstonposting has now expanded into Crossposting and the two shitposting streams have merged.
Truly this board and associated discords are a petri dish of creativity!

>> No.22857419
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I'm kind of fascinated by Robert James Cross.

He really does seem like a bit of a narcissist. Most of his contributions in the writing Discord are anecdotes about conflict where he ended up getting the upper hand and coming off looking witty and zany. Like he can't resist putting a narrative spin on everything that preserves his image.

That, and his name and his Discord pfp give off this weird self importance (in his pfp he even has the dead eyes of a narcissist). It smacks of someone who's thought about their outer presentation so much that they've lost perspective and can't see how weird they're coming across, or how repellent.

Robert, if you're reading this, stop using reptile-brain ego to protect yourself. Constructing a false self like this only brings you more stress in the long run, and only makes your unhealed trauma more raw and painful.

Be okay with who you are. I love you.

(But if I had to guess, I'd say Shards was a bad book, more likely to be a self-branding effort than a good story. I don't know though - I'll read it when there's an epub)

>> No.22858044

>Ari admitting to having an alt in the Discord

>> No.22858465


I'm a writer. How am I not supposed to put a narrative spin on shit I've been through? It makes it palatable for both me and the person reading it.

Narcissism is just a buzzword anyway. Not everyone who uses anecdotes or talks about the shit they've overcome is a narcissist. I'm not going to apologize for talking about my life.

It's the autonomous robot people who have extreme social anxiety and/or had a boring monotonous life who should be apologizing to society for their trying to become writers with nothing interesting to say.

Don't be a crab, Ari.

>> No.22858541

Your book doesn't show up as available on Kindle Unlimited, or as available for purchase on Kindle

>> No.22858548

Best Of when?
019 When?
New novels where?
And when can I share a pizza dinner with you fags?

>> No.22858603


Ah, yeah. We're working that out. The formatting is funny. Hartley will have it back up eventually. It's my fault for writing an unformattable book lol

>> No.22858742

So many attempts at squirming around. Classic narcissism.

>How am I not supposed to put a narrative spin on shit I've been through?
Misrepresentation. I didn't say you shouldn't. I just criticised the type of narrative spin you use.

>Narcissism is just a buzzword anyway.
Irrelevant appeal to absurdity. Doesn't make me wrong about you.

>It's the autonomous robot people who have extreme social anxiety and/or had a boring monotonous life who should be apologizing to society for their trying to become writers with nothing interesting to say.
You're just constructing a person to attack here so you can pat yourself on the back for being publicly assertive in some way. If you're trying to imply I'm one of these people, you don't have enough evidence to go on.

>Not everyone who uses anecdotes or talks about the shit they've overcome is a narcissist.
Didn't make this claim.

>I'm not going to apologize for talking about my life.
Didn't ask you to.

It's like you're doing every narcissist trick in the book not to reflect on yourself. Funny, almost.

>> No.22858765

>who have extreme social anxiety and/or had a boring monotonous life who should be apologizing to society for their trying to become writers with nothing interesting to say
Just to add, you slipped up and completely gave away your sense of superiority here. "What, normal people with boring lives? They must have NOTHING to say. Ha, I'm so much more interesting than them. They're not people with valid outlooks and hopes and fears and emotions going through the human experience, they're autonomous robots! They're BENEATH me."

It's like you're oblivious to how utterly vain that sentence is, hahaha.

>> No.22858838


You're reaching for nothing here, Ari. No one cares. You don't have the same "this guy is a crackhead who was in a cult" narrative that you use with Ryan so you're trying to make me look like a bad person for whatever reason and it doesn't stick. People aren't going to not read my book because I can be up my own ass at times. It's a survival mechanism.

>> No.22858894

Fuck off Lewis

>t. Waldun

>> No.22858905

Jason Bryan says all artists need to be narcissists or they wouldn't be able to self-express

When it crosses over into fart-sniffing, then the art has lost its meaning and the narcissism becomes ugly.

>> No.22858909

I'm not Ari.

>No one cares.
Doesn't make me wrong.

>you're trying to make me look like a bad person for whatever reason
Victimhood. I'm just saying what I see.

>People aren't going to not read my book because I can be up my own ass at times
Doesn't make it right to be up your own ass.

>It's a survival mechanism.
It's a problematic one that limits empathy and breeds entitlement. Most healthy people have learned to keep it in check more than you do. And second, you were saying you were "just making your writing palatable" a second ago, now you're admitting to being up your own ass. Flip flopping like a classic defensive narcissist who just wants to squirm around instead of reflecting properly.

>> No.22858913

Read the fucking room. This is an ANONYMOUS forum. Generally speaking, excessively talking about yourself is going to be seen as arrogant and tone-deaf, because it goes against the site's culture. Namefagging is one thing, and there's nothing wrong with using the occasion anecdote if it's actually relevant, but showing up in every thread and bragging about yourself in such a repetetive and uninteresting way shows that you're massively self-absorbed. Just because you find your own life endlessly fascinating doesn't mean that anyone else does. And it comes off even worse because you combine it with tactlessly money-grubbing and hawking your book.

If Jason Bryan's a perfect example of a grandiose narcissist, then you're a perfect example of a vulnerable narcissist. Two sides of the same worthless coin.

>A common reaction that narcissists have to criticism is self-victimization. Self-victimization is the fabrication or exaggeration of victimhood.
>They respond by saying, 'You're always blaming me for everything. It's like no matter what I do it's never right. You're always attacking me. I can never do anything right in your eyes. You always find something to criticize.'
>Instead of addressing your criticism, the narcissist is framing themselves as a victim of constant blame and attack.

>> No.22858920

Interesting take, can't say I disagree. Jury's out on whether Cross's work is fart sniffing or not. But I'd say it's likely.

>> No.22858926

I think your first response is to the wrong post. I agree with you my friend.

>> No.22858933

Good catch, it was meant for >>22858465

>> No.22858937


>> No.22858939

Betwixt whom?

>> No.22858943


>> No.22858950

I'm >>22858913, and I'm sure as hell not Ari. That was my first post ITT, and if you were paying attention you'd have noticed it showed up as a new IP.

>> No.22858960



>> No.22858962

Bruh... there are no rules. Why are you trying to operate by some hidden playbook?

Narcissism is art, anytime you create and make something and try and charge money for it, it is because you're under the assumption that your shit has some value and someone else could enjoy it. Writing, especially, will attract narcissists because you TRULY have to believe in your hallucinations and delusions inside your mind that tell a story and enable you to string it together with words. It's not like being a mechanic or a chef where someone else designed the part/someone else slaughtered the cow and you're putting together the pieces/assembling a tasty meal, no, the writer is assembling images inside their brain into words on a screen. You fart-sniff until you can decide "okay, this is a story that I need to tell", at least that is how it operates inside my brain.

Artists are, generally, fucked up people. You have to be. The gateway to creation is a pandora's box, and opening your mind up to create and imagine does crack open the veil between normality and madness. Is it really surprising that the creators of "The Matrix" both fart-sniffed so hard that they both became trannies?

Obviously artists deal with mental issues and many talented and non-talented artists go on to use drugs, get in accidents, fuck up their lives, etc, but that is the price of having a creative mind. If you want to see what supreme narcissism actually looks like, look into the wellness industry, now there you will find the absolutely most fucked up people you can imagine.

>> No.22858967

Writing is like professional wrestling of the mind

Now imagine a humble wrestler in the WWE?

>> No.22858969


This holier than thou anti-narcissist seems like the narcissist to me. Haha

>> No.22858970

suck my dick i'm jus tryna get my dick sucked

>> No.22858974

kiss my arse lads my mate Bob Cross is a good fella, now suck his dick will ya. Kiss my arse we're leading a movement. Kiss my arse it's Australia and I'm watching Babe 2 with my daughter for Christmas. Kiss my arse.

>> No.22858986

I don't care. It doesn't make him not a shithead. I intend to let him know what I think.

>> No.22858990

>we're leading a movement
What movement?

>> No.22858996

>Artists are, generally, fucked up people. You have to be. The gateway to creation is a pandora's box, and opening your mind up to create and imagine does crack open the veil between normality and madness. Is it really surprising that the creators of "The Matrix" both fart-sniffed so hard that they both became trannies?
The creators of The Matrix are good examples of people who fart-sniffed too hard. Obviously they DESERVE to fart-sniff as they created a classic film with iconic memes like "the redpill", but they overdosed sooooooo hard on sniffing their own farts that even their gender became something they saw beyond. They didn't believe anything could limit them in life because they sniffed so much of their own farts. Most normal people are based in somewhat of a reality and they understand that no matter how good they feel about themselves/how many of their own farts they sniff, that life has certain limitations that you can't expect other people to kowtow to.

When you have enough narcissism AND you've sniffed enough of your own farts, then nothing can limit you, this is where people trip over themselves into psychotic episodes and real mania and convince themselves of their own delusion, which isn't healthy. People like Jason Bryan don't necessarily believe they're great writers, yet, and the narcissism only serves to keep them writing and trying to improve. Embracing some narcissism is important for the artist, because if you didn't pump up your own tires, you could easily find yourself being successful in a 9-5 job and lose the desire entirely to write and prove that your narcissism had some utitlity.

Another profession that has a ton of narcissists is nursing. Women who are nurses are often huge whores and closet narcissists. A lot of them know it and feel bad about it, which is why they go into nursing because if they're helping others, they feel better about themselves.

I've dated several nurses and known groups of nurses, as a group, those women were crazier than most artists you'd meet.

For some reason, nursing attracts young women who are hot and crazy and they end up old, fat, and depressed nurses at 40-50+, I bring this up because being an "artist" attracts crazies at a similar rate, because you have to have a certain type of mind to be creative, and you have to have a certain type of mind to be a nurse.

>> No.22859003

People like Jason Bryan know they are shitheads, but they at least try and create and entertain other people with their shitheadedness. How many of us that visit /lit/ can say "I am not a shithead" and truly believe it? We're probably all shitheads because we actually believe that there is a comforting space inside our minds that we can produce content from, or imagine the worlds that other people create with their words. At least being a shithead, I know there's something in my mind, shit, and I'm okay with that. My biggest fear is just giving up and becoming a wagie again and just going through the motions of life without even shit inside my mind. It is so easy to lose yourself in a routine serving others at a job, probably why nurses love long hours because they turn into automatons where they don't have to think about who they are.

>> No.22859006


I am not reading any of this any more, it's annoying and rambly and unintelligent.

>> No.22859008

lad I love me some Grahame Greene, Somerset Maugham, Nevil Shute, Roald Dahl, Raymond Chander, Ian Fleming, Ernest Hemingway, Josef Conrad, Rider Haggard, and you bet your arse my writing shows that. Now kiss my arse, you lads don't know shit about the greats. I'm just writing like my idols and ye want to piss me on for not being James Joyce. Now kiss my arse I'm a dam good writer

>> No.22859015

Bob Cross here me and Big Lou are just doing some Hemingway, Kermit is even in my next novel because Big Lou put me onto James and the Giant Peach and my mind was blown. Now sick my dick I'm jus tryna get some head and write some damn good novels.

>> No.22859022

that's right you haters can suck this dick because I'm a bit tipsy and being emotional. Suck this big fat cock you hating fucks.

- Bob Cross

>> No.22859030

James Krake is the greatest

>> No.22859039

My wife's outta town again so I'm just tryna get some head. Suck my dick. I'm drunk as fuck and am getting high. I'm twisted man.

>> No.22859048

you assholes! you promised to annotate don quixote last year.

>> No.22859068

I don't agree that most (good) writers are narcissists. Yes, writers tend to be introspective people, but you're confusing introspection with self-absorption. I'd argue that the best writers are self-aware people with a keen sense of empathy and insight into others' perspectives, which are qualities that narcissists inherently lack. And acknowledging that your work has value and that you have a talent for writing isn't narcissistic; it's basic self-confidence, and is generally grounded in some kind of observable reality. Narcissists are delusional and have an inflated sense of their own superiority that doesn't match up with reality. Besides, writers have to be willing to learn from the work of others and to accept criticism in order to improve. Narcissists believe that their own perspective is more valuable than anyone else's and react to criticism by seething and dismissing it outright.

>Another reaction a narcissist can have to criticism is projection. Projection is a defense mechanism that involves attributing one's own feelings, desires, or qualities to another person. Instead of acknowledging your concerns, they accuse you of the very behavior you are criticizing them for.

>> No.22859115


>I always have a rebuttal so I'm better than you.

>> No.22859131

>Another reaction a narcissist could have to criticism is deflection. Deflection means redirecting focus, blame, or criticism from oneself onto another person in an attempt to preserve one's self-image. Instead of addressing your criticism, the narcissist is trying to shift the focus of the conversation by bringing up a different 'issue' they have.

>> No.22859135

Such a good idea. LSP will navigate this 2024

>> No.22859137


>I always have a rebuttal so I'm better than you. Haha. I win again, narcissist! Haha.

>> No.22859272

This is all Ari. Even the replies. He's using a VPN. He is an unhinged crab.

>> No.22859291

These are always the best threads on /lit/

>> No.22859325

Last thread it seemed like you were trying to pin it all on Atlas. If you wanna claim all your critics are the same person then at least get your story straight.

>> No.22859330


>> No.22859350

How is this still going on? Seriously, pull yourselves together. Frankly this is embarrassing. It’s been months. Don’t you have anything better to do?

>> No.22859427


suck my dick - Bob Cross

>> No.22859432


>> No.22859435

kiss my arse lads I'm drunk and am flyin' to Cali with my family to see my mate Bob Cross. Merry Christmas kiss my arse

>> No.22859458

kiss my arse this Aussie lad is parking his big arse in Cali. Guess who's comin' home. Now kiss my arse Cali and fuck the torys

>> No.22859488
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>> No.22859493


>> No.22859505
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>not posting actually good OC
Thank you for your service, drawanon. ( ̄^ ̄ )ゞ

>> No.22859513

kiss my arse lad I'm flying to cali and drunk on the plane Bob Cross I'm comin home

>> No.22859563

what an utterly dysgenic group of mutants, i hope none of them breed

>> No.22859564


All Jews. No better than the already Jewed-up trade pub industry. We need some Anglo writers on /lit/

>> No.22859710

Source on this Jews claim?
I thought Woolston was white trash aussie, not sure about the others.

>> No.22859719


The nose knows. Not an Anglo amongst them.

>> No.22859739

RJC is def Jew. He's talked about it on Discord before. Said he doesn't practice but has the blood.

>> No.22859749

kiss my arse lad this is an anti-anti-semitism zone, I didn't leave the JW for nuthin. Kiss my arse I'm flying to Cali

>> No.22859805

Too late baby. Let’s read your offspring…

>> No.22859819

really good writers don't want to associate themselves with lit because frankly a lot of writers here have not grown past their delusions of grandeur and their egos prevent them from either improving themselves or being good collaborators. there is no reason for someone to out themselves as a writer on lit unless they are a dramafag or they're completely inexperienced and think (incorrectly) that they will find help here

>> No.22859835

basically most of you are not as intelligent as you think you are

>> No.22860181

Stop shitting on RJC and finish my Best-Of. OR ELSE.

>> No.22860292

>he comes to /lit/ to grace the unintelligent schizos with his presence

>> No.22860339
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All in a day's work.

>> No.22860361
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Damn... draw anon has shifted the meta

>> No.22860540

my arse kiss it
his dick suck it
just about landing
in cali
kiss my arse
and merry christmas

>> No.22860579
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Merry ho ho ho!

>> No.22860596

Will anyone here care if I use my real name when I publish?
I've been consistently in /wg/ for all of 2023.
I'm not gonna have anyone show up where I work or anything, will I?

>> No.22860609

>I'm not gonna have anyone show up where I work or anything, will I?
Nah, the Atlas/Ari thing was a one off, LMAO

>> No.22860622
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I don't know who those are, thankfully. I just want to finish my adventure novel.
/lit/ has helped me stay motivated.

>> No.22860803

It's Christmas Eve Eve here in Australia and I'm drunk after one beer. I don't even want the cunt anymore, it tastes like shit, even though I love a beer. Christ, what goes on in these threads. You don't remember the season for a second! Good cheer? Bring the cheer! My head hurts from staring at screens all day, staring at you cunts, other cunts, cunts on this fucking internet I can't stop looking at you and those cunts. Don't know nothing about kiss my arse I never cottoned onto that meme but you all can for once in your lives. Kiss my fucking arse. I'm going to bed for fuck's sake.

>> No.22861386

Fuck off Nesmer

>> No.22861408

Kiss my arse I’m in Cali faker

>> No.22861523

solid, I'd read

>> No.22861550

You guys are all neurotic faggot losers, a far cry from the avant-garde literary rebels you picture yourselves, But! My real name is the op, so I smile every time I see it. Merry Christmas nerds

>> No.22861609

>a far cry from the avant-garde literary rebels you picture yourselves
We're so far from the mainstream culture, there is no path to any influence if you're not a puppet for the establishment. They give all the book awards to darkies and homosexuals in Canada. Every white guy published in this country has been through the good goy factory system (University) and there are no beer-swilling rebellious writers named Kyle who support themselves via drywall labour, it is all soft dorks and complete vaxxed faggots that write and get published.

It is what it is.

>> No.22861625

All the book awards in canada? Kid I could not name a single canadian book award if you put a gun to my head and I doubt anyone I've ever met in my entire life could either.

>> No.22861626
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Saint Paisios of the Orthodox Church made two prophecies of the future before he died in 1994. He said
>there will be a fake "vaccine" which will be deadly and it will be either the mark of the beast or perhaps a forerunner of the mark
>the globalists will wage a war against Russia, but Russia will win

>> No.22861643
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500 million from the government of Canada to fund shit like this, just look up who they gave the awards to.

Just think about this... the government spent $500 million dollars to astroturf arts and culture in Canada for social engineering purposes. Women, the primary target for literature, is reading nothing but books by black people who win all the awards here and those tradpub books fill the good goy factories. (Universities)

>> No.22861651
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average canadian zoomoid

>> No.22861683

>Just think about this...
I am barred from entering the country of Canada(dui), and that is something I only remember on the rare occasion your practical non entity of a nation comes up in conversation(highly unusual). You have access to the internet, apply for shit that actually matters. You have feet. Leave canada. You're not gonna get fucking deported from the U.S.

>> No.22861841

It’s me Bob just tryna get my dick wet my wife’s outta town and big Lou came down for the holidays. Suck my dick we’re drunk.

>> No.22861861

Kiss my arse I’m at bobs and drunk happy holidays I’m tryna get a root but I’m drunk. Kiss my arse.

>> No.22861880

Considering that the guy is getting half of your royalties, he should be resolving any issues with the ebook version and republishing it to Kindle immediately. After all, the job of a publisher is to make sure that your book is available for sale. Just another indicator of his laziness and slapdash approach to this shit.

>> No.22861929

kiss my arse

>> No.22862034


If he's lazy, then so am I. I should have had a Kindle version ready to go. Hartley hasn't fucked me over yet, as many of you said he would. He sent copies to the people I told him to and has sent me the sales figures every time I've asked. I don't think he's lazy at all. This isn't his primary source of income. Just as writing is not mine. You're conflating your lack of effort in the tings that bring you joy and projecting your insecurities onto Ryan and I.

RJC - The Narcissist

>> No.22862091 [DELETED] 

It's me Bob Cross I'm just tryna get my dick wet, Hartley is havin' a good time like me and Lou. Gonna tell that guy to haul his ass down to Cali for the Holidays. I'm drunk suck my dick.

>> No.22862157
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/lit/ is very consistent in its attacks on writers

>> No.22862168

Just an FYI, you can use Chat GPT to format your epub really fast. You could probably make your Kindle version in a single afternoon.

>> No.22862756

Anyone have a genlit or Strathclyde invite?

>> No.22862806
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>> No.22862849

Suck my dick I’m drunk it’s 1 pm my wife is outta town I’m just tryna get my dick wet

>> No.22862902

Kiss my arse and I mean it I’m in Cali and drunk

>> No.22863039

Look at these crazy goons it’s why &amp is the best. WE HAVE PERSONALITY FUCK EVERyone else f the world dang it

>> No.22863073

Stop saying lies I never did that ever I never did that ever I was just leaving class okay like I didnt mean for that to happen and I was scRed I never did that and I never would do thatnever It’s not real it can’t be real none of it ids real you don’t know it’s not true it’s not real I never did that???? It isnt real

>> No.22863173

Hey Atlas, here's a friendly reminder that Ari hates you and will never love you :) >>22863126

>> No.22863494

This is a fake Atlasposter.

>> No.22863533


There are fake everybodys in here.

I'm RJC and this is the only post I made in the whole thread >>22862034

>> No.22863749

Don't listen to this guy, i'm the real RJC and i'm the only poster in the whole thread

>> No.22863963

Fuck off Gardner

>> No.22863980

Based Ari

>> No.22864140

It’s not real it’s not the real one it’s not the real Ari??? It’s not him he will call me and talk to me in a kind voice not an angry voice and he will say he isn’t mad anymore and he didn’t mean any of the bad things he said and he is sorry and i will say im so sorry for everything and i didn’t mean any of the bad things either and we can talk about everything that happened he won’t hang up and he will tell me which ones are real or not real and he will promise never to make the police come getr me again and the bad feeling will finally go away forever and i can relax again abc not have to be scared of them getting me and taking me all the time i can finally get calm it will happen I know it will that’s not the real Ari??? It can’t be him it’s not real

>> No.22864152

Fake atlas.

>> No.22864161

shut the fuck up you dingbat nobody cares

>> No.22864188

Sick of your shit Nesmer

>> No.22864201

Oh it's real, alright.

>> No.22864231

Who's the faggot writing this? It has to match up to someone's prose.

>> No.22864276

You always say im lying?????

>> No.22864384
File: 94 KB, 1024x1024, faker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlas is just Ari's alter-ego, we're not falling for this bs any longer.

>> No.22864406
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope everyone is taking a break during the holidays to take a break from destroying yourself with liquor and drugs and is taking some time off work to get more writing done. Got to put out more work if you're going to claim to be a writer!

>> No.22864407

Ari doesn’t hate me forever and ever it isn’t real????? It is nt real????? None of it is real it isn’t real it didn’t happen it didn’t happen it isn’t real it can’t be real nothing is real it’s all a trick it’s not real he didn’t say that????? He didn’t say that????? It’s not real

>> No.22864429
File: 129 KB, 1024x1024, dodgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22864437

Are you back on Adderall?

>> No.22864450
File: 189 KB, 1024x1024, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish

>> No.22864454
File: 97 KB, 1024x1024, E399960B-9158-4B4F-BA2B-4C21A20E7D36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you make this? Because I love it

>> No.22864468

No??? I stopped taking it forever because Ari said im not allowed to take it ever again??? I can’t have it because Ari doesn’t want me to take any??

>> No.22864493
File: 199 KB, 1024x1024, gardner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ring, ring...

>> No.22864554
File: 353 KB, 1024x1024, amp19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ari, Ryan, and Atlas working on amp19

>> No.22864562
File: 159 KB, 1024x1024, 0740E723-4E31-4FC8-8FFA-653B14BDB769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22864567
File: 336 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess whooooo

>> No.22864572

Denial is the first stage of grief. Eventually you'll be able to reach the point of acceptance.

>> No.22864585
File: 263 KB, 1024x1024, amp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm... who is in Vegas? I'm not sure...

>> No.22864626
File: 200 KB, 1024x1024, ampmorning2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more memes to AI for, basically only have Gardner, &amp, and crabs...

Don't know enough about other /lit/ schizos to meme about!

>> No.22864632
File: 126 KB, 1024x1024, 47FA3EE5-29C5-412B-BB6C-9A3369DC3D02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22864639
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, gardnercoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You killed my brother. I will find you and I will kill you.

>> No.22864640
File: 206 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Narcissist MFA and his precious little book

>> No.22864646
File: 140 KB, 1024x1024, FEC8D360-C93D-4059-B9CE-7899E0F0DAF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22864651

AI art sucks and I’m tired of talentless retards basing their entire personality around it. Hearing Ryan call himself a “prompt engineer” made my stomach churn.

>> No.22864653

Ari's a "prompt engiqueer"

>> No.22864659
File: 43 KB, 540x540, target.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have our target, boss.

>> No.22864661

no he’s not. why would you even say that? hesstraight and he loves me now and back then he couldn’t be gay

>> No.22864674
File: 229 KB, 1024x1024, shitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got'em, boss.

>> No.22864675

I’m not in denial im not schizophrenic???? The fake Ari is lying I don’t have schizophrenia?? I’m not “the schizo” that’s so dehumanizing im a real person with valid feelings and I never wanted to plague the best of I only wanted to help Ari with it and help with design and editing and stuff?? I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do anything bad at first like I meant well Bc i thought if I could help him and try rlly hard and do a good enough job and he realized it was me helping him with everything maybe he would understand how much I loved him and change his mind I never intended for him to be scared by it or to question his own sanity that wasn’t what I wanted to happen..,,I tried a few months ago when i was in a better frame of mind to write out the whole story in detail from my perspective in a Googledoc being as honest as possible to try and get to some kind of conclusion or resolution but writing the whole thing out didn’t help me even but I tried to explain why I did it

No he isn’t??? He isn’t queer and he’s good at drawing and art he does nt need to use ai prompts for it bc that would be tacky and he’s a real artist not a fake one like you????

Stop pretending to be me youre not the real one

>> No.22864681
File: 123 KB, 1024x1024, targeteliminated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Target eliminated.

>> No.22864683

Real atlas.
Fake atlas.

You can tell by the apostrophes.

>> No.22864688
File: 108 KB, 1024x1024, detecting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Endless imposters on here.

>> No.22864692

>I tried a few months ago when i was in a better frame of mind to write out the whole story in detail from my perspective in a Googledoc being as honest as possible
Do you still have it? Post it in this thread. It might be exactly what Ari needs to come around.

>> No.22864702

No you are a liar >>22864675 is the real atlas
and the other one >>22864661is the fake atlas
>>22864675 is me im the real one

I can’t?? You’ll just use it to make fun of me and say im crazy and he’ll only be mad

>> No.22864707
File: 186 KB, 1024x1024, sus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22864716
File: 111 KB, 1024x1024, B6EB1A4E-FDD6-4AEE-A7CB-141BC1D75AEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hehe target eliminated. Post. Hehe

>> No.22864717

>You’ll just use it to make fun of me and say im crazy
You should be confident in your feelings, especially when it comes to love. Say how you really feel to Ari and say the hell with the rest of us in this shitstain of a thread.

>> No.22864718
File: 181 KB, 1024x1024, atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22864740
File: 55 KB, 540x540, piggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here piggy, piggy, piggy...

>> No.22864777

Lol this looks like Nesmer’s slaying the croc

>> No.22864835
File: 57 KB, 540x540, piggy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22864906

>RJC - The Narcissist
Hehe, watch me ridicule my critics by taking their valid criticism and making it a sarcastic part of my personal brand heheheheheh that'll show em I'm not a narcissist.

Probably the single most narcissistic thing you could've done in response.

>> No.22864948
File: 112 KB, 1024x1024, rjc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're baiting the crabs!

>> No.22865050

You're right, but /lit/ on the other hand is filled with narcissists. Mostly the covert type, but it's let loose online.

>> No.22865807

I hat you Ari why won’t you talk to me?? Just say something let me make up pls pls I don’t want this to be it. I’m begging you Ari ples I don’t want to hate you but

>> No.22865830
File: 237 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hō… mukatte kuru no ka!?

>> No.22865840

You aren’t me

>> No.22865878

But I'm me.

>> No.22865882

Kiss my arse I’m in Cali merry Christmas I’m drunk my wife threw me out so I’m in Cali

>> No.22866285

Nice pic

>> No.22866303


It's easy to do.

I write another few pages of my second book. Come on here. See crabs seething and barely coping. I laugh. Then I go back to writing.

- Robert James "The Narcissist" Cross

>> No.22866344

What is /lit/ even writing for 2024

>> No.22866359

>Robert James "The Narcissist" Cross

>> No.22866459

>See crabs seething and barely coping.

>> No.22866484
File: 161 KB, 1024x1024, rjc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn dude, you're going to be on the shitlist for 2024

>> No.22866595
File: 7 KB, 183x275, Woolston2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas lads, even the crabs and crazies.
Looking forward to a great 2024, all going well i'll be releasing my next book and it'll be an instant classic.

>> No.22866663

Enjoy getting 30% of the net Lulu profits from your fake publisher.

>> No.22866697

Even on Christmas Day you're being a spiteful crab. Seriously dude, go take a long hard look at yourself.

>> No.22866738

merry christmas lewis

>> No.22866744

>stating the facts about your publishing contract is being spiteful

>> No.22866765

Come on man, you know what you’re doing. Lewis only took that lopsided agreement because he wanted to be a real published author. Most of us would do the same, you too probably.

>> No.22866797
File: 145 KB, 1024x1024, writer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas to you and all the /lit/ schizos!

Even the crabs too!

>> No.22866940

It's christmas time and Im checking this thread

>> No.22867138


>> No.22867204
File: 174 KB, 1471x924, crabbydesubaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they're on the chart just ignore them.

>> No.22867227

Und kein Ari . . . wie zufällig!

>> No.22867233

Ari is so removed from this shit I didn't put myself on there.

>> No.22867320
File: 1.75 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jason Bryan is extremely upset that he is not at the top of the schizo rating

>> No.22867327

>MNM-DR 0% gay
Someone has not read TTT.

>> No.22867342

>i love dad

>> No.22867376

I'm writing my dystopian about a homosexual trying to find Jesus.

Nobody seems interested in it. So I'm thinking of dropping it.

>> No.22867457

What do I have to do to get on one of these me and Big Lou are married with kids and drunk. Suck my dick

- Bob Cross

>> No.22867491

damn... based

>> No.22867508
File: 15 KB, 679x679, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need more parameters

>> No.22867517
File: 41 KB, 679x679, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22867667
File: 47 KB, 679x679, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22867721

That’s Bob cross to you now suck my dick I’m drunk me and big Lou are hitting the strip clubs my wife’s outta town

>> No.22867722

why not start a publication right now? it should be fun

>> No.22867740

Kiss my arse lad me and Bob are on the move. We’re at the strip Club and drunk. Merry Christmas and kiss my arse. I cried during home alone. My wife through me out so I’m in Cali kiss my arse I’m drunk

>> No.22867744

Suck my dick me and big Lou are doing big things

>> No.22867751

i have no idea what you guys are trying to say

>> No.22867763


>> No.22867764

hehe lol

>> No.22867766

Get your arse down here lad we’re at the strip club and drunk. I watched home alone earlier

>> No.22867774
File: 79 KB, 354x337, cvckold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gimme the time and place bro ill be there fuckin readyyy lets get smashheddd fuckin big one ROIGHT

>> No.22867776


>> No.22867779


>> No.22867780

im just saying we could get a few anons to write a little story every week. it could be a serialized weekly story or something

>> No.22867787

are you high or something? what are you talking about?

>> No.22867788


>> No.22867791


>> No.22867804

>&amp editor homeless again in 5...4...3...

>> No.22867810


>Ari a crab again in 2...1.....

>> No.22867821
File: 135 KB, 1024x1024, winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure who is winning anymore

>> No.22867827


>> No.22867833

Anyone got a link to the WG server

>> No.22867864

Fuck off Gardner

>> No.22867874

&amp is so fuckin back bros

>> No.22867891
File: 236 KB, 720x646, 1703118085541709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryan shrugs off haters like it is nothing, very inspirational

>> No.22867907

bro i idolize people who show a total lack of self awareness and who stroke my ego
so back bros

>> No.22868116

kill yourself
merry christmas

>> No.22868318

Man we went too hard still haven’t gotten my dick wet I’m about to pass out. Suck my dick merry Christmas

- Bob Cross

>> No.22868464
File: 167 KB, 1024x1024, ampmorning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So based

>> No.22869239

Kiss my arse I’m drunk

>> No.22869862

merry christmas to who made this

>> No.22870017

Who made the thread about Ryan?

>> No.22870341

I thought &amp was coming for Christmas

>> No.22870400


Give it a rest, Atlas. It's Christmas. Show some goodwill.

>> No.22870501

Merry basedmas

>> No.22871472

Was it you?

>> No.22871591

I am confident in my feelings but I can’t tell him how I really feel because he said that I’m not allowed to contact him and I’m afraid of making him angry by posting about it here?? I always want to talk to him but I can’t unless he initiates it

>> No.22871674

Do you talk about yourself in the third person to make it look like someone, anyone other than yourself cares about what you say or do?

>> No.22872136

Did anybody wish "kill yourself" guy a Merry Christmas?

>> No.22872139

We live our lives digitally in 2023, and being banned everywhere means Jason Bryan basically doesn't exist, I type my name otherwise I'd forget who I am

>> No.22872145

your entire existence is defined by your online presence so you need to talk about yourself in the third person?

>> No.22872858 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 1080x1945, 1000020561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone posts /lit/ lore pic
>it didn't include me! There was actually one all about me, though - I'd better post it so the conversation can be about me! But I'll make it look like I'm grumpy about it heheheh.

RJC genuinely becoming a more apparent narcissist with every single thing he does.

>> No.22872961

Kek, looks like Ari finally caught a ban for posting screenshots >>22872858

>> No.22873069

The reason for that cleanup and this thread's name changes every few months is that I eventually bother to report it to 4chan's admin via complaint link on the FAQ. Ari, Gardner, or some other sperg is a mod and has to self moderate whenever attention is drawn to it.

I'd encourage anyone else tired of the spam to report it as well from time to time: https://www.4chan.org/feedback

>> No.22873078

Is there a way we can use this process to get Jason Bryan banned? Nothing ruins a thread faster than him spamming AI art and word-vomiting shitty cope about how he can't get ahead because the Canadian government hates countercultural dissidents.

>> No.22873082

Who actually has real friends in the real world in 2023?

>> No.22873087
File: 73 KB, 1280x724, whiteness1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks things aren't stacked against him

>> No.22873094

No one gives a fuck. Make your own thread on /pol/ about the topic and stop derailing unrelated threads on /lit/ to whine about it ad nauseum.

>> No.22873097

everyone involved in this thread is white or Jew

>> No.22873157

>unrelated threads
It is 100% related.

If the Writer's Trust of Canada was a real charity to help writers, people like Ryan would've got some of that 500 million dollar pie to, you know, actually help writers.

>> No.22873236 [DELETED] 

Canada is ground zero for the globohomo experiment where they fill the important positions with puppets, import foreigners who will NEVER be Canadian by the millions, and they socially engineer the culture to put straight white guys at the very bottom of the totem pole while propping up the totally incompetent.

Speaking purely about books, there are NO modern Canadian books that reflect the true state of Canada. Every book that wins some award is written by a non-white, about non-whites and is so far removed from what is happening today in this country as to be completely detached from the culture. We have so many white people dying from poisoned drugs, our social movements are restricted to supporting things outside of the country like fucking Gaza, and there has STILL been no justice for the people like me who were fired from our jobs and banned from society for 8+ months for refusing a "vaccine" that:
a. didn't stop people from transmitting it
b. enabled the largest transfer of wealth upwards
c. was completely not even needed by 90%+ of the population
Yet are there ANY books or writers that have more than 10 followers who speak on this? No.

Our entire culture is 100% astroturfed.

>> No.22873260

What did you get your kids for Christmas Jason?

>> No.22873293

Just post the Google Doc you wrote.

>> No.22873463
File: 20 KB, 474x354, hamster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And another hamster since the last one croaked.

Doing a week long driving gig to make some cash quick. Starts Wednesday.

Doing a 2nd Christmas once my kid gets back from luxury living in Las Vegas, she's with her grandparents. I'm in poverty and a total schizo so I'm not welcome around the family.

Honestly I'm most sad that the "kill yourself" guy hasn't popped up in the last little while. Hope they didn't take their own advice!

>> No.22873489 [DELETED] 

Someone as autistic and schizo as Jason Bryan is grateful to even live as a hermit in 2024, as so many people like him already OD'ed and died or just necked themselves.

Anyone this schizo cannot help but say what is on their mind, and so much of our society is so astroturfed, fake, and gay that speaking the truth like:

"the housing crisis is manufactured to prop up the value of people's homes"

Is completely and totally schizo in Canada. If you say things like that, you're just laughed out of the room. People think you're crazy if you think things like that.

I remember 10+ years ago when I started seeing a bunch of "anti-white" subtle queues in media and such. When I voiced my opinion on Facebook, people were shocked that I would think that, shocked! Questioning things like "clock boy" or the Trayvon case was seen as schizo things. As time passed, it became more and more socially isolating to voice a skeptical opinion. Of course, then COVID happened.

Being a skeptic turned into being totally persecuted and hated on. They openly broadcast to the world what a piece of shit you are if you don't take the "vaccine", there was massive social pressure. The Jason Bryans of the world were forced to double down. No fucking way was I pumping that "looks up early life" juice into my body. Ever since COVID, there has been nothing but a mockery of anyone investigating the "vaccine" or questioning the narrative. Our entire society is locked in a very narrow window of discussion, and the people INSIDE that narrow window, many of them are rich as fuck. E-celebs propped up to keep the focus on trivial shit like sports or video games, OR keep all political talk within the narrow kayfabe and provide the candidates for the political parties. Social media works to control society and they really answer to no one. I was never convicted of any crime, yet I'm perma-banned from Goodreads without any recourse. Also banned off Facebook permanently.

The grandparents got my 7 year old her own new iPhone, so now she has the algorithm jew pumping her little brain full of globohomo! It was a good run, but it's over. Day of the Rake will be ready for release soon, and I MIGHT be able to afford a BigMac meal with the profits from it. Getting stoked for that goyslop!

>> No.22873660

What does everyone predict will be next for the /lit/ scene in 2024?

>> No.22873674

Another year of total stagnation with intermittent periods of infighting that lead to further discord fragmentation.

>> No.22873682


Another book from RJC.


>> No.22873770 [DELETED] 

2024 is gonna be our year. The /lit/ ecosystem will flourish. WAGMI.

>Jason Bryan will be permabanned and will no longer be able to shit up every thread
>Gardner's parents will stop funding his ad campaign and the jannies will crack down on his shilling
>Hartley will give up on his LSP grift, go to rehab, get prescribed antipsychotics, and get off of the streets
>Unreal Press will stop using AI art covers and will have more consistent releases
>Atlas and Ari will work things out and live happily ever after
>we will finally get the Best Of &amp
>Ogden Nesmer will release book #3
>RCJ will learn to shut the fuck up
-Zulu will clean up the discord server and quell the drama
>Woolston will stop shilling and focus on his day job
>Minimag-anon will take over &amp and steer it in a better direction
>new /lit/ projects will arrive on the scene

>> No.22873773 [DELETED] 

2024 is gonna be our year. The /lit/ ecosystem will flourish. WAGMI.

>Jason Bryan will be permabanned and will no longer be able to shit up every thread
>Gardner's parents will stop funding his ad campaign and the jannies will crack down on his shilling
>Hartley will give up on his LSP grift, go to rehab, get prescribed antipsychotics, and get off of the streets
>Unreal Press will stop using AI art covers and will have more consistent releases
>Atlas and Ari will work things out and live happily ever after
>we will finally get the Best Of &amp
>Ogden Nesmer will release book #3
>RCJ will learn to shut the fuck up
>Zulu will clean up the discord server and quell the drama
>Woolston will stop shilling and focus on his day job
>Minimag-anon will take over &amp and steer it in a better direction
>new /lit/ projects will arrive on the scene

>> No.22873779 [DELETED] 

2024 is gonna be our year. The /lit/ ecosystem will flourish. WAGMI.

>Jason Bryan will be permabanned and will no longer be able to shit up every thread
>Gardner's parents will stop funding his ad campaign and the jannies will crack down on his shilling
>Hartley will give up on his LSP grift, go to rehab, get prescribed antipsychotics, and get off of the streets
>Unreal Press will stop using AI art covers and will have more consistent releases
>Atlas and Ari will work things out and live happily ever after
>we will finally get the Best Of &amp
>Ogden Nesmer will release book #3
>RJC will learn to shut the fuck up
-Zulu will clean up the discord server and quell the drama
>Woolston will stop shilling and focus on his day job
>Minimag-anon will take over &amp and steer it in a better direction
>new /lit/ projects will arrive on the scene

>> No.22873784

2024 is gonna be our year. The /lit/ ecosystem will flourish. WAGMI.

>Jason Bryan will be permabanned and will no longer be able to shit up every thread
>Gardner's parents will stop funding his ad campaign and the jannies will crack down on his shilling
>Hartley will give up on his LSP grift, go to rehab, get prescribed antipsychotics, and get off of the streets
>Unreal Press will stop using AI art covers and will have more consistent releases
>Atlas and Ari will work things out and live happily ever after
>we will finally get the Best Of &amp
>Ogden Nesmer will release book #3
>RJC will learn to shut the fuck up
>Zulu will clean up the discord server and quell the drama
>Woolston will stop shilling and focus on his day job
>Minimag-anon will take over &amp and steer it in a better direction
>new /lit/ projects will arrive on the scene

>> No.22873846

kill yourself

>> No.22873849

my diary desu

>> No.22873861
File: 40 KB, 603x961, honest adolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unreal has another middling release
>more decent stories than not but they're all from Twitter
>still full of typos
>miniMAG continues being /lit/'s arthoe half-sister
>best-of never ever
>people who write books continue to write books
>nobody has any breakaway success
>Atlas continues to haunt /lit/ and Discord hoping Ari will reply to her
>December 31 the /lit/ book of cocktails releases and anons enjoy it briefly
>cocktail editor runs one or two more collabs
>that anon who occasionally mentions his speshul sekrit project finally starts asking for submissions
>nobody pays any attention to it
>someone doxxes him for shits and blames it on Unreal
>anon disappears
>someone makes a bot based on Jason's posts
>Jason fills threads talking to it
>either /lit/ dies of the ensuing cancer
>or Jason dies of starvation while replying to it

As for &amp
>Ryan has a meltdown
>disowns current Discord groups and doubles down on RJC and Jason, possibly Gardner
>&amp 019 nowhere in sight
>schizoposts on /lit/ until the fent takes him
>RJC's ego no longer being fed
>fills Ryan's place as board lolcow in a bid for attention
I also wouldn't be surprised if &amp 019 released with all of the &non content like they were saying, but that'd be an ironic death sentence.

>> No.22873868

Forever & Always is such an underappreciated track.

>> No.22873881

I’m not haunting /lit/???? I don’t even use discord anymore at all I’m not the schizo I just need to talk to him okay,,,,?? He will reply to me okay he didn’t mean it it’s not real I’m sorry

>> No.22873901

Nah, the grifters are gonna grift and that's fine. But if Unreal wants a drawfriend cover they need only ask.

>> No.22873921

Maybe Jason Bryan should hope for a permanent ban, imagine the time he'd save to focus on just putting out more books (those books will have zero audience, but that's okay.)

>> No.22873929

I’m not goi g to haunt /lit/ next year I’m too tired I hate the threads and I can’t do it anymore it’s too exhausting I can’t keep doing it he will talk to me and then I won’t have to be in the threads anymore??? Why would you say that I’m going to have to haunt lit hoping he replies???? He will reply to me and we will talk and then I won’t have to do it anymore you don’t know anything?? He will reply to me he’ll change his mind it will happen it has to be c a use I just need to talk to him,??! You don’t understand

>> No.22873962

Why did you say that,???? Its not real it isn’t real I won’t have to do it for another year k can’t keep doing it it’s too hard I t he won’t be mad at me forever he will talk to me I do ki I can’t do it anymore??? He will talk to me I know he will??? He doesn’t hate me forever and ever it. S not real why would you say that??!) I won’t have to keep doing it okay please he will come back and talk to me and he won’t be mad anymore it isn’t real you don’t know it s not real??(( he will chan de his mind and I won’t hav e to be scare.d anymore

>> No.22873986
File: 2.25 MB, 2478x1183, ask-the-ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you ask the AI for advice, /lit/ is just full of crabs and schizos.

>> No.22873988

Why di d you say that I have to keep doing it ???? I just need to talk fo him it’s not real he will talk to me??????? I can’t. Dive n djdkiv. I just need to talk to him???? He will ta lk to me and he won’t be mad anymore and I won’t have to cry every day anymore and be scared of themGetting me anymore?)? He will talk to me I won’t have to do it next year I won’t have to??? I can’t do I t anymore he will talk to me please okay I just heed to talk to him???? He will talk to me and he won’t be mad anymore please okay you don’t know

>> No.22873990

The ai doesn’t know anything(??? I don’t need the ai I only need ari he will come back I just need to talk to him??? He will come back an d talk to me he will call me I know he will

>> No.22873997

Fake atlas.

>> No.22874004

You always say I’m lying but I am the real one??? I’m sorry I just rlly need to talk to him I’m sorry I don’t want to be in the thread but I have to I’m so sorry I just need to know whviv ones are real

>> No.22874033

You are writing the next chapters of the /lit/ melodrama. Don't let your detractors get you down.

>> No.22874042

Why do you always say fake atlas like I’m lying?? I am the real one okay??? I’m sorry I just need to talk to him,?? I don t want to be like this I’m just rlly anxious Rya n keeps Tex ting me saying hey buddy you okay but I know he’s just pretending to be nice an d if I talk to him he’ll get very angry and tell me to kill myself agsin like he did last time and they keep calling me I don’t know who bc no caller ID I just need to talk to Ari I’m so sorry

>> No.22874048

I don’t want to write the next chapters of anything I just wan t it to be over I hate the me lodrama I hate it?? I just need to ta lk to Ari so it can be over please I’m sorry

>> No.22874063

Please why did you say he won’t reply to me how do you know??, pleas w don’t say that I can’t fo it for another year I can’t il sorry I just need to talk to him,,?

>> No.22874078

I’m. Not fake I’m the real one??? I just need to talk to Ari I’m. Sorry I’m sorry I’m never wanted to be the schizo I wasn’t crazy before)???

>> No.22874089

Please why did you say that?????? It isn’t real it’s not real it won’t be real it isn’t real it’s not real it’s not real it’s not real it will not happen it isn not real,???

>> No.22874102

At this point just email Ari directly instead of spamming the thread.

>> No.22874117

What t he fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch??? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved i n numerous s ecret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills??? I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in th e entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me ove r the Internet??? Think again, fucker. As we speak I a m contacting my secret network of s pies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid??? I can be anywhere, anytime??? and I can kill you in over seven hundred way s, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and no w yo u're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I wil l shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fuck ing dead, kiddo???

>> No.22874137

I alway s want to but I only can’t be cause I’m not allowed. And I’m very scared of him being mad,??????? He won’t let me I can’t do it I need to do it I can’t do it?? I need to talk to him

Leave me alone I’m not a navy seal copypadta I’m a real person like it’s not funny I hate when you do this just stop just leave me alone like just stop why do you think it’s funny when I’m upset that’s so cruel

>> No.22874151

You're allowed to talk to Ari. Go ahead and email him. He won't be mad.

>> No.22874179

How do you know he won’t be mad??? How do I know it’s real and not a trick

>> No.22874200
File: 6 KB, 250x216, 1703404377247432s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is real.

>> No.22874267
File: 1.40 MB, 1152x896, DICKPENIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eventually, everything is real
eventually, every sentence becomes true

>> No.22874283

Do you promise he won’t be mad like how do you know??? Do you actually know I’m allowed to talk to him and he won’t be mad??? Last Christmas i was very sad all the time and i wanted to stop doing it the discord thing bc i felt rlly bad about it but i felt like i couldn’t stop and i emailed him and he emailed me back and said we could talk and he said i was allowed to email him??? And i was so happy and relieved because i thought id we could talk i would feel better and i could tell him the truth about everything and i wouldn’t have to do it any more and the bad feeling would go away and not come back but the n he just stopped responding and i was so anxious bc i didn’t know why and i just needed to talk to him??? He just like gave me false hope i don’t know why he did that and i wanted to tell him everything but i couldn’t because he wasn’t replying at all and i was scared he was already angry and every day i felt worse and i was so upset and i couldn’t even go to class i was crying in the library and i rlly needed to talk to him and i said im sorry pleas e respond but he was mad and he just called them and made them invade my apartment with their guns and get me and i was so terrified and crying and they were very angry and they said i was crazy and they wanted me to be in jail?? V then after that i couldn’t think right anymore and i was scared all the time and everything was bad and i t never got better and i kept hearing them knocking on the door to come and take me all the time i was hearing them knocking in the morning in the afternoon and at night even they were knocking and trying to get me and cuff me and drag me and nowhere was safe anymore because they could always track me and the now the bad feeling never goes away and im scared it never never will and I’ll never get better at all??? I just need to talk to him so i can get better am i really allowed and he really won’t be mad??

>> No.22874309
File: 192 KB, 1024x1024, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might help if you were a bit more verbose. These terse replies are leaving your audience confused.

>> No.22874318

What do you mean,?? How do i know which ones are real and not real,(??

>> No.22874391

I know because Ari told me that he wants to talk to you. He wants you to take a break from 4chan and email him instead.

>> No.22874461

He really wants to talk to me and you promise it’s real and not a trick and he will reply and he’s not going to be angry????

>> No.22874482

Holy fuck please don't be this stupid. That's probably Ryan goading you if it wasn't obvious enough.

>> No.22874483

Ryan said it’s not him???? Its not Ryan okay please i just need to talk to Ari

>> No.22874498

Okay, even if it's not Ryan, it's definitely not Ari, and almost definitely not someone who speaks to him. You shouldn't be listening to random people on the internet telling you to contact someone who's called the police on you before.

And Ryan is probably lying, as he has done many times before.

>> No.22874500

People pretend to be other people to cause shit on /lit/ for the drama.

>> No.22874537

I don’t know if he’s lying i think Ryan is telling the truth he promised he’s telling the truth I’m sorry i just need to talk to Ari I’m sorry okay i just rlly need to talk to him(? And last night i almost did it and i was going to call him almost because i was thinking about last Christmas and how a lot of time has passed and everything is even worse now than it was last year and i was so sad i couldn’t stand it even and i missed him a lot and i keep feeling scared all the time that even though i keep going to therapy and everything im always going to be like this and it’s never going to get better but i said no don’t do it because he said before he will make them do it they will comd get me and hurt me(?? But i really need to do it it’s so hard not to do it and I’m scared that if i get rlly upset soon and do it I’ll have to be in jail? I always want to do it and the only reason i don’t do it is bc im rlly scared of him being mad and i want to respect his boundaries and everything But maybe the anon is right and if i contact him he won’t be mad and we can talk and i won’t have to haunt the threads like they said because im so tired of doing it

>> No.22874546

Do what? What are you talking about?

>> No.22874558

Why don't you leave /lit/? You're being pressured by people to do something wrong, and the only other things you see upset you. You'd obviously be better off if you stopped looking at what people say here. Call a help line instead of talking to people here.

>> No.22874563

like text or call Ari or email him that’s what I mean

>> No.22874631

If /lit/ had a help line it would answer the call with a recording of a monotone voice saying "kill yourself" for 666 seconds and then hang up.

>> No.22874697

I can’t leave because it’s like that video with the animated bird eating thr golden nuggets??? Like in the beginning i rlly loved talking to Ari for a lot of reasons and felt very calm and like happy afterwards which was a feeling i usually never had so i rlly wanted more and everything and i never imagined i could like someone so much? but then he forgot about me and i was so sad bc i couldn’t be enough for him to even want to try and I hated myself a lot and for a long time i just got sadder and sadder and i tried meeting other ppl but nothing made me feel good at all i just felt even worse and for a long time i tried not to think about him but it was rlly hard and then i saw that thing in January and i thought it probably wasn’t real but maybe there was a small chance and i had to figure out the truth? So then i listened to the old archived episodes and i hadn’t heard his voice in a long time and when i heard it again it brought everything back and i remembered why i liked him so much in the beginning and listening felt so good bc i missed him a lot and i had been so lonely and it almost felt like talking to him again even though it wasn’t real?? but just like in the bird video it felt good at first but then afterwards it felt bad and i needed more to make the bad feeling go away? And i needed answers to know what was real so then i found the crit archive im sorry and i rlly felt like i could relate to him a lot and everything and also it made me sad and i empathized with him you know but i can’t say all the details bc he would be angry anyway i missed him but i tried to stop thinking about him because i knew it was a bad idea but then i saw his thing in the July &amp and i cried a lot and i was like very worried about him and wanted to be there to help but i told myself not to reach out to him because i would just get hurt again but then the stuff with my dad being sick happened and i fucked up and texted him and he was so angry and cold and it hurt so much that i couldn’t cope with it so i just didn’t think about it and pretended it wasn’t real? And then later talking to him in the &amp threads i could pretend it was like in the beginning and he didn’t hate me and he was happy to talk to me about books and everything again?? Because what i wanted so badly was for him to be happy to talk to me again I wasn’t trying to scare him at all i just wanted to communicate and make him understand that i actually loved him and wanted to help? And then later on all the bad things happened and i ended up doing all of the discord stuff i don’t know but it’s like the bird video i need to talk to him to have the good feeling again but he wont talk to me but like everything is dark and i have to keep trying to get the nuggets of his attention because if i don’t have them i won’t have anything at all and I’ll be too tired to keep going that’s why i can’t leave im sorry

>> No.22874700

im trying to explain it but my thoughts are all tangled, i explained it better when i tried to write it down before in October in the googledoc I’ve called the helpline before but they always say the same things like it doesn’t matter if Ari hates you bc you are still a valuable person and lots of other people love you but they don’t understand that if he hates me forever then nothing matters

>> No.22874720
File: 143 KB, 1024x1024, darkai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>f he hates me forever then nothing matters
Oh God, do you even have kids together?

Pre-children, love is just a fart, a piss in the wind. Even if you make her wear your arabian goggles and get married, without actually having kids, the love is all just superficial. Reproduction is the ultimate culmination of human achievement between men and women, and all of the fluff, all of the goddamn bullshit like dating and all that fakery, is to put the p in the v and make more humans.

Seriously lady, it's a fuckin' dick attached to a guy. Unless you two have kids, this is all in your head. A fantasy. You must be young and idealistic to have put someone on a pedestal so high.

At least the prompts you make are interesting! Hope you and Ari work things out and can be friends again. Try not to put anyone up on too high of a pedestal, the fall is never pretty.

>> No.22874853

You should email Ari now. He told me that he wants to talk to you. The anon telling you not to do it is probably Ryan.

>> No.22874863
File: 350 KB, 332x220, nemesis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care of the deception at play.

>> No.22874904

Okay if you’re sure he won’t be mad and he actually wants to talk I will do it I’m going to do it?, but i have to figure out what to say first

>> No.22874952

Yeah and when you’re done with that, email Zulu Alitspa, Ogden Nesmer, Adem Luz Reinspects, Frank Gardner, John David Card, Horia Belcea, and Mike Ma.

>> No.22874962

I don’t have their email addresses?? And i don’t want to talk to any of them i only want to talk to Ari

I found the nugget video that i meant

>> No.22874976

I’m in Montreal with Isabelle I’ve moved on

>> No.22875005
File: 76 KB, 982x1024, FySSyypaIAAuxtY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't be handled in email?

>> No.22875042

>Who actually has real friends in the real world in 2023

>> No.22875048


>> No.22876354


>> No.22876570

New thread >>22876566

>> No.22876886

Why do you love Ari so much? What is it about him that you love?

>> No.22876990

