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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.22797623[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Wednesday edition.

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>22787400

>> No.22797631

Bakker is King of Fantasy
The history of genre is divided into BB (Before Bakker) and AB (Anno Bakkini)

>> No.22797668

I don't think so.

>> No.22797670

I disagree (so far). Kellhus's family is way more nuanced than Game of Thrones, etc.

>> No.22797737

Remember to don't read bad books.

>> No.22797748

does song of ice and fire pick up at all
there's alot of nobles going TWAS for pages

>> No.22797749
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Only audio books I ever bothered with. Crazy production values.

>> No.22797750
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What the FUCK did I just read?

>> No.22797780
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Still the greatest nu-wave SF book of all time

>> No.22797811

Sounds like goyslop

>> No.22797843

>Oh my gosh is that the newest Brando Sando novel told in an even more soi voice than my own with people crumpling paper and blowing wind in the microphone? Take my heccin money!

>> No.22797866

he truly is the marvel of fantasy and approachable to people

>> No.22797883

as always, those who cannot create feel an unthinking, seething envy to those who can

>> No.22797886

Tried to read this a LONG time ago as a kid. All I remember is a character eating duck, or something, couldn't finish it.

>> No.22797895

I btfo'ed OP so hard he has to start every thread with a chant now

>> No.22797901

Genuinely incredible that people here will shit on the mere existence of "romantasy" but "harem fantasy" passes on unremarked even though it's the exact same kind of slop, just marketed to and written by incels.

Just absolutely zero capacity for reflection or thought.

>> No.22797904

Even as an adult this book was deceptively difficult, as a kid it'd be borderline incomprehensible.

The whole book is about inference-based build up, gradually raising suspicions of something supernatural for hundreds of pages, and then in the last 15 pages it slams on the gas and turns into Buffy the Vampire Slayer-tier shit. The perspective also keeps switching too much for there to be a real single main character as well.

>> No.22797944

S. Craig Zahler (Bone Tomahawk, Dragged Across Concrete) did his own horror one - although he calls it an "audiostate" ...but is essentially the same thing I think? Its got a cast, sound effects, music. Basically a movie for your ears.
Its called The Narrow Caves, and has is Lovecratian horror.
Its free here;

>> No.22797946
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haremcucks are not acceptable either

>> No.22797991

Reading it right now and hate it. The protag is an insufferable prick, and most of the book is spent on his whining.
What do people even like about this?

>> No.22798030

you've got to get into his mind bro, he's traumatized and is trying to work it all out

>> No.22798106
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Pic related and the sequel are probably my favourite scifi books.

>> No.22798140

But he's always an asshole, even before whatever happens to him.
Also, my previous book was Dying Inside, which did this "asshole protagonist" thing much better, and I still wasn't a big fan. Maybe I'm just not into unlikable asshole protagonists.

>> No.22798155

nah man just relax and enjoy it, he's just a normal guy pulled into a shitstorm

>> No.22798156

>Plier (Ironside Academy #1) - Jane Washington

>Ironside is more than a regular academy. It’s also the biggest reality TV show in the world … and a very elaborate, very luxurious prison. Their hallowed halls are ruled by the powerful Betas and the middling Omegas, with the plentiful Deltas as their main targets, but this year, the officials are stirring things up.

>Isobel Carter—the only rare Sigma to be accepted—is the first sign. But there are others. Many others. A sudden influx of precious Alphas will turn academy life, and Isobel’s life, upside down. She might be the lowest rung on the ladder, but in order to survive Ironside, where social media is king and consequences are deadly, she will need to make her mark.

>She will need to climb.

>This isn’t a game for the faint of heart, and those who rise should be prepared for a beautiful, brutal fall.

>Beware the pretty posers, because this social media game just got dangerous.

>The Hunger Games collides with America's Got Talent, and you've just been invited to binge it all in high definition. But here's some viewer discretion before you continue:
>This book is a “why choose” romance with as many book boyfriends as enemies, so expect a slow-to-medium burn. If you like your omegaverse, reverse harem, and academy troupes twisted and defiled to stretch your imagination, then this is the book for you!

>> No.22798332

This sounds like the kind of coomer schlock that's right up my alley. Here's hoping there isn't a lot of gay sex scenes. There probably will be though, which will be disappointing.

>> No.22798350

The people posting their shitty webnovels here don't engage in any conversation with other people, they have carved out their own sub-niche in these threads instead of creating their own thread.

>> No.22798354

womancoomer shlock is some other shit though

>> No.22798404

The post that saved /sffg/

>> No.22798417

I only do unabridged audiobooks. The only GA adaptions I've listened to are graphic novel adaptions (White Sand and Son of Ares). They kind of wind up being the definitive version, which certainly isn't the case on average.

>> No.22798434

People shit on haremlit here all the time. The difference is that there are a few people here that read it anyway and will still talk about it despite the abuse but either no one reads romantasy or the ones that do are just thin skinned little girls like you who take it personally when someone insults something they like.

>> No.22798457

Womancoomer is the kind I like. It just hits different, probably because I can't form relationships so the idea is always fairly novel to me.

>> No.22798473

if by "pick up" you mean when does the ADHD litrpg John Wick shonen shit start, never. Most battles are alluded to rather than described in detail, and the outcomes are usually awful for everyone involved. Almost everything important that happens in the series happens when people are talking to each other and/or committing outright murder in very personal and unpleasant situations.

>> No.22798523

>but "harem fantasy" passes on unremarked
Fucking where? Even webnovel readers despise harem.

>> No.22798545

xhwrrxAny decent fantasy set underground?

>> No.22798674
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Worth a read, or YA shite?

>> No.22798687
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>> No.22798696

reddit book

>> No.22798737
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All I've got

>> No.22798967
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>almost finished the great ordeal
>Cnaiür back from the dead
Is this where Bakker jumped the shark?

>> No.22799028

Was there any reason to believe he was dead?

>> No.22799103
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.22799109
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/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince.

>> No.22799175

Childhood is idolizing Severian.

Adulthood is realizing Cugel makes more sense.

>> No.22799196

The reviews are certainly polarized and the Alan Moore endorsement on the cover doesn't bode well. Still, the premise is intriguing.

>> No.22799198

I based my entire life around Cugel and I am successful as fuck

>> No.22799231

I don't remember the specifics because it's been years since I read the first trilogy, but I'm sure Bakker makes it clear that he is kill.

>> No.22799337
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Maybe I'm just fatally addicted to copium but the fact that George mentioned on his newest Notablog speaking with his Brit publishers about Winds has to mean something positive right?

>> No.22799422

He literally confirmed very recently that he didn't write a single word in the past year.

>> No.22799424

That's because he finished it.

>> No.22799425

No you retard, he said he finished 1100 pages which is the same number he said last year

>> No.22799454

That just means he wrote 1100 more pages this year.

>> No.22799456

that fat fuck is never finishing his books, ever.
turns out being a nihilist pervert pig isn't exactly the best thing when you're trying to finish something difficult

>> No.22799457

The book is finished.

>> No.22799466

they're all abridged, gay shit.

>> No.22799472

It bummed me out when the Great Ordeal failed.

>> No.22799474

>female author
>female mc

>> No.22799534

In the trash it goes.

>> No.22799734

that's Bakker hitting you with some of his trademark realism

>> No.22799739

so female authors aren't even allowed to write about their own gender? you two are clowns.

>> No.22799748

You're the clown. You know exactly what we mean and you know we are right. And you are a disingenuous coward

>> No.22799750

There's a notorious schizoanon who has a meltdown over any mention of women for any reason. Just ignore him, engaging with him or trying to reason with him as if he were a rational human would be fruitless.

>> No.22799756

Sabriel mogs your favorite male MC.

>> No.22799760

We know women are, for some reason, "allowed" to write, and we're allowed to not read it.

>> No.22799765

Why are you even replying to them, anon?

>> No.22799772

He might be new and doesn't know not to interact with the resident incels.

>> No.22799785

Are you retarded? The first trilogy ends with Cnaiur killing Moe and riding into sunset to have hot futa sex for 20 years, he was never presumed dead.

>> No.22799787

Susanna Clarke
Patricia McKillip
Both great fantasy writers, both women.

>> No.22799799

>Patricia "generic YA slop muh lyrical prose" McKillip
Pick one.

>> No.22799814

Whoops, I forgot to add another option in there.
>Patricia McGreat Fantasy Writer Killip

>> No.22800094

women can't write fantasy without needing to inject degenerate sex scenes, faggots, and minorities into their books.

>> No.22800115

little guy got burnt once by following a bait recommendation from /sffg/ and decided to base his entire opinion on female authors on it

>> No.22800133

Estrogenpill me on female sff authors

>> No.22800161

Aside from the obvious staples like Ursula k le Guin and Anne McCaffrey there is Cj Cherry, James Tiptree Jr, Pat Cadigan, and Connie Willis all of which whos work stands above their femaleness. I say this as a hardcore misogynist.

>> No.22800171

Just reread The Hedge Knight and I would sacrifice all of ASOIAF for one more Dunk and Egg novella. They're all so kino, George really excels at shorter form stuff where he can't let the plot grow out of control.

>> No.22800270

you are aware most "female" authors
writing modern science fiction and
fantasy are trannies, right?
quit larping.
if you were actually a "hardcore"
misogynist, you wouldn't have read
those female authors.

>> No.22800276

So if I were to google "2023 scifi fantasy releases by female authors" and picked the first 10 names, they would be over 50% transgender, right?

>> No.22800285

>if you were actually a "hardcore"
>misogynist, you wouldn't have read
>those female authors.

I read them before I was a misogynist, anon. Nobody is born misogynist, hating women is a learned thing like hating bad traffic and other artifacts of a dysfunctional state.

>> No.22800294

Ada Palmer seems pretty good for a women

>> No.22800303 [DELETED] 

>once everyone is trans, no one will be!


>> No.22800309

>you are aware most "female" authors writing modern science fiction and fantasy are trannies, right?
you're wrong, but even if that were the case, I only mentioned female authors, not "female" authors. you inserted trannies into the equation all on your own. going a step further, wouldn't that mean that most of these authors you're getting angry at are actually male? nice self own, anon.

>> No.22800314

Books where strong and stuck up women are brutally murdered, tortured or raped?
Think of Cersei being put on her place

>> No.22800316

when did you "become" a misogynist?

>> No.22800317


>> No.22800319

Seconding this request, but with the added caveat that I'd prefer it if the author were female. These kinds of things are always hotter knowing a woman wrote them.

>> No.22800329

Ironically, a book called Cersei.

>> No.22800338


I couldn't point to any watershed moment. If you pay attention for long enough misogyny just becomes common sense, for anyone.

>> No.22800340

so... within the past year?

>> No.22800351

Certainly not.

>> No.22800357

>Martha Wells
>Leigh Bardugo
>Samantha Shannon
>S.A. Chakraborty
>Fonda Lee
>Holly Black
>Xiran Jay Zhao
Uses "they/them" pronouns, but is a basic feminine girl just trying to put a trendy feather in her cap.
>Shelley Parker-Chan
Same as above, but at least puts in the effort of shaving her head.
>Emily Tesh

Zero biological males among the first 10 names I grabbed from a list.

>> No.22800360

>Uses "they/them" pronouns
might as well be a tranny.
my point still stands.

>> No.22800364
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>start new book
>the protagonist is snarky, morally grey and/or have some kind of traumatic past
Not even bottom of the barrel coomer trash are free from this shit what the hell

>> No.22800375

You haven't even reached the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.22800381

I coom to american guys breeding a bunch of goblin women, isn't this the bottom of the barrel?

>> No.22800385

It's a shame that Fonda Lee is part of this retardation too. The Green Bone Saga is extremely good. She's going to have a tough time topping it.

Then again she did force in that whole weird gay plotline for Anden, which was pretty gross in book 2. It's hilarious how the guy who turned him into a faggot later shows up in book 3 for a bit and is like "Who are you again?" and is married with a normal family.

>> No.22800409

Wait, what? You what? Huh? To what?

>> No.22800417

No it doesn't, because that wasn't even close to half. You said "most "female" authors writing modern science fiction and fantasy are trannies"
20% isn't "most" and if you count them as "female" instead of female, that's... that's actually quite progressive of you, anon. You respect non-binary identities in a way I can't truthfully say I do.

>> No.22800419

I always got the impression that Adrian Tchaikovsky was a duck and the more i read children of time the more I understand I was right

>> No.22800420

just search for goblin girl on amazon

>> No.22800447

There are no female authors writing sci-fi or fantasy. Those who are female just write YA romance.

>> No.22800462

All fantasy and sci-fi is YA. Real adults don't read it.

>> No.22800473

Just read James Tiptree Jr's wikipedia page, why were all the old science fiction writers so cool? Nowadays all the scifi writers are star wars obsessed bugmen or hacks copypasting the most obvious historical narratives. Even the broads of the science fiction golden age served in the army and had academic careers. Its just unbelievable how much a genre can decline.

>> No.22800477

So fucking true.

>> No.22800478

Wish I could upvote this epic post.

>> No.22800548

Haremlit reader here, it all sucks.

>> No.22800550

How big is the average Thelomen Toblekai penis?

>> No.22800562

Smaller than mine but bigger than yours.

>> No.22800646

I'm about halfway through White Luck Warrior, and just having trouble taking Bakker seriously. The battles are great, and the entire time with the Skin Eaters and Cleric has been fantastic. Cil-Aujas.was amazing.
But man, some of the sexual violence borders on parody. Like when Sorweel was talking about the Sranc literally fucking all the blood out of their victims. Or literally anything from the Skinspy POV.
t's maddeningly inconsistent, to be honest. The scene with the white luck warrior and the high priestess of Yatwer, for example felt completely at home with the cult of a freaky birth goddess..
I'm starting to think that there may be something seriously wrong with Canadians. Or Bakker needed a better editor.

>> No.22800704


>> No.22800708

>Adrian Tchaikovsky was a duck
Like the animal who quacks?

>> No.22800719

Or how in the first trilogy when Ikurei tries to fuck his mom and then is like "wait, that's a dick". I legitimately laughed at that.

>> No.22800742

AI think it could be a side effect of there being a saturation of sci-fi. When it started there was nothing so it had to be invented wholesale from imagination and burgeoning science. In the year 2024 probably every single person at NASA has watched starwars. Everything is derivative because we are saturated with media.

>> No.22800773

>in the tradition of Mists of Avalon
so pedophile sex dungeon?

>> No.22800818

Am I crazy for thinking most sword & sorcery isn't very good?
Reading Fafhrd and Mouser and it just isn't doing anything for me. Lankhmar's a brilliant setting but every time they leave it for a story it gets boring.

>> No.22800841

Have you read much Conan?

>> No.22800873

Well if nothing else you have to respect an anon who knows where he stands.

>> No.22800884
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There are even audiobooks of this shit. Oh my goodness.

>> No.22800885

Assuming all things in proportion, probably double the average size of a human's.

>> No.22800890

Started reading book 4 have you? The mechanics of Toblekai raping a human woman are interesting to consider.

>> No.22800924

Anons, witness this lie
Impressive indeed
Nearly done in fact, kindle says 75% which is easily finishable tonight. Karsa is my current favorite character now.

>> No.22800933

>Karsa is my current favorite character now.
You're gonna like book 7 then.

>> No.22800965

Sword and sorcery that focuses on the violence is usually boring as hell. Mouser and Fafhrd are supposed to be these great thieves but they rarely do anything more clever than stab their problems away.

>> No.22800976

Goblin girls are the current meta for harmfic. Short bratty girls that sidestep Amazon's ban on loli.

>> No.22800991

The constant references to boy-rape in Darkness has already turned me off enough that I'm not scrambling to read the second book. I figured it would only get worse from there.

>> No.22801005
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Okay, which one do I read and which one do I return to the library.

Anyone actually have an opinion on this?

>> No.22801008

What's the finest goblin smut you've read so far?

>> No.22801011

Return both

>> No.22801013

I didn't enjoy the first Fafhrd and Mouser novel either.

Sword and Sorcery is basically just a code word for dumb action fantasy pulp and most writers who do that don't have the writing chops to make it work.

>> No.22801017

The only thing Bakker is king of is gay sex and gay rape.

>> No.22801033

AP Text leaves the jokes in that's basically it.
I'd go with that one

>> No.22801044

About to read The Unholy Consult, Bakkerbros. Can't believe it's all about to end.... what am I in for?

>> No.22801056

>a better editor
Bakker had an editor???

>> No.22801068

>Neil Gaiman
I didn't know this guy was an author. himself I thought his job was to write quotes to put on the cover of all the fantasy books

>> No.22801082

Reddit Scott Bakker

>> No.22801161

I was going to ask people not to say this but I figured if I did, no one would even give me one legitimate answer.
Sounds good I'll go with the AP.
Do you think all authors actually read the books they give blurbs for?

Okay since this thread is nothing by Bakker boys tonight, will the librarians look at me weird if i request they purchase a physical edition of "The Darkness That Comes Before".

I don't want to be that guy who suggested the rape book ya know.

>> No.22801225
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>mfw it's a bakker thread

>> No.22801238

No god series when ?.

>> No.22801296


>> No.22801430

You just described the writings of Bakker, /sffg/'s so-called king of fantasy.

>> No.22801440


>> No.22801441

Bakkerfags shill me on why I should read your beloved author so much with minimal spoilers preferably

>> No.22801446
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you like reading descriptions of curved phalluses

>> No.22801454

Recommend me fantasy stories with unicorns in them

>> No.22801458
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Because nothing else compares. No other author will make you sit back and say "kino..." like bakker

>> No.22801464

If you were the anon the recommended this several years ago, thank you.
Love this book.

>> No.22801484


>> No.22801508

Juet read it man why should we spend effort trying to convince you

>> No.22801540

You fools type for my amusement, nothing more. Don't delude yourself into thinking otherwise, lest you embarrass yourself even further.

>> No.22801544

I'm going to start reading Rothfuss next year. Any thoughts on his work?

>> No.22801552
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Does anyone else find Wolfe's novels to be cathartic in a way. I feel that they always pay off.

>> No.22801565

Curse of Chalion is also nice. Only gave it a shot because people in /stuff/ years ago swore it was good, and it was.

>> No.22801617

Most of the time. I just wish he had been able to write the fourth book in the soldier series.
The conclusion to Short Sun hurt.

>> No.22801622

The soldier series really did feel like a dropped book series.

>> No.22801640

There are many compelling characters. A cuck mage, a gay barbarian, an autistic chosen one, an annoying prince that loves to fuck his mother, a prostitute that secretly loves alien dick.

>> No.22801651

This is nowhere near the bottom of the barrel, fampai

>> No.22801679

Both books are two of my favorite books of all time. But the series is never going to finish and those books are all your ever going to get. Still worth it to me.

>> No.22801686

Someone give me a really good progression fantasy/litrpg book

so far ive read
>Iron Prince
>Mother of learning
And really enjoyed all of them

>> No.22801690

Great post anons, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good??!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good??? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker?? Any books with incest?

>> No.22801693

Wait I missed this post, I will try reading some of these. Disregard

>> No.22801698

I want to post this next time

>> No.22801701
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I really like The Vagrant, and the entire series. The whole world is so cool to me.

>> No.22801730

>The Vagrant
So basically The Book of Eli but white?

>> No.22801747

but seriously this book has one of the most interesting worlds ive read about, especially as it slowly reveals itself in the story and next book. It also gives me a bunch of Dark Souls vibes. Can heartily reccomend.

>> No.22801753

>Wolfe's Soldier series
The Latro one? I gave it an honest try but it was just 50 First Dates but old timey. Not really my thing.

>> No.22801755

I honestly miss the time ~5+ years ago, before the ritualposter spam, when people had sincere arguments over Lady v. Catcher's relative cuteness.

>> No.22801773

Latro series is my favorite. Io cunny is the greatest daughter wife.

>> No.22801867

it's a story for children
but I liked it (as a child)
and obviously author is male

>> No.22801892

seems kinda cool, thanks for the rec anon

>> No.22801969

If you're down for YA I highly recommend Suzanne Collins 'Gregor the Overlander' quintet. This is the series she wrote before Hunger games and it's way better. Darker, grittier, lots of cave exploration too on giant bats. It's pretty awesome

>> No.22801971

I'm on Abhorsen right now. Sabriel is a little bitch. I like Lirael as a character much more. Is Goldenhand or Clariel worth reading ? or the new prequel book

>> No.22802087

Kek I probably was, I'm a one trick pony

>> No.22802170

Reading the first book in the Petralist series and it's an odd choice to make everyone on the protagonist's side incredibly incompetent and make the enemy invaders competent. Also the protagonist, despite having powers, keeps getting captured by someone who doesn't, it's very funny.

>> No.22802226

>If you're down for YA
Never down for YA, sorry anon. Thanks all the same.

>> No.22802278

There's the occasional decent YA, but if anything it's in the category by accident.

>> No.22802336

YA is kind of a meaningless label, honestly. It's fantasy for kids but occasionally there's mentions of sex or whatever.

>> No.22802350

Read the Reality Dysfunction by Hamilton about 4 years ago and i still vividly remembered that highly pornographic alien slug sex/snuff scene that was serveral pages long, it's seared into my mind i think.

I've avoided his work ever since.

>> No.22802358
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Whats your personal never ever that hurts the most, for me its pic related

>> No.22802383

started reading supper supportive. interesting vibe. seems to have a lot of mystery elements to it, at least in that the MC seems to be of the intelligent, problem solving kind.

>TWI bros
>What do we think of the Solstice so far
was preddy gud. not the best the series has ever given but pretty solid. looking forward to the conclusion now.
the horns chapter felt a bit drawn out by the end though. but it still had some memorable moments.
i'm shipping yvlon and colth now.

>> No.22802410

I am enjoying Darkness That Comes Before
but I haven't got to any of the weird rapey stuff yet
but hopefully it stays this good

>> No.22802416

I remember /sffg/ saying there are catgirls in it for some reason so I guess be prepared for catgirls.
I skipped to Aspect-Emperor and I might go back to see Kellhus's origin story if I'm not burnt out from 4 books.

>> No.22802422
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>so I guess be prepared for catgirls.
I'm already reading it, anon, no need to convince me further.
>I skipped to Aspect-Emperor
My autism would never allow me to skip books like that. Were you not confused?

>> No.22802424

>Were you not confused?
Nah it's a 20 year time skip and Kellhus's family and all the factions get introduced well enough.

>> No.22802429

What's the opinion of /sffg/ on The Wheel of Time? I've read the first 2 books, and it felt "slow"? That and most of the characters are infuriating. I get that they are teens but come on

>> No.22802432

Out of interest what put you off finishing the original trilogy?

>> No.22802434

My love for "in medias res"

>> No.22802438

kek fair enough

>> No.22802453


>> No.22802456

Im currently on book 4, liking it so far. Some of the female characters are annoying cunts, but they got their shit pushed in often enough, that i dont mind it

>> No.22802471

So you think the tentative 2024 release is a pipe dream?

>> No.22802476

Ill believe it when i have the book in my hands. Im sick of any day now bullshit that multiple authors keep repeating

>> No.22802493

>Sabriel is a little bitch
Say that to my face faggot not online see what happens

>> No.22802937
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>> No.22802947

kek, have a (You)

>> No.22803103

So you haven't read past the prologue?

>> No.22803156

Whoever said that Bakker 1 doesn't have the word "cunny" was wrong

>> No.22803261

A few years ago people didnt really like bakker in these threads. Im glad everyone has finally come around and recognize kino

>> No.22803274

>nobody cared about my favorite author until 4 years ago when I began spamming nonfuckingstop
whoda thunk it

>> No.22803315
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>not the best the series has ever given but pretty solid. looking forward to the conclusion now.
Yeah this has been my overall feeling of this volume so far desu
Just a transitory phase (Erin getting back to full health, people traveling to the New Lands, the new players gaining power and the slight skimming of old characters and plotlines) until the we're back to the (real) good stuff

>> No.22803373

Have you read Bakker? He has zero alphabet soup characters.

>> No.22803374

It's so.obviously artificial. I posted here for years and he was discussed about as much as comparable authors, a few posts once every couple of threads or so, more if people were asking about GRI. Then I leave for a year, come back, and he's being namedropped 50 times per thread. Did he release anything new in that time? No. /sffg/ is slow enough that 1-3 sufficiently determined shills can change the nature of the general, and that's what happened here.

>> No.22803380

I've been reading Bakker 4 years ago and I've been a /lit/izen for much less time, probably around a year. Second Apocalypse is popular, it is talked about everywhere.

>> No.22803386

I dont think its popular.
Sanderson is popular
Joe Abercrombie is popular
Mark Lawrence is popular.

If you ask the average fantasy fan about Bakker they probably wouldnt know who he is or have heard about The Prince Of Nothing

>> No.22803387

>Second Apocalypse is popular, it is talked about everywhere.
fucking lol, you won't even find Bakker's books carried in most book retailers and he's not even the first person who comes up if you search the name "bakker". He's a literal who that some autist has been spamming in these threads since 2019

>> No.22803391

I loved Wheel of Time starting with book 2. Or the very end of book 1, maybe, which led into Book 2, basically the start of the Dragon Reborn plot is peak WoT. I don't find anything about the first few books of WoT to be slow, what is your frame of reference for calling it that?

>> No.22803393

Sorry bro just because its not popular doesnt mean its not good. You can pretend its just "one autist" but there are more people in these threads that like bakkers books than dislike them.

>> No.22803394

>I've been a /lit/izen for much less time
yeah you're clearly a newfag
>it is talked about everywhere

>> No.22803396

You shouldn't bother. He's only written 2 novels and he'll never finish the series he started.

>> No.22803399

You literally just claimed he was popular and is "talked about everywhere" you retard. He's neither. And yes, it's just one autist (you), who has been spamming since 2019. We've already done the legwork in the archives to prove it.

>> No.22803405
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>Second Apocalypse is popular
>Sorry bro just because its not popular

I genuinely hope natural selection takes you out irl.

>> No.22803406

I literally didnt, I literally said he was not popular.
is literally me.
Keep being a schizo though and pretending people in the thread dont like it.

>> No.22803408
File: 162 KB, 662x1024, spirit-phone-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty good... Gets going right from the first paragraph...

>> No.22803411

I don't believe your schizo theory. 4chan loves things like Bakker's works and most of the shills in generals are imaginary.

>> No.22803413

>samefagging this hard

>> No.22803570

>skipped to aspect emperor
Absolute madman. Were you able to follow storylines at all?

>> No.22803576


>> No.22803588

It really isn't popular. Definitely fits into the "cult following" category. I've never seen Bakker's books in a book shop. Even the specialist genre/spec-lit bookshop in my city doesn't have it. I asked the dude to order one of his books in for me, and he wasn't even familiar with it (and this is a fantasy/sci-fi/crime oldfag who literally sells these niche books for a living)

>> No.22803612

> There were 1,674 valid ballots cast
Really not that many at all. It's a mystery why anyone cares at all about that Hugo awards as an alleged fan award. It's really only the SFF convention circuit people and literally no one else.


>> No.22803702

lmao, fewer votes than a poll I did on who the protag should fuck next in a cringe anime smut fanfic I wrote. Nice award you got there, Hugos.

>> No.22803714

How many times are we going to sort of discuss modern fantasy awards? They're beyond a fucking joke at this point. Ignore them all.

>> No.22803745

>calls his own anime smut fanfic "cringe"
I can't respect you.

>> No.22803752

Less talking more posting books with incest

>> No.22803756


Read all 4 of these books earlier this year, and I must say, it was quite enjoyable. Main character being insanely horny brought it down a bit for me, but it was still damn near a 10/10 experience. Highly reccomend

>> No.22803761
File: 18 KB, 220x331, Booknewsun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, forgot the image. Book of the New Sun

>> No.22803803

Finished The Dark Forest last night. Was very impressed at the original concepts. Even though character development was lacking I couldn't put it down because I had to see what original idea was to be found in on the next page. Deaths' End has started at a bit slower pace. Does it pick up and match the highs of the former?

>> No.22803812

Bakker seethe thread

>> No.22803826

definitely agree on the transitionary phase. a lot of the volume was also trying to get the reader acclimated to erin being a bigger power now on the world stage. which is understandable in hindsight. it does get me excited for the future.

dunno how to feel about the killoffs, i hope jelaqua makes it at least. though we might see some of them again in hellste, and maybe that was even the intention for this.

the upcoming climax has a lot of potential. i'm looking forward to it.

>> No.22803830 [DELETED] 

Tourist, trying to get a book for someone who doesn't read that much. Any recommendations for fantasy stories that are short ish. Looking for something more like a tale, not really world building, something that could entice a person's zoomer brain to open it and not let it sit on his shelf. Shit post, shit question, don't know where else to ask.

>> No.22803915
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You know I was really glad there was actually a decent character cull
But then we find out about Hellste and all that and ehhhh I feel like almost none of the deaths are gonna be the end of these characters, which I really look forward since I really liked some of the people that died, like Bethal and Halrac, but there's wayyyy too many side plotlines that have been completely halted/forgotten with their related characters losing most of their character identity and just becoming a "cool" guest of the inn that don't really do much anymore
AND on top of that we keep getting new players on the board
Like now the whole House of Reinhart is on, the whole thing with the pirates, we've been introduced to so many Terandria factions, drowned people
I still have really high hopes for the New Lands

The Hobbit is probably a good starting point, comfykino, short, easy to read

>> No.22804045

>Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Any books with incest?
those three are always me btw

>> No.22804066

You can't have a story thematically all about the continuation of the human race without also having some procreation.

>> No.22804069

intellectually i know it was necessary. i just thought it was ruthless. but then again it was foreshadowed for months that people would die. ultimatively i'm not too miffed about it. the way ulinde went was kinda rought though.
also i thought bethal wasn't confirmed as dead, but maybe i'm wrong.

>> No.22804078
File: 52 KB, 274x450, book_RevengeOfTheSith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker, forever:

>You can hear yourself breathing. It comes hard, and harsh, and it scrapes nerves already raw, but you cannot stop it. You can never stop it. You cannot even slow it down. You don't even have lungs anymore. Mechanisms hardwired into your chest breathe for you. They will pump oxygen into your bloodstream, forever.

>You remember the dragon that you brought Vader forth from your heart to slay. You remember the cold venom in Vader's blood. You remember the furnace of Vader's fury, and the black hatred of seizing her throat to silence her lying mouth. There is one blazing moment in which you finally understand that there was no dragon. That there was no Vader. That there was only you. Only Anakin Skywalker.

>That it was all you. Is you. Only you.

>You did it. You killed her. You killed her because, finally, when you could have saved her, when you could have gone away with her, when you could have been thinking about her, you were only thinking about yourself. It is in this blazing moment that you finally understand the trap of the dark side, the final cruelty of the Sith; because now your self is all you will ever have.

>And you rage and scream and reach through the Force to crush the shadow who has destroyed you, but you are so far less now than what you were, you are more than half machine, you are like a painter who has gone blind, a composer gone deaf, you can remember where the power was but the power you can touch is only a memory, and so with all your world-destroying fury it is only droids around you that implode, and equipment, and the table on which you were strapped shatters, and in the end, you cannot touch the shadow.

>In the end, you do not even want to. In the end, the shadow is all you have left. Because the shadow understands you, the shadow forgives you, the shadow gathers you unto itself.

>Within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame.

>This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker, forever.

Recs with prose like this?

>> No.22804092

I'm worried that my fantasy book won't go down well with most people. It's decently written for a first book with its strong poitns being the characters established within, but after reading through the first draft it seems there's not too many fantastical elements in the novel; it reads more like a historical fiction story set in a fictional world, with the closest thing of a genre staple being a sorcerer-emperor (background character) and a fantasy beast

how do I fix this

>> No.22804113

who cares what genre it is

>> No.22804130

guy gavriel kay does this and he's considered one of the best living fantasy authors

>> No.22804146

Game of Thrones exists
Many other similar sorts do

>> No.22804247

laughing because of all the good books you will miss out on with that elitist attitude.

>> No.22804249

malazan sure does have a lot of strong independent girlbosses

>> No.22804278

But it also has a ton of strong independent malebosses too

>> No.22804369

>how do I fix this
don't make the mistake of fixing a problem that doesn't exist. Get other people to read it first before you make a major change like that

>> No.22804442

hmm...idk if the prose is the same since it's been a while since I've read it, but the books about Darth Bane are definitely worth a read. Those first two books are fucking awesome, haven't read the third, though.

>> No.22804460

A couple of them also get raped pretty badly for trying to girlboss at the wrong time. As far as I know none of the male badasses get raped in Malazan.

>> No.22804464

and most of them have BIG asses (thank god!)

>> No.22804509

Sounds like you're making up reasons not to submit it to a publisher.

>> No.22804699

it's been in preparation of a translation for like 5 years now

>> No.22804702

I leaked one of the bakker sequels here and I don't even like him

>> No.22804798

French is easy as fuck. You could've been reading it in its original language 3-4 years ago depending on how dedicated you were to studying it.

>> No.22804830

I've about 25% left in The Rise of Endymion. It sucks, but I can see why lit would love the series
>Catholicism... in space!
>pedophile main character (in the last two books)
>cucked main character (in the last two books)

>> No.22804831

Are the Malazan books by Erickson's buddy worth reading? I was thinking of rereading Malazan but I never touched the other books last time. I remember a pretty major incident being mentioned in a later Malazan book and thought it was strange how Erickson didn't even cover it's impact on the story.

>> No.22804837

see >>22801690

>> No.22804843

Not reading your word salad, schizo

>> No.22804870

If you can't look back on anything you did years ago and acknowledge that it was cringe, you are probably still in your peak cringe phase.

>> No.22804873

What if I think it's cringe as I'm doing it, and I still do it anyway?

>> No.22804884

/lit/ only likes the first two books though. I'm not fond of the Endymion ones either, partially because of the Catholicism elements, I think he goobers around with Catholic theology in ways that could never happen. Also the ending is basically the goofy hippy version of End of Evangelion. No thanks.

>> No.22804895

I'm protestant, but I was drawn in by the space pilgrimage thing in the first two books. I liked the first book, tolerated the second, and read the last two because I'm autistic about completion. The last two books should have been their own series.

>> No.22804898

I think they should. Not gay or anything, just think it makes sense as an interrogation technique. Big thing is you want the captive mentally off balance, doubting themselves, doubting their allies, doubting their beliefs. Shocked and disoriented. If a woman gets captured she basically knows rape is coming, so she can mentally prepare herself for it somewhat. Comes as less of a shock and doesn't necessarily upend her self-image. If anything it might be more of a mindfuck to act like she's not good enough for a dicking. But a real badass guy? He's thinking about resisting a beating or some torture or whatever. Dude doesn't suspect for a moment that you're gonna split them cheeks. Once you do it, is he still a badass, or even a man?

I just think it's the logical thing to do. It's probably why the bad guys always lose in fantasy books, they're not raping heroes enough.

>> No.22804994
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someone please motivates me to keep reading Mother of Learning vol.2
I am around 28% through it (still training with the priest).
I feel like this is going nowhere, so boring.
I took a break and read the entirety of The Young Brewmaster’s Adventure in like 3 days (7 vol.)

>> No.22804997

Does more literary fantasy even get published in the fantasy ghetto any more?

>> No.22805074

Independently, yes.

>> No.22805077
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Is the "Shadow & Claw" version of New Sun-saga-whatever good?
Usually I much prefer buying just the original standalone versions but it's hard to find a version of Shadow of the Torturer without a godawful cover.

>> No.22805111

>Reading WEBnovels
Do zoomers really...?

>> No.22805150

Homosexuality and homosexualacts do not apply to protagonists, neither for giving nor receiving. That's a basic thing, you can't do it and then expect men to read your book.

>> No.22805155

It's not much different from reading random genre fiction books from the store.

>> No.22805174
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>> No.22805241
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I think it qualifies as progression fantasy even though it is decidedly NOT litrpg. This book series is excellent, I think.

>> No.22805242

I guess I'm out of my LitRPG phase since I've run out of books (I've not read or finished all of these but I've become disenchanted with those I've started and the genre overall). I'm think I'm moving into my Magical Realism era.

>> No.22805246

Read I Shall Seal The Heavens, Lord of the Mysteries, Reverend Insanity. In that order imo.

>> No.22805253

I read this last year, it was the 25th anniversary edition in hard cover. I was homeless and would read it bit by bit by visiting the library every day I could. I liked it. Should get around to reading some of the other ones next year (I'm not homeless atm and I've got a fat stack of mangas and other fantasies on a coffee table that I'm tearing through).

>> No.22805256

Do you have an editor yet?

>> No.22805258

>Hammerwing finally released last month
>no rip of it anywhere

>> No.22805266
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>only A Thousand Li book 8 in epub I can find is fucked up

>> No.22805267

It's free with Kindle Unlimited.

>> No.22805277

The retail version of book 8 that's on mobilism is messed up?

>> No.22805397
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If you were a wizard what type of magic would you specialize in?

I'd probably pick healing magic. Everyone needs healing sometimes.

>> No.22805402

It's good but it's only the 2/5 of the story so it's only 2/5 as good.

>> No.22805413

Summoning/necromancy. The most broken and most developable type of magic. Just think about it, you only need one spell to summon come cleric creature or a horse.

>> No.22805430


>> No.22805445

The rest of stover's novels. Start with Shatterpoint, then read Heroes Die.

>> No.22805448
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all of them

>> No.22805456

Does anyone know of a pirate themed fantasy/horror ish series/book? Been craving something similar to Pirates of the caribbean vibe but if possible darker/horror, but anything similar to pirates in general is what im looking for.

>> No.22805465
File: 27 KB, 336x500, 6935786-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aditionally On Blue's Waters

>> No.22805469 [DELETED] 


>> No.22805472
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>> No.22805478

Glenn Cook wrote a few pirate stories in this anthology.


>> No.22805507

nothing really compares to grrm's writings, if you have not already, recommend you checking out his 1000 world stories, his take is quite unique and cannot be met by reading other authors

>> No.22805510

Transfiguration and then live life as an animal in the forest

>> No.22805517

If you're talking about fantasy, yes. But his earlier works in science fiction and low fantasy are mediocre.

>> No.22805528

all the 5 regular ones:

>> No.22805529

which have you read?

>> No.22805536
File: 29 KB, 260x437, AmericanFront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These any good?

>> No.22805580

Several. I can't really recall everything by name. Maybe ~7 short stories, one or two novellas. Perhaps the only work I really liked was the one non-ASoIaF novel of his that I've read, Fevre Dream. It's on par with Tales of Dunk and Egg in quality.

>> No.22805795
File: 17 KB, 300x300, bakker-r-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alright, new chapter, let's go!
>Uh, let's start with an epigram that sounds cool..."Deception is mearly an adornment for men's chains"
>Wait did Herbert use that one?
>OK, Lord Gerbert of the Ormeal plains cracked the heads of two Sranc to hash, but was subsequently raped to death
>Then the sorcerers burned the Sranc
>Kellhus tells Proyas the losses were all according to keikaku.
>Scott you've done it again! Ok, let's get back to Achamian's Wacky drug trip.

>> No.22805859

I'm liking the world Bakker is building, and he is very good at introducing new characters but I have to admit I am not as impressed with the prose as I thought I would be. Maybe anons overhyped it.

>> No.22805910

Healing. Because such powers could also be easily turned to harm if you wanted to.

>> No.22805915
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>mfw he didn't continue The Dragon Never Sleeps
Which is a shame because it has the same kinda open ending the way the first Black Company book had.

>> No.22805951


>> No.22806048

I read this over the last couple days from your post. (spoilers) The ending is pretty fucked. Black holes are scary, especially his adequately put point about still being in the process of killing Karla from her perspective due to the time dilation. His self-prescribed guilt didn’t seem all that warranted given the situation, multiple people ‘pushing the button’ and the alternative being exactly the same outcome, except he dies too… Good book overall. I’m not sure if I want to read deeper into the series, I heard it’s entirely different.

>> No.22806080

I'm done with the second book of Amber I'm having a lot of fun with this series but something tells me it feels too dated for a modern audience and only more hardcore sffg fans check it out because of how influential it is. You can really see where modern authors like GRRM or Jim Butcher were inspired by places in it. Tyrion feels like he was a cross between Cugel and Corwin

>> No.22806088
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The work continues.
Just finished The Door into Summer. Next up, Time for the Stars.

>> No.22806096

>too dated for a modern audience
Stop with this Reddit meme

>> No.22806098

Is it just me or are sex scenes in books always cringe? Some of these harem smut novels would be better without the smut or constant sex talk that detracts from the good ideas the author has.

>> No.22806102

desu senpai sex is cringe

>> No.22806106

Depends on the writer and the context of the scene, most sexoo scenes don't do anything for me but sex scenes between older women and younger men makes me rock hard everytime

>> No.22806145

just admit you wanna fuck your mom weirdo
a proper man is into little girls

>> No.22806181

bakker is king

>> No.22806194
File: 54 KB, 531x380, 1682649353710522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shipped my latest Cold War novel, but I prefer sci-fi. If anyone has a science fiction manuscript he or she wants edited, reply to this post

>> No.22806224

The Confusion is a pretty good pirate yarn. Not fantasy or horror, but certainly dark.

>> No.22806235

It's mostly 50/50 but if you're reading a good author they'll be fine.
GGK, Bujold and Kushner all write good ones that actually tell you stuff about the characters from what I remember

>> No.22806252

Translocation magic is obviously the most useful and if you're picking based on fantasy survival and/or personal comfort that's obviously the best choice but I think older more folkloric magic is more interesting. Basically witchcraft instead of wizardry if we're going by how older fantasy classifies it.

>> No.22806285

>z-lib removed the DMCAed books even from the onion site
Well, I guess we're fucked now.

>> No.22806337


>> No.22806357

On Stranger Tides is what Pirates was based on.

>> No.22806397

>Translocation magic is obviously the most useful

You are now a minimum wagie shackled to a ((fantasy)) amazon fulfillment complex

>> No.22806467

Suggest good books to me, a retard with commitment issues. I like medium difficulty and generally easy to follow books that are highly plot focused, preferably with glorious scenarios, near certain death scenario, unexpected losses of major characters, mindfuck (Hyperion’s “The Priest” makes a great example of the type I love, and anything dealing with time dilation) and perhaps a little girl character but that’s ummm just a little personal preference! Strong female characters are fine as long as it makes sense within the world and isn’t forced.
Bill M.

>> No.22806469

You'd love Sanderson

>> No.22806483

He seems more fantasy than scifi? Any particular work by him?

>> No.22806546

your show fucking sucks bill maher
and smoking grass is NOT cool

>> No.22806597

>little girls
cringe and goypilled
>older curvy ladies
based and HighTestpilled

>> No.22806718

it's not the same.....
Curation on z-lib is top notch, libgen can't compare.

>> No.22806721

He gets BLACKED btw

>> No.22806742

The great ordeal was metatextual (describes the experience of reading it)

>> No.22806744

So the great ordeal failing is an allegory to the book being a failure? epic

>> No.22806745

I will be a wizard in 2 years. My PhD will be in Robotics, which makes me a technomancer.

>> No.22806770

>doubting themselves
like you're doubting your sexuality?

>> No.22806773

Why do I come here? Just to get spoiled?

>> No.22806776

Can't get spoiled if you read better books, anon.

>> No.22806781

Technomancers are so cool.

>> No.22806785

you can become one, too. all you need to do is give up the hope of ever feeling a woman's touch, and get a PhD in robotics.

you can ask me if it's worth it in ~2.5 years

>> No.22806793

>lot's of man rape, molestation, and pretentiousness
>clever prose, intriguing worldbuilding and nuanced storytelling that needs attention and engagement from the reader
Brutal mogging...

>> No.22806800

The entire novel is gruff marines, smug guys with secrets, and tough-as-boys dykes. Thats the entire series.

>> No.22806804

There really needs to be a report function for intentional spoilers on spoiler tag boards. He genuinely spoiled the book for me, and now has doubled down on his childish behaviour because it gets him the attention he craves.

>> No.22806807

right, wolfe would be more popular if he put more unilaterally consensual mansex in his novels

>> No.22806814

I've already read the solar cycle.

>> No.22806815

It's a little cringey but not too bad. There are enough women who constantly fuck up to compensate.

>> No.22806818

that would be nice but they would never do it. sorry you got spoiled, anon

>> No.22806826

Heckin' Wolfe.

>> No.22806831

Just continue delaying reading any and all Bakker books until you forget the spoilers, that's what I'm doing anyway.

>> No.22806839
File: 1.42 MB, 256x320, 1688939299610484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know nothing of war. War is dark. Black as pitch. It is not a God. It does not laugh or weep. It rewards neither skill not daring. It is not a trial of souls, nor the measure of wills. Even less is it a tool, a means to some womanish end. It is merely the place where the iron bones of the earth meet the hollow bones of men and break them.
Unholiest kino...Bakker really is king.....

>> No.22806845

Which version of Cugel? By the end of the stories he realizes that constantly being a two-timing asshole doesn’t really get you anywhere.

>> No.22806851

I second these recommendations.

>> No.22806853

goddamn right son

>> No.22806893

if the book is any good spoilers don't really detract from the experience.

I've actually read quite a few books because I got spoiled on some plot point that made me go
>huh, wonder how that happened

>> No.22806925

the specimen complaining about the spoiling is the one doing the spoiling

>> No.22806928

God i want to fuck young CJ Cherry so bad

>> No.22806934

>a means to some womanish end
What?!? That's it i'm cancelling this bakkerguy!

>> No.22806949

>if the book is any good spoilers don't really detract from the experience.
Obvious nonsense, something like The Murder of Roger Ackroyd is still great knowing what happens but it's still diminished from reading it blind.

>> No.22806956

You would be instantly mindbroken and would spill everything you know, while crying like a little girl, in the circumstances described. Don't act tough.

>> No.22806974

Fuck man watching Achamian totally get cucked at the end of book 2 and entire book 3 is so fucking hard. He even goes back to teaching Kellhus while Kellhus is fucking his girl.

This shit made me feel worse than reading any NTR hentai. Its like a stone in your chest.

>> No.22807016
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reading house of suns

>> No.22807149

finished it last month
pretty meh, enjoyed pushing ice more

>> No.22807237

>pedophile main character
Aenea wishes

>> No.22807247
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Does anyone know what was the name of the book written by some homeless guy that was found after he had died?
Apparently he had been writing some schizo space opera about a galactic federation with a bunch of children as the main protagonists.
Has anyone actually read it?

>> No.22807334

God its so funny to read some slop for like 4 hours in a row and be perfectly happy with it only for my brain to immediately point out every problem the moment I stop reading.
Vivian Girls?

>> No.22807402
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I just found a book that I read as a kid in an old box in my basement. Its House of the Scorpion. I bought it at a book fair in school in about 5th or 6th grade. Thinking about it now its not really a kids book but I really enjoyed it. It has drugs empires taking over countries, Humans being cloned and then used for body parts, people becoming slaves by microtrips inserted into their brains. It was a neat book.

>> No.22807518

That's why we call it "reddit"

>> No.22807530

They're diverse too.

>> No.22807548

Keeping the image of the book by limiting sex to humor or violence is worth more than any coomer audience. So yeah, the author that writes about fucking all the time either doesn't care or doesn't even think himself that his writing merits any actual appreciation.

>> No.22807748

mid way through WoT book 10 and while the past few books have been dull the Elayne chapters here may be the dullest shit I have ever read this is torture

>> No.22807789

Anna's is the way.

>> No.22807857
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>Some of these harem smut novels would be better without the smut

>> No.22808028

not them but it's true
like Elliott Kay writes a really fun mil scifi series and also a dogshit boring erotica one

>> No.22808035

Elayne is such a goddamn bimbo in those later books.
>hurf durf I may be pregnant, royalty, and also have a history of walking into traps, but I insist on personally going to arrest these dark friends personally, based on the information given to me by my extremely trustworthy guard captain whom I just met shortly after arriving in this darkfriend-infested city!

>> No.22808043

feels good not reading trash like wheel of gay