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22790661 No.22790661 [Reply] [Original]

>a burnout/achievement society that produces losers and depressives

and they all post on this website

>> No.22790664

We can't all be at the top of the hierarchy anon.

>> No.22790765

Is this a good read or not? Seems quite short for the money, inb4 pirate

>> No.22790769

Just lower your goals, and you don't have to be a loser.

>> No.22790880

burnout is the wrong word, if you aren't a neurotic chink or a girlboss. if you're an officecuck life is easier than ever. i'm successful and respected at work but outside of those 8 hours i'm a fucking hermit with no friends and zero pussy. many such cases. see houellebecq.

>> No.22790997


>> No.22791014

>and they all post on this website
That explains the state of the website as a whole; failed normalfags, all of you.

>> No.22791022

Every middle class aspirational wealthy parent pushing their kids to pursue a small and ever shrinking pool of "make it" careers is mathematically bound to create a larger pool of burnouts and "failed to launch" types, it doesn't surprise me the author has an asian name.

>> No.22791035

They are just lazy and need to study more. Many people are doctors and engineers, it's not that hard.

>> No.22791040

Same. To my absolute delight, however, the contract my team was on did not get renewed, so I will be unemployed as of 12/5. I genuinely cannot wait. Going to live out of my car, pick up odd jobs when needed, and spend the majority of my time reading and writing at parks.

>> No.22791047

Anon, are you me?

>> No.22791167

wait, so if we didnt have achievements we would be.... better? wouldnt that make us even more sad sacks of shit since we would be alienated from worth?

>> No.22791224

Based, except I'm gonna get a cabin with some solar panels and get off the grid completely

>> No.22791227

Just started readong this. Thanks for the rec anon. Byung-Chul has been on my reading list for a long time

>> No.22791235


>> No.22791293

I fucking hate ethnics larping as Westerners and immediately dismissed whatever they have to say about white societies

>> No.22791296

ok tranny
we all know you got filtered by the burnout society too

>> No.22791303

No, I just don't take ethnoids seriously about whatever they have to say about a society they don't understand
They should be deported desu, or at least keep their chonk heads down and work like they are told to

>> No.22791306

you're a real woman, dude

>> No.22791318

And you're a real mutt, murr murr

>> No.22791341

What did he mean by this?

>> No.22791388

It’s actually worse than that. The real tragedy of the burnout society is that the people in the elite, the ones who call all the shots and decide everything, are nothing more that academic and professional social climbers, class pets, and theater kids, who’s only virtues are that they didn’t burnout and that they have then dysgenic personality traits that would make someone climb the ranks of a Harvard, a Carlyle Group, a Cravath, or a CNN. Anyone who’s ever been on the inside of industries like this (nevermind the particular firms) can tell you that there is something wrong with these people and you’d never want them to lead you to and through a battlefield, for example.

>> No.22791400

> corporations bad
Whoa, such a revelation

>> No.22791447

>work is... le BAD
>muh burnout
>muh wageslavery
You can only hate work if you never worked outside of the welfare sector. Adult daycare jobs. Office jobs, jobs where women and minorities work.

I fucking love my job. My job is my hobby. My job beats screen gulag (unemployment, watching screen all day). It is your fault you do not have a job involving helicopters. And explosives. Heavy industry. Aerospace, hypersonics. Semiconductors. Lasers. Submarines. Shit you fantasize all day while staring at the screen (if you have a triple digit iq).
Meanwhile if you got filtered into welfare type job, it is literally your fault for being too low iq, too unskilled, uneducated, too fucking retarded and filtered because you CHOOSE vanity degree and wageslavery.

I fucking love going to work. And I fucking own real estate thanks to my work. I would be doing it for free. I dont think its wage'slavery' when I get to literally fucking OWN the piece of the city I live in.

>> No.22791450

Can't be much worse than wasting your time here

>> No.22791483

Congrats on enjoying your office job. I got fired from my previous one because I couldn't play ball in office politics, and it was fucking remote too. They hired some woman above me who didn't do shit but took all my credit while rejecting all my suggestions. She played the boss like a fiddle and basically became his assistant despite her being hired as the head of the department. So naturally whatever I said or did couldn't compare to her bull. Just goes to show, what you do doesn't matter, just talk bullshit and take credit from others and you can become an exec. Inb4 women. I've worked fine with women before.

>> No.22791494
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>screen gulag
funny and painfully true. I never want to go back. I have realized I am the type of dog that needs to be worked.

>> No.22791524

Thats the dream. I've the will but not the know how

>> No.22791635

i can't speak for the other anons but i actually hate my job and want to kill myself, i'm just good at it. you have to play the game. you have to suck your boss's dick and subtly sabotage everyone under you while still giving the appearance of supporting them.

>> No.22791647

You failed to parse the point of the post. Good job.

Why? The only differentiator is money. This is a civilization where the only alternative to wasting your time is chasing money, and for what? Well, no reason actually.

>> No.22791652

> You failed to parse the point of the post. Good job
Stop complaining like a bitch and go to military.

>> No.22791655

Similar story for me. I work in education so diversity is everything. 2 women got the nod over me for better jobs even though I’m the one who was always right and never wrong, and they were usually wrong and rarely right. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve raised some concern about something, and then either one of them or the boss they answer to gets a hold of us the next week to talk about the “revelation” they had which is the exact same thing I mentioned a week ago.

>> No.22791657

And this right here is why you can’t win in this society unless you find a way to carve out your own thing and get rich off it.

>> No.22791671

>It is your fault you do not have a job involving helicopters. And explosives. Heavy industry. Aerospace, hypersonics. Semiconductors. Lasers. Submarines.
That's funny, my friend designs and build submarines and ships and shit for the Navy and he fucking hates it

>> No.22791698

You sound like an idiot, dude.

>> No.22791715

It's a bait

>> No.22791731

>muh genital quotas
>muh nepotism
>muh luck
>muh low pay
>muh no free time
>muh diversity
>muh pointless

All signs you got filtered out of the real jobs.
Would some billionaire ceo risk his personal surgeon be a diversity hire? Would they put some girlboss in the special ops team that the media will never even know exists because her daddy commands it?

If you find yourself floating in a sewer, its because you are shit. YOU are the diversity hire, among all the other diversity hires. YOU have a welfare job. That's why you dont matter. Your life doesnt matter. You are fundamentally unskilled. And you work with your peers.

Get a real job, loser.

>> No.22791971

>... screamed the house nigger to the field niggers, secure in the knowledge that massa cared about him, that he wasnt one of those lazy ungreatful field niggers. After all, he lives in the big house, and ate the same food that his master ate. Later that night, while he was polishing cutlery, he thought about the.uppity field niggers in their rickety field nigger shacks, and smiled to himself.

>> No.22791981


>> No.22792114

Has anyone actually read the book or are all you retards in here just whining?

>> No.22792118

Lol make this a /lit/ banner

>> No.22792134

I'm a burnt out loser but a) I have a hot girlfriend, b) I live in southern California a five minute walk from the beach and c) I'll inherit the multimillion dollar home I live in
so i've come to terms with it

>inb4 pirate
Why not pirate tho?

>> No.22792137
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>> No.22792140

I need to move to Europe or something. I get pissed off at medium traffic.
I tried moving out to the countryside but a giant tech factory is going up here. The land speculation has gone mad and they're building traffic lights on every single country "highway" some of them to nowhere, literal dirt roads

>> No.22792144
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>I tried moving out to the countryside but a giant tech factory is going up here

>> No.22792183

>“Because of autistic self-referentiality, because negativity is absent, an idiot savant can perform what otherwise only a calculator can do.”
Byung-Chul Han is NOT politically correct lmao

I’m 25 pages in and it’s excellent so far

>> No.22792200

Ted lived 5 kilometers from town and went to the doctor he got injured
You can easily book a flight to Rwanda or some other nation and just hide in their forests, if they find you and kick you out just do it again

>> No.22792204
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Well I wanted to be close to friends and family

>> No.22792214

Same but I live in a third world metropolis, have no girlfriend, and have been all but disowned by my family who have told me my entire life that I am a disappointment and will inherit nothing

>> No.22792244

Cool. Thanks. I'll pick it up. I watched a vid recommending the agony of eros. I was thinking of getting started there.

>> No.22792278

Well exactly, but the masses think they deserve to be and resent having to be used by their betters. You can find happiness in slavery but they've been tricked into wanting to be masters even if they are not capable of being so.

Now it's not surprising they think this because, in fact, the current masters *are* mostly fucking incompetent and to the general midwit it seems all they need is a bit of luck to be in charge of other midwits.

>> No.22792293

Honestly this
People may call me a cuck for this but I would be happy serving a fair master that rewards me for my service

>> No.22792317
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You just want good leadership. To work with others who appreciate good leadership instead of people who just want to make a lot of money so they can live the easy life.

>> No.22792467

Lmao, this loser believes in hierarchy, no wonder he's here.

>> No.22793334

If anyone lives or commutes in NYC and uses the subway now, they’ve ramped up the volume of the automated/pre-recorded announcements they make over the loudspeakers to a ridiculous point, at least in the stations I go through, as if they were trying to ramp it up for deaf people. They’re so fucking loud now it made my blood boil and made me want to start shouting, it takes an already dystopian shithole and adds another layer of shittiness to it. They also had some dumb fucking recording now I heard for the first time today that went something like, “Hey New Yorkers, I’m Hayley and I’m 17 years old! And I’m here to tell you running on and skating in the subway station is NOT cool! Real life isn’t TikTok (etc.)”, I couldn’t get it all because fortunately for my blood pressure a passing train blocked out the ending of it. All this being blared on the loudspeakers at about 100dB or rock concert levels.

Not really relevant to the thread and this is becoming more Kaczynskian than about the OP, but Godspeed, brother, and at least you don’t have to commute in the hellish city for school or work.

>> No.22793394

Of course but I'm a slow low energy introvert guy versus peppy manipulative extroverts. Not always the case of being complementary to a boss but just the vibes they absorb from extroverts.

Part of it is appearance too, they'll be manicured hair tied up ready to go or have slick back hair with a fashionable outfit if it's a dude and I basically look like a writer or gamer. Sure I could try to change the way I look and speak and react and behave and fake it all, but honestly it's asking me to be someone I'm not just to be considered to keep a job or get a promo. A lot of work for things others receive naturally. The only people I've ever met that are good at faking it like that usually had to 'survive' in some capacity so it's more natural for them whereas most people can just tell what I'm trying to do. Not trying to say there's no solution, but just that it's quite difficult than just to play the game.

I'd imagine education has a lot of this. I know an Asian guy who didn't get promo at a school in China when the Dept head stepped down despite being with the school for a decade. Instead they promo some second year white guy because parents thought white guys as department heads means it's a better school. Luckily my friend found a better job elsewhere.

>> No.22793806

Woah, that image is very profound. Anyone else get the symbolism?

>> No.22793897

This guys does not sound bitter in the least and definitely has an amazing life, for sure, 100%. Trust him.

>> No.22793967

>there is something wrong with these people

What exactly is their failure?

Ethical? That they are morally bankrupt? That they are money grubbing and opportunistic? Has it not always been highly correlative for decrepit scumbags to rise quickly and resolutely to the highest executive echelons? Or are you suggesting that the current landscape enables people with a poor moral fiber more than ever before?

There were kid diddling popes. Most kings had to ascend a throne built ontop of dozens of corpses (made up of their own family members mostly). Insidious people have held sway over hordes and hordes of other people since the dawn of time. The moral and the virtuous have always been content with their pseudo-serfdom.

>> No.22793981

i recommend it. it's really nicely written and straightfoward. i listened to the audiobook on youtube twice last year. maybe it is still there. the author's biography is quite interesting too.

>> No.22793989


>> No.22794018

I use to care about cultural theory before reading pessimistic lit. What I have discovered after reading Zapffe, Schopenhauer, Ligotti etc. is that all of this noise and complain is only an offset of the real problem which is life itself where only law is law of entropy and everything keeps going down and maintaining it creates other types of bullshit. Even when man is living through periods of prosperity, people don't realize it because life itself is a giant fuck up.

With every generation world further degenerates into more nonsense. Some would say then what should we do? Just give up? I have no answer for them, for their struggle, one thing is apparent that problems aren't going anywhere. Existence is lack.

>> No.22794043

who says Burnout society is about any western society? The author had only lived in Korea and Germany when the book was published, and the book never mentions any western country specifically.

>> No.22794053

Considering his preoccupation with the capitalist economy, the achievement society (characterized by freedom and deregulation, replacing the previous disciplinary society), atomization, I hardly think it's a stretch to say the book is about Western society.

>> No.22794076

Isn't the entire world following on the footsteps of western society? Someone may pick up this book in 100, or 200 years from now and say "This encapsulates all modern societies perfectly," simply because the whole world will be advancing at the same pace, instead of West first, Rest of the World later, like it does now.

>> No.22794095

Be more of a realist and less ambitious, counter your wants— aim at self-sufficiency and do not deviate from it— and be just.

>> No.22794105

>Just goes to show, what you do doesn't matter, just talk bullshit and take credit from others and you can become an exec.
Instead of succumbing and turning into a cynic, be the change you want to see in the world.

>> No.22794112

>Going to live out of my car

you can do all this shit at home dumb nigga

>> No.22794115

Don't be too confident in your predictions a century or two out. What you say is pretty much the argument Francis Fukuyama makes in The End of History in 1992, but I don't think time has bore out his thesis. Since then, prospects for the liberalization of China seem dimmer. The fall of the Soviet Union didn't prevent the most destructive war in Europe since WWII. And our attempts to bring freedom and democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan could not really have been less successful.

There are powerful forces and feedback loops here in the West that deprecate remnants of older and less efficient orders and institutions, but we have seen that we cannot simply expect our organization to spontaneously take hold in the rest of the world, the same way that we cannot expect much success when we impose it on other people.

>> No.22794170

I'm not that anon, but I think the point he's trying to make is that elite class selects for those who merely succeed in rising to the elite class. This sounds trivial and retarded, but the thrust is that these people become elite not because their achievements betray increased ability or intelligence but because they are able to play the game, the goal of which is to rise to the elite class. They outcompete others to achieve.

To understand that this does not represent heightened intelligence or ability consider the continued virtually hereditary nature of this class (with obvious exceptions and possibility of upward-mobility): the elite, who know how to succeed via private schools, private tutors, extracurriculars, donations, charity work, connections, Ivy League universities, etc, pass this knowledge onto their children, and that is why they succeed.

In this way outmoded values like intelligence, heroism, and intellectual curiosity matter less than the virtues we glorify today: timeliness, industriousness, cunning, competitiveness. We'll fire you for showing up late, just like we'll fire you for trying to stop that black dude that just loaded up a shopping cart and walked out.

>> No.22794182

Haven't been in NYC since 2021, and I haven't lived there since 2018, and I didn't have to take the train often since 2014.
What you describe sounds like it sucks, my train commute to and from highschool most of the time was basically my bed.

On this topic though last time I was there I was pretty shocked by the amount of people that just don't pay anymore on the bus. People say things were always like that, but in the past you would at least drop some pennies and nickels in there and pretend, not just brazenly walk past. All the buses have that plastic shield between the driver now. Though that was being phased in since I lived there.
Also it's really amazing that you get cell service basically everywhere underground now. Truly living in the future.

>> No.22794223
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Great post. Spot-on on everything, specially Fukuyama's already debunked rethoric. You are also right to imply that I was wrong when I resorted to What-If-ism about the future when trying to defend Chul-Han's thesis... All I have to say is that I really enjoyed his book, and that I believe it has plenty of wisdom to offer to everyone and anyone, whether western or otherwise.

Pic not related. I just like beautifying my posts with lewd anime girls <3

>> No.22794245

I’m a NEET but I have friends and a gf

>> No.22794249

It’s Bum Chung Man anon

>> No.22794254


>> No.22794278

Eh, I've walked among them but I also went to an inner city high school where only 25% of kids graduated. For all the faults people who go on to Delloite, BAH, etc. have, they are still liable to act better than people on the bottom, who are impulsive and pleasure seeking.

Plus, a good deal become public servants, who, while paid less, often have a better esperit de corps. Or go the non-profit route.

The problem is that they are so terrified of falling down the ladder because they are keenly aware of how its rings have stretched out and how much now lies in the insecure bottom. So, especially if they start a family, they come to embrace NIMBY, and chase money. Zeal for social causes can only power a life for so long. In your 20s it might work, but after a decade or two of working and seeing progress must be measured across lifetimes, with frequent backsliding, always subject to the forces of the epoch, they burn out. Politics was their religion and a religion without spiritual or mystical elements is killed by this world.

It's the general system to blame, not the people. Hegel has this right, we are the accidents or our institutions, not their substance. Historical development follows a broader Logos we barely fathom.

Medical professionals don't want to charge some poor family an $800 "gotcha" bill for having the audacity to bring their child to the ER, despite giving them zero treatment. Evil can be very banal. Everyone is just "doing their job." The billing people and the debt merchants are sold a story about how they help things overall. Sure, the doctor has come to expect and demand that they earn as much as five or six households on average. They are told they deserve that. And they'll pay their dues to the AMA who will keep making sure there aren't enough doctors or that only doctors can do certain things like proscribe drugs to keep their wages high. No one sees their role in the greater evil because increasingly they never look to God. At best, God is compartmentalized. In a liberal society, that's a private thing.

>> No.22794289

The whole point of this book is that "failed normalfags" are actually the real normal people

>> No.22794290
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>"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?” (Matthew 6:25).

>"You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked” (Revelation 3:17).

>“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money” (Matthew 6:24).

Truly, those who rejoice in Earthly status and wealth already have their reward. Blessed are the poor in spirit, who negate themselves, who are led by the divine Logos instead of instinct, desire, and circumstance. Blessed are the peacemakers and the meek.

>> No.22794305

>Here we see the final inversion of the object-subject relationship. If it was previously commonplace to believe that your material reality, your community, your economic status helped shape your identity, now this relationship is turned upside down. It’s you who determines your material reality and your economic status. The subject creates his own reality.

>A related idea is the growing popularity and belief in ‘the law of attraction’ which holds that positive thoughts will bring you positive outcomes in life and negative thoughts will bring you negative outcomes. You determine everything with your thoughts, with your mindset. The reason why you are poor is not because of any material, political and economic structures keeping you poor, but because you have a negative outlook on life. If you’re unsuccessful you should be working harder, being more optimistic and having a better mindset. This social climate of overachievement, of overwork and toxic positivity leads into our modern burnout epidemic.

>> No.22794315

Damn imagine basing your whole life around how useful you are to other people...
I'd rather be unskilled and live for myself than be the most skilled slave

>> No.22794532

your ability to live is highly related to your usefulness to other people unless you inherited a lot of money

>> No.22794557

Yeah that's the whole reason capitalist society sucks
The broad concept of "gains from trade" fundamentally devalues human life
But to mentally accept that this is a good thing only means you've lost twice

>> No.22794561

>no one is discussing the book

>> No.22794602
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>he reads books instead of just using the titles and summaries and covers to start threads on /lit/ about whatever topic he fancies at the moment
dis nigga

>> No.22794607

the only alternatives to this that we had so far is monarchy, aka divine right of kings, aka 'god has decided i get to tax you for half of your possessions
communism, aka extremely hierarchical party taxing you even more than kings, and having absolute control over your life worse than any sci fi megacorp AND throwing you into the gulag if you complain, but at least they call you 'comrade' while they torture you

listen, in the free market, at least i can learn to be a welder or an electrician or some shit and live better than a humanities professor
that's a pretty good deal if you ask me
the less i am forced to collectivize myself with mouth drooling retards with absolute zero economical skills or values, the better for me
there is a massive skills inequality in society and its massive enough to justify wealth inequality

a surgeon should be paid more than a fast food retard

>> No.22794631

We don’t have a free market. Don't extol the virtues of a system we do not enjoy. Capitalism =/= free market.

>> No.22794703

the point is that average prole doesnt want to collectivize with these humanities degree leftist pseuds who are all on minwage
how do you explain conservative parties being the most popular parties throughout the civilized world?
average prole doesnt want to collectivize with an average leftist
and leftists do not respect the healthy boundaries between people who just want to do an honest labor for an honest wage and own private property, and leftist collectivist 'free shit' insanity

>> No.22794710

No. We live in a society that makes murder very consequential. We should be allowed to kill other people

>> No.22794715

>at least i can learn to be a welder or an electrician or some shit
You could, but you won't

>> No.22794718

Very American point of view

>> No.22795287
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The points on self help literature are spot on. The whole focus on "you have to maximize your potential," and "if you're not happy it's your fault for not grinding hard enough and staying positive at all times."

I worked for a start up for a while and it was painful seeing people idolize others for the simple fact of "achieving growth." I mean, in the end, it's just a convoluted way to worship money and production. Production for the sake of production.

Even religious books have started talking like this. I read this one for a church group I'm in that basically pitched Bible studies as a means of "exponential growth," just like a multilevel marketing campaign.

Please no. Give me a self help book that tells me to stop sinning. Production can be a sin. What does a grindset earn you in the end?

>> No.22795299

I'm an unemployed 18 year old twink that makes money by selling porn of himself and casually getting money from guys older than me after i give them head

>> No.22795415

Taking the suicide speedrun route I see

Can't recommend it, known too many

>> No.22795425

I wish I was as brave as you.

>> No.22795546

every sociology book boils down to capitalism bad but there is no real alternative. the author of this book is smart enough to realize and admit it at least. there is a documentary on youtube with the same name of the book and I think at the tail end of the video they ask the author what does he propose instead and he says basically I got nothing and smiles.

>> No.22795597

>there is a massive skills inequality in society and its massive enough to justify wealth inequality
>a surgeon should be paid more than a fast food retard
It's a matter of the scale of that wealth inequality. To put it the way Chris Lasch does, the American ideal of opportunity has changed meaning. Previously opportunity represented the democratization of competence, meaning not just know-how and good judgment, but also the means with which to live and survive. Now opportunity means mere social mobility, or the opportunity to remove yourself from the lower classes, which are now ubiquitous in the US and ever poorer, ever less educated, ever less paid attention to, living in ever worse conditions, ever less supported by remnants of old institutions like church and noblesse oblige and community. Sure some wealth inequality is inevitable and not even a bad thing, but do you extend that out infinitely, or is there some point at which you must admit that it has gone too far?

>> No.22795626

There doesn't have to be an alternative, because these things are not black and white. In the United States we already restrict capitalism in ways that we think useful. So realize it is to our benefit to restrict it in other ways. For me one of the biggest things is the passivity with which the judiciary has allowed major corporations to consolidate into oligarchical mega corps. But while we worship GDP we're unlikely to do anything about it

>> No.22795634

yeah, autotrophy

>> No.22795756

>What does a grindset earn you in the end?
Food, shelter, relationships, value, security, freedom, happiness... pretty much anything you want. I mean sucks that the world is this way but that's how God designed it. Could have been back in utopian Eden. But God literally said no, your punishment will be that you have to grindset for your entire life. Just that grinding stopped being directly "toiling the fields" for the majority of the population. But in the end, it's still the same toiling that God told us to do.

Since you brought up religion and all

>> No.22795764

>Food, shelter, relationships, value, security, freedom, happiness
You can have all this stuff while also doing the bare minimum in terms of "work"

>> No.22795796

just make sure to invest that money in index funds and retirement funds (NOT managed funds), and you'll be alright

>> No.22795801

Do you need a grindset to have any job that pays enough to have all that? Seems like plenty quiet quitters have all that and I'd hardly say that's a grindset

>> No.22797014
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>> No.22797035

>the only type of monarchy is absolutism
the morons who post here are somethin else. never heard of the early medieval era, huh?

>> No.22797037

that German fella with the funny moustache tried to change the world...

>> No.22797041

and now he's probably the most well-known historical figure on the planet, except maybe Jesus

>> No.22797043

hell fucking yeah bro
we are at the top of the hierarchy you just don't realize it

>> No.22797051

money is bullshit and its really easy to get. just compromise yourself, become a bullshitter. Stop giving a fuck about any of your good intentions, stop caring about other people at all. Stop caring about anything. See how easy that is? Once you do that, getting money is easy, none of us are stupid, I can think of a million ways right now to make money very easily. Its just that they'd all contribute to filling the world with meaningless garbage and wouldn't help anyone or anything, and I don't really wanna fuckin do that so I don't do it and its the same for you. Are you stupid or unable to get a job like that or make a product or something? No. Are you lazy as fuck? I doubt you're lazy when you care about something. So do the math as to why you don't have much money

>> No.22797068
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We work 48.5% more than the average French peasant. More for plenty of people. We get just one or two of the old Holy Days off anymore. Everything stays open for Sundays.

>> No.22797072

Community festivals were common and pilgrimages almost mandatory as well. What jobs will give you months off to go on pilgrimage now? No journey of self discovery, just bite sized escapes.

>> No.22797075

imagine thinking that Earth is like this because God said so and not because a bunch of corrupt faggots set up systems

>> No.22797076

During the NFT height, I was highly considering doing a rugpull after I saw just how successful another one was
I don’t think I’d feel bad about it, the people I’d be scamming would be NFTbros

>> No.22797080

You would feel about it. You're not that guy, and you should value that you aren't. Just the fact that you say "I don't think I'd feel bad," lol, yeah you would. Don't aspire to be a faggot be happy you aren't one

>> No.22797225

Nah, anon just has to do it multiple times to become desensitized to it. Do it anon, no more wageying.

>> No.22797306

Yeah it has a sense of contentment to it. Idk obviously life now is easier and better. Something inside me yearns for the past though.

>> No.22798068

>that's how God designed it

Not really, and there’s no way for you to make that declarative statement, for all we know we could be desecrating his design by making a rat race out of it.

>> No.22798280
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You don't even believe he should do that. It's the thing whispering at your shoulder that puts the world's in your mouth. You must resist the Fallen Angels, for theirs is the path of damnation and hatred.

A man cannot serve Mammon and God.

>> No.22798284

Consider Christ's words in Matthew 6:

6:25 Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

6:26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

6:27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?

6:28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin,

6:29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

6:30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

6:31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’

6:32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.

6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

6:34 Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

>> No.22798454

all I know about this is when I got Overthink Podcast mad at me on her channel for dissecting materialist assumptions over this book

>> No.22798916

Very precariously and to a very minimum standard, sure.

God says our punishment is to toil. And for women their childbirth to painful.

>> No.22798937

Not literature. OP shows no indication of being familiar with its contents beyond the title tagline.

>> No.22798944

>Very precariously and to a very minimum standard
I dunno man, nobody I know is on that 60+ hour a week striver lifestyle and a lot of them own their homes, live comfortably, have a bit of savings. My wife and I try to work as little as possible and still manage to live pretty well. You just don't need to "grind" to have a good and fulfilling life.

>> No.22798950
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Get a better God.

>> No.22799401

The number one rule of investing is never to invest more than you're willing to lose. Also everyone knows crypto is less trustworthy and more of a gamble than a casino. Therefore, everyone enters crypto knowing full well they're likely to lose their money. If it's a moral thing, anon then should do a slow rug which us basically 98% of startups anyway. There is no morally sound society if there are no losers in business, for poverty drives genocide.

>> No.22799412

So, if a thread doesn't have a single comment pertaining to the actual contents of the book, can I make another one?
People are just complaining about their jobs, or getting really angry at other people for not enjoying their jobs, like it's a fucking bar debate.

>> No.22799934

Don't rationalize taking advantage of other's sin and weakness. I suspect a demon hovers by your shoulder to.

>> No.22801219

>Declares all forms of earning money cannot be taking advantage of others
>Realize regular jobs take advantage of common ppls labor and create a colonizing supply chain stealing the labor and resources from developing countries so they live in forever poverty so Americans can have $5 hot pockets
>Tfw the only moral job is becoming priest where you peer pressure desperate attendees to throw their hard earned cash into a tin so you can tell them how awful they are
What a sad life

>> No.22801228

I had a really stressful 80 hr per week striver job and I thought when I got my easy 5 hours of real work per week remote job, I would finally feel better, get healthy, sleep more, and just feel less burnt out but I don’t. I get less sleep than ever, I’m always tired, my health and fitness suck. Something just feels wrong all the time.

>> No.22801278

it's not up to me because i can't get hired.

>> No.22802157

What's wrong with you is that you keep punishing yourself, and making up grand reasons as to why you're not taking care of yourself. You're probably just addicted to the internet or something. It's very likely not something deep.

>> No.22802202

what a life

>> No.22802205


the way to success in a corporation is to make your boss look good, so that when he is promoted, you catch the move up

>> No.22802209

Yeah that's called daytrading, or just welfare by siphoning back the money the bureaucrats took from your account a year prior

>> No.22802749

Yeah, I get that. Corp life just ain't for me. Too much of a slow grind based on social metrics and pretending it's not.

>> No.22803077

Let me guess: The solution to this situation is his flavor of the month variety of socialism?

>> No.22803099

I don't think that has anything to do with your job Anon

>> No.22803286

>they come to embrace NIMBY, and chase money
Having been in one of the companies you mentioned, this might be the worst part.

>> No.22803304

NFT was the point where I realized I'll likely never get rich. I saw opportunity and opportunity to take my upper middle class savings and jump up to multi-millionaire, all I would have to do is scam a few people.

...I couldn't do it. The idea of hurting random people, even if they were too stupid to fall for it--especially if they were stupid enough to fall for it, felt too terrible, and I did not want to endanger my soul.

>> No.22804087

I just want to tell you all that I love you. This is a good thread and there are lot of genuine anons here. I don’t know if I have much to offer. I am working 2 remote jobs right now, totaling $300k annually. I still don’t work a full 8 hour day and I don’t feel fulfilled really. I am definitely suffering from adhd/depression/malaise but I think there is a broader social malaise that has caused things to become ver shallow. Maybe they’ve always been like this and I’m only feeling this now as a 31 year old. I think a lot of us lack something spiritual and our work isn’t tied to our true being. We chase surrogate rewards to borrow an idea from Ted. I’ll tell you that $300k annually sounds good in my head but I don’t materially feel better for it. I love you all.

>> No.22804343

Some retard probably complained they couldn't hear announcements over their headphones and the retards in charge said "well we'll just turn it way up" instead of telling that retard to take his headphones off

>> No.22804762

>using titles and summaries instead of just picking books to post based on cool cover art

>> No.22804785

>Byung-Chul Han
>Born is Seoul
>listed as a German author

>> No.22804791

How you gonna pay the property tax bro

>> No.22804803

That's hot. Want to be my slave? I'll give you cummies for good behavior

>> No.22804827

Do you exercise? Do you get out in nature? Do you have any healthy relationships with other people? I suspect if you survey the basics of life you may be able to find what you are lacking. If you are an extreme case, it may be a physiological problem needing medical intervention, but likely it's some aspect of your day to day life which could be corrected relatively simply. It could even be something as simple as too harsh of lighting in your home which is throwing off your innate sense of day/night cycle. Wishing you all the best, anon, there is always a way to improve things even in the darkest of times.

>> No.22805115

Reading stuff like this makes me want to kill myself
I failed at life

>> No.22805232

If you believe a 4chan post claiming to make 300k working from home for less than 8 hours a day, I don't know what to tell you
That said I regularly get baited into seething rages by obvious bait and this tendency seems to have physically aged me by literal years. I will forgo sleep, getting just 4 hours a night, spending the other half scrolling through garbage on this site
So I'm not really one to talk

>> No.22805248

Haven't read this one, but I can say Han is a good read. I appreciate how short his books are, too.

>> No.22805741

It's pretty good but also kind of obvious. Psychopolitics is better.

>> No.22805757

>helicopters. And explosives. Heavy industry. Aerospace, hypersonics. Semiconductors. Lasers. Submarines
None of this is much more interesting than an Excel spreadsheet to a sane person. In fact those things are kind of dreary and depressing to think about.

>> No.22805771

No, not at all. His solution (to the extent he has one) is increasing the value/desirability of leisure time.

>> No.22805805

Drop everything for a month. Can't? You're grinding. Honestly a year would be a better measure. Even if you financially could, you mentally might not and that's when the real existential break happens.

Before you reply, we both know what I described above exists en masse.

>> No.22805900

Oh no, that sucks! You mean to tell me that globohomo has failed to monopolize it's hegemony and influence over the world? Why, oh why can't the Russians, or the Chinese, or the countries of the Middle East, and the rest just accept our Godforsaken, nihilistic mind virus of a culture we tried to export to their societies so they too can give their identities away to the jew, worship niggers, have their children castrate themselves, and celebrate their own ethnic replacement in their own homelands? This truly is an affront to the freedom and democracy we hold so dear.

>> No.22805932

I come from a wealthy middle class family. I still live with my parents at 28, with my partner, 31. We live on a reasonably sized estate just outside of a prestigious university town in the uk. There's more than enough room for everyone and I basically want for nothing. My parents are happy for us to live together indefinitely. I'm currently doing an MLitt in philosophy, having studied studio fine art and art history previously. The town more than sufficiently provides me with all my social and intellectual needs. I've never had a real job, but I have a pretty good stack of trade and ICT skills with which I could get one that would satisfy me. If I wanted to pursue a career in the arts, it would mean moving to London, getting a job and sacrificing all the leisure time that I'm used to now and entering the grind. I'm very comfortable now, but yet I keep on top of challenging myself physically and creatively. What should I do /lit/? I have this burning desire to leave and make something for myself, but I'm concerned that I'll find the 'real' world too demoralising and that it will inevitably crush my spirit.

>> No.22806007

Ideal answer: yes, it's worth it to take a risk rather than not.
Real answer: no, you're kinda old for that.

>> No.22806039

>too old for that

>> No.22806045

28 is really too old? I can't tell if you're being serious! I'm handsome and young looking enough to get away with pretending to be a different age, if necessary. Honestly, I'm only just beginning to feel my capacity for agency as an adult. I'll concede to the rather embarrassing fact that i've had an absurdly extended adolescence, and that's evident on paper. But then I don't wish to pursue some kind of corporate career where that might be an issue. What would you do in my position, anon?

>> No.22806066

Are you closeted?

>> No.22806068

I am a homosexual yes. My parents have even offered to pay for a surrogate in the states to carry my child.

>> No.22806069

Fuck you

>> No.22806071

Is your partner the top or the bottom?

>> No.22806075

I'd rather not say, anon.

>> No.22806179

Dude get off the computer and get some exercise. Fix your gut.

>> No.22806186

people are paid accordingly to the surplus/shortage of labor there is and nothing else, there is no such thing as an absolute "economical value" tied to your own perception of "retardness" or "intelligence" as you claim.
The perception of a profession as "valuable" is the consequence of its salary, the opposite (the salary being a consequence of its """intrinsic""" value does not happen). Your humanities professor 70 years ago was much better paid than an electrician, because an university education in the humanities or else was much scarcer than it is today, so they were paid better, and eventually, as a consequence, much more respected.
>a surgeon should be paid more than a fast food retard
if the number of medical graduates increases a lot as it is starting to happen now in Europe, this surplus causes medical wages to decrease infinitely; in my europoor country a 30 years old specialist doctor only earns double the wage of the 18 years old "fast food retard" who did not go to college and started one month ago, and the difference keeps diminishing as they open more medical faculties, on the one hand, and raise the minimum wage meteorically on the other.

>> No.22806214

Moving to London to "make it" in the arts is the Brit version of moving to New York or LA. You don't need to do it. You probably shouldn't do it if you aren't already established as an artist in some way.

>> No.22806271

Yes it's totally isomorphic. I'm not at all established, yet I have a strong practice. The fact is though - as far as i'm aware - there's little point in pursuing art professionally unless you at least start out in London. Culturally, there's little in the way of a serious contemporary art scene outside of the city. I can afford to take the risk, which is why I'm considering it. The issue is whether the lifestyle it affords is worth the sacrifices - spiritual and material - necessary to pursue it: i.e. concerns of 'the grind'. Maybe you know some other way of going about it? Where else in the UK is it worth investing the time and energy in?

>> No.22806489
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I like this new class of tonedeaf wagies on 4chan. They oscillate between claiming life is better for everyone and that not everyone can live that life, simultaneously defending wageslavery as both emancipatory and exclusive

>> No.22806497

Whatever happened to the sweet NEET lifestyle? What the hell are you even doing on 4chan if you have a job!

>> No.22806510

Wagies are becoming more shrill from increasing precarity most likely, layoffs + inflation + higher interest rates means they are getting hammered particularly if they have a variable rate mortgage

>> No.22806512

>I'm not at all established, yet I have a strong practice
>Where else in the UK is it worth investing the time and energy in?
I don't know, I'm American. But in my experience, the people I know who have been successful pursuing art in New York either went to school there and were networking from day one, or just did art wherever they were until they had enough of a career that it would make sense for them to move there. It doesn't typically work for people who move there expecting magic to happen. I don't know what your artistic practice is, but try getting a gallery show somewhere if you're a visual artist, get some stuff published if you're a writer, do some short tours if you're a musician. There are more opportunities in the big arts hubs, but there are also tons of people fighting for them and people who aren't ready for it get eaten alive.

>> No.22806610

I'm browsing on company time

>> No.22806626

>If you believe a 4chan post claiming to make 300k working from home for less than 8 hours a day, I don't know what to tell you
Why not, techbro salaries are ridiculous

>> No.22806631

Oh yeah that's another bit of schizo rhetoric
>neets depend on wagies for everything
>i don't do anything though

>> No.22806657

welfare job

>> No.22807365

It's not that jobs like that don't exist - although they're rare - it's that anyone can make up whatever they want when they're posting anonymously.
Besides, tech in particular is going through a contraction at the moment

>> No.22807383

First time here?

>> No.22807400

/// He had the look of a man whose original rustic stolidity had been supercharged with cockney cunning /// Some of the clothes in the fashion show were too off the wall for the average customer /// The weather becomes more erratic, increasing the risk of summer droughts and harvest failures /// She had the calloused hands of someone who had always worked hard for a living /// I like to swirl in a pat or two of butter off heat to add sheen and give the sauce a velvety texture /// We refute this scurrilous allegation /// Criminy, what is this world coming to? /// We could hear the sergeant bellowing orders to his troops /// Just plunk your stuff down on any old desk /// He let out a holler as he fell /// The crates were unloaded onto the wharf /// Whence does Parliament derive this power? /// There was no warrant for such behavior /// Now the last of these three objectives was obviously a pipe dream /// Neath his calm surface there was seething anger /// From what I was able to glean, the news isn't good /// The drug has a litany of possible side effects /// They gobbled up all the sandwiches /// Legislators who enact an unconstitutional law, for example, would be rebuffed by a court through the exercise of judicial review /// The US Constitution confers certain powers on the president /// A yearning for life has turned into disenchantment and ennui /// He denies making off-color remarks about his colleagues /// I shall be back ere nightfall /// Let's not make such a rash judgment /// There was also a romantic subplot where Kimble has an affair with his dead wife’s sister while on the lam /// It's not sustained through genuine economic productivity but rather through shaking down the entire country for pennies to direct towards war /// The model is available as a three-door hatchback or coupe /// On sites where consumers tend to make nasty, unqualified remarks, negative reviews have more potential to hurt than help /// Calvin had prepared the way by having the city placarded with a blasphemous denunciation of the Blessed Eucharist /// The normally dour Mr. James was photographed smiling and joking with friends /// It's the kind of limited offering that fast-food restaurants often roll out in order to gin up sales /// For instance, the collection’s cotton moleskin chore jackets come equipped with removable buttons for easy laundering, a feature common to chef’s and butcher’s uniforms /// I'd like to travel around Europe this summer but Jacob is dead set on touring the U.S. ///

>> No.22808755

Oh yes it will crush you like a tin can. Your type is always the first to fold. Unless of course they have true skill but it's rare for someone like that to wait this long. Better to stay content as a big fish in a small pond.

>> No.22808782
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>> No.22808795

Not even a tech bro, they are both finance startups. We live in a very unique time where you can be anyone you want and work from home for companies half way around the world. Learn some skills, be bold, and reach out to people. It doesn’t require a genius to do this. Most people, including my dear 4channers, are so limited by what is “normal”. You can make money selling fucking farts for godsakes. You can turn your life around in an impressively fast time frame, just stop thinking the path is “normal” or linear.

>> No.22809289

it gets worse:

To be authentic means to be free of pre-formed expressive and behavioural patterns dictated from the outside. It prescribes that one must equal only oneself and define oneself only through oneself – indeed, that one must be the author and creator of oneself. The imperative of authenticity develops a self-directed compulsion, a compulsion to constantly question oneself, eavesdrop on oneself, stalk and besiege oneself. It thus intensifies narcissistic self-reference.
The compulsion to authenticity forces the I to produce itself. Authenticity is ultimately the self’s neoliberal form of production; it makes every person the producer of themselves. The I as its own entrepreneur produces itself, performs itself and offers itself as a commodity. Authenticity is a selling point.

Byung-Chul Han, The Expulsion of the Other – Society, Perception and Communication Today

>> No.22809295

Vivimos en un sociedad

>> No.22809335

People want to make money doing honest work in many cases. The kind of jobs you are talking about only contribute to the further hollowing-out of our economies. Finance startups? That stuff doesn't provide actual, tangible value. It only does so long as the masses don't come to their senses about what central banking and fractional reserve banking are all about. And as for manufacturing? Yeah, you can make a fortune flipping mass-produced shit from China, but at what cost. Sure, you get yours, and then you also get a nice sizable karmic debt to go with it for selling out your compatriots and feeding the beast.

>> No.22809362

Ha. Yes. I agree that I would likely get crushed. The issue is that so far I have been perfectly comfortable and have had zero need to strive for anything, aside for my own self gratification. There really isn't a pond at all. I suppose that what I'm seeking is some kind of pond, somewhere. Is it worth it, though? When most people seem to work their entire lives just to get something like what I already have.

>> No.22809429

>A Jewish volcano deity says our punishment is to toil

>> No.22809465

what skills tho

>> No.22809474

I really need to read everything this guy has put out

>> No.22809500

Digital communication as a new form of production rigorously abolishes all distance in order to become faster. Every protective distance is thus lost. In hypercommunication, everything is mixed with everything else. The boundaries between inside and outside become increasingly permeable. Today, we are completely deexternalized into a ‘pure surface’, exposed to the incoming rays of all ‘influent networks’.

This forced transparency eliminates every gap of vision and information, handing everything over to complete visibility. It causes all spaces of retreat and protection to disappear; thus everything moves threateningly close to us. There is nothing to shield us. We ourselves become no more than transits amid the global network. Transparency and hypercommunication deprive us of any protective inwardness. Indeed, we relinquish them voluntarily and expose ourselves to digital webs that penetrate, illuminate and perforate us. Digital over-exposure and nakedness create a latent fear that stems not from the negativity of the Other, but rather from the excess of positivity. The transparent hell of sameness is not devoid of fear; what is frightening is precisely the increasingly strong roaring of the Same.


>> No.22809507

top. got it. have a nice day.

>> No.22810043

Get your head out of your ass. You being a neet is absolutely contributing to nothing. Also, what is “honest” work? Spouting off buzzwords about “finance” isn’t helping your case.

You have the internet and chatgpt at your finger tips. You can learn what ever you want to a very high degree of proficiency. The specific skill is mostly irrelevant. Go find something that is interesting to you and map out the different skills it requires. I think finding something that you love doing is very important with the caveat that it should make you money. Atleast find it interesting enough to get good at.

>> No.22810148

You sound a little gaysexual.. not that that's wrong!!

>> No.22810155

What are you some kind of commie!

>> No.22811616

Ok and for those of us who don't care about joe rogan tier mechanical shit?

>> No.22813032


>> No.22814876

There's nothing I want to do.

>> No.22814902

>We live in a society
Right on, brother. Fuckin society bro, society this society that society should go fuck themselves, man. Fucking society, man.

>> No.22814916

Whitout losers there wouldn't be winners anon

>> No.22814957


>> No.22816427

SOCIETY gave me autism, read this book.

>> No.22817413

Yeah... I like this thread so I'm gonna keep it alive basically

Last page notification switch: ON

>> No.22817554

People should be forced to live close to the land and provide themselves with what they need rather than crunch code for an imaginary net benefit to "society".

>> No.22817572


>> No.22818414
File: 636 KB, 824x1424, schermata-2020-04-19-alle-09.24.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. The technological extensions of man have changed him. We are a different organism when connected at light speed, yet technology is still thought of as merely tools. No, we are in fact cybernetic beings who have offloaded our mental, social, and labor capabilities to centralized, unaccountable black boxes.

>> No.22818430

Just don't use social media you dumb zoomer cunt

>> No.22818435

>we are in fact [...] beings who have offloaded our mental, social, and labor capabilities to centralized, unaccountable black boxes
As aways, since the beginning of time. Such is the plight of Man

>> No.22820048


>> No.22821488

Society reaps the benefits of those who burn out
Uses them up and spits them out

>> No.22821509

physically toiling in the fields is very different from psychologically toiling in digital society.