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22770395 No.22770395 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that explain why the modern left literally worships corporations and why corporations support strange causes such as children being given puberty blockers and biological men being allowed to play in women’s sports?

>> No.22770401


>> No.22770407

they don't, liberal progressives arent leftists, rid your mind of culture war mind rot, go talk to an actual communist, and touch grass

>> No.22770412

Who‘s an edgy boy

>> No.22770417
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>my arbitrary definition is more important than the reality of the situation

>> No.22770426
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>my interpretation is reality

>> No.22770430

Neolibs who adore capital through their actions are no more socialists than the average neocon who dislikes seeing his country destroyed is a fascist

>> No.22770432
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>> No.22770438

>called left wing everywhere except in niche loser tankie internet forums

>> No.22770449

Sure, if by "everywhere" you mean "on media by Americans whose idea of "the left" is having a government that does literally anything productive besides fund an army, i.e. drifting vaguely more pro-government than Reagan"

>> No.22770463

You buying into a cult of personality doesn't make it true, Trumpette

>> No.22770468

Are you retarded? America’s been a communist shithole since FDR became president.

>> No.22770475

you are a retarded pleb whose conception of reality has been completely manufactured and curated by an artificial culture war. you confuse centrist pro-corporate, pro-private property fag enabling corporations as leftists. you are illiterate and deserve to be treated as such

>> No.22770481
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Seething. He will be President in 2024 and there’s nothing you can do to stop him.

>> No.22770495
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>> No.22770496
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>> No.22770510
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go back to your containment board you retarded faggot
>another alt-right chud fell for the neo-liberal international capitalism = communism meme
how the fuck have so many terminally online retards fallen for this misunderstanding of reality.

>> No.22770519

>my favorite pro-israel shabboy goy will be president again after 2024
/pol/tards deserve work camps

>> No.22770521

Seethe and cope tranny

>> No.22770536

Of course no one will actually recommend books and this will be another thinly veiled /lit/-/pol/ thread but

The way I see it, is there’s in fact a deliberate obfuscation of “leftism” and “rightism” going on nowadays, with the cultures of the U.S. and U.K. as the primary exporters of this deranged “culture war.” The U.S., for instance, is economically rather “far-right” in many ways — favoring privatization of what could be public resources, like extremely pricey higher education that saddles students with literally unforgivable debt they can’t declare bankruptcy on according to law, and extremely overpriced health care that sends people into bankruptcy for having life-threatening illnesses or injuries.

Another example: it actually used to be a Democrat talking-point in the U.S. (and I’m not talking about way back when Dems supported slavery in the Civil War but in the mid-to-late 20th-century) to restrict immigration, as it clearly inflates the supply of labor and depresses wages, hence being good for big business interests. This somehow got a switcheroo.

Anyway, the hot-button culture war and social-justice issues seems pushed as a sick psy-op on the population to make them believe various politicians and corporations who speak on one side or the other of such issues really SUPPORT and GET THEM personally, really care about them, while solely the other side is the unique and greatest threat to their liberties (“Dems are gonna do a Marxist takeover!” “Republicans are gonna do a fascist takeover and LITERALLY genocide queer vibrant diverse plus-size BIPOC transfolx!”. Blacks and social-justice types seeing BLM supported by politicians, on Twitter, by CNN, Nickelodeon etc. in the wake of Floyd’s death or conservative-types seeing the new “based” thing Musk or Trump said, or in its day QAnon, basically these are the equivalent of being in one of the pods in the Matrix and having an artificial reality pumped into one’s head while one’s soul-energy is sucked out for a greater force’s nutrition. The System does this same crap of inserting its etheric tentacles into you through screens and the glow of your smartphone to make you think that THESE (XYZ) are the real serious issues, while, likely, more serious stuff goes on elsewhere which you’re mostly too bored and impatient to learn in serious depth about (the mechanics of how you and everyone else are gradually being enslaved). The Game is also heavily involved in getting you yourself to discredit, disable, disempower and neuter yourself of your own freewill — addiction to the screens and smartphones they give you, the deliberately toxic food and drink that the corrupt FDA, a willing victim of regulatory capture by corporations, lets onto the market, drug and alcohol abuse, including prescribed pharmaceuticals, etc.

>> No.22770544

What's the sauce on the OP pic? Is this real?

>> No.22770551

nvm I found it

>> No.22770557

They deserve death, not gulags. They're somehow worse than progressives

>> No.22770577

Is it fair to say leftists have some strange, compartmentalised notion of who "the rich" are? They see the rich in their heads as like royalty, and villains from 80's movies, so progressive presenting corporations kind of throw them off their guard, because that isn't what "the rich" is supposed to look like.

>uh, achchually, those aren't real leftists, those are neo-
Shut up. I don't care.

>> No.22770581
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I'm having a kid and despise trannies. In my experience, its your ilk who are projecting your tranny obsession onto others. Do everyone a favor and transition already, that way you will be one step closer to killing yourself.

>> No.22770587

>Any books that explain why the modern left literally worships corporations
Don't need to read the rest of your weirdo political grandstanding but you already know the answer anyway.
Money, lobbying, dinners.
Same shit it always is.

Now, any discussion about books coming out here? That's not even a real recommendation request. You're essentially asking for a self published scam audible audiobook written by a slave or the dregs of zlib that flood the new releases page with no downloads.

>> No.22770607

Congrats to your wife and his bull on their baby

>> No.22770625

And, of course, getting you to “lose your balance” about certain events and issues, waste your own life-energy debating such issues seriously with retards on the Internet as if it made a difference, and falling for pseudo-“revelations”, limited hangouts, disinformation and misinformation which can then be easily “debunked” to make others point, laugh, and go, “See??? See how stupid these people are???? A Politico FactCheck(TM) told me what the dumb Trumpie boomers and /pol/-chuds believe and are spreading among themselves on Facebook and Twitter now!!!”

What’s the end result? Probably thermonuclear armageddon initiated with some trifecta of the Russia/Ukraine conflict, China/Taiwan/South China Sea & U.S. conflict, and Israel/Iran/secondarily Lebanon or Hezbollah/Syria and Gaza of course (or the anti-Israel nations of the Middle East in general, to put it more briefly) with the U.S. of course on Israel’s side, to further reduce world population for Malthusian ends, enrich weapons manufacturers, justify greater weapons development, even perhaps enrich the corporations that will help rebuild the wasteland left by WW3, including strategic oil and natural gas reserves and lithium reserves for microprocessors we use in our computers. Maybe more global bio-warfare, or the mRNA injections’ effects popping up en masse over a few years (Event 201, the SPARS scenario, Operation Lockstep, etc. — if you know, you know). Technology merging even more directly with humans (Musk’s NeuraLink, wearable or implantable smart-tech, Schwab’s/the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution, etc.). AI putting both unskilled and even more skilled laborers (like the code-monkeys/some programmers, ironically) into unemployment, which is a further justification of Malthusian depopulation agenda (so many useless eaters who can’t contribute to the world economy and only take up limited resources like fossil fuels after AI puts them out of a job = why let them live?). The possible abuses of AI that could be done by private citizens as well as rogue nation-states and terrorist groups (already being fearmongered in MSM with “the risks of AI”) could also be used to justify further crackdowns on the Internet and the technology, reserving it only for an elite. More “far-right domestic terror attacks” or protests and riots (whether actually so or only dubiously so-called, and whether real or false-flags/provoked/staged/infiltrated) to ramp up the PATRIOT-Act-type measures and hate speech laws or measures in the U.S., Europe, and English-speaking nations like Australia and New Zealand. Not necessarily all in that order or all doomed to happen exactly as stated.

Meanwhile a “color revolution” has already been going on and will continue in the Western nations, both to play into this agenda and in many ways to distract from it.

Maybe you should read William Cooper, even though he died before he could fully see everything that was going on.

>> No.22770642

>with the cultures of the U.S. and U.K. as the primary exporters of this deranged “culture war.”
desu with you friend:
It's kind of offensive for you to say U.K. Even putting it in as Great Britain doesn't work.
Could you narrow it down to England or more appropriately, the red wall and everything South of Sheffield where they can get hyped up on this culture war you speak of.
I get what you're saying, I get where you're coming from and it kind of seems like you'd want to say the United Kingdom in your example but really, even the south east of Wales struggles to give a fuck and get wrapped up in this.

Not trying to drag your post down or anything, not to insult you or start a bullshit argument. Just saying the United Kingdom & Great Britain are made up of many different parts and it's England that's divided on this one along with a few local schizos.

>> No.22770699

You guys always get this wrong. It is corporations that worship leftists.

>> No.22770713

Hey, dumdum, do you think they don't steer corporations through social value? Invariably making corporations a communal proxy.

>> No.22770729

Marketing's not the same as worshipping

>> No.22770744

Let me elaborate for you.
Corporations have made a bet on the future. Through all their magical expensive calculations they've made with top analysts and heckin FACTS AND STATISTICS (which neocons and fags like Ben Shapiro worship) they have deduced that your views are on The Wrong Side Of HistoryTM and have sold you out (as if they ever cared about you lmao). And really, it was obvious. Look at how many of you whine all day about being incels. Maybe if you had kids your fav corporations would make an ad with square jawed German guys in a field in lederhosen with trad wives and then you'd be temporarily happy for 5 seconds immediately followed by you wondering for the millionth time this year why you can't get laid.
And I say this as someone who despises leftist values. I do, however, agree with a lot of their economic ideas and anti-corporatism.
Tl;dr right wing people and ideas are dying out and corps want to cash in on a whole generation growing up with pride flag merch that will have positive associations with companies like Nike for doing this.
Tl;dr tl;dr - corps hate you and would rather stick a pride flag on their product than actually pay good wages to whites sovereign citizens (the former takes the heat off the latter)

>> No.22770778

Yep, you’re right, my apologies. It’s England. Don’t want to drag the lovely people of Ireland and Scotland and other parts of the U.K. into this, who are in fact generally much more down-to-earth about this type of stuff and aren’t involved in it.

>> No.22770825

Also keep in mind criticism of a government or even of the royalty/financial elite/intelligence agencies/military of a nation isn’t always the same as criticism of its populace (although sometimes it has to at least partially include that, due to the populace being supportive of such behavior, blindly apathetic to it, or even disbelieving in it when it’s pointed out, their own abusive mindsets and lazy apathetic ignorance hence contributing to the corruption). The U.K. is one of the premier bunch of nations in the West in passing and enforcing hate speech laws of what can and can’t be said online and on social media, down to police being sent to houses and arrests made over social media posts, and not even explicitly violent ones, just offensive ones. You’re right this is especially in England and Wales, but they’re now trying to cram it through other parts of the UK, too, like Ireland with the recent protests over the migrant stabbing of the 3 children in Dublin, and in Scotland.

However, I get the touchiness, in the same way that when some foreigners talk about “how bloody corrupt and stupid the United States is” (about health care, higher education, etc.), they assume we personally can do a thing about it.

A bunch of sleazy Masonic pedophiles deeply embedded in the American elite and intelligence agencies, Anglo royalty, elite, & MI6, Israeli Mossad and government, and simply cosmopolitan (typically Euro-American) international financiers in general (think Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Soros), with tentacles spread through the Round Table Group/CFR/Trilateral Commission/Bilderbergers etc. and throughout every nation in the world they can get the it slimy tentacles into. Don’t forget the ADL there to call this “antisemitic.”

>> No.22770856

>they assume we personally can do a thing about it.
Isn't the reason given for gun ownership in your constitution the ability to fight back against tyranny? All those guns laying around uselessly, sad!

>> No.22770870
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We are too well fed.

>> No.22770879

Ok mr communist. Do you support trans rights?

>> No.22770884

Nope, trannies are proto-trans human, big pharma guinea pigs. they are unwitting agent vectors to further divide american society

>> No.22770891
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>> No.22770893

>Etzione, Communitarian Law

>a Democrat talking-point ... to restrict immigration [to protect labor market]

Stalin ordered CCP USA to infiltrate the Dems mid WW2. POTUS was funded by confirmed Soviet assets Armand Hammer (CCP USA founder's son) & Leo Slizard (literal friend of Lenin). Things are considerably worse than immediately apparent, and Lenin bust rocking Kissinger acolytes like Schwab at WEF aren't 'globalists', they're down with the old ComIntern cause, and nothing will improve until there are Nuremberg Trials for the past hundred years of ongoing extrajudicial murder and slavery by Moscow & Beijing. The aims of Agenda 20XYZ and UN Smart City habitats will make Onions Green and Brave New World look tame, and will be because their strategists consciously undertook to "remove the image of the enemy."

>“Our major secret weapon is to deprive you of an enemy.” Georgi Arbatov

>> No.22770904

>I'm having a kid
Genuinely just curious. Are you going to home school? I think it'd be hard as fuck to raise a kid in this climate. Nevermind that, even finding a wife that isn't left is just as hard.

>> No.22770987

We want to but I'm also personally open to finding a good private/alternative school as well, and even at that I hope to heavily involve myself in education influence and interest direction. My career path might also go international if I choose to, so that'll open a lot of interesting opportunities for the kiddos education growing up.

>> No.22771009

If you go international, can I call you Mr Worldwide?

>> No.22771015

>the kiddos
the heckin kiddos! updooted! XD

>> No.22771020

Does that mean that title is reserved for your wife, big sexy?

>> No.22771024
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>> No.22772150


>> No.22772159

Do you want a 350 page book that just says "more money" over and over? What exactly do you need to figure out?

>> No.22772187
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>They see the rich in their heads as like royalty, and villains from 80's movies, so progressive presenting corporations kind of throw them off their guard, because that isn't what "the rich" is supposed to look like.
Well the rich got smarter and evolved. The old-style stereotype of a capitalist (from Karl Marx's day) would probably look something like this... speaking of villains from 80s movies. He's evil, doesn't care about the workers, funds fascist strikebreaking bands to bust up unions, and is just a real villain. Of course you'd be a Bolshie if this was your boss.

But it was the boomers really who gave us Bill Gates who was a bit of a hippie who got arrested one time and smoked weed, is more "progressive" and cares about the environment. This is actually better for capitalism I think because it means it's working well to be somewhat progressive and moreover acceptable to much of the population, because anything else would be so far out to left field that it would be crazy. It's evolution. It's better than the Penguin capitalist who dumps poison in the water.

Then the bullshitting faggot anon brought up Elon Musk, who's a new generation. I'd call him something like a "people's capitalist." He's somewhat of a synthesis of the two, but also something else entirely. He doesn't wear suits and he has tried to fashion a populist image (he once called himself a socialist but I think that's just because he likes Iain Banks novels) while appearing to me to be a pretty cutthroat libertarian in his real beliefs.

>> No.22772210

What no one has ever shown is one single policy document that spells this out, not one, which is strange to say the least. Moreover, such a strategy would likely need or at least have a philosophical underpinning, not a pseudo philosophical underpinning, e.g. Deconstructionism, but a real one, of the analytical kind, which is what?

>> No.22772235

These "people" worship American corporations.
I think Ted K's work is decent on the psychology of Leftists.

>> No.22772261
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>explain why the left literally worships corporations
is that a typo

>> No.22772281

People getting sick of reductive room temp iq takes which have been old news forever doesn‘t make you so profoundly right that they must fit into your wrongthink categories.

>> No.22772320

>Socialism can only be what Marx said

>> No.22772371

>biological men being allowed to play in women’s sports?
Equality. Biological women are also allowed to play in mens sports.

>> No.22772933
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>"They're not leftists because they dont openly support communism or something. We just agree on 95% of things "

>> No.22772990

Leftism has nothing to do with communism lol. Leftists represent the left wing of capital just as much as the liberal progressives. (if you insist on making the distinction between the two) Tbh most people and orgs calling themselves communist, socialist or marxist are part of the left-wing of capital as well

>> No.22773063
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>Leftism has nothing to do with communism lol.
I think that's just being a pedantic nerd since 99% of people are going to see it as a far-left ideology.

But from what I've read, the old-school doctrinaire communists tended to use "left" and "right" to describe tendencies that can exist in different things including their own movement, like Trotsky's left-opposition against the party's "right" as represented by Bukharin, while a "centrist" like Stalin would be trying to find the correct position through the oscillation of opposites. It's also noteworthy I think that Lenin used the term "ultra-left" for socialists who he thought were too dogmatic.

Incidentally, the Chinese term "baizuo" spread around awhile ago, which means "white left." But I learned the color means White as in "White Army." There's another term "baiyou" for "white right," which would be like the Republican Party. In fact, the White Army in its own day had some non-Bolshevik socialists in their ranks like the SRs.

On the other hand, I've seen CCP types use "left" "or "revolutionary left" in a positive way, but basically meaning "center" between the pro-Mao but anti-Deng "ultra-left," the anti-Mao but pro-Deng "right," and the anti-Mao and anti-Deng ultra-right (and you better believe that's bad). The more you know.

>> No.22773188

>I think
You don't, though

>> No.22773211

Do you think capitalism is leftism or not?

>> No.22773980

I mean OP said ‘the modern left,’ not ‘far-left ideologies.’ Hardliner Marxism-Leninism doesn’t exist in the modern left.
Interesting post though. Where are you interacting with Chinese political discussion?

>> No.22775456

Can you give me any examples of leftists supporting corporations? As far as I’m aware, corporations are adopting a progressive facade but that doesn’t necessarily mean their products are reaching the intended demographic. I think “go woke, go broke” still holds

>> No.22776058
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>I mean OP said ‘the modern left,’ not ‘far-left ideologies.’ Hardliner Marxism-Leninism doesn’t exist in the modern left.
Oh right. Yeah. Well, it had a mixed legacy positive and negative. But my take on these things is that corporations will prefer to be somewhat woke if you like, or somewhat progressive, because that's a positive and "nice" image compared to being brutal and exploiting people or something like that. You could say they are still exploiting people, but capitalism when it works well will try to use direct force to compel people as little as possible. Another anon pointed out that this isn't what leftists think capitalists are supposed to be like, instead of the warmongering fascist types, but that's like an extreme last resort according to that old hardline Marxist-Leninist theory. Normally they're going to be more woke in some way.

The violence of the system is mediated more through the economy and is more abstract, so you're compelled for example by the threat of homelessness and the threat of men with guns called police physically chucking you out of your apartment to die on the street is a last resort. Related to this is the state planting agents to provoke opponents to carry out acts of spontaneous violence, terrorism, etc. as a way of discrediting them and creating a casus belli to crack down, since the capitalist state prefers its opponents to wear the black hat while it wears the "progressive" white hat.

Musk too is rather smart about this because he's a Henry Ford-style industrialist and a union buster but he has a fan base of people who believe he's fighting big corporations. He dresses like an ordinary guy and tweets whatever unfiltered stuff is on his mind after booty-blasting a crushed up pill that morning. I think people like him are the next stage and he is, essentially, a monopolist who wants to create an "everything" app which he controls and then vertically integrated into physical layers like Starlink satellites.

>Interesting post though. Where are you interacting with Chinese political discussion?

Also a more formal take on the "ultra-left" "left," "right," "ultra-right" stuff in relation to their own history:

>> No.22776064
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