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22759301 No.22759301 [Reply] [Original]

How to get into reading philosophy?

>> No.22759308

Read Jean Guitton's "Le travail intellectuel" first

>> No.22759310
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Plato's Republic is a fun place to start

>> No.22759318

Step one is usually to fail at everything else in life.

>> No.22759322

this, philosophy is for the bungled and the botched

>> No.22759341
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Stumble on a book once while browsing any library and start reading it

>> No.22759366


The best introduction to philosophy is probably Josteen Gardner’s "Sofie’s World," which is a good young adult novel which guides the reader through the history of Philosophy. It’s based off of Bertrand Russel’s "History of Philosophy," which you could read if you don’t want to put up with the narrative.

After the intro with Sofie’s World, you could read Frederick Copplestone’s "History of Philosophy", which is an in-depth study of the topic. I find it to be a useful reference.

In terms of reading philosophy, I would read actually start by reading the Aristotelian Corpus. Aristotle is the first philosopher who explains his worldview in a systematic way. Start with Categories and read through all of the corpus with the exception of the biological works. If you haven’t killed yourself at that point, read through the platonic corpus and therafter.

The reading order I recomend: Aristotle > Plato > Seneca/Marcus Aurelius/Epictetus > Plotinus > Boethius > Anselm > Descartes > Locke > Berkley > Leibniz > Hume > Kant > Fichte > Schelling > Hegel > Kierkegaard > Schopenhauer > Nietszche > Husserl > Heidegger

This should take about ~3-6 years. Complete this and you’ll be smarter than 90-95% of people with a doctorate.

>> No.22759374


>> No.22759456
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>> No.22759547

plato and aristotle. Then onto Stoics then other ancients then to the Medieval. Stop at the 16th century

>> No.22759577

you read a couple of the classics, realize it's all useless drivel, then never look back

>> No.22759629

take a look at Plato

>> No.22759772
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Step one is not to read, but to start thinking.

>> No.22760238
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The bible

>> No.22760475


>> No.22760487

Go to /t/ and find a torrent on philosophy books.
Or pirate a university's into to phil textbook, and read through it, and write down names or ideas that you found interesting, as you read. Then expand into those areas.

>> No.22760528
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God bless you anon

>> No.22760591


>> No.22760600

One thing that's important to also remember, the further back you go in time, the more you'd also want to read up on their general culture/history of the area, if you can't find out more about the individual.
There's lots of times where you'll gain a bunch of context, from knowing what's either happening in the person's life or from the general culture of the time. Though there's some writing, that's pretty strange, and you'll wonder if they were on drugs or drunk.

>> No.22760742

>This should take about ~3-6 years. Complete this and you’ll be smarter than 90-95% of people with a doctorate.
How exactly? Didn't they read it too?

>> No.22761322

Start with Aristotle

>On Interpretation
>Prior Analytics
>Posterior Analytics
>Sophistical Refutations
>Nicomachean Ethics
>On the Soul
>On Memory

Then read Aquinas

>Summa treatise on God I QQ 1-26 (metaphysics)
>Summa treatise on man I QQ 75-102 (epistemology)
>Summa treatise on law I-II QQ 90-108 (ethics)

That’s it. Everybody who wrote before Aquinas is noted and referenced by Aquinas. Everybody after Aquinas is either wrong or redundant. He’s right about things in the same way Euclid is right about things.

>> No.22761383

Considering anon suggested the most basic of philosophers that everyone would know? Of course they read them, anon just thinks that he's smarter than everyone.

>> No.22761386

>The Blessed in the Kingdom of Heaven Will See the Punishments of the Damned So That Their Bliss May Be More Delightful to Them
based sadist enjoyer

>> No.22761389

Sounds like one of those anons who posts Answers In Genesis as scientific based research.

>> No.22761439

The blessed will delight in the punishment of injustice not qua the suffering of the punished but qua the justice being meted out. As will the punished, in a certain sense

>> No.22761444

You’re comparing the work of Aristotle and Aquinas to Biblical literalist retards? Do you know who Aquinas is?

>> No.22761512

the quote doesn't say justice, your headcanon apologetics for the sadist are pretty funny tho

>> No.22761520
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Jesus looked like this btw.

>> No.22761676

They’re damned because of their unjust actions. Come on man

>> No.22761693

complete nonsense, but even if that was the case it is still sadism

>> No.22761696

Not true, He had a short sides long top haircut just like Billy Graham. He also used grape juice at the Last Supper. Look it up

>> No.22761761

I second starting with Sofie's World. Plato is also a good place to start. However, I don't think there's a good starting point with philosophy, just pick up any book that seems interesting to you.

>> No.22763232
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justice is not sadism retard
you are mistaking justice for sadism this is nonsense argument you are clearly an atheist that hates Christians for whatever reason

>> No.22763470
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>Aristotle > Plato
Why do you prefer Aristotle more than Plato

>> No.22763601

>getting pleasure from other people's suffering is justice
sadistic faggot

>> No.22763605

Not the Bible. I challenge anyone to name a single original philosophical insight in that paperweight.

>> No.22763635

You are wilfulling misunderstanding the anon who is replying to you. I hope you rejoice and feel pleasure when you see justice done, otherwise I would hate to live in the same political community as you.

>> No.22763665
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only justice will bring peace

>> No.22763773

fucking retard

>> No.22763867

So how do I start? Is Plato a good starter?

>> No.22763964
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yes, Plato is a good starter
take a look at him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDiyQub6vpw

Plato: A Very Short Introduction by Julia Annas.

>> No.22764344

you're the retard that is okay with sadism, get your headcanon straight, dumb cunt
you start with Plato if you want to die

>> No.22764380

Yes, I know who Saint Thomas Aquinas is. I've read SCG. I find it completely reductive of you, to say that everyone after him is wrong or redundant. Especially when Aquinas could be described as wrong or redundant, when compared to Aristotle.

>> No.22764382

no he didn't. you can spend 500k posts arguing about it. start with the moderns

>> No.22765040

What if I want to live but my life is a disaster?

>> No.22765159

Will reading a "history of" be like a spoiler to reading direct sources?
Or should it just come first just as a primer?

>> No.22765229
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What can you say about Bertrand Russell "History of Western Philosophy"?

I half way in, just finished catholic part. First my book of such kind, never had interest in philosophy before, but I liked it.

Only thing I'd disliked for now - is the statement "nothing of importance to the world came out of Constantinople except an artistic tradition and Justininian's Codes of Roman Law" before catholic part. Sound like typical view from wester historian with classical education in 19-20 century. Complete neglation of matter (and where thy spirit of science?). At least Russell did not said anything like "vile despotia with orthodox obscurantism" - becase shitshow of powerstuggle, corrupt popes and catholic theology that he discribed later seems no different desu.

>> No.22765261

I don't read it, I watch it, and not pop stuff but recorded lectures from professors. Michael Sugrue is really good. Try it, it's a lot more interesting for me.

>> No.22765384

There is only one philosopher you should read about.


>> No.22765401

It´s really good even though he is unfair to some other writers like Nietzsche or Schopenhauer, but overal a good introduction to the subject.

>> No.22765555

This is a good suggestion. Russell's history is also really good, he is opinionated, but fair, and it's written in a non condescending way for a general reader. You should read it anyway.

>> No.22766660

Plato is good

>> No.22766799
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pretty good but not perfect, i like Hegel and Plato stuff more

Bertrand Russell is OK

>> No.22766804
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I'm really struggling with an overwhelming sense of Catholic guilt- I know it in general comes w/ being raised in the Church.
But I'm basically in a manic state over this, my soul, salvation and my relationship with Christ. Is there a good read to help me weather this? Fucking calm me down?

>> No.22766991

This is required reading before starting any of the western canon from the Enlightenment onward. The Bible is still the lenses in which we view the world today, even though that lenses is now inverted.

Other comfy reading after you finish: Augustine's City of God, Dante's Divine Comedy, Milton's Paradise Lost. So much of the view of Christianity and modernity was molded by those books and people have no idea.

>> No.22766997

I keep hearing how the bible and all these other works influence our modern world so much and nobody ever gives examples.

>> No.22767015

the book of job is a good starter

>> No.22767021

I asked for specific examples of modern society being influenced by the bible.

>> No.22767022
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the bible's stories can dig deep into human philosophy especially the story of Joseph and Job and Jesus you will learn a lot of things and understand the nature of humans and God...

you will learn that God's ways are far beyond our understanding, and he always work for the greater Good.

>> No.22767033
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To argue that the Bible is not relevant to a European or American society is a means to an end

>> No.22767291

>you will learn a lot
>you will learn that it is beyond your understanding

>> No.22767916

and ways of dealing with it. book of job for instance is a valuable lesson. atheists shit on it with their quips and smarm but they take zero time to try and understand. suffering exists whether you are sinful or innocent and sometimes the words of even your family members can do more harm than good. you don't know or understand the reason more than anyone else would, but with trust in god, you can have a source of strength to get through it.

>> No.22769113


>> No.22769117

>Complete this and you’ll be smarter than 90-95% of people

And how does that free you from suffering?

>> No.22769126

Did you recently stop believing? Because for me it was just time that eased my worries and cleared my head.