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/lit/ - Literature

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22740608 No.22740608 [Reply] [Original]

Go on. I'll wait.

>> No.22740612

Pigtails make me rock hard. Grab onto them like handlebars and just go to town.

>> No.22740620
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>> No.22740624

When school was dismissed Anne marched out with her red head held high. Gilbert Blythe tried to intercept her at the porch door. "I'm awfully sorry I made fun of your hair, Anne," he whispered contritely. "Honest I am. Don't be mad for keeps, now." Anne swept by disdainfully, without look or sign of hearing. "Oh how could you, Anne?" breathed Diana as they went down the road half reproachfully, half admiringly. Diana felt that SHE could never have resisted Gilbert's plea.

"I shall never forgive Gilbert Blythe," said Anne firmly. "And Mr. Phillips spelled my name without an e, too. The iron has entered into my soul, Diana."

Diana hadn't the least idea what Anne meant but she understood it was something terrible.

>> No.22740644
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Heidi is better

>> No.22740842
File: 160 KB, 1024x1024, _73e2890a-841a-40e4-af31-51de2809f360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your "green gables."

>> No.22740912

nonce thread

>> No.22741080

Jesus Christ

>> No.22741185 [DELETED] 

The Count in The Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.22741186


>> No.22741351

Please tell me this is male –

>> No.22741393
File: 303 KB, 1156x1127, Alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty good. Not sure she's more loveable than <pic attached>, but she's pretty good.

>> No.22741415
File: 79 KB, 600x280, Goodreads #21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to find this Goodreads reviewer and challenge him to a duel.

Her melodramatic cris de coeur are great.

The girl let the braid drop back with a sigh that seemed to come from her very toes and to exhale forth all the sorrows of the ages.

“Yes, it’s red,” she said resignedly. “Now you see why I can’t be perfectly happy. Nobody could who has red hair. I don’t mind the other things so much — the freckles and the green eyes and my skinniness. I can imagine them away. I can imagine that I have a beautiful rose-leaf complexion and lovely starry violet eyes. But I cannot imagine that red hair away. I do my best. I think to myself, ‘Now my hair is a glorious black, black as the raven’s wing.’ But all the time I know it is just plain red and it breaks my heart. It will be my lifelong sorrow.”

Go Anne!

>> No.22741435

>You need to find this Goodreads reviewer and challenge him to a duel.
That reviewer sounds like a real Josie Pye. Fuck him.

>> No.22741647

I don't know about more love-able, but there are competitors.

>pretty much any of the women in Little Women
>Luna Lovegood; Harry Potter
>Ms. Whateverhernamewas (the elder sister); Sense and Sensibility
>Mrs. Brown; Christmas at Thompson Hall

I'm having a more difficult time thinking of competition for her than expected.

>> No.22741702

Good list anon. Anne is just so delightful. Not disagreeable but committed to her values at all costs. Not a caricature of goodness but the best of us nonetheless. Ironically L.M Montgomery lead a mundanely tragic life of endless suffering ultimately leading to her (old age) suicide. She would have fit right in on 4chan.

>> No.22742538

>Anne of Ingleside
>They passed an old deserted house with sad and broken windows that had once danced with light. "Just like my life," thought Anne.
Maud's own feelings occasionally made it into her works.

>> No.22742546

Too old!

>> No.22742571
File: 38 KB, 280x450, 9780451530271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy peasy

>> No.22743513


>> No.22743518

Pippi Langstrumpf