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22720432 No.22720432 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, over the past five years or so I've noticed public libraries here all having these peculiar anti-racist books on display. There's often a direct stand right by the entrance, or if not, they're at the end of the aisle on display.

Curious, I picked up a few this week and gave them a read. They were pretty boring and repetitive so I found myself skimming a lot of them, but here's what I found.

They seem to all follow an auto-biography type structure, starting with early childhood and working their way incrementally through to adulthood, then the final chapters are dedicated to tying the whole thing together with a commentary on race. The books are just collections of anecdotes of racist moments black people experienced at the hands of white people, just one after the other. It reminded me of reading the old testament, where you'd just have what the Israelites did to anger god this day, immediately followed up by what they did the next day. Your eyes start to lose focus and you can't really care, you find yourself skimming a lot of it because it's just anecdotes strung together without any meat.

I don't think I've ever read books as hopeless and cynical as these. You get a morbid sense that there's no hope for racial conciliation or an end to this conflict, being colorblind is rebuffed as much as overt racism, any effort on the part of white people is torn apart with unempathetic viciousness. Everything is machivallian along racial lines to the upmost extremity. There's nothing but focus on power, social power, economic power, cultural power. The cry doesn't seem to be for racial conciliation and equality, it's all portaying a world where everything is a zero sum gain and they want more black cultural expression and black leadership positions. Everything comes down to power, all the focus on race relations comes down to who is in leadership and who isn't. A white person cannot read these books without going away with a heightened sense of racial identity, I don't think it's possible.

Also a little funny thing I've noticed, from the ones written by black male authors, is how chuddy the author obviously is and how it's clearly been rewritten to add shit in that doesn't fit. The black author in question will write the most passionate shit about loving his race and family, something I can strongly relate to as a white person with my own family. Then in the most sterile corporate speak sort of halfheartedly go on about how gay men have it hard too under this system of white supremacy. It's a hilarious little jarring contrast.

I'm pretty chuffed at this shit being so out in the open, hoping it will raise white racial identity. But I can't work out why the ruling system would promote texts so dark, so morbid, so cynical, texts destined to heighten racial tension more than anything else. Were these books just never meant to be read or something?

>> No.22720471

I wish people on this board read and talked about actual literature with the level of analytical insight and critical distillation that this diligent chud expends on woke trash.

>> No.22720560
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Also there's a repeating pattern of the parents being upper class and diligent, wanting the best for their kids and trying to put them into a white school for that reason. And the black children feeling out of place in the white community, feeling out of place in the black community, and then going on to obsess over race and constantly seethe at white people. Something you sort of notice with second generation migrants where they start waffling on how the country is a shithole (but will conspicuously never move back to India or wherever). It's too clear a pattern to be a coincidence.

Most people, especially with "White Fragility", say with smugness that it's a Kafka Trap and hypocritical. Conservatives rhetorically can be dumb as shit like that, thinking that going "well they're the real racists :))" changes anything. As if pointing out the logical inconsistency is supposed to prove a point. It really isn't, because these books aren't focused on debate or argument. If you read them it's just unfiltered demands for power. The double standard is the point, they detail how they suffered under double standards, making people conform to their own double standards is a sign they have power. The books make this point pretty explicit, Austin Brown in particular explicitly states that the aim is the "inversion of the power structure".

And I do wonder if it's the clear expression of double standards that is why they're on display, because I bewilderingly live in an area with no black people. The DMV type middle aged harpies responsible for putting books on display, dedicating murals to it, take delight forcing shit on people that they don't like. In third world countries often public officials will humiliate those lower on the hierarchy of them in a henpeck like fashion, arbitrary overreaches of authority that are de jure illegal but people de facto must endure. If you put books the public wants on display, then you feel like a public servant, but if you're allowed to go contrary to the public will and insult them, then you feel autonomous and above the peasants.

>> No.22720564

This is standard liberal shit, why do you find it so peculiar? This stuff is the standard now. You must be young.

>> No.22720583

I'm old, I remember the "colorblind society" idea from the 90s and 00s that we were all (apparently) moving towards. There was nothing mainstream about these Critical Race Theory ideas back then, it was still sitting in its inchoate form, a radical idea on the fringes. It really bubbled over into the mainstream during the early 10s, as far as I can tell.

Thus stuff being the standard cannot last long. I don't think you could have an entire generation of it. But I think this really was an inevitable result of permanently waiting for the promised equality affirmative action and desegregation to deliver. It was never delivered, and true believers of racial equality really had nothing left to do but to turn to believing in "systematic" ghosts, a primordial force of racism that haunts institutions.

>> No.22720824

Replace "black" with "man" and "white" with "woman" in this post and you literally have my diary desu

>> No.22720952

It probably doesnt help that anything there is to say about all the classics anons read here has already been said 100 times over. In contrast, OP might unironically be the first person to genuinely/critically engage with any of these books since the crusty old wine mom librarian put them on the stand.

>> No.22720958

This discussion can help fine tune the criticism against these books, though. It can be invaluable for dealing with actual leftists/progressives who treat the texts like the Bible

>> No.22720983

Any discussion about race with blacks can simply be refuted by the behavior of blacks when the n word is utilized in their presence.

>> No.22720986
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My favorite book on this topic.

>> No.22721009

>We wuz colonizers... No wait

>> No.22721041

>But I think this really was an inevitable result of permanently waiting for the promised equality affirmative action and desegregation to deliver.
No. It's the result of neoliberalism needing something to justify a mandate.

>> No.22721079

It's pure bioleninism. Neoliberal Democrats will not budge on economic issues so the best they can offer low status poors is to build a low status coalition of women, faggots, trannies, and mystery meat and promise them that if they vote Democrat that they won't have better material conditions but they will do performative shit like melt down a couple statues. History has proven that people will select status over material conditions at any chance, and Democrats are handily exploiting this. These books are just gospel for this ideology and the only people that read them are self-hating upper-middle/upper class white women.

>> No.22721123

One can actually become a white nationalist from reading these books. Like you said, they all assume that any kind of effort at reconciliation on the part of white people is cynical and not in good faith to the point that it becomes impossible. At that point, different races should just live separately. Same thing when lefties talk about preserving African or Injun culture, but seethe for no reason when one talks of preserving European culture.

>> No.22721133

These books also make a very strong case for antisemitism. If whites need to be disposed of, one could make the highest impact by pursuing the highest most unequally represented whites, which in the USA is the jews. Why should investment banks have more than 2% jewish leadership, anymore than that and it can only be the result of systematic discrimination. Additionally there should never be a jew on the supreme court, as it would exceed their representation.

>> No.22721196

Because Jewish isn't a race, simple as. It's a nebulous and pretty much pointless descriptor.

When you fill out the census forms or apply for a job and they make you fill out the EEO form, there's no "Jewish" on there
>Pacific islander
>Native American
These are all real races and things someone can be. Not Jewish. I can convert to Judaism and turn Jewish right now lol, but not into an asian

>> No.22721205

>just ignores the problem by pretending Jews don't exist
Schrodinger's Jew

>> No.22721344
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>But I can't work out why the ruling system would promote texts so dark, so morbid, so cynical, texts destined to heighten racial tension more than anything else.
Because if you're fighting the blacks, browns, yellows, and reds, you're not fighting the ruling system. It's classic divide and conquer. You don't have time wonder why tiny fragment of the population controls the vast majority of the wealth when Tyrone and Pablo are trying to bash your head in (and each other's). Not even a commie, it's just the truth.

>> No.22721346

But it's a powerful subset of whites, hence the attention that could make the most impact in implementing anti-racist methodology. By picking a small subset of whites that are prominent and easily identified by name and appearance, anti-racism can be quickly advanced in America with minimal effort that would be required on other subsets of less institutionally prevalent whites like unemployed coal miners in West Virginia.

>> No.22721364

23 and Me says you can‘t become a jew

>> No.22721399
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I have come to the conclusion that the only thing worse than the constant onslaught of wignat threads are the *reasonable* antiwoke moderates and their platitudes.

>> No.22721401
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Gee, something I can't quite put together about these authors...

>> No.22721430

Whiteshift is pro populist immigration restrictionism. Racists are too stupid to even know about the books they reference.

>> No.22721433

I've heard this from socialists and I think it's a massive cope. Other countries don't need to have this toxic racial ideology to have a capitalistic ruling class. Other countries like South Korea and Japan have a more beloved capitalist ruling class despite theirs being more oppressive. The money wasted on this shit doing affirmative action seminars and staffing companies with mediocre staff could be used instead to make the business more lean and profitable, and internationally competitive. If anything, the beneficiaries of this are the educated blacks who manage firms, because their race gives them the legal prerogative to be ruthlessly selective with their staff and ignore diversity requirements. It's noted that investment companies headed by blacks often employ almost entirely white and asian men, because they can get away with that shit. Small businesses that sneak through being small enough to avoid diversity requirements also benefit.

This shit is nothing but a societal drain. It even elicits hatred against the ruling class because both the right wing come to resent the elites, and the lefties still want to liquidate and redistribute the wealth. You are entirely misreading how these non-white advocates see the ruling class, they support institutions as long as it advances their own racial interests. The books are very explicit about that point.

I did laugh reading the acknowledgements where they suddenly get thankful, and jewish (or german, unlikely though) names start appearing. The first time they pour honey words over a group of people not of their own race and it's for jews kek.

That's the other thing, all those anecdotes and there's not a single thing they dare appreciate any white person for. Even the most horrific racial prostrating like that moment where in church all the white liberals confessed their racial sins, the author sneered and trash talked them. While I appreciate the level of racial consciousness they possess, loving how their own people chat and socialize, and dance, it was cute reading that. They unironically cannot empathize with us or our experiences in the slightest. We're like this intelligible "other" to them.

>> No.22721460

Every time I think about reading these books beyond what's available on the amazon free sample, I instantly think of a million better uses of my time, chief among them writing something not about race.

>> No.22721473

Unfortunately posts that go into depth like these are wasted on /lit/ if no one else is familiar with the book. I can make a big insightful post about Bruges La Morte but to the person unfamiliar with the story, any analysis is meaningless.

>> No.22721521

>Other countries like South Korea and Japan have a more beloved capitalist ruling class despite theirs being more oppressive.
South Korea uses toxic feminism/mra discourse to achieve the same effects, and has the same creepy satanic elite pdo cults that western countries do. Japans ruling class was directly brought over from feudalism, and as far as i can tell from my animes, its their only redeeming virtue.

>> No.22721551

Its a common technique in colonial societies to set up a minority race in control of crticial infrastructure. This race is then completely dependent on external power structures (global finance) to exist, and develops a kind of seige mentality towards the masses around them which prevents populist uprisings. Its also easy to replace them in eventual color revolutions. I wouldnt be surprised if the same techniques of control are being implemented in western countries for similar reasons.

Going to a liberal, multicultural, etc. Enviroment had the effect of making me extremely racist, or at least pessimistic towards race relations. Im not going to pretend im proud of this because im not, but i do think that was the intended effect. Ironically, spending time in actual ghettos and converting to orthodox sunni islam helped cure me of this a lot (despite what /pol/ types will probably say). When you see people who are just as poor, miserable, and exploited as you are, but who will still treat you like a brother and give you the shirt off their back, its hard to stay hateful towards anybody. When i was homeless an afghan refugee, who was hardly in a much better position than me, took me into his home, gave me his food, prayed with me, and treated me with the most perfect hospitality. Ive had brothers from pakistan invite me to sleep in their bed while they slept on the floor. Ive seen people who live with almost nothing, but still manage to have a wife and family and provide for their children, who despite being poor have more dignity and grace than some of the wealthiest elites of America. Its not an issue of race, but an issue of culture, and there is something deeply sick about western capitalism.

>> No.22721659

To be fair, most books are not worth reading, considering your shelf is probably 90% YA trash written by minority self-inserts.

>> No.22721661

Despite being jewish, Rothbard advocated for that but people are too blinded by jew hate to even consider his advice.

>> No.22721678

I read White Fragility once, pretty mind numbingly retarded. Pretty sure the author has a doctorate and appeals multiple times throughout that there's nothing white people can do to help the situation except follow the demands of all blacks you interact with, without qualification, like that obese sheboon whale next to a presentation sheet that reads, "ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST. GIVE ME MONEY: PAYPAL.COM/..."

It's enough to make somebody racist

>> No.22721726
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That's what they use trannies for now. They're perfect: generally high IQ, highly competent at their shape rotator jobs, highly aggressive and ruthless. And also hated by the average person therefore completely dependent on the regime. Also I get what you mean about being down on your luck and seeing the best in people. I'm white and schizophrenic. When I was on the streets, there were 3 guys in particular who were extremely kind to me (without any benefit to themselves): an Arab guy, a black guy, and an Asian guy. I'm healthy now, healthy enough to be racist again, but I can never go full retard with my racism, cuz in the back of my mind I always remember those 3 guys.
Also thanks anon for earnestly engaging with this stuff. I could never read it myself so appreciate your travel literature about it, so to speak

>> No.22722554
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You are the problem, chuds.

>> No.22722713

Anti-racism is just a code word for Anti-white

>> No.22722731

Neoliberalism does not exist and dialectical materialism is retarded.
There is no conspiracy

>> No.22722740

>I've heard this from socialists and I think it's a massive cope.
Leftists cannot fathom that people have minds of their own and genuine beliefs. It has to have some vague "material" mechanistic cause

>> No.22722742

>South Korea uses toxic feminism/mra discourse
It doesn't "use" it. The people in charge genuinely believe the shit they say

>> No.22722743

Leftoid fucking cope. You’re so delusional it actually upsets me.

>> No.22722764

>spending time in actual ghettos and converting to orthodox sunni islam helped cure me of this a lot (despite what /pol/ types will probably say). When you see people who are just as poor, miserable, and exploited as you are, but who will still treat you like a brother and give you the shirt off their back
You are so close. They did it because you took up their ideology and now you are spiritually the same group. There was no intended effect. You are just so autistic or unempathetic that you cannot fathom that other people genuinely believe what they tell you. It just means you can't understand them.
But ideology is the only thing that ultimately matters. Everything in society is downstream from it. You could theoretically convince a populace and yourself to eat nothing but grains and that would give you an undeniable advantage in global politics.

>> No.22723023
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That’s why I wrote about in my piece on anarchism, without the state, trannies and feminists could not survive and natural hierarchies will eventually reform once it’s abolished.

>> No.22723785

I had to read a book called Brown Album by Porochista Khakpour for school. Really good flowery prose writer. The book is a collection of essays all about her identity as an Iranian. Food, Iranian reality t.v, the revolution, white iranians vs. brown Iranians, camel riding, relationships with her Iranian parents, all of that stuff. For most of the book, I enjoyed every essay very much. Until the ending. Just like you said, for these types of biography racial books, it becomes overly chuddy, but through a minority point of view At the end of the book while being close to homelessmeets she meets a random old white lady who provides her a place to stay from just pure kindness, no rent, and free meals. Guess what happens? A nihlistic rant in literary form of how disgusted she is at white america, her identity, and her personal recollection of the old ladies husband giving her a "white stare." Just utterly soul crushing stuff. The ending was so bad that I thought she was purposefully making herself come across as a jerk.

I have no idea how anyone can have a stomach reading just one of these books. Even worse if they constantly read this stuff. Shouldn't matter if the reader is white, black, asian, privleged, poor, whatever. It doesn't provide much entertainment value, helpful insights, or any sort of educational merit. It's just utter cynicism if an author doesn't have any self-control of adding a useless liberal opinion

>> No.22723800

South Korea is literally going to have their industry collapse due to low birth rates. There just isn't the political will for replacement migration there and hence they will face a more extreme version of stagnation than Japan.

>> No.22723802


>> No.22723881

>I have no idea how anyone can have a stomach reading just one of these books

Kek yeah, it's actually painful to sit down and read them. Your stomach sort of curls and you wince at how utterly ungrateful and spiteful they are with life. There's also a huge dunning kruger and cerebral insecurity in the ones I read by women. They went into great detail about how they got out so many books at the library as a kid and were so smart and well read, and how white people couldn't believe how well read they are! Going on and on about how white people can't notice their innate intelligence, how white people can't see they're clearly super smart and special. The complete irony is when she was exposed to the black community, and they mocked her as an "Oreo" and bullied her for speaking white, is lost on her. Instead Brown proudly went on about how she learned how to act black and fit in. Funny how she was so proud of reading books but then had to learn to shut up about them to belong.

I think envy is the other piece of the puzzle people miss with this. I read Roger Devlin's essay "Envy as a cause of racial conflict" for the Occidental Quarterly, and kept on thinking back to it as I read these texts. These people don't actually hate white nationalist chuds like me, the few chuddy comments of "n-word lol" just causes them to feel disorientated and sick with PTSD tier symptoms (apparently, and hilariously kek). But the white, typically women, who offer them the utmost sympathy and try their best to be kind, get trashed with the most hatred and seethe. Because with envious people, you can't mitigate that feeling of envy with kindness. Trying to do so is seen as flaunting your superiority over them. That's probably what triggered that Khakpour girl from the one you read. But envy is the one sin everybody is ashamed of, so it can only find expression with intense self delusion.

Maybe that's one thing you can learn from this. Just how much pain kindness can do to a spiteful and envious person. Just how utterly obsessed they get, longposting about minor shit that happened three decades ago.

>> No.22723968

Are there examples of pro-white anti-racist literature? All of it seems infused with seething religious-tier hatred for concepts like 'whiteness.'

>> No.22723981

Niggerzzz lol. You hate your own wellbeing so you'll rather just cowtow to the libtard drivel like this, just end up on the opposite side.
Racism is for retards, and these books like OP mentions are made to keep you retarded. They're just on the other side of racism.

>> No.22723983


figured I'd link the abridged version of the essay Devlin gave as a speech because with google, his stuff is often very hard to find. It's a good read honestly.

The paragraph here sums it up perfectly.

>“Critical race theory” is a pretentious name for what is in fact a reemergence of the most primitive, envy-driven form of reasoning. Emotionally, its appeal is identical to that of the Dobu Islander’s belief that his neighbor is eating better only by spiriting yams out of other people’s gardens. And it is not merely a rationalization of and justification for envy but, insofar as it is successfully propagated, it’s a means of creating envy where none previously existed. Critical race theory inculcates resentment among children to whom it might otherwise not have occurred to compare themselves invidiously with their white neighbors, and directs their attention away from practical ways to improve their own lives. As we have seen, many societies have been dominated by envy, but I cannot think of another case of a regime systematically trying to maximize envy in the rising generation. It is genuinely cruel to the non-white children who are supposedly its intended beneficiaries, but as we would expect from envy-inspired behavior, the aim appears to be to harm us rather than to help them.

>> No.22723984


>> No.22723989

I think the anti-racist movement we saw after the death of Floyd is going to backfire spectacularly, and we're already seeing this. You can't ask people to develop a racial consciousness and then expect them to not use the same axioms used to analyze "whiteness" against other races. It's actually hilarious how counter-productive this all has been, especially the rise and fall of corporate DEI (it is still prevalent in academia, which is a lost cause, but even there it's starting to lose steam). Study after study has shown that DEI initiatives have worked so against their intended impact, creating a more atomized workforce centered around race and gender due to a pervasive fear of 'microagressing' against the one black dude in the office.
Even normies are starting to see through this shit, and race hustlers like Ibram X. Kendi are bankrupting university departments while BLM
"activists" twerk in mansions. It's fucking hilarious how incompetent they are.

>> No.22724113

CRT came out in the 70s

>> No.22724266

Based position considerer.

Would it be a satisfactory explanation for you that a bunch of cynical, clueless capitalists saw an opportunity to make their buck on the cultural wave of wanting to BE antiracist? I imagine there are plenty of hateful blacks who felt inspired to write personally felt black nationalist screeds on spec, and have long complained privately that no one will publish them. I suspect most such authors would be willing to accept a bad deal just to get their angry ramblings out there, and when it looked like "black stories" were "hot" for a moment, a lot of publishers dully said "oh I have dozens of those. Won't this make me/the publishing house look socially conscious and get us a ton of free press?" then called up the author, forced a few of the kinds of odd edits you mention elsewhere, and then kicked the garbage out into the world, thus actualizing the short-sighted plan, making modest amounts of money and acquiring modest notoriety, with no grander goal in sight.
I prefer this kind of explanation personally, because as you say, the effect of publicizing overtly racist material is to sabotage the "antiracist" position. Which would be surprising if antiracism were part of the agenda, but not if shortsighted moneygrubbers were just making an opportunistic buck.
Similarly, the DEI craze some other anon mentioned was full of dull, opportunistic hucksters who had no idea how to actually promote equity and inclusion, and instead promoted their personal brand of either nonsense or racism.
But there are also legitimate DEI departments, who really do go the effort to make sure all demographic slices have some kind of opportunity and engagement (not "white" obviously, but things like Irish, Polish, French, etc. as well as old, young, male, female and so on). Whether they actually justifiy their existence from a corporate perspective I can't say, but non-racist ones exist is my only point.
I'm sure there are quite a lot of sane, moderate "antiracist" books out there from the past ten years, but they certainly won't get the same kind of coverage because society is engagement driven.
Anyway, that's my boring take is nothing particular is going on, we just went through a period of particular marketability for black racism. If any crackpot topic happens to get that kind of heat in the near future, I suspect we'll see a large number of low-quality publications on that subject for a while and the most extreme will likely generate the most buzz.

>> No.22724269

We're not thinking the same way.I hate these types of books because it's cynicism without merit. An issue is definitely there in the real world, but instead, complaining and hyperbolic reactions are used for the sake of "entertainment", to reaffirm someone's "trauma," and it's a cheap way of signaling oneself as an authentic minority liberal.

You seem to think it's mostly envy for why these books are popular. You think minorities actually have it great and are only envious of others because one succeeds over another because of some innatness. I think there can be envy in these books, but its envy for white people being seen as defacto in America or how they usually have an advantage economically over others. You seem to be projecting these books incredibly hard to fit your worldview.

I can also be wrong on why writers who write these types of race books do it in the first place. But, I think I'm at least close to the truth since there are the same prevaling themes. The same mainstream themes that millennials and to an extent Gen Z are overly-dramatizing trauma, and are constantly signaling, " I'm with the cause", without actually wanting to stick out their own necks when something should be done.

tldr; I think you should reaffirm the books you read again. It's pretty weird to get that interpretation from those books

>> No.22724314

>Because Jewish isn't a race
Find 5 rabbis that concur with you. Kevin Macdonald wrote a whole book on them alternating between calling themselves a religion, a race, or an ethnicity, as whatever suited them in the moment. I don't think that any rabbis have separated race from religion. Especially since Judaism is reliant on the Covenant between Abraham and God. Yes, vast tracts of people have fraudulently willed themselves into Jews, such as the Khazars, but that does not absolve Jews of being critiqued as everyone else is.

>> No.22724356

He's considering from a point of prevalence, and you are considering from a point of inception.

>> No.22724417
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>Racism is for retards
No, it's actually pretty natural. You just need to go back.

>> No.22724419
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>I'm pretty chuffed at this shit being so out in the open, hoping it will raise white racial identity
>But I can't work out why the ruling system would promote texts so dark, so morbid, so cynical, texts destined to heighten racial tension more than anything else.
lmao even

>> No.22724450

you can't just convert to judaism

>> No.22724469

no shit retard

>> No.22724525

I'm coming hard at it from a white nationalist point of view, I basically stumbled over from /pol/ to chat with you boys. So of course I'm reading racial conflict into these texts, and taking it apart from my perspective. But considering the genre and the texts, I don't think I'm really making any great leaps of logic. I can follow everything up with actual things that the authors wrote.

Also, the ones I read are probably more unhinged and filled with seethe than the probably sane and structured one you read from the Iranian girl. We have read different books on this after all. I'm sure yours being a class one was probably more down to earth and relatable, and going by what you said. only diverged into seethe at the end. By contrast, the ones on display here are just -that- out the gate. You can read others from the bookstands in the libraries like I have (the OP pic one is a good representative, there was another I read from some english black guy that I can't even remember the name of) and judge for yourself, but I really wouldn't recommend it. So much better uses for your time.

>An issue is definitely there in the real world, but instead, complaining and hyperbolic reactions are used for the sake of "entertainment", to reaffirm someone's "trauma," and it's a cheap way of signaling oneself as an authentic minority liberal.

Yeah that's another part of it, one aspect we can agree upon. I wonder if this is ubiquitous for every leftist cause text these days. A lot of the anecdotes push into unreliable narrator territory. If they exaggerate how long they spent pent up at home miserable over some shooting across the country, or innocuous comments cut them constantly at every step, they less resemble an authority on the subject and more start to resemble some Dostovesky character entering a delusional fever. And exactly like a Dostovesky character, a fever based on some shitty pathological obsession. The needed response is a good "touch grass". But what they write about how they feel is of course exaggeration, but that exaggeration makes you question the authenticity of every anecdote in the text. It undermines the text more than anything else.

>> No.22724537


Here's the team behind this:


>> No.22724634

I can't remember the author or the name of the article I read. But the guy made a pretty good point that DEI and affirmative action is the way it is because of the civil rights movement and the constitutional amendments, the premises of racial equality are baked into the law and it all flows downstream from that. It started in the 70s with affirmative action, and then the growth of the HR and diversity departments so businesses could ward off law suits, and from there it spiraled out of control. He asserted corporations do this shit because the law is so absolutely vague on the matter, that just signaling "we're doing everything we can fr fr" is all they actually can do, and then they are in an arms race with each other to signal compliance but not hit profitability. The insane manifestation of it all could be that it's the cheapest way to signal compliance, they know it's insane but overstepping in this direction doesn't hurt while being too short on the issue does.

The reason it's been seeping into the culture is because it's been baked into the law for so long, and hence built up a class of believers whose careers are dependent on actualizing these goals. The culture has just been twenty years behind what was is explicit in legislation. If groups are equal and should have equal representation, but don't, this is the logical end.

Remove civil rights era legislation about discrimination, and this all ends instantly. Not just this, but LGBT stuff and anything considered "woke". As a movement, it's a fickle one and entirely dependent on government support. There are believers, but there are no true believers. Nobody will actually sacrifice anything meaningful in support of this.

That's my view at least, it's all unintended consequences of the law, and ideological commitment to premises that don't make sense. You're very right in that a lot of this is just hot gas, and in the real world people function just fine as they always have. You may think there's ideological weight and support for these ideas given how they get dedicated stands in public places and the BLM flags come out every once and a while, but it's just self gratification for most involved and nobody would ever risk anything for it. And really, there isn't any solid ideological foundation what we call "woke" either, it's like putty in that it eludes and just rears up with petty grievance texts like these.

>> No.22724660

>As a movement, it's a fickle one and entirely dependent on government support.

>> No.22724695

Do white people really need support groups lmao