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22713137 No.22713137 [Reply] [Original]

How do I, as a straight white male, get traditionally published today?

>> No.22713147

If you look at real stats of who's getting book deals it's still predominantly white by a pretty big margin, with a 50/50 gender split and only a small amount of gay or trans writers

>> No.22713148

Is that Valchek from the Wire?

>> No.22713149

Your actual book is insignificant. What you need to do is focus on how to market yourself. You need to convince an agent you will make them money. How?

Relate yourself to already successful (modern) things, but still presented in a new way. Show yourself as hip and cool, with a good-sized social media following. This means you already have customers lined up to buy your product.

Again, your actual book means nothing. They will basically re-write it in editing. It's all about selling yourself as a sure-thing.

>> No.22713159


>> No.22713180

Maybe, just maybe, if you remake this thread one more time - maybe you'll be traditionally published.

>> No.22713183

Compelling argument gaylord. Sick of these fucking threads. Face facts, man: your book sucks. Even your mom wouldn't want to read it

>> No.22713190


>> No.22713214

work on your book half as much as you work on these threads

>> No.22713223

Arktos, Counter Currents, Antelope Hill

>> No.22713226

I did. For 3 straight years.

>> No.22713237

are there actually any prominent transgender authors? i can only think of one and her book is about a couple of trannies and really not that great lol

>> No.22713241

face the facts and quit playing the victim. your shit sucks.

>> No.22713244


>> No.22713248
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You know what to do ...

>> No.22713255

t. Shekelstein

>> No.22713263

Name 5 troons who have published anything other than troon books

>> No.22713277

waaaaaaaaaaaaaa i am white and straight and male waaaaaaaaaaa these sjw and women and minorities are opressing me i have talent waaaaaaaa
you're nothing more than a retarded chimp go kys

>> No.22713316

It's a problem today. Best be taking up tranny juice.

>> No.22713323

thinking like a marginalized minority ? dude, OP is halfway there to getting published!

>> No.22713322

Gospel according to Luke 11:5–8

>> No.22713355

Are they new writers or authors who are already established?

>> No.22713357

established. dude is full of horseshit.

>> No.22713358

>seething shitskin
Go cry about White men oppressing you, faggot.

>> No.22713360

Minorities aren't "marginalized". Maybe they were 100 years ago but it's the opposite today. "Minorities" would be marginalized in any normal society, it sucks for them but that's the trade-off they have to make if they're going to live elsewhere. Any self-respecting "minority" should be grateful to the host population for providing them/their family with a better quality of life.

>> No.22713363


>> No.22713412
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>> No.22713418

You learn another language and you move out from that shithole of america

>> No.22713524

literally the only one crying here is you. turns out no one wants to read a book by a whiny bitch, who woulda thunk it?

>> No.22713559

why are you so gay?

>> No.22713569

Easier said than done

>> No.22713592
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The only one whining here is you

>> No.22713601

a screenshot of 2nd hand anecdotal evidence is the basis for your world view? you really couldnt be a better writer?

>> No.22713625

I'm not even the guy you replied to initially, just thought you were a fag/incorrect

>> No.22713645

It's gay to whine like a baby about the anti-white bias everywhere today, but to deny it completely is an error as well.

>> No.22713646

A far better writer, who's actually published if you read that tweet, refutes what you're saying, retard.

>> No.22713703

Put your books into Amazon store and there you go. Your' a published author with 60% of royalties going into your pocket instead of 15% that most publishers (white slavers) give to their authors, congrats. Now just pay for the marketing and hope for the best.

>> No.22713705

How to market book?

>> No.22713732

Amazon and Facebook ads.

>> No.22713790

Amazon is fashist and opresses BIPOC

>> No.22713857

NTA but could I sell 1000+ copies if I invest 10k in marketing?

>> No.22713861

That makes the entire thing pointless. I'd rather work at Taco Bell

>> No.22713915

How "straight" are we talking here?

>> No.22713925

gee idk. how could you possibly get published in an era where the ability to communicate with the entire world with near zero latency or cost is nearly global. Hmmm we are communicating rn via the internet, how can you get published? I have no idea. Big mystery.

The real question you're asking is "how can I get a big snazzy publishing house to make a big snazzy book of mine and then put me on a big snazzy book tour" and my only answer to that is that if thats why you write, burn all your books and break your own wrists you cant write anymore. Or fuck it. Just go whole hog and sell out, write a book for the plebs. Fucking dog

Alternatively if you want to maintain integrity and still get big, you just have to create an indisputable masterpiece. You want the answer to that? You and 2 billion other people who consider themselves writers lol.

>> No.22713939


>> No.22713942

haha wow its wild how many people dont have dicks anymore. Why the fuck would you even keep begging? Hahaha, white guys really have become full-time cucks. What the fuck. When you're insulted you don't go begging, look at the blacks. We insulted them. So now they don't expect shit and if they see you they say FUCK YOU. They bash down the door with how good their shit is until its undeniable and it don't matter if you dont like blacks. Look at hiphop

People are so stupid. Write with your blood write what is in your heart. Then it will be worth reading, and if its undeniable, it doesnt matter what some faggots at the big houses say about anything. They don't matter anymore. You don't beg you use phallic energy to fuck the door down. Stop thinking vaginally, waiting to receive

>> No.22714044

>should be grateful

Most of these minorities come from countries thave been ruined by the "host population" policies, so no I don't think they have to be grateful. Tell a Venezuelan, Cuban or Syrian to be grateful? You're lucky they don't punch you in the face.

>> No.22714049

its easy to be a complete fucking retard when you live online. I'm white too and I see a lot of the horseshit and the lying explanations for it. There is obviously a huge problem of dysfunction and the answer is obviously not just saying "well its everyone elses fault and history and xyz so we just gotta deal with it" no lol there are ways to solve the problem. And its not always everyone elses fault
but I mean colonization and slavery are not nothing and these people are the most abused people in history. And they are in fact people, with reference with this thread, they can be talented and write books that appeal to people
they can theoretically do anything anyone else can
being a racist is a fucking retarded response to all of the bullshit we see

And yes most anons have said things that would get them fucking nerfed IRL bc most anons are frail as fuck. Myself included I should have been fatlipped many times by now but at some point I realized I'm just a fucking huge faggot and I should learn some respect. Would be nice if everyone else did too

>> No.22714094

by white you mean jewish, right? otherwise, there's nothing you can do. (unless you're young and gay)

>> No.22714110

>book deals

Are we talking fiction though? I wouldn't be surprised at all if whites dominate across all the non-fiction categories.

>> No.22714520

Its called selfpublish and know basic marketing skills.

>> No.22714527

what is your basic advice for marketing?

>> No.22714550
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First, you have to agree that you are the problem.

>> No.22714630

It helps to build up a portfolio of credentials and not just works. Get in small publications, win prizes, that sort of thing. Boomers will tell you not to do this because you lose first publishing rights to small publishers, but that’s because they are totally unaware of what the environment for young writers is like. Most likely, all of your early work is going to have to be in tiny irrelevant publications and your accolades from sort of unknown committees and whatnot. As much as I hate to admit it, the right degrees might get you a look as well.

>> No.22714717
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You don't

>> No.22714721

Find your niche as your tactic will slightly change on what your doing but in the end its all the same. Use a keyword tool if you have capital, a tool that shows you how many people are searching for a keyword in a search engine. I never messed with amazon but it has to have one but they can cost $100 a month, so it would be easier to see what is hot in your niche and see how many books are sold/ratings/rankings in genre, like if your writing fantasy look at the sub genres of fantasy. This is easier with evergreen shit, like "how to" books on golf or banzai trees since it will always be sold and relevant.

I don't know what your writing, but I would cold call all the book groups and podcast people. You should also get your own website so your book keywords from amazon page will boost your website ranking. If you can make youtube videos about your niche you should do so and shill your book. I never market a book before except evergreen stuff, but I used to be affiliate marketer, ran ads, and cold call people for other sell jobs.

My plan is to write fantasy, but its all the same as its all boils down to getting your name out, giving what they want, make them happy, and have them come back again. With fantasy I plan to write three books around 70k words and release them in six weeks intervals and continue the writing the other 3 installments during the 16 weeks, and dump the first two books profits into ads promoting the first book, then give exclusive book to my mailing list to get them on it. You want a mailing list as you never want to forget about your customers, a mailing list can be extremely profitable.

If you spend a few hours a week selling yourself you should do fine, and go at it with the mindset your gonna win, as fear/doubt will destroy you.

>> No.22714908

This is sad

>> No.22714922


>> No.22714962

Become a YouTuber and social media eCeleb.

>> No.22714970

Depends on your book. If it's some pozzed progressive garbage then it's easy, if it a book about trad ideas then just forget it.

>> No.22715070

Nobody wants even pozzed progressive garbage from white heterosexual men, especially educated middle class or higher white men. People need to understand that these institutions have been weaponized and not always but usually it’s clear that you are the enemy. Nothing you write will get them to elevate you. You can’t game it. What you have to do is fine publishers don’t go don’t clearly view you as an enemy or be so powerful that even your enemies can’t help but leach off your success.

>> No.22715078

Just self publish

>> No.22715100

>They bash down the door with how good their shit is until its undeniable and it don't matter if you dont like blacks. Look at hiphop
hip hop was always trash. choppin up beats aint art, homeboy. hip hop is big because schlomo the record producer made a killing off selling black "cultuh" to a population his brother moishe in the psyops division convinced should hate themselves for being plain ol white bread.

I can name the number of good rappers on one hand. Fuck wu-tang and fuck you too, homie.

>> No.22715108

>How do I, as a straight white male, get traditionally published today?
Move to a non-white country. Try China or Mexico. They secretly love whites.

>> No.22715117

So basically, talk about black and LGBT kids

>> No.22715133

also worth mentioning many bigs names/groups in hip-hop became big due to their adjacency or outright participation in criminal enterprise.

>> No.22715141

Why can't you just pretend to be black when dealing with publishers? That way you even the playing field

>> No.22715146

I have a feeling the people who complain about this as if it was a real issue aren't people who have written anything

>> No.22715162

Shut up faggot.

>> No.22715328
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There's a movie coming out that's sort of about that, except it's a intellectual black guy playing himself up as a thug to sell better.

>> No.22715348

You cant, the only way is becoming transgender, and it is not a joke

>> No.22715358

>except it's a intellectual black guy playing himself up as a thug to sell better.
that's already a tired trope. I just saw it in an old Stroker and Hoop episode. Pretty sure I've seen that in some kind of shitty Law and Order episode or another, too.

>> No.22715366


>> No.22715819

They will find out.

OP needs sex reassignment surgery and blue hair

>> No.22716833

Be Mormon! Most of the big publishers are run by Mormons and they tend to publish books if they're written by Mormon authors or support Mormon beliefs.

>> No.22717043


they are evil tho

>> No.22718434

I did not read these

>> No.22719356

Joseph Smith was a necromancer. I will refuse to elaborate any further.

>> No.22720102

Okay but you're going to be fighting in the attention economy in a market that is worse than even traditional publishing or like...magazine article writing. The fact anyone can publish means you're a very small fish in a very..very big pond..by all means do it...but have a plan for marketing in place....also Amazon is part of the push to try and make writing less of a carreer and more of yet another gig. The way they payout for audible reads and such is pretty bad.

>> No.22720251

The Penguin's antitrust lawsuit revealed that 65% of published books sold between 1-999 copies while only 6.5% sold between 10k-100k copies (less than half of 1% break the six figure though).
Penguin is one of (if not the) largest publishers in the world so you should take these figures well into consideration. Even if you get traditionally published, only a few hundred people will likely attempt to read your book and even less might finish it. You spent months or even years writing a bunch of words everyday that only 1000 people might read and that's considered amazing lol.

In short, write for pleasure and don't expect that anyone will read your works ever. You are competing with not only millions of other writers but also with the western canon. Why would anyone read your book instead of Homer?

>> No.22720265

Bullshit. You look at new writers and women outnumber men 3:1. And what few men do get published are LGBTQ or non-white.

>> No.22720274

>just ignore the problem until it magically goes away

>> No.22720440

I’m gonna adopt a female pseudonym and write a novel satirising bourgeois sex workers (ie onlyfans models). On a surface level it’ll appear like an endorsement of women working for themselves so as to appeal to a progressive crowd, but it will also critique the vacuous and dysgenic industry so as to get a bunch of critics to write gay slogans on the cover like “bold, complex and uncompromising… a radically new female voice”.

Then, when the fame becomes too much and I inevitably get outed as a man, I will make a public statement that sissy hypno porn made me trans. That way I’ll be untouchable

>> No.22720576

You troon out