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File: 67 KB, 639x837, 0b3056281f06f43eb7d67f71861e2b0e--john-green-people-quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22711295 No.22711295 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of John Green?

>> No.22711307

he made one mistake. if there is burgerpunk there is sheetmetal

>> No.22711308

More relevant as a cuckoldry apologist on Youtube than as an author, and that should tell you everything you need to know.

>> No.22711318

>381,877 notes
why tumblr was this retarded?

>> No.22711330
File: 132 KB, 491x367, ya lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Odyssey is like so dumb. Odysseus has sex with like a ton of girls but he's going to kill Penelope if she's not faithful? That's not very feminist, Ody. You got some learnin' to do.

>Now for today's thought bubble: a little tiny Lysistrata figurine. Oh Homer, we can't possibly hold you accountable for not being a feminist in ancient Greece, after all, it's not like feminism existed back then, oh wait, it totally did, you misogynist pig.

>Back to the Odyssey: is Penelope the true hero of the story? Yes. Yes she is. That's all we have time for today, be sure to like and subscribe and buy tickets to my new movie: The Da Vinci Code with Teenagers.


>> No.22711407

this cannot be true, I refuse to play this video

>> No.22711419

Look in your heart anon, you know it to be true.

>> No.22711430

He is an English speaker, of course he is a faggot. What other countries host drag queen story times?

>> No.22711446

He also admitted he doesn't have an internal monologue.

>> No.22711463

said anon in english

>> No.22711467
File: 667 KB, 743x2488, 1677964420566363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that this guy is a literal NPC who cannot imagine things in his head

>> No.22711475

based image.

>> No.22711499

>S: Were you the first person your wife has slept with?
>G: No, I was the 48th.

>> No.22711537
File: 411 KB, 750x923, IMG_1349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22711566
File: 322 KB, 638x547, john green cheerios.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22711573

>the original used contemporary Greek
What a fucking retard holy cow

>> No.22711671
File: 447 KB, 500x289, zoroluffylaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22711676

I used to never understand why Pol Pot wanted to kill people who wore glasses.

After listening to John Green speak, it began to make some sense.

>> No.22711730

>le premade npc phrase
It is normal to speak the language of trannies when speaking to anglx trannies.

>> No.22711734

Anglxs don't have internal monologue. Why do you think they have never contributed to philosophy?

>> No.22712026

Once I thought that with how prestigious, expensieve and important American and English universities were then academia must be serious business there. After all they publish so many academic papers, magazines, and they pay the most.
Then I started to notice how insular their thought is. They care very little about literary criticism, theories and movements. They cling to outdated theories born in the Anglo-speaking world, or adopted by their Academic elite (like Derrida).
Then I started to notice, through Wikipedia, how sparse the articles for so many things were compared to Spanish or French. You'll find so many articles where the English version of some theory or literary work is way smaller.
It's not an absolute rule, just something very curious that I've been noticing happening more and more. I'll look up something in my language and check the English page as well to see if it has some extra info or interesting sources, and find that it says less.
I've also started to notice more and more where articles are mere translations of other articles.

It really feels like Anglo academia is just chasing it's rainbow colored tail.

>> No.22712048

His wife took 47 dicks before him.

>> No.22712071

John Green DESTROYS the patriarchy and the sexist underpinnings of hero stories that glorify men's sexual escapades as masculine conquests and women's as engendering impurity and taintedness. Misogynists BTFO

>> No.22712090

I had to read Fault in Our Stars for high school. JG really thought he could disguise the most obvious self insert of all time by making his love interest the main character instead.

>> No.22712132
File: 82 KB, 598x353, JG has no imagination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22712331

The thing that drives me fucking insane about this and other similar analysis is that he clearly knows who Telemachus is but doesn't factor in THE SUITORS AND THEIR ACCOMPLICE SERVANTS PLANNING TO MURDER HIM AS A FACTOR IS ODYSSEUS SLAUGHTERING THEM ALL. Like sure there's something to be said for Odysseus bringing the war home with him, but also the literal physical embodiment of justice comes down from on high and tells him it's his duty to kill them all. Also this implies that Penelope wasn't presented as heroic, and she absolutely was. She remained loyal and outwitrted the suitors.

The other bit is the "well Odysseus has sex with that goddess, hypocrite much????" You mean when he was trapped on an island under her power? You mean where he goes to the beach and weeps every day for his home? You mean he doesnt intentionally antagonize the notoriously dangerous and fickle Greek gods if he doesn't have to? You'd think this kind of feminist reading would be able to identify rape better.

>> No.22712387

This the guy who likes dicks in his cheerios?

>> No.22712512

In a row?


>> No.22712518
File: 141 KB, 1290x653, 1688139148618087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's this image personified

>> No.22712529

I was never able to hear of cheerios again without remember this

>> No.22712535

I still refuse to believe that someone like this exists

>> No.22712541

how do you keep your internal monologue going all day? my ego gets tired.

>> No.22712930

>the original used contemporary greek
Funny I thought it was ANCIENT Greek
>hurrr it was contemporary 3,000 years ago
Yeah, Shakespeare was once contemporary too, but everyone who reads an updated modern English version of Shakespeare is a John Green tier moron.

>> No.22712996
File: 532 KB, 718x1172, a28eGR8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The plot only exists to share the author's beliefs
Did John have a point here?

>> No.22713014

The Fountainhead is easier to rag on due to that abysmal 80 page court scene, but this complaint is essentially what most people complain about with a lot of modern media: that it exists as a thin veneer not for any desire to create art, but to soapbox. If Ayn Rand was better, she could do both but she's not. So yes he does have a point, though I frankly doubt he'd be complaining if the ideology of Atlas Shrugged was something he totally believed in.

>> No.22713056

Always hilarious to see sois hating Ayn Rand. It's like they can't engage with the dumbest critique of their over-socialization without having a meltdown.
>a-are you saying I should put my individual interests above those of my cheating wife?!
>nooo! NOO!!! that's evil! scientists already debunked this

>> No.22713283

He's the best there is what he does, but what he does isn't very nice

>> No.22713300

Objectivism is a terrible philosophy which doesn’t make sense.

>by focusing on individual good you are helping the colllective good somehow???

>> No.22713329

my 9th grade social studies teacher used to put his vids on all the time

>> No.22713406

Ayn Rand literally was a cheating wife, she told her husband he was morally obligated to let her ride the cock carousel because she deserved a John Galt aka Chad
You fell for the psyop

>> No.22713442


>> No.22713958
File: 277 KB, 668x609, 1682213964845666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume in good faith that they simply misinterpret the question to think that you're supposed to actually see literally, like a hallucination in front of your very eyes, indistinguishable from real light that you see with your eyes normally. That's different from imagining something in your mind's eye.

But oh man... listen to some of these fags speak...

>> No.22713995

They don't, save for people with brain damage or a congenital brain problem. Ask a neurologist, and they'll tell you the same.
It's a rare condition, and probably even rarer than prosopagnosia.

>> No.22713997

I did not defend Ayn Rand lol

>> No.22714000

Point 1 is just a guy who spent 30 years in school for literature getting filtered by the concept of a philisophical novel lol

>> No.22714005

I've never read anything he said, but the only people who have ever recommended him to me, are people who's minds I do not respect. So, I'll never read him. Maybe that's not his fault. I watched some youtube vids of him talking and I thought he was fucking gay as shit tho. So that part is his fault.
Still, I've never read him, just to be fair.

>> No.22714015

Lysistrata was mocking female impotence. Aristophanes was not a feminist lmao no Greek man was a feminist. He was poking fun at men and women in it, poking fun at how women's only ability to exact organized power over men is through the withholding of sex, and simultaneously making fun of men for how often it actually works. He was poking fun at humanity in a cheerful way.
What modern people in general and especially feminists can't conceive of, is that people in the ancient world were far less spiteful and resentful. Basically, today's people can't confront that they are the biggest assholes who've ever lived and most of the people they idolize would have spat on them.

>> No.22714020

Ayn Rand was a barren shrew who had no soul and no sexual endowments or blessings. and thus she had no lifeforce and despised herself, the world and living. And rather than do the honorable thing like others, namely either joining up with a fringe and creating good art, or, killing herself, she decided to become a devil and spew filth, add to the trash heap. I am glad she is dead.

>> No.22714266

this is crazy

>> No.22714352

This man's videos are played to countless school children throughout America. I would know, it happened to me.

>> No.22714434

If he’s able to conjure up a take this unfathomably retarded using just the Odyssey, I’d fucking love to see what he’d say about the Epic of Gilgamesh
>Tale of two bros banging prostitutes and killing monsters
>Ishtar comes down from heaven at the sight of it all to beg for the Gilga-cock
>Gets immediately pimp-slapped with Gilgamesh spending nearly an entire tablet calling her a duplicitous slut
>demands her god-daddy unleash a demon cow from heaven to kill Gilgamesh and destroy her own holy city out of childish rage
>Hero bros kill the demon cow and throw massive party for all of Uruk
>Ishtar climbs the city walls and makes an entire scene wailing and bitching about her bovine getting butchered
>Get cows leg thrown at her and told to fuck off by Enkidu and the mortals who’re supposed to be worshipping you
First story in all of recorded human history really was a feminist masterpiece

>> No.22714482

Wait does 1, 2 exist?

>> No.22714487

>men have a standard for women
>women have a different standard for men

>> No.22714560

I have not read his books, but he is a piss poor history scholar, to the point that anybody with a basic understanding of history can challenge him. Like how he said that both Galileo and Copernicus had no historical impact whatsoever, instead it was the Arabs who did everything. He clearly misses the point that there was a language barrier and that Europe had been a mostly insular continent since the collapse of the Roman Empire.

He also has a horrible understanding of Homer, Vergil and more contemporaneous writers like Harper Lee. He is only good for understanding simpleton authors, like Angie Thomas, and explaining them periphrastically.

>> No.22714623

why does.the modern man love everyday analogies so much? how is Cheerios comparable to having sex

>> No.22714649

/lit/ is still angry they can't debunk this

>> No.22714793


>> No.22714799

Notice how everyone is calling him names but nobody is proving him wrong doe?

>> No.22714813

Proven wrong here >>22711467

>> No.22714930

Plus he has the original hypothetical wrong- its not "I like my 48th cheerio" as much as "I don't like that I'm the 48th person to have this cheerio in my mouth"

>> No.22714942

This. It’s the same cheerio and it’s been sucked and chewed and spat back out by scores of others. It’s just not very pleasant to think.

>> No.22714944

> debunking filthy behaviour
How would that even work? Do you need to "debunk" retards who don't wash their hands after da poopoo?

>> No.22714980

The Anglo quest for "clarity" aka dumbing down knows no bounds

>> No.22715806

Yeah, the cuck seems to not have read or understood the fuckin text if he thinks that it's saying "men should fuck a lot of women". Odysseus was more like a toyboy who wanted to go home than a conquering hero with regards to the sex he got on his travels.

>> No.22716106

He is a captive sex prisoner. This is not surprising, the Greek gods rape constantly, men and women.

>> No.22716145

Looking at him makes me think phrenology was real.

>> No.22716156

henry 8th killed their souls and destroyed the nation's spirit

>> No.22716847

Excellent points. Anon's head is on straight.

>> No.22716854
